Global Sourcing & IPO Leadership Survey

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Global Sourcing & IPOs Leadership 2012 Survey 2012年全球采购和国际采购组织领导权调查

2012 Global Sourcing and IPOS Leadership Survey

Introduction: It is widely believed that successful global sourcing is critical for multi-nationals to remain competitive in today’s global economy, yet those International Procurement Organisations (IPOs) also face a number of significant challenges. The 2012 Global Sourcing and IPO Leadership Survey, conducted by the Global Supply Chain Council and sponsored by Gibson Consulting Group, LLC, aimed to gain a better understanding of global sourcing and IPO operations, including organisational structure, main locations, procurement spend, operational costs, IPO functions and decision making authority. The survey also investigated the main challenges facing IPOs operating in Asia and China, and improvements and initiatives being taken to overcome these.

Methodology: A total of 164 respondents took part in the 2012 Global Sourcing and IPO Leadership Survey. Respondents included industry executives from a range of companies including HP, Dell, Bosch China, Siemens, Sony Mobile, Honeywell, Chevron, Walmart, Ermengildo Zegna, Electrolux and ZTE.

Key Findings: China remains a major IPO destination, and IPO spend continues to rise China is still a major IPO destination, with over two thirds of respondents’ companies having established their IPO in the country. The IPO market has matured over the past decade, and the survey shows IPOs are already well established in the region, with over half already in Asia for more than 5 years. Furthermore, survey respondents are optimistic about their IPO usage, with over 80% planning to increase IPO spend within the next 3-5 years, with half to increase by over 30%. China is becoming a strategic sourcing centre rather than just a low cost sourcing centre Previously a major world supplier, China is now also taking a prominent role as an end user. With this new position in the global supply chain, China is shifting from low cost sourcing to becoming a key consumer market and a strategic sourcing centre. China is losing its preeminence as a “low cost sourcing centre” Due to rising labor costs, and RMB appreciation, respondents reported the main IPO challenge as higher procurement cost in Asia and China. This challenge is leading organisations across the globe to explore alternatives to China and seek BCC (Best Cost Countries) for sourcing operations, a trend which is likely to continue. IPO mainly realise transactional functions and have limited influence on strategic decision making Some believe IPOs are lagging in areas of strategic influence, with interests of internal stakeholders and shareholders being key limitations on IPO leaders. Main areas in which IPOs had full decision making authority were local negotiation strategy, quotation design and supply base and tender. But most organisations indicated their IPO has limited influence on strategic decision making. Survey respondents reported main challenges as relating to talent, quality and cost Supply chain talent is one of the most sought after talents in China, not only due to intrinsic shortages in the Chinese talent market, but more importantly due to intensified efforts to retain and develop talent in the face of rising competition from other organisations. Challenges in dealing with suppliers in China were product quality management, uncompetitive pricing and delays in lead and delivery times.



2012 年全球采购和国际采购组织领导权调查

前言 人们普遍认为,在当前全球经济情势下成功的全球采购是跨国公司维持竞争力的一个关键方 面。但这些国际采购组织(IPOs)也面临着一系列重大的挑战。尽管国际采购组织(IPOs) 往往离全球总部较远,授权也有限,但IPO还是越来越趋于成熟,其规模、数量和支出也在不 断增加。然而它们仍然面临着一系列重大的挑战。Global Supply Chain Council 和 Gibson Consulting Group,LLC发起了2012年全球采购和国际采购组织领导权调查以更好地了解全球 采购和IPO业务,包括组织结构、主要地点、采购支出、运营成本、IPO功能及决策权。调查还 研究了位于亚洲及中国的IPO所面临的主要挑战以及克服这些挑战的主要举措和改进方案。


