Army Catalog 128

Page 1


Photo Courtesy of U.S. Army

Phone Orders: (800) 458-5180 • (256) 835-7676 • Fax Orders: (800) 521-5027 Email: •

Catalog 128


ACU Patches with Hook Fastener

1st Infantry Div PV-0001A

1st Armor Div PV-0001B

1st Cavalry Div PV-0001C

1st Army PV-0001D

1st Aviation Bde PV-0001E

1st Corps PV-0001F

1st Field Force PV-0001G

1st Support Cmd PV-0001H

1st Personnel Cmd PV-0001I

1st Signal Bde PV-0001J

1st Mar Exp Frc PV-0001K

1st Medical Bde PV-0001L

1st Info Op Cmd PV-0001M

1st Space Bde PV-0001N

1st Sustainment Bde PV-0001O

1st Infantry Div PV-0001P

1st Man Enhance PV-0001Q

1st Marine Div PV-0001U

2nd Infantry Div PV-0002A

2nd Armor Div PV-0002B

2nd Army Cavalry PV-0002C

2nd Army PV-0002D

2nd Field Force PV-0002E

2nd Mil Int Cmd PV-0002F

2nd Signal Bde PV-0002G

2nd Support Bde PV-0002H

2nd Medical Bde PV-0002I

2nd Marine Aircraft Wing PV-0002J

2nd Mil Int Cmd PV-0002K

2nd Marine Div PV-0002U

3rd Infantry Div PV-0003A

3rd Armor Div PV-0003B

3rd Army PV-0003C

3rd Corps PV-0003D

3rd COSCOM PV-0003E

3rd Personnel Cmd PV-0003F

3rd Signal Bde PV-0003G

3rd Armor Cavalry PV-0003H

3rd Med Cmd PV-0003I

3rd Trans Agency PV-0003J

3rd Chemical Bde PV-0003K

3rd Sust Bde PV-0003L

3rd Marine Div PV-0003U

4th Infantry Div PV-0004A

4th Army PV-0004B

4th Trans Cmd PV-0004C

4th Medical Bde PV-0004D

4th Man Enhan Bde PV-0004E

4th Sust Cmd PV-0004K

4th Sust Bde PV-0004L

5th Infantry Div PV-0005A

5th Army PV-0005B

5th Corps PV-0005C

5th Bde Trn PV-0005D

5th Signal Cmd PV-0005E

5th Medical Bde PV-0005G

6th Infantry Div PV-0006A

6th Army PV-0006B

6th Army Cavalry PV-0006C

6th Cav Bde PV-0006D

6th Signal Cmd PV-0006E

7th Inf Div PV-0007A

7th Army PV-0007B

7th Corps PV-0007C

7th Army Spt Cmd PV-0007D

7th Engineer Bde PV-0007E

7th Medical Cmd PV-0007F

7th Signal Bde PV-0007G

7th Trans Cmd PV-0007H

8th Infantry Div PV-0008A

8th Army PV-0008B

8th Medical Bde PV-0008C

8th Personnel Cmd PV-0008D

9th Infantry Div PV-0009A

9th Corps PV-0009B

9th Support Cmd PV-0009C

11th Arm Cavalry PV-0011A

11th ADA PV-0011B

8th MP Bde PV-0008E

8th Theater Sust Cmd PV-0008F

7th Army Reserve Cmd 7th Civil Spt Cmd PV-0007I PV-0007J

10th Infantry Div PV-0010A

10th ADA PV-0010B

10th Personnel Cmd 10th Sustainment Bde PV-0010C PV-0010D

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699

3rd Marine Aircraft 3rd Man Enhance Bde Wing PV-0003N PV-0003M


11th Aviation Bde PV-0011C

ACU Patches with Hook Fastener

11th Signal Bde PV-0011D

16th Engineer Bde 16th Sustainment Bde PV-0016B PV-0016C

11th MP Bde PV-0011E

12th Aviation Bde PV-0012A

13th Sust Cmd PV-0013A

16th Avn Bde PV-0016D

17th Aviation Bde PV-0017A

17th FA Bde PV-0017B

13th Finance Gp PV-0013B

14th MP Bde PV-0014A

17th Sustainment Bde 18th Airborne Corps PV-0017C PV-0018A

15th Sustainment Bde PV-0015A

15th Signal Bde PV-0015B

15th MP Bde PV-0015C

16th MP Bde PV-0016A

18th Aviation Bde PV-0018B

18th Engineer Bde PV-0018D

18th FA Bde PV-0018E

18th Medical Bde PV-0018F

18th MP Bde PV-0018G

19th Support Cmd PV-0019A

20th Engineer Bde PV-0020A

20th Aviation Bde PV-0020B

20th Support Cmd PV-0020C

21st Support Cmd PV-0021A

21st Cavalry Bde PV-0021B

21st Signal Bde PV-0021C

22nd Support Bde PV-0022A

22nd Signal Bde PV-0022B

23rd Corps PV-0023A

23rd Infantry Div PV-0023B

24th Infantry Div PV-0024A

24th Corps PV-0024B

25th Infantry Div PV-0025A

Man Enhance Bde PV-0026A

27th Infantry Bde PV-0027A

28th Infantry Div PV-0028A

29th Infantry Bde PV-0029A

29th Infantry Div PV-0029B

30th Armor Bde PV-0030A

30th Armor Div PV-0030B

30th Engineer Bde PV-0030C

30th Infantry Bde PV-0030D

30th Medical Bde PV-0030E

30th ADA Bde PV-0030F

31st ADA PV-0031A

31st Armor Bde PV-0031B

32nd ADA PV-0032A

32nd Infantry Bde PV-0032B

32nd Support Cmd PV-0032C

32nd Medical Bde PV-0032D

33rd Infantry Bde PV-0033A

34th Infantry Div PV-0034A

35th ADA PV-0035A

35th Engineer Bde PV-0035B

35th Infantry Div PV-0035C

35th Signal Bde PV-0035D

36th Infantry Div PV-0036A

37th Trans Gp PV-0037A

37th Inf Bde CMBT PV-0037B

38th Infantry Div PV-0038A

38th Sust Bde PV-0038B

38th ADA Bde PV-0038C

39th Infantry Bde PV-0039A

40th Armor Bde PV-0040A

40th Infantry Div PV-0040B

41st FA Bde PV-0041A

42nd Infantry Div PV-0042B

42nd MP Bde PV-0042C

42nd Spt Gp PV-0042D

43rd Infantry Bde PV-0043A

43 MP Bde PV-0043B

43d Sustainment Bde PV-0043C

44th Medical Bde PV-0044A

45th Infantry Bde PV-0045A

45th FA Bde PV-0045B

47th Infantry Div PV-0047A

48th Infantry Bde PV-0048A

48th Chem Bde PV-0048B

36th Engineer Group 36th Sustainment Bde PV-0036B PV-0036C

41st Infantry Div PV-0041B

42nd FA Bde PV-0042A

45th Sustainment Bde 46th MP Command PV-0045C PV-0046A

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


ACU Patches with Hook Fastener

49th Armor Div PV-0049A

49th MP Bde PV-0049B

49th QM Group PV-0049C

50th Armor Div PV-0050A

50th Infantry Bde PV-0050B

50th Support Gp PV-0050C

52nd Ord Group PV-0052A

53rd Signal Bde PV-0053A

53rd Infantry Bde PV-0053B

54th FA Bde PV-0054A

55th Sustainment Bde PV-0055A

56th FA Bde PV-0056A

57th FA Bde PV-0057A

58th Infantry Bde PV-0058A

59th Ordance Bde PV-0059A

62nd Medical Bde PV-0062A

63rd Infantry Div PV-0063A

63rd Aviation Bde PV-0063B

65th Reserve Cmd PV-0065A

65th Fires Bdg PV-0065B

66th Aviation Bde PV-0066A

66th Mil Int Bde PV-0066B

67th Battlefield Surv PV-0067A

67th Army Band PV-0067B

69th ADA PV-0069A

70th Infantry Div PV-0070A

71st Ordnance Gp PV-0071A

72nd FA Bde PV-0072A

73rd Infantry Bde PV-0073A

75th FA Bde PV-0075A

75th Infantry Div PV-0075B

75th Ranger, STB PV-0075G

76th Infantry Div PV-0076A

76th Infantry Bde PV-0076B

77th Sust Bde PV-0077A

77th Avn Bde PV-0077B

78th Infantry Div PV-0078A

78th Avn Trp Cmd PV-0078B

79th Infantry Div PV-0079A

79th Infantry CT PV-0079B

2/75th Infantry Scroll 3/75th Infantry Scroll PV-0075E PV-0075F

75th Infantry Scroll 1/75th Infantry Scroll PV-0075C PV-0075D

80th Infantry Div PV-0080A

81st ARCOM PV-0081A

81st Infantry Bde PV-0081B

82nd Airborne Div PV-0082A

82nd Sust Bde PV-0082B

83rd Infantry Div PV-0083A

84th Infantry Div PV-0084A

85th Infantry Div PV-0085A

85th Civ Aff PV-0085C

86th Infantry Div PV-0086A

86th Infantry Bde PV-0086B

87th Infantry Div PV-0087A

88th Reg Spt Cmd PV-0088A

89th Infantry Div PV-0089A

89th MP Bde PV-0089B

90th RES Cmd PV-0090A

91st Infantry Div PV-0091A

92nd Infantry Bde PV-0092A

93rd Signal Bde PV-0093A

94th ADA PV-0094A

94th Infantry Div PV-0094B

94th Army Band PV-0094C

95th Infantry Div PV-0095A

95th Civil Affairs Bde PV-0095B

96th ARCOM PV-0096A

97th Training Bde PV-0097A

98th ARCOM PV-0098A

99th ARCOM PV-0099A

101st Sust Bde PV-0101B

102nd ARCOM PV-0102A

103rd FA Bde PV-0103A

103rd Sust Cmd PV-0103B

104th Infantry Div PV-0104A

106th Signal Bde 107th Armored Cavalry PV-0106A PV-0107A

108th Abn Div PV-0108A

100th Infantry Div 100th Missile Def Bde 101st Airborne Div PV-0100A PV-0100B PV-0101A

