2010 Supply Chain & Logistics Vendors Directory Q3-Q4 Edition

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Sexy Cisco


INs AND OUTs ଋԩ ୏प





Cisco’s Jeff Gallinat talks about the more alluring aspects of his supply chain

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听思科的Jeff Gallinat 讲述更具诱惑力的供应链

Pavilion Break Down ᤨ᜼ˆӯ‫ڣ‬ᯝ






Cover Picture Stephen Yang


How far do you source when building a green pavilion? त᝹ဖγ‫ڣ‬ᯝԜ‫᧓᧖ג‬᠓ṏ


Publisher: China Supply Chain Council Ltd. (Hong Kong) The Directory is available free-of-charge in Mainland China (excluding the cost of post and packaging). If requesting the Directory outside of China, the cost (including postage) is US$45. To receive your copy of the Directory please email your request to: directory@supplychain.cn 出版商:China Supply Chain Council Ltd. (香港) Directory是为Council会员准备的免费名录。中国大陆之外如需获 取杂志费用(包邮):US$45。如需收到印刷版名录,请发电邮 至:directory@supplychain.cn

The 2010 Vendors’ directory is published by the Global Supply Chain Council. Publisher Max Henry Project Executive Patrick Taing

Graphic Designer Acco Fang How Xu Assistant Sharon Yu

DISTRIBUTION By direct mail, to individuals and companies in Asia who have requested a copy and are involved in supply chain management, manufacturing and logistics. This includes: supply chain directors and managers; logistics, warehousing and transportation directors and managers; sourcing, materials management, procurement and purchasing directors and managers; operations, manufacturing, import/export and trade managers; and chief executive officers, chairpersons, presidents, vice presidents, general managers, managing directors and country managers. Additional distribution at events and in key retail locations in Asia. Vendors’ Directory is the only bilingual supply chain and logistics directory in Asia with a strong focus on Greater China. 供应商名录是亚洲地区唯一一本专注于中国 的供应链和物流行业的双语名录。

Distribution: 8,000 copies twice a year Vendor’s Directory is offered FREE of charge by direct post mail to qualified readers in Greater China who are involved in all aspects of supply chain management. 发行量:一年两期,八千本 Vendors’ Directory 通过直接向中国各供应链管理的专业读者发送 邮件来提供免费的阅读机会。

Target Readers Our target readers are R&D, sourcing, procurement, manufacturing, logistics, warehousing, transportation, retail, distribution and operations managers, directors, vice presidents and decision makers. A majority of our readers are end-users shippers, mainly foreign-invested and local manufacturers and retailers. 目标读者 我们的目标读者有来自采购、制造、物流、仓储、运输、零售 和分销的运营经理、总监、副总裁、或总裁。大部分读者是物 流的需求者,外资或国内的制造企业和零售商。

LISTINGS A 12 month listing in the Vendors’ Directory costs US$ 750 (RMB 5,000) or US$ 450 (RMB 3,000) for Council members. This includes two issues, one in Q1/Q2 and one in Q3/Q4. Your company listing can start at any time. We welcome your comments and feedback, to list your company in the Directory, please contact: directory@supplychain.cn


610 Nathan Road Kowloon, Hong Kong

Global Supply Chain Council

VENDORS’ DIRECTORY 2010 Welcome to the 2010 Q3/Q4 edition of the Council’s Supply Chain and Logistics Vendors Directory. This book is the only multi-versed source book of its kind in Asia. This is not to say that there are no other “logistics directories” that have been published in Asia, but rather the Council’s is different. We specialize in supply chain topics and we know what you’re looking for. Therefore, we have worked hard to create this tool which enables end-users and shippers to effectively find logistics providers, real estate services, consultants and IT solutions for their operations in Greater China. This edition boasts close to 100 leading companies, and for many years has remained an essential reference maker for decision makers working with manufacturers and retailers. We distribute this directory, free of charge, to a print circulation of 8,000 readers every six months. It is heavily promoted on the Council’s database of 60,000+ executive professionals, many of them foreign invested companies in Asia. We also present the directory at over 50 events per year, on our website, and in the new tablet format. We see ourselves as the matchmakers that bring clients and customers together in a business environment that can be difficult to navigate. We are neither yellow pages, nor a classic freight directory; the Council’s format is uniquely user friendly with detailed and attractive listings of each company, which can help you identify and select the best providers and experts in this market. We hope you find this issue of our Directory a useful and welcome change to other expensive and less professional offerings. Any feedback to make us even more practical and interesting, please get in touch. We are always open to your needs and suggestions. 欢迎阅读2010年第二期的供应链及供应商名录 这是亚洲唯一的一本多深度窥探物流行业的资源类书籍。唯一并不意味着在亚洲 没有其他的物流名录被出版,它只是说明了the Council的特殊性。我们专注于涉及 供应链的所有主题,并深刻理解您在寻找的到底是什么。因此,我们竭尽所能的建造 起这个使最终用户和分销商都能最有效的找到最适合供应者的工具,在日益强大的中 国为他们的运营者建立切实的房地产服务,咨询和IT解决方案,这本名录拥有近100 家全球领先企业的忠实读者,多年来一直为决策人员在选择共事的制造商和零售商方 面提供重要的参考。 我们免费发放这个名录,在它印刷发行量达8000读者每6个月的同时,大力加强 对the council的60000+的行政精英数据库的推广,他们中的很多人就在国外投资在 亚洲的公司。我们每年也会出席多过50场的活动,无论是在我们的网站还是在新片格 式。我们看到自己在市场上将客户与顾客在商业环境中融为一体,但这一媒人的举动 却很难被发现与赏识。 我们不是普通的黄页或传统的货运目录;The Council的格式为您列出详细而又 自然的企业名录,可以使您高效的识别出最佳的供应商和市场中的佼佼者。 我们希望您在我们的名录中会找到对您有价值的信息及可以规避其他昂贵又业余 的可喜变化。真诚的期待任何使我们更加实用和有趣的建议,请与我们联系,我们始 终需要您的关注与建议。

Max Henry

Founder & Executive Director Global Supply Chain Council

© Copyright 2010, Global Supply Chain Council (Hong Kong) Limited. All rights reserved. Directory is published by the China Supply Chain Council (Hong Kong) Limited, 610 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong.. The Directory is available free-of-charge in China (excluding the cost of post and packaging). To request a copy of the Directory please email your name, company name, address (in both English and Chinese if address is in China) and telephone number to: directory@supplychain.cn . Disclaimer The information contained in the Directory is provided for information purposes only. The information included is provided by the companies listed and the listings are paid entries. The publication of the information is not an endorsement by the publisher of the products or services advertised. While every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this Directory is correct, we accept no liability whatsoever for any direct loss, indirect loss or legal action arising out of reliance on anything found in this Directory. All company and product names in the Directory are the trademarks, registered trademarks or copyright of their respective companies



List your company in the most comprehensive directory of supply chain & logistics related services in Asia.


Q1/Q2, edition to be published in February, 2011 Listing deadline: January 21, 2011

• Logistics Services

• IT & Software Solutions

• Professional Services

• Equipment Providers

• Real Estate Services A comprehensive bi-lingual listing of vendors, service and equipment providers, consultants and IT solutions providers for the supply chain and logistics industry n Companies are listed according to their specific service offering n In-depth company profiles including contact details and full description of services and solutions n Free and complete online access at www.supplychains.com

Colliers Interna

tional Property




n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Vancouver, Canada 加拿大温 哥华 n Established in China 在中国成 1989年 立于 n Legal statu s in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资 企业 n China head office 中国代表 处总部 16/F Hong Kong New World Tower, 300 Middle Huaihai Road, Shanghai 200021 上海淮海中路30 0号港新世界大厦 16楼 邮编200021 ) +86 (21) 6141 3688 7 +86 (21) 6141 3699 8 www.colliers .com/china

u Key Contacts

Who should list in the VENDORS’ DIRECTORY? Any company that provides services, solutions and equipment in supply chain logistics procurement should be listed.

How much does a company listing cost? A 12 month listing in the Vendors’ Directory costs US$ 750 (RMB 5,000) or US$ 450 (RMB 3,000) for Council members. This includes two issues, one in Q1/Q2 and one in Q3/Q4.

Lina Wong 翁琳 ) +86 (21) 6141 3601 7 +86 (21) 6141 3699 + Lina.Wong@ colliers.com JK Tan 陈维杰 ) +86 (21) 6141 3550 7 +86 (21) 6141 3699 + JK.Tan@colli ers.com

u Highlights

Our industrial services • Disposal & acquis Land/ real estate ition, Sale& leaseback asset sale • Industrial real estate consul tancy services, Site selecti on, Development sitioning study, poIndustrial marke Rental adviso t study, ry

• Lease, Consu ltancy on expans location strateg ion or reies, Feasibility analys Build-to- suit option, is, Lease negotia tion Representa tive 3M/Tyco/ Honey clients: well/ Dow Chem Faurecia/ DHL/ Cummins/ B&Q/ ical/GE/ na/ Kennametal/ PanalpiNordson/ GOSS Lynch/ Swaro / Merrill vski/ Ascendas/ Pernod Campbell’s Soup/ Ricard/ NOV 工业地产服务 • 工业地产买卖,售 后回租,买卖土地 房地产资产 和工业

u Company


Colliers Intern ational is a leading provid organization ’s 12,700 emplo er of prope rty knowledge across six yees span continents. solutions. The the world in Since 1989, 294 offices real estate Colllie industry with in 61 countr branches establ rs has stood at the ies includes Hong forefront of ished in the Kong, Shang China’ Greater China jing, Taipei hai , Beijing and Macau, , Region, which with site offices Guangzhou, Chengdu, Hangzhou, in more than Nanforty cites. 高力在房地产 行业处于领先 地位。 家。19 89年高 我们拥有超过 力进入 中国房 12700的雇员 地产市 场成为 ,294个办公 海,北京,广州, 该行业 的先锋 室在6大洲,61 成都,杭州,南京 ,在大 中国开 个国 ,台北和澳门,另 设分公 司,包 括香港 ,上 外还有中国40多 个城市有办事处。 u Services

and Solutions

The Colliers Internationa l China Indust dustrial and rial team provid logistics real accelerate estate and es a comp lete range their succe advisory servic of inss in and dedica ted professional China. Our team, comp es tailored to help clients rised of highly developers, s delivers timely investors and experienced livery of our occupiers alike. and creative real estate services, Collier solutions for teams; landlo s Internationa To ensure smooth and rd representatio effective del China is divide services n, tenant repres d into entation, invest three specialized ment and adviso ry 高力中国工业 团队可以提供 全方位的有关 助客户们在中 于工业房地行 国市场上取得 业的服务,包 成功。我们的 们的客人包括 括物流行业, 团队,都是由 开发商 咨询服务以帮 有经验和专业 的服务,高力内部 ,投资者,还有租户提供有 人士组成,可 创意的 划分成3个团队: 以及时地为我 业主代表,租户代 解决方案。为了确保及时有 效地提供我们 表,投资和咨询服 务。

• 工地地产咨询服务 ,选址咨询,开发 工业市场研究,租 定位, 金评估 • 工业地产租赁,战 略性搬迁或者扩张 析,定制物业,可 需求分 行性研究,租赁服 务 我们的客户: 3M、泰科、霍尼 韦尔、陶氏化学、 弗吉亚、中外运敦 通用电气、 毫、康明斯、百安 班拿、肯纳金属、 居、泛亚 诺信、高斯、美林 世奇、金宝汤、腾 、施华洛 飞、保乐利加、美 国国民油井




The Directory is read and used by key decision-makers in companies that regularly buy and use supply chain and logistics services and facilities in Asia. These are the people that decide which supply chain and logistics service providers to use.

How is the VENDORS’ DIRECTORY distributed and promoted? Targeted at qualified decision-makers, the directory is distributed free-of-charge to subscribers of CHaINA Magazine and companies based in Asia who request a copy (companies are only asked to cover the mailing cost). Copies are distributed by direct mail and are given out at more than 80 supply chain and logistics-focused events each year.

To find out more about how the VENDORS’ DIRECTORY can contribute to your marketing needs in China, please contact: ) +86 (21) 6280 1232


+ directory@supplychain.cn

8 www.supplychains.com INDEX

The Council was founded in February 2002 with the mission of being the vital link between logistics and supply chain service providers and manufacturers on the forefront of supply chain issues in China. The Council has since evolved into the Global Supply Chain Council, with offices in other key developing markets such as India and Vietnam. Today the Council arranges over 50 events per year on the most current supply chain and manufacturing issues in these developing markets. Along with events, the Council is able to offer a range of services such as research, site tours to factories and facilities and remains a forum for the exchange of the most current ideas in the supply chain sector. The Council’s third party status allows individuals from a range of companies, sometimes competitors, to meet and entertain new perspectives on the latest ideas and happenings in the industry. With a thriving community of over 60,000 in Asia, the Council will continue to grow organically with the shift in world markets. The Council 成立于2002年二月,其主要使命在于成为物流以及供应链服务的供应商和中国供应链前沿 的生产厂家之间的的重要连接部分。 The Council 已经发展成为全球供应链协会,在印度和越南这样的发展中市场都设有办事处,如今The Council每年都在这些发展中市场举办50余场有关最新供应链和生产方面的会议。 与这些会议一起,the Council能够提供一系列的服务诸如调查研究,工厂设备参观以及举办会议来讨论 关于供应链部分的理念变化。The Council以第三方身份接受来自一系列公司的服务请求,有时是竞争 者,安排其见面并提供行业最新理念和时事跟踪。 携手中国,印度以及越南65,000余家优秀的企业,the Council 将会随着世界市场的日新月异继续茁壮地 成长。

Leverage the power of the Council regular events in Asia The Council excels in creating high profile, highly targeted events in the field of supply chain management. Every year, the Council runs around 80 events and activities, bringing together over 3,000 delegates from leading manufacturing, retailing and vendors companies.

利用亚洲地区定期活动的影响力 The Council擅于在供应链管理领域里创造新姿态及新的目标性活动。 the Council每年都会筹办60多项大小活动,招致3000多名各大小知名 制造商、零售商和供应商相聚一堂。

With more innovative events and supply chain expertise than any other organizers in Asia, nobody delivers more qualified delegates than the Council. The power of meeting each other in a unique venue, the excitement of exchanging name cards with fellow delegates, the Council is drawing larger and more influential audience, with cutting edge topics and continuing education opportunities.

With dozens of events and activities in key markets like China, India and Vietnam, we're sure to have the topic, the speakers, the audience and the package that is right for you. The Council's events are more than powerful networking opportunities; they are also a definitive source of information and a dynamic forum for education.

Direct & Indirect

随着更多的创新活动和相对其他组织更具权威性的供应链专业知识,没有比the Council更具全面的专 业机构代表了。 作为一个能让各大商家进行互动交流和互换名片 的特定场所,the Council正吸引着更多具备高端 意识的潜在客户和提供继续深造的机会。随着在 中国、印度和越南这些亚洲国家展开的各大小活


动,我们确信这些主题、演说和观众都能达的到 您最终宣传目的。The Council主筹办的这些活动 提供了更多强有力的潜在网络机遇;还打造了一 个权威性的信息源和活跃性的教育论坛。



CHaINA delivers the influential business audience that B2B marketers need to reach - business owners and managers who recommend, specify and approve the purchase of goods and services for their supply chains in Asia. CHaINA targets business owners, CEOs, presidents, vice presidents and managers/professionals across a wide range of industry categories. Our readers are well-educated, high-net-worth individuals who have the disposable income to indulge their passions for luxury vehicles, higher education, personal travel, fine dining, entertainment, theatre, sporting events, and other leisure activities.

CHaINA为您将信息传递给B2B市场所需要的接触到的企 业所有者和经营者,因为他们对亚洲供应链产品和服务的 选择与购买起着决定性的作用。 CHaINA将各种行业的企业业主,首席执行官,总裁,副 总裁和经理等专业人士定位为其目标受众。 我们的读者是受过良好教育,高收入高素质的个体,具备 消费豪车,参加教育深造,旅游,饕餮美食,娱乐,戏 剧,体育赛事等各种休闲活动的激情与能力。 在CHaINA上投放广告的成本远远低于商业日报和周刊, 而杂志的目标受众却更广泛。

CHaINA Magazine is highly targeted CHaINA的主要读者群定位在:

Advertising in CHaINA delivers this audience for far less cost than the business dailies and weeklies.

More than 60% of our readers come from end-users such as manufacturers, retailers and distributors.

超过60%的客户是制造商,零售商和分销商等终端用户。 CHaINA magazine is the only 74% of CHaINA readers rate the content as either good or excellent. publication exclusively dedicated 74%的CHaINA读者认为杂志的内容是精心编辑的具有较强可读性的优 to covering the movement of 秀文章。 product through Asia’s supply chain. In every issue, we write about the news, trends and b e s t practices th at w ill help manufacturers, retailers and distributors make better business decisions. CHaINA杂志是唯一专门致力于在亚洲供应链产品流动相 关的刊物。每一期我们都针对制造商,零售商和分销商报 Our readers are true decision-makers. With more than 10,000 subscribers, 道相关的新闻,行业趋势和最优实践经验,以便帮助其作 CHaINA reaches corporate level executives at manufacturing and retailing 出更好的商业决策。 companies, as well as logistics service providers, consultants and software vendors. 我们的读者是真正的最终决策者。我们拥有超过10000的 订阅读者。CHaINA一直积极地与制造零售企业,物流服 These executives make the critical buying decisions for the products, 务供应商,咨询顾问和软件供应商都保持着良好的沟通。 services and technologies that transport, store and track product throughout the supply chain. 这些管理人员对整个供应链中产品,服务及运输,储存和 产品跟踪技术的购买决策都起着关键的作用。

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Sexy Cisco

Sexy Cisco


Cisco’s Jeff Gallinat about the talks aspects of more alluring his supply chain 听思科的 Jeff Gallin 讲述更具 at

/ APRIL 2010

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1% Logistics, Warehousing, 2% Transportation Director/Manager

Sourcing, Procurement, Purchasing Director/ Manager Supply Chain Director/ Manager General Manager, Managing Director, Country Manager





8% 11%


Other Operations, Manufacturing, Import/Export, Trade Manager/Director CEO, Chairman, President, Vice President, Partner, Owner


CIO, IT, IS Director/Manager CFO, Treasurer, Senior Financial Director/Manager












ALPHABETICAL INDEX 4scm­ 天风.....................................................19­ Accenture 埃森哲................................................62 AMB 安博.....................................................87 Apprise 爱普瑞斯.........................................103 ARJ 群浩.....................................................20 Arvato Logistics 欧唯特................................................21 Asia Inspection......................................22 Baker & McKenzie 贝克·麦坚时..................................63 Barloworld...........................................104 BBK 贝肯.....................................................64 BDP 百运达................................................23 Best Logistics 百世物流...........................................24 BlueScope Steel 博思格钢铁.......................................88 BPS........................................................65 BravoSolution 百沃...................................................105 CB Richard Ellis 世邦魏理仕.......................................89 CEVA 基华.....................................................25 Chep 集保...................................................118 Colliers 高力.....................................................90 Control Risks 化险.....................................................66 Dajin 大金.....................................................26 Damco 丹马士................................................27 Demand Solutions..................................67


Deret 德雷.....................................................28 Dexion 德仕安..............................................119 DHL 敦豪.....................................................29 Dragon Sourcing 龙源.....................................................68 DSV........................................................30 DTW 大田.....................................................31 Duisport 威特斯................................................32 Elee 铱力.....................................................33 Emptoris 沐雷软件.........................................106 Epicor 恩柏科..............................................107 ET2C 瞻世.....................................................69 FM Logistic 弗玛.....................................................34 Geodis 乔达.....................................................35 Global Logistic Properties 普洛斯................................................91 Goodman 嘉民.....................................................92 GSE 杰仕依................................................93 GXS GXS......................................................108 H&T 华联通................................................36 HAVI 夏晖.....................................................37 Hercules 海格.....................................................38 ID 安地.....................................................39 IDS 利和.....................................................40


InnoCSR 银则.....................................................70 Ivie 怡捷.....................................................71 JDA.......................................................109 Jones Lang LaSalle 仲量联行测量师事务所...............94 Kuehne & Nagel 德迅.....................................................41 Linfox 林孚克斯...........................................42 Lingang 临港保税港.......................................95 Linghua 菱华.....................................................43 Linkstar 精裕捷星...........................................44 Lloyd’s 劳氏船级社.......................................72 Logisfashion 衣尚.....................................................45 Logistics Executive................................73 Logwin 普及.....................................................46 Loscam 路凯...................................................120 Manhattan 曼哈特..............................................110 Mapletree 丰树.....................................................96 Menlo 万络.....................................................47 Michael Page 米高蒲志...........................................74 Nanjing ZAL 南京宁欧通.......................................97 Nowaday Rational 今日合理...........................................48 PGL........................................................49 Penske 潘世奇................................................50 PWC 普华永道...........................................75


Resources Global Professionals 荟才.....................................................76 Russell Reynolds Associates 罗盛.....................................................77 Schmidt................................................111 Schneider 施耐德................................................51 Schoeller Arca 舒乐阿卡.........................................121 SDV 硕达.....................................................52 Seeburger 斯铂格..............................................112 Sinotrans 中国外运...........................................53 Smart Sourcing 世易贸易...........................................78 SunJet 新杰.....................................................54 SupplyOn 速普...................................................113 ThreeSixty Sourcing...............................79 TNT Hoau 天地华宇...........................................55 Toll 拓领.....................................................56 Tractus 拓达.....................................................80 TradeCard 亚太贸易卡.....................................114 Vailog 维龙.....................................................98 VIP.........................................................99 Vocollect..............................................115 World-Check...........................................81 Yat Fai 一辉物流...........................................57 YRC 耶路.....................................................58 Yupei 宇培...................................................100



Arvato Logistics.....................................21 CEVA......................................................25 Geodis....................................................35 IDS.........................................................40 Menlo.....................................................47 Nowaday Rational..................................48

Compliance Management

CEVA......................................................25 Damco....................................................27 Deret......................................................28 DSV........................................................30 DTW........................................................31 Geodis....................................................35 H&T........................................................36 Hercules.................................................38 Kuehne & Nagel.....................................41 Logwin...................................................46 Penske...................................................50 SDV........................................................52 YRC........................................................58

Damco....................................................27 Deret......................................................28 Linghua..................................................43 Logisfashion..........................................45

Customs Management

CEVA......................................................25 Damco....................................................27 DHL........................................................29 DSV........................................................30 DTW........................................................31 Kuehne & Nagel.....................................41 Logwin...................................................46 Menlo.....................................................47 Schneider...............................................51 SDV........................................................52 Toll.........................................................56 YRC........................................................58

Hazardous Materials

H&T........................................................36 IDS.........................................................40 PGL........................................................49


Reverse Logistics

BDP........................................................23 CEVA......................................................25 Geodis....................................................35 Logwin...................................................46 Penske...................................................50 Schneider...............................................51 SDV........................................................52

Sea Freight

Temperature Controlled

Damco....................................................27 HAVI.......................................................37 ID........................................................... 39 Linfox.....................................................42 Linghua..................................................43 Menlo.....................................................47 Nowaday Rational..................................48 Toll.........................................................56



Arvato Logistics.....................................21 ARJ.........................................................20 CEVA......................................................25 Dajin.......................................................26 Damco....................................................27 DHL........................................................29 DSV........................................................30 DTW........................................................31 Elee........................................................33 FM Logistic............................................34 Geodis....................................................35 H&T........................................................36 Hercules.................................................38 ID........................................................... 39 IDS.........................................................40 Kuehne & Nagel.....................................41 Linfox.....................................................42 Linghua..................................................43 Linkstar..................................................44 Menlo.....................................................47 Nowaday Rational..................................48 Penske...................................................50 PGL........................................................49 SDV........................................................52 Sinotrans...............................................53 SunJet....................................................54 TNT Hoau...............................................55 Toll.........................................................56 Yat Fai....................................................57 YRC........................................................58


Warehousing & Distribution

4scm足......................................................19 BDP........................................................23 Dajin.......................................................26 Deret......................................................28 DHL........................................................29 DSV........................................................30 DTW........................................................31 Elee........................................................33 FM Logistic............................................34 Geodis....................................................35 H&T........................................................36 HAVI.......................................................37 Hercules.................................................38 ID........................................................... 39 IDS.........................................................40 Kuehne & Nagel.....................................41 Linfox.....................................................42 Linkstar..................................................44 Logisfashion..........................................45 Logwin...................................................46 Nowaday Rational..................................48 Penske...................................................50 PGL........................................................49 Schneider...............................................51 SDV........................................................52 Sinotrans...............................................53 SunJet....................................................54 Toll.........................................................56 Yat Fai....................................................57 YRC........................................................58



Accenture...............................................62 BBK........................................................64 BPS........................................................65 ET2C......................................................69 Ivie.........................................................71 PWC........................................................75 Resources Global Professionals............76 Seeburger............................................112

Executive Search and Recruitment Logistics Executive................................73 Michael Page.........................................74 Russell Reynolds Associates..................77

Legal Services

Baker & McKenzie..................................63

Manufacturing Oursourcing

Dragon Sourcing....................................68 ET2C......................................................69 Ivie.........................................................71 Smart Sourcing......................................78

Marketing Support



Baker & McKenzie..................................63 Control Risks..........................................66 PWC........................................................75 Resources Global Professionals............76 Tractus...................................................80

Procurement & Sourcing

Accenture...............................................62 BravoSolution......................................105 Dragon Sourcing....................................68 ET2C......................................................69 Ivie.........................................................71 PWC........................................................75 Resources Global Professionals............76 Smart Sourcing......................................78 ThreeSixty Sourcing...............................79 Tractus...................................................80 TradeCard............................................114

Quality Control & Supplier Audits

BBK........................................................64 Asia Inspection......................................22 Lloyd’s...................................................72 Smart Sourcing......................................78

Risk Management

BBK........................................................64 Asia Inspection......................................22 Control Risks..........................................66 Lloyd’s...................................................72 World-Check...........................................81

Training & Development

Control Risks..........................................66 Demand Solutions..................................67 InnoCSR.................................................70

Process Optimization

Accenture...............................................62 BPS........................................................65 Chep.....................................................118 Dragon Sourcing....................................68 ET2C......................................................69 PWC........................................................75




AMB.......................................................87 CB Richard Ellis......................................89 Colliers...................................................90 Global Logistic Properties.....................91 Jones Lang LaSalle................................94 Lingang..................................................95 Mapletree..............................................96 Nanjing ZAL...........................................97 Realty Vailog..........................................98 Yupei Group.........................................100

Cold Storage

HAVI.......................................................37 ID........................................................... 39

Distribution Centers

CB Richard Ellis......................................89 Colliers...................................................90 GSE........................................................93 Jones Lang LaSalle................................94 Mapletree..............................................96 Realty Vailog..........................................98 Sinotrans...............................................53 VIP.........................................................99 Yupei Group.........................................100

Non-Bonded Warehouses

AMB.......................................................87 Colliers...................................................90 Global Logistic Properties.....................91 Goodman...............................................92 GSE........................................................93 Jones Lang LaSalle................................94 Mapletree..............................................96 Yupei Group.........................................100

Property Development/Build to Suit

AMB.......................................................87 CB Richard Ellis......................................89 Global Logistic Properties.....................91 Goodman...............................................92 GSE........................................................93 Nanjing ZAL...........................................97 Realty Vailog..........................................98 VIP.........................................................99 Yupei Group.........................................100


Property Asset Management

AMB.......................................................87 Global Logistic Properties.....................91 Goodman...............................................92 Lingang..................................................95 Nanjing ZAL...........................................97 Realty Vailog..........................................98

Sales and Leasing

AMB.......................................................87 BlueScope Steel.....................................88 BPS........................................................65 CB Richard Ellis......................................89 Colliers...................................................90 Global Logistic Properties.....................91 Goodman...............................................92 Lingang..................................................95 Nanjing ZAL...........................................97

Site Selection

BlueScope Steel.....................................88 BPS........................................................65 CB Richard Ellis......................................89 Colliers...................................................90 Goodman...............................................92 GSE........................................................93 Jones Lang LaSalle................................94 Lingang..................................................95 Tractus...................................................80 VIP.........................................................99


IT & SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS Collaboration & Visibility

Apprise................................................103 BravoSolution......................................105 Demand Solutions..................................67 Emptoris..............................................106 Epicor..................................................107 GXS......................................................108 Manhattan............................................110 Seeburger............................................112 SupplyOn..............................................113

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Apprise................................................103 Epicor..................................................107

E-procurement & E-sourcing

BravoSolution......................................105 Emptoris..............................................106 Epicor..................................................107 GXS......................................................108 Manhattan............................................110 Seeburger............................................112 SupplyOn..............................................113 TradeCard............................................114

Inventory & Warehouse (WMS) Apprise................................................103 Barloworld...........................................104 Best Logistics........................................24 BravoSolution......................................105


Demand Solutions..................................67 Epicor..................................................107 JDA.......................................................109 Loscam................................................120 Manhattan............................................110 Schmidt................................................111 TradeCard............................................114 Vocollect..............................................115

Planning & Forecasting

Apprise................................................103 Barloworld...........................................104 Demand Solutions..................................67 Emptoris..............................................106 Epicor..................................................107 GXS......................................................108 JDA.......................................................109 Seeburger............................................112 SupplyOn..............................................113 Toll.........................................................56



Transportation Management Systems (TMS) Apprise................................................103 Best Logistics........................................24 JDA.......................................................109



Ivie.........................................................71 Loscam................................................120 Schoeller Arca......................................121 Duisport.................................................32

Pallets & Equipment

Chep.....................................................118 Loscam................................................120


Schoeller Arca......................................121

Shelving & Racking

BPS........................................................65 Loscam................................................120 Dexion..................................................119






4SCM 上海天风供应链有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Shanghai, China 中国上海 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2005 年 Shanghai 上海 n Legal status in China 企业性质 Domestic capital company 内资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 A10, 5/F, 61 Old Warehouse Building, 61 Yangshupu Road, Shanghai 200082 上海市杨树浦路61号老栈商务楼5楼A10室 邮编200082 ) +86 (21) 6148 9800 7 +86 (21) 6148 9822 8 www.4scm.com.cn

u Key Contacts u Company Introduction

Tiger Shi 石家茗 Director ) +86 (532) 8869 6262 7 +86 (532) 8869 6277 + tiger@4scm.com.cn

4SCM is one of the very first Chinese entities providing high international standard of supply chain services.

Raymond C. Ng 吴智卿 E.V.P. ) +86 (21) 6148 4746 7 +86 (21) 6148 9822 + raymond@4scm.com.cn

With full team of professionals in the fields of Information Technologies, Logistics, Sourcing & Procurements, 4SCM is confident of catering most cost effective solutions and aligning overall organizational strategy with supply strategy.

Our goal is to develop innovative information technologies and solutions in supporting both manufactured products and services that have become interwined directly and indirectly with the logistics operations.


u Highlights In major cities in China, with 10 branches and currently employs 128 people ISO 9001:2008 Certified Fourth Party Logistics Services SCM Solution Design & Consultation IT Infrastructure and multinational Engineering in Logistics Technology 在中国主要城市设有10个分支机构,现有员 工128人

我们的目标是开发创新资讯技术和解决方案从而支持直接或间接已与物流操作联在一起的制造业 服务和产品。 我们拥有一支擅于资讯技术,物流和采购的专业团队, 非常有信心能够设计出最有效益的方案从而把 总体的系统和供应策略立入正轨。

u Services and Solutions • • • •

4SCM Solutions 4SCM System Cloud Service International E-commerce Platform Global B2B2C Distribution

• • • •

供应链管理方案 供应链云系统服务 国际电子商务平台 全球电子商务配送

通过ISO9001:2008 认证 第四方物流服务(BPO、B2G、B2C、B2B ) 供应链管理专业的咨询和股规划 (业务流程优 化BPI、信息化规划等) 物流科技领域IT技术服务(软件开发、系统集 成、IT外包等) Customers List 客户名单: Tesco UK , Freipost Switzerland , Sharp Japan , Norit Netherlands , Lululemon , 山东滨 奥飞机制造有限公司



ARJ Commercial Leasing Limited 上海群浩运输有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Shanghai, China 中国上海 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2010 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 Private Enterprise 民营企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 1500 Lianhua South Road Max-Mall Office Tower Block 8-9 Unit 810, Shanghai 201100 中国上海市闵行区莲花南路1500弄 梅陇镇新都会,商务中心8-9号楼810室 邮编:201100 )+86 (21) 3358 2270 7+86 (21) 3358 2170 8 www.arjchina.com

u Key Contacts Richard ANG 洪永坤 Founder and CEO )+86 136 0175 0499 +enquiry@arjchina.com

u Highlights • Better cash flow and capital resulting from leasing • Wide choice of trucks – customized to individual needs • Reduce Operation Complexity as ARJ handles truck and driver management • Transparency in outlay • Pioneer transport contractor in China to provide compulsory driver safety & defensive driving for all our drivers • 更好的利用资金(不用自己投资购买卡车) • 车辆选择范围多样化 • 运营程式简化(驾驶员及卡车维护由ARJ负债 管理) • 成本可预测 (卡车维修及保养费透明化) • 国内首家运输公司为驾驶员提供防御性驾驶 技术培训

u Company Introduction ARJ Commercial Leasing Limited is primarily engaged in the provision of commercial vehicle leasing solution in China. Today company operates their own trucking fleet to have full control so as to provide superior customer service to their distributors and customers. However, building and maintaining a fleet requires time, resources and expertise. Few companies can afford to invest the time and resources to build a logistics team and acquire the necessary skill sets to effectively manage their transport fleet. That’s where ARJ comes in to fill the void. ARJ is at the forefront of providing commercial vehicle leasing solution in China, bringing together a team from the industry most experience logistics operators, together with the latest in truck track-and-trace technology to provide the highest standard of transportation solution. Users will find ARJ Commercial vehicle leasing services extremely useful in fulfilling their business needs as we take care of their fleet and they focus on running their business. ARJ商业租赁有限公司不等同于一般的物流公司. 它是中国从事专业的商务车租赁业务的开拓者。 今日企业选择运营自己的物流运输团队,优势在于可以全面掌控整个操作流程,从而最大程度上满 足只身的服务需求。然而,构建和维护整个物流运输团队所需花费的时间、资源以及专业知识绝非 一般公司所能承受。而这,恰好是ARJ价值的体现 ARJ所配备训练有素的驾驶员,能为希望一手掌控自己货运车队的客户提供全面、高效的服务, 完全不需要您操心其中的任何环节。 经营自身车队的大型制造企业,国际跨国公司及大型国营企业以及在中国提供国内运输服务的第三 方物流公司会对这种业务服务感兴趣,我们来打理卡车管理营运能够让它们安心打理业务。

u Services and Solutions • Vehicle Sourcing & Procurement • Driver Sourcing and Management • Fleet Maintenance • Traffic Incidents & Insurance Management • Value Added Services: Distribution Order processing & Fleet Deployment management


• • • • •

车辆配置 驾驶人员配置和管理 运输车队维护和保障项目 保险管理 增值服务: 运输订单处理及调度管理


arvato Logistics Services 深圳欧唯特物流服务有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Shenzhen, China 中国深圳 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2008 年 Shenzhen 深圳 n Legal status in China 企业性质 Joint Venture 合资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 B-1/F XingHong Science & Technology Industrial Park,Feng Huang Gang Village, Xi Xiang, Bao’an District, Shenzhen 518102 深圳宝安区,宝安西乡前进二路凤凰岗村星宏 科技园,邮编518102 ) +86 (755) 3386 1666 7 +86 (755) 3386 1000 8 www.arvatoservices.com.cn

u Key Contacts Raoul Kuetemeier Managing Director ) +86 (755) 3386 1666 x 606 7 +86 (755) 3386 1000 + Raoul.Kuetemeier@bertelsmann.de Ernest Na 那勇 Director ) +86 (755) 3386 1666 x 636 7 +86 (755) 3386 1000 + ernest.na@bertelsmann.com.cn

u Highlights • Warehousing and distributing high value products • Extensive network all over China • Short lead times • Transparent IT platform • Tailor to clients’ needs • Distributing more than 1million mobile phones monthly • High security high rack warehouse • Intra-city same day delivery (lead time: 2hours to 4hours) • Customized value-added services • 高价值产品的仓储配送 • 全国密集的仓库网络 • 快速响应时间 • 实时跟踪的IT平台 • 按需定制的物流方案 • 单月配送1百万台手机 • 高安全系数的立体仓库 • 同城专车配送(时效:2小时— 4小时) • 按需定制增值服务 • 现在的客户包括天音、爱斯德、宝时捷等等


u Company Introduction arvato logistics services China Ltd., is a high quality logistics service provider, that provides supply chain management, warehousing, distribution, pick and pack, fulfillment and value added services. With our international experiences, we help clients, as we know how to achieve the desired quality and transparency in the domestic logistics market. arvato logistics services China Ltd., headquarter is located in Shenzhen, Guangdong province. To ensure short lead times and regional coverage 13 distribution centers were opened in 2008 and 2009. The network of warehouses currently includes Shenzhen, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Dongguan, Foshan, Shantou, Haikou, Changsha, Nanchang, Xiamen, Fuzhou, Quanzhou, and Nanning. This network will be expanded in 2010 and 2011. As an international company, arvato focuses on the local market, providing domestic warehousing, distribution and a range of services such as labeling, software update, COD, POD, after sales and same day delivery to its clients! Our clients include well-known international and local enterprises-Telling, Porsche etc. 作为一家高品质物流服务的物流服务供应商,深圳欧唯特物流服务有限公司为客户提供供应链管 理、仓储、配送、分拣包装、订单处理、增值业务等各种类型服务,我们将用丰富的国际物流经 验及专业知识帮助客户取得满意的高品质、透明的物流服务。 深圳欧唯特物流服务有限公司总部设在广东省深圳市。为确保服务质量,我们在2008年至2009 年间在国内开设了13个配送网点,即深圳、上海、广州、东莞、佛山、汕头、海口、长沙、南 昌、厦门、福州、泉州及南宁,2010年至2011年间将在全国增设更多的物流服务网点。 作为一家国际性公司,欧唯特物流致力开发国内市场,向客户提供国内仓储、配送服务,同时为 客户提供一整套诸如贴标、软件升级、代收货款、签收回执、售后服务、即日达等增值物流服 务!我们的客户包括国内外知名企业如-Telling、Porsche等。

u Services and Solutions • • • • • • •

Warehousing Inventory control Order management Distribution COD services After sales services Customization

• Quality Management • Nationwide B2C, B2B deliveries • Vendor management • Marketing materials management

• • • • • •

仓储 库存控制 订单管理 配送 COD 服务 售后服务

• • • • •

客户化服务 质量管理 国内B2C,B2B配送 供应商管理 市场物料管理


AsiaInspection n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Hong Kong 香港 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2004 年 Hong Kong 香港 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 2201-03, Guidu Building, 3007 Chun Feng Road, Luo Hu District, Shenzhen 深圳市罗湖区春风路3007号,桂都大厦 2201-03室 ) +86 (755) 8231 6796 7 +86 (755) 8231 6739 8 www.asiainspection.com

u Key Contacts Pierre-Nicolas Disser Sales Manager ) +86 (755) 8214 4556 + pierre-nicolas.disser@asiainspection.com Melvin Tang 黄焕 Account Manager ) +86 (755) 8214 9006 + sales@asiainspection.com

u Highlights Via AsiaInspection.com, send an inspector to any factory in Asia within 48 hours and receive a detailed report the same day as inspection for US$288 USD/day all-inclusive anywhere in China, and US$388 anywhere in Asia With each of over 350 trained and qualified inspectors, a minimum of five years experience in quality control is required of each inspector, who is native to the area in which they work and has expertise in local business practices • • • • • • •

Textiles and Apparel Gifts and Premiums Toys and Juvenile Products Electronics/ Electrical Housewares Printing and Packaging Industrial and Home Appliances

通过AsiaInspection.com,在48小时内派 遣检验员前往亚洲地区任何一家工厂,并在 检验当天接收详细报告。中国境内全包价为 US$288,亚洲其他地区为US$388。 350名资格检验员,均拥有在质量控制行业至 少5年工作经验,并在当地商业运作中表现非常 专业。 • • • • • • •

纺织品及成衣服装 礼品及赠品 玩具及少儿用品 电子和电器 家居日用品 印刷品及包装产品 工业设备及家用电器


u Company Introduction Your Eyes in the Factory! ™ AsiaInspection is a quality assurance company performing Product Inspections, Factory Audits and Laboratory Testing in Asia. AsiaInspection customers benefit from the convenience of booking and managing all their quality control online at AsiaInspection.com. AsiaInspection was founded in Hong Kong in 1997 and serves clients from over 100 countries. The company’s rapid growth can be attributed to the unparalleled easeof-use of AsiaInspection.com, coupled with western management and trained and qualified local inspectors with expertise in local business practices. 您在工厂的眼睛!™ AsiaInspection是一家质量检测公司,为全球采购商提供专业产品检验、工厂审核及实验室测试 服务。AsiaInspection.com在线平台使所有AsiaInspection的客户在预订及管理订单上享受 到极大便利。 AsiaInspection于2004年在香港成立,为来自全球100多个国家的客户提供专业服 务。AsiaInspection的快速发展得益于其西方式的管理,当地资深检验员在商业运作上的专业表 现,以及AsiaInspection.com本身所具有的空前的易用性。

u Services and Solutions Product Inspections AsiaInspection guarantees an inspector at any factory in Asia within 48 hours for US$288 anywhere in China. Choose from over 300 product-specific checklists, ensuring product quality. Factory Audits AsiaInspection performs Factory Audits and Social Audits, adhering to the internationally recognized ISO 9000 and SA 8000 for US$650 anywhere in China. Laboratory Testing With an Online Lab Testing Center, clients simply select their product category and destination country, and receive all relevant tests to keep them compliant with REACH, RoHS, EN71, CPSIA, etc. from US$88. 产品检验 Asiainspection承诺检验人员能在48小时内深入到亚洲地区 任何一家工厂。中国境内任何地区只需US$288。在300多个 特定产品检验项目表选择将确保产品质量。 工厂审核 AsiaInspection依照国际通用的ISO9000及SA8000标准来 实施工厂及社会责任审核。中国境内费用为US$650。 实验室测试 通过在线测试中心,客户可根据产品类别及出口国家查看所有 相关测试。如 REACH, RoHS, EN71等。费用自US$88起。


BDP International

百运达国际货运代理(上海)有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Philadelphia, U.S.A. 美国费城 n Established in China 在中国成立于 Shanghai 上海 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Unit 2101-2110, Shanghai Bund Int’l Tower, 99 Huangpu Road, Shanghai 200080 上海市虹口区黄浦路99号上海滩国际大厦 2101-2110室,邮编200080 ) +86 (21) 6364 9336 7 +86 (21) 6364 9337 8 www.bdpinternational.com

u Key Contacts Francis Ngiam 严居君 Regional Manager Sales Development, North China ) +86 (21) 6364 9336 x 266 7 +86 (21) 6364 9337 x 266 + francis.ngiam@bdpcn.com Dick Yip 叶庆乾 General Manager North China ) +86 (21) 6364 9336 x 268 7 +86 (21) 6364 9337 x 268 + dick.yip@bdpcn.com

u Highlights • BDP International is one of the leading privately held freight logistics / transportation management firms based in the U.S.A. • Today, BDP operates freight logistics centers in more than 20 cities throughout North America and a network of subsidiaries, joint ventures and strategic partnerships in more than 120 countries • BDP has regional headquarters in Antwerp, Dubai, Hong Kong, Houston, London, Melbourne, Mexico City, Philadelphia, Sao Paulo, Shanghai, Singapore and Toronto

u Company Introduction As the logistics industry consolidates into a few mega-companies, taking good care of the customer seems to be getting lost in the business model of one-sizefits-all. Not everywhere. At BDP, “Small enough to care, large enough to deliver” is more than a shallow pledge. It is the way we have done business for more than 40 years. As a privately-owned family business, we never lose sight of what matters most. Solid execution and relationships based on new-fashioned ideas applied to old-fashioned hard work. It is about being nimble to changing business conditions. Leveraging broad-based oversight into bottom line cost reductions for the best companies in the world. Keeping the wheels of your supply chain very well greased. Right place, right time, just the right size. 随着物流业整合成为几个巨型公司,对顾客的关怀理念似乎在一视同仁的商业模式中变得越来越 淡泊了。但在百运达国际货运代理有限公司,情况大不相同。“小则无微不至,大则游刃有余” 并非一个浅层次的承诺。它是我们从业40多年来的经营之道:一个熟悉的面孔;一个电话线上生 动的声音;还有您所期望的后续关注。 作为一个私人拥有的家族企业,我们从未忽视最重要的事情,那就是坚定的执行和良好的关系, 这些都建立在新式思想理念和传统辛勤工作完美结合的基础之上。我们需要灵活应对不断变化的 业务条件,将基础广泛的监督杠杆作用运用到底线上,降低成本,争取跻身世界最佳公司之列。 有些人说我们重视细节。我们称之为正常业务。只有这样,才能保证您的供应链运作通畅。合适 的地点,合适的时间,合适的规模。

u Services and Solutions • • • • • • • • • •

Transportation – air, ocean, ground Export logistics – freight forwarding Import logistics – customs clearance Regulatory & security compliance Warehousing & distribution Project & energy logistics Humanitarian aid logistics Process improvement Globalize logistics modelling and management (LLP Practice) Supply chain consultancy

• BDP services more than 4,000 customers worldwide • Clients include Bayer, Cargill, Conoco Phillips, Heineken USA, Honeywell, Johnson & Johnson, Revlon, Rohm & Haas, Dow, Trek Bicycle, Wacker, Dupont and others • BDP offer customizes solutions that meet your company’s transportation and logistics needs