研究概述 共有164名受访者参加了2012年全球采购和国际采购组织领导权调查。受访者包括了来自不同 公司的行业高管,如惠普、戴尔、中国博世、西门子公司、索尼移动、霍尼韦尔、雪佛龙、沃 尔玛、杰尼亚、伊莱克斯和中兴通讯公司的高管。

of Asian IPOs were located on the Chinese mainland


70%的亚洲IPO位于中 国大陆

中国仍然是主要的IPO地点,IPO支出不断地在增长 调查表明中国仍然是主要的IPO地点,超过三分之二的受访者表示其公司在中国成立了IPO。而 在过去10年中,IPO的市场也逐渐趋于成熟。调查表明很多IPO已经在亚洲成功立足,其中超过 一半的IPO已在亚洲成立超过5年。另外,受访者对IPO仍然持乐观态度,有80%准备在3-5年内 增加IPO支出,而将近一半将增加支出30%以上。 中国正在向战略采购中心转变,而不只是低成本采购中心 不同于以前全球主要供应商的角色,中国现在扮演着更加突出的角色,作为供应商的同时,也 更多作为一个最终用户。处于全球供应链中的这个新位置,中国正在成为一个重要的消费市 场,并从低成本采购转变成为一个战略性的采购中心。 中国正在失去其成为“低成本采购中心”的优势

Forsourcing discussion sourcing andissues procurement issues For discussion on andonprocurement 29% 29% 由于劳动力成本上升、人民币升值的原因,受访者表示最大的挑战是亚洲和中国较高的采购成 本。这个挑战让全球范围内的组织开始寻找中国的代替国,以及采购业务的BCC(最佳低成本 讨论采购问题 讨论采购问题 国家),而这种趋势将很有可能延续。 To search forand newprocurement sourcing andemployees procurement employees To search for new sourcing 21% 21% 招聘新的采购人员招聘新的采购人员 IPO主要是实现事务职能,对战略决策的影响有限 有些人认为IPO在战略影响方面较落后,IPO领导因内部利益相关者和股东利益而受限。IPO有 To search for potential suppliers 17% To search for potential suppliers 17% 完全决策权的主要方面是当地的谈判策略、报价设计和供应基地招标,但大多数组织表示他们 寻找供应商 寻找供应商 的IPO对战略决策的影响有限。 To search for a new (potential) job (potential) job 17% To search for a new 17% 寻找新工作 受访者表示主要的挑战与成本、人才和质量有关 寻找新工作 供应链人才是中国最急需的一类人才。这不仅由于中国面临着人才缺乏问题,更重要的是其他 Other 17% (not used, contacts, to search for customers) 17% Other 17% (not used, contacts, to search for customers) 组织的激烈竞争迫使各公司留住并发展人才。与中国供应商接触的主要挑战是产品质量管理, 17% 其他 其他 没有竞争力的定价以及交货和运送时间的延误。

Length of Time in Asia IPO在亚洲成立的时间

Location of Asian IPO 亚洲IPO的位置 Shanghai 上海 Shanghai 上海 52% 52% Others 其他 21%

g 香港Hong Kong 香港 3%

Singapore 新加坡 re 新加坡 6% % 北京 Beijing 深圳 Shenzhen 深圳 Beijing 北京 Shenzhen 8% 10% 10% 8%