108th ADA PV-0108B

108th Sustainment Bde 110th Aviation Bde 110th Man Enhan Bde PV-0108C PV-0110A PV-0110B

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699

111th ADA PV-0111A


ACU Patches with Hook Fastener

111th Eng Bde PV-0111B

112th Med Bde PV-0112A

113th FA Bde PV-0113A

113th Sustainment Bde PV-0113B

115th FA Bde PV-0115A

115th Support Group PV-0115B

116th Infantry Bde PV-0116A

116th Arm Cav PV-0116B

120th ARCOM PV-0120A

120th Infantry Bde PV-0120B

121st ARCOM PV-0121A

122nd ARCOM PV-0122A

123rd ARCOM PV-0123A

124th ARCOM PV-0124A

124th Trans Cmd PV-0124B

125th ARCOM PV-0125A

125th Trans Cmd PV-0125B

128th Aviation PV-0128A

130th Engineer Bde PV-0130A

130th FA Bde PV-0130B

135th FA Bde PV-0135A

135th Sust Cmd PV-0135B

135th Army Band PV-0135C

136th Man Enhan Bde PV-0136A

138th FA Bde PV-0138A

141st Man Enhan Bde PV-0141A

142nd FA Bde PV-0142A

142nd Signal Bde PV-0142B

142 Btlfld Srv PV-0142C

143rd Trans Cmd PV-0143A

147th FA Bde PV-0147A

149th Armor Bde PV-0149A

151st FA Bde PV-0151A

155th Armor Bde PV-0155A

156th QM Cmd PV-0156

157th Infantry Bde PV-0157A

158th Infantry Bde PV-0158A

158th Mnvr Enh Bde PV-0158B

160th Signal Bde PV-0160A

162nd Infantry Bde PV-0162A

163rd Arm Cav PV-0163A

164th ADA PV-0164A

165th Inf Bde PV-0165A

166th Avn Bde PV-0166A

167th Sust Cmd PV-0167A

168th Eng Bde PV-0168A

169th FA Bde PV-0169A

170th Infantry Div PV-0170A

171st Infantry Bde PV-0171A

172nd Infantry Bde PV-0172A

173rd Abn Bde PV-0173A

174th Inf Bde PV-0174A

174th ADA PV-0174B

175th Finance Ctr PV-0175A

175th Medical Bde PV-0175B

176th Engineer Bde PV-0176A

177th Armor Bde PV-0177A

177th MP Bde PV-0177B

181st Inf Bde PV-0181A

184th Trans Bde PV-0184A

185th Aviation Bde PV-0185A

187th Infantry Bde PV-0187B

187th Signal Bde PV-0187C

188th Infantry Bde PV-0188A

189th Inf Bde PV-0189A

192nd Infantry Bde PV-0192A

193rd Infantry Bde PV-0193A

194th Armor Bde PV-0194A

194th Engineer Bde PV-0194B

196th Infantry Bde PV-0196A

196th FA Bde PV-0196B

196th Man Enh Bde PV-0196C

197th Infantry Bde PV-0197A

197th FA Bde PV-0197B

198th Infantry Bde PV-0198A

199th Infantry Bde PV-0199A

200th MP Cmd PV-0200A

201st Mil Int Bde PV-0201A

204th Man Enhan Bde 205th Infantry Bde PV-0204A PV-0205A

205th Mil Int Bde PV-0205B

207th Mil Int Bde PV-0207A

209th FA Bde PV-0209A

210th FA Bde PV-0210A

212th FA Bde PV-0212A

213th Med Bde PV-0213A

213th Support Gp PV-0213B

153rd FA Bde PV-0153A

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


ACU Patches with Hook Fastener

214th FA Bde PV-0214A

218th Infantry Bde PV-0218A

219th Battlefield Surv PV-0219A

244th Avn Bde PV-0244A

256th Infantry Bde PV-0256A

260th MP Bde PV-0260A

300th Mil Int Bde PV-0300A

300th MP Bde PV-0300B

300th Sust Bde PV-0300C

316th Sust Cmd PV-0316A

316th Trans Bde PV-0316B

336th Trans Gp PV-0336B

319th Mil Int PV-0319A

338th Medical Bde 347th Support Gp PV-0347A PV-0338A

372nd Eng Bde PV-0372A

369th Sust Bde PV-0369A

371st Sust Bde PV-0371A

407th Support Bde PV-0407A

408th Spt Bde PV-0408A

409th Support Bde PV-0409A

428th FA Bde PV-0428A

434th FA Bde PV-0434A

442nd Infantry PV-0442A

220th MP Bde PV-0220A

301st Support Cmd PV-0301A

221st MP Bde PV-0221A

224th FA Bde PV-0224A

224th Sust Bde PV-0224B

226th Man Enhan Bde PV-0226A

227th FA Bde PV-0227A

228th Signal Bde PV-0228A

261st Signal Bde PV-0261A

263rd ADA PV-0263A

266th Finance Ctr PV-0266A

278th Arm Cavalry PV-0278A

279th Support Bde PV-0279A

287th Sust Bde PV-0287A

308th Civil Affairs PV-0308A

310th Support Cmd PV-0310A

311th Sust Cmd PV-0311A

330th Medical Bde PV-0330A

332nd Medical Bde PV-0332A

335th Signal Bde PV-0335A

336th Finance Cmd PV-0336A

364th Civil Affairs PV-0364A

364th Sust Cmd PV-0364B

404th Spt Bde PV-0404B

406th Spt Bde PV-0406A

301st Cmbt Spt Bde 303rd Man Enhan Bde PV-0304A PV-0301B

319th Trans Bde PV-0319B

321st Sustainment Bde PV-0321A

350th Civil Affairs Bde PV-0350A

377th Support Cmd PV-0377A

351st Civil Affairs PV-0351A

401st Support Bde PV-0401A

304th Sust Bde PV-0304A

321st Civ Aff Bde PV-0321B

352nd Civil Affairs PV-0352A

402nd Trans PV-0402A

304th Civ Affairs Cmd PV-0304B

322nd Civ Aff Bde PV-0322A

353rd Civil Affairs PV-0353A

402nd Support Bde PV-0402B

410th Support Bde 411th Engineer Bde 412th Engineer Bde 415th Chemical Bde PV-0410A PV-0411A PV-0412A PV-0415A

449th Avn Bde PV-0449A

455th Chemical Bde 460th Chemical Bde 464th Chemical Bde PV-0455A PV-0460A PV-0464A

357th A&M Def Det 359th Signal Bde PV-0357A PV-0359A

403rd Spt Bde PV-0403A

404th Man En Bde PV-0404A

416th Engineers Bde 420th Engineers Bde PV-0416A PV-0420A

470th Mil Int Bde PV-0470A

479th FA Bde PV-0479A

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699

425th Trans Bde PV-0425A

484th Army Band PV-0484A

230th Sust Bde PV-0230A

290th MP Bde PV-0290A

311th Signal Cmd PV-0311B

426th Medical Bde PV-0426A

500th Mil Int PV-0500A


ACU Patches with Hook Fastener

501st Mil Int Bde 501st Sustainment Bde PV-0501A PV-0501B

504th MI Bde PV-0504A

505th Sig Bde PV-0505A

509th Inf “Geronimo” PV-0509A

513th MI Bde PV-0513A

516th Signal Bde PV-0516A

525th BSB PV-0525A

528th Sust Bde PV-0528A

555th Engineer Gp PV-0555A

560th Btlfld Surv Bde PV-0560A

572nd Maint PV-0572A

593rd Sust Bde PV-0593A

631st FA Bde PV-0631A

648th Man Enhan Bde PV-0648A

650th MI Gp PV-0650A

704th Mil Intel Bde PV-0704A

800th MP Bde PV-0800A

804th Hospital Ctr PV-0804A

807th Medical Bde 818th Hospital Center PV-0807A PV-0818A

916th Support Bde PV-0916A

926th Eng Bde PV-0926A

1101st Signal Bde PV-1101A

1104th Signal Bde PV-1104A

1107th Signal Bde PV-1107A

1108th Signal PV-1108A

Army Correction Cmd PV-ACC

Aquisition Spt Ctr PV-ACQ

Air Defense Center Afghan Comb Forces US Africa Command PV-AFGAN PV-ADEFC PV-AFRICA

