Supply Chain Software2012 Asia Survey

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Supply Chain Software 2012 Asia Survey 2012 亚洲供应链管理软件调查

Introduction Despite widespread recognition for supply chain, procurement and logistics software and IT solutions, adoption rates in Asia remain relatively low when compared to Western countries. The Supply Chain Software 2012 Asia Survey, conducted by the Global Supply Chain Council and sponsored by forflow, SupplyOn, and Hartung Consulting, aimed to gain a better understanding of the current supply chain software market, as well as identify and gain insight into associated technology, trends and challenges which may affect operations in the region. The survey also investigated the driving and inhibiting factors in the adoption and usage of supply chain, procurement and logistics software in companies in the Asia-Pacific region. The survey also explored satisfaction with software or technologies deployed in Asia, implementation strategies and main challenges faced.

Methodology: A total of 83 respondents took part in the survey. Respondents were contacted through an existing client database, as well as through social databases such as Linkedin, Chain, and Twitter. They were then invited to take part in an on-line survey. Respondents included professionals from a range of companies and functions. The survey examined supply chain software spend, countries in which spending and efforts are being made, and the current level of supply chain software in companies in Asia.



respondents took part in the survey. 位受访者参加了本次调查

Respondents’ companies operated in a wide range of industries including electronics & high-tech (12%), automotive (10.8%), industrial equipment (8.4%), energy, oil and gas (7.2%), apparel/ textile (6%), food products (6%), and retail (6%). The vast majority (49.4%) of respondents’ functional responsibilities within their companies were related to supply chain. A significant portion (20.5%) related to logistics, while 18.1% and 15.7% were procurement and sourcing related.

Key Findings: Amount organisation will spend on supply chain, procurement or logistics software in Asia in 2012. Only a minority of respondents planned relatively large expenditures, with 6.2% planning US$1 million to US$2 million, 1.2% with US$2 million to US$5 million, and 2.5% planning to spend over US$5 million and US$500 001 to US$1 million. 17.3% of respondents said their organisation planned to spend less than US$50 000, while 16% did not know if spending was planned. 14.8% planned to spend US$100 001 to US$250 000, 12.3% planned US$50 001 to US$100 000, while 7.4% planned US$250 001 to US$500 000. A slight majority (19.8%) of respondents reported their organisation had no plans for spending on supply chain related software in 2012.

Supply Chain Software 2012 Asia Survey 2012 亚洲供应链管理软件调查

前言 虽然供应链、采购、物流软件和IT解决方案已经获得了广泛认可,但是相较于西方国家,亚洲地 区对于这类软件的采用仍然偏低。 为了更深入地了解当今的供应链软件市场以及与之相关的技术,趋势和挑战,由Global Supply Chain Council策划,Forflow, SupplyOn以及哈通咨询发起的2012 亚洲供应链管理软件调查便应 运而生了。 该调查还研究了亚太地区企业对于采用供应链,采购,物流软件的目的和疑虑。 该调查还研究了公司在亚太地区采用和使用供应链、采购和物流软件的驱动和抑制因素。 除此之外,该调查还研究了亚洲企业对于采用软件或技术进行管理的满意度、运用软件或技术的 策略的执行以及所要面临的主要挑战。

研究概述: 共有83个受访者参加了本次调查。这些受访者通过现存的客户信息库来联系,同时也通过诸如 Linkedin,Chain和Twitter这些社交网络信息平台。他们在之后被邀请参与网络调研。受访者囊 括来自各行各业的专业人士。

44.6% of respondents reported the top challenges in software implementation as changes in management and data quality.


该调查研究了亚洲企业对于供应链软件的支出、采用该类型软件的国家、该软件带来的回报以及 目前使用该软件的平均水平。

受访者概述: 这次调查的受访者所从事的行业范围甚广,包括电子及高科技(12%)、汽车(10.8%)、工 业设备(8.4%)、能源,石油和天然气(7.2%)、服装/纺织(6% )、食品(6%)和零售 (6%)。 在所有的受访者所从事的职业中,49.4%都与供应链有关,20.5%与物流有关,18.1%与采购有 关,另外还有15.7%的受访者从事与采购相类似的职业。