Best Logistics Technology 百世物流科技有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Hangzhou, China 中国杭州 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2007 年 Hangzhou 杭州 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Bidg 11 West, 1F West Lake Soyea Software Park 176 Tianmushan Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 310013 浙江省杭州市天目山路176号西湖数源软件园 11号楼1层西 ) +86 (571) 8899 5656 7 +86 (571) 8827 0027 8 www.800best.com

u Key Contacts Anna Yan 颜艳 Solution Manager ) +86 (571) 8899 5656x2761 7 +86 (571) 8827 0027 + yyan@800best.com Eva Law 刘夷华 Marketing Manager ) +86 (571) 8899 5656x2913 7 +86 (571) 8827 0027 + liuyh@800best.com

u Highlights • Advanced Information Technology : GeniMax system • Nationwide Network: 600 end cities, 300000 sqm of warehouse, 60 operation sites • Total Supply-chain Solution: Distribution/ Purchase/ E-business/ LLIP • Professional Team: top professionals in logistics and IT industries • Creative Philosophy: investment in human resource and technology, creatively integrating and developing current logistics resources Providing profession logistic service and information service • Client: Kelllogg’s/ LiNing/ Foxconn / Adidas/ BYD/ Taobao/ LG ect. • 先进的信息技术:GeniMax系统 • 全国性服务网络:30万平方仓储面积,60 个操作网点,600个末端配送城市 • 综合供应链解决方案:分销、采购、电子商 务、物流信息协同 • 专业管理团队:汇聚大批物流和IT业界资深 专业人士 • 创新模式与理念:创新整合和发展现有物流 资源 提供运输、仓储、配送、快递等多种物流服 务产品 • 客户:家乐氏、李宁、富士康、阿迪达斯、 比亚迪、淘宝网、LG等


u Company Introduction Best Logistics Technology Co., Ltd is founded by experts in IT and supply chain/logistics industry. The service network has covered most of the tier 4 and tier 5 cities. With the golden partnership certification and administration program, professional supply chain solutions, and the cutting-edge information technology, we serve our customers with total supply chain solution and business process optimization, which covers E-logistics warehouse management, transportation management, local distribution, and value-added services to help our clients and business partners improve supply chain efficiency, service quality and overall customer satisfaction. 百世物流科技有限公司是由精通信息技术和物流供应链资深专业人士联合组建的创新型综合物流 供应链服务提供商,服务网络覆盖至全国四、五级城市。通过完整、系统的合作伙伴认证管理体 系,专业的供应链解决方案设计,先进的信息技术和公司自行研发的综合营运平台GeniMax系统为 国内外企业提供综合供应链设计与优化,电子物流与网络化仓储管理、干线运输、区域和同城配 送等一站式物流管理外包服务,帮助企业客户和合作伙伴提高效益,降低成本。

u Services and Solutions Logistics Services: Supply-chain Design/ Transportation and Distribution/ Storage and Warehouse Service/ Value-Added Services/ Logistics Solution Information Service: TMS/ WMS/ Distribution Management System/ Best Tracking System/EDI Interface System/ Electronic Payment System 运输:卡车/国内航空与快运/ 铁路运输/ 多式联运 仓储: 分销仓/ 中转仓/ 动态仓/ 客制仓/ 各种增值 服务 配送: 商圈门店配送/ 商超KA配送/ 住宅配送/ E网 配送 信息服务: GeniTMS 运输管理系统/ GeniWMS 仓储管理系统/ GeniDMS 配送管理系统/ BestTrak 位置追踪系统/ Cell-Trak 手机定位追踪/ GPS-Trak 卫星定位追踪/ GeniXing EDI链接 系统/ GeniPay 电子支付系统


CEVA Logistics

基华国际贸易(上海)有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Hoofddorp, Netherlands 荷兰 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1988 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 19/F, Jiang Nan Shipyard Building 600 Luban Road, Shanghai 200023 上海市鲁班路600号江南造船大厦19楼 邮编200023 ) +86 (21) 5302 9988 7 +86 (21) 5302 1022 8 www.cevalogistics.com

u Key Contacts Marc De La Breteque Vice President Business Development ) +86 (21) 5302 1101 7 +86 (21) 5302 1022 + marc.delabreteque@cevalogistics.com Felix Lo 罗敏明 Assistant Marketing Manager South China ) +852 2942 0236 7 +852 2401 0220 + Felix.lo@cevalogistics.com

u Highlights • Our resources in China include: 100 offices, 6,200 employees and 1.2 million square meters of managed warehouse space • Our own fleet of over 150 container trucks provides domestic line haul service, local pickup and delivery, and cross border trucking • Our freight management division is a fully licensed Class A domestic and international sea, air and freight management service provider in China • China market leader in automotive logistics • 我们在中国的资源包括:100个办公点,6200 名员工,管理着120万平米仓库 • 我们的运输车队拥有150多辆自有集装箱卡 车,提供国内线路运输, 当地派送,跨境运输 • CEVA货代部是一家在中国提供国内国际海 运、空运和货代服务的A级服务供应商 • 在汽车物流行业,我们是中国市场领导者


u Company Introduction CEVA designs, implements and operates complex supply chain solutions on a national, regional or global scale for medium to large enterprises. CEVA’s integrated global network has facilities in over 170 countries and more than 46,000 employees; all dedicated to delivering consistently excellent operations and supply chain solutions. Within China, CEVA is able to provide quality services through 3 divisions: Contract Logistics, Freight Management and CEVA Ground. For the automotive industry, we provide full inbound, outbound, and aftermarket services. CEVA在国家、地区以及全球范围内为各大中型企业设计、实施并且运作复杂的供应链解决方案. CEVA拥有46,000多名专业人员;管理遍布全球,总面积约860万平方米的614个仓库;并且还 运作着一个覆盖170多个国家的广阔的全球网络。 CEVA目前在中国设有三个部门–合同物流,货运代理以及国内运输。在汽车物流行业,我们能提 供完整的入厂零部件,整车出厂以及零部件售后服务。

u Services and Solutions In China, CEVA has proven capabilities to provide value-added services for the FMCG, energy, chemicals, medical instruments, industrial, automotive, technology, and publishing sectors. Our freight management services include: international multimodal transportation, customs compliance, customs brokerage, and chartered air service. Our CEVA Ground unit manages one of the best distribution networks throughout China and CEVA is one of the few foreign 3PLs in China that is truly capable of offering a dedicated road line haul solution in China. 在中国我们也有能力为以下行业提供增值服务:快速消费品,汽车, 能源,化工,医疗器械,工业 以及高科技领域。我们的货运代理服务包括国际多式联运, 报关代理以及包机运输服务。我们国内 运输部门的配送网络是全中国最好的网络之一,而CEVA也成为了中国唯一一家真正有能力在中 国境内提供专门长途道路运输方案的外资第三方物流公司。


Dajin Logistics 大金物流

n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Shanghai, China 中国上海 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1997 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 Private enterprise 私营企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 3000 South Lianhua Road, Prologis Logistics Park, Minhang, Shanghai 201109 莲花南路3000号,普洛斯闵行物流园区内, 邮编201109 ) +86 (21) 3430 7666 7 +86 (21) 3430 7221 8 www.dajin.com.cn

u Key Contacts Wen Bing You 尤文兵 Vice General Manager ) +86 (21) 3430 7936 7 +86 (21) 6616 7299 + youwenbing@dajin.com.cn Miao Xu 许苗 Marketing Manager & General Manager Assistant ) +86 (21) 3430 7065 7 +86 (21) 3430 7221 + xumiao@dajin.com.cn

u Highlights • Door to Door delivery to all tier 1& 2 cities all over China • Self-owned DGs and chemical fleet • Total warehouse area 80,000 sqm • Specialist in: - Chemical logistics - Dangerous goods - Cold chain • Branch offices are spread all over major cities in China, such as : Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Nanjin, Xian, Wuhan, Wuxi.

u Company Introduction Dajin Logistics, established in 1997, is a leading, fully-integrated logistics service provider in China. In everything we do we look to provide our customers with innovative and customized solutions. No two companies have the same logistics and supply chain requirements, so we are fully committed to offering flexible and tailored solutions dependent upon our customer’s distinct needs and pressures. 大金物流成立于1997年,是中国领先的综合物流服务商。 根据不同客户的不同需求,我们为客户提供度身定制的、创新的物流解决方案。

u Services and Solutions Dajin Logistics offer a range of tailored logistics and supply chain solutions including multimodal transportation services (road, rail, river and air), warehousing distribution and direct store delivery, specialist logistics (chemical logistics, dangerous goods, cold chain) and IT systems implementation (TMS, WMS, EDI). Our focus: • Chemiacl & DG • Auto & Auto Parts • Machinery

• Electric & Electronics • FMCG • Pharmaceutical & Cosmetics

大金物流为客户提供贴身的物流解决方案,包括:多式联运(公路运输,铁路运输,水运,空 运),仓储和配送,专业物流(化工物流,危险品物流,冷链物流)和IT系统(运输管理系统,仓 储管理系统,电子数据交互)。 专注领域: • 化工和危险品 • 汽车及汽车配件 • 工业机械

• 电子、电气 • 快速消费品 • 医药和化妆品

• • • •

配送网络覆盖全国一、二级城市 自有化学危险品运输车队 全国仓储面积达到80,000平方米 专业从事: - 化工物流 - 危险品物流 - 冷链物流 • 中国分公司:北京,广州,深圳,南京, 西安,武汉,无锡。



Damco Damco (North Asia) Introduction


n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Denmark 丹麦 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1978 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 5/F, Tian An Centre, 338 West Nanjing Road, Shanghai 200003 上海黄浦区南京西路338号天安中心5楼, 邮编200003 ) +852 3765 3675 +86 (21) 2306 2000 7 +852 2237 4883 8 www.damco.com

u Company Introduction

u Key Contacts

Damco is one of the world’s leading providers of freight forwarding and supply chain management services. Our success is built on a dedication to service delivery through our global operational teams and the passion we have for our customers.

Anne Marcotty Chief Commercial Officer North Asia Region ) +852 9132 1693 7 +852 2237 4883 + anne.marcotty@damco.com

We differentiate ourselves through our unique and innovative solutions delivered by our supply chain methodology and we deliver value and reliability to our customers. We have 270 offices all over the world and a staff of 10,500 highly trained logistics professionals moving a volume of over 2.5 million TEUs and over 60,000 tonnes of air freight annually.

April Tai 戴健欣 Commercial Projects Manager North Asia Region ) +852 9681 2926 7 +852 2237 4883 + april.tai@damco.com

To learn more about Damco, please visit www.damco.com 丹马士是全球领先的货运代理和供应链管理服务供应商之一。我们的成功建基于“尽忠职守” 和“客户至上”,通过我们全球的运作团队,为客户提供专属按时的递送服务。 我们以独有的供应链管理方法,通过独特和创新的解决方案,积极进取,追求卓越,为客户提高 增值可靠的服务。

u Highlights

我们在世界各地拥有270个办事处合共10,500名训练有素的物流专才,每年运送货物超过250万 个标准集装箱,空运货物超过6万吨。

• The A.P. Moller - Maersk Group presence in China since 1924 • Damco has been operating in China since 1978 • Over 200 offices globally and 15 offices in China • Employ over 2,200 staff in China • Operate over 950,000 square meters of warehousing in China


u Services and Solutions Operating in over 90 countries our specialists assist customers in engineering and optimizing entire supply chains, by offering customized and integrated solutions. Our services include: • International freight forwarding services - ocean and air freight, trucking, documentation, and project cargo Thank You • Supply chain management solutions • Reefer logistics • Warehousing and distribution • Supply chain consultancy services

• A.P. 穆勒 - 马士基集团于1924年进入中国 市场 • 丹马士从1978年开始在中国经营业务 • 丹马士在全球拥有逾200个办事机构,在中 国设有15个办事机构 • 在中国员工超过2,200人 总仓储面积达95万平方米 •Our services

我们的物流专家遍布90多个国家,帮助客户设 计、优化整个供应链结构。我们为客户提供量 身定制的一体化解决方案。我们的服务包括: • 国际货代服务--海运、空运、货车运输、进 出口单证服务、项目货运代理服务等 • 供应链管理解决方案 • 冷藏冷冻货物储运 • 货物仓储与配送 • 供应链咨询服务

From single shipment to supply chain management solutions

Ocean freight

Air freight

Landside services

Supply pp y chain management

Supply pp y chain development

Warehousing g& distribution 3



Deret Logistique Asie 法国德雷亚洲物流公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Saran, France 法国萨兰 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2003 年 Shanghai 上海 n Legal status in China 企业性质 Representative Office 代表处 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Suite 1703, Shanghai Bund International Tower, 99 Huangpu Road, Shanghai 200080 上海市黄浦路99号上海滩国际大厦 1703室,邮编200080 ) +86 (21) 6306 2592 +86 (21) 6324 4596 7 +86 (21) 6383 1404 +86 (21) 6364 5930 8 www.trans-access.com.cn

u Key Contacts Stéphane Guimard ) +86 (21) 6306 2592 7 +86 (21) 6383 1404 +86 (21) 6364 5930 + sguimard@deret.fr Hanmin Zhang 张韩敏 ) +86 (21) 6306 2592 7 +86 (21) 6383 1404 +86 (21) 6364 5930 + hanmin.zhang@trans-access.com.cn

u Company Introduction Deret Logistique Asie is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Deret Logistique GroupSaran/France. We are a B2B logistics services provider specialized in design, implementation and management of value-added tailor-made solutions dedicated to global trade. Deret Logistique Asie has developed and run specific logistics solutions to handle global trade from and to China or Asia. Deret Logistique Asie gathers a team of professionals with a large and extensive experience related to global supply chain management we offer: • Interactive information • Security and professionalism • Cost efficiency 法国德雷亚洲物流公司隶属于法国Deret集团,是致力于全球贸易的 B TO B 物流服务供应商, 为各大公司提供专业性物流增值服务的设计、执行和管理。我们拥有一支专业的团队,为中国及 亚洲进出口贸易提供物流解决方案。

u Highlights

u Services and Solutions

Business scope:

We provide our clients with five kinds of services:

• Advanced order preparation, platform service in Shanghai, Shenzhen, Ningbo, Bangkok, Bangladesh, India • Quality control solutions • Regional distribution center • Custom packaging promotional displays • Supply chain integration • Shipment tracking system: ASMA

Advanced order preparation: A new way to prepare your international orders in China ASMA: ASMA is the unique dynamic software and tool to monitor and control your global logistics flows Quality control solutions: Our specific approach to quality will help meet your clients requirements, reduce your costs and increase your profit Regional distribution center: Make China your value-added logistics distribution center for the Northern Pacific Region Custom packaging promotional displays: Packaging solutions increase productivity at arrival; display design and preparation for direct store delivery

• 先进的订单管理平台 • 质量管理方案 • 地区配送中心 • 个性化的其他物流增值服务 • 供应链整合 • 先进的物流跟踪系统



DHL Supply Chain


n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Germany 德国 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1984 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 3398, Xiupu Road, Shanghai 201315 上海市秀浦路3398号,邮编201315 ) +86 (21) 3825 6288 7 +86 (21) 3825 6554 8 www.dhl.com

u Key Contacts Business Development Team ) +86 (21) 3825 6589 7 +86 (21) 3825 6554 + supplychain.cn@dhl.com

u Highlights • No.1 in global contract logistics • Presence of 3,000 locations in 220 countries • Employ over 160,000 people globally • Accounts for 5.8% of market share in the international logistics market • Customer base includes 50% of the Forbes top 500 companies • Operate in China for 24 years • Cover 60 locations in 17 cities in China • Consist of over 500,00 sqm facilities in China • Employ over 5,000 staff in China • 世界第一的合同物流供应商 • 在全球220个国家,建有3000多处的物流 设施 • 全球拥有160,000多个员工 • 在国际物流市场上占有5.8%的市场份额 • 有50%的福布斯500强企业是我们的客户 • 有24年的中国市场经验 • 在17个城市共拥有60多处的物流设施 • 拥有超过500,000平方米的物流设施 • 在中国拥有5,000多个员工

u Company Introduction DHL Supply Chain, a division of the DHL Logistics under the DPDHL, has established its presence in China since 1984. It serves both multi-national and domestic clients across a broad range of industries including technology, consumer, retail, fashion, healthcare, automotive, chemical, aerospace and industrial sectors. Staffed by over 5,000 experienced employees, DHL Supply Chain has a footprint in 17 cities with over 500,000 sqm facilities in China. DHL Supply Chain是德国邮政旗下的DHL物流的一个分支,从1984年开始涉足中国市场。我 们为中国的跨国企业和当地企业提供优质的服务和特有的供应链解决方案,涉足的行业主要包括 技术产业,消费品产业,零售行业,时装行业,医疗行业,汽车行业,化工行业,航空行业,工 业品行业。在中国,我们拥有5,000多员工,在17个城市共拥有超过500,000平方米的物流设 施。

u Services and Solutions DHL Supply Chain provides customerdriven supply chain solutions in China. The services provided include spare parts logistics, technical service, temperature controlled warehousing, inbound to manufacturing, vendor managed inventory, reverse logistics, domestic distribution, supply chain solution design, network optimization and consultancy projects. DHL Supply Chain在中国为客户提供以客户为 主导的供应链解决方案。 其中包括备件物流,温控仓管理,生产支持物流 方案,(供应商管理库存),反向物流,国内派 送,供应链解决方案设计,网络优化和咨询服 务。



DSV Air & Sea DSV Logistics 上海得斯威国际货运有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Brondby, Denmark 丹麦 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2001 年 Shanghai 上海 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 38/F, 1 Grand Gateway, 1 Hongqiao Road, Shanghai 200030 上海虹桥路1号港汇中心1座38楼

SHA W Waigaoqiao i i FTZ

SHA Caohejing Hi-Tech Hi Tech Park

Suzhou SIP/Wuzhong DC

Tianjin Airport Industrial Park

Nanjing Lukou DC

) +86 (21) 5406 9800 7 +86 (21) 5406 9970 8 www.dsv.com/cn Beijing Tianzhu Airport Park

u Key Contacts Jason Zhang (Logistics) Business Development Executive logistics ) +86 (21) 5046 0899 x 209 7 +86 (21) 5046 2632 + Jason.Zhang@cn.dsv.com Claire Ding (Air & Sea) Business Development Manager ) +86 (21) 5406 9891 7 +86 (21) 5406 9976 x 9891 + Claire.Ding@cn.dsv.com

u Highlights DSV is a dynamic, young company with fast organic growth in China recently supplemented by ABX acquisition Our core value is a customer centric attitude - through our decentralized organization, responsiveness, and no redundant overheads - which makes us an attractive alternative to the largest integrated logistics providers We help you to reduce cost & optimize your supply chain through process based approach and our professional expertise – without operational shortcuts. 在收购ABX并顺利的完成整合之后,DSV中国 进一步建立了年轻、充满活力、并保持快速增 长的团队。 我们的核心价值是以客为尊-通过扁平化的组 织结构,快速响应以及消除管理冗余-使我们 在与众多国际化物流公司的竞争中脱颖而出。 我们致力于通过专业的团队,以运作为基础, 从流程切入,帮助客户实现降低成本和供应链 优化的双赢。


u Company Introduction DSV is one of the leading global logistics providers with turnover exceeding 5 billion euro and 22,000 employees worldwide in 3 divisions: DSV Road - 3rd largest trucking company in Europe, DSV Air & Sea – top 10 global freight forwarder with presence in over 60 countries and DSV Solutions - contract logistics with a footprint exceeding 2 mln sqm. DSV is present in China since 1995 and as WOFE since 2001. With over 500 associates in the mainland, 23 branch & representative offices, distribution centers in 6 cities we provide integrated logistics solutions in China. DSV是全球领先的物流服务商之一,年销售额超过50亿欧元,拥有22,000员工。DSV集团由三 个业务分支构成:DSV Road-欧洲排名第三的运输公司,DSV Air & Sea 主营货运代理业务, 位列全球前十,在全球60多个国家建立分支机构以及DSV solution主营合同物流,管理仓库面积 超过200万平方米。 DSV1995年进入中国市场,并且在2001年成为外商独资企业。DSV中国拥有500多名员 工,23个分公司和办事处,其中在6个城市有自己管理的区域物流中心。

u Services and Solutions OCEAN

DSV in China offers a full range of services including: • International Air & Sea Freight • Domestic Warehousing & distribution • Projects Logistics • Export Consolidation • Bonded Logistics • In-plant logistics • Import & export trading (VAT invoice) • Customs Clearance DSV中国可以提供以下服务: • 国际空海运货运代理 • 国内仓储和配送 • 项目物流 • 出口集散/拼箱 • 保税物流 • 入厂物流(生产企业) • 进出口贸易代理(增值税发票) • 进出口清关


DTW Logistics Group 大田物流 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Beijing, China 中国北京 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1992 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 Joint Venture 合资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 16 Tianzhu Middle Road, Zone A, Tianzhu Airport Industrial Area, Shunyi District, Beijing, 101312 北京市顺义区天竺空港开发区A区天柱中路16 号,邮编101312 ) +86 (10) 5923 7777 7 +86 (10) 5923 7778 8 www.dtw.com.cn

u Key Contacts

u Company Introduction

Henry Pek 白添发 VP, Freight Forwarding ) +86 (21) 6307 1683 7 +86 (21) 6356 7376 + henrypek@dtw.com.cn

DTW Group, established in 1992, is a leading end-to-end integrated logistics service provider in China. With a Pan China network covering over 460 cities in 120 locations, DTW offers customized and integrated supply chain solutions to our customers across a broad range of industries including hi-tech, consumer, fashion, healthcare, automotive and industrial sectors.

Susan Su 苏英欣 Director, Industrial Engineering ) +86 (10) 5923 7961 7 +86 (10) 5923 7879 + susan.su@dtw.com.cn

大田集团于1992年成立,是国内领先的综合物流服务提供商。大田在国内营业网点达到120个, 服务范围遍布全国460个城市。我们为客户量身定制一体化供应链解决方案,涉足的行业主要包 括:高科技行业、消费品行业、时装行业、医疗行业、汽车行业以及工业品行业。

u Highlights • Operates 220,000 square meters warehousing in China • Land Transportation fleet of 1600 trucks in which over 500 are self-owned trucks fitted with GPS providing domestic line haul, local pickup and delivery services. In 2008, DTW moved over 1.9 million metric tons of cargo throughout China. • Class A licensed forwarder • ISO 9001:2008 & TAPA Certified. • Ability to offer a comprehensive range of supply chain and procurement solutions. • Extensive international and domestic freight forwarding network • Industry expertise and international management team with deep supply chain and logistics domains • Experienced IT practitioner with state-ofart IT infrastructure • 总仓储面积达22万平方米 • 运输车辆1600余辆,其中自有车辆超过500 辆且配备GPS,为客户提供国内干线运输和 当地取派服务。2008年,大田国内运输货量 超过190万吨。 • 拥有甲级货运代理资质 • 拥有ISO9001:2008证书和TAPA证书 • 能提供综合的采购及供应链管理解决方案 • 具备强大的国内外服务网络 • 拥有物流及供应链管理领域资深专家和国际 化的管理团队 • 拥有专业的研发团队和一流的IT设施


u Services and Solutions Warehousing Service • Bonded/Non-bonded warehousing • Temperature controlled warehousing • Crossing-docking operations • VMI • Value Added Services Domestic Transportation • Door-to-Door Delivery • Multi-Modal Transportation • Inter-City LTL and Regional Trunk Line Transportation Services • Reverse Logistics • Online Track and Trace

仓储服务 • 保税/非保税仓储 • 恒温仓储 • 越库作业 • 供应商管理库存 • 增值服务

国际货运 • 国际空、海运代理 • 报关/清关 • 危险品运输 • 展览/活动项目管理 • 项目物流

国内运输 • 全国门到门配送 • 多式联运 • 城际班车、区域网 络配送 • 逆向物流 • 货物信息在线查询

供应链咨询 • 供应链方案设计 • 网络优化 • 采购、生产、销售 体系规划或改造 • 商流、物流、资金 流、信息流整合

International Freight Forwarding • Air and Sea Freight Forwarding • Custom Brokerage/Clearance • Air Freight Dangerous Goods Management • Exhibition/Event Management • Project Logistics Supply Chain Consultancy • Supply Chain Engineering • Network Optimization • Procurement, Manufacturing, Distribution System Planning/ Re-engineering • Business, Cargo, Capital and Information Flow Integration


Duisport Packing Logistics 德国威特斯有限公司上海代表处 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Duisburg, Germany 德国杜伊斯堡 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2008 年 3月 Shanghai 上海 n Legal status in China 企业性质 Rep office 外企代表处 WOFE under application 外商独资企业在建 n China head office 中国代表处总部 A, 8/F Shanghai Industrial Bldg, 18 North Caoxi Road, Shanghai 200030 上海漕溪北路18号上实大厦8楼A座, 邮编200030 ) +86 (21) 6427 2906 7 +86 (21) 6469 3555 8 www.duisport-packing-logistics.com

u Key Contacts Andreas Langosch Chief Rep MD ) +86 (21) 6427 2906 7 +86 (21) 6469 3555 + Andreas.Langosch@duisport.de Walter Hirsch Technical Director ) +86 (21) 6427 2906 7 +86 (21) 6469 3555 + walter.hirsch@duisport.de

u Highlights Industrial Export Packing, worldwide 550 staff, German based standards in safety and quality. Customers: Eaton, LURGI, AirLiquide, ThyssenKrupp, Siemens, BalckeDuerr, MAN, ABB, AMADA, Linde, SMS, Siempelkamp, HITACHI, etc. Several examples of customized, innovative packing: • Boxes, crates, bales, saddles, specially built wood containers • Component packing • Composite packing or special packing using steel • Heavy goods packing • Packing for machines and plants for specific projects • Air freight packing • Handling and packing hazardous goods • Country-specific packing • Container stowage and trade service 全球超过550名员工,参照德国安全和质量标 准,为您提供工业出口包装。 例如:木箱,板条箱,打捆,鞍座,特种包 装,钢质包装,危险品包装等 适用于: 机器,成套设备及其零部件,重型机械设备 还可根据不同国家的规定定制专门包装 另外提供临时仓储,集装箱装箱以及运输服务


u Company Introduction Duisport Packing Logistics GmbH (formerly known as VTS GmbH) is one of the market leaders in the special industrial packaging sector for machines, equipment and complete plant constructions. It is also a complete provider of comprehensive logistics solutions, providing the appropriate export and industrial packing for all packing dimensions. DPL reliably controls and implements transport projects from the planning phase to the complete hand-over of the goods at their destination. Our Branches in Antwerp and Shanghai now complement the services of DPL. Duisport packing logistics – Your service partner for packing logistics 德国威特斯有限公司隶属于德国杜伊斯堡港务集团。作为特殊包装领域的领头企业,我们不仅能 为机械产品,成套设备,以及整个生产车间甚至工厂提供优良的包装服务,使其适于水路,陆路 以及航空运输,同时还能为您量身订制最佳的物流解决方案,使您享受到一站式服务的便捷。我 们在德国,中国以及比利时的同事将竭诚为您提供最周到的服务。

u Services and Solutions Duisport packing logistics GmbH develops and implements individual packing and logistics solutions for industrial products, heavy goods and hazardous items. In addition to boxes, crates, transport bases and wood scantling constructions, we also provide composite steel wood packing. You benefit from one-stop-manufacturing and packing. This ensures that our customers are guaranteed a safe and reliable process and that we keep to deadlines – all of this is a typical feature of our quality, which also complies with DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 as certified by the regional Technical Inspection Agency (Rheinisch- Westfälischer TÜV). 威特斯公司提供包装物流一站式服务。我们 不但能为工业产品,重型机械设备,或危险 品提供合理的木质包装,如木箱,托盘,板 条箱,运输底座等,还可根据要求加入钢质 材料进行包装。另外,严格控制工期也是我 们的一贯承诺。威特斯公司提供的服务经过 ISO9001:2000质量认证,并通过德国质量 监督体系(TÜV)检验。


Elee logistics China


n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Shanghai, China 中国上海 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2001 年 Shanghai 上海 n Legal status in China 企业性质 Private Enterprise 私营企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 375, Kefu Road, Nanxiang Town, Jiading District, Shanghai 上海嘉定区南翔镇科福路375号 ) +86 (21) 3912 4360 7 +86 (21) 3912 4384 8 www.eleechina.com

u Key Contacts Jean Pierre Roquet Chief Executive Officer ) +86 (21) 3912 4360 7 +86 (21) 3912 4384 + jproquet@eleechina.com Diana Chen 陈婵娟 Design and Implementation Logistics Specialist ) +86 (21) 3912 4360 7 +86 (21) 3912 4384 + dianachen@eleechina.com

u Highlights • Domestic distribution network 2 DCs in Shanghai and Beijing with real time web support functions • Total warehouse area 30,000sqm • Fashion logistics with cross-dock and DC models • Full-scale co-packing services with store ready display • Quality control export platform, Buyer consol, scan pack, store order preparation • Import and export license • 上海,北京和广州2大配送中心,配送网络覆 盖40多个一,二级城市 • 总仓储面积达30,000平方米 • 时尚物流:转驳和配送两大模式 • 门店陈列式集成包装 • 质检和拼箱功能出口平台 • 进出口经营权 • Key Clients: 主要客户:Carrefour, Tesco, Cache Cache, Pimkie, ARL, Spotlight, Axfood, Okaidi/Jacaidi, PSA, Walmart, Auchan, Sinodis, Goodwell, Hager, Brow Sugar, Chinese I&E, Companies, etc.


u Company Introduction Elee is a local third-party logistics (3PL) company specializing in providing integrated Supply Chain Management and Logistics solutions throughout China. Our custom-fit Supply Chain solutions are based on industry best practice and supported with state-of-the-art logistics facilities and leading-edge technology. We want to be perceived by our customers as a true business partner and not simply as a service provider, switching the emphasis to the value they will gain from this partnership. 铱力物流是一家提供综合供应链管理和物流方案的中国第三方物流公司。我们个性化的物流方案 是基于我们丰富的经验以及一流的物流设施和领先的物流管理和信息管理技术。我们希望对于客 户的真正的商业伙伴,我们不仅仅是服务供应商,而是能够为我们的客户提供更多价值的。

u Services and Solutions Domestic Distribution: Daily deliveries to more than 150 hypermarkets in 40 Chinese cities. Fashion Logistics: Piece level logistics management solution with in-house IT system. Value-added services: labeling, tagging, repacking, order processing, inventory counting, etc. Copacking: Multi products from multi suppliers assembled into store-ready display to be shipped as one finished product. Export platform: Supported by a powerful system. Consistent visibility on vendor performance, deliveries followup; coupled with QC on platform and multi-supplier kitting at store level. 国内配送:服务覆盖全国约40个城市的近150家门 店。 服饰物流:自主开发的物流系统确保以件为单位的物 流管理;提供各种增值服务:标签挂牌打印粘贴;分 拣整理;再包装;门店定单处理;门店盘点等。 组合包装:将不同供应商的不同产品重新包装到专门 为门店销售设计的展示架中,将其作为一个完成品直 接发送到门店进行销售。 出口平台:强大的系统支持,透明详细的信息:供应 商考核;货物跟踪;平台操作流程等。同时还提供质 检平台服务以及按照门店定单分拣出口的服务等。


FM Logistic

弗玛仓储(太仓)有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Phalsbourg, France 法国法尔斯堡 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2004 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 3 West Guangzhou Road, Taicang EDZ, Jiangsu Province 江苏省太仓市经济开发区广州西路3号 ) +86 (512) 8889 8666 7 +86 (512) 8889 8604 8 www.fmlogistic.com

u Key Contacts Amaury Vrignaud China Logistic Director ) +86 (512) 8889 8607 7 +86 (512) 8889 8604 + avrignaud@fmlogistic.cn Jean-Cyprien Onteniente China Sales Director ) +86 (512) 8889 8609 7 +86 (512) 8889 8604 + jonteniente@fmlogistic.cn

u Highlights High-class own warehousing and transportation truck resource; integrated Logistic Management experience over 40 years; advanced IT system(TMS and WMS); Mature operation network; global market experience; competitive service price. Warehousing, Management, Distribution, LTL, Transportation. 自有一流的仓储和运输车辆资源;超过四十年 的综合物流管理经验;先进的IT系统(仓库和 运输管理系统)支持;成熟的运作网络;全球 化市场经验;有竞争力的服务价格。 仓储管理、配送、长途干线运输 Key Clients 主要客户: Unilever 联合利华,Auchan 殴尚, P&G 宝洁,Pernod Ricard 保乐力加, Kimberly-Clark 金佰利等

u Company Introduction With 40 years of logistics leadership, FM Logistic has been in China for five years now, bringing from its European home base its proven model of focus on transportation and warehousing, plus direct ownership of trucks and warehouses, to clients in the mainland. In July 2009, FM opened a new warehouse in Taicang district nearby Shanghai, and later in the year will open another, in Yanjiao, achieving 100,000 square meters of space and an even wider range of service options. FM Logistic offers the gold standard in cost-performance, bringing a new level of quality and timeliness to warehousing and distribution. Call us to learn more. 携40多年的欧洲物流业领先地位和已被证明的先进的运输和仓储模式, 加上在中国自建的车队和仓 储设施, 弗玛物流已经为中国大陆地区的客户提供了五年的优质物流服务。 2009年7月,FM已经开始在上海附近的太仓开始我们的操作,随后还将在北京附近燕郊建立大 型自有仓库。10万平方米的仓库面积提供了广阔的服务空间。 FM中国为物流业的成本效率树立了很好的标准, 将仓储和配送服务的质量和时效性提高到一个新的 水平. 请联系我们以获取更多的信息。

u Services and Solutions • Domestic road transportation

• Supply chain management optimization

• Warehousing

• Transportation management systems and logistic software development

• Distribution • 国内公路运输

• 供应链管理

• 仓储

• FM2i,FM专门的软件开发部门,为供应链 管理提供完全的IT技术支持,目标是物流及 信息流的持续改进

• 配送

Our FM-owned facilities offer state-of-the-art warehousing solutions



Geodis 乔达国际货运(上海)有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 France 法国 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1978 年 Beijing 北京 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 3/F. OOCL Plaza, 841 Middle Yan’an Road, Shanghai 200040 上海市静安区延安中路841号 东方海外大厦 3楼,邮编200040 ) +86 (21) 6193 2323 7 +86 (21) 6193 2287 8 www.geodis.com

u Key Contacts Alvin Chan 陈尚哲 Regional Business Development Manager APAC ) +86 (21) 6193 2336 7 +86 (21) 6193 2287 + alvin.chan@cn.geodiswilson.com David Morel Regional Business Development Director APAC ) +852 2208 6888 7 +852 2783 0379 + david.morel@hk.geodiswilson.com

u Highlights • US$ 6.9 bn 2009 revenue across 120 countries • 1,100 staff and 54 locations in the Greater China region • 32-year long experience in China • Importer of Records (IOR) license and own customs declaration licenses • Class A licensed forwarder, ISO9001, ISO14001, TAPA-A in Shanghai and Hong Kong • Our Main Market Sectors -Automotive/Industrial -FMCG/Retail/Fashion -Healthcare & Cosmetics -High-tech • 物流服务网络覆盖120个国家,2009年总收 入达69亿美元 • 1100名员工遍布大中华区54个服务网点 • 拥有32年的中国市场经验 • 拥有进口商登记权以及自主报关权 • 在上海及香港, 我们拥有一级货代资质, 并通 过ISO9001、ISO14001、TAPA-A认证 • 服务主要市场 -汽车/工业项目 -快速消费品/零售业/纺织品 -保健品及化妆品 -高科技


u Company Introduction Geodis, the transport and logistics division of SNCF Group (French Railways), provides global multimodal offerings and end-to-end flow management solutions for its customers worldwide. In Asia Pacific, Geodis operates through 233 locations in 15 countries including Australia, Bangladesh, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, New Zealand, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam. “Geodis is Airfreight Forwarder of The Year 2010”, awarded by Air Cargo Week. 乔达国际货运(上海)有限公司,是法国国营铁路公司旗下之物流与运输分支乔达集团在中国成立的 子公司。乔达专为客户提供全球多式联运和端到端物流管理方案。 在亚太地区,乔达在15个国家和地区设立233家分公司, 包括澳大利亚、孟加拉、中国、香港、印 度、印度尼西亚、日本、南韩、马来西亚、菲律宾、新西兰、新加坡、台湾、泰国和越南。 乔达获Air Cargo Week ─「2010年度最佳空运货代商」奖

u Services and Solutions Freight Management: • Multimodal transportation by air, sea, combined sea-air, road and rail • Customs clearance • Industrial projects Contract Logistics: • Inbound and outbound logistics • Value-added services for finished goods and spare parts • Reverse Logistics: asset recovery, verification and test, refurbishment , re-configuration, repair, dismantling and re-cycling Supply Chain Optimisation: • Engineering collaborative, flexible and best-practice supply chain solutions • Procuring, assembling and integrating best value service partners • Providing one-stop shopping, end-to-end visibility, security and control 货运管理 • 多式联运: 空运、海运、海空联运、陆运及铁路运输 • 清关 • 工业项目 合同物流 • 入境及出境物流 • 成品及备件增值服务 • 逆向物流:资产回收、验证测试、翻新、重新配置、 维修、拆卸和循环再造 供应链优化 • 灵活、便捷、最佳实践供应链解决方案 • 采购、安装以及综合服务的最具价值合作伙伴 • 实现一站式购物、点到点全程信息透明、安全、控制


H&T International Transportation 华联通 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Guangzhou 广州 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1997 年 Guangzhou 广州 n Legal status in China 企业性质 Joint Venture 合资企业 n China Represent office 中国代表处 5/F, China Merchandise Building 152-155 Connaught Road Central, Hong Kong ) +852 2543 0708 7 +852 2543 0161 8 www.hthkg.com.hk

u Key Contacts K K Cheng 郑瑾强 Trade Manager ) +852 3579 5181 7 +852 2543 0161 + hktm@hthkg.com.hk Patrick Chong 才富 NVOCC Director ) +852 2543 0708 x 106 7 +852 2543 0161 + hknvo@hthkg.com.hk

u Highlights • Shipping Agency for HDS Lines, • Providing container services from China to Middle East, Mediterranean Sea and Northern • African Countries • Shipping Agency for SAPID (Break Bulk Services) and IRISL (Bulk Services) • H & T offices are situated most major cities and main ports in China • HDS LINES的华南区代理 • 提供由中国到中东、地中海及北非国家的货柜 运输服务 • SAPID及IRISL(散件装运)的华南区代理 • 华联通在中国主要城市及港口都设有办事处

u Company Introduction H&T International Transportation Ltd is a complete logistic services provider, we are working on Air Freight, Ocean Freight, Warehousing, Inland Transportation, Customs Clearance and International Shipping Agency. In the year 1997 witnesses establishment of H&T and now has more than 900 staff with 28 branch offices situated most of the major cities and main ports in China in 11 years development, our people strive with utmost efforts reach to the goal of “smooth transportation, harmonious relations and honesty”. 华联通国际运输代理有限公司是一家国际货运代理公司,我们为客人提供一套完整的物流服务, 包括空运、海运、仓库、陆路运输、代办当地报/清关及船务代理。 华联通国际运输代理有限公司由1997年成立至今,公司现已有超过900位员工,及设立于中国主 要城市及港口的28间办事处。在这11年间的发展中,我们力求达到“货运流畅、至诚至善”的目 标。

u Services and Solutions • Complete Logistic services provider • Europe, USA, Central and South America, Africa, Asia, Australia and New Zealand • Sea Freight: FCL, LCL, Consolidation • Air Freight: Airport to Airport, Door to Door • Warehousing • Cold Storage (member of CSCMP) • Water Transportation • Inland Transportation • Customs Clearance • Insurance • Project Cargo • Movers (member of IAM and PAIMA) • 完整的物流服务遍布欧洲、美国、南美洲、非洲、 亚洲、澳洲及新西兰 • 海运:整箱、散杂货及拼箱 • 空运:点到点服务 • 仓储 • 冷冻储仓 • 水路运输 • 陆路运输 • 报关 • 货物保险 • 大型工程货运 • 搬运



HAVI Logistics 夏晖物流

n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Chicago, U.S.A. 美国芝加哥 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1994 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 Joint Venture 合资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 6 Xingsheng Jie, Beijing Economic & Technological Development Area, Beijing 100176 北京经济技术开发区兴盛街6号, 邮编100176 ) +86 (10) 6788 3335 7 +86 (10) 6788 0465 8 www.havi-logistics.asia

u Key Contacts Patrick Lin 林志仁 Regional Director Strategic Accounts, Greater Asia ) +86 (10) 6788 3335 x 109 7 +86 (10) 6788 0465 + patrick_lin@havilog.bj.cn

u Highlights HAVI is a lead logistics company with 10 distribution centers throughout Greater China: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Macau, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Wuhan, Shenyang, and Xiamen. We also operate one of China’s first temperature controlled import/ export bonded warehouse in Southern China. Our goal is to continuously look for new ways to create value for our customers’ logistic needs in China and throughout the entire Greater Asia region.

u Company Introduction HAVI Logistic Services is a part of a privately held company established in 1974 to service McDonald’s restaurants in the Chicago, Illinois area. Today HAVI employs over 7500 associates and delivers products to over 10,000 stores from 65 distribution centers in 39 countries worldwide. We currently provide services to a wide range of customers such as McDonalds, Subway and METRO. 夏晖物流是一家私有公司,是1974年为在伊利诺伊州芝加哥地区的麦当劳餐厅提供服务而建立 的。如今,夏晖拥有7500多名员工,从世界各地的39个国家的65个分发中心向10,000多家餐厅 配送货品,目前我们的客户范围更加广泛,其中包括麦当劳、赛百味以及麦德龙。

u Services and Solutions HAVI provides logistic services for customers requiring specialized multi-temperature controlled products to restaurants, hypermarkets, convenient stores and wine/premium food companies 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. As a leading Logistics Provider, HAVI is seeking strategic long-term partnerships with companies requiring a total logistics solution. This includes such value added services as: inventory management, in-store logistic solutions, network optimization, supply chain integration, and logistical support throughout Asia. 夏晖一年365天,一天24小时不间断的向需要多温控货品的餐厅、超级市场、便利店和酒业或食 品公司提供物流服务。 作为领先的物流服务商,夏晖正在寻找和那些需要完整物流解决方案的公司建立长期战略合作关 系的机会。我们还提供如下增值服务:存货控制管理、优化配送网络,整合供应链,货运管理以 及提供亚洲范围内的冷链物流支持。

Customers: McDonalds, Subway, IKEA, Shell, Circle K, Aramark Locations in Asia: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Shenyang, Wuhan, Shenzhen, Yantian, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, Japan 夏晖是一家先进的物流公司,在大中华区的北 京、上海、广州、香港、澳门、深圳、成都、 武汉、沈阳和厦门拥有10个分发中心。我们在 华南的温控保税库是中国第一批温控保税库之 一。夏晖的目标是通过不断寻求新的方法为客 户在中国乃至整个亚洲的物流需求创造价值。



Hercules Logistics 海格物流 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Shenzhen China 中国深圳 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1997 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 Private Enterprise 私营企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Unit 5A, Bldg. A, Shenfubao Hightech Park, No. 3, Huanghuai Road., Futian Free Trade Zone, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518038 广东省深圳市福田保税区黄槐道3号深福保科 技工业园A栋5A,邮编518038 ) +86 (755) 8358 0000 7 +86 (755) 2380 7500 8 www.hercules-logistics.com

u Key Contacts Hawk Chen 陈家和 Sales Director ) +86 (755) 8359 5636 7 +86 (755) 8359 5262 + hawkc@hercules-logistics.com Kelly Ma 马昭 Project Specialist Integrated Logistics ) +86 (755) 8359 2302 7 +86 (755) 2380 7634 + kellyma@hercules-logistics.com

u Highlights We are more than a physical operator of warehousing, inland haulage and container drayage of export and import freight, but also a supply chain solution provider creating value in logistic operation, inventory control and facility management for our clients. Centered around Hercules corporate value, we think internationally and act locally. We serve both local and international customers to drive consistent customer satisfaction. 具备坚实的物流服务基础能力,可提供支持客 户战略及供应链管理需要的整体解决方案,保 障客户供应链管理得以提升的可靠性。广泛的 国内外服务网络,具有高度控制权的物流设 施,服务多样化及深入化,以客户为中心的创 新服务理念,使我们能够对客户的需求做出快 速回应。

u Company Introduction Hercules Logistics was established in 1997 in Shenzhen, China. In addition to its head office in Futian Free Trade Zone of Shenzhen, Hercules has expanded its coverage with 32 branch offices through mainland China and Hong Kong, and employs over 1,200 staff members. Derived from international sea/air freight forwarding business, Hercules has grown into the largest container drayage operator in Southern China with more than 600 vehicles. Additionally we are licensed business provider of customs brokerage and barge services. Hercules Logistics has always been focusing on providing integrated logistics to our clients with the aim of streamlining the whole supply chain, and the state-of-the-art IT system as enabler. 既有支持客户战略及供应链管理需要的整体物流方案的解决能力,又具备高效可靠的物流执行能 力,海格物流自1997年成立以来,坚持以市场和客户需求为导向,提供针对性服务,至今,已发 展了稳定的客户群体:具有鲜明零售物流需求的国内零售企业及供货商、具有国际采购需求的国 际零售企业及贸易商、具有物流外包需求的国内制造企业、以及具有单元型基础物流需求的中小 型企业及物流企业。 目前海格拥有和租赁超过1000辆各种运输车辆,4艘集装箱驳船,逾100,000平米各类仓库。 遍布香港、广州、东莞、上海、苏州、太仓、嘉兴、天津、南宁、防城、北海、贵港、贵阳、昆 明、成都、郑州等地的子公司及办事处,以及覆盖五十多个国家的稳定代理网络,有效的保证了 服务水平。

u Services and Solutions Responding to the needs of clients in different industries, our industry-specific solution portfolio includes: • Retailers and their suppliers get order fulfillment, warehousing, transportation, distribution, reverse logistics; • International buyers and traders get cross-docking, Milk Run, PO management, consolidation, tagging, labeling, and packaging; • Manufactories get speed-to-market logistics package, JIT, VMI, logistics outsourcing, and customs consultation; • Small and medium-sized companies get one-stopshipping of international logistics and forwarding services. 针对不同客户群体的需求,运用创新理念及信息技术,我们提供 的主要服务有: • • • •


零售物流:收发货管理、仓储管理、店面退货 国际采购物流:港前服务、Milkrun、订单管理、仓库集拼作业 制造业物流:厂区物流、运输及装卸设备外包、解决关务疑难 国际货运代理业务:海运、空运、陆运、支线运输、国际联 运、内贸海运、报关报检


ID Logistics

安地物流(上海)有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 France 法国 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2004 年 Shanghai 上海 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Room 19D, Dong Tai Plaza, 309 Tanggu Road, Shanghai 上海市塘沽路309号19D ) +86 (21) 6306 7083 7 +86 (21) 6364 2915 8 www.id-logistics.com

u Company Introduction u Key Contacts Francois Raynal Managing Director ) +86 (21) 6306 5049 7 +86 (21) 6364 2915 + fraynal@id-logistics.com Yuanyuan Liu 刘媛媛 HR Director ) +86 (21) 6306 7083 7 +86 (21) 6364 2915 + yuanyuan_liu@id-logistics.com.cn

u Highlights ID Logistics has developed advanced technology, truly dedicated to the customer service, and equipped with state-of-the-art information system. ID Logistics is continuously looking for the optimization and the customization of our customer’s cases, reducing the costs in the scope of establishing a win-win partnership. In China, we are operating in the field of: • Chilled logistics & cold chain management. • Dry goods logistics ID Logistics拥有先进的国际化物流技术和卓 越的专家研发队伍,致力于为客人的个性化要 求而服务。ID Logistics期待着不断的优化和 制定解决方案满足顾客的需求,在建立双赢的 范围内降低成本。我们的目标是扶持我们的客 户在全球的发展并和我们的客户分享先进的物 流管理理念。 我们运营领域包括: • 低温物流 & 冷链管理 • 常温物流