Allied Cmd Europe PV-ALLIED

Ammun Surveillance PV-AMMUN

Aviation Trn PV-ANTRN

Army Res Careers Div PV-ARCD

Armor Center PV-ARCTR

Armor Plain PV-ARMOR

Army of One PV-ARMY

Army NG School PV-ARNG SCH

Air Traffic Svc Cmd PV-ATC

Avn Log School PV-AVNLO

Berlin Cmd PV-BERLI

Broadcasting Service Chemical Brassard PV-BROAD PV-CBRN

Central Command PV-CENT

Chemical Trn Sch PV-CESCH

Civil Affairs & Pysch Cmd PV-CIVAFF


CMB Security Trn Cmd Afghan PV-CMBST/N

Combined Arms & Spt Cmd PV-COSCOM

Corps of Engineers PV-CPENG

Criminal Invest Cmd PV-CRIMI


Engr Field Sup Act PV-ENFSA

Eng Cmd Vietnam PV-ENGCM

European Cmd PV-EUROP

Field Artillery School PV-FASCH

Fires Ctr of Excl PV-FCOE


Info & Data Sy Cmd PV-INFOR

Installation Mgt PV-INST

Info Sys Eng Cmd PV-INSYS

Intell Agency PV-INTEL

Computer Sys Cmd PV-COMP

Engineers School Explosive Ord Disposal PV-ENSCH PV-EOD

Infantry School PV-INSCH

Intell/Security Cmd PV-INSEC

Armor School PV-ARSCH

902nd Mil Intel Gp PV-0902A

Army Sec Agcy PV-ASA

Asymmetric War Gp PV-ASYM



Def Language Inst PV-DEFLANGINST

Dept of Army Guard PV-DOA

Dept of Army Police PV-DOA

Foreign Intel Cmd PV-FORINTEL



Health Service Cmd PV-HESVC

Indv Ready Res PV-IRRES

Int St Afghan Force PV-ISAF

Info Sys Cmd PV-ISC

Judge Advocate Gen PV-JAG

Cmd & Gen Staff Schl Chaplain Ctr & Schl PV-CGS PV-CHAP

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


ACU Patches with Hook Fastener


JFK Spc Warfare PV-JFKSW

Joint Readiness Cmd PV-JNTRE


Jungle Expert PV-JUNEX

Legal Service Agency PV-LEG

Logistics Center PV-LOG

Medical School PV-MED

Joint Medical Cmd PV-MEDCMD


Med Cmd Korea PV-MEKOR

Multinatl Force-Iraq PV-MFIRAQ

Mil Dist of Wash PV-MIDIS

Mil Per Center PV-MIL

Multintl Corps PV-MNCORPS

Missile School PV-MNSCH

MP Brassard PV-MP


MP Cmd Panama PV-MPCMD

National Trn Center PV-NTLTN

National Trn Center Opns Spt Airlift Cmd PV-NTLTN PV-OPNS

Army Resv Pers Ctr USAR Readiness Cmd PV-RESPER PV-RESRED

Soldier Media Ctr PV-SOLDMEDIA

Spec Op Cmd PV-SOPER

Ordnance Trn Schl Army HQ Pacific Cmd PV-ORSCH PV-PACCMD

Logistics Specialist PV-LOGIS


Mil Entr & Processing Mil Intel Readi Cmd PV-MILEN PV-MINTRE

MP Trn School Multi Nat’l Forces & Obsv PV-MPSCH PV-MULTINATIONAL

Man Spt Ctr of Excl of Ft. Lenoardwood PV-MAN

Man Ctr of Excel PV-MCE

Mil Intell School PV-MISCH

Mil Traffic Mgmt Cmd PV-MITFC

NG Recruit & Retention PV-NG

North Atlantic Treaty Organization PV-NATO

NA Aerospace Def Cmd PV-NORAD

Northern Command PV-NORTH

Personnel-DOD PV-PER

QM Trn School PV-QMSCH

Recruiting Cmd PV-RECMD

Reserve Cmd PV-RESCMD

Mil Research & Dev PV-RESEA



School of Americas PV-SCHAM

Selective Service PV-SESVC


Special Forces PV-SFORC



Signal Trn School PV-SIGSCH

Unified Ops Cmd PV-SOCOM

Spec Op Cmd Africa PV-SOPER/A

Spec OP Cmd Central PV-SOPER/C

Spec OP Cmd Europe PV-SOPER/E

Spec OP Cmd Korea PV-SOPER/K

Spec OP Cmd Pacific PV-SOPER/P

Spec OP Cmd South PV-SOPER/S

Southern Cmd PV-SOUTH

Joint Forces Cmd PV-SPC OPNS CMD

Space Cmd PV-SPCCD

Space & Strategic Defense Cmd PV-SSDC

Staff Support PV-STAFF

Soldier Support Ctr PV-SSC

Army Strat Cmd PV-STRAT

Texas State Guard PV-TXSG

US Army Alaska PV-USAAK



Sust Ctr of Excl Total Army Pers Cmd Trans Trn School PV-SUSTCTR PV-TAPC PV-TCSCH

Test & Exp Cmd PV-TEXCO



US Mil Academy (Instructor) PV-USMAI

War College PV-WAR

Joint Force Cmd PV-USJFC

US Mil Academy (Cadets) PV-USMAC

Transportation Cmd PV-TRANCOM

Trial Def Svc PV-TRIAL

Warrant Officer Western Hemisphere Career Ctr Inst for Security PV-WARRANT PV-WEST

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699

Training Ctr PV-TRN CNT



ACU State National Guard HQs

Alaska PV-NG/AK

Alabama PV-NG/AL

Arkansas PV-NG/AR

Arizona PV-NG/AZ

California PV-NG/CA

Colorado PV-NG/CO

Connecticut PV-NG/CT

District of Columbia PV-NG/DC

Delaware PV-NG/DE

Florida PV-NG/FL

Georgia PV-NG/GA


Hawaii PV-NG/HI


Idaho PV-NG/ID

Illinois PV-NG/IL

Indiana PV-NG/IN

Kansas PV-NG/KS

Kentucky PV-NG/KY

Louisiana PV-NG/LA

Massachusetts PV-NG/MA

Maryland PV-NG/MD

Maine PV-NG/ME

Michigan PV-NG/MI

Minnesota PV-NG/MN

Missouri PV-NG/MO

Mississippi PV-NG/MS

Montana PV-NG/MT

North Carolina PV-NG/NC

North Dakota PV-NG/ND

Nebraska PV-NG/NE

New Hampshire PV-NG/NH

New Jersey PV-NG/NJ

New Mexico PV-NG/NM

Nevada PV-NG/NV

New York PV-NG/NY


Oklahoma PV-NG/OK

Oregon PV-NG/OR

Pennsylvania PV-NG/PA

Puerto Rico PV-NG/PR

Rhode Island PV-NG/RI

South Carolina PV-NG/SC

South Dakota PV-NG/SD

Tennessee PV-NG/TN

NG Training Center PV-NG TRN

Texas PV-NG/TX


Virginia PV-NG/VA

Virgin Islands PV-NG/VI

Vermont PV-NG/VT

Washington PV-NG/WA

Wisconsin PV-NG/WI

West Virginia PV-NG/WV

Wyoming PV-NG/WY

ACU Tabs

ASSORTMENT OF BAGS & PACKS Available in both ACU & ABU See pages 95-96

Airborne PVT-101

Ranger PVT-102

Special Forces PVT-103

Mountain PVT-104

Sapper PVT-105

Honor Guard PVT-113

Recon PVT-111


President’s Hundred PVT-115

See our full selection of ACU patches and accessories online at Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


ACU Uniform Accessories

Helmet Bands with Cat Eyes

Dog Tags Silver Dog Tag Available in Dull DT-02A Shiny DT-02B

Choose what information you want sewn onto your helmet band. Select from one of the following options. No letter after Item # = Blank helmet bands A after Item # = Name only B after Item # = Name and Blood Type C after Item # = Name and Roster Number D after Item # = Name, Blood Type and Roster Number A POS ACU Foliage Green Band HELMET BAND-01

Black Dog Tag Available in Matte DT-03A Enameled DT-03B

Dog Tag Silencers DT-07

Chains Available in 5”, 24”, and 30”


Silver Chain 24” DT-04 30” DT-04L 5” DT-05

Helmet Band Name Tape EMB-152D

Black Chain 24” DT-08B 5” DT-09

Dog Tag Set Black DT-01B

Dog Tag Set Nickel - Dull DT-01S

Black Metal Badges Aviator Senior Aviator Master Aviator Aircraft Crewman Senior Aircraft Crewman Master Aircraft Crewman Parachutist Para w/1 C Star Para w/2 C Star Para w/3 C Star Para w/4 C Star Sr Parachutist

BM-301 BM-302 BM-303 BM-304 BM-305 BM-306 BM-307 BM-307-1 BM-307-2 BM-307-3 BM-307-4 BM-308

Sr Para w/1 C Star Sr Para w/2 C Star Sr Para w/3 C Star Sr Para w/4 C Star Master Parachutist Master Para w/1 C Star Master Para w/2 C Star Master Para w/3 C Star Master Para w/4 C Star Combat Action Badge Air Assault Expert Infantryman

BM-308-1 BM-308-2 BM-308-3 BM-308-4 BM-309 BM-309-1 BM-309-2 BM-309-3 BM-309-4 BM-312 BM-313 BM-314

Combat Infantry Combat Infantry, 2nd Awd Combat Infantry, 3rd Awd Expert Field Medical Combat Medical Combat Medical, 2nd Awd Combat Medical, 3rd Awd Pathfinder Scuba Explosive Ord Disposal Senior E.O.D.

BM-315 BM-316 BM-316A BM-317 BM-318 BM-319 BM-319A BM-320 BM-321 BM-325 BM-326

Master E.O.D. Flight Surgeon Senior Flight Surgeon Master Flight Surgeon Diver First Class Diver Second Class Salvage Diver Master Diver Pararigger Spec Ops Diver Spec Ops Diving Supv

BM-327 BM-328 BM-329 BM-330 BM-337 BM-338 BM-339 BM-340 BM-341 BM-346 BM-347

ACU Caps For More ACU INSIGNIA Visit Us on the Web

Available in Sizes: 61/2, 65/8, 63/4, 67/8, 7, 71/8, 71/4, 73/8, 71/2, 75/8, 73/4, 77/8

Blank Private Private 1st Class Corporal Spec 4th Class Sergeant Staff Sgt Sgt 1st Class Master Sgt 1st Sgt Sgt Major Cmd Sgt Major Warrant Officer 1 Warrant Officer 2 Warrant Officer 3 Warrant Officer 4 Warrant Officer 5 2nd Lieutenant 1st Lieutenant Captain Major Lt Colonel Colonel Brig General Maj General Lt General General OCS WOC Chaplain US

ACU Rank w/Hook Fastener SV-100 SV-101 SV-102 SV-103 SV-104 SV-105 SV-106 SV-107 SV-108 SV-109 SV-110 SV-111 SV-112 SV-113 SV-114 SV-115 SV-115A SV-116 SV-117 SV-118 SV-119 SV-120 SV-121 SV-122 SV-123-C SV-124-C SV-125-C SV-130 SV-131 SV-135 SV-136

Sew-On N/A SWV-101 SWV-102 SWV-103 SWV-104 SWV-105 SWV-106 SWV-107 SWV-108 SWV-109 SWV-110 SWV-111 SWV-112 SWV-113 SWV-114 SWV-115 SWV-115A SWV-116 SWV-117 SWV-118 SWV-119 SWV-120 SWV-121 SWV-122 SWV-123P SWV-124P SWV-125P N/A N/A SWV-135 N/A

GORE-TEX® Loop N/A AR-GL301 AR-GL302 AR-GL303 AR-GL304 AR-GL305 AR-GL306 AR-GL307 AR-GL308 AR-GL309 AR-GL310 AR-GL311 AR-GL315 AR-GL316 AR-GL317 AR-GL318 AR-GL319 AR-GL320 AR-GL321 AR-GL322 AR-GL323 AR-GL324 AR-GL325 AR-GL326 AR-GL327 N/A N/A N/A AR-GL328 N/A N/A