主要调查结果 组织2012年在亚洲的供应链、采购或物流软件花费金额 调查显示,只有少部分受访者打算在该类型软件上投入大量资金。其中,6.2%的受访者计划投 资100-200万美元;1.2%计划投资200-500美元;2.5%计划投资500万美元以上;2.5%计划投资 50.0001-100万美元。 17.3%的受访者表示他们所在的企业或组织在这一经费的预算上将低于5万美元,而16%不知道有 没有支出计划。另外,14.8%计划投资10-25万美元,12.3%计划投资5-10万美元,最后,7.4%计 划投资25-50万美元。 值得注意的是,有19.8%的受访者表示他们所在的企业在2012年没有关于相关的软件的投资计划。

Functional responsibilities in company 公司中的职能责任

Supply Chain/ 供应链


Procurement/ 采购


Logistics/ 物流


Corporate Management/ 企业管理


Distribution/ 分配


Top 3 countries in which most supply chain software and IT efforts will be spent in 2012. Just over three quarters (75.9%) of respondents ranked China as one of the top three countries in which supply chain software and IT efforts would be spent in 2012. India also ranked highly with 41%, while Japan followed with 18.1%. Other countries included Indonesia (9.6%), Korea (8.4%), Vietnam (7.2%) and Thailand (2.4%).

Current stage of company with supply chain software in Asia. The main types of supply chain software already implemented in Asia were barcode and labeling (54.8%), warehouse management (WMS) (51.5%), planning and forecasting (44.9%), EDI & WebEDI (39.4%), and inventory optimisation (39.4%). On the other hand, the main types of supply chain software which respondents said would not be implemented in the next 12 months were eAuctions & Reverse Auctions (59.7%), network design (57.1%), and product design and PLM (50.8%).

Main challenges during software implementation. The top challenges reported by respondents in software implementation were changes to management (changes in responsibilities and processes) (44.6%), and data quality (44.6%). Selection of the right software (36.1%) and project management (30.1%) also ranked highly, while fluctuation of key-personnel during or shortly after the project (20.5%), and communication (language / culture) were also significant challenges.

75.9% of respondents ranked China as one of the top three countries in which supply chain software and IT efforts would be spent in 2012.

受访者认为中国是2012年采用 供应链软件及IT技术最多的三 大国家之一

Methods of organising support in Asia after supply chain solution implementation. Just over one third (34%) of respondents reported using central support in Asia after supply chain solution implementation. Nearly one third (30.3%) reported using both regional support and local support. Just 13.2% said first level support was done locally, while further support is outsourced, and 11.3% used no support.

Overall satisfaction with software or technologies already deployed in Asia. Software or technologies which caused most dissatisfaction to respondents and would be replaced were collaboration tools (20%), supplier portal (17.4%), EDI & WebEDI (14.3%), eAuctions and reverse auctions (13.5%), and transportation management (TMS) (11.1%). On the other hand, respondents were extremely satisfied with supply chain finance (12.8%), inventory optimisation (12.5%), eProcurement & eSourcing (12.5%), S&OP (11.4%), eAuctions and reverse auctions (10.8%), and product design and PLM (10.0%).

Supply Chain Software 2012 Asia Survey 2012 亚洲供应链管理软件调查

该调查评选出了2012年采用供应链软件及IT技术最为频繁的3个国家。 超过四分之三的受访者(75.9%)认为中国是2012年采用供应链软件及IT技术最多的三大国家之 一。另外,41% 的受访者认为印度对于该类型软件和技术的运用也非常普遍。而日本以18.1%的支 持率紧随其后。其他国家还包括了印度尼西亚(9.6%)、韩国(8.4%)、越南(7.2%)以及泰 国(2.4%)。

企业目前对于供应链软件的使用情况 。 亚洲企业采用的供应链软件主要包括条形码和标签(54.8%)、仓库管理系统(WMS) (51.5%)、规划和预测(44.9%)、EDI和WebEDI(39.4%)以及库存优化( 39.4%)。 另外,该调查还统计出了受访者表示在未来12个月之内不会被采用的主要供应链软件类型,他们包 括电子拍卖和反向拍卖(59.7%)、网络设计(57.1%)、以及产品的设计和PLM(50.8%)。


of respondents were dissatisfied with collaboration tools. 受访者对协作工具感到不满

软件实施过程中的主要挑战。 调查得出,软件实施所要面临的挑战从大到小依次是,变更管理(职责和流程的变化) (44.6%),数据质量(44.6%),软件的择选(36.1%),项目管理(30.1%),项目中后期核 心人员的变动(20.5%),以及沟通(语言/文化)