5 to 10 years

5 to 10 years

Over 10 years Over 10 years



1 to 3 years

1 to 3 years20%

3 to 5 years

3 to 5 years 18%

a year Less than a yearLess than11%



20% 18% 11%

2012 Global Sourcing and IPOS Leadership Survey

Demographics: The majority of respondents (42%) had company headquarters in Europe, with 32% in North America and 10% in Japan/ Asia. Just 4% were located in South America, 3% in Australia/ South Pacific and 2% in the Middle East. A total of 70% of Asian IPOs were located on the Chinese mainland, with the vast majority (52%) in Shanghai, 10% in Shenzhen, and 8% in Beijing. However a significant portion of respondents reported other IPO locations including Guangzhou, Wuxi, Taipei, Manila, Dhaka, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok and locations in India. Over 50% of IPOs had been established in Asia for over 5 years, with the majority (29%) established in Asia for 5-10 years, and 22% for more than 10 years, with only 11% less than a year. The main product industries or categories of companies were Consumer Products (23%), Industrial Equipment (21%), Electronics and High-tech (16%) Energy, Oil and Gas (13%) and Retail (12%). Other industries included Apparel (9%), Automotive (9%), Chemicals (7%), Infrastructure (7%), Aviation and Aerospace (6%) and Mining, Minerals and Metals (6%). 22% of companies had global revenues exceeding US$15 billion, while another 22% were between US$1-US$5 billion. On the other end of the scale, only 9% of companies had global revenues of US$500 million- US$1 billion.

Current functions of IPO The top three IPO functions reported by respondents were supplier identification and qualification (83%), supplier market research (73%), and quality assurance and inspection (68%). Logistics coordination (61%), product development and sampling (56%), managing procurement transactions (PO management) (53%), supplier database development and administration (51%), and supplier training and development (46%) were other significant functions.

Organisation structure for global sourcing and procurement The majority of respondents (57%) reported the structure of their organisation for global sourcing and procurement as a hybrid (partly centralised and partly decentralised), whilst 32% were fully centralised, and 12% decentralised. Just 7% had a shared service centre, and only 5% were outsourced or partly outsourced.

Activities where IPO has full authority on decision making process 74% of respondents reported their IPO as having full authority in the decision making process in local negotiation strategy. This was followed by quotation design (56%) and supply base for tender (including incumbents and alternatives) (54%). Only 27% of respondents reported their IPO as having full decision making authority in category requirements for tender (volumes, standards, drawings etc.).

Approximate procurement/ sourcing spend managed by IPO in USD A slight majority (22%) of IPOs had an approximate procurement/ sourcing spend of less than US$10 million, while 19% had a spend of US$10-50 million and 16% of US$100-200 million. 15% had spends of US$50-100 million and 13% of US$200-500 million. Just 10% exceeded US$1 billion and only 4% spent US$500 million-1 billion.

2012 年全球采购和国际采购组织领导权调查

受访者概述 大多数受访者(42%)的公司总部位于欧洲,另有32%位于美国和10%位于亚洲/日本。只有4% 在南美洲,3%在南太平洋的澳大利亚,2%在中东。 For discussion on sourcing and procurement issues 29% 讨论采购问题

70%的亚洲IPO位于中国大陆,而这些IPO大部分(52%)位于上海,10%在深圳和8%在北京。 To search for new sourcing and procurement employees 大部分受访者还提到了其他的IPO地点,包括广州,无锡,台北,马尼拉,达卡,吉隆坡,曼谷 21% 招聘新的采购人员 和印度的一些城市。 To search for potential suppliers 17% 在亚洲,超过50%的IPO已经成立超过5年时间,29%成立达到5-10年,22%超过10年,而只有 寻找供应商 11%成立不到1年。 To search for a new (potential) job 17% 寻找新工作 公司主要的行业或产品分类包括了消费品(23%),工业设备(21%),电子和高科技(16%), 能源、石油与天然气(13%)和零售业(12%)。其他行业包括了服装(9%),汽车(9%),化 Other 17% (not used, contacts, to search for customers) 17% 工(7%),基础设施(7%),航空和航天(6%)和采矿、矿物和金属(6%)。 其他 22%的公司全球收入超过150亿美元,而另外22%的全球收入为10-50亿美元,只有9%的企业收 入在5-10亿美元之间。

IPO目前的功能 受访者认为IPO的三个最重要的功能是供应商鉴定和资格审核(83%)、供应商的市场调研(73%) 和质量保证及检验(68%)。而其他的主要功能也包括了物流协调(61%)、产品开发和采样 Shanghai 上海 52% (56%)、采购交易管理(订单管理)(53%)、供应商数据库开发及管理(51%),和供应商 5 to 10 years 29% 的培训和发展(46%)。