Multicam Rank w/Hook Fastener SV-200 SV-201 SV-202 SV-203 SV-204 SV-205 SV-206 SV-207 SV-208 SV-209 SV-210 SV-211 SV-212 SV-213 SV-214 SV-215 SV-215A SV-216 SV-217 SV-218 SV-219 SV-220 SV-221 SV-222 SV-223 SV-224 SV-225 N/A N/A SV-235 SV-202

Multicam Rank Sew-On SWV-200 SWV-201 SWV-202 SWV-203 SWV-204 SWV-205 SWV-206 SWV-207 SWV-208 SWV-209 SWV-210 SWV-211 SWV-212 SWV-213 SWV-214 SWV-215 SWV-215A SWV-216 SWV-217 SWV-218 SWV-219 SWV-220 SWV-221 SWV-222 SWV-223 SWV-224 SWV-225 N/A N/A SWV-235 SWV-202

Black Metal Rank Private Private 1st Class Corporal Spec 4th Class Sergeant Staff Sgt Sgt 1st Class Master Sgt 1st Sgt Sgt Major Cmd Sgt Major WO 1 WO 2 WO 3 WO 4 WO 5 2nd Lieutenant 1st Lieutenant Captain Major Lt Colonel Colonel Brig General Maj Gen - Pt/Ctr Maj Gen - Pnt/Pnt Lt Gen - Pnt/Ctr Lt Gen - Pnt/Pnt Gen - Pnt/Ctr Gen - Pnt/Pnt

BM-101 BM-102 BM-103 BM-104 BM-105 BM-106 BM-107 BM-108 BM-109 BM-110 BM-111 BM-112 BM-113 BM-114 BM-115 BM-115A BM-116 BM-117 BM-118 BM-119 BM-120 BM-121 BM-122 BM-123C BM-123P BM-124C BM-124P BM-125C BM-125P

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699

Patrol Cap Digital Camo (ACU) ACU CAP-00

Boonie Cap Digital Camo (ACU) ACU BOONIE

ACU Helmet Covers

ACU Kevlar Helmet Cover No Buttonholes & No Flap 8106-A Buttonholes 8106-B Buttonholes & Flap 8106-F


Name Tapes Plastic Name Tags

ACU Name Tapes

ACU Name EMB-150 Plastic Name Tag Smooth Finish PLA-103

Plastic Name Tag Pebble Finish PLA-101

Flight Tag FT-101

ACU U.S. Army EMB-151

ACU Infrared Insignia w/Hook Fastener ACU Gortex Name EMB-150C


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3/4” w/hook fastener 3/4” w/o hook fastener 1” w/hook fastener 2” w/hook fastener

IR-3999/WV IR-3995/NV IR-4004 IR-4002

U.S. Flag - full color IR-4020/FULL COLOR

U.S. Flag - full color IR-4010/FULL COLOR

U.S. Flag - Desert IR-4020/DESERT

U.S. Flag - Desert IR-4010/DESERT

MP - Clear IR-7025/GAR

A-Positive-Desert IR-4025/A POS

Explosive Ord Demolition IR-7018/TAN

AB-Positive-Desert IR-4025/AB POS

A-Negative-Desert IR-4025/A NEG AB-Negative-Desert IR-4025/AB NEG

B-Positive-Desert IR-4025/B POS

B-Negative-Desert IR-4025/B NEG

No Known Drug Allergies IR-7016/TAN

O-Positive-Desert IR-4025/O POS

O-Negative-Desert IR-4025/O NEG

Army ACU Armband

Foliage Name Tapes

Foliage Name EMB-158A

Foliage U.S. Army EMB-159

Foliage Gortex Name EMB-158D

Multicam Name Tapes

No Known Allergies IR-7015/TAN

No Penicillin-Desert IR-7017/TAN


Multicam Name Tape EMB-194

Buckle B-109

Belt Tip B-203

Cotton BM-410

Nylon BM-403

Elastic BM-404

Multicam U.S. Army Tape EMB-194C

Multicam Gortex Name EMB-195A

Military Rigger Belt

White Name Tapes Military Belt

White Name EMB-113A (specify embroidery)

White U.S. Army EMB-113A (specify embroidery)

• For BDU Pants. Metal Cargo Buckle/Hook Fastener Closure • Heavy Duty 1 3/4” Nylon. Fully Adjustable. Item #: Color Belt-AS Desert Tan Belt-BS Foliage Belt-CS Black Belt-DS Olive Drab Belt-ES Coyote Brown Belt-FS Navy Sizes: S (27-31), M (31-35), L (35-39), XL (39-43)

Style: Belt-xx

• Mil-Spec Buckle and “D” ring tie-in anchor point • Strong 1.75” nylon webbing. 8,000 lb. tensile strength • Abrasion liner minimizes wear • Hook and Loop covered to prevent belt from flapping • Heat-sealed and eliminates unraveling • Made in the USA - Guaranteed for Life! Item #: Color: Belt-RiggerA Desert Tan Belt-RiggerB Foliage Belt-RiggerC Black Belt-RiggerD Navy Belt-RiggerE Olive Drab Belt-RiggerF Coyote Brown Sizes: S (27-31), M (31-35), L (35-39), XL (39-43)

Style: Belt-Rigger

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


New Multicam Patches

1st Infantry Div PMV-0001A

1st Armor Div PMV-0001B

1st Cavalry Div PMV-0001C

1st Army PMV-0001D

1st Corps PMV-0001F

1st Spec Ops Cmd PMV-0001K

1st Medical Bde PMV-0001L

1st Space Bde PMV-0001N

1st Sust Bde PMV-0001O

1st Man Enhance Bde PMV-0001Q

2nd Inf Div PMV-0002A

2nd Armor Cav PMV-0002C

2nd Medical Bde PMV-0002I

2nd Engineer Bde PMV-0002K

2nd Marine Div PMV-0002U

2nd Marine Exp Frc PMV-0002V

3rd Inf Div PMV-0003A

3rd Army PMV-0003C

3rd Corps PMV-0003D

3rd Support Cmd PMV-0003E

3rd Armor Cav PMV-0003H

3rd Medical Cmd PMV-0003I

3rd Sust Bde PMV-0003L

3rd Man Enhance Bde PMV-0003N

4th Infantry Div PMV-0004A

4th Medical Bde PMV-0004D

4th Man Enhance Bde PMV-0004E

4th Sust Cmd PMV-0004K

4th Sust Bde PMV-0004L

4th Marine Exp Bde PMV-0004V

5th Corps PMV-0005C

7th Infantry PMV-0007A

7th Signal Bde PMV-0007G

7th Trans Cmd PMV-0007H

8th Medical Bde PMV-0008C

8th MP Bde PMV-0008E

10th Infantry Div PMV-0010A

10th Sust Bde PMV-0010D

11th Avn Bde PMV-0011C

11th Signal Bde PMV-0011D

11th Military Police PMV-0011E

13th Sust Cmd PMV-0013A

12th Aviation Bde PMV-00012A

15th Sust Bde PMV-0015A

16th MP Bde PMV-0016A

16th Engineer Bde PMV-0016B

16th Sust Bde PMV-0016C

16th Avn Bde PMV-0016D

17th FA PMV-0017B

17th Sust Bde PMV-0017C

18th Airborne Corps PMV-0018A

18th Engineer Bde PMV-0018D

18th MP Bde PMV-0018G

20th Eng Bde PMV-0020A

20th Support Cmd PMV-0020C

25th Infantry Div PMV-0025A

26th Man Enhanc Bde PMV-0026A

27th Infantry PMV-0027A

28th Inf Div PMV-0028A

29th Inf Bde PMV-00029A

29th Inf Div PMV-0029B

30th Armor Bde PMV-0030A

30th Medical Bde PMV-0030E

31st Armd Chem Bde PMV-0031B

34th Infantry Div PMV-0034A

35th Engineer Bde PMV-0035B

35th Infantry Div PMV-0035C

35th Sig Bde PMV-0035D

36th Inf Div PMV-0036A

36th Engineer Gp PMV-0036B

37th Infantry Bde PMV-0037B

37th Inf Bde PMV-0037C

38th Infantry Div PMV-0038A

39th Inf Bde PMV-0039A

40th Infantry Div PMV-0040B

41st FA Bde PMV-0041A

42nd Infantry Div PMV-0042B

42nd MP Bde PMV-0042C

42nd Spt Group PMV-00042D

43rd MP Bde PMV-0043B

43rd Sust Bde PMV-0043C

44th Medical Bde PMV-0044A

45th Infantry Bde PMV-0045A

45th Sust Bde PMV-0045C

48th Inf Bde PMV-0048A

48th Chem Bde PMV-0048B

49th MP Bde PMV-0049B

50th Inf Bde CT PMV-0050B

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


50th Support Grp PMV-0050C

New Multicam Patches

52nd Ordnance Gp PMV-0052A

53rd Infantry Bde PMV-0053B

71st Batfld Srv Bde 75th Ranger Regt HQ 1/75th Ranger Regt PMV-0075C PMV-0075D PMV-0071B