关于亚洲实施供应链解决方案的后期支持调查 超过三分之一(34%)的受访者表示他们在实施供应链解决方案之后使用中央支持。近三分之一 (30.3%)的受访者表示使用区域或本地支持。只有13.2%表示第一级支持是本地的,而其它支持 是外包的。最后,11.3%的受访者表示他们没有后期支持。

企业在亚洲所实施的软件或技术的总体满意度调查。 调查得出,令受访者感到最不满意的,并且将被替换的软件或技术有:协作工具(20%)、供应商 门户(17.4%)、EDI和WebEDI(14.3%)、电子拍卖和反向拍卖(13.5%)、和运输管理(TMS) (11.1%)。 而最令受访者满意的软件或技术依次是供应链金融(12.8%)、库存优化(12.5%)、电子采购 (12.5%)、S&OP(11.4%)、 电子拍卖和反向拍卖(10.8%)、产品设计和PLM(10.0%)。


Overall satisfaction with software or technologies already deployed in Asia


10.6% 10.4% 9.1%









n tio


ra bo lla Co

8.8% 8.6%

tw 划和 ting or k 预测 D 网 esi 络 gn 设




协 Too 作 ls lie 工具 eA r 供 P uc o tio ED 应商 rta ns l I & 门 & Tr Re EDI We 户 an sp 电 ve & W bE or 子拍rse eb DI ta E tio 卖 Au DI n 和逆 cti o M Su a 向 ns pp 运 nag 拍卖 ly 输管 em eP Ch 理 e ro n cu ai n (TMS t re Fi m ) en 供应na nc t& 链 eS 金 e ou 融 电 rci 子 ng Pl 采 an 购 n


S& P O 计 cas P


Use of a consulting firm (independent from the software vendor) when implementing supply chain solutions in Asia. Just over half of respondents (51.4%), said they did not use a consulting firm when implementing supply chain solutions in Asia, while a slight minority (48.6%) said they did.

Satisfaction with consulting firm used to implement supply chain software. Respondents appeared mostly satisfied with consulting firms used to implement supply chain software. The majority (44.2%) were somewhat satisfied, while 27.9% were very satisfied. 18.6% were undecided, 7% were somewhat dissatisfied, and just 2.3% were very dissatisfied.

Main reason for contracting a consulting firm to implement supply chain software. The main reason given for contracting a consulting firm to implement supply chain software was solving conflicting objectives within supply chain (39.6%). This was closely followed by mapping out how supply chain functions (35.4%), assistance in customising operations (35.4%), and planning (20.8%).

Most important selection criteria when choosing a supply chain software vendor in Asia. The majority (63.9%) of respondents said the most important selection criteria was overall implementation price. Other significant criteria also related to cost and convenience. 44.4% said good return on investment (ROI) and ease of software use were important. Ease of deployment, quick implementation (43.1% ), low maintenance costs (38.9%), and software performance (34.7%) also ranked as important selection criteria.


of respondents did not use a consulting firm when implementing supply chain solutions in Asia. 受访者表示他们在亚洲实施供应 链解决方案时未求助于咨询公司

Reasons for companies NOT using or not intending to use supply chain software available from current ERP vendors. The top reasons given by respondents for not using software available from current ERP vendors were ERP vendor not offering the right functionality (28.0%) and ERP vendor solution being too costly to implement (28.0%). Other reasons were the ERP vendor solution being too complicated (22%), and ERP vendor not “pushing” its supply chain add-ons in Asia (12%).

Reasons for concerns about liability of certain software vendors in Asia. The main reason for concerns over the liability of software vendors in Asia was vendors not always being able to keep promises on what they sell (26.4%). This was closely followed by a lack of true collaboration between vendors and the client (20.8%), and a lack of vendor commitment to service quality improvements (18.1%).

Supply Chain Software 2012 Asia Survey 2012 亚洲供应链管理软件调查

在亚洲实施供应链解决方案时,对于咨询公司的使用情况调查(软件供应商之外) 仅有超过一半的受访者(51.4%)表示他们在亚洲实施供应链解决方案时未求助于咨询公司,而 48.6%的受访者则表示他们确实与咨询公司合作过相关事宜。

对于合作过的咨询公司在供应链软件实施问题上的满意度调查 大部分的受访者对用于实施供应链软件的咨询公司表示满意。其中44.2%表示比较满意,而 27.9%表示非常满意。 18.6%表示不确定,7%表示比较不满,而只有2.3%表示非常不满。