Others 其他 21%

Over 10 years



大部分的受访者(57%)表示他们所采用的全球采购的组织结构是混合式的(部分集中式,部 1 to 3 years 20% 分分散式)。另外,32%的受访者采用完全集中式结构,12%采用完全分散式结构,并且仅有7% Hong Kong 拥有一个共享服务中心。有5%的结构是外包的或部分外包的。 香港 3 to 5 years 18% 3% 新加坡 Singapore IPO有完全决策权的活动 Less than a year 11% 6% 74%的受访者表示,他们的IPO在当地的谈判策略方面有完全决策权,其次是报价设计(56%) Beijing 北京 Shenzhen 深圳 和供应基地投标(包括当前基地和替代品)(54%)。只有27%的受访者表示他们的IPO在投标 8% 10% 分类要求(数量、标准、图纸等)有全部的决策权。

IPO管理的大概采购支出(美元) 稍占多数的IPO(22%)的大致采购支出低于1000万美元,19%为1000-5000万美元,而16%为 1-2亿美元。另外,15%为5000万-1亿美元,13%在2-5亿美元,有4%的开支达到5-10亿美元, 而只有10%超过了10亿美元。

Current functions of IPO IPO目前的功能 73%







51% 46%




stock and inventory management


global category management


supplier training and development

supplier database development and administration 供应商数据库开发及管理


managing procurement transactions


product development and sampling


logistics coordination


quality assurance and inspection


supplier market research



supplier identification/qualification


3% 其他





of repondents reported the structure of their organisation for global sourcing and procurement as a hybrid

57%受访者表示他们所采 用的全球采购的组织结构 是混合式的

2012 Global Sourcing and IPOS Leadership Survey

Top 5 activities IPO resources are spent on

Supply/ quality assurance and supplier follow-up (61%) was the top activity IPO resources were spent on. This was followed by total cost reduction (40%) and purchase price reduction (40%). Influencing sourcing requirements and standards from internal stakeholders (27%) and removing barriers to transition from incumbent supply sources to IPO alternatives (22%) were also significant areas of spend.

Organisation’s plan for IPO spend migration to Asian sources in 3-5 years The majority of respondents indicated their organisation planned to increase IPO spend over the next 3-5 years. 44% indicated spend would increase by over 30% and 36% indicated spend would increase by within 30%. Only a small minority indicated spend migration would decrease, with 3% expecting a decrease of within 30% and 2% a decrease of over 30%. 15% expected no change to occur.

Total operational cost for China IPO each year in USD (such as salaries, rental, travel etc.), including expatriates packages The majority of respondents (27%) reported the total operational cost for their China IPO as US$100K -US$500K. 23% reported costs between US$1-5 million, and 19% reported less than US$100K and between US$500K- 1 million. Just 12% reported costs of over US$5 million.

Most challenging issues IPO is facing Respondents reported the most challenging issue their IPO was facing as higher procurement cost in Asia/ China due to increase in labour, utility, raw material cost and uncertainty in exchange rate (58%). This was closely followed by challenges in finding qualified suppliers (55%), and hiring and retaining talent with the right knowledge and skillsets (45%). Other issues mentioned by respondents included convincing local stakeholders to change, current instability, market transparency, contract execution follow up and convincing stakeholders to outsource within Asia as opposed to making inhouse.

Programs or initiatives being developed to cope with above issues Just over half (51%) of respondents reported developing programs or initiatives to increase visibility and communication between all parties. Developing clear roles, processes, tools and responsibilities across regions (44%) and enhancing communication among key stakeholders (44%), were also main initiatives being developed to cope with key challenges.

Key challenges of IPO when dealing with suppliers in China in 2012 The main challenges of IPOs in dealing with suppliers in China was product quality management (68%), uncompetitive price (57%) and delays in lead/ delivery times (49%). Suppliers being slow to respond (30%), safety and social compliance problems (29%), and intellectual property protection (27%) were also significant challenges. Other challenges reported by respondents included communication with global stakeholders, labour cost increase, internal communication being slow, language barriers, lack of proper documentation and lack of GMP compliance.