58th Inf Bde PMV-0058A

62nd Medical Bde PMV-0062A

63rd Avn Bde PMV-0063B

65 Resv Cmd PMV-0065A

66th Mil Intel Bde PMV-0066B

67th Btlfld Surv Bde PMV-0067A

69th ADA PMV-0069A

71st Ordnance Gp PMV-0071A

2/75th Ranger Regt PMV-0075E

3/75th Ranger Regt PMV-0075F

76th Inf Bde PMV-0076B

82nd Airborne Div PMV-0082A

82nd Sust Bde PMV-0082B

89th MP Bde PMV-0089B

95th Civil Affairs Bde PMV-0095B

101st Airborne Div PMV-0101A

101st Sust Bde PMV-0101B

103rd Field Artillery PMV-0103A

108th Sust Bde PMV-0108C

110th Man Enhance PMV-0110B

111th ADA Bde PMV-0111A

113th Sust Bde PMV-0113B

115th Spt Group PMV-0115B

116th Infantry Bde PMV-0116A

130th Engineer Bde PMV-0130A

130TH FA BDE PMV-0130B

136th Man Enhan PMV-0136A

142nd Btfld Surv PMV-0142C

143rd Sust Cmd PMV-0143A

155th Armor Bde PMV-0155A

160th Signal Bde PMV-0160A

164th ADA PMV-0164A

167th Sust Cmd PMV-0167A

168th Eng Bde PMV-0168A

170th Inf Div PMV-0170A

172nd Infantry Bde PMV-0172A

173rd Abn Bde PMV-0173A

174th ADA PMV-0174B

176th Eng Bde PMV-0176A

177th MP Bde PMV-0177B

184th Sust Cmd PMV-0184A

185th Aviation Bde PMV-0185A

194th Eng Bde PMV-0194B

196th Man Enh Bde PMV-0196C

197th Field Artillery PMV-0197B

200th MP Bde PMV-0200A

201 Battfld Svclnce PMV-201A

204th Man Enh Bde PMV-0204B

214th FA Fires Bde PMV-0214A

220th MP Bde PMV-0220A

224th Sust Bde PMV-0224B

225th Eng Bde PMV-0225A

226th Man Enh Bde PMV-0226A

228th Signal Bde PMV-0228A

230th Sust Bde PMV-0230A

290th MP Bde PMV-0290A

300th MP Bde PMV-0300B

300th Sust Bde PMV-0300C

301st Man En Bde PMV-0301B

302nd Man Enhan PMV-0302A

303rd Man Enhan PMV-0303A

304st Sust Bde PMV-304A

310th Sust Cmd PMV-0310A

311th Sust Cmd PMV-0311A

311th Signal Cmd PMV-0311B

316th Sust Cmd PMV-0316A

321st Sust Bde PMV-0321A

330th Medical Bde PMV-0330A

335th Sig Bde PMV-335A

359th Sig Bde PMV-0359A

364th Sust Cmd PMV-0364B

369th Sust Bde PMV-0369A

371st Sust Bde PMV-0371A

372nd Engineer Bde PMV-0372A

404th Man Enhan PMV-0404A

411th Eng Bde PMV-0411A

412th Eng Bde PMV-0412A

416th Eng Bde PMV-0416A

420th Eng Bde PMV-0420A

470th Mil Intell Bde PMV-0470A

504th Mil Intell Bde PMV-0504A

505th Signal Bde PMV-505A

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


New MultiCam Patches

513th Mil Intell Bde PMV-0513A

518th Sust Bde PMV-0518A

Acquisition Agency Afghan Comb Forces PMV-ACQ PMV-AFGAN

525th BSB PMV-0525A

528th Sust Bde PMV-0528A

555th Eng Gp PMV-0555A

593rd Sust Bde PMV-0593A

648th Man Enhan PMV-0648A

800th MP Bde PMV-0800A

807th Med Bde PMV-0807A

902nd Mil Intell Gp PMV-0902A

926th Eng Bde PMV-0926A

Army of One Star PMV-ARMY

Asym Wr Grp PMV-ASYM

Chem Brassard PMV-CBRN


Crim Invest Div PMV-CID

Civ Aff & Psy Ops Cmd PMV-CIVAFF


Corp of Eng PMV-CPENG

Criminal Investg Cmd PMV-CRIMI

Mil Intel Rd Cmd PMV-MINTRE

Mil Traff Mgmt Cmd PMV-MITFC


Expl Ord Disp PMV-EOD

Air Force Central PMV-FORSC

Intel & Security PMV-INSEC

Intrn Stab Afghan Frc JFK Spec Warfare PMV-ISAF PMV-JFKSW

Military Police PMV-MP

Arkansas NG PMV-NG/AR

Arizona NG PMV-NG/AZ

Connecticut NG PMV-NG/CT

Dist of Columbia NG PMV-NG/DC

Delaware NG PMV-NG/DE

Florida NG PMV-NG/FL

Georgia NG PMV-NG/GA

Illinois NG PMV-NG/IL

Indiana NG PMV-NG/IN


Kentucky NG PMV-NG/KY

Louisiana NG PMV-NG/LA


Maryland NG PMV-NG/MD

Michigan NG PMV-NG/MI

Minnesota NG PMV-NG/MN

Missouri NG PMV-NG/MO

Mississippi NG PMV-NG/MS

Montana NG PMV-NG/MT

Nebraska NG PMV-NG/NE


New Jersey NG PMV-NG/NJ

New Mexico NG PMV-NG/NM


North Carolina PMV-NG/NC


Oklahoma NG PMV-NG/OK


Puerto Rico NG PMV-NG/PR

S Carolina NG PMV-NG/SC


Tennesse NG PMV-NG/TN

Virgin Islands NG PMV-NG/VI

Wisconsin NG PMV-NG/WI


S Euro Task Frc PMV-SETAF


Special Forces PMV-SFORC

Spec Ops Cmd PMV-SOPER

Joint Forces Cmd PMV-SPC OPNS CMD

Trial Def Svc PMV-TRIAL

W Virginia Ntnl Guard NATO Trg Mss Afghan PMV-NG/WV PMV-NTMA

Legal Svc Agency PMV-LEG

Multi-Ntnl Frc Iraq Mil Dist of Washington PMV-MFIRAQ PMV-MIDIS

MultiCam Tabs

Airborne PMVT-101

Ranger PMVT-102

Special Forces PMVT-103

Mountain PMVT-104

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699

Sapper PMVT-105


Necklace Medallions

Protect Us w/Eagle

NS-742A NS-742B NS-743A NS-743B NS-744A NS-744B NS-745A NS-745B NS-746A NS-746B

1 1/8” Oval 1 1/8” Oval 1 1/8” Oval 1 1/8” Oval 1 1/8” Oval 1 1/8” Oval 1 1/8” Oval 1 1/8” Oval 1 1/8” Oval 1 1/8” Oval

Silver Gold Silver Gold Silver Gold Silver Gold Silver Gold

Protect us & Eagle w/US Army Protect us & Eagle w/US Army Protect us & Eagle w/US Air Force Protect us & Eagle w/US Air Force Protect us & Eagle w/US Navy Protect us & Eagle w/US Navy Protect us & Eagle w/US Marine Protect us & Eagle w/US Marine Protect us & Eagle w/US Paratrooper Protect us & Eagle w/US Paratrooper

Saint Michael - Pray for Us

NS-712A NS-712B NS-713A NS-713B NS-714A NS-714B NS-715A NS-715B NS-716A NS-716B

1” Oval 1” Oval 1” Oval 1” Oval 1” Oval 1” Oval 1” Oval 1” Oval 1” Oval 1” Oval

Silver Gold Silver Gold Silver Gold Silver Gold Silver Gold

Saint Michael w/US Army Saint Michael w/US Army Saint Michael w/US Air Force Saint Michael w/US Air Force Saint Michael w/US Navy Saint Michael w/US Navy Saint Michael w/US Marine Corps Saint Michael w/US Marine Corps Saint Michael w/US Paratrooper Saint Michael w/US Paratrooper

Saint Christopher - Guardian Angel

NS-706A NS-706B NS-707A NS-707B NS-708A NS-708B NS-709A NS-709B NS-710A NS-710B NS-711A NS-711B

Saint Michael - Pray for Us

1 1/4” Round 1 1/4” Round 1 1/4” Round 1 1/4” Round 1 1/4” Round 1 1/4” Round 1 1/4” Round 1 1/4” Round 1 1/4” Round 1 1/4” Round 1 1/4” Round 1 1/4” Round

Silver Gold Silver Gold Silver Gold Silver Gold Silver Gold Silver Gold

Saint Christopher w/Guardian Angel Saint Christopher w/Guardian Angel Saint Christopher w/US Army Saint Christopher w/US Army Saint Christopher w/US Air Force Saint Christopher w/US Air Force Saint Christopher w/US Navy Saint Christopher w/US Navy Saint Christopher w/US Marine Corps Saint Christopher w/US Marine Corps Saint Christopher w/US Paratrooper Saint Christopher w/US Paratrooper

My Guardian Angel

Pendant Box 2 1/4 x 3 x 1 3/8 Black Velour w/Gold Trim PMVT-105

NS-727A NS-727B NS-728A NS-728B NS-729A NS-729B NS-730A NS-730B NS-731A NS-731B NS-801 Saint Michael Gold

1 1/2” Dog Tag 1 1/2” Dog Tag 1 1/2” Dog Tag 1 1/2” Dog Tag 1 1/2” Dog Tag 1 1/2” Dog Tag 1 1/2” Dog Tag 1 1/2” Dog Tag 1 1/2” Dog Tag 1 1/2” Dog Tag 7/8” Dog Tag 7/8” Dog Tag 7/8” Dog Tag 7/8” Dog Tag 7/8” Dog Tag 7/8” Dog Tag 7/8” Dog Tag 7/8” Dog Tag 7/8” Dog Tag 7/8” Dog Tag

Silver Gold Silver Gold Silver Gold Silver Gold Silver Gold Silver Gold Silver Gold Silver Gold Silver Gold Silver Gold

Silver Gold Silver Gold Silver Gold Silver Gold Silver Gold

Saint Michael w/US Army Saint Michael w/US Army Saint Michael w/US Air Force Saint Michael w/US Air Force Saint Michael w/US Navy Saint Michael w/US Navy Saint Michael w/US Marine Corps Saint Michael w/US Marine Corps Saint Michael w/US Paratrooper Saint Michael w/US Paratrooper

NS-722A NS-722B NS-723A NS-723B NS-724A NS-724B NS-725A NS-725B NS-726A NS-726B

1” Oval 1” Oval 1” Oval 1” Oval 1” Oval 1” Oval 1” Oval 1” Oval 1” Oval 1” Oval

Silver Gold Silver Gold Silver Gold Silver Gold Silver Gold

Guardian Angel w/US Army Guardian Angel w/US Army Guardian Angel w/US Air Force Guardian Angel w/US Air Force Guardian Angel w/US Navy Guardian Angel w/US Navy Guardian Angel w/US Marine Corps Guardian Angel w/US Marine Corps Guardian Angel w/US Paratrooper Guardian Angel w/US Paratrooper

NS-800 Saint Michael Silver

Saint Michael - In Harms Way

NS-732A NS-732B NS-733A NS-733B NS-734A NS-734B NS-735A NS-735B NS-736A NS-736B NS-737A NS-737B NS-738A NS-738B NS-739A NS-739B NS-740A NS-740B NS-741A NS-741B

