Child Friendly Environment in Uganda - Lira District 2010

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Child Friendly Environment in Northern Uganda


From the People of Japan

The Republic of Uganda

A Pictorial


The Republic of Uganda

Child Friendly Environment in Northern Uganda

A Pictorial Report LIRA DISTRICT

From the People of Japan

Published for UNICEF Uganda P.O Box 7047, Kampala, Uganda COWI LTD Crusader House P.O Box 10591 Kampala, Uganda By: Advanced Communications Ltd, P.O Box 11670, Kampala, Uganda E-mail: ŠUNICEF Uganda. The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of UNICEF and her partners.

Table of Contents Page


Abongower Primary School


Okwogo Health Center


Adolo Primary School


Olilim Health Center


Alebtong Primary School


Ongica Health Center


Aleri Primary School


Attira Primary School


Okee Primary School


Omelele Modern Primary School


Omwonyolee Primary School


Barapwoo Health Center


Child Friendly Environment in Northern Uganda

Lira District

Introduction This report has been compiled by COWI Ltd to document the developmental contributions by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in the reconstruction of schools and health centers in six districts in Northern Uganda that were affected by the insurgency in the past 20 years. It portrays the reconstruction efforts for works executed by UNICEF with funding from the government of Japan in the then districts of Gulu, Amuru, Kitgum, Pader, Lira and Oyam. It is important to note that other districts have since been curved out of the six districts and it shouldn’t be surprising to find that some of the institutions dwelt on in this report are now actually found under different districts. The project was implemented by UNICEF with funding from the Government of Japan and was executed under the supervision of COWI Ltd. The project construction activities commenced in August 2009 and were substantially completed in June 2010.

Project background Two decades of armed conflict between the Uganda People’s Defense Forces (UPDF) and the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) resulted in a complex humanitarian situation in northern Uganda, notably in Acholi and Lango sub-regions characterised by massive internal displacement of people. More than 1.8 million people were forced to shift from their homes by the insurgency to the more secure Internally Displaced People’s (IDP) camps where the Uganda government forces offered them protection. This led to drastic deterioration or even outright collapse of infrastructure particularly schools and health centers due to abandonment and lack of main-

tenance. The existing facilities were abandoned while temporary facilities were set up at the IDP centers till the insurgency subsided. With positive developments in 2006, the humanitarian situation in northern Uganda gradually improved and by the end of September 2007, more than half of the formerly displaced people had been repatriated with over half a million settling permanently in their original villages. The return has certainly not been smooth as almost all families had to return to destroyed, damaged or dilapidated facilities and infrastructure and in most cases, a stark lack of institutional, social and economic structures. Not only did the conflict disrupt the provision of critical social services such as primary health care and education, it also contributed to the breakdown of traditional community structures for support and assistance. Through the Child Friendly Environment and Community Empowerment (CFE) project, UNICEF with support from the government of Japan embarked on a comprehensive rehabilitation process that saw the revitalization of two of the most critical services impacting the survival and development of children in these regions. These comprised services in primary schools and the health care facilities. In October 2008 UNICEF with funding from the government of Japan contracted COWI, an engineering consulting firm to offer technical expertise in the aspects of design, planning, tendering and post contract supervision of rehabilitation and construction of new facilities in 72 schools and 24 health centre facilities in the 6 districts. The project was aimed at improving education, hygiene, sanitation and

safe water access especially by the children in these areas. The total project cost was approximately USD 5 million (12 billion Uganda shillings) and covered 4 districts in the Acholi sub region (i.e. Amuru, Gulu, Kitgum, and Pader ) and 2 in Lango sub-region (i.e. Lira and Oyam). In all, 72 primary schools and 24 health centres were targeted to be improved. This project was effectively completed in November 2010.