2012 年全球采购和国际采购组织领导权调查

IPO最重要的5个支出 IPO最重要的支出是供应/质量保证和供应商的后续跟踪(61%),其次就是降低总成本(40%) 和降低购买价格(40%)。其他主要的支出包括了影响采购的要求和内部利益相关者的标准 (27%),和消除当前供应源转为IPO替代品的障碍(22%)。

在未来3-5年内把IPO支出转到亚洲的计划 大部分受访者表示他们的组织在未来3-5年内打算增加IPO支出。44%表示支出将增加30%以 上,36%表示支出增加在30%以内。只有少数受访者认为支出将减少,其中3%预期支出会减 少30%以下,2%预期会减少30%以上。另有15%预期支出不会有明显变动。

中国IPO每年总运营成本(如工资,租金,旅费等),包括外籍人士薪酬福 利等 27%的受访者表示他们中国IPO的总运营成本是10-50万美元,23%是100-500万美元,19%表 示成本低于10万美元,另外19%为50万-100万美元。只有12%的受访者表示他们的运营成本 超过500万美元。

IPO面临的最重要挑战 受访者表示他们的IPO面临的最重要挑战是亚洲/中国较高的采购成本(58%),主要原因是 劳动力、实用工具、原材料成本的增加,以及汇率的不稳定性。其次是寻找合格的供应商 (55%)以及雇用和留住有合格的理论和技能人才(45%)。受访者提到的其他问题包括了 说服当地的利益相关者进行改进、现状的不稳定性、市场的透明度以及合同执行后续跟踪和 说服利益相关者实行在亚洲外包。

6 1%

of respondents reported supply/ quality assurance and supplier followup as the top activity IPO resources were spent on. 61%受访者认为IPO最重要 的支出是供应/质量保证 和供应商的后续跟踪

正在开发的方案或措施 约一半的受访者(51%)表示他们的IPO在开发方案和措施以增加合作方之间的透明度及沟 通。同时,制定跨区域的明确角色、流程、工具和责任(44%)和加强关键利益相关者之间 的沟通(44%)也是正在开发的主要措施。

2012年IPO与中国供应商接触的关键挑战 IPO与中国供应商接触的主要挑战是产品质量管理(68%),无竞争力的价格(57%)和交 货/传送时间延误(49%)。供应商回应速度慢(30%),安全和社会责任问题(29%)以及 知识产权保护(27%)。其他挑战还包括了与全球利益相关者的沟通、劳动力成本上升,内 部沟通速度慢、语言障碍、缺乏适当的文件和不符合GMP的措施。

58% 58% 55% 55%

51% 51%

45% 45% 43% 43% 36% 36%

44% 44% 44% 44% 34% 34% 33% 33%

Higher procurement cost in Asia 亚洲采购成本 Higher procurement cost in Asia 亚洲采购成本 Finding qualified suppliers 寻找合格的供应商 Finding qualified suppliers 寻找合格的供应商 Hiring & retaining talent with right knowledge & skillsets 雇用和留住合格人才 Hiring & retaining talent with right knowledge & skillsets 雇用和留住合格人才 Convincing global stakeholders to convert from incumbent suppliers Convincing global stakeholders to convert from incumbent suppliers 说服全球利益相关者转换现任供应商

Most challenging issues IPO is facing IPO面临的主要挑战


Engaging & influencing key stakeholders 影响和与组织的关键利益相关者沟通 Engaging & influencing key stakeholders 影响和与组织的关键利益相关者沟通

Increasing visibility and communication between all parties Increasing between all parties (suppliers, visibility IPO, HQ, and BUs)communication 增加各方之间的透明度和沟通 (suppliers, IPO, HQ, BUs) 增加各方之间的透明度和沟通 Developing clear roles, processes, tools & responsibilities across regions Developing clear roles, processes, tools & responsibilities across regions 制定跨区域的明确角色、流程、工具和责任 制定跨区域的明确角色、流程、工具和责任