1” Round 1” Round 1” Round 1” Round 1” Round 1” Round 1” Round 1” Round 1” Round 1” Round

St Michael w/In Harms Way/US Army St Michael w/In Harms Way/US Army St Michael w/In Harms Way/USAF St Michael w/In Harms Way/USAF St Michael w/In Harms Way/US Navy St Michael w/In Harms Way/US Navy St Michael w/In Harms Way/USMC St Michael w/In Harms Way/USMC St Michael w/In Harms Way/US Paratrpr St Michael w/In Harms Way/US Paratrpr St Michael w/In Harms Way/US Army St Michael w/In Harms Way/US Army St Michael w/In Harms Way/USAF St Michael w/In Harms Way/USAF St Michael w/In Harms Way/US Navy St Michael w/In Harms Way/US Navy St Michael w/In Harms Way/USMC St Michael w/In Harms Way/USMC St Michael w/In Harms Way/US Paratrpr St Michael w/In Harms Way/US Paratrpr

Saint George - Pray for Us

NS-717A NS-717B NS-718A NS-718B NS-719A NS-719B NS-720A NS-720B NS-721A NS-721B

1” Oval 1” Oval 1” Oval 1” Oval 1” Oval 1” Oval 1” Oval 1” Oval 1” Oval 1” Oval

Silver Gold Silver Gold Silver Gold SIlver Gold Silver Gold

Saint George w/US Army Saint George w/US Army Saint George w/US Air Force Saint George w/US Air Force Saint George w/US Navy Saint George w/US Navy Saint George w/US Marine Corps Saint George w/US Marine Corps Saint George w/US Paratrooper Saint George w/US Paratrooper

Saint Michaels - Guardian Angel

NS-700A NS-700B NS-701A NS-701B NS-702A NS-702B NS-703A NS-703B NS-704A NS-704B NS-705A NS-705B

1 1/4” Round 1 1/4” Round 1 1/4” Round 1 1/4” Round 1 1/4” Round 1 1/4” Round 1 1/4” Round 1 1/4” Round 1 1/4” Round 1 1/4” Round 1 1/4” Round 1 1/4” Round

Silver Gold Silver Gold Silver Gold Silver Gold Silver Gold Silver Gold


Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699

Saint Michaels w/Guardian Angel Saint Michaels w/Guardian Angel Saint Michaels w/US Army Saint Michaels w/US Army Saint Michaels w/US Air Force Saint Michaels w/US Air Force Saint Michaels w/US Navy Saint Michaels w/US Navy Saint Michaels w/US Marine Corps Saint Michaels w/US Marine Corps Saint Michaels w/US Paratrooper Saint Michaels w/US Paratrooper


Enlisted Rank & Branch of Service Officer Branch of Service

Enlisted Branch of Service

Adjutant General NS-OS201


Armor NS-OS203

Aviation NS-OS204

Cavalry NS-OS205

Adjutant General NS-E201


Armor NS-E203

Aviation NS-E204

Cavalry NS-E205

Chaplain NS-OS206

Chemical NS-OS208

Civil Affairs NS-OS209

Engineer NS-OS210

Field Artillery NS-OS211

Chaplain Asst NS-E206

Chemical NS-E208

Civil Affairs NS-E209

Engineer NS-E210

Field Artillery NS-E211


Medical NS-OS217

Dental NS-OS218

Finance NS-E212

Infantry NS-E214


Medical NS-E217

Military Intelligence NS-E223

Military Intelligence NS-OS223

Military Police NS-OS224

Military Police NS-E224

Ordnance NS-E226

Quartermaster NS-E227

Signal NS-E228

Special Forces NS-E229

Transportation NS-OS232

Public Affairs NS-E230

Psych Ops NS-E231

Transportation NS-E232

Sergeant Major NS-E234

“US” NS-E333

Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve LAPEL-005

Naval Reserve LAPEL-006

Infantry NS-OS214

Finance NS-OS212

Nurse NS-OS219

Med Svc Corps NS-OS220

Logistics NS-OS221

Signal NS-OS228

Quartermaster NS-OS227

Psych Ops NS-OS225

Army Enlisted Rank

Special Forces NS-OS229

Ordnance NS-OS226

Army Officer Rank

Lapel Pins

Private NS-101

Sgt 1st Class NS-107

WO 01 NS-112

1st Lt NS-117

Maj Gn (PC) NS-123C

Pvt 1st Cls NS-102

Master Sgt NS-108

WO 02 NS-113

Captain NS-118

Maj Gn (PP) NS-123P

Corporal NS-103

1st Sergeant NS-109

WO 03 NS-114

Major NS-119

Lt Gn (PC) NS-124C

Spc 4th Cls NS-104

Sgt Major NS-110

WO 04 NS-115

Lt Col NS-120

Lt Gn (PP) NS-124P

Sergeant NS-105

Cmd Sgt Maj NS-111

WO 05 NS-115-A

Colonel NS-121

Gen (PC) NS-125C

2nd Lt NS-116

Brig Gen NS-122

Gen (PP) NS-125P

Staff Sergeant NS-106

Army Civilian Retired LAPEL-004

AF Volunteer Excellence Award LAPEL-013

Regimental Insignia

Officer Air Defense Artillery Aviation Cavalry Infantry Military Police Armor

Length of Svc 10 Years LAPEL-025

Length of Svc 15 Years LAPEL-026

Length of Svc 30 Years LAPEL-029

Length of Svc 35 Years LAPEL-030

Army Ret Pers LAPEL-008

US Air Force NS-T402

US Navy NS-T403

US Marine Corps NS-T404

Army LAPEL-001

US Army w/Flag NS-TF01

US Air Force w/Flag NS-TF03

US Navy w/Flag NS-TF02

USMC w/Flag NS-TF04



Special Forces Field Artillery Military Intelligence Engineer (Closed Window) Engineer (Open Window)

Air Defense Artillery Aviation Cavalry Infantry Military Police Armor

Special Forces Field Artillery Military Intelligence Eng (Closed Window) Eng (Open Window)

Minimum Quantity: Officer - 12 Pairs; Enlisted - 48 Pairs

Patriotic Civilian Service LAPEL-007

US Army NS-T401

USAF Civilian Retired LAPEL-010

Length of Svc 20 Years LAPEL-027

Length of Svc 40 Years LAPEL-031

USAF Retired LAPEL-003

Length of Svc 25 Years LAPEL-028

Length of Svc 45 Years LAPEL-032

Length of Svc 50 Years LAPEL-033

Navy Honor Discharge LAPEL-011

Navy Reservist Honor Discharge LAPEL-012

Meritorious Civ Svc Awd AR ML-L1311

WWII Honorable Discharge LAPEL-014

Exceptional Civ Svc Awd AR ML-L1310

Next of Kin of Deceased Pers LAPEL-020

Cmdr Awd Pub Svc Army ML-L1302

Superior Civ Svc Army ML-L1312

Next of Kin of Pers Killed in Action LAPEL-021

Achieve Medal Civ Svc Army ML-L1314

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699

US Army Retired NEW LAPEL-015

Distinguished Civ Svc Awd AR ML-L1300


Outstanding Civ Svc Awd AR ML-L1301


No Shine Badges

Aviator FULL NS-301 SO-301 MINI NS-501

Expert Infantry FULL NS-314 SO-314 MINI NS-514

Senior Aviator FULL NS-302 SO-302 MINI NS-502

Expert Field Med FULL NS-317 SO-317 MINI NS-517

Combat Infantry FULL NS-315 SO-315 MINI NS-515

Combat Med FULL NS-318 SO-318 MINI NS-518

Combat Infantry 2nd FULL NS-316 SO-316 MINI NS-516

Master Aviator FULL NS-303 SO-303 MINI NS-503


Combat Med 2nd FULL NS-319 SO-319 MINI NS-519


E.O.D. FULL NS-325 SO-325 MINI NS-525

Flight Surgeon FULL NS-328 S0-328 MINI NS-528

Air Crewman FULL NS-304 SO-304 MINI NS-504

Senior E.O.D. FULL NS-326 SO-326 MINI NS-526

Senior Flight Surgeon FULL NS-329 S0-329 MINI NS-529

Senior Air Crewman FULL NS-305 SO-305 MINI NS-505

Master E.O.D. FULL NS-327 SO-327 MINI NS-527

Master Flight Surgeon FULL NS-330 SO-330 MINI NS-530

Master Air Crewman FULL NS-306 SO-306 MINI NS-506

Rigger FULL NS-341 SO-341 MINI NS-541 Air Assault FULL NS-313 SO -313 MINI NS-513