ID Logistics is a successful fast growing logistics company specialized in warehouse management (chilled and dry), domestic distribution and overall supply chain management. ID logistics has strong activities in France, Spain, Brazil, Poland, Indonesia, and naturally in Greater China (mainland China and Taiwan). Main branches in China: Shanghai, Beijing, Nanjing, Wuhan, Shenzhen, Guangzhou. ID Logistics 是一个成功的快速成长的物流公司。我们提供专业的仓库管理(低温和常温)、内陆运 输和整体供应链的设计与理念。ID Logistics在法国、西班牙、巴西、波兰、印度尼西亚和大中华 地区(中国大陆和台湾)都有着很好的业务发展。 在华主要分公司:上海,北京,南京,武汉,深圳,广州。

u Services and Solutions Integrated supply chain logistics management, from customer’s production site to its customers. • Long distance transportation ID Logistics China organizes 10,000 long distance transportations per year, its services include freight management, LTL consolidation capacity-only solutions and direct-part-load deliveries. • Co-packing ID Logistics China provides various value-added services including co-packing. Its daily production is flexible with the requirement of our customers .The activities involve re-labeling,re-packing,grouping,ect.ID Logistics China has 3 copacking sites with manual,semi-automatic and automatic lines. • Warehousing ID Logistics China is operating 35,000m2 frozen,chilled and dry warehouse with state-of-the-art warehouse management system(Infolog)and a professional warehouse management team. • Inner-city Distribution Every day ,ID Logistics China organizes more than 1,600 high density deliveries in Frozen,chilled and ambient temperature..It has developed a unique expertise in “last mile” distribution to hypermarkets, supermarkets, convenience stores, hotels, restaurants and bakeries in key cities through efficient route-planning. 整合供应链物流管理,从客户的生产工厂到他的消费者 • 长途运输 ID物流中国每年组织管理10,000次长途运输作业,其服务包括货物管理,零担整合,以容量为 导向的解决方案,和部分直接配送。 • 包装组合 ID物流中国为客户提供多种包括包装组合在内的增值服务。它的日生产能力可根据客户要求灵 活地进行调整。其业务包括贴标签,重新包装,组合等。ID物流中国现在3个包装场地拥有手 工,办自动和全自动包装线。 • 仓库管理 ID物流中国拥有专业的仓库管理团队和如艺术般精湛的仓库管理系统,管理着35,000平方米的 冷冻,冷藏和常温仓库。 • 市内配送 每天,ID物流中国组织和管理超过1,600个高密度配送。包括冷冻,冷藏温度和常温产品。其 累计了独特的“最后一里”配送经验。通过有效经济的路线计划直达大型超市,中型超市,便 利店,酒店,餐厅和面包房。


IDS Logistics

利和物流仓储(上海)有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Hong Kong, China 中国香港 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1996 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 8/F Tower Block, LiFung Plaza 2000 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103 上海市闵行区宜山路2000号利丰广场 主楼8楼,邮编201103 ) +86 (21) 2416 4700 7 +86 (21) 3462 7183 8 www.idslogistics.com

u Key Contacts John Geng 耿强 General Manager Logistics, East China ) +86 (21) 2416 4815 7 +86 (21) 3462 7182 + John.geng@idsgroup.com Jenny Zhou 周青 Business Development Manager ) +86 (21) 2416 4923 7 +86 (21) 3462 7182 + Jenny.zhou@idsgroup.com

u Highlights • Inter-modal distribution network to over 250 cities • One-stop solution with licensed from logistics to retail distribution • Strategically located distribution centers and various VAS • Advanced IT system and customtailor capability insure full SC visibility • Specialize in apparel & footwear, chemical & industrial, consumer goods and health care goods • 联合运输网络覆盖逾二百五十个城市 • 领有由物流至零售分销等多个牌照,可提供 一站式服务 • 拥有多处位于战略性地点的配送中心并能提 供多样化的增值服务 • 先进的信息系统及客户化开发能力确保客户 供应链的全程可视 • 专长于鞋类和服装、零售、工业产品、消费 品及医疗药品行业的物流管理 • Selected clients in China: 目前中国部分客户: Nike,adidas,Puma,Ecco爱步,HBI 恒适,Levis 李维斯,七匹狼,Amyway 安利,Remy Martin人头马君度,Abbott 雅培,Toy “R” US玩具反斗城,Exxon Chemical 埃克森美孚,Johnson Diversey 泰华施利华,Dow Chemical 陶 氏化学,C&A 西雅衣家


u Company Introduction As the member of the Li&Fung Group, The IDS is an established Asian multinational company specializing in logistics, distribution, and manufacturing. With focusing on helping principals to penetrate the world’s fastest growing consumer market, we currently serve over 300 multinational companies. We now operate over 90 distribution centres and a multitude of depots covering nearly 10 million square feet across Greater China, ASEAN, the US and UK, which enable us extend our service offering to cover the entire supply chain of our customers. 作为香港利丰集团的成员之一,利和集团业已成为专长于物流、经销及制造的泛亚太跨国企业。 我们专注于帮助客户占领全世界成长最快的消费品市场,目前已经向超过300家跨国企业提供服 务。通过我们在大中华地区、亚太区、美国及英国分布的总计超过1百万平方米的60多处物流设 施,我们可以向客户提供覆盖整条供应链的多样化服务。

u Services and Solutions Warehousing Service 仓储服务 • Bonded warehousing 保税仓储 • Temp-controlled warehousing 恒温仓储 • Cross-docking operations 交叉配货 • Distribution center 配送中心 Domestic Transportation 国内运输 • Network planning & design 网络规划 • Transport/fleet management 运输管理 • Door-to-door delivery 全国门到门配送 • Multi-mode solution 多式联运 • Dangerous goods delivery 危险品运输 International Logistics 国际物流 • Freight forwarding 国际货代业务 • Custom brokerage/clearance 报关/清关 • Consolidation and hubbing 出口拼箱及分拨 Value-added Services 增值服务 • Order management 订单管理 • Packing & labeling 包装及贴标签 • Garment on hanger 挂装服务 • Track & trace 货物追踪 • On-line reporting 在线查询 • Luxury goods management 奢侈品管理


Kuehne & Nagel

德迅(中国)货运代理有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Schindellegi, Switzerland 瑞士 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1979 年 Beijing 北京 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Block 1, 10-16/F, 1868 Gonghexin Road, Shanghai 200072 共和新路1868号大宁国际商业广场 第一幢10-16楼,邮编200072 ) +86 (21) 2602 8000 7 +86 (21) 3387 0200 8 www.kuehne-nagel.com

u Key Contacts Jens Drewes Managing Director ) +86 (21) 2602 8682 7 +86 (21) 3387 0212 + jens.drewes@kuehne-nagel.com Cedric Dulong General Manager Sales & Marketing ) +86 (21) 2602 8684 7 +86 (21) 3397 0200 + cedric.dulong@kuehne-nagel.com

u Highlights • Globally, number one in sea freight, 3rd in contract logistics and top 3 in air freight • The first global provider to operate a wholly owned subsidiary in Shanghai • In China, the company is present at 40 locations with a workforce of more than 2,600 specialists • In March 2004, the company was awarded the “Class A Forwarder’s License” • In July 2007, the company received the certificate of “China Civil Air Transport Sales Agency Service” (Air Freight Bronze Medal) • First international logistics provider to have been certified according to phase II of Cargo 2000

u Company Introduction With 55,000 employees at 900 locations in over 100 countries, the Kuehne + Nagel Group is one of the world’s leading logistics companies. Its strong market position lies in the seafreight, airfreight, contract logistics and overland businesses, with a clear focus on providing IT-based supply chain management services. 德迅集团是全球首屈一指的物流服务公司,业务遍及100个国家900个地点,共聘用55,000名员 工。德迅主要业务是海、陆、空运和合约式物流服务, 并致力提供以资讯科技为本的供应链管理方 案。

u Services and Solutions Kuehne + Nagel excels at offering customers the full range of global services from a single source. The company focuses on several business sectors, including automotive, high-tech, industrial goods & chemical, pharmaceutical & healthcare and FMCG & consumer durables. In addition, the company provides specialised solutions in the areas of hotel and aviation logistics, and is engaged in several niche sectors, including the global transportation of perishables, beverages logistics, exhibition logistics, aid and relief logistics, as well as in the oil, energy and project businesses. Poster Querformat neu 2009:Layout 1


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德迅专注于汽车、高科技、工业产品、化学品、保健医疗、快速消费品及耐用品等行业提供物流 服务。此外,公司亦提供酒店及飞机制造业物流等专门的解决方案,并且经营易变产品的全球运 输、餐饮物流、展览物流以及石油与能源项目等特殊服务。

• 全球范围内,海运第一,合约式物流第三, 空运第三 • 首家在上海设立全资子公司的国际物流服务 供应商 • 公司在全国40个地点设立办事处,专业员工 人数达2,600余人 • 2004年3月获发甲级货运代理牌照 • 2007年7月获得中国民用航空运输销售业务 资格认可证书(航空铜牌) • 首家拥有全球Cargo 2000第二阶段资格证 书的国际物流公司



Linfox Road Transport (Shanghai) 林孚克斯(上海)道路运输有限公司

n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Melbourne, Australia 澳大利亚 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2005 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 26-F, Cross Region Plaza, 899 Lingling Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai 200030 上海市徐汇区零陵路899号飞洲国际广场26 楼F座,邮编200030 ) +86 (21) 5150 6699 7 +86 (21) 5150 6698 8 www.linfox.com

u Key Contacts Mark Parlane 潘马克 Country Manager, Greater China ) +86 (21) 5150 6699 7 +86 (21) 5150 6698 + mark_parlane@linfox.com Reese Sun 孙荣 Operations Director ) +86 (21) 5150 6691 7 +86 (21) 5150 6698 + reese_sun@linfox.com

u Highlights • Business scope 经营范围 Warehousing, Road Transportation Consulting, Mining Logistics • Current customers in China 客户包括: Unilever, OI, Exxonmobil, TESCO • Warehouse Location 中国仓库所在地 Beijing, Guangzhou • China Offices 中国区办公室 Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Wulumuqi, Hong Kong

u Company Introduction Linfox was established in 1956 by Lindsay Fox, the pioneer of integrated logistics in Australia. Today, Linfox remains the industry leader in the provision of warehousing, transportation and supply chain management. Linfox is one of the Australia’s largest privately owned companies with over 10,000 skilled personnel providing supply chain management solutions to many of leading MNCs in Asia Pacific region. The operation utilize over 47,000 motorized units of equipment and manage more than 1,000,000 square meters of warehousing spaces. 1956年 Lindsay Fox 先生在澳大利亚建立了推崇综合性物流的企业-林孚克斯。今天,林孚克斯 在提供仓储,运输和供应链管理等多个方面仍然是该行业的领导者。在亚太地区,林孚克斯是澳 大利亚最大的民营公司,拥有超过10,000名技术人员,将供应链管理解决方案提供给许多跨国领 先企业。在营运中,利用47,000的机动车设备,管理着超过1,000,000平方米的仓储空间。

u Services and Solutions An efficient supply chain is at the heart of every successful service business. It means the difference between just being in business and being prosperous in business. Linfox has developed the infrastructure, technology and expertise needed to optimize customer and industry supply chains. From basic transport and warehousing to sophisticated supply chain modeling and demand management. Linfox creates value for its customers. 高效率的供应链是每个成功服务业的核心,这意 味着差别只是在业务和业务发展繁荣之间。林孚 克斯已经发展基础设施,满足技术和专门知识的 需要,优化客户和产业供应链。从基本的运输和 仓储业,到先进的供应链模式和需求管理。林孚 克斯为他的客户创造价值。



Linghua Logistics 上海菱华仓储服务有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Shanghai 上海 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1996 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 333 Ke Yuan Road Zhangjiang HiTech Park Pudong New Area, Shanghai 201203 上海市浦东新区张江高科技园区科苑路333 号 邮编201203 ) +86 (21) 5080 0107 7 +86 (21) 5080 0109

u Key Contacts Zhong Liang 钟亮 Business Dept Manager ) +86 (21) 5080 0108 7 +86 (21) 5080 0109 + zhong.liang@linghua-logistics.com Chen Lihong 陈礼宏 Business Dept General Manager ) +86 (21) 5080 0108 7 +86 (21) 5080 0109 + chen.lihong@linghua-logistics.com

u Company Introduction Shanghai Linghua Logistics was founded in 1996 in Shanghai, China. Ever since we started the business, we have been engaged in storage and delivery operations and have considerable experience in this field. Now we operate more than 61,850 square meters of warehouse mainly in Shanghai. Taking advantage of the well experienced warehousing and transportation know-how, we provide logistics services that meet the wide range of requirements for various products. 上海菱华仓储服务有限公司自1996年在中国上海成立以来,在物流仓储和运输业务运营不断成 长。且积累了丰富的行业经验。目前在上海,本公司拥有约61,850平方米面积的仓库,凭借在仓 储及运输方面领先于其他行业的管理经验优势,可以提供给客户满足多种类商品的物流需求的服 务。

u Highlights

u Services and Solutions

The main feature of Shanghai Linghua Logistics is strong operational management.

Shanghai Linghua Logistics offers customized services and solutions as follows:

• Customer Orientation: We meet customer’s needs and requirements. • Strong Kaizen Policy: We continuously improve operational processes. • Dealing Promptly with Problems: We take appropriate actions for solving problems and build strong relationships with customers. • Stable Day-to-Day Operations (Speedy and Accurate): We are confident of our high-quality operations. You will be surely satisfied with our powerful logistics support. 上海菱华物流的主要特点是强有力的运营管理。 • 客户至上:我们提供给客户满足需求的服务 • 强有力的改善能力:不断改善我们的运营流程 • 发现问题及时处理:我们采取合理的措施来 解决产生的问题并与客户建立紧密的关系 • 稳定的日常操作(快速&准确):我们对高 品质的操作充满信心

Warehousing Services • Strategitic distribution center in China, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week • Parts distribution center accurately handling over 30,000 SKU • GMP-compliant storage • Packing and Labeling • Inventory management and handling operation in customer’s premises Domestic Transportation Services • Door-to-door distribution service • Multimodal transportation 上海菱华物流提供个性化的物流服务和解决方案: 仓储服务 • 在中国成立战略配送中心,全天侯24小时提供 服务 • 零部件配送中心具备30,000品种以上部品准确 操作和管理能力 • 以GMP为基准的规范仓储服务 • 货品流通加工(包装及加贴标贴) • 在客户的场所代替客户进行仓储管理及作业 国内运输服务 • 门到门的配送服务 • 多种方式联运




Linkstar Logistics

精裕捷星物流有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Hong Kong, China 中国香港 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2001 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 Joint Venture 合资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 49A, 199, North Riying Road, Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone, Shanghai 200131 上海市外高桥保税区日樱北路199号49A, 邮编200131 ) +86 (21) 5046 1666 7 +86 (21) 5046 3898 8 www.linkstarlogistics.com

u Key Contacts Victor Shi 施煜敏 ) +86 (21) 5046 1666 7 +86 (21) 5046 3898 + victor@julink.com Janny Lv 吕蔚雯 ) +86 (21) 5046 1855 7 +86 (21) 5046 3898 + janny_lv@julink.com

u Company Introduction Linkstar Logistic was founded in 2001 as a 3rd Party Logistics service provider. Its services cover the whole supply chain including import and export agency, forwarding, warehousing and distribution, etc. By providing logistics solutions, Linkstar Logistics is improving the core links of the supply chain for Chinese and foreign manufacturers. We have agencies and partners in global core ports. In East, North and South China, Linkstar has its own warehousing and distributing service locations and in Shanghai, Linkstar has its own bonded and non-bonded warehouses. 成立于2001年的精裕捷星物流有限公司是一家从事第三方物流服务的专业公司。业务覆盖了包 括国际贸易代理、国际货运、仓储、配送等供应链的各个环节,通过为客户提供整体物流解决方 案,服务于中外制造企业和贸易商。 LINKSTAR在全球核心港口拥有物流网点,在华北、华东和华南拥有自己的仓储和配送设施。在 上海,LINKSTAR在外高桥、金桥、松江等工业园区拥有设施先进的报税和非保税仓库。

u Highlights • Industries supported/ targeted in China: Chemical, Engineering Machinery, Industrial equipment/machinery, Automotive, Healthcare/ pharmaceutical/ biotech, Cold chain goods, Hightech, Electrical/ electronics, Semiconductor, Telecoms, Retail, Wood/ paper, Clothing/ textiles/ apparel/ fashion, FMCG/ consumer goods, etc. • No. of installations in China is 7 • Warehouse locations: Shanghai (Waigaoqiao, Jinqiao, Songjiang, Yangshan), Tianjin, Nantong, Ningbo • 在中国目标服务领域:化工,工程机械,工业 设备,汽车,医疗器械,冷鲜货物,高科技电 子,半导体,通信,零售,木业造纸,纺织服 装,快速消费品等 • 在中国建立的仓库数量 7 • 中国仓库所在地:上海(外高桥,金桥,松 江,洋山),天津,南通,宁波 • Current customers in China 客户包括: GE Silicones 通用有机硅, GE-TOSHIBA 通用东芝, Doosan 斗山, ABB, Ingersoll Rand 英格索兰, Lord 洛德, Grace 格雷 斯, Ebmpapst 依必安派特, ZF 采埃孚, Momenetive 迈图, etc.


u Services and Solutions International sourcing 国际采购 • Trade agency service 进出口贸易代理 • Consolidation 集货 • Permits and certificates application 许可证件办理 Freight forwarding 货运代理 • Air freight 空运 • Ocean freight 海运 Customs brokerage services 清关服务 Warehousing and distribution 仓储配送 • Cargo distribution 货物分拨 • Bonded distribution center 保税分拨中心 • Picking center for repair parts 维修部件分拣中心 • Inventory management 库存管理 • Purchase order, management 订单管理 • Claims management 索赔管理 • Management of returned goods 退货管理 • Barcode management 货物条形码管理 • Real-time inventory checking system 在线库存查询系统 Value-added warehousing services 仓库增值服务 • Comprehensive support to purchasing and sale 采购与产品销售的全方位支持 • Bonded distribution center provide 提供保税分拨中心 • Bulk Declaration and Batch delivering 分批出货,集中报关 • Devanning, picking ,packing 装卸、分拣、包装 • Labeling and barcode scanning 贴标签和条形码扫描 • Repairing, inspection and testing center 维修检验测试中心 • Reverse logistics 维修品逆向物流 • Individual operation procedure 个性化的业务操作流程 Transportation services 运输服务 Information system services 信息系统服务 • Periodical stocking report forming 定期库存报告 • On-line stock checking 在线库存查询



上海衣尚仓储有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Spain 西班牙 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2007 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Transportation Tower, Room 1101 218, Hengfeng Road, Shanghai 上海现代交通大厦 恒丰路218号1101室 )+86 (21) 5180 1781 +86 (21) 6250 2398 8 www.logisfashion.com

u Key Contacts

u Company Introduction

Alvaro Los Arcos General Manager ) +86 139 1761 4568 + Alosarcos.cn@logisfashion.com

With 13 years experience in the fashion logistics sector, today we work from fully equipped warehouses for textile handling and distribution in: Shanghai, Shenzhen and Hongkong (China), Barcelona, Guadalajara (Spain), Santiago de Chile (Chile), Mexico DF (Mexico). These logistics centers have more than 100,000m2 of space and a storage capacity for over 3,000,000 hanging garments.

Rafael Torres International Manager ) +34 6499 62756 + rtorres@logisfashion.com

1996年成立于西班牙,13年来始终给全球服装行业提供整体专业和特色的供应链物流服务。我们 在提供基本服装物流的服务之外,更在质量检验,包装,整合标签,库存控制,配送,进出口运输 贸易等服装物流方面有自己独树一帜的高水准。

u Services and Solutions u Highlights

Logistic services at origin:

Outsourcing, specialization and flexibility: our major ADVANTAGES

In this area we cover the beginning of the supply chain together with the QC, aspects of increasing importance helping the relocation of the production. The most common operations are: • Different suppliers´ consolidation of one country or more countries • Preparation of first orders • Direct distribution to different markets, such as the Chinese or American • Trading operations • Establishment of local distribution center • Transportation

• Turn fixed cost into variable cost • Tailor made customer services to help them improve their efficiency in their core business operations • Customer Efficiency (ECR) • Specialization in garment processing, picking and transportation • Flexibility to fulfill the growth plans of our customers • IT market leadership that allow our customers to have “on line” information and customized reports wherever they are • Reduce logistic costs derived from the seasonality of the textile sector


As part of our portfolio services we also offer in our subsidiaries the following services: • Goods reception • Storing • Unbox and hang • Hanging garments distribution • Tunnel finishing • On line connection to the IT system. • Dollie pressing • Quality control • Hand ironing • Tagging • Bagging • Trading services • Picking via radiofrequency • Warehousing consulting • Logistics consultancy


Logwin Air + Ocean China

普及国际货运代理(中国)有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Aschaffenburg, Germany 德国 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1972 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 5/F & 6/F, Ocean Towers, 550 East Yan’an Road, Shanghai 200001 上海市延安东路550号海洋大厦5楼和6楼, 邮编200001 ) +86 (21) 2326 2000 7 +86 (21) 6360 4476 8 www.logwin-logistics.com + info.shanghai@logwin-logistics.com

u Key Contacts Henk Westerhoek 韦汉克 Managing Director, China ) +86 (21) 2326 2000 +86 139 0174 4775 7 +86 (21) 6360 4476 + henk.westerhoek@logwin-logistics.com Hull Pang 庞浩 Sales & Marketing Manager, China ) +86 (21) 2326 2000 +86 136 0161 5586 7 +86 (21) 6360 4476 + hull.pang@logwin-logistics.com

u Highlights Logwin Air + Ocean • 200 locations worldwide with 1900 employees • 17 branches in China (for 38 years) • “Class A” Freight Forwarding Agent and NVOCC licenses in China • Road, sea and air consolidated/direct services worldwide • Bonded and non-bonded warehouse logistics service • Hanging garment processing • Customs clearance • Aftermarket logistics • • • • • • • •

在全球200个地区拥有1900多名员工 在中国38年中建立了17家分公司 中国货运一级代理及无船承运人资格 海洋航空及公路运输服务综合/独立服务 拥有保税及非保税仓储物流服务 挂衣服装的操作 清关服务 售后服务市场物流

u Company Introduction As an external partner, Logwin AG, Grevenmacher (Luxembourg), develops a comprehensive range of logistics and service solutions for trade and industry. In 2009, the group generated sales of 1.1 billion euros and currently employs approximately 5,500 staff in 45 countries. Logwin operates in main markets worldwide and has over 400 locations across all continents. With its two business segments, Solutions (customer-orientated contract logistics solutions) and Air + Ocean (global air and ocean freight forwarding activities), Logwin AG is one of the market leaders. Logwin AG is listed on the Prime Standard of Deutsche Boerse. The majority shareholder is DELTON AG, Bad Homburg. 总部位于德国的普及国际货运代理(中国)有限公司作为一个外部的合作伙伴为贸易企业和工业 厂商提供全方位综合的物流服务和解决方案。公司于2009年取得了11亿欧元的营业额。近年来 公司规模逐步扩大,网络已延伸至全球各大洲的所有主要市场,在45个国家的400多个地区拥有 近5500名员工。 公司主要有二大业务板块产业解决方案(以顾客为导向的合同式物流解决方案)航空海洋运输(全 球性的航空海洋运输业务)凭借这二大业务板块普及国际货运代理有限公司已跻身于市场引领者 的行列。 普及货运是德国证券交易所的上市公司巴德洪堡的DELTON AG为其主要持股人。

u Services and Solutions The business segment Air + Ocean is present on all continents with a total of 200 locations, including 96 of its own company branches. In addition to air and sea transportation, 1,900 employees also provide tailor-made and complex logistics services. The company’s international focus is on Europe, Asia, Australia, South Africa and the Americas. Vertical Market Logwin Air + Ocean is active in the following market segments: high-tech, electrical/electronics, telecoms, semiconductor, energy, chemical, automotive, engineering, healthcare/pharmaceutical, industrial equipment/ machinery, consumer goods, plastics/rubber, wood/paper, building materials, metal products, textiles/apparel/fashion, retail. 公司在全球共200个地区开展航空海洋运输业务其中包括96个独资分公司并有1900名员工为顾 客提供定制的综合物流服务。公司放眼于国际市场聚焦于欧洲亚洲澳洲南非以及美洲。 普及货运的细分市场: 高科技电子/电气电信半导体能源化学制品/汽车工业工程医疗/医药制造业/工业器械/消费品塑料/ 橡胶木材/纸制品建材纺织品/服饰零售业



Menlo Worldwide Logistics 万络国际物流有限公司

n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Shanghai, China 中国上海 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1962 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 13/F Tower A, Golden Eagle Mansion, 1518, Minsheng Road, Shanghai 200135 上海浦东新区民生路1518号 金鹰大厦A座13楼,邮编200135 ) +86 (21) 6160 1198 7 +86 (21) 6160 1190 8 www.menloworldwide.com + sales.cn@menloworldwide.com

u Key Contacts Leong Choong Cheng Senior BD Director ) +86 (21) 6160 1198 x 8323 7 +86 (21) 6160 1190 + sales.cn@menloworldwide.com

u Highlights • Creative solutions for every logistics challenge, from the simplest to the most complex supply chain needs.

u Company Introduction Menlo Worldwide Logistics (China) Ltd is a global leader in providing logistics and supply chain solutions with an extensive network covering 110 locations throughout China. Our process-oriented approach is driven by logistics professionals with in-depth experience and market knowledge and is supported by state-of-the-art systems. We enable our customers to reduce cost, improve service – and get ahead of the competition. Through operational excellence, continuous improvement discipline and engineering expertise, we eliminate waste from the supply chain. Menlo China is a subsidiary of Con-way Inc., the $4.3 billion New York Stock Exchange-listed freight transportation and logistics services company headquartered in San Mateo, California. 万络国际物流是全球物流和供应链解决方案的领袖,在中国拥有110多个营业网点。其深悉市 场的专业团队通过高精尖系统,使用行之有效的流程驱动方法,帮助客户有效降低成本、提升服 务,从而在竞争中超凡出众。通过周密的操作,不断改进纪律和工程科技,万络国际物流承诺杜 绝供应链中的浪费现象。

• A network of 110 locations throughout China, including regional offices in Shanghai, Beijing, Suzhou, Xi’an, Chengdu, Wuhan, Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

万络中国是Con-way物流运输的子公司,其母公司是纽约证交所上市公司,市值43亿美元,总 部位于美国加利福尼亚州的圣马特奥。

• Menlo China benefits from the deep experience of its US parent company for 12 consecutive years a top-ten 3PL provider in the United States, according to Inbound Logistics magazine.

Menlo China offers customized and program managed solutions to execute all phases of the supply chain, including design, engineering, implementation, management and fulfillment. Our greater China services include: • Multi-modal domestic transportation network management • Dedicated and scalable multi-client warehousing • Global supply chain solutions • Line-side delivery and parts sequencing • Nationwide network of product pickup and drop-off points • Value added services (e.g. kitting, labeling, configuration) • Logistics engineering, optimization modeling, and value stream mapping • 4PL, LLP, using LEAN methodologies

• Particular strength in High-tech, FMCG, Automotive and Chemical industries. • 提供创新物流解决方案,满足从最简单到最 复杂的供应链运作需求 • 在中国设立了110个办事处,包括上海、北 京、苏州、西安、成都、武汉、广州、香港 和台湾等区域办事处。 • 万络中国得益于美国集团总部在物流业的深 厚经验—12年连续雄踞美国第三方物流公 司十佳(由权威杂志《Inbound Logistics》评选)。 • 行业优势突出:高科技、快速消费品、汽 车、化工行业。


u Services and Solutions

万络国际物流(中国)为客户量身打造的物流解决方案,涵 盖从设计、实施、管理到运作的供应链项目所有阶段。大中 华区主要服务领域: • 多方式国内运输管理服务 • 专属或多客户仓储服务 • 全球供应链解决方案 • 直接送货至生产线并按顺序排列部件 • 产品提货点及卸货点遍布全国 • 增值物流服务(如配套拣货、贴标签、简单装配) • 物流工程设计、模型优化、价值流程图分析 • 第四方物流、领先物流提供商(LLP)、精益物流


Nowaday Rational Logistics 今日合理物流有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Shanghai, China 中国上海 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2004 年 Shanghai 上海 n Legal status in China 企业性质 Private Enterprise 私营企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 685 Huadan Road Qingpu District Shanghai 201708 上海市青浦区华丹路685号,邮编201708 ) +86 (21) 5155 6226 7 +86 (21) 5155 6225 8 www.heli56.com

u Key Contacts Li Cong 李聪 ) +86 (21) 5155 6226 7 +86 (21) 5155 6225 + licong@heli56.com Cai Geng Qiang 蔡耿强 ) +86 (21) 6264 1626 7 +86 (21) 6264 1626 + caigq@heli56.com

u Highlights • Focus on the FMCG and related industry • Focus on the City-delivery • Network of large coverage-services reaching more than 40 major cities with more than 3000 terminals in Shanghai • Outstanding ability of integrating resources • Rapid and accurate reactions to incidents • 专注于快速消费品及相关联行业 • 专注于城市配送 • 强大的网络覆盖能力:上海可覆盖3000余个 终端,全国可覆盖40多个重要城市 • 优秀的资源整合能力 • 快速的应变能力 Key Clients: 主要客户有 LianHua Supermarket 联华超市, Suntory 三得利, Hygienix 洁云纸业, Everbeauty 全 日美(嘘嘘乐), yeo’s 杨协成, Zhongshun 中顺纸业(洁柔), Lafang 拉芳日化

u Company Introduction Shanghai Nowaday Rational Logistics was founded in January 2004 as a local third-party logistics (3PL), specializing in providing innovative supply chain solution in Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) and related industry. Rational Logistics is now operating a distribution centre of over 15,000m2 in Huaxin Town, Qingpu District, Shanghai, and owns over 80 vehicles and 200 employees. We offer services of over 30 clients, including Lianhua Supermarket, Suntory, Everbeauty, Yeo’s, Hygienix. We also have the distribution centers in Nanjing and Hangzhou, which supply services to the whole Yangtze region. In the Q1 of 2010, we will start a new distribution centre with 8,000 pallets in the cool room (from minus 30oC to 18oC) and 25,000 pallets in the regular room. It will be located in the Jiang Qiao Logistics Area, Jiading District, Shanghai. 上海今日合理物流有限公司成立于2004年1月,是一家本土化的致力于主要为快速消费品及相关 行业提供具备创新能力的供应链解决方案的专业第三方物流公司。 发展至今,公司现在上海的配送中心位于青浦区华新镇,投入使用面积为15000平方米,拥有80 余部自有车辆,员工200余名,为包括联华超市、三得利、全日美、杨协成、洁云等近30家客户提 供物流服务。同时,我们还在南京、杭州等地拥有配送中心,可为客户提供华东整体区域化服务。 在2010年上半年,我们将启用位于上海嘉定区江桥物流园区的新配送中心,其中冷冻/藏库(零下30 度-零上18度)规划储位为8000个,常温库规划储位为25000个,并配备自动货架(S/R& S/R)。

u Services and Solutions Nowaday Rational Logistics offers the end-to-end solutions from a client’s plant to end customers including Goods transfer, Warehouse, Pick and Delivery in the whole Yangtze region. At the same time, we also offer the value-added services including light manufacturing/in-plant assembling, Order /Sales management, reverse logistics and so on. 我们为客户提供端到端的整体物流服务,从工厂到终端客户的一揽子解决方案:包括货物调拨、 仓储、货物分拣、终端配送的一体化服务,覆盖区域为整个华东;另外我们还提供诸如库内加 工、订单管理、退货管理等增值服务。 Rational Logistics




Hyper market




Other ends

Other Clients

A “co-delivery-network“ by Rational Logistics Codelivery

Vehicle Arrange


Order Arrange



Cross Picking


门店 消费者 (奶站)




P.G. Logistics Group 宝供物流 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Guangzhou, China 中国广州 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1994 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 Private Enterprise 私营企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 4/F, Baogong Building, 361 East Longkou Road, Tianhe district, Guangzhou 广州市天河区龙口东路361号宝供大厦四楼 ) +86 (20) 3848 2090 7 +86 (20) 3848 2086 8 www.pgl-world.com

u Key Contacts Jeff Xie 谢健民 Associate Marketing Director ) +86 (20) 3848 2012 7 +86 (20) 3848 2036 + jeff.xie@pgl-world.com Tracy Liu 刘翠 Sales Management Manager ) +86 (20) 3848 2230 7 +86 (20) 3848 2036 + tracy@pgl-world.com

u Highlights Branch offices: More than 80 branch offices located in Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, Shenyang, Dalian, Suzhou, Hefei, Wuhan, Chengdu, Nanjing, Tianjing, Shunde, Zhengzhou, Xi’an, Changsha, Kunming, Shenzhen, Haikou, Nanning, Hangzhou, Shijiazhuang, Fuzhou, Harbin, Changchun, Chongqing, Lanzhou, Urumchi etc.

u Company Introduction P.G. Logistics Group was founded in 1994 with headquarter in Guangzhou. It was the first one to be registered as a Logistics Group Company by the State Administration of Industry and Commerce, and one of the first leading and professional Third Party Logistics companies to provide integrated logistics solutions to customers. Our supply-chain–integrated logistics services include Supply Chain Management Consulting, Operation, Value-added Services, logistics Information and Finance Services and so on. At present, it has formed strategic alignment with approximately 100 domestic and multinational enterprises, which include P&G, Unilever, Amway, Petrol China, Akzonobel, Li-ning etc. 宝供物流企业集团有限公司创建于1994年,总部设于广州,是国内第一家经国家工商局批准以物 流名称注册的企业集团,是我国最早运用现代物流理念为客户提供一体化物流服务的专业公司, 也是目前我国最具规模、最具影响力、最领先的第三方物流企业之一。企业为客户提供物流策 划、物流运作、增值服务、信息服务、资金服务等供应链一体化的综合物流服务,目前与宝洁、 联合利华、安利、中石油、阿克苏诺贝尔、李宁等世界500强及国内大型制造企业结成战略联盟。

u Services and Solutions

Customers List: P&G, Unilever, Amway, Philips, Samsung, LG, Kaft, Mead Johnson, Petrol China, Akzonobel, Foton Motor,Toyota Motor, Li-ning etc. Core Business: 3rd Party Logistics IT system: Implementing internet/intranet technologies in logistics areas, establishing the logistics information system of P.G. Logistics Group, and providing the customers with information service 分公司及办事处:广州、上海、北京、沈阳、 大连、苏州、合肥、武汉、成都、南京、天津、 顺德、郑州、西安、长沙、昆明、深圳、海口、 南宁、杭州、石家庄、福州、哈尔滨、长春、重 庆、兰州、乌鲁木齐等80多个办事处 客户名单:宝洁、联合利华、安利、飞利浦、 三星、LG、卡夫、红牛、中石油、阿克苏诺贝 尔、福田汽车、丰田汽车、李宁等 核心业务:第三方物流 信息系统:率先把Internet/Intranet技术运用 到物流实践,建立宝供的物流信息系统,为客 户提供信息化服务



Penske (China) Logistics 潘世奇物流

n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Reading, U.S.A. 美国雷丁 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2003 年 Shanghai 上海 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Room 1801, Honi International Building, 233 Weihai Road, Shanghai 200030 上海威海路233号恒利国际大厦1801室 邮编 200030 ) +86 (21) 6327 8566 7 +86 (21) 6327 1903 8 www.penskelogistics.com

u Key Contacts Kenny Bao 包一帆 Director, Business Development ) +86 (21) 6327 8566 x 260 +86 138 1800 9812 7 +86 (21) 6327 1903 + kenny.bao@penske.com

u Highlights Recognized leaders for innovative solutions in manufacturing, high end consumer products and health care logistics including: • • • •

Inbound material transportation Inventory management Finished goods distribution Aftermarket service parts logistics

潘世奇物流是公认的在制造业,高端消费品和 医疗保健领域中具有创新方案的物流服务领导 者,主要包含如下服务内容: • • • •

材料的入厂运输 库存管理 成品配送 售后服务零部件的物流

u Company Introduction Penske Logistics’ more than 400 locations, 10,000 associates, 4,000 vehicle fleet, and 15 million square feet of warehousing and cross docking space serve customers throughout North America, South America, Europe and Asia. We are a global provider of logistics, transportation and distribution services. Ford, General Motors, Pepsi, Merck, Sony and Whirlpool have teamed with us to reduce supply chain costs, increase market share and improve profitability. We have established ourselves globally to better meet the logistics needs of customers with dynamic global supply chains. 潘世奇物流在北美,南美,欧洲,亚洲拥有总共400多个运作中心,10000多名员工,4000 多辆运输车辆和150万平方米仓库面积。我们是物流,仓储,配送的全球物流服务商。福特,通 用,百事,默克,索尼,惠而浦等公司都通过和潘世奇物流的合作而降低了供应链的成本,增加 了市场占有率,改善了收益。我们通过全球化来更好地满足客户多变的全球供应链的需求。

u Services and Solutions Our collaborative, “best teams” approach enables us to be more than a logistics service provider. We are your business partner. We offer a full spectrum of services in China: • Inbound/outbound Logistics • Bonded & non-bonded DC management • FTL, LTL Transportation • Supply chain management • International transportation management • Optimized solutions - Transportation routing - Network location analysis - Warehouse design 通过"最佳的团队"的合作方式使我们不仅仅是你的物 流服务商,我们又是你的业务合作伙伴。 在中国我们提供全面的物流服务,包括: • 进厂/出厂物流 • 保税和非保税仓库管理 • 整车,零担运输 • 供应链管理 • 国际货运 • 物流优化方案 - 运输路经优化 - 网络选址分析 - 仓库规划设计



Schneider Logistics 世能达物流(天津)有限公司 世能达国际物流(天津)有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 U.S.A. 美国 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2005 年 Shanghai 上海 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 UC Tower, Suite 1606, 500 Fushan Road, Shanghai 上海浦东福山路500号城建国际中心1606室 ) +86 (21) 5058 7970 7 +86 (21) 5058 7909 8 www.schneider.com

u Key Contacts Jonathan Wang 王嘉豪 Operation Director ) +86 (21) 5058 7970 x 126 7 +86 (21) 5058 7909 + wangjh@schneider.com Judy Xu 徐佳 Shanghai Branch Manager South China Operations Manager ) +86 (21) 5058 7970 x 129 7 +86 (21) 5058 7909 + xuj@schneider.com

u Highlights 26 operating sites in China: Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Baicheng, Shenyang, Dalian, Yantai, Qingdao, Jinan, Bingzhou, Linyi, Mengzhou, Xi’an, Chuzhou, Hefei, Nanjin, Wuxi, Suzhou, Jiaxing, Hangzhou, Wuhu, Wuhan, Xiamen, Shenzhen 在中国有26个运营点: 北京,天津,上海,广州,成都,白城,沈 阳,大连,烟台,青岛,济南,滨州,临沂, 孟州,西安,滁州,合肥,南京,无锡,苏 州,嘉兴,杭州,芜湖,武汉,厦门,深圳

u Company Introduction Schneider Logistics is an international leading logistics provider that helps customers capture strategic business value from their supply chains in lowered distribution costs, reduced inventory, improved customer service and increased availability to working capital. The company provides Global 2000 companies with a range of supply chain solutions, including supply chain engineering, supply chain management technologies and outsourced logistics services. Schneider Logistics (Tianjin), and Schneider Global Logistics (Tianjin) Co., Ltd are whollyowned subsidiaries of Schneider National, a premier provider of transportation, logistics and related services with a 70-year track record. 作为一家领先的国际物流提供商,世能达致力帮助客户降低运输成本,减少库存,改进客户服 务,增加营运资本的顺畅流动,让他们因此从其供应链中获得具有战略意义的业务价值。世能达 公司为“全球两千强”公司提供全面的供应链解决方案,包括供应链设计,供应链管理技术以及 物流外包服务。世能达物流(天津)有限公司和世能达国际物流(天津)有限公司是世能达股份 有限公司在中国的全资子公司。世能达公司拥有70年专业运输和物流解决方案的悠久历史。在运 输,物流及相关服务领域享有盛誉。

u Services and Solutions Supply Chain Consulting 供应链咨询 • Supply chain engineering 供应链方案设计 • Research and development 全球供应链服务 • Network optimization 网络优化 • China education program 职业培训 Domestics Logistics 国内物流服务 • Transportation management 运输管理 • Warehousing and cross-docking 仓储分拨管理 • 3PL Management services 第三方物流服务 • Multimode solutions 多式联运服务 International Freight Management 国际运输管理 • Freight forwarding 国际货代业务 • International ocean & air 国际船运和空运 • Vendor management & consolidation 供应商管理及拼箱管理 • Regulatory compliance 监管及贸易条款 • First “mile” solutions 出口分拨



SDV PRC International Freight Forwarding 硕达(上海)国际货运有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Paris, France 法国巴黎 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1995 年 Beijing 北京 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 20/F, East Building, New Hualian Mansion, 755 Middle Huaihai Road Shanghai 200020 上海市淮海中路755号新华联大厦东楼20 楼,邮编200020 ) +86 (21) 3395 0600 7 +86 (21) 6886 9188 8 www.sdvchina.com

u Key Contacts Stephane Guesnier Managing Director East & Central China ) +86 (21) 3395 0688 7 +86 (21) 6886 9188 + s.guesnier@sdv.com Alexandre Yamada Shanghai Branch Manager ) +86 (21) 3395 0550 7 +86 (21) 6886 9188 + a.yamada@sdv.com

u Highlights • Branches in East and Central China: Shanghai, Ningbo, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Wuhan, Chengdu • Branches in North China: Beijing, Tianjin, Dalian, Qingdao, Xi’an

u Company Introduction SDV International Logistics is a world renowned, leading logistics group, specialized in international freight forwarding, transportation and logistics. Of French origin and now operating in 89 countries with 28,000 employees, SDV International Logistics belongs to the Bolloré Group, which employs 31,000 people worldwide. SDV currently has 16 agencies in China, 700 staff and dedicated logistics facilities throughout China. SDV国际物流是世界知名的专业国际货运物流集团。集团由波洛莱集团在法国建立,目前在全球 89个国家开设了营业网点,拥有28,000名员工。 SDV在中国现设有16个分公司,拥有700名员工,在全国范围都配有运输网络。我们依赖先进的 内部信息技术系统,灵活可靠的国际网络以及与国际货运供应商的良好关系为您提供专业可靠的物 流货运服务。

u Services and Solutions International logistics by sea and air, both into and out of China, door to door services, logistics solutions, warehousing and distribution and customs clearance, aerospace, oil & gas and industrial projects. SDV has dedicated facilities in Wai Gao Qiao Bonded Zone, in non-bonded logistics zones, at the port and at the airport, with a total area of 18,000 sqm.

• Branches in South China: Guangzhou, Xiamen, Shenzhen

国际空运和海运业务,门到门服务,整体物流解决方案,仓储、配送,货物清关,航空,石油天 然气,工程及相关业务。

• 华东及华中分公司: 上海、宁波、南京、杭州、苏州、武汉、 成都


• 华北分公司: 北京、天津、大连、青岛、西安 • 华南区分公司: 广州、厦门、深圳



Sinotrans Guangdong 中国外运广东有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Guangzhou, China 中国 广州 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1953 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 Hong Kong listed, state-owned company 在香港证交所上市的国有企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 16/F, 97 Haiyuan Road, Huangpu, Guangzhou, China 510700 广州市黄埔区海员路97号外运大楼16楼, 邮编:510700 )+86 (20) 8710 2800 7+86 (20) 8710 8400 8 gd.sinotrans.com

u Key Contacts Masato Kan 简学军 Business Unit Director )+86 (20) 8710 2808 7+86 (20) 8710 2563 +jianxj@transgd.com.cn Wendy Hsu 徐文香 Regional Director )+86 (755) 8881 6389 7+86 (755) 8242 8909 +wendyhsu@transgd.com.cn

u Company Introduction Sinotrans Guangdong Co., Ltd. , as the wholly-owned subsidiary of Sinotrans Ltd., with more than 40 branches in South China, is dedicated to offer tailor-made Supply Chain Solutions. Leveraging on our profound industry experience, we create more value to our customers in providing overall supply chain efficiency and reduced logistics costs. Sinotrans Guangdong Co. Ltd., has since gained strong recognition among customers in Household Appliances, Electronics, Retail, Chemical Products, Automotive Spares Parts and various industries. Some of our key customers include Bridgestone, Blackwoods, Mentholatum, Bayer, CnoocShell, Huawei Technologies, Foxconn International, to name a few. 中国外运广东有限公司,是中国外运股份有限公司在广东省的全资子公司,在粤港澳地区拥有40 多家分支机构,服务辐射整个华南地区,凭借50多年物流经验,致力于为客户提供供应链管理解 决方案,帮助客户提高供应链运营效率、降低物流成本。 目前公司已在家电、电子、零售、化工、汽车零配件等行业赢得了客户的普遍赞誉,主要客户包括 普利司通、布莱克伍德、曼秀雷敦、拜耳、中海壳牌、华为技术、富士康国际等。

u Highlights

u Services and Solutions

• Operation Management of Distribution Centers and Warehouses In strategic cities, such as Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Foshan, Zhongshan, Dongguan, Jiangmen, Hong Kong, etc. • Self-Owned and Managed 9 Terminals In Pearl Rivers Delta Region, with more than 40 Feeders Services covering both Domestic and Foreign Trade • Operating warehouse space of more than 3 million sqm within Sinotrans Network across Mainland China • Intelligent IT System providing Visible Logistics Management

Our Integrated Logistics Services include Contract Logistics, Regional Distribution Center, Long-haul Transportation (FTL, LTL), Canton-Hong KongMacao Express Logistics, Buyer Consolidation, Consolidated Freight Services, Project Logistics, Documentation Center and other Value-Added Services. Key features are:

• 在珠三角主要城市拥有物流仓储中心,包括 广州、深圳、佛山、中山、东莞、江门、 香港等 • 在珠三角拥有9座自营码头、40多艘内外贸 驳船等战略资源 • 共享外运公司在全国超过三百万平方米的仓 库资源 • 通过智能化的IT系统,为客户提供可视化物 流管理


• • • •

Solutions design capabilities Efficient implementation process Quality warehouse facilities Strategic assets including Logistic Resources in Pearl Rivers Delta Region, such as Terminals, Container Yards, Owned-Feeders, Logistics Distribution Centers.