Project objectives and achievements The overall objective of the project was to ensure that after the conflict, children and women were placed at the centre of the recovery and development process in northern Uganda, and that the facility based structures of the formal sector are strengthened with the ownership and participation of communities:The project has so far achieved the following:1. A remarkable improvement in access to primary education by the children in the region through provision of sound classroom structures, scholastic and recreational materials. 2. A remarkable improvement in the provision of safe and clean water in schools and health centres with improved sanitation through provision of sanitation and hand-washing facilities 3. Improvement in teachers’ commitment and morale through provision of decent staff houses and sanitation facilities. 4. A remarkable improvement of health care service delivery


Child Friendly Environment in Northern Uganda

Lira District through rehabilitation of health centres and related sanitation facilities.

CFE project coverage in Lira

About Lira District

The CFE project covered the following institutions in Lira district

Lira district comprises of 19 subcounties and 4 counties. The district had a population of 626,500 people projected to grow to 636,200 by the start of the CFE project in 2008 with 308,400 being male and 327,800 being female. It is an exclusively agricultural district with subsistence farming mainly being practiced.

Schools:1. Abongower Primary School 2. Adolo Primary School 3. Adwir Primary school 4. Alebtong Primary School 5. Aleri Primary School 6. Attira Primary School 7. Okee Primary School 8. Omelele Modern Primary School 9. Omwonyolee Primary School

Health Centers:1. Barapwoo Health Center 2. Okwogo Health Center 3. Olilim Health Center 4. Ongica Health Center

Map showing location of Lira district IDP Camps – Lira District November 2006

Kaabong Moyo



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Child Friendly Environment in Northern Uganda

Lira District

Abongower Primary School Abongower Primary School is located in Aloi Sub-county and at the time of intervention had a population of 606 (353 boys and 253 girls) under the stewardship of 9 teachers. Before intervention, the school had open sided classroom structures with corrugated tin roof on pillars without side in fill walls. The roof was rundown and was leaking in several places. The floor was rough and hard to clean. There was hardly enough furniture for a full class. During the CFE project, the following intervention was made:1. Rehabilitation of two classroom blocks.

Pre-intervention classroom block

A renovated classroom block


Child Friendly Environment in Northern Uganda

Lira District

Adolo Primary School Adolo Primary School is located in Amac Sub-county. At the time of intervention had population of 1,112 (500 boys and 612 girls) under the stewardship of 9 teachers. The school had 2 staff houses one of which was constructed with un-burnt mud bricks with a corrugated iron sheet roof and doors. The rest of the staff commuted from the nearest trading center where they found decent accommodation. During the CFE project, the following interventions were made:1. Construction of a new staff house. 2. Construction of a 2- stance toilet block.

The old head teachers’ house

Newly constructed 2-Stance toilet block

Newly constructed staff house


Child Friendly Environment in Northern Uganda

Lira District

Alebtong Primary School Alebtong Primary School is located in Aloi Sub-county. At the time of intervention, it had a population of 1,057 (592 boys and 465 girls) under the stewardship of 9 teachers. Before intervention, the school had only one block of classrooms that comprised unpaved and un plastered walls. The block had no windows and doors and the roof was dilapidated and leaking. Some of the pupils attended class under trees. During the CFE project, the following intervention was made:1. Renovation of Classroom block.

The old classroom blocks

The rehabilitated classroom block


Child Friendly Environment in Northern Uganda

Lira District

Aleri Primary School Aleri Primary School is located in Olilim Sub-county. At the time of intervention, had a population of 424 (249 boys and 175 girls) under the stewardship of 9 teachers. Before intervention, the school had one 3-Classroom block which was not adequate for the school population. The other pupils attended classess under a tent provided by UNICEF. During the CFE project, the following intervention was made:1. Construction of a Classroom block.

The old classroom block

Existing staff house

Newly constructed classroom block


Child Friendly Environment in Northern Uganda

Lira District

Attira Primary School Attira Primary School is located in Barr Sub-county. At the time of intervention had a population of 574 (283 boys and 291 girls) under the tutelage of 9 teachers. Before intervention, the school had only 2 non permanent classrooms structures housing 4 classrooms. Some of the pupils either studied under trees or under tents improvised by UNICEF. During the CFE project, the following intervention was made:1. Construction of a new Classroom block. Pupils attend class under a tree

New classroom block


Child Friendly Environment in Northern Uganda

Lira District

Okee Primary School Okee Primary School is located in Lira Sub-county. At the time of intervention it had a population of 214 (126 boys and 88 girls) under the stewardship of 9 teachers. Before intervention, the school had incomplete classroom structures . The side walls had permanent vent walls made from staggered brick work with dilapidated floors, splash aprons and roofs. During the CFE project, the following intervention was made:1. Renovation of a Classroom block.