Combat Infantry 3rd FULL NS-316A SO-316A MINI NS-516A

Combat Med 3rd FULL NS-319A SO-319A MINI NS-519A


Pathfinder FULL NS-320 MINI NS-520

Sapper FULL NS-331 MINI NS-531

Ranger FULL NS-332 MINI NS-532

Glider FULL NS-342 SO-342

Special Forces FULL NS-333 MINI NS-533

Combat Action Badge FULL NS-312 SO-312 MINI NS-512

Parachutist FULL NS-307 SO-307 MINI NS-507

Cmbt Parachutist 1st FULL NS-307-1 SO-307-1 MINI NS-507-1

Cmbt Parachutist 2nd FULL NS-307-2 SO-307-2 MINI NS-507-2

Cmbt Parachutist 3rd FULL NS-307-3 SO-307-3 MINI NS-507-3

Cmbt Parachutist 4th FULL NS-307-4 SO-307-4 MINI NS-507-4

Scuba FULL NS-321 SO-321 MINI NS-521

Senior Parachutist FULL NS-308 SO-308 MINI NS-508

Cmbt Senior Parachutist 1st FULL NS-308-1 SO-308-1 MINI NS-508-1

Cmbt Senior Parachutist 2nd FULL NS-308-2 SO-308-2 MINI NS-508-2

Cmbt Senior Parachutist 3rd FULL NS-308-3 SO-308-3 MINI NS-508-3

Cmbt Senior Parachutist 4th FULL NS-308-4 SO-308-4 MINI NS-508-4

Diver 1st FULL NS-337 SO-337 MINI NS-537

Diver 2nd FULL NS-338 SO-338 MINI NS-538

Special Operations Diver FULL NS-346 SO-346

Master Parachutist FULL NS-309 S0-309 MINI NS-509

Cmbt Master Parachutist 1st FULL NS-309-1 SO-309-1 MINI NS-509-1

Cmbt Master Parachutist 2nd FULL NS-309-2 SO-309-2 MINI NS-509-2

Cmbt Master Parachutist 3rd FULL NS-309-3 SO-309-3 MINI NS-509-3

Cmbt Master Parachutist 4th FULL NS-309-4 SO-309-4 MINI NS-509-4

Salvage Diver FULL NS-339 SO-339 MINI NS-539

Master Diver FULL NS-340 SO-340 MINI NS-540

Special Ops Diving Supervisor FULL NS-347 SO-347

Qualification Bars

Rifle NS-354 SO-354

Pistol NS-355 SO-355

Grenade NS-356 SO-356

Machine Gun NS-357 SO-357

M-16 NS-358 SO-358

Bayonet NS-359 SO-359

Mechanic NS-360 SO-360

Driver NS-361 SO-361

Driver-T NS-362 SO-362

Driver-W NS-363 SO-363

Driver-A NS-364 SO-364

Driver-M NS-365 SO-365

Operator-S NS-366 SO-366

AA Artillery NS-367 SO-367

M-60 NS-368 SO-368

M-203 NS-369 SO-369

Riot Gun NS-371

Aeroweapons NS-372

Missile NS-373

Tank Weapons NS-374 SO-374

Field Artillery NS-375 SO-375

Rocket Launcher NS-376

Submachine Gun NS-377 SO-377

Mortar NS-378 SO-378

Marksman NS-350 SO-350

Sharpshooter NS-351 SO-351

Expert NS-352 SO-352

Driver NS-353 SO-353

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


Breast Badges Gold Recruiter Disk REC-2 GOLD

MP Badge Nickel NS-803

N/G Basic Recruiter NS-806 BM-806

MP Badge Silver Ox SO-803

Army Reserve Recruiter NS-813 BM-813

CID Belt Badge NS-811

N/G Senior Recruiter NS-807 BM-807

N/G Master Recruiter NS-808 BM-808

Career Counselor Nickel NS-804 Silver Ox SO-804 BM-804

Badges also available in Black Metal

Green Recruiter Disk Green/Red REC-2 GRN Recruiter Disk Red REC-2 GRN WITH RED Recruiter Disk Red/Green REC-2 RED Recruiter Disk REC-2 RED WITH GRN

Army Recruiter Gold NS-897 BM-897

Drill Instructor NS-812 BM-812

Army Recruiter Silver NS-896 BM-896

American Flag Patches



Full Color (Reverse) N-008

Full Color N-010

U.S. Flag - full color IR-4020/FULL COLOR

U.S. Flag - full color IR-4010/FULL COLOR

Belts & Buckles

DOA/DOD Badges (specify guard or police)

Male Ridgeway Buckle B-120

Guard Cap Badge DOA P-DOA GUARD/2 DOD P-DOD/G2

Guard Shirt Badge DOA P-DOA GUARD/1 DOD P-DOD/G1

Police Cap Badge DOA P-DOA POLICE/2 DOD P-DOD/P2

Police Shirt Badge DOA P-DOA POLICE/1 DOD P-DOD/P1

Male Buckle (Roller) B-100

Female Ridgeway Buckle B-120F

Female Buckle (Roller) B-100F

Male Belt Tip B-201

Sergeant U-B-730B

Sergeant U-B-732B

Chief U-B-730E

Chief U-B-732E

Lieutenant U-B-730C

Lieutenant U-B-732C

Numbered U-B-730A

Numbered U-B-732A

Captain U-B-730D

Captain U-B-732D

Female Belt Tip B-201F

Male Cotton NS-405M

Male Elastic NS-404M

Male Nylon NS-403M

Female Cotton NS-415F

Female Elastic NS-414F

Female Nylon NS-413F

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


Custom Coins COIN SIZES


Shown here at Actual Size

Bright Polished Silver





Bright Polished Gold Pewter

Dome Over Patch

Diamond Cut 1



Dome Over Center

Rope Dome Over All

Diamond Cut 2

Antique Brass

How to Order Step 1: Decide on your artwork What will your coin look like? Everyone in your unit might have given you ideas and now it’s your choice. You probably have a good idea what artwork you want, but maybe you need help on the wording or layout. We can help you design a coin with the look you want.

Step 5: Pick extras for your coin • Clear Epoxy Dome Cover: covers the whole coin from rim to rim, just the inside ring, or just your logo. There is no additional charge. • Diamond Cut: you might want to add a diamond cut to the edge of your coin, one side or both. There is a $1.00 additional charge per side.

Step 2: Send us your artwork If you have a specific logo for your unit or organization, just send your graphics or logos in a file format of .ai, .eps, .tif or .jpg with a resolution of 150 to 300 dpi. If you have any questions about the formats listed, please do not hesitate to email or call us. You can send us artwork on CD or if your artwork is under 2MB in size, you may attach it to email.

Price is dependent on the size and shape of the coin. All custom coins require a die, or set of dies for production. This is necessary for tooling. The dies are made by hand by craftsmen, and remain in-house, and as such, are guaranteed to remain available for your continued use. Your dies are cast for either a 2 or 3 dimensional look.

Step 3: Decide on the finish of the coin Remember when picking the color of the coin, we have different finishes: Antique Gold, Antique Brass, Pewter (Antique Silver), Bright Polished Silver and Bright Polished Gold. You can have as many painted colors, baked enamel paint, on one or both sides of your coin at no extra charge. Step 4: Pick your coin size: 1.5”, 1.75”, 2” We know that every unit has a limited amount of money to purchase coins, but we have our coins priced to help your unit or organization. The average thickness is 3mm.

Dies are free of charge with a minimum purchase of 100 coins. All artwork is custom designed to your specifications and is based on the individual item requested. A proof fee of $35.00, including up to three (3) revisions, is charged; if an order is placed, this fee will be applied as a credit to your order. Our coins are the perfect medium of recognition for a squadron, unit, corporate milestone or anniversary, individual effort, or civic achievement.

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699





SF Green

Available with flash sewn on. Please specify which flash.

Ranger Tan

Multinational Forces

Sizes: 61/2’’ 65/8 63/4 67/8 7 71/8 71/4 73/8 71/2 75/8 73/4 77/8 Unlined with Leather Sweatband Lined with Leather Sweatband Unlined with Nylon Sweatband Unlined with Nylon Pre-Shaped




Multinational Beret BT-D17

Flash PF-MUL

Unit Crest DUI-MULTI


INSIGNIA WEAR WITHIN FLASH: Officers wear rank insignia within the flash. Enlisted wear distinctive unit insignia (DUI) within the flash.

More Styles Online:

Army Service Cord

Bullion Nylon

Army Dress Cord



French WWI


French WWII


Bullion Nylon


Infantry Regulation


Marksman CORD-A110

Please specify embroidery when ordering. Call for pricing.

Artillery CORD-A115

Vietnam CORD-F103

Belgian CORD-F102

A Armor Infantry

Netherlands CORD-N109

CD-C116 CD-C131

For more UNIFORM ITEMS, see pages 85-87 or visit us online: AB-AR/1 AB-AR/2 AB-AR01B AB-AR01K AB-AR01W AB-AR02B AB-AR02K AB-AR02N AB-AR02OD AB-AR03B AB-AR03K AB-AR03N AB-AR03OD AB-AR04 ADD FLAG

ACU, Leather Letters ACU, Embroidered Letters Black Leather, Leather Letters Khaki Leather, Leather Letters White Leather, Leather Letters Black Nylon, Leather Letters Khaki Nylon, Leather Letters AF Navy Nylon, Leather Letters OD Nylon, Leather Letters Black Nylon, Embroidered Letters Khaki Nylon, Embroidered Letters AF Navy Nylon, Embroidered Letters OD Nylon, Embroidered Letters Black Felt, Embroidered Letters

Sew-On or with Hook/Fastener Add Cost of the Flag ADD PATCH Sew-On or with Hook/Fastener Add Cost of the Patch

Unit pricing is available to those who qualify. Speak with one of our representatives for more information. BDU Hat Block M-A01 Leadership Tabs w/Fastener M-A05


Boot Twist M-A03

Pace Counter M-A04

Helmet Pad M-A02

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699

Leadership Tabs w/Snap M-A05A


Full Color Patches

Sizes will vary — proportions are not accurate as shown.


Full Color with Fastener

Full Color without Fastener

NEW Full Color Patches with Fastener are approved to be worn with the ACU Uniform during ceremonies, parades, and change of commands.