我们的服务包括合同物流、区域配送中心(RDC)、干线 运输(整车/零担)、粤港澳快速物流、买方集运、散货 拼箱、工程物流、客户文件中心,以及各类增值服务。 我们的优势在于: • 物流解决方案的设计能力 • 高效的项目实施能力 • 高质量的仓储设施 • 在珠三角拥有码头、集装箱堆场、驳船、物流中心等战 略物流资源


SunJet Logistics 新杰物流 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Shanghai, China 中国,上海 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1997 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 Private Enterprise 私营企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 299 Huaxiang Road, Shanghai 上海华翔路299号 ) +86 (21) 6127 2637 7 +86 (21) 6127 2634 8 www.sunjex.com

u Key Contacts Ben Liu 刘涛 Senior Sales Manager ) +86 (21) 6127 2637 7 +86 (21) 6127 2634 + tao_liush@sunjex.com Kannon Qian 钱凯南 Deputy Director Sales & Marketing ) +86 (21) 6127 2632 7 +86 (21) 6127 2634 + kainan_qian@sunjex.com

u Highlights • Operating in 90 domestic cities • Door to door service covers 800-1000 domestic destinations • Warehouse services available in 36 domestic cities with 200,000 sqm land space • More than 600 trucks under Sunjet’s ownership • Cross docking service is available at 7 DCs in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Chengdu, Xi’an, Beijing, Shenyang • ISO 9001:2000 Certificated • Targeting the sectors of Hi-tech, Industrial &Engineering, Automotive, Healthcare, Consumer Electronics, Apparels and Consumer Packaged Goods • 在全国90个城市拥有运营点 • 门到门运输服务覆盖800-1000个国内城市 • 在国内36个城市可提供仓储服务,拥有仓储面 积达200,000平方米 • 拥有600余辆自有车辆 • 在上海、广州、武汉、成都、西安、北京、沈阳 等七个城市拥有区域性公路转运中心 • ISO9001:2000质量管理体系认证 • 专注于高科技,工业工程,汽车,医疗,消费 电子,服饰和个人消费品行业

u Company Introduction Sunjet Logistics is a premium transportation and logistics company in China. The company provides one-stop solutions which realize the integration of multimode transportation (road, airfreight and railway) with Information technology and service innovations. With over 2600 professional and skilled employees in China, SunJet Logistics serves more than 200 MNCs and leading Chinese enterprises, 80% of which are Fortune 500 enterprises. 新杰物流是国内领先的综合物流和货运服务公司。依托优越的IT能力和业务创新精神,新杰物流积极 有效地整合多种运输能力(公路运输、航空运输、铁路行包运输)和仓储服务能力,为客户提供一 站式综合物流服务。通过遍布国内的2600多名专业而富有经验的员工,新杰物流为200多家跨国公 司和中国领军企业在国内提供优质和可靠的服务。其中80%的客户属于财富500强。

u Services and Solutions Domestic Transportation Management • Door to door LTL and FTL • Door to door Airfreight Transportation • Railway Transportation (parcel service) • Multi-Mode Transportation • Hazardous Goods Transportation Warehousing and Distribution • Dedicated warehouse service • Bonded DC and Non-bonded DC management • Cross Docking Operations • Value added services (packaging, kitting, labeling etc…) Customer Tailored Solutions • DC management + regional/local delivery solutions • Integrated transportation solutions (road, air and railway capability combined) • Project Logistics • Business Relocation Service 国内运输管理 • 零担与整车的门到门服务 • 航空门到门服务 • 铁路运输(包裹服务) • 多式联运 • 危险品运输 仓储与配送 • 专注于大客户的仓储服务 • 保税与非保税配送中心管理 • 越库转运操作 • 增值服务(包装、组装、贴标等) 客户订制服务 • 区域分拨中心及区域(本地)配送整合方案 • 综合运输方案( 整合公路、空运和公路运能) • 项目物流 • 企业搬场服务



TNT Hoau 天地华宇 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Shanghai 上海 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1995 年 Guangzhou 广州 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 2239,Huaxiang Road,Shanghai 上海市华翔路2239号,邮编201107 ) +86 (21) 6091 6666 7 +86 (21) 5080 0109 8 www.hoau.net

u Key Contacts Minze Pan 潘敏泽 Solution Manager ) +86 (21) 6091 6107 7 +86 (21) 6091 6108 + minze.pan@tnt.com Leo Chen 陈雷 HR Manager ) +86 (21) 6091 6103 7 +86 (21) 6091 6129 + leo.chen@cn.tnt.com

u Highlights • LTL service Depot-to-depot service with shipment in consolidation Pickup and delivery as optional services in 550 cities • Day Definite Service Face to enterprise with premium service quality Guaranteed transit times • FTL Service Door-to-door service with shipments at full truck load without consolidation • Representative clients: Bosch, GE, Honeywell, Alfa Laval, Metso, Schindler, Tyco, Baleno, Panasonic, Osram • 普通零担 经济实用的全国性公路运输服务; 站到站运输时间:主要中心城市2-5天,市 县级城市4-7天; 在全国550个城市可提供取送货服务; • 定日达 面向企业客户提供的高端快运服务 高度的时效性和安全性 • 定时特运 以整车运输的方式,提供门到门一站式公路 运输服务; 门到门运输时间,按客户要求可以承运超 重、异型等特殊货物 • 我们的客户:博世,通用电气,霍尼韦尔, 阿法拉伐,美卓造纸,迅达电梯,泰科,班尼 路,松下电器,欧斯朗


u Company Introduction TNT Hoau is the fully-owned Chinese subsidiary of world leading express delivery service provider TNT in China. Accredited as a first rate transportation enterprise in China, TNT Hoau aims to build the strongest, fastest and most reliable distribution network in the country. Founded in 1995 as Hoau Logistic Group, TNT Hoau is the first batch of companies awarded the China“5A” logistic company accreditation. As the leading road transportation service provider in China, we believe in the “Investor in People” philosophy and invest heavily in staff development and customer experience. With expanding national network, TNT Hoau is dedicated to providing you on-time, safe and convenient cross-regional distribution service. 天地华宇为世界500强企业、全球四大快递公司之一TNT的在华全资子公司。作为国家一级运输 资质企业,天地华宇始终致力于打造中国最强大、最快捷、最可靠的递送网络。天地华宇的前身 黑龙江省华宇物流集团,1995年始建于广州,早在20世纪90年代就已经在中国开展公路运输业 务,并在2005年就已拥有国家第一批“5A”级物流企业资质认证。 作为中国公路快运服务的领导者,我们坚持投资于人,注重客户体验。凭借着覆盖全国的高效网 络和不断扩张的业务规模,天地华宇致力于为您提供准时、安全、便捷的跨区域综合运输服务。

u Services and Solutions Day Definite Service Launched in 2009, Day Definite Service is a premium road transportation service designed for corporate clients. Offering on time, secure and reliable services, Day Definite is offered in more than 400 depots in major cities all over China. Less-than-Truckload (LTL) Service With the largest road transportation network in China, TNT Hoau provides depot-todepot LTL service in 1500 depots in 550 cities all over China. Average LTL service transit time between major cities is from 2-4 days and suburban cities in 3-6days. Full-Truckload (FTL) Service For customers with significant freight volume and with special shipping request, TNT Hoau offers door-to-door FTL service. This service applies to freight volume between 5 to 25 tons and is offered in 1500 depots in 550 cities all over China. Average shipping time for major cities is 2-4days and suburban cities in 3-6 days. 定日达 “定日达”是天地华宇面向企业客户提供的高端公路快运服务,它以“准时、安全、服务”为核 心客户价值,同时凭借高度的时效性和安全性成为中国公路运输的领先品牌。“定日达”于2009 年初正式面向国内市场商用发布,首批覆盖全国主要城市的逾400个服务网点。 零担运输 天地华宇拥有全国最大最全的公路运输网络,为客户提供经济实用的全国性标准零担公路运输服 务。我们以站到站的运输方式,在全国550多个城市的1500多个网点提供取送货服务。 天地华宇零担服务在主要中心城市之间的运输时间为2-4天,市县级城市则为3-6天。 整车特运 整车特运提供客户以整车方式运输的门到门一站式公路运输服务,主要面向货物量达到一定标准 且对时间有所要求的客户。门到门运输时间可按客户要求单独定制,也可以承运超重、异型等特 殊货物。该产品适用卡车吨数为5吨至25吨,在全国550多个城市的1500个网点可提供取送货服 务,主要中心城市之间的运输时间为2-4天,市县级城市则为3-6天。


Toll China Logistics 拓领中国有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Australia 澳大利亚 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1995 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外资独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 18/F, Times Plaza, 1 Taizi Road, Shekou, Shenzhen 518067 深圳蛇口太子路1号新时代广场1801室, 邮编518067 ) +86 (755) 2681 9188 7 +86 (755) 2681 9288 + www.st-anda.com

u Key Contacts Matthew Magers General Manager Business Development ) +86 (21) 3379 4188 7 +86 (21) 3379 2064 + matthew.magers@st-anda.com Eddie BK Director Business Development ) +86 (755) 2681 9103 7 +86 (755) 2681 9288 + bookohcc@st-anda.com

u Company Introduction Incorporated in 1995, Toll China (i.e. ST-Anda) is a member of Toll Group. Our company has been in operation for 14 years as a third party logistics provider in China, providing services to some of the world’s largest and most respected companies, assisting them in supply chain optimizations to improve supply chain efficiency. After many years of operation, Toll China (i.e. ST-Anda) has developed from a light-asset company to be a self-owned logistics equipment company. As for the transportation, Toll China has established self-owned fleets, including of a variety of models, long-haul operating routes covering Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Chengdu and Kunming, and intra-city self-fleet in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.

u Highlights

拓领中国(即新科安达)是澳洲拓领集团的成员之一,公司于1995年底在深圳成立,目前在中国 运作了14年,为众多知名企业提供服务,其中不乏一些广受尊重的公司和五百强企业。

More than 2100 employees nationwide.

经过多年的运作,拓领中国(即新科安达)已逐步从轻型资产的公司,发展成为拥有自有物流设备 的公司。运输方面,已建立起一只包括多种车型,覆盖北京、上海、广州、武汉、成都及昆明的 长途自营车队及北京、上海、广州的市内自营车队。

Set up 7 RDCs (Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shengyang, Chengdu, Wuhan, Xi’an) and over 20 Distribution Centers, with total warehouse area > 450,000 sqm. Covered 1500+ cities. With an integrated IT system including of WMS, OMS, TMS &EDI interface with customer’s various system such as SAP, ORACLE, 4SHIFT, JDED, U8, KINGDEE, etc., we has realized EDI handling of nearly 90% of all orders, real-time data visible via internet. With the strength of our network, the company is able to reach out to 70% of cities covered by our strategically located RDCs within a 48-hour window. 现有员工2100多名; 在全国建立了 7 大区域分发中心(北京、上 海、广州、沈阳、成都、武汉、西安)及20多 个分发中心,自行管理45万平方米的仓库,网 络覆盖可达1500多个城市; 拥有一整套包括WMS/OMS/TMS等在内的完 整的物流信息管理系统; 借助强大的网络和系统支持,70%的城市能够 在48小时内送达,90%的城市能够在72小时 内送达。


u Services and Solutions Toll China (i.e. ST-Anda) provides comprehensive suite of supply chain management services to some of the world’s largest and most respected companies focusing on several sectors such like consumer, retail, health care, hi tech, industrial, chemical and automotive. Core businesses are focused primarily in management services for bonded and non-bonded warehouses, inventory management, multi-modal distribution services, intra-city delivery, freight management and customs brokerage for Manufacturer, Retailer and Distributor. In providing our service offerings, we utilize decision support system with a rigorous methodology, coupled with local practitioners knowledge to provide cost effective and practical solutions for our Clients. 主要业务集中在快速消费品类、医疗保健类、工业类、零售类、高科技类、化工类及汽车类等领域。 核心服务主要包括仓储服务、库 存管理、保税仓管理、多式联 运、市内分发、国际货代、报关 清关等内容。 我们的供应链方案组运用严谨的 分析方法,分布在各地具有丰富 经验的方案专家,以及科学的技 术手段的支持,为客户提供量身 定制又切实可行的个性化解决方 案。


Yat Fai Logistics 一辉物流(集团)有限公司 Yat Fai Logistics Group

n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Hong Kong 香港 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1985 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 39 H Fortune Building, 88 Fuhua San road, Shenzhen Guangdong 广东省深圳市福田区,福华三路88号,财富 大厦39楼H座 )+86 (755) 3336 6898 7+86 (755) 3336 6899 8 www.yatfai.com

u Key Contacts Vincent Chan Business Development Director )+86 (755) 3336 6898 7+86 (755) 3336 6899 +vincentchan@yatfai.com Nicolas Golovko Business Development Manager Eastern China )+86 (21) 6192 1113 7+86 (21) 6192 1199 +nicolasgolovko@yatfai.com

u Highlights Our visions: To be the leading integrated logistics service provider in Hong Kong and Mainland China Our Products: • Warehousing & Distribution • International Freight Forwarding • Cross-Border Transportation • Haulage & Transportation • CHN-HK Cross-Border Express • Import/Export Trade Agency

u Company Introduction Established in 1985, Yat Fai Logistics Group focuses on providing integrated logistics services in the mainland and Hong Kong market. 400,000sqm floor space, 150+ self owned domestics tractor/truck fleet, NVOCC licensed carrier, over 300 agents globally. With professionally trained and dedicated workforces, and branches strategically located in Eastern China, Southern China and Hong Kong. 成立於1985年,一辉物流集团关注香港和大陆地区的客户并为其提供综合的物流服务。一辉拥有 超过40,000平方米的现代化仓储设施,150多台码头柜拖车,NVOCC承运人资质,全球超过 300个代理为客户提供便捷的货代服务。专业的操作团队,位于华东,华南和香港的分支机构为客 户提供充足的服务保障。

u Services and Solutions As an integrated logistics management company, concentrate with “One-Stop” integrated logistics service. We help our clients who compete across channels, geographies and business units, to integrate the many different components and process of the supply chain, from the time of planning and placing material orders, all the way through to the arrival of the finished products at their final delivery points. 作为综合物流管理公司,一辉专注于向客户提供“一站”式综合的物流服务。提升客户多渠道跨区 域的商业竞争力,整合供应链管理资源和流程,从原材料采购订单下达和时间的控制,到成品安全 准时的运送到指定目的地,全程提供全方位专业物流方案和操作指导。

愿景:成为香港及中国大陆综合物流服务供应商 的领先者 产品:仓储及配送,国际货代,中港跨境拖车 运输,拖车及国内公路运输,中港快递服务, 进出口贸易代理 Current customers 客户包括: DSM 帝斯曼, Alcan Packaging 加铝宝柏, Foxconn 富士康, Bekaert 贝卡尔特, TCL, Cheers 敏华, CNPC 中石油, Stella Luna, OOCL 东方海外, Fountain Set 福田集团, BBK 步步高, Taisheng 台升, Johnson Electrics德昌电机等



YRC Logistics 耶路物流 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Overland Park, U.S.A. 美国 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2005 年 Shanghai 上海 n Legal status in China 企业性质 Joint Venture 合资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 8F, Building 2#, Xinda Commercial Building, 1158 Xiehe Road, Shanghai 200335 上海协和路1158号鑫达商务楼2号楼8楼 邮编200335 ) +86 (21) 6137 7668 7 +86 (21) 6137 7667 8 www.yrclogistics.com

u Key Contacts Eric Friedlander ) +86 (21) 6137 7668 7 +86 (21) 6137 7667 + eric.friedlander@yrclogistics.com

u Highlights China Logistics Network International Freight Forwarding and Intra China Logistics • Licensed Class ‘A’ forwarder, IATA member • NOVCC • ISO-9001 & 9002 certified • TAPA classification ‘A’ security practice complied • 64 facilities in 32 cities • Over 100,000 sqm of warehouse space Domestic Transportation • 170 locations in 80 cities • 300 vehicles, plus 3,000 under contract. • 13 major flow-through centers • 60 long haul LTL routes • Solid technology platform 中国物流网络 国际货运和国内物流 • 一级代理资质,国际航协成员 • 无船承运人资质 • ISO-9001 & 9002 认证 • TAPA的A类操作安全认证 • 64个办公和操作设施分布在32个城市 • 100,000多平方米仓库面积

u Company Introduction YRC Logistics is a wholly owned subsidiary of YRC Worldwide (NASDAQ:YRCW), a Fortune 500 company. YRC Logistics is a leading provider of global logistics services. We operate over 370 facilities in Asia, Europe, North America and South America and provide logistics services in and between more than 80 countries. Our acquisitions and joint ventures in China offer our clients international freight forwarding, transportation management, warehousing and distribution, domestic transportation, and value-added logistics services. 耶路物流为财富500强企业耶路全球(NASDAQ: YRCW)的全资子公司,是全球物流服务领军 企业。我们在亚洲、欧洲、北美和南美洲操作着370多个物流设施,物流服务覆盖80个国家。我 们在中国的并购及合资企业为我们的客户提供国际货运、运输管理、仓储配送、国内运输、以及 增值的物流服务。

u Services and Solutions Global Services • International freight forwarding • Customs brokerage • Value-added services Distribution Services • Flow through & pool distribution • Dedicated warehousing • Value-added services 全球服务 • 国际货运 • 清关 • 增值服务 配送服务 • 集拼、配送及按客户需求设计的运输方案 • 量身订制的仓储服务 • 增值服务

Transportation Services • Truckload (TL) and less than truckload (LTL) services • Truckload brokerage • Dedicated contract carriage • Domestic freight forwarding • Transportation management

运输服务 • 整车和零担服务 • 卡车货运代理 • 量身订制的合同运输 • 国内货运 • 运输管理

国内运输 • 170个网点分布在80个城市 • 300辆自有车辆及3,000辆合同运输供应商 车辆 • 13个配送中心 • 60 条零担长途运输路线 • 可靠的技术平台



Other Logistics Services n Agility 20/F Broadway Centre, 93 Kwai Fuk Road, Kwai Chung, NT, Hong Kong 香港新界葵涌葵福路93号百汇 中心20楼 +852 2211 8721 www.agilitylogistics.com

Arts&Crafts Building, 103 Jixiangli, Chaoyangmenwai, Beijing 100020 北京市朝阳区朝阳门外吉祥里 103号中国工艺大厦B座2层, 邮编100020 +86 (10) 6552 8822 www.chindex.com

n Ahlers China Suite C, D, E, E1, 8/F, Alison International Tower, 8, Fuyou Road, Shanghai 200010 +86 (21) 6330 6600 www.ahlers.com

n CMA CGM 39/F & 3506 Bund Centre, 222 East Yan’an Road, Shanghai 200002 +86 (21) 2306 9696 www.cma-cgm.com

n Allwings Logistics

531 Wusong Road, Shanghai 上海市吴淞路531号 +86 (21) 6364 5660 www.cosco-logistics.com.cn

1688 North Sichuan Road, 26/F Business Centre South, Shanghai 200080 +86 (21) 6306 3134 www.alls-sh.com

n APL 5/F Raffles City Office Tower, 268 Middle Xizang Road, Shanghai 200001 上海西藏中路268号来福士办公 室5楼,邮编200001 +86 (21) 2301 2800 www.apllogistics.com n BALtrans Logistics Room 901, Central Plaza, 227 North Huangpi Road, Shanghai 200003 上海黄陂南路227号中环广场 901室,邮编200003 +86 (21) 6465 9668 www.bansard.com n Bansard Room 905, Canhong Elite Building, 1059 Wuzhong Road, Shanghai 201103 + 86 (21) 5169 5775 www.bim.com.hk n Blue Dragon 宁波市北仑区进港北路8号 +86 (574) 8687 7716 www.bluedragon.com.cn n Clasquin Room 203, Qingke Masion, 138 Fenyang Road, Shanghai 200031 上海市汾阳路203号轻科大厦 138室 +86 (21) 6445 1452 www.clasquin.com n CRE 北京市宣武区鸭子桥路24号中铁 商务大厦 +86 (10) 6374 5900 www.cre.cn n Chindex 2/F Tower B, China


n Cosco Logistics

n Crown Worldwide 59 Lane 729-75 Sui De Road, Shanghai 200331 上海绥德路729弄75支弄59号 +86 (21) 6250 8820 www.crownworldwide.com

Road Central, Shenzhen 深圳市福田区深南中路3039号 国际文化大厦27楼,邮编518033 +86 (755) 8839 3198 www.eascs.com

n Expeditors 1, Lane 128, Linhong Road, Shanghai 200335 +86 (21) 5257 4698 www.expeditors.com n Fedex 10/F, Ben Ben Mansion, 300 Xi Kang Road, Shanghai 200040 上海遵义路107号3楼 +800 988 1888 www.fedex.com n Fiege Room 401 - 404, Cross Tower, 318 Fuzhou Road, Shanghai 200001 +86 (21) 6391 3136 www.fiege.com

n CWT 上海市北京东路668号科技京城 大厦21楼D座,邮编200001 +86 (21) 5308 5511 www.cwtlogistics.com.cn

n Hanjin Logistics Room 1506-1510, Tower 1 Kerry Everbright City, 218 West Tianmu Road, Shanghai 200070 +86 (21) 6181 5600 www.hanjinlogistics.com

n Dachser 16th Floor V-Capital, 333 Xianxia Road, Shanghai 200336 上海市仙霞路333号东方维京大 厦16楼,邮编200041 +86 (21) 3217 4790 www.dachser.com.cn

n Hapag-Lloyd Room 2601, Ocean Towers, 550 East Yan’an Road, Shanghai 200001 上海延安东路550号海洋大厦 2601室,邮编200001 +86 (21) 2308 6000 www.hapag-lloyd.com

n Dimerco Room1101-1104, 1088 South Pudong Road, Shanghai +86 (21) 5133 6588 www.dimerco.com

n HMG Suite B-E, 10/F International Shipping & Finance Building, 720 Pudong Avenue, Shanghai 中国上海浦东大道720号国际航 运金融大厦10楼B-E座 +86 (21) 5036 8000 www.hmglog.com

n East Top Logistics Room 1108 11F, China Insurance Building, 166 East Lujiazui Road, Shanghai 200120 +86 (21) 6841 9166 www.easttop.com.cn n Ensign 20/F, Xing Teng Mansion, 1 South Henan Road, Shanghai 200002 上海市河南南路1号星腾大厦20 楼,邮编200002 +86 (21) 6373 8393 www.ensignfreight.com n Eternal Asia 27/F, International Cultural Building, 3039 Shennan

n Hurry Top 1189 Xin Xie Road, Shanghai, 201100 +86 (21) 6082 9167 www.hurrytop.com n Kerry EAS Logistics 21, Xiaoyun Road, North Dongsanhuan Road, Beijing 100027 北京市朝阳区东三环北路霄云路 21号大通大厦,邮编100027 +86 (10) 6461 8899 www.kerryeas.com

n Martin Bencher Hitime Building, Room 925, 289 Wujin Road, Shanghai, 200085 +86 (21) 5882 4642 www.martin-bencher.com n Moduslink Building 11, No.99 Tianzhou Road, Shanghai 200023 上海市田州路99号11号楼 +86 (21) 5427 7878 www.moduslink.com n Mumnet G Site 18th Floor, Shuangge Mansion 438 Pudian Road, Shanghai +86 (21) 6105 0722 www.mumnet.com n NYK Logistics 20-21/F, Raffles City, 268 Middle Xizang Road, Shanghai 上海市西藏中路268号来福士广 场20-21楼 +86 (21) 2320 9830 www.cn.nyklogistics.com n OOCL 21/F, OOCL Plaza, No.841 Middle Yan’an Road, Shanghai 200040 中国上海延安中路841号东方海 外大厦21楼,邮编200040 +86 (21) 2301 8888 www.oocl.com n Panalpina 6/F AZIA Center, 1233 Lujiazui Ring Road, Shanghai, 200120 +86 (21) 6105 1500 www.panalpina.com n PIL Logistics 5/F Shanghai Bund International Tower, 99 Huangpu Road, Shanghai 200080 上海市黄浦路99号上海滩国际大 厦505室,邮编200080 +86 (21) 6393 0663 www.pillogistics.com n Polar Unit 1510, Huai Hai China Tower, 885 Renmin Road, Shanghai +86 (21) 6355 5301 www.polarlog.com n Runbow Logistics 3F, Building 19, 1500 South Lianhua Road, Shanghai, 201108 上海莲花南路1500号19幢3 楼,邮编201108 +86 (21) 5443 1003 www.runbow-logiitics.com


Other Logistics Services n Ryder 上海市淮海中路398号巴士大厦 15楼AH座 +86 (21) 6304 8989 www.ryder.com n Saga 24E, East Tower, New Hua Lian Mansion, 755 Middle HuaiHai Road, Shanghai 200020 +86 (21) 6445 1668 www.saga.fr nSafmarine 3A, East Ocean Center, 618 Yan An Road East, Shanghai +86 (21) 2306 2650 www.safmarine.com

n Schenker

+86 (21) 6128 1820 www.sinodis.com.cn

n Stolt-Nielsen Suite 27A, New Shanghai International Tower, 360 Pudong Nan Road, Shanghai 200120 上海市浦东南路360号新上海国 际大厦27A +86 (21) 5877 9779 www.stoltchina.com n S&W Room 2701, Fuhai Commercial Center 1318, North Sichuan Road, Shanghai 200080 上海市四川北路1318号盛邦大 厦2701 +86 (21) 6306 2971 www.swlogisticsinc.com

Room 4001-4006, Raffles City (Office Tower)268 Xi Zang Zhong Road, Shanghai, 200001 +86 (21) 6122 5888 www.schenker.com

925 Ye Cheng Road Jia Ding, Shanghai 201821 +86 (21) 5916 7580 www.teckwah.com.sg

n Sinodis 上海市金钟路658号4号楼1,2 层,邮编 200335

n Tie Yang Room 407, Central Place, 16 South Henan Road,


n Teckwah

Shanghai 200002 上海市黄浦区河南南路16号中汇 大厦407室,邮编200002 +86 (21) 6132 2700 www.tieyang.com

Road, Shanghai 200080 上海海宁路269号1103室, 邮编200080 +86 (21) 6393 7222 www.worldwide-logistics.cn

n UBI Logistics A302-304 Jin Ying Plaza, 1518 Min Sheng Road, Shanghai 200135 +86 (21) 61047111 www.gotoubi.com

n YCH Logistics 377 Huigang Road Yang Shan Free Trade Zone Lingang, Shanghai 201308 +86 (21) 6828 7777 www.ych.com

n Weiss-Rohlig Unite 1712-1719, 1 Coporate Avenue 222 Hu Bin Road, Shanghai 200021 +86 (21) 6340 6000 www.weiss-rohlig.com

n Zephyr Logistics Unit 501, 1010, Zhoujiazui Road Shanghai 200082 +86 (21) 5182 1155 www.zephyrlogistics.com

n Werner Global 5/F South Harbour Building, 1 Fenghe Road, Shanghai 上海市浦东新区丰和路1号港务 大厦南楼5楼 +86 (21) 6330 6600 www.ahlers.com

n Zuellig Building 39, 275 West Basheng Road Waigaoqiao FTZ, Shanghai 200131 +86 (21) 5048 1998 www.zuellig.com

n Worldwide Group Room 1103, 269 Haining




Accenture 埃森哲

n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Global company (no physical HQ) 跨国公司 (无特定总部) n Established in China 在中国成立于 1989 in Hong Kong and Taiwan, 1993 in Shanghai 1989年香港和台湾公司, 1993年上海分公司 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业

u Highlights With approximately 181,000 people in 120 countries, Accenture generated net revenues of US$21.58 billion for the fiscal year ended Aug. 31, 2009. Accenture has more than 4,200 people in Beijing, Shanghai, Dalian, Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Taipei. Accenture is a leading management and technology consulting service provider in Greater China. We help multinational corporations develop their China strategies and work with Chinese organizations to re-engineer and improve operations. We have a strong focus on the domestic market and work with leading Chinese organizations across industries. 埃森哲全球员工逾181,000名,为遍布120多 个国家的客户提供服务。截至2009年8月31日 的财政年度报告,净收入达215.8亿美元。作 为一家《财富》全球500强企业,埃森哲在大 中华地区开展业务已超过20年,目前拥有一支 逾4,200人的员工队伍,分布在北京、上海、 大连、广州、香港和台北。


u Services and Solutions Accenture knows that multinational corporations in Asia and Asian companies on the move are deploying specific strategies to manage the business lifecycle across growth, restructure and entry. We enable these companies to make critical business decisions with more certainty to deliver high performance through supply chain mastery. We help our clients align their supply chains to serve growing market segments to drive speed and bottom-line results, build new and responsive supply chains so that they can adapt to rapidly changing market conditions, and accelerate supply chain capabilities in new markets faster than their competitors. Functional areas of expertise include: • Supply chain strategy • Sourcing and procurement • Supply chain planning • Manufacturing and design • Product innovation and product lifecycle • Fulfillment operations management • Service management • Supply Chain Academy

Supply Chain Offerings Offering Groups

Cross-Offering Group Core Offerings

Strategic Planning Services Manufacturing

Service Management Product Innovation & PLM

Sourcing & Procurement

Core Offerings Supply Chain Transformation

Global MFG Strategy


Supply Chain Resilience

Cameron Plummer Vice President, Greater China ) +86 (10) 5870 5870 7 +86 (10) 6561 2077 + cameron.plummer@accenture.com

埃森哲是全球领先的管理咨询、技术服务和外包机构。凭借丰富的经验、涵盖各个行业和业务职 能的广泛能力以及对全球最成功企业的深入研究,埃森哲与客户携手合作,帮助其成为卓越绩效 的企业和政府。作为绩效提升专家,埃森哲始终致力实现超凡的客户价值与成果。我们专注于本 土市场的实践与成功,帮助客户确定战略、优化流程、集成系统、引进创新、提高整体竞争优 势,从而成就卓越绩效。

Sustainable Supply Chain

Wang Hui 王晖 Vice President, Greater China ) +86 (21) 2305 3881 +86 (21) 6386 9922 7 +86 139 1666 5442 + hui.wang@accenture.com

Accenture Supply Chain Services

u Key Contacts

Accenture is the world’s leading management consulting and technology services company. The Accenture Supply Chain management service line works with clients across a broad range of industries to develop and execute operational strategies that enable profitable growth. We collaborate with clients to design and implement innovative consulting, enable technology and outsourcing solutions that support business strategies, optimize global operations, enable profitable product launches, and enhance the skills and capabilities of the supply chain workforce.

Global Operations

) +86 (21) 2305 3333 7 +86 (21) 6386 9922 8 www.accenture.cn

u Company Introduction

Supply Chain Performance Assessment

n China head office 中国代表处总部 30/F, Central Plaza, 381 Huaihai Road, Shanghai 200020 上海市淮海中路381号中环广场30楼 邮编200020

Supply Chain Merger Integration

Supply Chain Collaboration

Contract Manufacturing

MFG Analytics & Management

FFE (Field Force Enablement)

Service & Solutions Strategy

Planning Analytics

Functional Planning

MFG Systems & Technology

Asset Reliability and Maintenance Management

Spare Parts Management

PI PLM Product Strategy, Product Product Platform Innovation Studio/ Operating Model & Innovation Factory and Cost Mgmt Product Mgmt Financial Planning Procurement Strategy & Planning (Diagnostics) Network Strategy Solutions

Cross Offering Group Enablers Copyright © 2010 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Strategic (Global) Sourcing

Order to Cash

Supplier Development



Process & Technology Improvements

Reverse Logistics

Sales & Operations Planning

MFG Excellence

Warranty Management

PI Enablement and PLM

Accenture Engineering Services

Working Capital Reduction

Perf., Org. and Talent Management

Secure Supply Chain

Fulfillment Transformation

Digital Supply Chain

Business Solutions Supply Chain Academy Supply Chain Workforce Solutions



Baker & McKenzie

贝克 • 麦坚时国际律师事务所 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Hong Kong, China 中国香港 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1974 年 Hong Kong 香港 1993 年 Beijing 北京 2002 年 Shanghai 上海 n Legal status in China 企业性质 Foreign Law Firm 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Suite 3401, China World Office 2, China World Trade Center, 1 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Beijing 100004 北京市建外大街1号中国国际贸易中心国贸国 贸写字楼2座3401室,邮编100004 ) +86 (10) 6535 3800 7 +86 (10) 6505 2309 8 www.bakermckenzie.com

u Key Contacts Jon Eichelberger 艾文 Partner ) +86 (10) 6535 3868 7 +86 (10) 6505 2309 + jon.eichelberger@bakermckenzie.com Eugene Lim Partner ) + 852 2846 2413 7 + 852 2845 0476 + eugene.lim@bakermckenzie.com

u Highlights • Numbers & Facts – 67 offices in 39 countries • Selling Points – Providing a wide range of dedicated services and advice on international trade, customs, tax and regulatory issues in China and the Asia Pacific region • Customers List – Leading MNCs, financial institutions and local corporations • Key Expertise – Leading global law firm providing dedicated services across the spectrum of corporate law • PLC Which Lawyer? Asia Pacific Law Firm of the Year 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005 • Ranked Tier 1 Law Firm for WTO/ International Trade in China – Asia Pacific Legal 500, 2009/10, 2008/09, 2007/08 • 数字与事实—在39个国家设立了67个办事处 • 卖点——就中国乃至整个亚太地区的国际贸 易、海关、税务和监管事宜提供广泛的专业 服务与咨询 • 客户名单—领先的跨国公司、金融机构和当地公司 • 主要专长—领先的全球化律师事务所,在 公司法的各个领域提供专业服务 • 亚太地区年度最佳律师事务所 • 《PLC律师选择指南》,2009年、2008年、 2007年及2006年 • WTO/国际贸易领域的一流律师事务所(中 国)—《亚太法律500强》,2009/10、 2008/09、2007/08


u Company Introduction Baker & McKenzie defined the global law firm of the 20th century and is redefining it to meet the needs of the global economy of the 21st century. Our difference is the way we think, work and behave – an instinctively global perspective, commercially pragmatic advice, a genuinely multi-cultural approach and a passion for collaborative relationships. With 3,900 lawyers in 39 countries, we have deep understanding of the language and culture of business the world over. This global perspective allows us to bring the talent and experience to navigate complexity across practices and borders with ease. 贝克•麦坚时国际律师事务所堪称20世纪全球律师事务所之典范。进入21世纪,我们重新审视自 我,以此来更好地满足经济全球化的需求。我们的独特之处在于我们的思维方式、专业表现和处 事方式——始终从全球视角出发,提供商业上切实可行的咨询意见,采取真正多元文化的方法, 并热切维护合作关系。凭借位于全球39个国家的3,900名律师,本所能够深入理解全世界范围内 的语言和商业文化。这种全球视角使得我们能够应用自身的人才与经验,针对各个业务领域和国 家中复杂的法律问题游刃有余地工作。

u Services and Solutions Our specialized attorneys and advisors advise on international trade, customs, tax and regulatory issues in China and the Asia Pacific region. Our services include: • Customs valuation, duty planning and dispute resolution • Tariff classification • Free trade agreements • Contract manufacturing operations • Export processing zones, bonded zones, bonded logistics centers etc. • Export controls and commercial encryption 专业人员就中国和亚太地区的国际贸易、海关、税务和 监管问题提供广泛的服务和咨询。本所的服务包括: • 海关估价、关税规划和争议解决 • 关税税则分类 • 税务规划 • 自由贸易协定 • 合约制造运作 • 出口加工区、保税区、保税物流中心等 • 出口管制和商业加密


BBK Consulting

贝肯商务咨询(上海)有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Detroit, U.S.A. 美国底特律 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2006 年 Shanghai 上海 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 1812 Shui On Plaza, 333 Huaihai Middle Road, Shanghai 200021 上海市淮海中路333号瑞安广场1812室 ) +86 (21) 6137 3052 7 +86 (21) 6137 3003 8 www.e-bbk.com

u Key Contacts Min She 佘敏 Senior Director ) +86 (21) 6137 3051 7 +86 (21) 6137 3003 + mshe@e-bbk.com Fannie Xie 解放 Senior Director ) +86 (21) 5396 5600 7 +86 (21) 5396 5602 + fxie@e-bbk.com

u Company Introduction BBK, an international business advisory firm established in 1977, provides financial and operational services that enhance the growth, profits and stability of its clients. BBK has an extensive network of professionals throughout the United States, Europe and Asia, and has completed thousands of engagements for a variety of clients, including Fortune 500 corporations, mid-sized companies, financial institutions, law firms and private equity firms. For more information, visit www.e-bbk.com. 贝肯商务咨询是一家成立于1977年的国际商业咨询机构,通过提供财务和运营商业咨询服务, 来提升其客户的成长性、盈利性和稳定性。贝肯商务咨询在美国、欧洲和亚洲都有广泛的专家网 络,为各行各业的客户完成了几千个项目,包括《财富》500强企业、中型企业、金融机构、律 师事务所和私人直接投资公司。欲了解更多信息,请访问www.e-bbk.com。

u Highlights

u Services and Solutions

• Senior engagement leadership (Former CEOs, COOs, CFOs, and Plant Managers)

Finance • Due diligence • Corporate finance • Risk/Credit management • Corporate restructuring

Operations • Operations assessment • Performance improvement • Advanced planning & development • Management support

金融 • 尽职调查 • 企业财务 • 风险/信用管理 • 企业重组

运营 • 运营评估 • 业绩改进 • 前期规划和开发 • 管理支持

• A truly “hands on” approach – BBK not only recommends solutions but can also implement those solutions • Diverse client relationships, international experience and global presence • No other firm understands or has had greater success in the automotive industry • We bring value to all stages of the business life cycle • Engagements with more than 250 Chinese manufacturing companies • 由高级管理专家领导项目(曾任企业首席执行 官、首席运营官、首席财务官、工厂厂长等) • 真正做到“事必躬亲”的服务方式:BBK不仅 推荐解决方案,还帮助客户具体实施 • 广泛的客户关系、国际项目经验、公司网络 覆盖全球 • 具有对汽车行业独一无二的了解,拥有数千 成功案例经验 • 无论是在企业创业阶段,成熟增长阶段,或 是困境期,我们都可以帮助企业增值 • 在中国制造业领域拥有超过250个成功案例



BPS Global Group 威裕环球集团

n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Hong Kong 香港 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1992年 Hong Kong 香港 1997年 Shanghai 上海 2002年 Guangzhou 广州 2004年 Beijing, Shenzhen 北京, 深圳 2007年 Singapore新加坡 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Unit 3104, Tower 1, Kerry Everbright City, 218 West Tianmu Road, Zhabei District, Shanghai, China 200070 中国上海市闸北区天目西路218号嘉里不夜城 第一座3104室, 邮编:200070 ) +86 (21) 6317 8830 7 +86 (21) 6317 2030 8 www.bps-group.net

u Key Contacts Terry Malone 泰利 Business Development Director ) +852 2763 6874 7 +852 2343 2021 + tmalone@bps-group.net Peter Wong 黄焕 General Manager, Shanghai Branch ) +86 (21) 6317 8830 7 +86 (21) 6317 2030 + pfwong@bps-group.net

u Highlights • Project management & investment • Logistic supply chain project consulting services • Industrial logistic equipment • Professional construction project • Interior design & decoration project • Real estate agency services Our customers include: • Bank of China • Cheung Kong Holdings • Ikea • LI-NING • Nokia • Swire CocaCola • • • • • •

项目管理与投资 物流供应链项目顾问 工业物流设备 专业建筑工程 室内设计装潢工程 地产中介服务

我们的客户 : • 中国银行 • 长江集团 • 宜家家居 • 李宁 • 诺基亚 • 太古可口可乐


u Company Introduction Over the past decade, BPS Global Group has been striving to lead our customers to be innovative and outstanding among the competitors in the industries by applying the latest technologies for them according to their needs and business development. The professional services provided by our teams and subsidiaries now cover the Asian and even the global markets. In respond to customers’ needs, we provide our customers with our scope-specific and innovative “Best Practice Solutions”. Our powerful support allows the customers to give full play to the sustainable development. 十多年来,香港威裕环球集团都在努力发光发亮,引领着客户不断创新,并按不同工商业需要及 自身业务发展,活用最新科技,从而使客户在自身的行业领域中,成为耀眼的明灯。目前本集团 的多个专业团队及分公司,服务已覆盖整个亚洲,面向全球市场。客户既可在特定范畴,获得我 们的最佳实践服务,也可按本身的需要,委托我们制订创新方案,从而为建立持续发展优势这个 目标,提供最强而有力的支持。

u Services and Solutions LOGISTICS CONSULTING SERVICES • Internal logistics/logistics company strategic planning and implementation, Internal logistics and supply chain optimization, and resource integration INDUSTRIAL AND LOGISTICS EQUIPMENT • Warehouse equipment and accessories, and Automatic warehousing systems ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY SERVICES • Construction and decoration work, and Industrial factory and warehouse setup INVESTMENT AND LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT • Logistics project management and Entrusted management services PROPERTY AGENCY SERVICES • Agency services for promotion planning, Investment attraction and Consulting services for business operation 物流咨询/顾问服务 • 企业物流/物流企业发展战略规划与实施及企业物流与 供应链优化、资源整合 工业与物流设备 • 仓库设备与辅件及自动仓储系统 工程与技术 • 屋宇维修、室内设计装修及工业厂房与仓库建立 投资及物流管理 • 物流项目管理及委托式管理服务 地产中介服务 • 推广策划、招商代理及运营顾问服务


Control Risks 化险咨询(上海)有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 London, UK 英国伦敦 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2003 年 Shanghai 上海 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Suite 1001 East Tower China Merchants Plaza, 333 North Chengdu Road, Shanghai 200041 上海市成都北路333号招商局广场东楼 1001室,邮编200041 ) +86 (21) 5298 1800 7 +86 (21) 5298 0991 8 www.control-risks.com

u Key Contacts Neal Beatty 柏飏 Regional Director Global Client Services, Greater China ) +86 (21) 5298 1800 7 +86 (21) 5298 0991 + CRShanghai@control-risks.com John So 苏智瀚 Director, Crisis & Risk Consulting Greater China ) +86 (10) 8454 9988 7 +86 (10) 8454 9144 + CRBeijing@control-risks.com

u Company Introduction Control Risks is an independent, specialist risk consultancy with offices on five continents. It offers a range of integrated political risk, investigative, business continuity and security management services to corporate, government and private clients worldwide. Since its founding in 1975, Control Risks has worked with more than 5,300 clients (including 86 of the Fortune 100) in 130 countries. 化险咨询是一家独立的专业风险顾问机构,在全球五大洲都设有分支机构。我们为全球的企业、 政府机关及个人客户提供一系列完整的政治风险评估、调查、商业持续性运营及安全管理服务。 化险咨询创建于1975年,至今已与130个国家的超过5300个客户(包括100强中的86个)有过 合作。

u Highlights

u Services and Solutions

• Founded in 1975 • Independent and privately owned • Over 800 employees and 29 offices worldwide • Presence in China with offices in Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Beijing • Offering both strategic and operational support, with a focus on protection of investment and reputation

Control Risks provides a full range of risk identification and mitigation services to our clients across a diverse range of industry sectors. Our services include: • Due diligence • Risk assessments and analysis • Business continuity planning • Crisis management planning and support • C-TPAT readiness assessment • Security consulting, including security design, on-site security support and executive protection • Fraud and compliance • Litigation and intellectual property support

• • • •

创建于1975年 独立机构 全球29个分支和超过800名员工 服务遍及中国,并在香港、上海及北京设有 分支 • 提供战略及运营支持,着重于保护投资和声 誉


化险咨询为全球各个行业及领域的客户提供全面的风险 识别与降低的服务。 我们的服务包括: • 背景调查 • 风险评估与分析 • 商业持续性运营 • 危机管理计划与支持 • C-TPAT预备评估 • 安全咨询,包括安全设计、现场安全支持、及行政人 员保护 • 商业欺诈 • 诉讼援助及知识产权援助


Demand Solutions n Corporate HQ 公司总部 PO Box 6180, Norwest Business Park, Baulkham Hills BC NSW 2153 Australia ) +612 9659 4555 7 +612 9659 6381 8 solutions@demandmgmt.com

u Key Contacts Daniel Hu General Manager, China ) +612 9659 4555 7 +612 9659 6381 + dhu@demandsolutions.com Yuri Verjoustinsky Director Sales & Marketing, Asia-Pac ) +612 9659 4555 7 +612 9659 6381 + yuriv@demandmgmt.com

u Highlights Used on a PC, LAN or WAN, Demand Solutions Forecasting and DRP software is user friendly, whilst maintaining data integrity through integration with in-house developed or any of the major ERP transactions software systems available in the marketplace. Our professional team markets and supports Logility VoyagerTM and Demand SolutionsTM in Australia and the AsiaPacific region. The softwares functionality, offers the specialisation necessary for your company to become proactive in response to the demand and supply of information directly affecting your bottom line. 仪表盘式界面轻松使用 已经发展为可在个人电脑,局域网及广域网中 使用。Demand Solutions预测软件和DFP软 件解决方案便于用户使用,在与内部定制或市 场主要ERP转换系统整合时,他们成功保留了 数据的完整性。 DMS的专业队伍在涵盖澳大利亚,亚太地区 的范围内为Logility VoyagerTM 和 Demand SolutionsTM suite做媒体宣传,提供支持。软 件旨在于建立起实效性,同时提供专业服务, 使贵公司能在面对公司运营意义重大的供需信 息时做出积极反应。

u Company Introduction Demand Solutions Shanghai offers organisations the opportunity to achieve supply chain planning excellence through the marketing and supply of two separate brands of supply chain management solutions. These include the Demand SolutionsTM suite and our web based decision analysis solution named Logility VoyagerTM. “The vision of Demand Solutions Shanghai is to develop partnerships between client organisations and our team of motivated professionals. To this end we will provide consultation, support and education to improve our clients demand and supply chain management processes and procedures to assist them in achieving their corporate goals.” 通过卓有成效的市场营销以及对公司旗下Demand SolutionsTM suite和依靠互联网的决策分析 方案Logility VoyagerTM 这两个品牌的推出,DMS为各个企业组织机构提供了一个优化供应链 规划的契机。 “DMS着眼于加强各个客户与公司专业化团队的合作关系。本着这一目标,DMS将为提高客户 的需求,优化供应链管理处理过程以及协助他们完成企业目标提供咨询服务,支持以及教育。”

u Services and Solutions Demand Solutions offers an integrated through • Sales and Operations Planning • Replenishment Planning • Distribution and Inventory

• Demand Planning • Collaboration • Manufacturing and Capacity Planning

对于供应链管理,DMS提供一套综合方案,其中的模式致力于解决: • 协作 • 销售和运营规划 • 需求规划 • 配送及库存 • 补给规划 • 生产及产量 The scope of these provides functionality to improve customer service, increase sales and reduce inventory. The software has flexibility and application which is demonstrated by the variety of industrial and commercial enterprises such as 这些解决方案所囊括的范围为提高客户服务质量,增加销售额,与此同时减少库存提供了功能 性。软件的应用灵活性已被制造业及商业中的众多企业所证实,其中包括: • Sanofi-Aventis Pharmaceuticals • Gloria Jean’s Coffees International • Bunnings Building Supplies • Schneider Electric (Shanghai)


approach to Supply Chain Management

• Shell (China) Ltd • PPG Paints Trading (Shanghai) Co Ltd • Starbucks (Shanghai)