Enhancing communication among key stakeholders 改善关键利益相关者间的沟通 Enhancing communication among key stakeholders 改善关键利益相关者间的沟通 More focus on total cost of ownership 更加注重所有权总成本 More focus on total cost of ownership 更加注重所有权总成本 Rolling out stronger supplier development programs 推出更强的供应商发展计划 Rolling out stronger supplier development programs 推出更强的供应商发展计划

Programs or initiatives being developed 正在开发的方案或措施

2012 Global Sourcing and IPOS Leadership Survey

Top 5 important KPIs used to measure IPO performance The top KPI used to measure IPO performance was on time delivery (shipment/ delivery/ accuracy) (68%), closely followed by quality assurance of supply (65%), and financial savings achieved (61%). Continuous cost improvement (50%) and good delivery of specific projects (41%) also ranked among the top 5 KPIs. Other important KPIs included PO value of spend (26%), PO conversion rate % (23%), supplier capability development (23%), volume or quantity sourced (22%), and number of new suppliers identified and qualified (21%).

IPO reliance on people, process and technology/ tools/ data 63% of respondents said their IPO was most reliant on people. 27% said processes were most important while only 9% said their IPO was most reliant on technology/ tools/ data.

Does global sourcing team benefit financially from savings they bring to the company (eg. bonuses based on savings achieved)? Nearly half (46%) of respondents reported their global sourcing team did not benefit financially from savings they brought to the company. However a significant portion (39%) reported such a system was already in place and 14% said this could possibly be introduced in the future.

How social media (eg. Linkedin) is used for global sourcing efforts The main area in which social media was used in global sourcing efforts was reported by 29% of respondents as discussion on sourcing and procurement issues. 21% reported using social media to search for new sourcing and procurement employees, while other significant uses of social media were searching for potential suppliers (17%), and searching for employment (17%). Further uses specified by respondents included finding contacts or searching for customers.

Highlights - 42% of company headquarters were located in Europe - 70% of Asian IPOs were located in the Chinese mainland, with 52% in Shanghai - Over 50% of IPOs had been established in Asia for over 5 years - The top IPO function was supplier identification and qualification - 57% of organisations for global sourcing and procurement had a hybrid structure - Supply/ quality assurance and supplier follow-up was the top activity IPO resources were spent on - The most challenging issue for IPOs was higher procurement cost in Asia/ China - The main challenge facing IPOs in dealing with suppliers in China was product quality management - The top KPI used to measure IPO performance was on time delivery - Nearly half of respondents reported their global sourcing team did not receive a financial incentive from savings they brought to the company - 29% of respondents reported using social media for discussion on sourcing and procurement issues

2012 年全球采购和国际采购组织领导权调查

衡量IPO表现最重要的5个KPI 衡量IPO表现的最重要指标是按时交货(装运/交货/精度)(68%),紧随其后的是供应质量 保障(65%)和实现的财务节省(61%)。同时,持续的成本改善(50%)和具体项目交付 (41%)也在最常提到的5个KPI中。其他一些重要的KPI包括了订单开销的价值(26%)、PO 转化率%(23%)、供应商能力发展(23%)、采购体积或数量(22%)和通过鉴定和资格审 核的新供应商的数量(21%)。

IPO对人员,流程、技术/工具/数据的依赖度 63%的受访者表示他们的IPO最依赖于人员,27%的受访者认为流程是最重要的,只有9%表示 他们的IPO最依赖于技术/工具/数据。


of respondents said their IPO was most reliant on people

全球采购团队是否因他们给公司带来的节省得到经济利益 近一半(46%)的受访者表示他们的全球采购团队并没有因为他们给公司带来的节省收益而得 到经济利益。然而也有较大比例的受访者(39%)表示他们公司已经具备这种系统,而14%表 示将来可能会推出该系统。