外包给咨询公司以实施供应链软件的主要原因调查 受访者表示将实施供应链软件外包给咨询公司的主要目的是解决供应链目标冲突的问题 (39.6%)。其次是制定供应链的功能(35.4%)。再次则是自定义操作(35.4%)和规划 (20.8%)。

44.2% of respondents were somewhat satisfied with the consulting firm used to implement supply chain software. 受访者对用于实施供应链软 件的咨询公司比较满意

在亚洲选择供应链软件供应商最重要的标准 大部分(63.9%)的受访者表示,最重要的择取标准是总体的实施价格。其他重要的标准还涉及 到了成本和便利性: 44.4%的受访者表示良好的投资回报率(ROI)和软件易于使用是很重要 的。除此之外,其它重要的选择标准还包括了易于实施,能快速实施(43.1%)、维护成本低 (38.9%)、软件性能(34.7%)。

企业不使用或不计划使用目前ERP供应商提供的供应链软件的原因 不使用目前ERP供应商提供的软件的主要原因是ERP供应商所提供的软件功能不合适(28.0%)和 ERP供应商解决方案的实施成本太高(28.0%)。

不看好亚洲相关软件供应商的原因 企业不看好亚洲软件供应商的主要原因包括供应商无法一直兑现所承诺的产品(26.4%),供应 商和客户之间缺乏真正的合作(20.8%)和供应商不太愿意改善服务质量(18.1%)。另外, 16.7%的受访者认为恰当的供应链解决方案是企业的核心竞争力,所以理应由公司内部进行管理。 最后,13.9%的受访者认为目前的经济衰退可能会迫使一些供应商倒闭。

Satisfaction with consulting firm used to implement supply chain software 对于合作过

Main reason for contracting a consulting firm to implement supply chain software



Somewhat dissatisfied

2.3% Undecided 未定


Solve conflicting objectives within supply chain




Map out how supply chain functions

Very dissatisfied




Assistance in customising operations







Other 其他

44.2% 27.9%

Somewhat satisfied 基本满意

Very satisfied 非常满意


Company’s relationship in Asia with supply chain software vendors: JDA and Manhattan Associates emerged as the most well known of the software vendors listed, but were still unknown to 45.2% and 41.9% of respondents respectively. The companies which had never been heard of or seen by most respondents in Asia were Inther (87.8%) and iPower (87.5%), followed by Tradecard (85.4%), forflow (85.4%), Vocollect (85.0%), and E2open (82.5%). Respondents reported currently owning software from SAP (37.3%), Oracle (34.8%), and Microsoft (33.3%).

Use of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) supply chain solutions for operations in Asia. The majority of respondents (33.9%) said they did not use SaaS supply chain solutions for operations in Asia. 27.1% were considering implementing such solutions, while 23.5% were unsure. The majority (39.5%) of respondents whose companies had not yet implemented SaaS solutions expected them to be implemented in over 3 years and 27.9% in 12-24 months. Just 18.6% expected SaaS to be implemented in less than 12 months, and just 14% in 3 years. Data privacy was the main area of concern (43.2%) when SaaS supply chain solutions were not used in Asia, followed by integration issues with other applications (38.6%). Other significant concerns included complex pricing models (29.5%), and customisation of product (27.3%).

37.3% of respondents reported currently owning software from SAP.

受访者表示他们目前使用的 软件供应商主要是SAP

Using consultancy services to solve strategic supply chain design tasks in future. The majority of respondents (37.5%) did not expect to use consultancy services to solve strategic supply chain design tasks in future. Nevertheless, a significant number (28.6%) said they may need them in the next 12 months, while 26.8% said they had already used them. Just 7.1% were currently searching for one.

Possibility of using business social networks like to collaborate with supply chain team, departments, suppliers and service partners. The majority of respondents (40.7%) said they may consider using business social networks for supply chain collaboration. A significant portion (20.3%) said they would use such networks while 20.3% were unsure. A slight minority (18.6%) said they would not.

Supply Chain Software 2012 Asia Survey 2012 亚洲供应链管理软件调查

亚洲企业与供应链软件供应商的关系 调查的结果表明JDA和Manhattan Associates是名单上最知名的软件供应商,但45.2%和41.9% 的受访者也表示没有听说过这两家公司。 另外,受访者还选出了一些他们闻所未闻的供应商:Inther(87.8%)和IPOWER(87.5%), TRADECARD(85.4%),forflow(85.4%),Vocollect(85.0%),和E2open (82.5%)。



of respondents did not use SaaS supply chain solutions for operations in Asia.