Dragon Sourcing 龙源有限公司

n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Hong Kong, China 中国香港 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2004 年 Hong Kong 香港 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Suite 1502, Jin Tian Di International Mansions 998, Renmin Road Shanghai 200021 上海市人民路998号金天地国际大厦1502室 ) +86 (21) 61413955 7 +86 (21) 61413966 8 www.dragonsourcing.com

u Key Contacts Richard Laub Chief Executive Officer ) +32 499 56 72 71 7 +33 146 10 41 14 + richard.laub@dragonsourcing.com Olivier Levy Managing Director, China ) +86 (21) 61413951 7 +86 (21) 61413966 + olivier.levy@dragonsourcing.com

u Highlights • Company founded at the end of 2004 • Working for MNC’s and large SME’s in a cross section of business sectors (FMCG, Retail, Automotive, Heavy Industry,...) • Opened sourcing office in China in 2005 • Currently have 55 people ( including 45 buyers ) located in Belgium, Brazil, China, France, Hongkong, India, Israel, US, UK and Vietnam. • Opened sourcing office in Vietnam in 2007 • Opened sourcing office in India in 2008 • Opened offices in the US in 2009 • Opened sourcing office in Brazil in 2010 • 公司成立于2004年底 • 服务于众多行业的跨国公司及中小型企业 (快速消费品,零售,汽车,重工业…..) • 2005年在中国成立采购办公室 • 目前在比利时,巴西,中国,法国,香港, 印度,以色列,美国,英国越南共有55名员 工,包括45名采购 • 2007年在越南成立采购办公室 • 2008年在印度成立采购办公室 • 2009年在美国成立采购办公室 • 2010年在巴西成立采购办公室


u Company Introduction Dragon Sourcing is a Procurement Service Provider focused on sourcing from low cost countries. Our mission is to help our clients leverage the capabilities of the low cost countries’ supply base in order to achieve high levels of performance and extract significant value from their spend. 龙源是致力于低成本国家采购的专业采购服务供应商。我们的目标是帮助客户成功进行高效的采 购, 从而使之获得显著的成本节约。

u Services and Solutions We provide a customized and turnkey end to end sourcing solution, from business case development through to the operational management of a company’s spend in low cost countries on an outsourced basis. Our competitive positioning is based on: • Working exclusively for the benefit of the “buying” organisation • Providing total transparency of information between Dragon Sourcing and the customer • Achieving rapid sourcing results for our clients based on our: - procurement process expertise - category knowledge - strong project management skills • Analytical rigour • Operational pragmatism Customers: Metso Minerals, Sociéte Générale, Pernod Ricard, Ahold, InBev, Philips, Bugaboo, Danone, St Gobain, Kesslers International, Sara Lee, Rhodia, Blue Linx, Astra Zeneca, Rockwoll, Whitbread etc. 我们给客户提供定制的采购服务,从项目 的战略规划到具体的运作管理。 我们的竞争力是: • 完全致力于“采购”服务 • 将我们的信息与客户完全共享 • 我们能够快速实现客户目标,因为 - 采购流程专家 - 行业知识 - 丰富的项目管理技巧 • 严格的分析 • 完全实用的业务运作流程 客户:Metso Minerals, Sociéte Générale, Pernod Ricard, Ahold, InBev, Philips, Bugaboo, Danone, St Gobain, Kesslers International, Sara Lee, Rhodia, Blue Linx, Astra Zeneca, Rockwoll, Whitbread等


ET2C International 上海瞻世贸易有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 British Virgin Islands 英国 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2002 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 23 Wangjiao Plaza, 175 East Yan’an Road, Shanghai 200002 上海市黄浦区延安东路175号旺角大厦23 楼,邮编200002 ) +86 (21) 5358 9600 7 +86 (21) 6355 0010 +86 (21) 6355 0030 8 www.et2cint.com

u Key Contacts Richard Archer-Perkins Chief Executive Officer ) +86 (21) 5358 9600 x 804 7 +86 (21) 6355 0010 + rap@et2cint.com Vivian Zhu 朱慧 General Manager ) +86 (21) 5358 9600 x 883 7 +86 (21) 6355 0010 + vivian@et2cint.com

u Highlights • Company founded 2001 • Foreign Invested Commercial Enterprise status (2005) • Over 150 staff in our offices, including China, Vietnam, Hong Kong, London, Netherlands, South Africa and Miami • Currently assessing other LCC manufacturing bases (e.g. India, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos and Indonesia) with a target of opening two more in 2010 • Clients include PE houses, large corporates and SMEs from US, Europe and New Zealand. • Own and manage our own Garment Factory outside of Shanghai • 公司成立于2001年 • 外商投资(2005) • 在中,越,香港,伦敦,荷兰,南非及迈阿 密设有办事处:员工数超过150人 • 目前正在评估其他潜在有限责任公司制作基 地(例,印度,孟加拉,柬埔寨,泰国,老 挝及印尼),计划在2010年新开设2家工厂 • 公司客户包括在美国,欧洲及新西兰的私募 股权投资房产,大型公司及众多中小型企业 • 在上海周边地区有自己的服装厂


u Company Introduction ET2C International is a British owned and managed Procurement Service Provider that is focused on adding value to our client’s supply chains within both China and Vietnam. Through our unique Buying Office model, our aim is to provide clients with an unrivalled service that provides transparency across their supplier base, drives product cost savings and efficiency of operation whilst also mitigating risk. ET2C International是一家致力于为客户在中国和越南的采购供应链提供增值服务的英国采购服 务管理公司。通过我们独特的采购办事处模式,可以为客户提供无可比拟的服务,包括供应商资 源的透明化、降低产品成本、高效运做,同时也降低风险。

u Services and Solutions Our buying office model provides our clients with the ability to establish an outsourced procurement operation that is completely aligned to their company’s strategic needs. Through our flexible and tailored approach we have consistently provided a value added solution that has delivered significant benefits, including cost savings, lower returns and quality enhancement. The main benefits are: • Team is 100% dedicated to the client and built around product/category expertise • There is complete transparency with both the supplier and client that enables long lasting relationships to be developed • Speed to market: Buying Office can be set up within 8 weeks • Flexibility enables clients to approach vendors in a number of ways to maximise the benefits • Management support in place to provide assistance and sourcing expertise • Clients can leverage off our own vendor database • Multi-jurisdictional presence 我们的采购办事处主要是为帮助客户根据其公司战略方针建立自己的采购运营模式。通过多样但 独特的方法,我们始终如一地为客户提供有效增值方案,其中包括成本控制、低退货率及质量提 高服务。 主要收益: • 团队完全效力于客户并建立产品目录 • 客户与供应商的透明化保持长久合 作及进一步合作 • 快速建立市场:8周内建立采购办 事处 • 灵活多变的方法使客户多途径接触 供应商,收益最大化 • 为客户提供帮助和专业的采购意见 • 客户可以使用我们的供应商资源, 为客户提供帮助和专业的采购意见 • 多层面的管理范围


InnoCSR 银则企业管理咨询(上海)有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Hong Kong, China 中国香港 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2008 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Room 11- A2, Yujia BD, 1336 Huashan Road Shanghai 200052 上海市长宁区华山路1336号 玉嘉大厦11 楼A2座, 200052 ) +86 (21) 5237 7387 7 +86 (21) 6091 9265 8 www.innocsr.com

u Key Contacts Sam Y.S. Lee 李润锡 Chief Executive Officer ) +86 (21) 5237 7387 7 +86 (21) 6091 9265 + sam.lee@innocsr.com Janice Wei 魏子珈 Senior Manager ) +86 (21) 5237 7387 7 +86 (21) 6091 9265 + janice.wei@innocsr.com

u Highlights InnoCSR Services • Supplier Development Program • CSR Strategy in China • CSR Reporting/Websites • CSR Marketing & Communication • CSR Assessment • In House Training • Social Entrepreneurial Program • Sustainability Rating system InnoCSR的服务: • 供应商发展咨询 • 在中国的CSR战略 • CSR报告/网站 • CSR市场营销以及沟通 • CSR评估 • 企业内部培训 • 社会企业项目 • 可持续发展排名项目

u Company Introduction InnoCSR is a strategic consultancy working in the areas of sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR). Our team of industry specialists provide advisory services to top global companies operating throughout the Asia-Pacific. Since 2008, InnoCSR has become a leading provider of tailored sustainability consulting, and has established a reputation for delivering tangible win-win solutions to businesses and society. 银则企业管理咨询(上海)有限公司InnoCSR是一家战略顾问公司,业务主要针对可持续发展以及 企业社会责任(CSR)项目发展及解决方案。我们的专家团队提供同您企业相关的CSR以及可持 续发展战略的顾问和咨询服务。InnoCSR成立于2008年,我们将社会效益与经济效益相结合的 双赢战略已得到了市场的认可。

u Services and Solutions In order to address the recurring supply-chain challenges faced by our clients in China, InnoCSR developed the Supplier Development Program (SDP) in collaboration with UNIDO REAP. The program follows the successful five ‘S’ approach, designed to identify major risks and opportunities and deliver cost-effective sustainability solutions for both suppliers and buyers. SDP in a Nutshell • Designed to realize tangible bottom-line benefits for both suppliers and buyers • Assessment of both financial and non-financial indicators in the following four areas: - Lean Management - Human Rights and Labour Standards - Environmental Management - Anti-corruption • Implementing SDP - Buyers recommend SDP to their suppliers - Suppliers sign up to participate in SDP - InnoCSR launches cluster consulting projects by industry and region - On-site consultation and action planning Benefits for Buyer Group • Free for buyers • Strengthened supply chain • Reduced financial and non-financial risks • Substantial cost savings • Access to periodic benchmarking reports Benefits for Supplier Group • Ability to meet global industry standards • Increased sales and cost savings • Risk mitigation



Ivie Asia

怡捷贸易(上海)有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Dallas, U.S.A. 美国达拉斯 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1998 年 Hong Kong 香港 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国总部 Room 1507, You You International Plaza, 76 Pujian Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai 200127 上海市浦东新区浦建路76号由由国际广场 1507单元,邮编200127 ) +86 (21) 6165 9100 7 +86 (21) 5873 4330 8 www.ivieinc.com www.chinaprintingsolutions.com

u Key Contacts Aaron Landis VP of international business ) +86 (21) 5873 0702 7 +86 (21) 5873 4330 + aaron.landis@ivieinc.com Malcolm Zhu 朱亦灵 Director of Business Development ) +86 (21) 6165 9100 7 +86 (21) 5873 4330 + malcolm.zhu@ivieinc.com

u Highlights Worldwide Clients include: 全球主要客户包括: Wal-mart 沃尔玛, Sam’s Club 山姆会员商 店, B&Q 百安居, Tesco 乐购, Watsons 屈 臣氏, City Shop 城市超市, Qing Ke Long 庆客隆

u Company Introduction Global experts in marketing services and procurement for hypermarkets and other retailers, FMCG’s and automotive industry, offering on site service, professional turnkey production and distribution of weekly circulars, packaging, product manuals, shopping bags, catalogs, sticker labels, store signage and advertising collateral. Our professional team of project managers, retail marketing strategists, print experts, quality control personnel, logistics staff and customer service managers employ best-practice monitoring and service procedures and are onsite to ensure smooth execution at every critical stage, for every project we run. 作为全球领先的市场咨询服务及采购公司,我们长期为大卖场、零售行业、快速消费品公司和汽 车行业提供服务。服务内容主要包括:现场客服;每周传单、包装、产品手册、购物袋、产品目 录、不干胶标签、店内标牌和广告衍生品的设计生产配送一站式服务。 我们拥有最专业的团队:项目经理,零售行业分析师,印刷专家,质量监控人员,物流人员和客 户服务经理。我们针对每一个项目中每一个关键性阶段运用最优化的监控方法和服务流程,并且 亲临现场以保证项目的顺利执行。

u Services and Solutions • • • • • • • • •

Retail marketing strategy Graphic design, photography, page production Signage design,procurement and fulfillment Catalog, circular and manual creation Print procurement, print management, print cost and quality control Private label packaging development, execution and printing Paper & packaging waste reduction programs Digital asset management Warehousing and distribution




• • • • •

零售市场营销策略 平面设计、摄影、排版 标识设计,制作、安装 目录、商业传单、产品手册等 印刷管理印刷费用和质量监控

• 自有品牌包装设计、制作和印刷 • 纸张及包装成本的控制 • 图片库管理 • 仓储和配送




Lloyd’s Register Asia 英国劳氏船级社

n Corporate HQ 公司总部 London, UK 英国伦敦 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1982 年 Shanghai 上海 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 20/F Ocean Towers, 550 East Yan’an Road, Shanghai 200001 上海市延安东路550号海洋大厦20楼, 邮编200001 ) +86 (21) 5158 5700 7 +86 (21) 6390 6866 8 www.lr.org www.lloydsregisterasia.com

u Key Contacts Robin Pickup Senior Vice President ) +86 (21) 5158 5700 7 +86 (21) 6390 6866 + robin.pickup@lr.org Wang Wu 王武 Sales Manager China ) +86 (21) 5158 5700 7 +86 (21) 6390 6866 + wu.wang@lr.org

u Company Introduction Lloyd’s Register provides through-life advanced engineering, risk management, certification and validation solutions focused on the energy supply chain. We work with operators, EPC-contractors and manufacturers in the Upstream, Downstream, Power and Manufacturing sectors. We also serve the marine and rail transportation industries. Our solutions provide independent, third party technical assurance and help to optimize the performance of assets to meet stakeholder expectations. 英国劳氏船级社为能源供应链提供全周期高级工程、风险管理、认证与验证服务。我们与上游行 业,下游行业,电力行业及制造业的运营商,EPC承包商及制造商合作。我们也为船舶和铁路行 业提供服务。我们的解决方案提供独立、第三方技术保险,通过帮助改善资产业绩来满足股东的 期望。

u Services and Solutions • Vendor Assessment & Qualification; 工厂资质评估

u Highlights

• Risk Management; 风险管理

Founded in 1760 Charitable status in UK Over 7,000 professionals Covers over a 186 countries globally Offices in 245 cities and towns

• Overall Supply Chain Services: 全方位供应链服务 - Marine 船舶 - Rail 铁路 - Ports 港口 - Port handling equipment 港口操作设备 - Containers 集装箱

Through-life advanced engineering, risk management, certification and validation solutions focussed on the energy supply chain

• Inspection services for materials, equipment and systems to a variety of national and international codes - including ASME; 材料,设备和 系统的国家、国际标准检验 – 包括ASME标准

Operators, EPC-contractors and manufacturers in the Upstream, Downstream, Power and Manufacturing sectors

• Notified body activities in connection with various EU directives, including PED; 各种欧盟标准的认证 机构,包括PED

• • • • •

• • • • •

成立于1760年 在英国属于公益性机构 拥有超过7,000名专业人员 覆盖超过186个国家 245个城镇设立办事处

英国劳氏船级社为能源供应链提供全周期高 级工程、风险管理、认证与验证服务。 上游行业,下游行业,电力行业及制造业的 运营商,EPC承包商及制造商


• Independent safety assurance; including independent safety assessments (ISA) and independent verification and validation (IV&V); 独 立的安全保障服务 • Occupational health and safety; management systems assessment, certification and training; 职工健康与安全;管理体系评估、认证及培训 • Safety and environmental consultancy; 安全与环境咨询 • Asset integrity management including RBI (Risk Based Inspection) and PAS 55 (Publicly Available Specification) services. 资产完整性管理,包括RBI及PAS 55


Logistics Executive n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Australia 澳大利亚 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2006 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 Joint Venture 合资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Suite 13G, Shanghai Ind’l Investment Bldg. 18 North Caoxi Road, Shanghai 200030 上海市徐汇区漕溪北路18号上海实业大厦 13楼G座, 邮编200030 ) +86 (21) 6427 6697 7 +86 (21) 6468 6478 8 www.logisticsrecruitment.com.cn

u Key Contacts Joyce Sun 孙静 Country Manager, China ) +86 (21) 6427 6697 7 +86 (21) 6468 6478 + joyces@lrschina.com Darryl Judd VP, Global Strategy ) +61 4199 8817 6 +65 6722 0918 + darrylj@lrs.net.au

u Highlights Logistics Executive brings a relationship that is: • Collaborative and comprehensive • Provides a framework for engagement that is performance and partnership focused • A demonstrated track record in talent souring, aligned to best practice and speed to source • An extensive knowledge base of the Supply Chain, Logistics & Manufacturing talent marketplace with a broad network of executives across China, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Australia • An active candidate database of local and global executives and operational talent • Dedicated Business Consultants and Practice Leaders who understand Supply Chain, Logistics and Manufacturing and have extensive experience in delivering value way beyond recruitment and the placement of talent


u Company Introduction Logistics Executive is your premium international supply chain, logistics & manufacturing chain specialist executive recruitment and Human Resources organisation. Our business model is built on a commitment of client collaboration, providing services beyond the transactional recruitment activity and is focused on helping you extract the best from you business through the deployment of best practice models and talent development. We have built a proud reputation for the delivery of the highest level of professional services to our clients. Our specialist recruitment team works hard to understand your business, core values, company culture and unique requirements when undertaking all assignments. A specific recruitment strategy is formulated to ensure we attain the highest caliber candidates for the role. We cover the full supply chain, logistics & manufacturing verticals from senior executive to entry level positions.

u Services and Solutions Executive & permanent recruitment International search Technical recruitment such as engineers Specialist services such as; • Recruitment managed services (BPO) • Talent mapping / sourcing • Salary benchmarking & market guides • Psychological assessment & testing business improvement consulting and project management • Operational change management • Commercial & sales • Process improvement • Talent management


Michael Page International 米高蒲志

n Corporate HQ 公司总部 London, UK 英国伦敦 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2003 年 Shanghai 上海 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 601-603 Shanghai Kerry Centre, 1515 West Nanjing Road, Shanghai 200040 上海南京西路1515号,嘉里中心601- 603, 邮编200040 ) +86 (21) 3222 4758 7 +86 (21) 3222 4759 8 www.michaelpage.com.cn

u Key Contacts Josh Hollway Manager ) +86 (21) 6122 6213 7 +86 (21) 3222 4759 + joshhollway@michaelpage.com.cn Stephen Wu 吴斯琦 Senior Consultant ) +86 (21) 6122 6215 7 +86 (21) 3222 4759 + stephenwu@michaelpage.com.cn

u Highlights The Group operates through 142 offices in 28 countries with over 4,000 employees worldwide. First established in London in 1976, we’ve been bringing job seekers and employers together for more than 30 years. We opened our first office in Hong Kong in 1994, Shanghai in 2003 and most recently Beijing and Shenzhen in 2008. We also have offices in Australia, New Zealand, Tokyo and Singapore. Our clients range from large multinationals to local and international SME’s. 我们集团在28个国家设有142个办事处,全球 雇员超过4000人。自1976年英国伦敦公司成 立,三十多年来,我们一直作为一个平台,为 求职者和客户牵线搭桥。 1994年,我们在中国香港开办了第一个中国大 陆的办事处,并于2003年,成立上海办事处; 在2008年,由于公司规模的发展与扩张,又成 功开办了北京和深圳办事处。米高蒲志国际在 亚太地区设有多个分支机构,包括澳大利亚、 新西兰、日本东京和新加坡等。我们的客户范 围宽泛,包括大型跨国公司,中小型外资合资 企业,以及中国本土的中资企业等。


u Company Introduction Michael Page International is a leading professional recruitment consultancy specialising in the recruitment of permanent, contract and temporary positions on behalf of the world’s top employers. Our role is to work with employers and job seekers to facilitate a successful match. This can range from advising a global company on a candidate sourcing strategy to helping a job seeker find their dream job. 米高蒲志国际是代表全球顶尖客户,从事长期、合同和临时职位招聘的一家知名的,专业的人才服务 公司。 我们的角色是促进客户和求职者的成功匹配。业务范围从为全球性公司提供招聘策略咨询到为求 职者寻找理想的工作。

u Services and Solutions Our Procurement & Supply Chain Division works with multinational clients from a wide range of industries across mainland China, focusing on recruitment in: • Purchasing/procurement • Warehousing • Strategic sourcing • Planning & forecasting • Vendor management • Supply chain management • Contract management • Consulting • Logistics • Distribution, transport & shipping 我们采购和供应链部门的客户主要是中国大陆各个行业 的国际公司,专注于: • 采购 • 战略性采购 • 供应商管理 • 合同管理 • 物流 • 仓库 • 计划 & 预测 • 供应链管理 • 咨询 • 配送运输 & 航运


PricewaterhouseCoopers 普华永道

n Corporate HQ 公司总部 New York, USA 美国纽约 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1902 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 Joint Venture 合资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 11/F, PricewaterhouseCoopers Center, 202 Hubin Road Shanghai 200021 上海湖滨路202号普华永道中心11楼, 邮编200021 ) +86 (21) 2323 8888 7 +86 (21) 2323 8800 8 www.pwccn.com

u Key Contacts Robert Barrett Associate Director ) +86 (21) 2323 3818 7 +86 (21) 2323 8800 + robert.barrett@cn.pwc.com Damon Paling Partner ) +86 (21) 2323 2877 7 +86 (21) 2323 8800 + damon.ross.paling@cn.pwc.com

u Highlights The firm provides a wide range of services to help organisations solve business issues, identify and maximise opportunities. Our industry specialisation enables us to identify trends and customise solutions for your sector of interest. Each line of service is staffed with highly qualified, experienced professionals and leaders in our profession. These resources, combined with our global network, allow us to provide the support you need wherever you may be located. • Offices in Asia: Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia, India • Customers: General Motors, Citibank, Qingdao Beer, PetroChina 普华永道为客户提供多种服务,帮助客户解决 业务问题,发掘商机,抓紧机遇。我们凭借专 业知识,为您所关注的领域解读趋势,度身定 制解决方案。每项专业服务均由素质出众、经 验丰富的专业人士以及行业领袖负责。除此之 外,我们更拥有全球网络的丰富资源。无论您 身在何处,我们都可以提供支持。 • 亚洲分公司:日本、韩国、香港、新加坡、 泰国、柬埔寨、越南、印度尼西亚、印度。 • 客户有通用汽车,花旗银行,青岛啤酒,中 国石油天然气股份有限公司


u Company Introduction PricewaterhouseCoopers – China, Hong Kong and Singapore PricewaterhouseCoopers is the leading professional services firm in China, Hong Kong and Singapore operating on a combined basis. Taken together, we have more than 460 partners and a strength of 13,000 people. We are located in these cities: Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Chongqing, Dalian, Guangzhou, Macau, Ningbo, Qingdao, Shenzhen, Singapore, Suzhou, Tianjin, Xiamen and Xi’an. 普华永道中国、香港及新加坡事务所已根据各地适用的法律合并运营。合并后,员工总数逾 13,000人,其中包括逾460名合伙人。我们在以下城市设有事务所:北京、香港、上海、重庆、 大连、广州、澳门、宁波、青岛、深圳、新加坡、苏州、天津、厦门及西安。

u Services and Solutions PricewaterhouseCoopers (www.pwc.com) provides industry-focused assurance, tax and advisory services that enhance value for its clients and their stakeholders. Our Advisory and Tax practices provide a range of supply chain and related services for clients. These include: • Supply chain strategy and optimization • Sourcing and supplier selection and management • Global trade, customs and duty optimization • Sourcing office set-up and structuring • Inventory optimization • Cost optimization • Supplier risk management, control and workouts • Market entry and transaction services • Shared services and process optimization 普华永道(www.pwc.com)迎合各 行业的需要,通过提供审计、税务 及咨询服务,以建立公众的信任并 不断为客户及股东提升价值。我们 的咨询及税务部为客户提供一系列 供应链及相关服务,包括: • 供应链的战略及优化服务 • 供应商的甄选与管理服务 • 国际贸易、海关及关税服务 • 外包服务的建立及架构 • 存货优化服务 • 成本优化服务 • 供应商风险管理及控制服务 • 市场准入及购并服务 • 共享服务中心及程序优化服务


Resources Global Professionals n Corporate HQ 公司总部 U.S.A. 美国 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2006 年 Beijing 北京 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Room 2705-06, Lippo Plaza, 222 Middle Huaihai Road, Shanghai 上海市卢湾区淮海中路222号力宝广场 2705-06室

©2008 Resources Global Professionals


DELTA AIR LINES HANK HALTER (left) SVP – Finance & Controller CHALLENGE: Change management

RESOURCES GLOBAL PROFESSIONALS WANDA MOTON (right) 25-years experience: > Financial Analyst > Business Planner > Corporate Accountant > MBA

) +86 (21) 6386 8710 7 +86 (21) 6386 8712 8 www.resourcesglobal.com WE HELP DELTA AIR LINES MANAGE CHANGE.

u Key Contacts Shelton Chan 詹斯敦 Director Supply Chain Management Shanghai ) +86 (21) 6386 8718 7 +86 (21) 6386 8712 + shelton.chan@resources-cn.com George Lan 兰波 Managing Director, Beijing ) +86 (10) 8518 2101 7 +86 (10) 8518 2194 + george.lan@resources-cn.com


u Company Introduction

Few businesses have to deal with change the way airlines do: commodity pricing, consolidation, weather, loads, fierce competition, and, for Delta, global expansion. That’s why, for the past eight years, they’ve enlisted the help of Resources Global Professionals. We work inside business to help manage change. Sometimes on the fly. business. from the inside out.





Resources Global Professionals is a leading innovator in professional services providing high quality, experienced professionals to assist clients on a project to project basis. Visit www.resourcesglobal.com/register for a free copy of our human capital survey results, Insights on Global Transformation

1 800-900-113 bal.com resourcesglo

Resources was founded to provide clients with “a new way of getting things done.” We believe that today’s organizational challenges require flexible and innovative solutions. Resources Global Professionals是专业人才服务领域的领先者,公司提供经验丰富的高素质 专业人员帮助客户经营项目。 Resources成立的宗旨是向客户提供“全新的成事之道”。我们认为,针对当前组织面临的问 题,需要灵活及创新的解决方案。

u Highlights

u Services and Solutions

• 90% of the Fortune 50 have been our clients

• We work within your team’s end-to end operation to improve supply chain performance.

• 590 of the Fortune 1000 have been our clients • 100% of our top 50 clients have remained so for three years running • 80+ Offices around the world • $499M revenue in fiscal year 2010 (Resources’ FY ends May 31) • 2800+ Consultants serving clients in over 66 countries • 18 years average experience for our Consultants • 美国财富50强的90%是我们的客户 • 美国财富1000强中有590家是我们的客户 • 公司最大的50家客户100%连续3年以上与 我们保持良好的合作关系 • 全球有80多家办事机构 • 2010年财政年度收入为4亿9千9百万美金 (荟才环球财政年度截至到2010年5月31日) • 2800多位专业顾问在全球66个国家为客户 提供服务 • 荟才的顾问在全球范围内有着平均18年以上 的从业经验

• Sourcing: strategic sourcing; category management; operational and capital procurement; materials management; spend analysis; commodity management; E-procurement/auction. • Manufacturing: lean manufacturing; six sigma; JIT/Kanban; quality/TQM/Kaizen; development model analysis (CM, ODM, OEM); new product introduction • Logistics: inbound/outbound freight optimization; warehousing and distribution management; shipment design and optimization; customs/import management. • Planning: ERP process implementation/improvement; demand planning and forecasting; inventory management; sales & operation planning. • 我们在供应链领域拥有自身的专业人才 我们融入您的团队,参与到终端至终端的营运中,以改善供应链的最终成效。 • 采购:战略性采购;品类管理;日常采购和资本设备采购;材料管理;开支分析;商品管理电 子采购/拍卖 • 制造:精益制造;六西格玛(Six Sigma);即使生产(JIT)/看板(Kanban);质量/全面质量管理/ 改善(Kaizen);发展模式研究(配置管理CM,原始设计制造ODM,原始设备制造OEM);新产品 上市;物料需求计划(MRP)实施 • 物流:对内/对外货运优化;仓库与分销管理;海关/进口管理;危险源和可操作性研究(HAZOP); 运输设计和优化 • 计划:协同计划;企业资源计划(ERP)流程执行与改善;需求计划和预估;存货管理;销售和营 运计划

被《财富》、《福布斯》和《商业周刊》杂志 评为发展最快、最优秀的小型公司



Russell Reynolds Associates n Corporate HQ 公司总部 New York, USA 美国纽约 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1980 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 4504, Jin Mao Tower, 88 Centure Avenue, Pudong, Shanghai 200121 上海浦东世纪大道88号金茂大厦4504, 邮编200121 ) +86 (21) 6163 0888 7 +86 (21) 5098 8298 8 www.russellreynolds.com

u Key Contacts Peter L. O’Brien Head of Asia Pacific Supply Chain Practice ) +61 2 9258 3120 7 +61 2 9247 3333 + peter.obrien@russellreynolds.com Grace Cheng 程原 Head of Greater China ) +86 (21) 6163 0888 7 +86 (21) 5098 8298 + grace.cheng@russellreynolds.com

u Highlights Leader in Executive Search and Assessment. Global Firm - 39 offices worldwide with 300 senior consultants with extensive industry experience. Market leader in Supply Chain Leadership Recruitment. Asian offices in Beijing, Delhi, Hong Kong, Melbourne, Mumbai, Shanghai, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo. Founded in 1969 in the USA

u Company Introduction Russell Reynolds Associates’ (“RRA”) reputation as the global leader in the executive search and assessment is founded on its extensive industry knowledge and global market insight. As the trusted recruitment advisor to organizations around the globe, RRA’s aim is to be the best rather than the biggest or the most visible or the most diversified. With a focus on CEO and ‘C-level’ recruitment, RRA has a highly regarded reputation in Supply Chain Leadership recruitment, ensuring its clients have the best and most qualified leaders. RRA achieves this by ensuring they have the most experienced and best trained consultants in the industry. 罗盛咨询被誉为全球领先的高管搜寻和评估机构,拥有广泛的行业知识和全球市场的洞察力.作为 一家一直深受全球客户信赖的搜寻机构,罗盛咨询力求服务的最优化、可视化和多样化。由于我 们致力于CEO以及‘C-level’的高管搜寻,因此罗盛咨询在供应链式的领导力雇佣方面、以及确保 为客户提供最佳、最合格的领导力方面享有非常高的名望。为此,罗盛咨询拥有一支行业经验丰 富的高水平顾问团队。

u Services and Solutions Executive recruitment and assessment for large or small, public or private, global or local, organizations. With extensive Industry expertise and knowledge in supply chain management globally, RRA works closely with its clients in the appointment of individual leaders as well as ‘leadership teams’ to achieve the clients’ goals in creating and sustaining value. 我们为大型公司或小型公司、公共服务行业或私人企业、全球组织机构或地方组织机构提供高管 搜寻和评估服务。罗盛咨询拥有具有广泛行业背景的专家和丰富的全球供应链管理知识,因此我 们不仅为客户寻找单独的领导者,也帮助他们建立领导力团队,以实现为客户建立具有持续性价 值的目标。

RRA’s View of the “End‐to‐End” Supply Chain

RRA’s View of the “End‐to‐End” Supply Chain

世界领先的高管搜寻和评估机构。 全球拥有39支分支机构和300名具有专业背景 的高级顾问。 Sources

在供应链式的领导力雇佣方面居于市场领先地 位。 亚洲办公室分布于:北京、德里、香港、墨尔 本、孟买、上海、新家坡、悉尼、东京。 1969年成立于美国。




Materials Requirements

Production Planning

Purchasing Physical Flow

Physical Flow

Inbound Materials



Materials Requirements Tactical




Factory Scheduling

Inbound Materials






Production Planning

Inventory Planning Factory Scheduling

Inventory Deployment Production Lean, Six Sigma Replenishment



Consumers Inventory Planning

Demand Planning

Demand Planning Inventory Deployment

Order Management Replenishment

Order Management

Supply Chain Processes Distribution

Supply Chain Processes


Enterprise Resource Planning, Customer Relationship Management, Product Lifecycle Management, Collaborative Forecasting and Replenishment, Order Fulfillment, Service Order Management… Lean, Six Sigma


Enterprise Resource Planning, Customer Relationship Management, Product Lifecycle Management, Collaborative Forecasting and Replenishment, Order Fulfillment, Service Order Management…


Smart Sourcing 世易贸易(上海)有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 New York, U.S.A. 美国纽约 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1999 年 Shanghai 上海 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 1210-1213 Guo-Li Plaza, 1465 West Beijing Road, Shanghai 200040 上海市北京西路1465号国立大厦12101213室, 邮编 200040 ) +86 (21) 5212 1200 7 +86 (21) 5212 1210 8 www.smart-sourcing.com

u Key Contacts Brian Strebel General Manager, China ) +86 (21) 5212 1200 x 277 7 +86 (21) 5212 1210 + bstrebel@smart-sourcing.com.cn David Hale (USA) President ) +1 (631) 293 4796 7 +1 (631) 752 6907 + dave@smart-sourcing.com

u Highlights • Full service outsourcing manufacturing & procurement • Over 45 years of manufacturing experience • Consulting for quality control, logistics, and China market entry • Fortune Magazine’s “Global Outsourcing 100” top providers in the world for 2006-2008

u Company Introduction Smart Sourcing is a Global manufacturing and outsourcing company. We have been assisting companies with their offshore manufacturing needs for over a decade. SSi maintains offices in New York, Shanghai, and Ningbo. We are equipped to service projects throughout the supply chain cycle and provide consulting services tailored to your needs. 世易贸易(上海)有限公司是全球性的生产和外包公司。十多年来,我们一直致力于协助公司的 海外采购。 世易贸易在纽约,上海和宁波设有办事处。我们为您的项目提供贯穿供应链的全程服务,根据您 的需要量身订制咨询服务。

u Services and Solutions SSi has surveyed more than 400 factories in China, but we are more than a sourcing broker or agent. We take ownership of the product and provide upfront financing to customers who do not pay until product delivery. Contact us today for a free consultation! 在中国SSI调查了超过400家工厂,但是我们做的不仅局限于一个采购代理。我们拥有产品的所有 权并且为货到付款的客户提供预付款服务。今天就和我们联系吧,我们为您提供免费的咨询。

• 全面的外包生产&采购服务 • 45年以上的生产经验 • 质量控制、物流管理、中国市场准入方面的 专家 • 被《财富》杂志评为2006-2008“全球外包 公司100强”



ThreeSixty Sourcing International n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Hong Kong 香港 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2002 年 Shanghai 上海 n Legal status in China 企业性质 Limited Company 有限公司 n China head office 中国代表处总部 3/F, Hua Sheng Mansion, 398 HanKou Road, Shanghai 200001 上海市汉口路398号华盛大厦3楼 邮编: 200001 ) +86 (21) 6322 5000 7 +86 (21) 6352 8899 8 www.threesixtysourcing.com

u Key Contacts Michael Lam 黄骏 Senior Vice President Operations ) +86 (21) 6322 5000 7 +86 (21) 6352 8899 + michaell@threesixtysourcing.com Chris Laurence Chief Executive Officer ) +86 (21) 6322 5000 7 +86 (21) 6352 8899 + chrisl@threesixtysourcing.com

u Highlights Each of threesixty’s account teams is 100% dedicated to each customer’s business and manages all procurement activities in Asia on their behalf. We conduct regulars hop-around sourcing events that locate the most qualified suppliers in Asia and offer our customers full access to the supplier base at all times. Threesixty is compensated only by our customers, with no income from suppliers, be it raw material surcharges, financing charges, rebates, or plainold kick backs. Our business model requires mutual exclusive it by product category aligning our interests with our customers’ and permitting an open and honest relationship. Our Customer such as “BELL”, “RAONCO” and some of famous company in the world. 每个小组100%服务于每个客户并代表公司执 行管理亚洲所有采购活动。我们定期进行 shop around(针对客户的需求大规模产品比较)活 动。公司定位在亚洲最领先的供应商,为客户 提供全面的服务。360采购提供全透明的价格比 较,我们的商业模式要求按产品类别相互比较使 我们的利益与我们的客户都能达到保证,并和客 户,供应商允许公开和诚实的关系。

u Company Introduction ThreeSixty Sourcing is a leading global sourcing from specializing in sourcing products for the consumer and commercial hard good sectors. We provide our customers with board access to a diverse supplier base delivering the best product coasts at specified quality and service levels. We have over 500 experienced sourcing and technical professionals located in five company’s office in China: Guangzhou, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Ningbo. We also have a sales office in California. 360采购是专业从事服务于消费者与商业采购产品的全球领先的专业采购公司。我们为公司的客 户提供在指定的质量和服务级别要求下比较选出不同的供应商,以达到客户最满意的产品及价格。 360采购有超过500位经验丰富的采购和专业技术人员。我们在中国的五大城市设有办事处: 广州,上海、香港、深圳、宁波,并且在加利福尼亚也有销售办事处,以达到为全球客户提供最 快,最满意的服务。

u Services and Solutions ThreeSixty Locates and managers hard goods suppliers in Asia who can deliver the best FOB products costs based on our customers’ quality and delivery standards. We build a variable cost sourcing office for our customers with a team, tool and infrastructure they could not develop on their own. Each dedicated customer team leverages the shop — Around sourcing event process, QA/QC division, COMPASS system, and the reach and visibility of multiple china offices to consistently deliver value and results. 360采购的管理人员能够按客户提出的要求找到亚洲质量最好,成本最佳的指定产品。我们会以 一个灵活的采购团队的形式为我们客户专门提供帮助,包括提供前期所有的市场调研,力求找到客 户最满意的成本价格,最好质量的产品和所有需要的基本设施。每个团队会充分利用公司指定专业 的活动模式:在shop-around(针对客户的需求大规模的产品采购比较)活动的过程中,质量保 证/质量控制师,还有领导性的系统和覆盖面多样的产品采购类型。为提高中国办事处的知名度, 创造产品价值,让客确户满意的成果。

我们的客户是都是全球知名的公司,例 如:“BELL”,”RAONCO”等等。



Tractus Asia


n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Hong Kong, China 中国香港 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2000 年 Shanghai 上海 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Suite B, 22/F, Zhaofeng Universe Building, 1800 West Zhongshan Road, Shanghai 200235 上海中山西路1800号兆丰环球大厦22楼B 座,邮编200235

Market R Research h

Strategy Ad i Advice

Site S l i Selection

M&A M&A Partnering

Business Set Business Set‐ Up Assistance

Project Project Management

) +86 (21) 6440 0990 7 +86 (21) 6440 3173 8 www.tractus-asia.com

u Key Contacts John Evans Managing Director ) +86 (21) 6440 0990 + jevans@tractus-asia.com Denise Yan 颜燕娜 Director Senior Assistant ) +86 (21) 6440 0990 + denise@tractus-asia.com

u Highlights • Integrated suite of services that cover all activities investors need to undertake to implement their investments in Asia

u Company Introduction Tractus is Latin for progress. From our offices in China, India, Thailand and Vietnam, we help our client companies see the progress – the establishment or strengthening of their businesses in Asia – that they want to see. Tractus opened its first office in Bangkok in 1995 as South East Asia was becoming a prime destination for foreign investment. Initially our practice focused on market entry strategy and industrial site selection. While continuing to excel in these specialties, we have also expanded our management consulting services, advised economic development programs, created a business incubator to offer SMEs a low risk market entry option and expanded our project management capabilities. We act as an integral part of our clients’ Asian business development team to add value in the most efficient and cost effective manner.

• Advised and provided assistance on over US$3 billion of FDI and foreign trade

Tractus这个单词在拉丁文中是发展进步的意思。通过设在中国、印度、泰国以及越南等地的办 事处,我们协助各种各样的公司在亚洲设立工厂或办事处,并提高他们的竞争力。

• Successfully completed over 50 site selection, real estate acquisition and investment incentive negotiation assignments

我们最初的服务以市场进入企业以及工业选址为主。经过多年的实践,我们的业务范围扩张到投 资管理咨询服务、建设性地经济促进服务、以及为减轻中小型企业进入市场初期的风险而创立的 商业孵化服务。我们将通过我们快速有效的服务,竭诚为我们的客户开拓其在亚洲地区的事业。

• A multidisciplinary and multicultural team with decades of experience running businesses in Asia • Offices in China, Thailand, Vietnam, India and the U.S. • 综合性配套服务,涵盖了投资者在亚洲实 施投资时,所有需要执行的投资活动 • 曾服务过的外商直接投资和贸易促进项目总 额超过30亿美金 • 成功完成与选址、地产购置及投资优惠政策 协商相关项目达50余个 • 多元化的项目团队,有着数十年在亚洲执 行商务运作的经验 • 办事处分布在中国,泰国,越南,印度及 美国。



u Services and Solutions Consulting services • Strategy development • Market research • Site selection • Partner screening • Mergers and acquisitions • Portfolio restructuring • Negotiation support

咨询服务 • 战略制定 • 市场调查 • 工业选址 • 伙伴收购 • 兼并收购 • 业务重组 • 谈判协助

Program management • Entity establishment • Project management

项目管理 • 公司建立 • 项目管理

Business incubator • Business development • Manufacturing services

商业孵化 • 企业发展 • 制造业服务

Economic development • Investment attraction • Trade promotion

经济发展 • 招商 • 贸易促进


World-Check n Corporate HQ 公司总部 London 伦敦 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2005年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Unit 4C, Times Plaza, 1 Taizi Road, Shekou, Shenzhen 518067 新时代广场4C座,蛇口市太子路1号,深圳, 邮编518067 ) +86 (755) 2688 9786 7 +86 (755) 2688 9790 8 www.world-check.com

u Key Contacts Michael Short Head of EDD Business Development, Hong Kong ) +852 3100 0015 7 +852 3100 0019 + mjs@world-check.com Bob Shead Business Development Director, Shanghai ) +159 2155 6470 + bshead@world-check.com

u Highlights World-Check risk intelligence helps organisations understand who they are really doing business with. A database of more than 1 million unique profiles ensures that World-Check customers have access to the industry’s most comprehensive source of risk intelligence. More than 16,000 new profiles created per month and over 19,000 existing profiles updated on a monthly basis. World-Check风险情报可以帮助组织或企业真 正了解他们究竟在和谁做生意。 包含多达100多万份独特档案资料的数据库,确 保World-Check的客户可以掌握行业内最为详 实的风险情报来源。 每月新建档案达到16,000个,而每月更新档案 则多达19,000个。

u Company Introduction World-Check (W-C), the leading global provider of highly structured risk intelligence, offers banks, institutional lenders, lawyers, accounting firms and other regulated financial services providers a comprehensive solution for meeting their regulatory compliance requirements. Our global database of Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs) and heightened risk individuals and entities, due diligence reports, passport verification and country risk assessment tools address the full spectrum of risk across all markets and industries. Represented across five continents, WC’s research team monitors emerging risks in more than 50 languages, covering over 240 countries and territories worldwide. www.world-check.com 获得分布160多个国家和地区的3800多家机构(包括世界最大的50家银行中的49家)信赖的 World-Check,为客户提供评估、管理和监测金融风险、管制性风险及信誉风险的终端到终端解 决方案。World-Check的全球数据库、尽职调查报告、护照核查和国家风险评估工具。可以协助 各机构规避所有市场和行业的各种风险。World-Check的国际调查团队遍布五大洲、采用50多种 语言,监测着240多个国家和地区新出现的风险。

u Services and Solutions World-Check Online World-Check Online is a Web-based risk screening service enabling users to instantly check individual or entity names against the full World-Check data set. Incorporating Passport-Check, it also verifies the authenticity of ‘machine readable’ (MRZ) passports from more than 180 countries. World-Check Data-file World-Check’s highly structured Data-File can be embedded into all major software applications, allowing for automated, cost efficient filtering to be carried out in-house while offering maximum data security and privacy. Due Diligence Reports Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD) Reports World-Check EDD reports enable organisations to gain insight into their business relationships and meet compliance requirements prior to off shore investments, outsourcing, joint ventures, public listings, mergers and acquisitions and mission-critical transactions. Country-Check Country-Check is a risk index that calculates risk profiles for 244 countries and territories. World-Check在线系统是一个基于网络的风险筛查服务项目,可以确保用户基于整个WorldCheck数据库对个人或实体的名称进行即时核查。由于整合了护照检查功能,该系统也可以对来自 超过180个国家的“机读”(MRZ) 护照进行真伪验证。 World-Check高度结构化的数据文件可以嵌入所有主流应用软件中,不仅可以在组织内部实现自 动及高成本效益的筛查操作,同时也提供了最大化的数据安全性和隐私性。 World-Check尽职调查报告可以帮助有关组织或企业在进行海外投资、外包业务、建立合资企 业、挂牌上市、合并与收购以及其他关键交易之前深入了解其商业关系并满足相关合规要求。 Country-Check是一个基于对全球244个国家和地区的风险概况计算而得出的国家风险指数。



Other Professional Services Consulting n Advancy Room 2501, L.C Finance Center, 288 West Nanjing Road, Jing’an District, Shanghai 200003 上海南京西路288号创兴金融中 心2501室,邮编200003 +86 (21) 6386 7033 www.advancy.com n Alaris Unit 818 Central Plaza, 381 Middle Huaihai Road, Shanghai 200020 上海中环广场818座, 邮编200020 +86 (21) 6391 6398 www.alarisconsulting.com n ARC Room 4901-8, Raffles Office Tower, 268 Middle Xizang Road, Shanghai 上海西藏中路268号来福士广场 (办公楼)49楼4908-8室 +86 (21) 5375 2151 www.arcweb.com n AT Kearney 35/F, OneLujiazui, 68 Middle Yincheng Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai 200120 上海浦东新区银城中路68号时代 金融中心35楼,邮编200120 +86 (21) 6182 2000 www.atkearney.cn n Atos 5/F, Lido Commercial Center, Jichang Road, Beijing 100004 北京市机场路丽都广场丽都商业 大厦5层,邮编100004 +86 (10) 6437 6668 www.atosorigin.com

n Atradius Credit Information Unit 11F, Pufa Tower, 588 South Pudong Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai 200120 +86 (21) 6160 8088 www.atradius.com.hk

n Bain & Company 31/F, 2 Plaza 66, 1366 West Nanjing Road, Jing’An District, Shanghai 200040 +86 (21) 2211 5588 www.bain.com.cn n Barkawi A 705, 69 Dongfang Road, Eton Place, Pudong New District, Shanghai 200120 上海市浦东新区东方路69号裕


