CHaINA Magazine Rate Card

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ASIA’S NO.1 SUPPLY CHAIN MAGAZINE CHaINA Magazine is Asia’s leading publication supply chain management. Since 2007, CHaINA has been some of the most successful companies and business leaders with superior and accessible editorial.


For the past 10 years, the manufacturing and retail sectors have transformed the way we do business in Asia. Only one publication has been there to cover the full impact of these changes: CHaINA Magazine .

The magazine is part of the Global Supply Chain Council, a highly active professional organization based in China, with numerous Fortune 500 and Top 1000 manufacturers and retailers as members. With 30+ events organized each year, the Council is the largest event producer in Asia.

EXCELLENCE IN EDITORIAL & PHOTOGRAPHY SET US APART Unlike other business magazines, CHaINA is focused on a key profession and area of expertise: supply chain management. The magazine delivers to advertisers a global audience of leading operations executives and thought leaders through a qualified readership via print, online and tablet editions around the world.

Leadership in Editorial & Creative Photography CHaINA Magazine is the only bilingual magazine focusing entirely on operations, supply chain, procurement, sourcing and logistics management. In three years, CHaINA has become the authoritative source for news and insights about China’s supply chain and its increasing global impact. Readers turn to CHaINA to keep current on the latest business thinking and practical insights in various industries and functions. CHaINA presents a thoughtful, balanced perspective that helps guide senior business executives to succeed in their operations. Our editorial is led by an experienced bilingual chief editor supported by a remarkable group of writers and professionals, all experts in their own

Top decision makers, high purchasing power CHaINA Magazine readers constitute a B2B audience of remarkable value. They are senior level business leaders who possess the resources and authority to implement major corporate purchasing decisions in key spend areas like logistics services or consumers who purchase and invest for their families and themselves. Senior executives based across Greater China qualify for a free a copy through annual renewals and subscription requests. they study and absorb the advertising along with the editorial. Our readers are hands-on, passionate about their job and interested in new products and solutions. This reader considers advertising a vital part of the magazine as 86% of our subscribers indicate they review ads in each issue. CHaINA gives you direct access to these purchasing sourcing within their businesses. CHaINA readers are Asia’s operations leaders - and they have tremendous buying power.

Encompassing the web site, digital magazine, mobile, tablet, newsletters and much more, CHaINA Magazine offers the ideal content environment to help you reach your marketing objectives.


Manufacturing/ Operations

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Digital Magazine

Readers Job Titles:

According to a Smarter Media Sales survey, digital magazines have an edge over print. Four out of five respondents said ads in digital editions were more credible than print or web ads, and 70% said they were less likely to ignore display ads in digital editions than those on a website or print. Key benefits of the new digital ePDF CHaINA Magazine: Delivered via email, magazine is instantly available worldwide Make your message the first thing CHaINA readers see when they open the digital edition (using skyscraper or popup) "Sponsored By" statement on email announcing the new issue Embed video in your Ad and let readers see your solutions in action! Highlighted links drive readers from the pages of CHaINA Magazine straight to your site

All above job titles are senior level positions (managers, directors, general managers, VPs)

Readership Industry Breakdown: Oil & Gas




or recipients receiving the mailer promoting the magazine 50,000 Number

Advertising Rates & Dimensions






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Industrial Equipment



Retail/ Distribution/ eCommerce

3+ insertions

22% High Tech


& 7% Food Beverage Fashion & Apparel

1 insertion

28% 28% Procurement/ Sourcing/ Purchasing

6% P

Issue Views per month (average in 2012)

Logistics/ Warehouse/ Transportation


Supply Chain

5% Page Views per month





Full page (size B)

21 x 28 cm

US$ 3,700

US$ 3,150

Half page (size A)

18 x12 cm

US$ 1,950

US$ 1,660

Inside front cover

21 x 28 cm

US$ 4,800

US$ 4,080

Double-page spread

56 x 42 cm

US$ 6,650

US$ 5,650

Stat Tracking Live Web Links

Two-page advertorial

56 x 42 cm

US$ 6,650

US$ 5,650

Thumbnail Index Of All Pages Live Word Search Capabilities

All prices are in US$; percentage indicate discounts for multiple bookings Advertorial or sponsored features can include research, writing & design.

Key Benefits of the Digital Magazine: Active Hyperlinks Bookmark In Browsers

PDF Download Capabilities Page Print Capabilities

Custom Ad Pop-Up

Vertical Banner Ad

Timed Page Ad Page replace

Subscription Boxes Sponsorship

Make your message the first thing CHaINA readers see when they open the digital edition! The custom ad pop-up allows you to embed your own custom script to include your advertisement that pops-up while the digital issue is loading. Recommended size: 550x550 pixels

Use the space to the left of your Desktop Flipbook edition for advertising space. Located on the left side of the digital magazine, this Ad banner can include custom HTML and integrate a rotation of ads. Recommended size: 200x650 pixels

Advertisements that appear within the magazine can change based on a certain time frame OR after a certain number of page views the time is up. Ads can rotate with a new layout from the same advertiser or another advertiser.

As CHaINA magazine requires a subscription to access content, advertisers can use the Subscription Box as an opportunity to display their logo and text. Opportunities for sponsors also exists in the Success Screen that shows up once a subscriber has successfully subscribed.

Web Magazine


Populated with some additional bilingual content not found on digital, CHaINA Magazine website delivers complete, 24/7 coverage of all things supply chain - from procurement to logistics and distribution - making is the most content driven site in Asia's supply chain.


Traditional display banner advertising is a successful way to brand your company, solutions and product and provides vendors instantgratification results. We limit the number of banner ad locations on the CHaINA Magazine website to ensure optimal results for advertisers. Visitors 4,600 Unique per month (April 2012)


Views per month 16,500 Page

Banner ad sizes available

3 months

6 months

Banner 1

468 x 60 pixels

US$ 500

US$ 1350

US$ 2400

Banner 2

120 x 270 pixels

US$ 300

US$ 810

US$ 1440

Banner 3

300 x 185 pixels

US$ 300

US$ 810

US$ 1440

Banner 4

300 x 250 pixels

US$ 300

US$ 810

US$ 1440

Banner 5

120 x 600 pixels

US$ 400

US$ 1080

US$ 1920

10% discount File format: PNG, JPG or GIF, 30 KB Submission Deadline: 3 business days prior to campaign launch



20% discount

CHaINA Mobile Magazine (iPhone, Android): CHaINA offers a popular mobile version of its site optimized for viewing and navigating site content on mobile devices. Exclusive sponsorship of the mobile site is sold on a monthly basis and includes a prominent, fixed position at the top of each page. Fixed positions click through to a URL provided by the sponsor. Stats are provided to the sponsor at the end of the calendar month. Unique Visitors: data to be available in June 2012 Text Banner

40 characters per line (2 lines)

Visual Banner

320 x 50 pixels

US$ 400 per month US$ 500 per month

When submitting creatives, please note: Although advertisers are free to design their ads to achieve best site visibility, CHaINA Magazine reserves the right to refuse any advertising that is deemed unacceptable. In addition, advertising served by third-party agencies using cookie technology is not encouraged at CHaINA Magazine for privacy policy reasons and because of accepted practices in the supply chain community. CHaINA Magazine offers advertisers a targeted, cost-effective means of reaching one of the fastest growing profession today -supply chain management.

Contact the Ad sales department today to find out how we can help you develop a lucrative advertising campaign. Contact us at and a member of our team will contact you.

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