大部分的(33.9%)表示他们在亚洲的业务并没有使用过SaaS供应链解决方案。 27.1%的受访 者表示他们在考虑实施这种解决方案,而23.5%的受访者则不确定是否使用。

受访者表示他们在亚洲的业 务并没有使用过SaaS供应链 解决方案

受访者表示他们目前使用的软件供应商主要是SAP(37.3%),甲骨文公司(34.8%)和微软 (33.3%)。

在公司还没实施SaaS解决方案的受访者中,大多数(39.5%)认为他们公司至少在3年后才会实 施SaaS。另外,27.9%的则认为这个时间会是12-24个月之内。只有18.6%的受访者认为会12个 月之内实施SaaS解决方案。最后,有14%的受访者认为会3年之内实施相关方案。 如果受访者的公司在亚洲没使用过SaaS供应链解决方案的话,受访者认为他们最关注相关的问 题是数据隐私(43.2%)。其次是与其他应用程序的集成问题(38.6%)。其它主要关注的方 面还包括了复杂的定价模型(29.5%),以及定制产品(27.3%)。

是否会在将来使用咨询服务以解决战略供应链的设计任务 大部分的受访者(37.5%)认为将来不会使用咨询服务解决供应链战略设计任务。然而, 28.6%的受访者表示他们可能在未来的12个月内需要使用咨询服务。另外,26.8%的受访者表 示已经用过。仅有7.1%的受访者正在寻找咨询服务。 通过商务社交网络如,来促进供应链团队、部门、供应商和服务伙伴的合作的可能 性。大部分的受访者(40.7%)表示他们可能会考虑使用商务社交网络来促进供应链协作。较 大部分(20.3%)表示他们计划使用这种方法,而20.3%的人不确定。另外,18.6%表示他们 不会使用的。

Use of Software-as-a-Service supply chain solutions for operations in Asia 是否在亚洲使用SaaS供应链解决方案 40 30

33.9% 27.1%



10 0

Do not use






Highlights - 49.4% of respondents’ functional responsibilities within their companies were related to supply chain. - 19.8% of respondents’ organisations had no plans for spending on supply chain related software in 2012. - 75.9% of respondents ranked China as one of the top three countries in which supply chain software and IT efforts would be spent in 2012. - The main type of supply chain software already implemented in Asia was Barcode & Labeling (54.8%). - 44.6% of respondents believed the top challenges in software implementation were changes in management (changes in responsibilities and processes) and data quality. - 63.9% of respondents said the most important selection criteria in choosing a supply chain software vendor in Asia was overall implementation price.

Summary The survey shows that spending related to supply chain software in Asia was not a huge priority for respondents, with the majority having no plans for spending in 2012, and only a small minority having plans for particularly large expenditures. China unsurprisingly emerged as the top country in which supply chain software and IT efforts would be spent in 2012, while India was also reported as a significant priority, followed by Japan. In an effort to explore the reasons for the lack of widespread adoption of supply chain software and IT solutions in Asia, respondents were asked to identify the top challenges in software implementation in the region. These emerged as changes to management (changes in responsibilities and processes) and data quality. The main sources of dissatisfaction with software or technologies already deployed in Asia were identified as collaboration tools, supplier portal, and EDI & WebEDI. Nevertheless respondents reported being extremely satisfied with supply chain finance, inventory optimisation, eProcurement & eSourcing, S&OP, eAuctions and reverse auctions, and product design and PLM. Cost emerged as a significant factor for respondents when choosing a supply chain software vendor in Asia, with overall implementation price being the main criteria for more than half of respondents. While similar numbers of respondents reported using a consulting firm when implementing supply chain solutions, a slight majority did not. Of those that did, most were relatively satisfied, with only a small percentage expressing dissatisfaction. The main reason for contracting a consulting firm was solving conflicting objectives within the supply chain. JDA and Manhattan Associates emerged as the software vendors most known to respondents in Asia, and respondents reported currently owning software from SAP, Oracle, and Microsoft. These figures closely match Gartner’s 2012 data which lists the top five software vendors as SAP, Oracle, JDA Associates, Ariba and Manhattan Associates. SaaS supply chain solutions were not widely implemented in Asia, and over one third of respondents reported such solutions were not in use. Nevertheless, a significant portion expected SaaS solutions to be implemented over the next three years. Main concerns associated with SaaS were data privacy and integration issues with other applications. In future, the majority of respondents did not expect to use consultancy services to solve strategic supply chain design tasks, although a significant number had already used them or believed they may be required in the next 12 months.