景国际商务广场A705,邮编 200120 +86 (21) 6859 9686 www.barkawi.com

n BearingPoint Unit 3101, 31/F CITIC Square, 1168 West Nanjing Road, Shanghai 200041 上海市南京西路1168号中信泰 富广场31楼,邮编200041 +86 (21) 5292 5392 www.bearingpoint.com n Booz Allen Hamilton Ste. 2511, One Corporate Ave., 222 Hubin Road, Shanghai 200121 上海湖滨路222号企业天地 2511室,邮编200121 +86 (21) 6340 6633 www.bah.com.cn n Boston 21/F, Central Plaza 227 North Huangpi Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai 200003 上海黄陂北路227号中区广场21 楼,邮编200003 +86 (21) 2306 4000 www.bcg.com

n Capgemini 11 Boxia Road, Zhangjiang Highteck Park, Shanghai 201203 上海浦东新区张江软件园博霞路 11号,邮编 201203 + 86 (21) 6182 2688 www.cn.capgemini.com n Ernst & Young 23/F, The Center, 989 Changle Road, Shanghai +86 (21) 2228 8888 www.ey.com n Fiducia Suite 1908, Ciro’s Plaza, 388 West Nanjing Road, Shanghai, 200003 +86 (21) 6327 9118 www.fiducia-china.com n Global Intelligence Alliance Unit 1208 OOCL Plaza, 841 Middle Yan’an Road, Shanghai, 200003 +86 (21) 6327 9118 www.globalintelligence.com n Hewitt 36/F Shanghai Central Plaza, 381 Middle Huaihai Road, Shanghai 200020 上海市淮海中路381号中环广场 36楼,邮编200020 +86 (21) 6279 0197 www.hewittassociates.com

n Hill & Associates 6A, Huamin Empire Plaza, 728 West Yan’ an Road, Shanghai 200050 +86 (21) 5238 5599 www.hill-assoc.com

n Mercer Room 3601 HongKong New World Tower, 300 Middle Huaihai Road, Shanghai 200021 +86 (21) 6335 3358 www.mercer.com

n KPMG 50/F, Plaza 66, 1266 West Nanjing Road, Jing’an District, Shanghai 200040 上海南京西路1266号恒隆广场 50楼,邮编200040 +86 (21) 2212 2888 www.kpmg.com.cn

n PAC Group G1/F, King Tower, 28 Xinjinqiao Road, Shanghai 上海新金桥路28号新金桥大厦 G1楼层 +86 (21) 5031 0000 www.pacgroup.com

n Kong & Allan Aile Building 16-E, 631 Lingling Road, Shanghai +86 (21) 5425 7385 www.kongandallan.com

n Portland Group Unit 812, Central Plaza, 227, North Huangpi Road, Shanghai 200003 +86 (21) 6375 9229 www.portlandgroup.com

n Kroll Unit 805, Tower 1, China Central Place, 81 Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100025 +86 (10) 5964 7600 www.kroll.com n IBM 25/F IBM Tower Pacific Century, 2A North Gongti Road, Beijing 100027 北京市朝阳区工体北路甲2号, 盈科中心 IBM 大厦,25层 +86 (10) 6361 8888 www.ibm.com/cn/zh/ n IDSC 1 Jalan Kilang Timor #06-06 Pacific Tech Centre, Singapore 159303 +65 6273 2723 www.idsc.com.sg n LowendalMasaï 1505 Hai Tong Tower, 689 Guangdong Road, Shanghai 200001 上海市黄浦区广东路689号 海通证券大厦1505室,邮编 200001 +86 (21) 6341 1255 www.lowendalmasai.com n Marsh Room 903, Aurora Plaza, 99 Fucheng Road, Shanghai 200120 +86 (21) 6887 3118 www.marsh.com n McKinsey 17/F Platinum Building 233 Taicang Road, Shanghai 200020 上海市太仓路233号新茂大厦17 楼,邮编200020 +86 (21) 6385 8888 www.mckinsey.com

n Pöyry 802/ 8F, Tower One, Prosper Center, 5 Guanghua Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020 北京市朝阳区光华路5号院,世 纪财富中心1号楼(东座)8层 802号 +86 (10) 6410 6550 www.poyry.com n Rödl & Partner 31/F POS Plaza, 1600 Century Avenue, Shanghai +86 (21) 6163 5200 www.roedl.com nRoland Berger 23/F, Shanghai Kerry Center, 1515 West Nanjing Road, Shanghai 上海南京西路1515号上海嘉里 中心23楼 +86 (21) 5298 6677 www.rolandberger.com.cn nStaufen 22H Cross Region, No.899 Lingling Road, Shanghai 200030 上海市零陵路899号飞洲国际广 场22楼H座,邮编200030 +86 (21) 6441 7112 www.staufen.cn nWesternacher Room 2901, Fortune Gate, 1791 West Beijing Road, Shanghai 200040 上海市北京西路1701号2901 室,邮编200040 +86 (21) 6288 6370 www.westernacher.com


Other Professional Services Sourcing n A.E.C China Golden Buiding 9B, 258 Tongren Road, Shanghai 200040 上海市静安区铜仁路258号金座 9层B 座,邮编200040 +86 (21) 62892883 www.aec-china.com n AMS Suite 302-303, Suifeng B Building 10, Middle Xianli Road, Yongtai West, Guangzhou 510095 广州越秀区先烈中路 永泰西约10号穗丰大厦B栋 B302.303室,邮编510095 +86 (20) 8732 7643 www.ams-site.com

n araia Shanghai Times Square, Suite 1709, 93 Middle Huaihai Road, Shanghai 200021 上海市淮海中路93号大上海时 代广场办公楼1709室,邮编 200021 +86 (21) 6391 8356 www.araia.com n Buy.o Procurement 18/F, Bund Centre, 222 East Yan’an Road, Shanghai 200002 上海市黄浦区延安东路222号外 滩中心18楼,邮编 200002 +86 (21) 6132 3805 www.buyo-procurement.com

n Beijing Axis Suite 22D, Pine Court, Jin Dao Hua Yuan, Xi Ba He Nan Road, Beijing 100028 +86 (10) 8455 4008 www.thebeijingaxis.com n BrainNet (EAC) Sunyoung Centre, Room 1702, 398 Jiangsu Road, Shanghai, 200050 +86 (21) 3250 5967 www.brainnet.com n Bryan Cave Suite 916-921, One Corporate Avenue 222 Hubin Road, Luwan District Shanghai 200021 上海市卢湾区湖滨路222号 企业天地一号楼916-921室, 邮编200021 +86 (21) 2308 3000 www.bryancavetrade.com n ChinaSavvy 400 Wuzi Building, Beijiaochang Henglu 12,

Guangzhou 510050 +86 (20) 8388 7080 www.chinasavvy.com

n Drennan Sourcing 202-211 He Sen Building, 1600 West Yan’an Road, Shanghai 200052 +86 (21) 5258 8855 www.drennanco.com n Drozak 1203 Bund Center, No. 222 East Yan´an Road, Shanghai 200002 +86 (21) 5385 8111 www.drozak.com n EAC-Euro Asia Room 1403, Novel Plaza, 128 West Nanjing Road, Shanghai 200003 +86 (21) 6350 8150 www.eac-consulting.de

n ESP International Pan Ten 2nd Industrial, Bugy Town Long Gang District Shenzhen +86 (755) 8419 2746 www.esp-seals.com

n Eunasco Supply Chain Room 503, Jintiandi Mansion, 998 Renmin Road, Shanghai 200021 +86 (21) 6336 1119 www.eunasco.com n EuroGroup - Rewe 12/F, Unit 1206-1208, Office B, 188 Wujiang Road, Shanghai 200041 +86 (21) 3210 0674 www.eurogroup.com.hk n Giolong Office 1701, Meishan Mansion, No.501-2, Anyuan Road, Shanghai 上海市安远路501-2号, 梅山大 厦1701室,邮编200040 +86 (21) 6277 9042 www.giolong.com n JLJ Group Suite 603-605, Oriental Center, 699 West Nanjing Road / 31 Wujiang Road, Shanghai 200041 +86 (21) 5211 0068 www.jljgroup.com

n Kerkhoff Room F, 9/F, East Hope Plaza, 1777 Century Arenue, Shanghai 东方希望大厦9层f室,世纪大道 1777号,上海 100122 +86 (21) 5820 1099 www.kerkhoff-consulting.com


n Li & Fung 11th Floor, LiFung Tower, 888 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong +852 2300 2300 www.lifung.com n Otto Asia 19/F Peninsula Square, 18 Sung On Street, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong +852 2303 7000 www.ottoint.com n PassageMaker #2, 2nd Floor, Building #6, Huimin Huayuan, Luosha Dong Lu, Luohu District, Shenzhen, 518004 深圳罗湖区罗沙东路惠民花园 6栋2层2号,邮编518004 +86 (755) 2540 3811 www.psschina.com n procurAsia Renheng Building, Unit 14A 58 Qindian Ave, Shanghai 200120 上海市钦殿街58号仁恒大厦14A 室,邮编200120 +86 (21) 6875 4993 www.procurasia.com n RT Sourcing 301-A, 3/F, Golden Valley (Haisong Building), Tairan 9 Road, Shenzhen 518040 +86 (755) 8378 8488 www.rtsourcing.com

n Source the Globe 88 Zhonghua Road Building 4, Room 3102, 401332 中华路88弄4号楼3102室 +86 138 1796 7278 www.sourcetheglobe.com n SSC Room 7B, Xinda Mansion, 1399 West Beijing Road, Shanghai 200040 上海市北京西路1399号信达大 厦7楼B座,邮编200040 +86 (21) 6289 4248 www.service-sourcing.com n Taichi Auto Room 402, Building A, 951 Jianchuan Road, Minhang, Shanghai 上海市闵行区剑川路951号 沧源科技园A幢402室, 邮编200240 +86 (21) 6435 6742 www.taichiauto.com n WE Connor The Harbourfront, Office Tower II, 18-22 Tak Fung Street, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong +852 2621 2888 www.weconnor.com

n Scandic Sourcing Suite 308, 700 South Huangpi Road, Shanghai +86 (21) 51115905 www.scandicsourcing.com n SourceJuice Suite 1008, Prosperity Millennia Plaza 663 King’s Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong +852 3404 0061 www.sourcejuice.com n Shanghai Component Outsourcing Suite 806, Kairun Grand Town No.4, 1611 North Sichuan Road, Shanghai +86 (21) 6325 2390 www.shanghaioutsourcing. com n Source Direct International 4A&B Richuyuan, Royal Family, Yadong, Nanjing +86 (25) 8586 0724 www.source-direct-int.com


Other Professional Services Quality & CSR n Aspecto Asia 22D Century Bashi Building 398 Middle Huaihai Road. Shanghai 200020 + 86 (21) 6385 8406 www.aspecto-asia.nl

n Business for Social Responsibility Room 501B Tower A, Vantone Center 6A, Chaowai Street, Beijing 100020 北京市朝阳区朝外大街甲6号 万通中心A座501B室 邮编:100020 + 86 (10) 5907 0503 www.bsr.org

n Bureau Veritas 8/F Building 8 Pudong Lujiazui Software Park, 120, Lane 91, Eshan Road, Shanghai 200127 +86 (20) 6886 0643 www.bureauveritas.cn www.bureauveritas.com

n Impactt Limited Room 2105 Riverside Business Complex Center, 298 Middle Yanjiang Road, Guangzhou 510110 +86 (20) 3758 8916 www.impacttlimited.com n Intertek 889 Yishan Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai 200023 上海宜山路889号齐来工业城4 号楼2层,邮编 200233 +86 (21) 800 999 1338 www.intertek.com.cn n Quality Control Services Room 2801A, Wiselogic Building, 66 North Shanxi Road, Shanghai +86 (21) 6288 3332 www.qcs.com

n Underwriters Laboratory Room 3201, CITIC Square 1168 West Nanjing Road, Shanghai 200041 上海市南京西路1168号中信泰福广场 3201室,邮编200041 +86 (21) 6137 6300 www.ul.com n SGS 16/F, Century Yuhui Mansion, 73, Fufeng Road, Beijing 100142 北京市海淀区阜成路73号世纪裕 惠大厦16层,邮编100142 +86 (10) 6845 6699 www.cn.sgs.com



n Horton China

88 Heng Tong Road, Shanghai +86 (21) 6141 0123 www.tuev-sued.com

Room 1606, K. Wah Center, 1010 Middle Huaihai Road, Shanghai 200031 +86 (21) 54050066 www.hortonchina.com

n TÜV Rheinland 10-15/F, Huatsing Building, 88, Lane 777, West Guangzhong Road, Shanghai 上海市闸北区光中西路777弄88 号华清大厦10-15层 +86 (21) 6108 1188 www.chn.tuv.com

Executive Search n Active Selection Room 1407, POS Plaza, 1600 Century Avenue, Shanghai 200122 +86 (21) 6875 7669 www.activeselection.cn n AsiaNet Consultants 15/F On Fem Tower, 29 Wyndham Street, Central, Hong Kong +852 2530 0130 www.asianetconsultants.com

n Bo-Le Room 1907-1916 Lippo Plaza, 222 Middle Huaihai Road, Shanghai 200021 +86 (21) 5396 6686 www.bo-le.com n Boyden Units 4110-11, 1 Grand Gateway, 1 Hongqiao Road, Shanghai 200030 +86 (21) 61138558 www.boyden.com

n Hunt Partners Suite 2008, Huai Hai Tower, 885 Renmin Road, Shanghai 200010 +852 2810 0610 www.hunt-partners.com

n Job Transport Room 1612 Greenland Hechuang Building, 450 Caoyang Road, Shanghai 上海市普陀区曹杨路450号绿地 和创大厦1612室 +86 (21) 2890 1139 www.jobtransport.cn n KLB Room 2205, Universal Masion Building, 172 Yuyuan Road, Shanghai 200040 上海愚园路172号世界环球大厦 2205室,邮编200040 +86 (21) 6248 0735 www.klb-group.com n Korn/Ferry International Suite 2501, One Corporate Avenue 222 Hubin Road, Shanghai 200021 上海湖滨路222号,企业天地1 号楼2501,邮编200021 +86 (21) 2306 8500 www.kornferryasia.com

n Egon Zehnder 8 Gao’an Road, Shanghai +86 (21) 2401 8200 www.egonzehnder.com

n MRI 704-705 Hong Kong Plaza (S.), 283 Middle Huaihai Road, Shanghai 200021 上海市淮海中路283号香港广场 南座704-705室,邮编 200021 +86 (21) 6390 6007 www.mri-china.com

n EPC Consulting

n Onpress

23F, Citicgroup Tower, 33 Huayuanshiqiao Road, Shanghai 200120 +86 (21) 6101 0431 www.epc-search.com

Unit 2908, Tower 1, Boya Garden, 9 Nong Zhanguan Nan Road, Chao Yang District, Beijing 100026 +86 (10) 6461 6391 www.onpressint.com

n FutureStep Room 3902, The Exchange 299 Tongren Road, Shanghai 200040 +86 (21) 6133 5200 www.futurstep.com

n Hays Executive Unit 5805-07, 58/F, The Center 99 Queen’s Road Central Hong Kong +852 2521 3366 www.haysexecutive.com

n Plimsoll Room 1716A, Silver Centre, 1388 North Shanxi Road, Shanghai 200060 上海市陕西北路1388号银座企 业大厦1716室,邮编 200060 +86 (21) 6149 8001 n Salzer Consulting Suite 1507, Ben Ben Mansion, 300 Xi Kang Road, Shanghai 200040 +86 (21) 6288 0926 www.salzer-consulting.com

n Spencer Stuart Room 501, One Corporate Avenue, 222 Hubin Road, Shanghai 200021 上海湖滨路222号企业天地501 室,邮编200021 +86 (21) 2326 2828 www.spencerstuart.com

Corporate Training n Celemi Consulting Suite 742, East Wing, Shanghai Centre, 1376 West Nanjing Road, Shanghai 200040 +86 (21) 6279 8907 www.celemi.com n ChiLab 1906, 19/F, Miramar Tower, 132 Nathan Road, Tsimshatsui, Hong Kong +852 2302 0283 www.chilab.hk n ClarkMorgan Room 2808, Building A Shanghai Universal Mansion, 172 Yuyuan Road +86 (21) 5403 5500 www.clarkmorgan.com n E&PC HK Room 2105-06, 21/F, Chinese Overseas Mansion, 129 West Yan’an Road, Shanghai 200040 +86 (21) 6249 5470 www.epchk.com n Executive Learning Center Unit 3306 Tower B City Center, 100 Zunyi Road, Shanghai 20051 +86 (21) 6208 0398 www.ecutivelearningcenter.com n Innova Summit Centre, Building 16, Unit 204, 1030 West Yan’an Road, Shanghai +86 (21) 5169 7601 www.innova-institute.com.cn n Linac Room 1612, Shanghai Central, 227 North Huangpi Road, Shanghai +86 (21) 6375 8311 www.linac-consulting.com n PMMS Unit 35159 CITIC Square, 1168 West Nanjing Road, Shanghai 200041 +86 (21) 5111 9173 www.pmms-group.com n Thomas International 25I, Block A, Oriental


Other Professional Services International Plaza, 2B Dongzhimenwai Xiaojie, Dongcheng District Beijing +86 (10) 8447 9500 www.thomasinternational.net

Legal Services n ADAMAS Law Firm Suite 3301, United Plaza 1468 West Nanjing Road, Jing’an District, Shanghai 200040 +86 (21) 6289 6676 www.adamas-lawfirm.com

n Allen & Overy LLP 18/F, Bank of Shanghai Tower, 168 Middle Yincheng Road, Pudong, Shanghai 200120 +86 (21) 3896 5000 www.allenovery.com n CMS Bureau Francis Lefebvre Room 2801, Tower 2 Plaza 66, 1266 West Nanjing Road, Shanghai 200040 +86 (21) 6289 6363 www.cms-bfl.com

n Cushman & Wakefield Units 2606 - 2609 The Headquarter Building, 168 Middle Xizang Road, Shanghai, 200001 +86 (21) 2320 0808 www.cushwake.com n Deacons 5/F, Alexandra House, 18 Chater Road, Central, Hong Kong +852 2825 9211 www.deaconslaw.com n DLA Piper 36/F, Shanghai World Financial Center 100 Century Avenue, Shanghai +86 (21) 3852 2111 www.dlapiper.com n DS Avocats Room 1701, Hong Kong Plaza South Tower, 283 Middle Huaihai Road, Shanghai 200021 +86 (21) 6390 6015 www.dsavocats.com n Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer 34/F Jinmao Tower, 88 Century Avenue, Shanghai 200121 +86 (21) 5049 1118 www.freshfields.com

n Gide Loyrette Nouel Suite 2008, Shui on Plaza, 333 Middle Huaihai Road, Shanghai 200021 +86 (21) 5306 8899 www.gide.com n Gray & Perkins Lawyers Suite 706/2 Jian Wai SOHO 39 East 3rd Ring Road, Beijing 100022 北京市朝阳区东三环中路39号建 外SOHO 2 号楼706室 +86 (10) 5869 0466 www.grayperkins.com.au n Jones Day Beijing Room 3201 China World Tower1, 1 Jianguomenwai Avenue, Beijing 100004 北京市建国门外大街1号国贸大 厦1座3201室, 邮编100004 +86 (10) 5866 1111 www.jonesday.com n Kingson Law Room 1202 Tower B Building 4, Baizi Plaza, 16 Baiziwan Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100022 +86 (10) 8776 5004 www.kingson-lawfirm.com n Lehman Lee & Xu Unit F, 13/F Mirae Asset Tower, 166 Lujiazui Ring Road, Shanghai 200120 +86 (21) 5877 9296 www.lehmanlaw.com n Lovells International Law Firm 18/F, Park Place 1601 Nanjing Road, Shanghai, 200040 +86 (21) 6122 3800 www.lovells.com n Norton Rose 27F, Plaza 66 II, 1366 West Nanjing Road, Jing An District, Shanghai 200040 +86 (21) 6137 7000 www.nortonrose.com n O’Melveny & Myers Plaza 66, Tower 1, 37/F, 1266 West Nanjing Road, Shanghai 200040 +86 (21) 2307 7000 www.omm.com

+86 (21) 6103 6300 www.ssd.com

n Troutman Sanders LLp 23/F CITIC Square, 1168 West Nanjing Road, Shanghai 200041 南京西路1168号中信泰富广场 23楼,邮编200041 +86 (21) 6133 8989 www.troutmansanders.com n Waston & Band Law 26/F, Wentin United Press Tower, 755 Weihai Road, Shanghai 200041 威海路755号文新报业大厦26楼 邮编200041 +86 (21) 5292 1111 www.watson-band.com

Government Agencies n Ministry of Transport 北京市东城区建国门内大街11号 +86 (10) 6529 2114 www.moc.gov.cn n Ministry of Railway 北京市复兴路10号 www.china-mor.gov.cn n Ministry of Commerce 北京市东长安街2号 +86 (10) 65121919 www.mofcom.gov.cn n China Bidding 北京市海淀区首体南路22号国兴 大厦11层 +86 (10) 8274 3196 www.chinabidding.com.cn n China Certification and Inspection (Group) 北京市朝阳区西坝河东里18号 三元大厦 +86 (10) 8460 3456 www.ccic.com n Ministry of Information Industry (MII) 北京市西长安街13号 +86 (10) 66023989 www.miit.gov.cn n Ministry of Labor and Social Security (MLSS) 北京市东城区和平里中街 7 号全 国人才流动中心 +86 (10) 8421 4855 www.mohrss.gov.cn n State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) 北京市海淀区阜成路18号华融 大厦 +86 (10) 6840 2265 www.safe.gov.cn n State Administration of Taxation (SAT) 北京市海淀区羊坊店西路5号 +86(10) 6341 7114 www.chinatax.gov.cn

n Squire, Sanders & Dempsey L.L.P. Suite 1207, 12/F, Shanghai Kerry Centre, 1515 West Nanjing Road, Shanghai 200040 南京西路1515号嘉里中心12楼 1207室,邮编 200040





AMB China


n Corporate HQ 公司总部 San Francisco, U.S.A. 美国旧金山 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2005 年 Shanghai 上海 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Suite 2908, Plaza 66 II,1366 West Nanjing Road, Shanghai 200040 上海南京西路1366号恒隆广场二座2908 单元,邮编200040 ) +86 (21) 6135 1688 Leasing Hotline 租赁热线: 400 630 8018 7 +86 (21) 6135 1600 8 www.amb.com

u Key Contacts Ben Cornish 康斌 Managing Director, China ) +86 (21) 6135 1688 7 +86 (21) 6135 1600 + info-China@amb.com Mason Chen 陈兵华 Assistant Leasing Director ) +86 (21) 6135 1638 7 +86 (21) 6135 1600 + mchen@amb.com

u Company Introduction AMB Property Corporation® is a leading global owner, operator and provider of logistics infrastructure, offering reliable and flexible space solutions that meet customer needs. As of March 31, 2010, AMB owned or had investments in properties and development projects expected to total approximately 14.5 million square meters in 48 markets within 15 countries. AMB invests in industrial facilities at the center of global trade near airports, seaports and ground transportation systems. The company has a successful 27-year track record of performance, a cycle-tested management team and one of the strongest financial positions in the REIT universe. Established in 2005, AMB China has 12 projects in 8 markets across the country: Shanghai, Kunshan, Jiaxing, Ningbo, Beijing, Tianjin, Dalian and Guangzhou. 安博是全球领先的物流基础设施提供商,为客户提供灵活和值得信赖的物流仓储解决方案。截至 2010年3月31日,安博置业在全球15个国家48个市场中的投资项目总面积共约1450万平方米。

u Highlights

安博投资于全球贸易中心附近的海港、空港以及地面交通网络的物流基础设施。有着长达27年的成 功业绩记录及REIT领域强大的财务优势。

Our China properties include: AMB Shanghai Jiuting LC AMB Shanghai Fengxian LC AMB Shanghai Qingpu Zhonggu DC AMB Kunshan Bonded LC AMB Kunshan Lujia LC AMB Ningbo Beilun Port LC AMB Jiaxing LC AMB Beijing Capital Airport LC I AMB Beijing Capital Airport LC II AMB Tianjin International LC AMB Dalian Industrial LC AMB Guangzhou Development Zone LC (Note: LC = Logistics Center; DC = Distribution Center)

安博中国于2005年成立,公司目前在上海、昆山、嘉兴、宁波、北京、天津、大连和广州等8个市 场中拥有12个物业项目。

u Services and Solutions

我们的中国区物业包括: 安博上海九亭物流中心 安博上海奉贤物流中心 安博上海青浦重固配送中心 安博昆山保税物流中心 安博昆山陆家物流中心 安博宁波北仑港物流中心 安博嘉兴物流中心 安博北京首都机场物流中心一期 安博北京首都机场物流中心二期 安博(天津)国际物流中心 安博大连工业物流中心 安博广州开发区物流中心



BlueScope Steel 博思格钢铁

n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Australia 澳大利亚 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1997 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 12F HSBC Tower, 1000 Lujiazui Ring Road, Shanghai 200120 上海陆家嘴环路1000号汇丰大厦12楼, 邮编 200120 ) +86 (21) 6841 1898 7 +86 (21) 6841 2340 8 www.bluescopesteel.com

u Company Introduction u Key Contacts Kent Kuong 龚云飞 Key Account Manager ) +86 (21) 6841 1898-318 7 +86 (21) 6841 2340 + Kent.kuong@bluescopesteel.com May Wang 王红梅 Regional Sales Manager-Central ) +86 (21) 6841 1898-314 7 +86 (21) 6841 2340 + May.wang@bluescopesteel.com

u Highlights • State of the art metallic coating line and paint line commenced operation in 2006 • 250,000 ton/annum capacity for metallic coated steel • 150,000 ton/annum capacity for prepainted steel • Producing premium product brands: Clean COLORBOND® steel and ZINCALUME® steel • Over 40 years advanced production experience • ISO9001 certificate

BlueScope Steel Coated China was formed in 1997. Due to sustained strong growth and a continued expansion of its downstream steel solutions businesses in China, BlueScope Steel commenced construction of a metallic coating and coil painting facility in 2004. This project represents a capital investment of RMB1.68 billion, and ensures supply chain stability for our customers. The coil paint line produced its first painted coil in February 2006. The metallic coating line produced its first metallic coated coil mid 2006.Designed to supply China’s booming building, construction and manufacture 250,000tonnes of coated steel and 150,000 tonnes of pre-painted steel per annum. 从1997年起开展在华业务以来,博思格钢铁中国镀面钢品已经在中国市场成功地建立起了全国性 的销售网络,树立了良好的市场信誉。目前,在座落于上海以西80公里的苏州工业园区内,博思 格钢铁一条崭新的金属镀层和彩涂钢板生产线已然落成投产。作为博思格钢铁创造性产品的展示 平台,该生产线的外观宏伟壮丽,极富艺术感。苏州工厂由博思格钢铁独资拥有,采用全球统一 的先进技术,设备与工艺,具备年产25万吨金属镀面钢卷和15万吨彩涂钢卷的能力。博思格钢铁 通过本土生产品质优良的金属镀面和彩涂钢卷来满足国内外客户及建筑市场的需求。

u Services and Solutions BlueScope Steel Suzhou is a global leader in coated steel products and technology. We have wide sales network to provide our premium coated and prepainted products to building and construction market. • Construction application for warehouse, manufacturing facility, power station, public buildings. • Strong R & D capability and constant innovative technology and experience. • Premium steel product and steel solution. 博思格钢铁作为全球镀面产品和技术的领导者,我们通过遍布全国的销售网络,为中国的建筑市 场提供一流的镀面和彩涂产品。 • 产品应用于建筑行业,如物流仓库,工厂厂房,电厂及公共建筑等建筑业。 • 强大的研发能力和不断支持创新的技术和经验。 • 高品质的钢铁产品和钢铁解决方案。

• 2006年金属镀层和彩涂钢板生产线投产 • 年产25万度金属镀面钢卷 • 年产15万吨彩涂钢卷 • 生产供应博思格钢铁著名品牌:Clean COLORBOND® steel(洁面恒丽®板)和 ZINCALUME® steel(优耐板) • 超过40年的生产经验 • 通过ISO9001认证



CB Richard Ellis

上海世邦魏理仕物业顾问有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Los Angeles, U.S.A. 美国洛杉矶 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1988 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Suite 3201, K Wah Centre, 1010 Middle Huaihai Road, Shanghai 200031 上海淮海中路1010号嘉华中心3201室, 邮编200031 ) +86 (21) 2401 1200 7 +86 (21) 5403 7430 8 www.cbre.com.cn

u Key Contacts Andrew Hatherley 安豪 Executive Director ) +86 (21) 2401 1258 7 +86 (21) 5047 7430 + andrew.hatherley@cbre.com.cn Michael Bowens 麦博文 Associate Director ) +86 (21) 2401 1264 7 +86 (21) 5047 7430 + michael.bowens@cbre.com.cn

u Highlights • CBRE is the leading real estate service provider in Greater China • 17 offices in Beijing, Shanghai (Puxi & Pudong), Guangzhou, Chengdu, Tianjin, Hangzhou Shenzhen, Dalian, Qingdao, Chongqing, Wuhan, Shenyang, Hong Kong (Hong Kong & Kowloon) and Taipei, as well as approximately 10 project offices • More than 1,400 employees in the Greater China region servicing over 80 cities • In addition to Logistics R/E Services, we also specialize in Business Parks space and Consulting Services • Project Management and Building Services also provided

u Company Introduction CB Richard Ellis Group, a Fortune 500 and S&P 500 company headquartered in Los Angeles, is the world’s largest commercial real estate services firm (in terms of 2009 revenue). With over 29,000 employees, CBRE serves real estate owners, investors and occupiers through more than 300 offices worldwide. CBRE offers strategic advice and execution for property sales and leasing; corporate services; property, facilities and project management; mortgage banking; appraisal and valuation; development services; investment management; and research and consulting. Please visit our website at www.cbre.com.cn 世邦魏理仕总部位于美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶,是财富500强以及标准普尔500强企业,为全球 最大的商业地产服务公司(按2009年的营业额计算)。公司拥有员工约29,000名,通过全球 300多家办事处、为全球地产业主、投资者及承租者提供综合的地产服务,具体包括:物业租售 的战略顾问及实施、企业服务、物业设施及项目管理、按揭融资、评估与估值、开发服务、投资 管理、研究与策略顾问等。欢迎浏览公司网址www.cbre.com.cn

u Services and Solutions Shanghai Industrial & Logistics Services (ILS) is one of the core competencies of the CBRE Greater China operations. The ILS department has extensive experience in providing sale or lease solutions for logistics providers and companies with warehousing requirements. In addition, the department provides consultancy and marketing services or developers and presently has over 1,500,000 square meters of projects under instruction. The ILS department was established in 1994 and has since become market leaders access Greater China in the Industrial & Logistics sector with over 35 specialists brokers, plus Business Parks & Consultancy Services. 上海工业及物流服务部是世邦魏理仕在大中华地区的核心业务之一。 该部门服务于物流公司各项物业租售及仓库需求,具有丰富市场经验,亦可为开发商提供咨询及市 场推广,目前操作项目面积超过一百五十万平方米。该部门于1994年成立,现已发展为整个大中 华区工业及物流地产行业的市场领导者,专业团队成员超过35名,包括商业园区服务及咨询业务。

• 世邦魏理仕作为大中华地区房地产市场的 领导者 • 目前在大中华区已经设有北京,上海(浦西 与浦东),广州,成都,天津,杭州,深 圳,大连,青岛,重庆,武汉,香港(香港 岛与九龙)及台北17家核心办事处,建立了 约10家项目办事处 • 拥有员工超过1,400名,业务遍及大中华区 的80多个城市 • 除了领先的工业物流服务,我们还致力于商 务园区,策略顾问的优质服务提供。 • 同时提供项目管理服务



Colliers International 高力国际

n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Seattle, United States 美国西雅图 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1989年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国区总部 16/F Hong Kong New World Tower, 300 Middle Huaihai Road, Shanghai 200021 上海淮海中路300号港香港新世界大厦16楼 邮编200021 ) +86 (21) 6141 3688 7 +86 (21) 6141 3699 8 www.colliers.com/china

u Key Contacts JK Tan 陈维劼 Director Industrial Agency ) +86 (21) 6141 3550 7 +86 (21) 6141 3699 + JK.Tan@colliers.com Jeremy Chapman Director Industrial Agency - Investment ) +86 (21) 6141 3502 7 +86 (21) 6141 3699 + Jeremy.chapman@colliers.com

u Company Introduction Colliers International is a leading provider of property knowledge solutions. The organization’s 15,000 employees span the world in 480 offices in 61 countries across six continents. Since 1989, Collliers has stood at the forefront of China’ real estate industry with branches established in the Greater China Region, which includes Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Taipei and Macau, with site offices in more than 45 cites. 高力在房地产行业处于领先地位。我们拥有超过15,000的雇员,480个办公室在6大洲,61个 国家。1989年高力进入中国房地产市场成为该行业的先锋,在大中国开设分公司,包括香港,上 海,北京,广州,成都,杭州,南京,台北和澳门,另外还在中国45多个城市有办事处。

u Services and Solutions u Highlights Our industrial services • Disposal & acquisition, Sale & leaseback Land/ Real estate asset sale • Industrial real estate consultancy services, Site selection, Development positioning study, Industrial market study, Rental advisory • Lease, Consultancy on expansion or relocation strategies, Build-to- suit option, Feasibility analysis, Lease negotiation Representative clients: 3M/ Tyco/ Honeywell/ Dow Chemical/ GE/ Faurecia/ DHL/ Cummins/ B&Q/ Panalpina/ Kennametal/ Nordson/ GOSS/ Merrill Lynch/ Swarovski/ Campbell’s Soup/ Ascendas/ Pernod Ricard/ NOV

The Colliers International China Industrial team provides a complete range of industrial and logistics real estate and advisory services tailored to help clients accelerate their success in China. Our team, comprising of highly experienced and dedicated professionals delivers timely and creative real estate solutions for developers, investors and occupiers alike. To ensure smooth and effective delivery of our services, Colliers International China Industrial is divided into three specialized teams, including landlord representation, tenant representation, investment and advisory services. 高力中国工业团队提供全方位的工业房地产业的服务,包括物流行业,咨询服务以帮助客户在中 国市场上取得成功。我们的团队,由经验丰富的专业人士组成,可以及时地为我们的客户包括开 发商、投资者、及租户提供有创意的解决方案。为了确保及时有效地提供服务,高力内部划分成3 个团队:业主代表,租户代表,投资和咨询服务。

工业地产服务 • 工业地产买卖,售后回租,买卖土地和工业 房地产资产 • 工地地产咨询服务,选址咨询,开发定位, 工业市场研究,租金评估 • 工业地产租赁,战略性搬迁或者扩张需求分 析,定制物业,可行性研究,租赁服务 我们的客户: 3M、泰科、霍尼韦尔、陶氏化学、通用电气、 弗吉亚、中外运敦毫、康明斯、百安居、泛亚 班拿、肯纳金属、诺信、高斯、美林、施华洛 世奇、金宝汤、腾飞、保乐利加、美国国民油井



Global Logistic Properties (GLP) 普洛斯

n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Shanghai, China 中国上海 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2003 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Room 2708 Azia Center, 1233 Lujiazui Ring Road, Shanghai 200120 上海市陆家嘴环路1233号汇亚大厦2708室, 邮编200120 ) +86 (21) 6105 3999 7 +86 (21) 6105 3900 8 www.GLProp.com

u Key Contacts Louie Lu 卢利民 VP National Account Director ) +86 (21) 6105 3950 7 +86 (21) 6105 3900 + llu@GLProp.com Al Luo 罗澍 Senior National Account Manager ) +86 (21) 6105 2755 7 +86 (21) 6105 3900 + aluo@GLProp.com

u Highlights • Business scope 经营范围 Industrial and logistics infrastructure provider 工业及物流基础设施提供商和服务商 • Industries support/target in China 在中国目标服务领域 Manufacturing, Retail, Logistics/3PLs 制造商、零售业与第三方物流公司 • Current customers in China 客户包括 Adidas, L’Oreal,Samsung, Nokia, DHL, UPS, Yum, Joyo Amazon, Shanghai Pharms, Deppon Logistics, Volks Wagan, etc. • No. of customers in China 200+ 在中国客户数量 200+ • Warehouse locations 在中国仓库所在地 About 60 logistics parks in 18 cities across China 在中国18个城市拥有约60个物流园区


u Company Introduction GLP is Asia’s largest industrial and logistics infrastructure provider with multibillion assets under management in 26 markets in the region. In China, GLP manages about 60 logistics parks in 18 major Chinese cities, covering all major China logistics hubs. Its portfolio completed and under construction totaled 4.15 million sqm at the end of May, 2010. The facilities are located in the cities of Beijing, Chengdu, Chongqing, Dalian, Foshan, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Jiaxing, Ningbo, Nanjing, Qingdao, Shanghai, Shenyang, Shenzhen, Suzhou, Tianjin, Wuxi and Zhuhai. GLP also manages 72 logistics parks in Japan with a portfolio totaling approximately 2.5 million sqm. The facilities are located in the major markets of Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Sendai, Sapporo, Niigata, Fukuoka, and Hiroshima. 普洛斯是亚洲最大的工业及物流基础设施提供商和服务商,在中国及日本26个市场拥有并管理总 计数十亿美元的资产。 普洛斯在中国18个主要城市投资、建设并管理着约60个物流园,基本形成了覆盖中国主要物流枢 纽的平台网络。截至2010年5月31日,公司在中国建物业面积完工已经达到415万平方米。公司 已进入的城市包括北京、成都、重庆、大连、佛山、广州、杭州、嘉兴、宁波、南京、青岛、上 海、沈阳、深圳、苏州、天津、无锡和珠海。 在日本,普洛斯拥有并管理72个物流园,总面积约250万平方米。这些物业分布在8个市场,包 括东京、大阪、名古屋、仙台、札幌、新泻、福冈和广岛。

u Services and Solutions Global Logistic Properties is building the global leading distribution facility platform by specializing in the development and management of quality distribution facilities. Global Logistic Properties is committed to bringing a brand-new vision to the global industrial real estate industry and establishing a global distribution facilities network, a platform that increases the efficiency of our customers’ supply chains. 普洛斯宗旨是:创建全球一流的工业及物流仓储平台,专业开发及管理高品质的工业及物流基础 设施。 普洛斯致力于为亚洲乃至全球的工业及物流基础设施建设产业带来全新的视野,通过自己的网络 优势及专业管理经验来帮助客户提高供应链的作业效率。


Goodman Group 嘉民集团

n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Sydney, Australia 澳大利亚悉尼 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2005 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 2107 - 2109, Shui On Plaza, 333 Middle Huaihai Road, Shanghai 200021 上海淮海中路333号瑞安广场2107-2109室 邮编200021 ) +86 (21) 6133 2000 7 +86 (21) 6386 2386 8 www.goodman.com

u Key Contacts Lawrence Li Leasing & Business Development Director ) +86 (21) 6133 2012 7 +86 (21) 6386 2386 + lawrence.li@goodman.com Wayne Huang Development Director Eastern China ) +86 (21) 6133 2014 7 +86 (21) 6386 2386 + wayne.huang@goodman.com

u Highlights • Australia’s largest listed industrial property group • 32 offices in over 16 countries • Dedicated team of over 750 property professionals • 10.1 million sqm of business space under management • Business space customer base of approximately over 1,300 • “Own+Develop+Manage” customer service offering • 澳洲最大的上市工业地产集团 • 在16个国家拥有32个办事机构 • 逾750名专业地产人员 • 管理地产商业面积1,010万平方米 • 拥有1,300家客户 • “持有+开发+管理”客户服务模式 Key Clients 主要客户: DHL 金鹰国际货运, Sinotrans 中外运物流发展, NYK Logistics 日邮物流, Nippon Express 日通物流


u Company Introduction Goodman Group is one of the world largest integrated industrial property groups that owns, develops and manages industrial property and business space globally. In China, Goodman specialises in owning, developing and managing logistics properties, warehouse and distribution centres. Our first presence in China was established in 2001 via Arlington’s involvement in Shanghai Business Park. We further extended our footprint in China in 2005 through the provision of a build-tosuit facility for DHL. Today, the total GFA under management in the country valued at approximately US$240 million with a total area of approximately 270,000 sqm. Our long term approach and unique customer services offering result in increased customer satisfaction. 嘉民集团是全球最大的综合性工业物业集团之一,主要致力于持有,开发及管理工业物业及商业空间。 在中国,嘉民主要致力于持有,开发并管理物流仓储设施及配送中心。我们早于2001年透过阿灵 顿 (Arlington) 参与上海科技绿洲项目而进入中国市场。并且于2005年为DHL建设定制开发项目而 进一步拓展中国市场。今天嘉民在中国大陆市场资产投资总额超过二亿四仟万美元,管理的物业面 积达270,000平方米。我们作为长期持有者以及独特的客户服务模式使客户满意度得到不断提升。

u Services and Solutions Own We are long term owners of logistics property, providing ongoing relationships with customers. Develop Goodman’s significant development programme encompasses sites across Australia, the Asia-Pacific region, Europe and the UK. Our development projects are purpose-built to meet the growing needs of our customers. Manage Our in-house property services teams ensure our customers’ operational needs are met and our assets are maintained to an exceptional standard. 持有 我们是物流物业的长期持有者,同客户保持长期 稳定的合作关系。 开发 嘉民大规模的开发计划遍及澳洲,亚太区,欧洲 及英国。我们致力于为客户提供量身定制的物业 设施,满足其不断增长的需求。 管理 我们的内部物业服务团队确保客户的营运需求得 到满足,设施保持最佳运营状态。


GSE China


n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Avignon, France 法国阿维尼翁 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1996 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 27C Industry Building, 18 North Caoxi Road, Shanghai 200030 上海市徐家汇漕溪北路18号实业大厦27C, 邮编200030 ) +86 (21) 6090 1388 7 +86 (21) 6090 1399 8 www.gsegroup.cn

u Key Contacts

GSE is a European leading design and build contractor specialized in the delivery of turnkey construction solutions in the Logistics, Industrial and Service sectors. With its expertise in the logistics field over the past three decades, GSE has delivered 12 million sqm of warehousing facilities up to the present. The group has a presence in 19 countries with a global turnover of EUR650m last year. In 1996 GSE entered the Chinese market bringing the industrial best practices to serve this fast growing logistics market.

Arnaud Sebban Commercial Director ) +86 (21) 6090 1388 7 +86 (21) 6090 1399 + asebban@gsegroup.com

杰仕依是一家一流的欧洲设计与建造总承包商,在物流,工业及服务设施领域拥有丰富的专业 经验。凭借30年来在物流仓储设施建造方面的成功经验,杰仕依至今已在世界各地成功交付了 1200平方米的物流项目用地。目前公司在全球19个国家拥有分支机构,2009年的营业额达到 6.5亿欧元。1996年杰仕依进入中国市场,致力于为中国这个发展迅速的物流市场提供高质量的 设计与建造服务。

Fabrice Maurizot Technical Director ) +86 (21) 6090 1388 7 +86 (21) 6090 1399 + fmaurizot@gsegroup.com

u Services and Solutions

u Highlights GSE design-and-builds warehouses delivering solutions to the increasingly complex demands of supply chain professionals: • Temperature controlled (positive/ negative) and dry product distribution center • Express freight forwarding platforms and cross-docking platforms • Handling automation AS/RS • Super flat floors for extra-high racking 杰仕依设计和建造仓储设施为物流链行业日益 复杂的需求提供解决方案: • • • •

u Company Introduction

温控仓库(正/负)和干品配送仓库 快速货运平台和双面卸货平台 自动化仓库 AS/RS 超高货架区域的超平整地坪

Clients in China include 在中国的主要客 户包括:Gazeley盖世理, AMB安博, IKEA 宜家, Wal-Mart 沃尔玛, Alstom 阿尔斯通, Alcatel阿尔卡特, Areva T&D阿海珐研发中 心, Gemalto金雅拓, Lafarge拉法基, Mérial 梅里亚, Schneider施耐德 and many more


GSE provides reliable solutions spanning an entire project, from site identification and concept design right through construction to final handover and delivery. 杰仕依为您提供可靠的建筑解决方案,我们的服务涵盖整个项目,从先期的土地选址,到概念设 计,并衍生至施工直至最终的项目交付。 Our fully integrated services include: 我们的综合服务包括: • • • • •

Due-diligence study 可行性研究报告 Master planning 总体规划 Site assessment / selection 土地评估/选址 Design optimization 最优化设计 Sustainabale development: green building consultancy 可持续发展:绿色建 筑咨询 • Property development consultancy: project funding/legal and financial arrangements 地产开发咨询(项目融资、法律 与财务协助) • Turnkey construction 交钥匙工程 • Aftercare service 建后保修工程服务 Typically, our projects include a combination of these specific programs and each project is custom designed to meet the client’s needs. 通常,我们承接的项目是以上解决方案的整合, 每一个项目都根据客户的需求进行度身量造。


Jones Lang LaSalle

仲量联行测量师事务所(上海)有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Chicago, United States 美国芝加哥 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1994 年 Shanghai 上海 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 25/F, Tower 2 Plaza 66, 1366 West Nanjing Road, Shanghai 200040 中国上海市南京西路1366号恒隆广场2座25 楼,邮编200040 ) +86 (21) 6393 3333 7 +86 (21) 6393 3080 8 www.joneslanglasalle.com.cn

u Key Contacts Stuart Ross 司徒艺 Head of Industrial, China ) +86 (21) 6133 5757 7 +86 (21) 6393 3080 + stuart.ross@ap.jll.com Wonder Wang 王成志 Head of Logistics Infrastructure, China ) +86 (21) 6133 5340 7 +86 (21) 6393 3080 + wonder.wang@ap.jll.com

u Highlights • Industrial support/target in China 在中国目标服务领域 High-tech, electronics/electrical, telecoms, automotive, industrial equipment/machinery, manufacturing, FMCG/consumer goods, food/beverage, retail, distribution, warehousing, logistics/3PLs, transportation, import/ export, pharmaceutical, engineering 高科技、电子、电信、汽车、工业设备/器 械、制造业、快速消费品、餐饮、零售、配 送、仓储、物流、交通、进出口、制药和工 程 • Current customers in China 客户包括 Amazon.com, AMB, BMW China, Carrier, Cisco, Delphi, DHL, DuPont, Ericsson, GM, Honeywell, Maersk, P&G, UPS, and Whirlpool 我们在中国境内有将近70个公司客户,包括 亚马逊公司、AMB、宝马(中国)汽车公 司、开利空调、思科、Delphi汽车系统公 司、DHL、杜邦、爱立信、通用汽车、霍尼 韦尔、马士基、宝洁、UPS和惠尔浦等 • No. of customers in China: 200 在中国客户数量: 200


u Company Introduction Jones Lang LaSalle (NYSE: JLL) is a financial and professional services firm specializing in real estate, offering integrated services delivered by expert teams worldwide to clients seeking increased value by owning, occupying or investing in real estate. It serves clients in 60 countries from 750 locations worldwide, including 180 corporate offices. In Asia Pacific, Jones Lang LaSalle has over 50 years of experience, with over 17,800 employees operating in 76 offices in 13 countries across the region.