63%的受访者表示他们 的IPO最依赖于人员

在全球采购如何应用社交媒体,如Linkedin 29%的受访者表示社交媒体最主要的应用领域是针对采购问题的讨论,21%使用社交媒体招聘 新的采购员工,而17%则通过社交媒体寻找供应商和寻找工作(17%)。另外,受访者还提到 使用社交媒体来寻找联系人或客户。

For discussion on sourcing and procurement issues



To search for new sourcing and procurement employees



17% 17% 17%

To search for potential suppliers

How social media (eg. Linkedin) is used for global sourcing efforts 在全球采购如何应用社 交媒体(如Linkedin)


To search for a new (potential) job 寻找新工作

Other 17% (not used, contacts, to search for customers) 其他

重点 - 42%的公司总部在欧洲 - 70%的亚洲IPO位于中国大陆,52%在上海

Shanghai 上海 - 超过50%的IPO已经在亚洲成立超过5年 52% - IPO主要的功能是供应商鉴定和资格审核 Others 其他 - 57%的全球采购组织为混合式结构 21% - IPO主要的支出是供应/质量保证和供应商后续跟踪

5 to 10 years


Over 10 years


- IPO最大的挑战是亚洲/中国较高的采购成本 - 与中国供应商接触主要面临的问题是产品质量管理

1 to 3 years


ong Kong 香港 - 衡量IPO表现的最重要指标KPI是按时交货 3 to 5 years 18% 3% - 近一半的受访者表示他们的全球采购团队没有因他们给公司带来的节省收益而得到经济利益 Singapore 新加坡 - 29%的受访者使用社交媒体讨论采购问题 6% Beijing 北京 Shenzhen 深圳 8% 10%

Less than a year



Global Sourcing and IPOS Leadership Survey

IPOs’ countermeasures Respondents reported developing a variety of programs and initiatives to cope with challenges, many of which focused on improving communication. The survey showed the main initiative being developed was increasing visibility and communication between all parties. Another significant initiative was developing clear roles, processes, tools and responsibilities across regions. While setting up an IPO requires cross-functional support as well as executive commitment, an IPO must contribute at a higher level to ensure sustainability. Organisations can usually be categorised into five different levels of value contribution: supply assurance, purchase cost reduction, total cost reduction, demand management and value management (1). Challenges and focus areas vary as organisations move across different phases. Organisations initially take on primarily transactional functions, but gradually shift to fundamental functions as they grow, ultimately taking on more advanced stage functions. As one of the main challenges for IPOs is talent, one of the key issues leading organisations face is the major gap in training and development (2). This gap is widening due to the strategic role of the supply chain in recent times, as well as a lack of academic education in procurement management, which needs to be developed from within the organisation. Best practices for effective governance of IPOs include structured and coordinated communication (3) both internally and externally. This is key to improving efficiency within the organisation. Standardised tools and processes also play a vital role in driving IPO success, ensuring the integration of the IPO into the global headquarters, and also linking the IPO with other non-procurement functions within the company. Dedicated leadership and commitment from the global headquarters is also critical in IPO governance.

To gain further insight into the topic, the Global Supply Chain Council distributed a further questionnaire to 15 company executives at its IPO Benchmarking Workshop in Shanghai. Responses largely reflected the survey results but also showed importance placed on India and Brazil in IPO operations. The majority of respondents indicated their IPO was based in China, with India as the second most common base. The main advantage of China was identified as cost savings. India was a top choice when considering alternative geographies, followed by Brazil. Similarly, when considering sourcing outside of China, respondents identified top locations as India, followed by Thailand and Brazil.

(1): Gibson Consulting designed the five development stages of IPO organisations. These have proven successful and practical. (2)(3): Gibson Consulting identified the gaps and best practices through years of supply chain experience.