Supply Chain Software 2012 Asia Survey 2012 亚洲供应链管理软件调查

重点 - 49.4%的受访者的职能与供应链有关的。 - 19.8%受访者的企业于2012年没有关于供应链软件及相关事项的支出计划。 - 75.9%的受访者认为中国是2012年实施采用供应链软件和IT技术的最主要三个国家之一。 - 在亚洲已经实施的主要供应链软件类型是条码和标签(54.8%)。 - 44.6%的受访者认为,实施软件的时候,最大的挑战是变更管理(职责和流程的变化)和数据质量。 - 63.9%的受访者表示在亚洲选择供应链软件供应商的最重要选择标准是总体的实施价格。 - 33.9%的受访者在亚洲的业务,没有使用过SaaS供应链解决方案。

总述 调查表明供应链软件上的支出并不是导致亚洲对该类型软件使用率偏低的主要原因。大多数受访者的公司在 2012年并没有相关的支出计划,而且只有较少的受访者打算在这方面上投入大量资金。 调查表明在2012年,中国不出意料地被认为是实施采用供应链软件及IT技术最多的国家,印度和日本也紧随 其后。 为了深入了解供应链软件及IT解决方案在亚洲难以推广普及的原因,该调查还统计出了受访者所认为的挑战 或困难。其中,最大的挑战是变更管理(职责和流程的变动)以及数据质量。 协作工具,供应商门户和EDI & WebEDI是受访者对已经在亚洲实施的软件或技术表示最不满的方面。然而受 访者对供应链融资、库存优化、电子采购、S&OP、电子拍卖和反向拍卖、产品设计和PLM表示非常满意。 受访者表示在亚洲选择供应链软件供应商的重要因素是成本, 而且超过一半的受访者的主要标准是总体的 实施价格。 虽然使用过和没使用过咨询公司实施供应链解决方案的受访者数量差不多,但总体使用率还是偏低。在使用 过资讯公司的受访者中,大多数表示比较满意,只有一小部分表示不满。另外,外包一家咨询公司的主要原 因是解决供应链目标的冲突。 调查表明,JDA和Manhattan Associates是亚洲最知名的软件供应商。另外,受访者目前拥有的软件供应商主 要是SAP(37.3%),甲骨文公司(34.8%)和微软(33.3%)。这些数字印证了Gartner 于2012年所得出 数据:Gartner列出的最大的五个软件供应商是SAP,甲骨文,JDA联营公司,Ariba和曼哈特联合软件公司。 SaaS的供应链解决方案在亚洲没有得到很广泛的采用,超过三分之一的受访者表示现在不使用这种解决方 案。然而,较大部分的受访者预计将在未来三年之内会实现SaaS解决方案。企业实施采用SaaS相关方案所关 注的主要问题在于数据隐私以及与其他应用程序的集成问题。 大部分的受访者表示不会在将来使用咨询服务解决供应链战略设计问题,但较大部分已经用过或者认为在未 来12个月内可能会需要使用。

Global Supply Chain Council

hartung:consult (Shanghai)

forflow consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd

SupplyOn Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

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forflow offers consulting, software and services for logistics and supply chain management. From its headquarters in Berlin and offices in Antwerp, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Munich and Shanghai, 4flow supports international clients in developing and implementing lean and sustainable logistics strategies for their businesses. For more information please visit

hartung: consult is a German consulting company with a focus on SAP products and services. With offices in Europe, Asia and the USA, it has been serving global and local customers since 1988. The company's core competencies include all SAP products such as SAP ERP & R/3, SAP All-in-One, SAP Business One and SAP Business Suite, with services covering SAP Implementations, Rollouts, Trainings, Helpdesk, Technical Support and Consulting. For more information please visit

SupplyOn is a leading platform for cross-company collaboration in the manufacturing industry, and enables transparent, reliable and cost-efficient handling of business processes with partners and suppliers in the fields of purchasing, logistics, quality and finance. For more information please visit Founded in 2002, the Global Supply Chain Council is Asia’s leading professional organization serving a fast growing community of more than 50,000 executives and representing leading companies who view their value chains as a critical driver of shareholder value and competitiveness. As an independent professional organization, the Council’s mission is to stimulate the understanding and adoption of supply chain management by providing a range of services including a social platform, websites, magazine, directory, newsletters, research, workgroups, conferences, maps, and video among other services. For more information please visit

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