Beijing Tianjin Qingdao

仲量联行(纽约证交所交易代码:JLL) 是专注于房地产领域的专业服务企业,业 务遍及全球60个国家逾750个城市,拥有 大约180个分公司。公司在全球的专家团 队致力于提供全面整合的服务,为客户持 有、租用或投资房地产的决策实现增值。 在亚太地区,仲量联行开展业务超过5 0 年,目前在13个国家拥有76个分公司,员 工总数超过17,800人。


Jones Lang LaSalle Corporate Office

Shanghai Taipei Guangzhou Shenzhen Hongkong Macau

u Services and Solutions Jones Lang LaSalle provides quality real estate advice and services in the areas of retail, residential, commercial, management services, project and development services and research. Its experienced industrial market professionals will help you with a full range of services: • Strategic consulting and research • Business location advisory and tenant representation • Project marketing and landlord representation • Project and development services • Design build and built-to-suit advisory

• • • • • •

Integrated facilities management Property asset management Valuation and opinions of market value Merger and acquisition advisory Development feasibility and master planning Investment advisory

仲量联行所提供的专业房地产顾问及服务领域包括:商铺、住宅、写字楼、工业、物业管理服 务、企业设施管理、投资、战略顾问、项目与开发服务以及市场研究等。在工业地产方面广泛深 入的经验涉及各个国家、各个市场,可以为客户制定撰述的整体方案,从而有效满足工业地产租 户和业主的独特需求,具体服务包括: • • • • •

战略咨询和研究 选址咨询和租户代理 项目营销和业主代理 项目开发和管理服务 设计施工和定制方案咨询

• • • • •

综合设施管理 物业资产管理 兼并和收购咨询 开发可行性研究和总体规划 投资咨询


Lingang Free Trade Port Economic Development

上海临港保税港经济发展有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Shanghai, China 中国上海 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2005 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 State Owned Enterprise 国有企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 6/F, 188 Yesheng Road, Pudong, Shanghai 201308 上海市浦东新区业盛路188号 6楼, 邮编201308 ) +86 (21) 2095 0600 7 +86 (21) 2095 0604 8 www.linganglogistics.com

u Key Contacts John C.Shi 史陈骏 Director Marketing Department ) +86 (21) 2095 0615 7 +86 (21) 2095 0614 + cjshi@shlingang.com Emily Chen 陈佳 Project Manager Marketing Department ) +86 (21) 2095 0621 7 +86 (21) 2095 0614 + chenjia@shlingang.com

u Highlights Yangshan Free Trade Port Area - The First Free Trade Port Zone of China. The only “International Shipping Comprehensive Experimental Zone” in China, Business Tax Rate 0%. Applying the present policy of the Free Trade Zone, Free Trade Logistics Park and Export Processing Zone, and implementing more convenient clearance measures, Yangshan Free Trade Port Area becomes the most similar to the International Practice of the Free Port and the Free Trade Zone among domestic hub ports and special supervision areas.

u Company Introduction Shanghai Lingang Free Trade Port Economic Development Co., Ltd. has the registered capital of RMB 30 million. It is the core enterprise fully under the Lingang Group and is responsible for construction, attracting investment and exploitation of Yangshan Free Trade Port Area (landward) and Lingang Logistics Park. 上海临港保税港经济发展有限公司是上海临港经济发展(集团)有限公司旗下的核心企业,注册资本 3亿元人民币,负责洋山保税港区(陆域)和临港物流园区的建设、招商和开发工作。

u Services and Solutions Provide diversified facilities and one-stop services for clients in both Yangshan Free Trade Port Area and Lingang Logistics Park: • Land development for industrial and logistics use • Bonded and Non-bonded standard warehouses • Built to Suit (BTS) Warehouses • Office buildings and bonded exhibition center • Full range services 为入驻洋山保税港区(陆域)和临港物流园区的客户提供多元化的产品和一站式的服务: • 工业物流土地开发 • 提供保税和非保税标准仓库 • 开发定制仓库 • 办公楼宇和保税展示中心 • 为客户提供全方位服务

中国第一个保税港区—洋山保税港区。 国内唯一的“国际航运综合试验区”,免征营 业税。 洋山保税港区适用保税区、保税物流园区、出 口加工区的现行政策,实施更加便利的通关措 施,是国内枢纽港口和特殊监管区域中与自由 港、自由贸易区国际惯例最为接近的区域。



Mapletree Logistics Trust Management 丰树物流信托管理有限公司

n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Singapore 新加坡 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2005年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Suite A-D, 14/F, Time Square Office Building, 500 Zhangyang Road, Pudong, Shanghai 200122 上海市浦东新区张扬路500号,华润时代广场 办公楼14楼ABCD单元,邮编200122 ) +86 (21) 5836 7177 7 +86 (21) 5836 7100 8 www.mapletreelogisticstrust.com www.mapletree.com.sg

u Company Introduction u Key Contacts Nick Chung 曾耀辉 General Manager, China ) +86 (21) 5836 7177 7 +86 (21) 5836 7100 + nick.chung@mapletree.com.cn Ong Suat Ghee 王雪仪 Director General Manager ) +86 (21) 5836 7177 7 +86 (21) 5836 7100 + ong.suatghee@mapletree.com.cn

u Highlights • Industrial support/target in China: Electrical/electronics, Automotive, Manufacturing, Chemical, FMCG/consumer goods, Retail, Distribution, Warehousing, Logistics/3PLs, Transportation, Import/export

Mapletree is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Temasek Holdings, the Asian leader in provision of logistics space. To date, we have an asset base of about RMB61.452 billion comprising office, logistics, industrial & retail properties, with RMB30.098 billion assets under management in Asia. As the first Asia-focused logistics REIT in Singapore with a strong regional growth strategy, we offer the best quality logistics properties across the Asia-Pacific region with rising logistics activities, including Singapore, Malaysia, PRC, HK, Japan, Vietnam, India and South Korea. 丰树是新加坡淡马锡控股公司的全资子公司,是亚洲领先的物流设施运营商。丰树持有的资产包括 办公楼、物流、工业和零售房产,资产总值超过614.52亿人民币,其中在亚洲所管理的资产总计 300.95亿人民币。 丰树物流信托是在新加坡证券交易所挂牌上市的第一家以亚洲为焦点的物流房地产投资信托 (REIT)公司。我们秉持着区域性拓展的优势,致力在新加坡、马来西亚、中国、香港、日本、 越南、印度及韩国等亚太区国家提供优质的物流设施。

u Services and Solutions As a leading real estate company in Asia, Mapletree has in-depth knowledge and understanding of our partners’ businesses in the emerging logistics market. In line with Mapletree’s strategy of “following our clients,” we provide our business partners with with various solutions in logistics real estate, including:

• Warehouse Locations in China: Shanghai, Tianjin, Beijing, Wuxi, Xian, Guangzhou

• • • •

• 在中国目标服务领域: 电子、汽车、生产加工、化学、消费品、 零售、运输、仓储、物流、第三方物流和 进出口等行业

作为一家亚洲领先的地产公司,丰树对 合作伙伴的业务具有深入的认识和理 解。秉持着“跟随客户”的战略,为我 们的商业合作伙伴提供了以下方案:

• 中国仓库所在地: 上海、天津、北京、无锡、西安、广州

• • • •

• Current customers in China: 目前在中国的客户主要包括:

Provision of ready built facilities Development of Logistics Park (Bonded & Non-bonded) Sale and Leaseback of existing good quality assets Build-to-suit facilities according to customer’s requirements

提供现有仓储设施 开发物流园区(保税及非保税) 让客户销售与回租优质量物流产业 为客户量身定制物流仓储设施

DHL 中外运敦豪,New Times 新 时代,Dia 迪亚天天,Naya 那 亚,Toyota 丰田,Kerry 嘉里大 通,ISH 综合信兴,Mayget 美泰 供应链,PCH,神州数码,DTW 大 田,China Post 邮政速递物流



Nanjing ZAL Management

南京宁欧通物流管理有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Barcelona, Madrid (Spain) 西班牙巴塞罗那、马德里 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2008 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Office 18 B Deji Mansion, 188 Changjiang Rd. Nanjing 210018 南京市长江路188号德基大厦18楼B座, 邮编210018 ) +86 (25) 8572 6079 + info@nzmcl.com

u Key Contacts Emilio Moreno 莫雷诺 Chief Executive Officer ) +86 (25) 8572 6078 + emoreno@nzmcl.com Amy Xiao 肖菊花 CEO Assistant ) +86 (25) 8572 6079 + amyx@nzmcl.com

u Company Introduction Nanjing ZAL Management Co. Ltd. (NZMCL) is a Spanish WOFE, established in Nanjing since July 2008, with the support of Barcelona ZAL. Partners are SPIM and other developers with experience in industrial and logistics parks worldwide. 南京宁欧通物流管理有限公司(简称“宁欧通”)是一家西班牙外商独资企业,于2008年7月在 南京成立,得到巴塞罗那物流区(ZAL)的支持。其股东为在全世界工业、物流园区方面有着丰 富经验的SPIM公司及其他开发商。

u Services and Solutions u Highlights • Wide experience in designing and developing main Spanish industrial and logistics parks as Barcelona ZAL, Zaragoza PLAZA, Madrid and others

We offer world class industrial and logistics facilities on built to suit bases in main Nanjing Development Zones. To acquire the land, design and construct industrial and logistics facilities and manage these assets in Nanjing, following the standards of Barcelona ZAL and other first class industrial and logistics developments, is our core business.

• Design or development of 120 industrial and logistics Parks in four continents

NZMCL plans to construct, in different Nanjing DZ, 150,000 sqm of first class industrial and logistics facilities, on Built to Suit bases, designed by reputable international engineering companies.

• Two years experience in Nanjing

We focus on quality in order to meet the requirements of world class manufacturers, marketers, distributors and logistics operators.

• Agreement for developments in main Nanjing Development Zones • 在设计、开发如巴塞罗那物流区、萨拉戈萨广 场、马德里等西班牙主要的工业、物流园区 方面经验丰富。 • 在四大洲设计或开发了共计120个工业、物流 园区。

我们在南京主要的开发区内以定制的方式提供世界一流的工业及物流设施。 根据巴塞罗那物流区(ZAL)和其他一流的工业、物流开发项目的标准在南京拿地、设计、建造 工业、物流设施并对这些资产进行管理是我们的核心业务。 宁欧通计划在南京诸开发区内由知名国际工程公司设计、以定制的方式兴建15万平方米一流的工 业、物流设施。 我们专注品质以满足世界一流制造商、营销商、分销商和物流运营商的要求。

• 在南京两年经验 • 与南京主要的开发区就开发签约



Vailog 维龙

n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Milan, Italy 意大利米兰 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2006 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Room 702, City Gateway, 398 North Caoxi Road, Shanghai 200030 上海市漕溪北路398号汇智大厦702室, 邮编200030 ) +86 (21) 6090 5292 7 +86 (21) 6090 5295 8 www.vailog.com

u Key Contacts Alberto Lacchini Regional Development Director China ) +86 (21) 6090 5292 7 +86 (21) 6090 5295 + alberto.lacchini@vailog.com Leo Xu 许凌君 Marketing Manager ) +86 (21) 6090 5292 7 +86 (21) 6090 5295 + leo.xu@vailog.com

u Highlights • Core business: industrial real estate development • Operations in Italy, the Netherlands, Romania, Spain, USA and China • Strong pipeline of projects for over 1 million sqm of distribution space in Italy, Romania and China • Vailog Songjiang Logistics Park, with a total GFA of nearly 120,000 sqm • Vailog Jiading Distribution Center, with a total GFA of approximately 41,000 sqm • Client in China: Toll Asia, ABB, DB Schenker and AVIC (Xi’an Aircraft Industry (Group) Co., Ltd.) and etc. • 核心业务:工业房地产开发和管理 • 业务遍及意大利、荷兰、罗马尼亚、西班牙、 美国和中国等地 • 在意大利、罗马尼亚和中国等地持有超过100 万平方米的物流仓储设施 • 维龙松江物流园,总面积逾12万平方米 • 维龙嘉定配送中心,总面积近41,000平方米

u Company Introduction Vailog is a professional real estate development and investment company, based in Milan. Currently, we have grown into Italy’s number one industrial real estate development company and maintain strong financial partnerships with Europe’s largest real estate financial institutions. With a total turnover of over 100 million Euro in 2008, Vailog is growing strongly at a pace of 25% per year thanks to its leading position in Italy and expansion abroad. 维龙是一家专业的房地产开发和投资,公司总部设在米兰。目前,维龙已成为意大利最大的工业 地产开发商,并同欧洲最大的地产金融机构保持着紧密的合作伙伴关系。维龙凭借着在意大利工 业地产界的领先地位和海外市场上的不断扩张使得公司2008年的总营业额超过1亿欧元并保持着 每年25%的高增长率。

u Services and Solutions Staffed by dedicated and experienced professionals, Vailog focuses solely on developing and managing high standard logistics facilities in strategic locations. With a strong pipeline of projects, Vailog provides a variety of logistics properties for lease to third-party logistics companies, manufacturers, retailers and others. Vailog builds high quality logistics warehouses according to particular clients’ requirements. 维龙公司的团队全部由业界精英及具有丰 富经验的专业人士所组成,致力于在全球 开发和管理具有战略地理位置的高品质物 流仓储设施。 维龙为第三方物流公司、制造商及零售商 等企业提供众多的可供租赁的物流仓储设 施。 按照特定客户的需求量身定制高品质的物 流仓库。

• 在华客户包括拓亚物流、ABB、全球物流以 及西飞集团等等



Volume Industrial Park Zhuhai n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Australia 澳大利亚 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1999 年 Shenzhen 深圳 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 36 Fengshou Road, Pingsha Town, Gaolan Container Port Zone, Zhuhai, Guangdong 广东省珠海市平沙镇丰收路36号 ) +86 (756) 772 7118 7 +86 (756) 772 7122 8 www.volumeip.com

u Key Contacts Adam Montgomery Executive Director ) +852 2308 4000 7 +852 2308 4001 + adam@volumegroup-asiapacific.com Cameo Qian 钱琛 Business Development Executive ) +86 (756) 772 7118 7 +86 (756) 772 7122 + cameo@volumeip.com

u Highlights • 20,000sqm of undercover space available for rent now with a further 12,000sqm available Q1, 2011 • High quality flat floors sealed with hardener • Large open span spaces • Crawford dock and doors • ESFR sprinkler / fire fighting systems • Philips low energy use warehouse and street lights • International Standard Construction • Proximity to: - 10 mins to Hutchison Gaolan Container Terminal - 10 mins to Beijing to Zhuhai Rail Line End Point - 25 mins to Zhuhai Airport - 45 mins to Zhuhai City Centre and New CBD - 55 mins to Macau Airport • 现有20000平方米仓库可租赁使用,另有 12000平方米将于2011年第一季度落成 • 超平地面,表面涂有固化剂 • 大跨度空间 • 阔福升降平台及滑升门 • ESFR喷淋/消防系统 • 飞利浦仓库及街道节能照明系统 • 符合国际标准的建造 • 交通便利: - 10分钟直达珠海高栏港货柜码头 - 10分钟直达广珠铁路终点站 - 25分钟直达珠海机场 - 45分钟直达珠海市区及十字门商务区 - 55分钟直达澳门国际机场


u Company Introduction Volume Industrial Park is a member group company of Volume Group Ltd of Hong Kong. Volume Industrial Park is Zhuhai’s largest international standard distribution centre and high tech manufacturing location specifically for lease. Volume Industrial Park is located strategically near Hutchison Gaolan International Container Terminal. HGICT is going through a capacity expansion program which at the end of 2011 will deliver a further 5million TEU’s through the port. Major shipping lines such as APL are using the port now. Volume Industrial Park buildings are flexible in their usage and can suit operations for international logistics companies through to high technology manufacturers looking for a manufacturing base which is close to major port, national rail and freeway connections. Volume工业园为香港沃流集团下属公司。园区现有珠海市最大的国际一流水准的配送中心以及 能够满足高科技生产需要的大型仓库用于出租。园区临近珠海高栏港货柜码头,该港口正于扩建 之中,将在2011年底增加五百万个集装箱位。大型船公司如APL在该港口均有业务。 VIP园区近港口,近铁路,近高速,极为便利的交通环境使得仓库可满足从国际物流至高科技生产 等多种行业的需求。

u Services and Solutions Volume Industrial Park provides full management services on site including: • Accommodation in on and off site dormitory buildings • Gardening services • Waste removal • On site 24hr security team • On site management team Volume Group as a whole at the request of a tenant can provide further services outside of the normal leasing packages: • Distribution centre control and management services • Sourcing and Procurement • Factory gate collection • Freight Forwarding Volume工业园提供全面的区内管理服务: • 员工宿舍 • 园区绿化服务 • 垃圾处理 • 24小时区内保安 • 24小时区内管理团队 除此之外沃流集团还可以为客户提供更多的服务支持: • 配送中心调配和管理服务 • 供应商开发及采购 • 工业门型录 • 货运代理


Yupei Group 宇培(集团)

n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Chicago, U.S.A. 美国芝加哥


n Established in China 在中国成立于 2000 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 Joint Venture 合资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Yupei Building, 2500 Jinchang Road, Shanghai 200331 上海市普陀区金昌路2500号宇培大楼, 邮编200331 ) +86 (21) 6627 7577 7 +86 (21) 6627 7717 8 www.yupeigroup.com

u Key Contacts Oliver Treneman Chief Operation Officer ) +86 (21) 6627 7577 7 +86 (21) 6627 7717 + otreneman@yupeigroup.com Peter Pan 潘乃越 Director of Corporate Marketing ) +86 (21) 6627 7577 x 634 +86 (21) 6695 7501 7 +86 (21) 6627 7717 + peterpan@yupeigroup.com

u Highlights Clients in China include: 在中国的主要客户包括: Siemens 西门子, Bosch 博世, CocaCola 可口可乐, Itochu Logistics 伊藤忠物流, Midea 美的电器, Dixon 缔柯圣, Tingtong Logistics 顶通物流, Pacific Logistics 太平 洋物流, Annto Logistics 安得物流, DB Schenker Logistics 全球国际物流 • Over 10 years of professional experience in real estate investment. • More than 9 logistics parks, a total GFA of approximately 650,000 m2 of logistics warehouses across China. • Warehouses in: Shanghai, Suzhou, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Qingdao, Beijing, Tianjin, Wuhu, Chuzhou, Shenyang • 10年以上在房地产投资行业的丰富经验。 • 在中国拥有9座现代化物流园,总建筑面积 超过 650,000平方米 • 仓库所在地: 上海、苏州、广州、青岛、北京、天津、芜 湖、滁洲、沈阳


u Company Introduction The Domestic Leader in Logistics Real Estate Headquartered in Shanghai, Yupei is a logistics “real estate” solution company. Yupei develops, owns and operates modern warehousing, logistics properties and leasing to high-quality third-party-logistics service providers in China. Yupei’s current portfolio includes 9 properties in 6 cities across China, comprising approximately 650,000 square meters. Yupei’s JV partner and strategic investor Equity International is recognized as a leading international investor and partner of choice with multi-dimensional capability in real estate investment. With $1.5 billion raised through a series of four funds and invested across 17 portfolio companies in the world. Yupei Existing & Future Portfolio in China: • • • • • • • • • •

Yupei Yupei Yupei Yupei Yupei Yupei Yupei Yupei Yupei Yupei

Shanghai Northwest Logistics Park: 45,000 m2 Shanghai Jiading Logistics Park: 69,000 m2 Shanghai Lingang Logistics Park: 86,000 m2 Shanghai Anting Logistics Park: 72,000 m2 Suzhou Logistics Park: 75,000 m2 Chuzhou Logistics Park: 73,000 m2 Shenyang Logistics Park: 65,000 m2 Qingdao Logistics Park: 120,000 m2 Guangzhou Logistics Park: 75,000 m2 Beijing Logistics Park: 85,000 m2

宇培是美国 Equity International(全球知名的房地产投资私募基金)与上海宇硕控股投资的合资公 司,是一家在中国专注于物流仓储设施的投资、持有和经营管理的现代物流资产运营商。目前, 宇培在中国9个城市的物流资产组合已超过65万平方米。宇培以满足每个客户的不同需求为目 标,通过持有、开发和管理物流设施及配送中心为客户提供最佳服务。

u Services and Solutions Yupei is committed to building long-term relationships with our clients. With a team renowned for being the best in the business, we tap into our expertise, experience and resources to provide clients with optimal warehousing services. Service categories of Yupei in China: • • • •

Ready-built multi-tenanted warehouses for lease Built-to-suit bonded or non-bonded warehouses for lease Development of logistics park (bonded & non-bonded) Management of logistics properties and distribution centres

秉承“争做最佳”的商业理念,宇培致力于与客户建立长期的合作关系,利用我们在物流房地产 领域的丰富经验、资源和技术力量为我们的客户提供以下最佳物流仓储服务和解决方案: • • • •

提供现有仓库设施 为客户量身定制物流仓储设施 开发保税和非保税物流园区 管理物流仓储设施和配送中心


Other Real Estate Services Companies n Ascendas 30/F, Ascendas Plaza, 333 Tianyaoqiao Road, Shanghai 200030 上海市天钥桥路333号 腾飞大厦30楼,邮编 200030 +86 (21) 6426 3505 www.ascendas.com n Blogis 广东省深圳市蛇口 赤湾石油大厦14楼 +86 (755) 2669 4211 www.blogis.com.cn n Boustead Projects Room 806, Block 10, 1988 Gonghexin Road, Shanghai 200072 +86 (21) 33870771 www.bousteadprojects.com n Bovis Lend lease 中国上海市淮海中路1325号爱 美高大厦20楼 +86 (21) 64452938 www.bovislendlease.com

n Capital Land 上海市西藏中路268号 来福士广场19楼 +86 (21) 3311 4633 www.capitaland.com


n DTZ 42-43/F, Tower 2, Plaza 66, 1366 West Nanjing Road, Shanghai 200040 南京西路1366号, 恒隆广场2号楼43楼, 邮编 200040 +86 (21) 2208 0088 www.dtz.com n Ed. Züblin AG D37 Crest Villa, 97 Songlin Road, Shanghai 200120 +86 (21) 5831 8816 www.zublin.com.cn

n Gazeley China Suit 805, Kerry Centre, 1515 West Nanjing Road, Shanghai 200040 +86 (21) 5298 6622 www.gazeley.com n JURONG China Room 706, Tower 1, Plaza Hyundai, 369 Xianxia Road, Shanghai 200336 +86 (21) 6124 0026 www.jurong.com.cn n Knight Frank Room 1206 Evergo Tower,

1325 Middle Huaihai Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai 200031 上海市徐汇区淮海中路1325号 爱美高大厦1206室, 邮编200031 +86 (21) 6445 9968 www.KnightFrank.com

n Losberger Blk 5, Xunhao Industrial Park, 258 Jinglian Road, Minhang District, Shanghai 201108 中国上海市闵行区景联路258 号,迅豪工业园区5号楼, 邮编 201108 +86 800 819 2121 www.losbergerchina.com n NSIC 18 Duangong Road, Jiangning, Nanjing 211100 中国南京江宁端拱路18号邮编 211100 +86 (25) 6698 8988 www.nsic.com.cn n SIP Project Management 13/F Block E Golden Hongqiao Commercial Plaza, 686 Wuzhong Road,

Shanghai 201103 +86 (21) 6465 0978 www.sipgroup.com

n Space Frame Room 17A, HuaMin Empire Mansion, 726 West Yan’an Road Shanghai, 200050 + 86 (21) 5830 3488 www.spaceframe.com.cn n Syska Hennessy Group Suite 1211-A19, 12/F Shui On Plaza, 333 Middle Huaihai Road Shanghai 200021 +86 (21) 5116 0527 www.syska.com n Tongsheng Logistics 10/F, Unit B, Shanghai Deepwater Port Business Plaza, Luchaogang, Nanhui, Shanghai 201308 上海南汇芦潮港上海深水港商务 广场B座10楼邮编201308 +86 (21) 6828 1992 www.shtslp.com




Apprise Software (Asia)


n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Bethlehem, PA, U.S.A. 美国宾夕法尼亚州伯利恒 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2007 年 Nanjing 南京 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国总部 6009 Changjiang Science Building, 40 Nanchang Road, Nanjing 210037 江苏省南京市南昌路40号长江科技园大 厦6009室,邮编210037 ) +86 (25) 8345 5308 8 www.apprise.com.cn

u Key Contacts Rainie Zhang 张纯 Account Manager ) +86 (25) 8345 5308 Steven Yuan 袁毅文 General Manager ) +86 (25) 8345 5308 + marketing@apprise.com

u Highlights • Award winning ERP and supply chain management solutions • Industry tailored to give consumer goods manufacturers and distributors complete supply chain control and visibility • Multi-lingual software, services and 24 hour help desk available • Customers include global leaders in apparel, appliances, health and beauty, home furnishings, housewares, giftware, luggage, sporting goods and many other industries • Offices in North America, China, Australia and Europe • 获得奖项认证的ERP及供应链管理解决方案 • 为消费品行业量身定做的解决方案帮助消费 品分销制造商全面管理洞悉供应链流程 • 提供多语言软件、服务与24小时客户支持 服务 • 我们的客户都是各行业的全球领袖企业,这 些行业涉及服装、家用电器、健康美容品、 家具、家庭用品、礼品、箱包旅游用品和体 育用品等 • 在北美、中国、澳大利亚和欧洲都设有分公 司,提供全球性业务运营与服务


u Company Introduction Improve efficiency. Enhance profitability. Maximize return on investment. For 26 years, Apprise Software has been helping consumer goods manufacturers and distributors improve their business. Our enterprise resource planning (ERP) and supply chain management (SCM) software offers the leading technology and industry specific tools you need to stay ahead. With offices in China, North America, Australia and Europe, Apprise® can help you build a globally integrated supply chain. Our singular focus on consumer goods, combined with professional consulting, training and support services, ensures you get a partner with a proven track record. 改善运营效率!提升业务盈利!最大化投资收益率!26年来,爱普瑞斯软件一直致力于帮助消费 品分销制造商改善业务运营。我们的ERP(企业资源计划)和SCM(供应链管理)软件为您提供 全球领先的技术和具备行业针对性的解决方案,帮助企业提升竞争力。Apprise®在中国、北美、 澳大利亚和欧洲都设有公司,旨在帮助您建立全球一体化供应链。我们专注于研究消费品行业特 性,拥有经验丰富的专家团队,可以提供信息咨询、产品培训及客户支持等专业服务,必将成为 您企业发展的最佳合作伙伴。

u Services and Solutions Global consumer goods companies count on Apprise for fully integrated supply chain solutions, including: • • • • • • • • • • •

Forecasting, DRP and purchasing Manufacturing Supplier Production Monitoring Product Lifecycle Management Export/import management Warehousing, transportation and logistics Sales, customer service and CRM Customer compliance, including EDI Chargeback management Comprehensive financials In-depth reporting and analytics

爱普瑞斯为全球消费品公司提供的整合性供应链解决方 案包括: • 需求预测、分销资源计划(DRP)和采购管理 • 制造管理 • 供应商生产监控管理 • 产品生命周期管理 • 进出口管理 • 仓储、货运及物流管理 • 销售、客户服务及客户关系管理(CRM) • 客户行业合规解决方案,如EDI • 扣款管理 • 综合财务管理 • 详细的报表分析功能


Supply Chain Software

Barloworld Supply Chain Software

n Corporate HQ 公司总部 UK 英国 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2005 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 15/F NCI Tower, 12A Jianguomenwai Avenue, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100022 北京市朝阳区建国门外大 街 甲 12号 新 华 保险大厦15楼, 邮编100022 ) +86 (10) 8523 3103 7 +86 (10) 8523 3001 8 www.barloworldscs.com

u Key Contacts Wei Li 李玮 Manager China Operations ) +86 (10) 8523 3103 7 +86 (10) 8523 3001 + wli@barloworldscs.com Fraser Ironside Director Global Business Development ) +86 (10) 8523 3103 7 +86 (10) 8523 3001 + fironside@barloworldscs.com

u Highlights Barloworld Supply Chain Software is a supply chain planning company supporting more than 400 client software installations worldwide from offices in the UK, South Africa, Dubai, Spain, Beijing and the USA. Our clients include: DHL Exel, Nokia, McDonalds, Hewlett Packard, Diageo, Unilever, Nestle, Carlsberg and many more. Parent company Barloworld is one of the largest companies in South Africa with a turnover of US$ 5 billion and operations in 31 countries around the globe. Barloworld Supply Chain Software 通过 遍布全球的分支机构和合作伙伴为世界上400 多家客户提供了业界领先的供应链规划\优化 软件和相关的咨询服务,我们的客户包括: 敦豪,诺基亚,麦当劳, 惠普,帝亚吉欧, 联合利华,雀巢和嘉士伯啤酒等。 母公司 Barloworld Ltd 是南非最大的公司之 一,年销售额50亿美元,在世界上31个国家设 有分支机构。

u Company Introduction Barloworld Supply Chain Software is a world leading supply chain planning company providing software and solutions to maximise the efficiency of supply chains. Offering a range of complementary professional services, Barloworld Supply Chain Software uses its industry knowledge, specialist staff and its understanding of the underlying technology through its development of software to construct robust supply chain models, interpret results and identify the optimal supply chain strategy. Professional services available include global supply chain design and configuration, inventory modelling and optimization, carbon emissions modelling, mentoring, training and supply chain audits. Barloworld Supply Chain Software 是一家世界一流的供应链规划服务公司,我们始终致力 为各行业客户提供业界领先的供应链规划/优化软件来帮助客户降低供应链成本并提升企业的供应 链效率。根据客户的不同需求,我们也提供具有行业针对性的供应链优化,需求预测以及库存优化 的咨询服务。我们平均为客户减少15%左右的供应链成本,减少10-30%的库存并提高5%左右的 产品可用性(服务水平)。客户行业涵盖:快速消费品,食品零售,汽车\产品制造,服装,电子产 品,第三方物流,咨询,化工及制药。

u Services and Solutions Our software and consulting services include: • CAST Strategic supply chain network design & optimization • CINO Combined inventory & network optimization • ODP Demand planning • Optimiza Inventory optimization • CAST-CO2 Supply chain carbon emissions optimization 我们的软件和咨询服务包括: • • • • • •

供应链网络/物流网络设计及优化 供应链库存配置分布策略优化 产品需求预测规划 库存优化 成本优化 供应链二氧化碳排放优化

如您想了解更多关于 Barloworld Supply Chain Software 公司,产品以及服务的信 息,敬请浏览我们的网站或联络我们的办事 处:中国,英国,南非,美国,西班牙,迪拜



BravoSolution China



n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Milan, Italy 意大利米兰 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2007 年 Shanghai 上海 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 13F-01, Tian’ an Center, 338 West Nanjing Road, Shanghai 上海市黄埔区南京西路338号天安中心1301 室 ) +86 (21) 6145 8500 7 +86 (21) 6145 8503 8 www.bravosolution.cn

u Key Contacts Larry Liu 刘鹍 General Manager ) +86 (21) 6145 8500 7 +86 (21) 6145 8503 + larry.liu@bravosolution.com Sunshine Wu 武东明 Account Manager ) +86 (21) 6145 8500 7 +86 (21) 6145 8503 + d.wu@bravosolution.com

u Highlights Supply Management Solutions & Purchasing Project Management Consulting • Over 420 Professionals operating in 12 offices across 3 continents including Europe, North America and China • Over 200 active eSourcing platforms delivered on demand (SaaS model) • Serving over 400 clients in 30 countries • Software suite deployed to over 20,000 buyers and used by over 250,000 suppliers worldwide 电子采购平台解决方案 & 采购项目管理顾问 • 超过420余采购专业顾问通过分布于欧洲、 北美和中国的12个分支机构提供支持 • 超过200个客户化的电子采购平台以托管方 式(SaaS)服务客户 • 超过400个客户分布在30个国家 • 电子采购平台在全球范围内服务超过20,000 个采购专员和250,000个供应商

u Company Introduction BravoSolution, a leading eSourcing (eRFx & eAuction) platform and supply management solution provider based in Europe, North America and China, helps procurement professionals to deliver Supply Management Excellence with a combination of software, consulting service and support. Our mission is to generate value by supporting our clients in the improvement of procurement processes to drive their companies’ strategic objectives: reduce procurement cost, improve procurement transparency and compliance, and effectively manage suppliers to maximize profits. 百沃是全球领先的电子采购与竞价平台和供应管理解决方案的供应商。通过位于欧洲、北美和中 Chart 1 国的分支机构为全球客户及其供应商提供电子采购平台、采购项目管理、竞价服务及其他电子采 购解决方案的支持服务。我们的目标就是通过我们提供的技术和服务帮助采购业务部门最大限度 地降低采购成本、优化采购流程及提高管理效率。

u Services and Solutions BravoSolution offers leading software and services to fit the needs of today’s sophisticated supply management organizations. • On-demand software solutions Turnkey solutions designed to enable rapid start-up and short-term results • Strategic Category Solutions Rapid impact programs to quickly deliver value in key categories • Tailored strategic services Our team will work with yours to deliver the services you need – where you need them

Chart 2

百沃目前主要为国内客户提供 以下三大类的软件产品和服务: • 电子采购平台 • 电子竞价系统 • 采购开支分析




上海沐雷软件系统有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 USA 美国 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2010 年 Shanghai 上海 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Unit 01, Floor 7, 1 Grand Gateway 1 Hong Qiao Road, Shanghai 200030 虹桥路1号港汇中心1座701单元, 邮编200030 ) +86 (21) 6447 6600 7 +86 (21) 6407 2737 8 www.emptorischina.com

u Key Contacts William Li 李玉新 General Manager & Group Vice President ) +86 (21) 6447 6600 7 +86 (21) 6407 2737 + wli@emptoris.com Jack Liu 刘剑明 Sales Director ) +86 (21) 6447 6600 7 +86 (21) 6407 2737 + jliu@emptoris.com

u Highlights • Emptoris serves over 200 clients in 75 countries • Typical client profile: Blue-chip Fortune 1000 or Global 2000 multinational corporations with annual revenues in excess of $5 billion • Offices in USA, Australia, China, France, Germany and India • 超过200家客户分布在75个国家 • 客户均为蓝筹股财务1000强或全球排名 2000的跨国公司,年收入一般均超过50亿 美元。 • 在美国,澳大利亚,中国,法国,德国和印 度均设有公司,提供全球性业务运营与服务


u Company Introduction Emptoris is a world leader in innovative Strategic Supply Management and Enterprise Contract Management. The suite includes solutions for spend analysis, sourcing, services procurement, supplier risk analysis and contract management and may be deployed flexibly or modularly to meet the unique demands of global businesses. Emptoris solutions are consistently recognized by leading independent analyst firms as market leading and are used by successful enterprises in every industry including: American Express, Boeing, Cigna, ConocoPhillips, GlaxoSmithKline, Kraft, Motorola, Owens Corning, United Healthcare, Syngenta, Vodafone and CNOOC. Emptoris是世界创新型采购与合同管理软件解决方案的领头羊,其解决方案能够使企业实现最大 价值和加速获利成长。Emptoris在支出分析、寻源、合同管理、合规、供应商绩效管理和工程管 理方面提供完整的采购管理解决方案,帮助客户降低各个领域的成本,释放流动资金,从而在瞬息 万变的市场中占据竞争优势。主要客户包括美国运通、波音公司、信诺保险公司、康菲石油公司、 葛兰素史克公司、卡夫食品公司、摩托罗拉公司、欧文斯科宁公司、先正达、美国医疗保健公司, 沃达丰和中国海洋石油总公司等。

u Services and Solutions Emptoris provides leading software and services to fit the needs of today’s sophisticated and fast-paced procurement organizations. Offerings include: • Emptoris Program Management • Emptoris Spend Analysis • Emptoris Sourcing • Emptoris Services Procurement • Emptoris Contract Management • Emptoris Compliance • Emptoris Supplier Risk Analysis 沐雷软件目前主要为国内客户提供以下软件产 品和服务: • 费用支出分析 • 寻源解决方案 • 合同管理 • 供应商绩效管理 • 服务采购 • 合规 • 工程管理


Epicor Software 恩柏科软件(上海)有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Irvine, U.S.A. 美国 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1997 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 2008 Cross Tower, 318 Fuzhou Road Huangpu District, Shanghai 200001 上海市黄浦区福州路318号 高腾大厦2008单元,邮编200001 ) +86 (21) 6391 2808 7 +86 (21) 6391 2809 8 www.epicor.com

u Key Contacts Matt Taylor Regional Director, China & Korea ) +86 (21) 6391 2808 7 +86 (21) 6391 2809 + asiamarketing@epicor.com

u Highlights • Global software solutions, Local business expertise • Comprehensive enterprise software portfolio • Agile service-oriented architecture (SOA)

u Company Introduction Epicor Software is a global leader delivering business software solutions to the manufacturing, distribution, retail, hospitality and services industries. With 20,000 customers in over 150 countries, Epicor provides integrated enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM), supply chain management (SCM) and enterprise retail software solutions that enable companies to drive increased efficiency and improve profitability. Founded in 1984, Epicor takes pride in more than 25 years of technology innovation delivering business solutions that provide the scalability and flexibility businesses need to build competitive advantage. Epicor provides a comprehensive range of services with a single point of accountability that promotes rapid return on investment and low total cost of ownership, whether operating business on a local, regional or global scale. The Company’s worldwide headquarters are located in Irvine, California with offices and affiliates around the world. For more information, visit www.epicor.com

• Positioned as Visionary on Gartner Magic Quadrant1

Epicor Software是一家全球领先的商业软件解决方案提供商,面向制造、分销、零售、酒店和 服务等多个行业。Epicor为150多个国家/地区的20,000家客户提供软件解决方案,包括集成的 企业资源规划 (ERP)、客户关系管理 (CRM)、供应链管理 (SCM) 以及企业零售等软件产品,能 够帮助企业提高效率并提升盈利能力。Epicor创立于1984年,迄今拥有25年以上技术创新的光 荣历史,其商业解决方案可为企业构建竞争优势提供所需的可扩展性和灵活性服务。Epicor以快 速实现投资回报、降低总体拥有成本为己任,致力于为当地企业、地区性企业和全球性企业提供 全方位的服务。公司全球总部位于美国加州欧文市,在全球各地设有办事处和分支机构。有关详 细信息,请访问www.epicor.com或Epicor中文网站www.epicor.com/cn

• Rapid and cost effective implementations

u Services and Solutions

• Proven rapid ROI and low TCO

Industry Focus 专注的行业

• Advanced industry-specific functionality • More than 20,000 customers in over 150 countries

• 全球软件解决方案,本地专业知识 • 综合的企业管理软件 • 敏捷的面向服务架构(SOA) • 先进的垂直行业解决方案 • 在150多个国家/地区拥有20,000多位客户 • 被Gartner Magic Quadrant 评为“远见 型企业1” • 快速和具有成本效益的实施 • 较低的总拥有成本(TCO)和快速的投资回报 (ROI)

1”Magic Quadrant for Midmarket and Tier 2-Oriented ERP for Product-Centric Companies” Gartner, June 2009


Manufacturing 制造业 • Capital Equipment 重工设备 • Aerospace & Defense 航空航天及国防 • Instruments & Controls 仪器与控制 Distribution 分销业 • CPG 快速/ 耐用消费品 • Pharmaceutical 制药 • Value-added Distributors 增值分销商 Services 服务业 • Professional Services 专业服务 • Non-Profit 非盈利机构

• Industrial Machining 工业机械 • Fabricated Metals 金属加工 • Electronics 电子 • 3PL/Logistics Services 第三方物流服务 • Automotive 汽车

• Financial Services 财务服务 • Sports & Entertainment 运动与娱乐业

Epicor Suite and Module Diagram Epicor ERP模块如下: • Financial Management 财务管理 • Supply Chain Management 供应链管理 • Production Management 生产管理 • Planning and Scheduling 计划与排程 • Project Management 项目管理 • Product Data Management 产品数据管理 • Human Capital Management 人力资本管理 • Service Management 服务管理 • Sales Management 销售管理 • Customer Relationship Management 客户关系管理


GXS International n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Gaithersburg, U.S.A. 美国盖士堡 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1995 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Room 1602, 16/F, Grand Gateway Tower 1, 1 Hongqiao Road, Shanghai 200030 上海市虹桥路1号港汇广场1座1602室, 邮编200030 ) +86 (21) 6120 1088 7 +86 (21) 6120 1078 8 www.gxschina.com.cn

u Key Contacts Richard Zhong 钟胜九 General Manager, China ) +86 (21) 6120 1088 x 118 7 +86 (21) 6120 1078 + Richard.Zhong@gxs.com Jane Cheng 郑维隽 Marketing Director Asia Pacific ) +852 2884 6029 7 +852 2513 0650 + Jane.Cheng@gxs.com

u Highlights • Employees: 1800+ work in nearly 30 countries • Founded: 1967 • Asia Pacific Offices: Australia, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Singapore • Fortune 500 customers: ~350 • SMB customers: Over 30,000 • Focus on automotive, CPG, financial services, high tech manufacturing, pharmaceutical/health care and retail • Scalable infrastructure processes: 8 billion transactions or 8 terabytes annually • 员工: 全球1800+名员工分驻近30地区 • 创立年份: 1967 • 亚太地区办事处: 澳洲, 中国, 香港, 日本, 韩国 及新加坡 • 财富500客户: 约350个 • 中小企业客户: 超过30,000个 • 针对行业: 汽车、消耗性商品、金融服务、高 科技制造业、药业/ 医疗 及零售 • 灵活具弹性的网路架构每年处理80亿宗交易 或8 Terabytes


u Company Introduction GXS is a leading global provider of B2B e-commerce solutions that simplify and enhance business process integration and collaboration among trading partners. Organizations worldwide, including more than 70 percent of the Fortune 500, leverage the on-demand services on GXS Trading Grid® to extend supply chain networks, optimize product launches, automate warehouse receiving, manage electronic payments and gain supply chain visibility. GXS can be found on the Web at www.gxs.com, www.gxschina.com.cn, http://blogs.gxs.com/ and http://twitter.com/gxs GXS是全球领先的B2B电子商务解决方案供应商,它提供的解决方案能够简化和加强业务流程 的整合与协作。包括70%的财富500强企业在内的全球企业都在使用需求驱动的 GXS Trading Grid®电子商务平台来扩大供应链网络、优化产品推出、自动化库存接收、管理电子支付及获得供 应链可视化。 详情请参阅:www.gxs.com,http://www.gxschina.com.cn,http://blogs.gxs.com及 http://twitter.com/gxs。

u Services and Solutions • • • • • • • • • •

On-demand supply chain management Invoice delivery service Extend supply networks Optimize new product launch Automate warehouse receiving Gain supply chain visibility Track service parts shipments Manage payments and cash flow Solutions for SMB B2B outsourcing

• • • • • • • • • •

需求驱动供应链管理 电子发票传送服务 扩展供应网络 优化产品上市 仓库收货自动化 获取供应链可视化 零部件货运状态跟踪 管理款项和现金流 中小企业解决方案 B2B 外包服务

GXS 产品概览





IT & SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS January 19, 2010 | Slide 1 ©2009 GXS, Inc.