One of the existing classroom blocks

Newly renovated classroom block


Child Friendly Environment in Northern Uganda

Lira District

Omelele Modern Primary School Omelele Modern Primary School is located in Aloi Sub-county. At the time of intervention it had a population of 457 (210 boys and 247 girls) with 9 teachers. Before intervention, the school had some classroom blocks that were in sound condition though not sufficient for the pupil population, so some of the pupils attended classes under trees. The teachers who stayed near the school resided in mud and wattle grass thatched houses. During the CFE project, the following interventions were made:1. Construction of a 2-unit staff house. 2. Construction of a 2-stance VIP toilet block.

The old staff houses

Newly constructed 2-stance VIP toilet block near completion

Newly constructed staff house


Child Friendly Environment in Northern Uganda

Lira District

Omwonyolee Primary School Omwonyolee Primary School is located in Orum Sub-county. At the time of intervention had a population of 300 (237 boys and 63 girls) with 9 teachers. Before intervention, the school had old classroom structures. These were greatly dilapidated with loose roofs and no splash aprons. The sanitation facilities were inadequate for the pupil population. The teachers who stayed near the school resided in mud and wattle grass thatched houses. During the CFE project, the following interventions were made:1. Rehabilitation of two classroom blocks. 2. Construction of a 5- stance VIP latrine.

Newly constructed 5-stance toilet block

Newly renovated Classroom blocks


Child Friendly Environment in Northern Uganda

Lira District

Barapwoo Health Center Barapwoo Health Center is located in Lira Sub-county and serves a population of approximately 5,100 people. Before intervention, the health center operated in an Out-Patient Department (OPD) facility in a sound structural condition but had no on-site accommodation for staff. The existing sanitation facilities were similarly inadequate. During the CFE project, the following intervention was made:1. Construction of staff house.

The existing OPD building and toilet facility

Newly constructed staff house


Child Friendly Environment in Northern Uganda

Lira District

Okwogo Health Center Okwogo Health Center is located in Adwari Sub-county and serves a population of approximately 5,000 people. Before intervention, the health center had inadequate on-site accommodation for staff. The existing sanitation facilities were similarly inadequate. During the CFE project, the following intervention was made:1. Construction of a staff house. 2. Construction of a 2-stance VIP Latrine.

Newly constructed 2-Stance VIP Latrine

Newly constructed staff house


Child Friendly Environment in Northern Uganda

Lira District

Olilim Health Center Olilim Health Center is located in Olilim Sub-county. Before intervention, the health center had some on-site accommodation which was inadequate. The existing sanitation facilities were similarly inadequate. During the CFE project, the following interventions were made:1. Construction of staff house. 2. Construction of 2-stance VIP Latrine.

Newly constructed staff house

The old staff house in the background

Newly constructed 2-Stance VIP Latrine


Child Friendly Environment in Northern Uganda

Lira District

Ongica Health Center Ongica Health Center is located in Adekokwok Sub-county. Before intervention, the health center had an OutPatient Department (OPD) structure but had no decent on-site accommodation for staff. The existing sanitation facilities were similarly inadequate. During the CFE project, the following interventions were made:1. Construction of staff house. 2. Construction of 2-stance VIP Latrines.

Newly constructed staff house

In the background is the existing OPD

Newly constructed 2-Stance VIP latrine


UNICEF Uganda P.O Box 7047, Kampala, Uganda COWI Crusader House P.O Box 10591 Kampala, Uganda By: Advanced Communications Ltd, P.O Box 11670, Kampala, Uganda E-mail:

From the People of Japan

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