2012 年全球采购和国际采购组织领导权调查

IPO的对策 受访者们正制定一系列方案和措施来应对挑战,其中许多将重点放在改善沟通上。调查表 明,所制定的这些举措增加了合作方之间的可见度与沟通,另一个重大举措是制定跨区域 的明确角色、流程、方式与责任。 成立IPO需要多功能的支持及执行措施承诺。但IPO也须在较高层次上做出贡献以确保可持 续性。一般来说基于IPO组织贡献,可以分为5个大类:供应保障,采购成本减少,总成本 减少,需求管理和价值管理(1)。组织到达不同的阶段,挑战和重点领域也会随之改变。最 初,组织主要采取交易的职能,但随着其不断成长,他们越来越强调基本职能并最终向更 高职能中心转变。 由于IPO面对的主要挑战是人才,培训与发展之间的缺失是业内领先的组织面临的关键问 题(2)。这个差距正在变得越来越大,不仅因为供应链近期的战略性角色,并且由于缺乏采 购管理方面的理论教育。这需要由组织内部开展。 有效管理IPO的最佳方式包括内部与外部有组织的合作交流 (3)。这是提高组织效率的关 键。标准化工具与流程对推动IPO的成功也起很关键的作用,确保IPO在全球总部的一体 化,让IPO能与公司内的其他非采购部门保持联系。全球总部专注的领导和承诺对于IPO管 理也非常重要。

为深入该主题,The Global Supply Chain Council在其举办的上海IPO定标分享会上做了进一步调查。15个 公司高管填写了调查问卷。答案很大程度上反映了研究结果,但受访者也强调了印度和巴西的IPO运行。大 部分受访者表示他们的IPO总部在中国,是由于中国重要的成本优势,其次是印度。在考虑其他的地点时, 受访者把印度作为首选,其次是巴西。同样,当考虑在中国以外的国家采购时,受访者认为印度、泰国和巴 西是最重要的地点。

(1): Gibson 咨询公司制定了IPO的5个主要职能种类,目前已经被成功的论证实践 (2)(3): Gibson咨询公司基于多年的供应链管理咨询经验, 明确了这些差距和最佳应对方法

Global Supply Chain Council Unit A, 10F, Block 2, 543 Xin Hua Road, Shanghai Tel: +86 (21) 62801329

Gibson Consulting Group Headquarters: Suite 800, 150 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago, IL 60601

Shanghai, China Office: Jin Mao Tower, 31st Floor, 88 Century Avenue Shanghai, 200120, China Tel: +86 (21) 2890 9860

Founded in 2002, the Global Supply Chain Council is Asia’s leading professional organization serving a fast growing community of more than 50,000 executives and representing leading companies who view their value chains as a critical driver of shareholder value and competitiveness. As an independent professional organization, the Council’s mission is to stimulate the understanding and adoption of supply chain management by providing a range of services including a social platform, websites, magazine, directory, newsletters, research, workgroups, conferences, maps, and video, among other services. For more information, please visit Global Supply Chain Council成立于2002年,是亚洲领先的专业机构,服务于快速发展的超过5 万高层管理者团体,代表了视自己价值链为股东价值和竞争力的一个关键驱动的龙头企业。 作为一个独立的专业机构,Global Supply Chain Council的使命是通过提供一系列的服务,包括 社交平台,网站,杂志,指南,通讯,调查,专题研讨会,会议,地图、视频以及其他的服 务,以促进供应链管理的了解和应用。 有关详细信息,请访问

Gibson Consulting Group, LLC is a world leader in operational consulting, focused on implementing supply chain improvement. We specialize in strategic sourcing, Best-CostCountry-Sourcing, Transportation & Distribution Management, Logistics Optimization, Lean Manufacturing, Sales & Marketing Effectiveness, Sourcing IT Infrastructure Improvement and Skill Based Training. Gibson Consulting is dedicated to helping clients implement innovative and comprehensive solutions that guarantee bottom line results. The effectiveness of organizational change is enhanced significantly with Gibson Consulting’s world class Skill Based Training curriculum. We believe in teaching personnel key business skills to drive lasting change and greatly increase your results. For more information, please visit

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