JDA Software 杰迪软件(上海)有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Scottsdale, United States 美国 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2001 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Unit 06, 29/F, Raffles City, 268 Xizang Middle Road, Shanghai, 200001 上海市西藏中路268号,来福士广场2906室, 邮编200001 )+86 (21) 2327 9400 7+86 (21) 2327 9401 8 www.jda.com

u Key Contacts Alex Tan 陈应华 Alliance Director )+86 (21) 2327 9536 7+86 (21) 2327 9401 +Alex.Tan@jda.com Ling hui 凌晖 Manager Business Development )+86 (21) 2327 9535 7+86 (21) 2327 9401 +Hui.ling@jda.com

u Highlights The Vendors of Business Software in Supply Chain Management in China. Top 10 (Annual Top-lists of Business Software in China 2007) The Vendors of Business Software in FMCG in China .Top 10 (Annual Toplists of Business Software in China 2007) 2008 Enterprise Supply Chain Management Trusted Product. Ability to offers comprehensive expert solutions Focuses on providing outstanding levels of customer service Most Promising Enterprises In China’s Software Industry For 2009 荣获2007中国管理软件行业年度评选:中国 SCM (供应链)领域十强软件商。 荣获2007中国管理软件行业年度评选:中国 FMCG(快速消费品)领域十强软件商。

u Company Introduction JDA Software Group (NASDAQ: JDAS) is a supply-demand chain software company with more than 20-year history. The company is dedicated to addressing the global supply-demand chain market dynamics and is the supply-demand partner of the world-leading retailers, manufacturers and suppliers. From material to consumers, JDA provides the complete, unparalleled “best-in-class” supply chain optimization solutions to achieve the real customer-driven value chain. In January, 2010, JDA completed the acquisition of i2 Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: ITWO) valued approximately USD $604 million (or approximately USD $19.79 per common share). With this, JDA added more than 400 former i2 customers and its robust, patented manufacturing, supply chain, retail and transportation solutions, further solidifying JDA’s leading role as the world’s best SCM and pricing solutions provider. The new JDA Software Group now is capable of providing to the market the most comprehensive integrated solutions from material through to consumers. JDA will have over 6000 customers around the world with targeted industries of discrete and process manufacturing, wholesale-distribution, transportation, retail and services. JDA软件集团公司 (Nasdaq:JDAS) 在供需链软件服务领域拥有超过20的历史, 公司一直以来致 力于应对全球供需链市场不断变化的要求, 是全球领先的零售商、制造商及供应商的供需链合作伙 伴。JDA为客户提供完整的行业专家级的解决方案,在60多个国家为客户从原料到消费者提供独 一无二的供应链优化解决方案,实现真正的客户驱动的价值链。2010年1月JDA完成了对i2技术 公司 (NASDAQ: ITWO) 价值约 6.04 亿美元(或约合每支普通股 19.79 美元)的收购活动, 通过 此次收购,JDA 新增 i2 原有的400多家客户及其稳健的、针对制造、供应链、零售和运输业的专 利解决方案,从而进一步巩固了JDA作为世界领先的供应链管理和定价解决方案提供商的地位。 全新的 JDA 软件集团有能力从原料直至消费者向市场提供最全面的集成性解决方案。JDA 公司将 在全球拥有 6000多家客户,行业遍及离散和流程制造、批发配送、运输、零售及服务等各行业。


Supplyand Chain Innovation u Services Solutions

Integrated Business Planning (S&OP) Retail Collaboration




Market Segmentation

Demand Management

Network and Inventory Optimization

Transportation Modeling

Category Management

Demand Classification

Distribution and Replenishment Planning

Capacity Planning

Shelf Collaboration

Sense & Respond Forecasting

Production Planning and Scheduling

Logistics Procurement & Contract Management

Planogram Optimization

ATP/CTP Order Promising

Supplier Management Supplier Management

Transportation Planning


Price & Trade Promotion Management

Supplier Collaboration

Shipment Execution

荣获2008年度企业供应链管理信赖产品奖。 提供专家级的供应链解决方案。致力于提供杰 出的客户服务。

One Synchronized View of Demand


Collaboration Visibilit Collaboration, Visibility, and E Exception ception Monitoring Data and Workflow Management Copyright 2010 JDA Software Group, Inc. - CONFIDENTIAL




Manhattan Associates Software 曼哈特软件(上海)有限公司

n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Atlanta, U.S.A. 美国亚特兰大 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2004 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Unit 2110, 21/F, Shui On Plaza Shui On Plaza. 333 Huai Hai Zhong Road Shanghai 200021 上海淮海中路333号瑞安广场21楼2110室 ) +86 (21) 6386 8800 7 +86 (21) 6340 6188 8 www.manh.com

u Key Contacts Arnold Consengco Managing Director North Asia ) +86 (21) 6386 8800 7 +86 (21) 6340 6188 + aconsengco@manh.com Jonathan Kwok General Manager Greater China ) +86 (21) 6386 8800 7 +86 (21) 6340 6188 + Jkwok@manh.com

u Highlights Founded: 1990 Nasdaq: MANH Global Customers: 1,200 Go Lives: 1 per day Supply Chain R&D Investment: Over US$45 million in 2007, and each year investing more than any other supply chain provider. Industries: Retail, consumer goods, food, government, high tech/electronics, industrial/wholesale, life sciences and logistics service providers. Global presence: Offices in China, Australia, Japan, India, Singapore, UK, France and US. Manhattan Associates also maintains an international presence across six continents through its network of partners.

u Company Introduction Manhattan Associates continues to deliver on its 20-year heritage of providing global supply chain excellence to more than 1,200 customers worldwide that consider supply chain optimisation core to their strategic market leadership. The company’s supply chain innovations include: Manhattan SCOPE, a portfolio of software solutions and technology that leverages a Supply Chain Process Platform to help organizations optimise their supply chains from planning through execution; Manhattan SCALE, a portfolio of distribution management and transportation management solutions built on Microsoft.NET technology. In 2009, Manhattan won the award for “Best Supply Chain IT Solution Provider in Asia”. Leading companies, including Gome, DHL, Ting Tong Logistics, SinoPharm, Jiangsu Tobacco, MetersBonwe, Semir, Daphne, IGA BuBuGao, IGA QingKeLong, SPAR JiaJiaYue, SPAR JiaRong, have achieved their supply chain targets through Manhattan solutions. 20年来,曼哈特软件公司一直致力于全球供应链优化,帮助将供应链优化作为市场战略核心的 1200多家客户实现了供应链精简。公司的供应链革新方案包括:曼哈特SCOPE是一整套的供应 链解决方案和技术组合,它通过供应链流程平台帮助企业从计划到实施全面实现供应链优化;曼 哈特SCALE是基于Microsoft.NET技术的配送和运输管理解决方案组合。2009年曼哈特荣获 “亚洲最佳供应链IT解决方案服务商”大奖。许多业界领先的公司,诸如:国美、DHL、顶通物 流、国药、江苏烟草、美特斯邦威、森马、达芙妮、步步高、庆客隆、家家悦、嘉荣等都通过曼 哈特解决方案实现其供应链目标。

u Services and Solutions

成立日期:1990 纳斯达克证券交易所代码:MANH 全球客户数量:1,200 上线实例:每天都有客户上线 供应链研发投资:2007年超过4500万美元, 每年的研发投入超过其它任何供应链服务商。 相关行业:零售、消费品、食品、政府、高科 技/电子产品、工业/批发业、生命科学和物流 服务商。 全球覆盖:在中国、澳大利亚、日本、印度、 新加坡、英国、法国和美国等地设有业务机 构,合作伙伴遍及六大洲。



Schmidt n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Hong Kong, China 中国香港 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1994 年 Shanghai 上海 1953年 Hong Kong 香港 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Room 2406 Huashen Mansion, 398 Hankou Road, Shanghai 200001 上海市黄浦区汉口路398号华盛大厦2406室 邮编:200001 ) +86 (21) 6133 9708 7 +86 (21) 6133 9718 8 www.schmidthk.com

u Key Contacts Thomas Chau 周润光 General Manager ) +852 2507 0296 7 +852 2507 0395 + thomaschau@schmidtelectronics.com Kevin Ke 柯瑞松 Area Manager ) +86 (21) 6141 9008 7 +86 (21) 6141 9001 + kevinke@schmidtelectronics.com

u Highlights • Over 50 years IT experience • 17 offices in 7 countries Asia-wide • Over 200 employees • Founding member of GUiDE (Global Union of ID Experts) with which customers can gain global support of their projects across Europe, America and Asia • Won “HK Awards for Industries 2008” & “HK ICT Awards 2007” • 逾50年的IT行业经验 • 遍布于亚洲7个国家的17家分公司 • 逾200名雇员 • 自动识别专家全球联盟GUiDE的创始成员之 一,透过兴华, 客户可获取对于欧美亚项目的 全球支持 • 荣获”2007香港资讯及通讯科技奖”及” 2008香港工商业奖”


u Company Introduction SCHMIDT, a leading systems integrator and a proprietary products provider in Asia Pacific, has been offering innovative and customer-centric Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC) solutions to the companies with logistics supply chain. Our real-time data infrastructure streamlines manufacturing and logistics processes and drives growth in a wide spectrum of industries such as healthcare, pharmaceuticals, logistics, retail, telecommunications and manufacturing. Sprawling out in over 7 countries with 17 offices across Asia, customers can benefit from SCHMIDT’s strong local presence, promised regional support and consistent quality of services. 兴华科仪,作为亚太地区领先的系统集成商和专有产品提供商,始终坚持以客户为中心,长期致力 于为物流供应链企业提供创新的自动识别与数据采集解决方案。我们的实时数据基建,简化制造和 物流流程,并驱动包括医疗保健、制药、物流、零售、电信和制造等在内的各行业发展。而分布于 亚洲7个国家的17家分公司更能够向客户提供丰富的本土资源、强大的区域支持和一贯的服务质 量。

u Services and Solutions • Complete turn-key solution from planning to rollout • RFID, Bar-coding, Wireless, Voice Recognition, Biometrics • Warehouse Management System (WMS) • Assets Track and Trace System • Barcode Tracking System • Integrated Mobility solutions • Proof of Delivery solution • Voice-enabled Distribution solutions • Printer/ media solutions • On-demand software design • Maintenance support

Hong Kong’s Most Valuable Company 2010

• 从规划到执行的全程解决方案 • RFID、条码技术、无线通讯、语音识别、生物 识别技术 • 仓储管理系统(WMS) • 资产跟踪和追踪系统 • 条码跟踪系统 • 整合移动解决方案 • 交货证明解决方案 • 语音指导配送解决方案 • 打印机/ 耗材解决方案 • 软件定制设计 • 维护支持



斯铂格软件(上海)有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Bretten, Germany 德国 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2006 年 Shanghai 上海 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Room 523-526, 5F, Cimic Tower, 800 Shangcheng Road, Shanghai 200120 上海浦东新区商城路800号斯米克大厦5层 523-526室, 邮编200120 ) +86 (21) 5835 7779 7 +86 (21) 3887 0999 8 www.seeburger.cn

u Key Contacts Philip Zhang 张德政 General Manager, China ) +86 (21) 5835 7779 + p.zhang@seeburger.com James Hatcher Managing Director, Asia Pacific ) +852 2584 6220 + j.hatcher@seeburger.com

u Company Introduction SEEBURGER is a leading provider of global business-integration solutions designed to optimize transactions throughout an extended enterprise by automating trading relationships with all partners, regardless of their size or technical resources. SEEBURGER’s flagship B2B Gateway solution and its related products and services are leveraged by 8,100 customers, encompassing 15 industries in more than 50 countries. SEEBURGER has offices in 19 countries worldwide, including a Shanghai office opened in 2006 and a Beijing office opened in 2009.

u Highlights

SEEBURGER是全球领先的商务集成解决方案供应商,无论企业规模大小、技术实力如何,通 过自动化与所有业务伙伴的贸易关系,优化整个扩展式企业的交易流程。

• Two decades of B2B industry experience, native integration with SAP, support for all global standards • Positioned in the “Leaders quadrant” in Gartner’s “Magic Quadrant Research Report” in 2005-2008 • 28 SEEBURGER EDI Adapters SAPCertified for Integration with SAP NetWeaver® XI/PI • Chinese Manufacturing Industry Excellent IT Solution Award • Top 10 Business Software in both Automotive and Logistics in China • 3PL customer EastTop was awarded the “2009 excellent case of China Logistics and Purchasing Informatization” for its IT platform • “Best IT Supply Chain Solution China” in 2007 and 2009

SEEBURGER旗舰产品B2B网关解决方案及其相关产品和服务在全球50多个国家和15个行业领 域被超过8100多家客户所采用,服务于提高其营运效率。重点客户诸如Bosch, Hyundai, Osram, Porsche, Siemens, VW, DHL等。在全球19个国家设有办事处,其中包括2007年在上 海设立的中国全资子公司和2009设立的北京办事处。

• 20多年的B2B行业经验,与SAP等ERP无 缝集成,支持所有国际标准 • 中国重点客户诸如,北京奔驰、奥托立夫、 广东北电、神州数码、东方嘉盛等 • 28个适配器通过SAP NetWeaver XI/PI认 证并通过SAP销售 • 荣获“中国制造业优秀IT解决方案奖”,“ 物流、汽车行业十佳软件供应商” • 客户东方嘉盛的IT信息平台被评为物流企业最 佳信息化案例 • 2007、2009年两次荣获“最佳供应链IT解 决方案奖”


u Services and Solutions SEEBURGER’s applications are designed to automate your complete supply chain integration. Our offerings include: • 100% trading partner integration via enabling solutions like EDI, XML, Web Forms & Portals, Paper-toERP, and Hub & Spoke systems. • Demand-driven inventory management solution via VMI, JIT, JIS, SMI, POU & KANBAN systems to ensure synchronization through the whole supply chain. • SEEBURGER’S Gateway solutions include ASN generation, Barcode Labeling & 3PL connectivity to provide end-to-end visibility and information sharing on the flow of materials. We provide certified solutions for global EDI standards and industry specific Web EDI portals, fully double byte enabled and available in Chinese and other languages 我们的解决方案 • SEEBURGER旗舰产品 - 商务集成服务器(BIS) • 基于SOA架构的企业内部应用系统集成(EAI) • 同一平台实现外部交易伙伴业务协同(EDI/B2B) • 支持供应商管理库存(VMI)、准时排序供货(JIT/JIS)、 看板管理、及射频识别技术(RFID) • 无缝整合供应链流程,提高供应链可视性和效率 • 支持全球所有的B2B行业标准及通讯方式和协议




n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Munich, Germany 德国慕尼黑 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2008 年 Shanghai 上海 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Suite 1515, Silver Centre, 1388 North Shanxi Road, Putuo District, Shanghai 200060 上海普陀区陕西北路1388号银座中心 1515 室,邮编200060 ) +86 (21) 6149 8042 7 +86 (21) 6149 8142 8 www.supplyon.com

u Key Contacts Zheng Zixi 郑梓熙 Chief Representative Officer ) +86 (21) 6148 8509 7 +86 (21) 6149 8142 + Zixi.Zheng@SupplyOn.com Ding Shaowei 丁少伟 Customer Project Manager ) +86 (21) 6149 8042 7 +86 (21) 6149 8142 + Shaowei.Ding@SupplyOn.com

u Highlights Since SupplyOn entered the Chinese market in 2008, our efficient and transparent process has helped us gain dozens of Chinese manufacturers to make effective e-communication with their suppliers. A lot of successful companies trust in SupplyOn, including world-renowned industrial companies like BMW, Bosch, Continental, Schaeffler, Schindler, Yazaki and ZF. SupplyOn于2008年进军中国市场,凭借其 高效透明化的流程,在短时间内,已有几十家 中国厂商利用SupplyOn与其供应商开展有效 的电子化交流。众多成功企业信任并正在使用 SupplyOn系统,包括世界著名企业如宝马, 博世,大陆集团,舍弗勒,迅达,矢崎及采埃 孚集团等。 • Investments in further development: approx. 3 million euros per year • Market penetration: More than 75 percent of the top 100 automotive suppliers use SupplyOn • Business relationships:20,000 • Users: 95,000 • Transaction: approx. 5 million per year • Purchasing volume through SupplyOn: approx. 50 billion euros per year


u Company Introduction SupplyOn is the world´s largest provider of web-based solutions for supply chain management in the automotive and manufacturing industries. SupplyOn offers lean, transparent and seamlessly integrated business processes to facilitate efficient communication with business partners in the areas of purchasing, development, logistics, finance and quality. Several thousand customers in over 70 countries already benefit from our innovative solutions. You too could benefit! SupplyOn是全球汽车及制造业界最大的网站式供应链管理解决方案的提供商。SupplyOn在采购、 物流、财务及质量工程等领域提供直观、透明、无缝化链接的商业流程,便于买方客户和其供应商进 行交流。遍布于70多个国家的上千家公司已从我们提供的创新化解决方案中获益。您也可以!

u Services and Solutions SupplyOn provides a centralized infrastructure, allowing you to handle all key purchasing, quality, logistics and financial process in a standardized manner for your successful supplier management. Sourcing: Request for Quotations, Auctions, Master Data Management, Change Management Quality: Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP), Complaint Management(8D) , Supplier Assessment Logistics: VMI, Kanban, ASN, Call-off, Stock Management etc. either via WebEDI or EDI Finance: Invoice, Remittance Advice etc. SupplyOn提供整合的供应链管理 平台,涵盖了从采购、质量、物流 到财务的各个流程,以标准化方式 助您实现成功供应商管理。 采购:询价,在线竞标(Auctions), 主数据管理,变更管理 质量:先期产品质量规划(APQP) ,投诉管理(8D),供应商等级评定 物流:通过WebEDI或EDI实现供 应商管理库存(VMI)、预先发货通 知/发运通知(ASN)、调货通知、库 存管理等 财务:发票,汇款通知等



香港亚太贸易卡有限公司深圳代表处 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 New York, U.S.A. 美国纽约 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2004 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 Representative Office 代表处 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Room B, 23/F, JinRun Mansion, 6109 ShenNan Road, FuTian District, Shenzhen 518040 深圳市福田区深南路6109号金润大厦23楼B 邮编518040 ) +86 (755) 8830 9265 7 +86 (755) 8830 9030 8 www.tradecard.com

u Key Contacts Robert Lin 林中敏 Senior Vice President ) +86 (755) 8830 9265 7 +86 (755) 8830 9030 + sales@tradecard.com Victoria Lai 赖志芳 Office Administrator & Sales Coordinator ) +86 (755) 8830 9265 7 +86 (755) 8830 9030 + VLai@tradecard.com

u Highlights Supply chain and trade finance services to buying communities and their suppliers. For suppliers based in China, this includes activation, training and related support to become active on our sourcing platform. “Collaboration with customers and finance providers in a secure paperless environment ensures operational efficiency, accuracy and speed. Accounts receivable through financing services, available on TradeCard, help us improve margins and cash flow. Our ability to leverage the financial strength of our customers to achieve more competitive finance rates is a strategic business advantage.” Senior Executive at apparel supplier Industrias Orion


u Company Introduction TradeCard enables smarter, faster and more efficient sourcing for consumer goods companies and their trading partners. TradeCard connects more than 5,000 buyers, suppliers and service providers to offer the world’s only smart global network that ensures products and payments arrive at the right place, at the right time. TradeCard helps clients eliminate waste and delays from the sourcing process by automating transactions from purchase order to payment. TradeCard is a global software-as-a-service network that includes more than 30,000 users in over 60 countries. More than 150 service providers on the TradeCard network offer online financial and logistics services. TradeCard’s global support team provides local in-country support in more than 30 languages to assist factories and suppliers. 是唯一一家提供买方至卖方端的财务供应链服务供应商。藉由开放、安全且中立的网络环境促使 全球贸易伙伴间的商业活动透明化。从订单到结算等相关的采购及金融交易,买方与卖方首度可 完整监控联机交易流程,并达到现金流量及信用额度的最佳运用。全球贸易伙伴在使用TradeCard系统下,能够体验财务供应链前所未有的实惠价值,包括立即节省成本、改善伙伴关系及缩 短交易周期。TradeCard提供最广泛的加值贸易服务网,涵盖出口及卖方融资、付款保证、金流 以及货品检验服务。基于这一系列服务,TradeCard因而能够在向来以文书作业、成本昂贵又耗 费人力的传统贸易结算方式以外,成为另一倍受认可的选择。TradeCard的总部设于纽约市,在 旧金山湾区、香港、台北、汉城及东京均设有分公司或办事处。TradeCard系美国及全球各地的 注册商标。TradeCard全球信息网站为:www.tradecard.com。

u Services and Solutions Financial services to reduce financing costs Pre- and post- export financing, factoring and invoice discounts enable clients to gain greater control of trade finance. Suppliers improve cash flow through accelerated payment terms and free up credit lines associated with financing receivables. Transaction automation to generate process efficiency Elimination of paper and manual processes reduces errors and ensures compliance. Complete automation enables rapid payment approval and time to settlement. An easy to use transaction platform to create order-to-cash process savings Online transactions provide visibility to all parties involved. Automation streamlines and simplifies workflows. Visibility and automation provide payment certainty and enable cash management. Know when, where and how payment will be received.


Vocollect Asia Pacific n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Pittsburgh, PA, U.S. 美国宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡 n Established in China 在中国成立于 1987 年 Pittsburgh, PA, U.S. 美国宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Unit 3, 29/F, Sino Plaza, 255-257 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong 香港铜锣湾告士打道255-257号 信和广场3单元29楼 ) +852 2893 3321 7 +852 3051 8209 8 www.vocollect.com

u Key Contacts Addy Ho 何鸿威 Regional Director ) +86 151 1207 3910 + aho@vocollect.com Ivan Chung 钟建威 Business Development Manager ) +86 158 1471 8853 + ichung@vocollect.com

u Highlights The Value Vocollect Offers Your Business: • Increased operational productivity reduces transaction costs • Improved accuracy makes ‘Perfect Orders’ possible • More on-time and accurate orders leads to higher levels of customer satisfaction • Greater efficiency and improved end-to-end management offers a competitive advantage • Best practices implementation methodology for rapid deployment and ease of integration with existing IS infrastructure • Operating ‘Hands-free, eyes-free’ improves associates’ safety and overall working environment Vocollect带来的商业价值: • 提高运营效率,降低交易成本 • 提高准确度,使“完美订单”成为可能 • 通过更多准时且准确的订单,提高客户满 意度 • 通过提高效率、改进端到端管理,成就竞争 力优势 • 有利于快速部署执行方法的实践,并与现有 的信息安全基建进行整合 • 通过释放双手和眼睛,提高工作安全,改善 工作 环境


u Company Introduction Vocollect, Inc. is the Number 1 provider of voice solutions for mobile workers worldwide, helping customers achieve a higher level of business performance through voice. Every day Vocollect enables over 300,000 workers worldwide to distribute more than $3 billion dollars’ worth of goods from distribution centers and warehouses to customer locations in 60 countries and in 36 languages. Vocollect’s VoiceWorld Suite integrates with all major WMS and ERP systems, including SAP, and supports the industry’s leading mobile device solutions. Today, Vocollect Voice is fully adaptable to the broadest range of vertical markets, including retail, grocery, wholesale distribution, 3rd party logistics, healthcare, automotive, pharmaceutical and manufacturing. Vocollect公司是全球排名第一的移动语音解决方案提供商,致力于通过语音技术帮助客户实现更 高的销售业绩。每天全球范围内有超过30万的配送人员利用Vocollect语音技术将价值30多亿美 元的货物从配送中心或仓库送至遍及60个国家说着36种语言的客户手中。Vocollect的语音世界 套件,整合了所有主流的WMS和ERP系统,包括SAP,并支持业界领先的移动设备解决方案。 今天,Vocollect语音解决方案已完全适用于最广泛的垂直市场,包括零售、杂货、批发分销、第 三方物流、医疗保健、汽车、制药及制造业等。

u Services and Solutions Why Vocollect Vocollect’s holistic end-to-end voice-centric solution is making the ‘Voice-enabled Warehouse’, hailed as the next generation in distribution center and warehouse material-handling management – a reality. Our technologies and implementation framework have been helping global and China companies bring greater cost and work efficiencies to their warehouse processes and procedures. Superior Voice Recognition The crown jewel in the Vocollect solution lies in our extreme recognition accuracy of in-vocabulary speech – applicable to 36 languages. In-depth Knowledge of Operations and Workflows Vocollect and our partners breathe warehouse and distribution center operations. This combined industry experience and expertise provides invaluable know-how to help us actualize the full potential of voice for unique customer needs. 为什么选择Vocollect Vocollect端到端语音解决方案被誉为新一代配送中心及仓库物资管理解决方案,语音化的仓储管 理自此成为现实。我们的技术和实施框架能够为全球及中国企业在仓储流程及程序方面带来巨大的 成本节约及工作效益。 出众的语音识别技术 Vocollect语音解决方案的绝对优势在于高度的词汇识别准确率,且适用于36国语言。 Vocollect深谙工作流程及运作之道 无论是Vocollect,还是我们的合作伙伴,都对仓库及配送中心的运作模式了然于胸。凭借多年的 行业经验和宝贵的专业知识,我们深知如何针对客户的特别需求,挖掘语音技术的深层潜力。


Other IT & Software Solutions n Alibaba 29/F, Zhao Feng Plaza, 1027 Chang Ning Road, Shanghai 200050 上海市长宁路1027号兆丰广场 29楼 +86 (21) 5255 9888 www.china.alibaba.com n Ariba Room 610, Leader Centre, Fuhua 1 Ave, Futian District, Shenzhen 518033 +86 (755) 3336 5226 www.ariba.com n Atos Origin 11/F, Unicorn International Tower, 547 West Tianmu Road, Shanghai 200070 +86 (21) 6354 1616 www.atosorigin.com

n CDC Unit E201-205, Shanghai Universal Centre 175 South Xiangyang Road, Shanghai +86 (21) 64720992 www.cdcsoftware.com n Core Solutions Unit 2903, 113 Argyle Street Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong +852 2378 6300 www.coresolutions.com

n Crimson Logic 200 East Ninghai Road, ShenXin Building, Unit 2112, Shanghai +86 (21) 5108 8773 www.crimsonlogic.com n DDS Suite 2605, 26F, Hong Kong Plaza, 283 Huaihai Road, Shanghai 200021 上海市淮海中路283号香港广场 26楼2605室,邮编200021 +86 (21) 6103 5715 www.ddslogistics.com/cn

n Global Sources Suites 2602-2605, 26/F, Hongyi Plaza, 288 Jiujiang Road, Shanghai +86 (21) 23215599 www.globalservices.bt.com n GT Nexus Room 850 Jin Ling Building, 28 West Jinling Road, Shanghai 200021 +86 (21) 6387 5512 www.gtnexus.com n Hartung Room 2302, Fortune Gate, 1701 West Beijing Road, Shanghai 200040 上海市北京西路1701号静安中 华大厦2302室,邮编200040 +86 (21) 62883010 www.hartung.com.cn n IFS Room 2706, Building 2 of Grant Gateway, 3 Hongqiao Road, Shanghai 上海市虹桥路3号港汇广场2座 2706室,邮编200030 +86 (21) 6448 3398 www.ifsworld.cn n Infosys Building 18, 1387 Zhangdong Road, Zhangjiang Hi-Teck Park, Shanghai 201203 上海市张江高科技园区张东路 1387号18号楼,邮编201203 +86 (21) 5884 3000 www.infosys.com

n Infor 15/F Raffles City Shanghai Office Tower, 268 Xizang Road, Shanghai 200001 上海市西藏中路268号来福士广 场办公楼15层邮编200001 +86 (21) 5359 9666 www.infor.com / www.infor.cn

n ECnet Room H, 20/F, Foresight Mansion, 768 Xietu Road, Shanghai +86 (21) 5302 5032 www.ecnet.com

n Exact Suite 510A He Qiao Mansion 8 Jia, Guanghua Road, Beijing +86 (10) 6581 5177 www.exactsoftware.com

n E2open 5F-B2, Sec.2, Dunhua S. Road, Da-an District, Taipei City 106, Taiwan +86 (2) 2735 5680 www.e2open.com


n Intermec Sales and ServiceUnit 1503B, Kirin Plaza, 666 Gubei Road, Shanghai +86( 21) 62781090 www.intermec.com n Inttra Room 3607 Bund Center, 222 East Yan’an Road, Shanghai +86 (21) 6335 0077 www.inttra.com

n i2 Room 1110, 11/F, Building C, Raycom InfoTech Park, #2 Science Institute South

Road, Zhong Guan Cun, Haidian District, Beijing +86 (10) 8286 2860 www.i2.com

n Jardine One Solutions 7/F, Building 1, Resource Plaza, 268 South Zhongshan Road, Shanghai 200010 +86 (21) 2321 6288 www.jos.com n Kingdee 张江晨晖路88号金蝶软件园1号楼 +86 (21) 6162 5518 www.kingdee.com n Kewill Ipacs Room C & D, 11F Hai Xing Plaza, 1 Rujingnan Road, Shanghai 200023 +86 (21) 6403 2233 www.kewill-ipacs.com n Lawson Software Room 2H, Apollo Building, 1440 Yan’an Road, Shanghai 上海市延安中路1440号阿波罗 大厦2H室 +86 (21) 6248 5853 www.lawson.com/China n MFG 9/F, The Exchange, 1486 West Nanjing Road, Shanghai 200040 +86 (21) 3203 9588 www.mfgquote.com

n SAP 31/F, Ciro’s Plaza, 388 West Nanjing Road, Shanghai 200003 上海市黄浦区南京西路388号仙 乐斯广场31楼,邮编200003 +86 (21) 3302 4898 www.sap.com n Sensitech 3239 Shengjiang Road, Shanghai 201206 +86 (21) 3860 3204 www.sensitech.com n SoftBrands Asia 4/F, The TEDA Building 256,Jiefangnan Road, Hexi District,Tianjin 300042 天津市河西区解放南路256号泰 达大厦第四层邮编300042 +86 (22) 2320 2260 www.fourthshiftedition.com n SPS Commerce Suite 702A, Peking Times Square, 103 Huizhongli Road, Beijing 100101 北京市朝阳区慧忠里103号楼洛 克时代中心A座702A室 +86 (10) 8485 0158 www.spscommerce-asia.com n Swisslog Shanghai (HCS, WDS) 76 Pujian Road +86(21) 5039 9928 www.swisslog.com

n Microsoft 19/F, Millennium Tower 38 Xiaoyun Road, Beijing +86 (10) 8453 8989 www.microsoft.com

n Trading Partners 12/F, Platinum, 233 Taicang Road, Xintiandi Shanghai 200020 上海新天地太仓路233号新茂大 厦12楼,邮编200020 +86 (21) 5178 5055 www.tradingpartners.com

n Navis Room 1701-1702, Laford Centre, 838 Lai Chi Kok Road, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong +852 2439 5964 www.navis.com n Oracle 16/F, One Corporate Ave, 222 Hubin Road, Shanghai 200021 上海市卢湾区湖滨路222号企业 天地商业中心1号楼16层, 邮编200021 +86 (21) 2302 3000 www.oracle.com

n Power E2E 20A, 3 Strength Plaza Tower, 600 Tianshan Road, Shanghai 200051 天山路600弄3号20A, 邮编200051 +86 (21) 5289 6390 www.powere2e.com

n UFIDA 68 Beijing Road, Haidan District, Beijing 100094 北京市海淀区北清路68号用友软 件园,邮编 100094 +86 (10) 6243 6688 www.ufida.com.cn n Viewlocity Room 404, 20 Donghu Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai +86 (21) 5404 0818 www.viewlocity.com

n Vintture 21/F, Jianyin Plaza, 289 Zheqiao Road, Shanghai 201206 浦东金桥浙桥路289号建银大厦 A座2108-10室,邮编201206 +86 (21) 5031 2605 www.vintture.com




CHEP (China)

集保物流设备(中国)有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Orlando, U.S.A. 美国奥兰多 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2006 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 40/F, Suites 8-10, 2 Grand Gateway, 3 Hongqiao Road, Shanghai 200030 上海市虹桥路3号港汇二座40楼08-10室 邮编200030 ) +86 (21) 6127 2488 7 +86 (21) 6127 2466 8 www.chep.com

u Key Contacts Yozoh Li 李成林 Sales Administrator ) +86 (21) 6127 2410 7 +86 (21) 6127 2466 + PallletPoolingServicesChina@chep.com Jasmine Zhu 朱洁 Sales & Marketing Assistant ) +86 (21) 6127 2444 7 +86 (21) 6127 2466 + AutomotiveServicesChina@chep.com

u Highlights • Business Scope: Equipment (pallets and containers) leasing, maintenance, design, sourcing, other package service of logistics equipment, the consulting service of logistics information and resolution, the wholesaling, import and export of logistics equipment, commission agent (auction excluded) • 经营范围 物流设备(托盘及周转箱)的租赁、维修、 保养、设计和采购,相关配套服务,物流信 息和物流解决方案的咨询服务,物流设备的 批发及进出口,佣金代理(拍卖除外) • Industries supported/targeted in China: 在中国目标服务领域 Electrical/electronics, automotive, manufacturing, industrial equipment/ machinery, FMCG/consumer goods, food/beverage, retail, distribution, warehousing, logistics/3PLs, transportation, import/export


u Company Introduction CHEP is the global leader in pallet and container pooling services, serving customers in a wide range of industrial and retail supply chains, including consumer goods, home improvement, beverage and automotive industries. Pallet and container pooling is a strategic business option for companies that wish to concentrate their capital expenditures and day-to-day supply chain operations on their core business. CHEP manages the daily movements of over 320 million pallets and containers from a global network of over 500 service centers in 46 countries. We serve for more than 300,000 customers worldwide, and are known for “Handling the World’s Most Important Products. Everyday. 集保是全球提供托盘与周转箱共用服务的龙头企业,客户遍布快速消费品、饮料、家装和汽车等多 种行业。集保与原材料和配料供应商、制造商、种植者、运输商、批发商和零售商合作,提高其产 品在供应链上的传输效率、降低相关成本并满足客户需求。对于希望减少资本支出并集中精力于其 核心业务的公司而言,托盘与周转箱共用可谓是一项战略商业选择。集保每天掌控着3.2亿个托盘 和周转箱的运作,业务网络覆盖全球46个国家的500多个服务中心。我们为全球的30多万家企业 提供服务并以“承载全球最重要的产品,每一天”而著称。

u Services and Solutions CHEP offers pallet pooling services to companies across China. CHEP has launched its RFID enabled, steel reinforced plastic pallet in China. Companies from all parts of the supply chain including manufacturers, 3PL/transporters, wholesalers and retailers, use CHEP’s pallet right through their supply chain. CHEP provides management of reusable plastic containers, pallets, racks, stillages, trays and inserts. Our flexible service offer includes dedicated container management services, pooling of standard containers used by automakers and tier suppliers and global customer support. Equipment pooling and container management has numerous benefits including: utilization of returnable containers; reduced total supply chain costs; eliminates disposable packaging; eliminates large capital investment; eliminates in plant repackaging; international services & support; environmentally responsible. 集保在中国为多种行业提供有托盘共享租赁解决 方案,在中国我们推出了具RFID功能的钢条加 固塑料托盘。对于处于整个物流链不同位置的所 有公司包括生产商、第三方物流公司、批发商及 零售商,集保的解决方案能够有效地提高整个物 流效率,降低整个物流链的运作成本。 集保对塑料周转料箱、托盘、网格箱、小托盘和 内衬等提供管理。其灵活的服务包括:度身定制 料箱管理服务、为汽车供应链提供标准化料箱的 共享服务和全球化客户支持与服务。料箱管理和 设备共享的优越性在于提高周转料箱利用率、降 低整体供应链成本、消除一次性包装费用、减少 非核心工作投入、高质量满足行业设施标准、消 除大项资本投入、免除厂内再包装环节、国际化 服务与技术支持、降耗环保。


Dexion (Shanghai) Logistics Equipment 德仕安(上海)物流设备有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Sydney, Australia 澳大利亚,悉尼 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2008 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Room 1102, Block A, Phase 1 Zhang Jiang Riverfront Harbour, 3000 Longdong Avenue, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, 201203 上海市浦东新区龙东大道3000号张江集电港 第一期A楼1102室,邮编201203 ) +86 (21) 6879 4413 7 +86 (21) 6879 4416 8 www.dexion.biz

u Key Contacts YK Ip 叶义强 MD of North Asia ) +852 2410 8383 7 +852 9023 1971 + yk.ip@dexion-china.com PC Loke 陆柏祥 Technical Sales Director ) +86 (21) 6505 0011 7 +86 137 6480 8173 + pc.loke@dexion-china.com

u Highlights • Worldwide reknowned 63 year established brand name and leader in storage and materials handling industry • More than a billion pallet locations of Dexion racking installed today. • Dexion Limited, publicly listed in Australian stock exchange with more than AUD 280 million turnover for Asia-Pacific • Largest manufacturing capacity >80,000 steel tonnage annual consumption with seven Asia-Pacific based manufacturing plants • The One and Only DEXION in China • Market coverage: ANZ, SEA, NEA, Pakistan India, Middle East and The Americas. • 世界知名仓储品牌享誉63年 • 迄今为止全世界使用德仕安品牌货架超过10 亿托盘位

u Company Introduction Dexion was founded in May 1947 by Mr Demetrius Comino who created the world reknown “Dexion Slotted Angle”, which has been copied all over the world. The word DEXION comes from the Greek word meaning ‘right” and is emphasized in the logo with the “right tick”. Our key corporate values are inspired by our founder, Demetrius Comino who believed in: • Excellence in Performance • Integrity in Relationships • Innovation in Application Dexion today is leading the way in seismic rack design, high rise ASRS rack applications, innovative leading edge automated system solutions and the establishment of the Comino Research Centre. Dexion is represented directly and via dedicated Dexion Supply Centres all across Asia-Pacific to give the regional as well as national customers the necessary support for their future expansion and growth with cost effective storage and materials handling solutions. 德仕安创始于1947年,创始人科米诺先生将“孔型角钢货架”首次引入市场,直至今天,此系统仍在 全球范围内被争相仿效使用。性能卓越,诚实守信,应用创新是科米诺先生始终坚持的公司理念。 德仕安在货架的抗震设计及高位自动化立体库方面,技术都处于世界领先水平。

u Services and Solutions • Pallet racking and shelving storage solutions for Industrial applications. • Compactus, mobile shelving and filing storage solutions for Commercial applications. • High rise and seismic ASRS racking solutions. • Integrated order fulfillment and sortation systems for distribution centres. • Design, supply, project manage, install, commission and service of Dexion storage and material handling system, rack safety audit, rack inspection and storage solution consultancy services. • 工业领域货架存储方案

• 德仕安亚太地区市值过28亿

• 商业领域移动文件架存储方案

• 亚太地区年产能达8万吨

• 高位自动化立体库方案

• 中国地区只有一个德仕安

• 分销中心订单及分拣集成系统

• 市场覆盖区域:澳新地区,沙特地区,东北亚 地区,印巴地区,中东地区及美洲区

• 设计,供应,项目管理,安装,货架 安全检查,仓储方案咨询等一系列服务



Loscam Packing Equipment Leasing 路凯包装设备租赁(上海)有限公司

n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Melbourne, Australia 澳大利亚墨尔本 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2006 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Room 508, 707 Zhangyang Road, Shanghai 200120 上海市浦东新区张扬路707号508室, 邮编200120 ) +86 (21) 6104 8156 7 +86 (21) 6104 8162 8 www.loscam.com

u Key Contacts Scott Neubauer Director Business Development ) +86 (21) 6100 1087 +(61) 4384 09241 7 +86 (21) 6104 8162 + scott.neubauer@loscam.com Patrick Chan 陈伟光 National Manager, Greater China ) +86 (21) 6104 8156 +86 158 2111 9687 7 +86 (21) 6104 8162 + patrick.chan@loscam.com

u Highlights • 15 years in Asia • The most preferred pallet pooling company in Asia with over 3 million pallets in circulation, and growing • Operations in 9 countries in the Asia-Pacific region • Competent local teams to support day to day operations • 亚洲15年的发展经验 • 最受欢迎的托盘租赁公司,已经超过300万 托盘在亚洲流转并不断增长 • 业务遍及亚太地区9个国家 • 强大的当地团队负责日常的运作

u Company Introduction Loscam has been operating in Asia since 1994 and in China since 2006. Since it’s inception in 1947, Loscam Limited has become the world’s second largest provider of returnable packaging solutions to the retail, grocery, food manufacturing, hardware, transport & logistics industries. In the Asia Pacific region, Loscam is the market leader and is recognised as the most innovative and responsive provider of pallet pooling services. In China we now have operations in Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou and are looking to expand into other provinces within the next few years. We also have been providing pallet services in Hong Kong since 1999 and are now actively providing pallets for transfer of freight between Southern China and Hong Kong. 路凯1994年在亚洲开始业务运营,2006年开始进入中国。在1947年路凯公司便已经成为世界排 名第二的可回收包装解决方案的提供者,主要客户群为零售商,分销商,食品工厂,工具设施,以 及运输/物流企业。在亚太地区,路凯是市场的领导者,并且被认为是托盘共用系统中最具有革新 性和快速响应的托盘供应商。在中国,除了在上海,北京,和广州成功开展业务以外,路凯在未来 的数年内将更快的发展进入其他各省市。路凯在香港的托盘服务自从1999年开始广泛开展,现在 更致力于华南和香港之间的托盘异地流转回收的业务。

u Services and Solutions Loscam has been working closely with various FMCG’s, Retailers, and Third Party Logistics Service Providers to modernise retail and manufacturing supply chains by promoting the use of a common platform pallet to minimise the handling of products as they move through the supply chain. This leads to increased efficiency, reduced product damage and cycle times and promotes sustainable development addressing rising supply chain and labour costs and the need for increased velocity of products from factory to consumer. Loscam also offers crossborder pallet exchanges within our Southeast Asian Countries (operations) and between China-Hong Kong (operations). 路凯和各个快销品行业,零售行业,以及第三 方物流紧密合作,共同致力于通过托盘共用系 统从而减少在现代零售商和工厂供应链中的人 工搬运作业。从而有效的提高工作效率,减少 货品破损和流转周期。并通过降低供应链及人 工的整体成本;提高产品从工厂到消费者的流 通速度来提升企业的可持续发展的能力。 路凯提供华南地区和香港之间的跨边界托盘交 换和回收的方案,以促进华南地区和香港之间 顺利的货物流通渠道。



Schoeller Arca Systems 舒乐阿卡(上海)贸易有限公司 n Corporate HQ 公司总部 Zwolle, Netherlands 荷兰兹沃勒 n Established in China 在中国成立于 2007 年 n Legal status in China 企业性质 WOFE 外商独资企业 n China head office 中国代表处总部 Unit 1111-1112 Shui On Plaza, 333 Middle Huaihai Road, Shanghai 上海淮海中路333号瑞安广场办公楼11111112室 ) +86 (21) 3133 2080 7 +86 (21) 3133 2081 8 www.schoellerarcasystems.com

u Key Contacts Harry Huang 黄骏 Business Development Manager ) +86 (21) 3133 2080 7 +86 (21) 3133 2081 + harry.huang@schoellerarca.com Andries Bolding Managing Director ) +86 (21) 3133 2080 7 +86 (21) 3133 2081 + andries.bolding@schoellerarca.com

u Highlights Now in China, we have some domestic produced products which are popular in the field of retail, electronics and the automotive industry. We believe that the European standard products of SAS will help the Chinese market move into a new logistics era due to our high quality and excellent designs. Schoeller Arca Systems provides best service based on the customer’s requirements. Our key advantage in the plastic market is innovation, know how and technical experience. With the development of our business, we have more and more customers in China which like Decathlon, Panasonic, VW, Ericsson, Renren Le Supermarket, Dupont, etc.

u Company Introduction Schoeller Arca Systems provides material handling systems and professional logistics equipment to global customers in the field of automotive systems, retail, beverage and transportation. Customer dedication and product innovation are at the very heart of our business. With a presence in China we are able to offer our products made locally with European quality and design. 舒乐阿卡作为为全球客户提供在汽车系统配件,超市零售,食品业和运输行业的物流设备专用箱 制造商及材料处理专家,是极具经验的。 本公司的宗旨是以客户为先,产品革新。现已在中国上海成立贸易公司。我们提供一整套完整的 服务和系统运用于具备欧洲标准的产品。

u Services and Solutions Product range varies from bottle crates for the beverage industry, foldable / rigid boxes for automotive parts, foldable crates for fruit and vegetables as well as an extensive range of plastic pallets. 产品系列多元化,供应各行各业:啤酒饮料业的板条箱、可折叠的汽车零部件箱以及蔬菜水果 箱,还有多种款式的塑料托盘等多类型产品。 Setting the standard for Foldable Large Containers Schoeller Arca Systems is setting the standard for foldable large containers. Not only in terms of offering groundbreaking product features, but also in finding comprehensive and sustainable solutions to meet your demands throughout the product life cycle and beyond.

现在在中国,我们的一些国内生产的产品受到 了超市,电子及汽车行业的广泛欢迎。 我们相信,随着舒乐阿卡所有具备欧洲标准的 产品进入中国市场,许多相关行业会随着我们 的高质量及杰出的设计迈向新纪元。 舒乐阿卡为客户提供最好的服务,并且将我们 的经验与此充分结合。 在中国,随着业务的不断扩大,我们的主要客 户有迪卡侬、松下、大众、爱立信、人人乐超 市以及杜邦等大型企业。


SChoeLLer ArCA SyStemS SerVICeS B.V. P.O. Box 176, 7770 AD Hardenberg, The Netherlands Tel +31 523 288 900, Fax +31 523 288 566 info.hardenberg@schoellerarca.com www.schoellerarcasystems.com


Other Equipment Providers n Aivis Storage Racks 南京市江宁市经济技术开发区清 水亭大道 +86 (25) 5214 0476 www.njaivis.com

Beijing 100029 北京市朝阳区胜古中路2号F座, 企发大厦435室,邮编100029 +86 (10) 51262338 www.fablog.net.cn

Guangxi 广西柳州市柳太路1号, 邮编545007 +86 (772) 3886 125 www.liugong.com

n Anwood Logistic Systems 3F-D4 Jiacheng Mansion, 128 Jinjihu Road, Suzhou 苏州市金鸡湖128号加城大厦 3F-D4 +86 (512) 6761 5558 www.anwood.com.cn

n Grainger 2999 Huaning Road, Shanghai 201108 上海市闽行区华宁路2999号, 邮编201108 +86 (21) 2408 1118 www.grainger.com.cn

n Mecalux Room 2103 Shenxin Bldg, 200 East Ninghai Road, Shanghai 200021 +86 (21) 6374 4885 www.mecalux.com

n API Room 701, Building 4, 258 Jinzhang Road, Shanghai 201206 上海市浦东新区金桥路 金藏路258号4号楼701室, 邮编201206 +86 (21) 5896 7392 www.apisensor.com

13 Zhong He Street, BDA, Beijing 100176 北京经济开发区中和街13号邮编 100176 3/F, Qing Shui Wan Hotel Wing Office Building, 1309 North Kaixuan Road, Shanghai 200063 上海市凯旋北路1309号清水湾 大酒店综合楼3楼邮编200063 +86 (21) 5251 3216 www.hoermann.cn

n Checkpoint Systems 5/F Block A, Shatin Industrial Centre, 5-7 Yuen Shun Circuit Siu Lek Yuen, Shatin N.T. Hong Kong +852 2527 2327 www.checkpointsystems. com n Columbus McKinnon Room 1901, Zhongyu Plaza, 6 Gongti Bei Road, Beijing 100027 中国北京朝阳区亮马桥路50号北 京燕莎中心写字楼C203-5 +86 (10) 8523 6386 www.cmworks.com n Dacheng 广东省东莞市松山湖大道达成 工业园 +86 (796) 8321 7777 www.cn-dc.com n Daifuku Room 2405, New Town Center, 83 Loushanguan Road, Shanghai 200336 上海市娄山关路83号新虹桥中心 大厦2405室,邮编200336 +86 (21) 6236 8600 www.daifukuchina.com n Damon 7F Software Building, 461 Hongcao Road, Shanghai 200233 上海市徐汇区漕河泾开发区 虹漕路461号软件大厦7楼 www.damon.com.cn n Fablog Room 435, Qifa Building 2-F, Middle Shenggu Road,


n Hörmann Beijing Door

n Interroll 10B Modern Industrial Square, 333 Xingpu Road, Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu Province 215126 +86 (512) 6256 0383 www.interroll.com n Jutong 3 Youxiang Road, Wangshang Industrial Park, Wuzhong Economic Development Zone, Suzhou, Jiangsu 江苏省苏州市吴中区旺山工业园 区友翔路3号 +86 (512) 8767 6555 www.sz-jutong.com n Jungheinrich Building12, 2 Suide Road, Shanghai 200331 上海市普陀区绥德路2弄12号, 邮编200331 +86 (21) 2602 0300 www.jungheinrich.cn

n Nova 9/F, Zhongyang Building 1, West Zijing Block, Lushan Road, Jianye, Nanjing 南京市奥体大街118号紫金西城 中心1幢9层 +86 (25) 5187 3980 www.cn.nova-china.com n Psion Teklogix Room 17A, HuaMin Empire Mansion, 726 West Yan’an Road, Shanghai 上海市延安西路726号华敏翰尊 大厦17A,邮编 200050 +86 (21) 5830 3488 www.psionteklogix.com n Saini Suite A, 19/F, Dongtai Building, 309 Tanggu Road, Shanghai 200080 上海外滩塘沽路309号东泰大厦 19层AB座,邮编200080 +86 (21) 6307 2200 www.saini.cn n Sandvik 986, Baota Road, Jiading District, Shanghai 上海嘉定区宝塔路986号, 邮编201821 +86 (21) 69166050 www.sandvik.com n Schuler 上海市洛川路750弄8号 +86 (21) 5665 0081 www.schulergroup.com

n KNAPP United E, 5/F, Building E, 170 Beiyuan Road, Beijing www.knapp.com

n Shougang Motoman Robot 北京市经济技术开发区永昌路7 号,邮编100178 +86 (10) 8788 0541 www.sg-motoman.com.cn

n Linde

n SSI Schaefer Systems

89 Jinshang Road, Xiamen 361009 厦门市,金尚路89号 邮编361009 +86 (592) 5533 200 www.linde-china.com

Room 13-F, West Block, Hi-Tech King Word, 668 East Beijing Road, Shanghai 200001 上海市北京东路,668号 科技京城西楼13楼,F座 +86 (21) 5308 3678 www.ssi-schaefer-asia.com

n Liugong Forklift 1 Liutai Road, Liuzhou,

n Space Frame Room 17A, HuaMin Empire Mansion, 726 West Yan’an Road Shanghai 200050 +86 (21) 5830 3488 www.spaceframe.com.cn n Suneast Room 1101-1103, Jinyang Building, No.15, Long.362, Caoyang Road, Shanghai 上海曹阳路362弄15号金阳大厦 1101-1103室 邮编200063 +86 (21) 6244 5868 www.suneastfz.com n TCM 上海市长宁区红宝石路500号东 银中心东楼1804室 +86 (21) 6228 7722 www.tcmch.com.cn n Tech-Link Storge Engineering 1018-A Lane 999, Wangqiao Road,Shanghai 201201 上海市王桥路999弄1018号A室 +86 (21) 5838 2988 www.techlinkstorageengineering.com n TopTiger 7/F, Building E, 1618 Yishan Road, Shanghai 上海市宜山路1618号E幢7楼 +86 (21) 6465 8687 www.top-tiger.com n Toyota Material Handling 17F, Metro Plaza, 555 Loushanguan Road, Shanghai 上海市娄山关路555号长房国际 广场17楼,邮编200051 +86 (21) 6228 7722 www.toyota-industries.com n Videojet 5/F, Block 51, 1089 North Qinzhou Road, Shanghai 200233 上海市钦州北路1089号51号楼 5楼,邮编200233 +86 (21) 6495 9222 www.videojet.com n Zheli Forklift 1 Xindeng Industrial Park, Fuyang City, Zhejiang Province 浙江省杭州市富阳市 新登工业园区一号 +86 (571) 8688 8355 www.unforklift.com



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