P-0001A-F 1st Infantry Div

P-0001B-F 1st Armor Div

P-0001C-F 1st Cavalry Div

P-0001D-F 1st Army

P-0001E-F 1st Aviation Bde

P-0001N-F 1st Space Bde

P-0001O-F 1st Sust Bde

P-0001Q-F 1st MEB

P-0001F-F 1st Corps

P-0001G-F 1st Field Force

P-0001H-F 1st Support Cmd

P-0001I-F 1st Personnel Cmd

P-0001J-F 1st Signal Bde

P-0001L-F 1st Medical Bde

P-0001M-F 1st Info Op Cmd

P-0001R-F 1st Marine Div

P-0002A-F 2nd Inf Div

P-0002B-F 2nd Armor Div

P-0002C-F 2nd Arm Cavalry

P-0002D-F 2nd Army

P-0002E-F 2nd Field Force

P-0002F-F 2nd Mil Int Cmd

P-0002G-F 2nd Signal Bde

P-0002H-F 2nd Support Bde

P-0002I-F 2nd Medical Bde

P-0002J-F 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing

MC-P-02AF 2nd Marine Div

P-0003A-F 3rd Infantry Div

P-0003B-F 3rd Armor Div

P-0003C-F 3rd Army

P-0003D-F 3rd Corps

P-0003E-F 3rd COSCOM

P-0003F-F 3rd Personnel Cmd

P-0003G-F 3rd Signal Bde

P-0003H-F 3rd Armor Cavalry

P-0003I-F 3rd Med Cmd

P-0003J-F 3rd Trans Agency

P-0003K-F 3rd Chemical Bde

P-0003L-F 3rd Sust Bde

P-0003M-F 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing

MC-P-03AF 3rd Marine Div

P-0003N-F 3rd Man Enhance Bde

P-0004A-F 4th Infantry Div

P-0004B-F 4th Army

P-0004C-F 4th Trans Cmd

P-0004D-F 4th Medical Bde

P-0004E-F 4th Man. Enhanc Bde

P-0004K-F 4th Sustainment Cmd

P-0004L-F 4th Sustainment Bde

P-0005A-F 5th Infantry Div

P-0005B-F 5th Army

P-0005C-F 5th Corps

P-0005D-F 5th Bde TRN

P-0005E-F 5th Signal Cmd

P-0006A-F 6th Infantry Div

P-0006B-F 6th Army

P-0006C-F 6th Arm Cavalry

P-0006D-F 6th Cavalry Bde

P-0006E-F 6th Signal Cmd

P-0007A-F 7th Inf Div

P-0007B-F 7th Army

P-0007C-F 7th Corps

P-0007D-F 7th Army Spt Cmd

P-0007E-F 7th Engineer Bde

P-0007F-F 7th Medical Cmd

P-0007G-F 7th Signal Bde

P-0007H-F 7th Trans Cmd

P-0007I-F 7th Army Res Cmd

P-0008A-F 8th Infantry Div

P-0008B-F 8th Army

P-0008C-F 8th Medical Bde

P-0008D-F 8th Personnel Cmd

P-0008E-F 8th MP Bde

P-0008F-F 8th Theater Sust Cmd

P-0009A-F 9th Infantry Div

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


Full Color Patches

P-0009B-F 9th Corps

P-0009C-F 9th Support Cmd

P-0010A-F 10th Infantry Div

P-0010B-F 10th ADA

P-0010C-F 10th Personnel Cmd

P-0010D-F 10th Sustainment Bde

P-0011A-F 11th Arm Cavalry

P-0011B-F 11th ADA Bde

P-0011C-F 11th Aviation Bde

P-0011D-F 11th Signal Bde

P-0011E-F 11th MP Bde

P-0012A-F 12th Aviation Bde

P-0013A-F 13th Sustainment Cmd

P-0013B-F 13th Finance Gp

P-0014A-F 14th MP Bde

P-0015A-F 15th Sust Bde

P-0015B-F 15th Signal Bde

P-0015C-F 15th MP Bde

P-0016A-F 16th MP Bde

P-0016B-F 16th Engineer Bde

P-0016C-F 16th Sust Bde

P-0016D-F 16th Aviation Bde

P-0017A-F 17th Aviation Bde

P-0017B-F 17th FA Bde

P-0018A-F 18th Abn Corps

P-0018B-F 18th Aviation Bde

P-0018D-F 18th Engineer Bde

P-0018E-F 18th FA Bde

P-0018F-F 18th Medical Bde

P-0018G-F 18th MP Bde

P-0019A-F 19th Support Cmd

P-0020A-F 20th Engineer Bde

P-0020B-F 20th Aviation Bde

P-0020C-F 20th Support Cmd

P-0021A-F 21st Support Cmd

P-0021B-F 21st Cavalry Bde

P-0021C-F 21st Signal Bde

P-0022A-F 22nd Support Bde

P-0022B-F 22nd Signal Bde

P-0023A-F 23rd Corps

P-0023B-F 23rd Infantry Div

P-0024A-F 24th Infantry Div

P-0024B-F 24th Corps

P-0025A-F 25th Infantry Div

P-0026A-F 26th MEB

P-0027A-F 27th Infantry Bde

P-0028A-F 28th Infantry Div

P-0029A-F 29th Infantry Bde

P-0029B-F 29th Infantry Div

P-0030A-F 30th Armor Bde

P-0030B-F 30th Armor Div

P-0030C-F 30th Engineer Bde

P-0030D-F 30th Infantry Bde

P-0030E-F 30th Medical Bde

P-0031A-F 31st ADA

P-0031B-F 31st Armor Bde

P-0032A-F 32nd ADA

P-0032B-F 32nd Infantry Bde

P-0032C-F 32nd Support Cmd

P-0032D-F 32nd Medical Bde

P-0033A-F 33rd Infantry Bde

P-0034A-F 34th Infantry Div

P-0035A-F 35th ADA

P-0035B-F 35th Engineer Bde

P-0035C-F 35th Infantry Div

P-0035D-F 35th Signal Brigade

P-0036A-F 36th Infantry Div

P-0036B-F 36th Engineer Gp

P-0036C-F 36th Sust Bde

P-0037A-F 37th Trans Gp

P-0037B-F 37th Inf Bde

P-0038A-F 38th Infantry Div

P-0038B-F 38th Sust Bde

P-0039A-F 39th Infantry Bde

P-0040A-F 40th Armor Bde

P-0040B-F 40th Infantry Div

P-0041A-F 41st FA BDE

P-0041B-F 41st Infantry Div

P-0042A-F 42nd FA Bde

P-0042B-F 42nd Infantry Div

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


Full Color Patches

Sizes will vary — proportions are not accurate as shown.

P-0042C-F 42nd MP Bde

P-0042D-F 42nd Support Gp

P-0043A-F 43rd Infantry Div

P-0043B-F 43rd MP Bde

P-0043C-F 43rd Sust Bde

P-0044A-F 44th Medical Bde

P-0045A-F 45th Inf Bde

P-0045B-F 45th FA Bde

P-0045C-F 45th Sust Bde

P-0046A-F 46th MP Cmd

P-0047A-F 47th Infantry Div

P-0048A-F 48th Infantry Bde

P-0048B-F 48th Chem Bde

P-0049A-F 49th Armor Div

P-0049B-F 49th MP Bde

P-0049C-F 49th QM Gp

P-0050A-F 50th Armor Div

P-0050B-F 50th Infantry Bde CT

P-0050C-F 50th Support Gp

P-0052A-F 52nd Ord Group

P-0053A-F 53rd Signal Bde

P-0053B-F 53rd Infantry Bde

P-0054A-F 54th FA Bde

P-0055A-F 55th Sust Bde

P-0056A-F 56th FA Bde

P-0057A-F 57th FA Bde

P-0058A-F 58th Infantry Bde

P-0059A-F 59th Ordnance Bde

P-0062A-F 62nd Medical Bde

P-0063A-F 63rd Infantry Div

P-0063B-F 63rd Avn Bde

P-0065A-F 65th Reserve Cmd

P-0065B-F 65th Fires Bde

P-0066A-F 66th Aviation Bde

P-0066B-F 66th Mil Int Bde

P-0067A-F 67th Btl Surv Bde

P-0069A-F 69th ADA

P-0070A-F 70th Infantry Div

P-0071A-F 71st Ord Gp

P-0072A-F 72nd FA Bde

P-0073A-F 73rd Infantry Bde

P-0075A-F 75th FA Bde

P-0075B-F 75th Infantry Div

P-0075C-F 75th Inf Scroll

P-0075D-F 1/75th Inf Scroll

P-0075E-F 2/75th Inf Scroll

P-0075F-F 3/75th Inf Scroll

P-0075G-F 75th Sp Tp Bn

P-0076A-F 76th Infantry Div

P-0076B-F 76th Infantry Bde

P-0077A-F 77th Sust Bde

P-0077B-F 77th Avn Bde

P-0078A-F 78th Infantry Div

P-0079A-F 79th Infantry Div

P-0079B-F 79th Infantry Bde

P-0080A-F 80th Infantry Div

P-0081A-F 81st ARCOM

P-0081B-F 81st Infantry Bde

P-0082A-F 82nd Airborne Div

P-0082B-F 82nd Sust Bde

P-0083A-F 83rd Infantry Div

P-0084A-F 84th Infantry Div

P-0085A-F 85th Infantry Div

P-0086A-F 86th Infantry Div

P-0086B-F 86th Inf Bde CT

P-0087A-F 87th Infantry Div

P-0088A-F 88th Reg Spt Cmd

P-0089A-F 89th Infantry Div

P-0089B-F 89th MP Bde

P-0090A-F 90th RES Cmd

P-0091A-F 91st Infantry Div

P-0092A-F 92nd Infantry Bde

P-0093A-F 93rd Signal Bde

P-0094A-F 94th ADA

P-0094B-F 94th Infantry Div

P-0095A-F 95th Infantry Div

P-0095B-F 95th Civil Aff Bde

P-0096A-F 96th ARCOM

P-0097A-F 97th Training Bde

P-0098A-F 98th ARCOM

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


Full Color Patches

P-0099A-F 99th ARCOM

P-0100A-F 100th Infantry Div

P-0100B-F 100th Missile Def

P-0101A-F 101st Airborne Div

P-0101B-F 101st Sust Bde

P-0102A-F 102nd ARCOM

P-0103A-F 103rd FA Bde

P-0103B-F 103rd Sust Cmd

P-0104A-F 104th Infantry Div

P-0106A-F 106th Signal Bde

P-0107A-F 107th Armored Cav

P-0108A-F 108th Abn Div

P-0108B-F 108th ADA

P-0108C-F 108th Sust Bde

P-0110A-F 110th Aviation Bde

P-0110B-F 110th Cmbt Spt Bde

P-0111A-F 111th MEB

P-0111B-F 111th Eng Bde

P-0112A-F 112th Med Bde

P-0113A-F 113th FA Bde

P-0113B-F 113th Sust Bde

P-0115A-F 115th FA Bde

P-0115B-F 115th Spt Gp

P-0116A-F 116th Infantry Bde

P-0116B-F 116th Arm Cav

P-0120A-F 120th ARCOM

P-0120B-F 120th Inf Bde

P-0121A-F 121st ARCOM

P-0122A-F 122nd ARCOM

P-0123A-F 123rd ARCOM

P-0124A-F 124th ARCOM

P-0124B-F 124th Trans Cmd

P-0125A-F 125th ARCOM

P-0125B-F 125th Trans Cmd

P-0128A-F 128th Avn Bde

P-0130A-F 130th Eng Bde

P-0130B-F 130th FA Bde

P-0135A-F 135th FA Bde

P-0135B-F 135th Sust Cmd

P-0136A-F 136th Man Enhance

P-0138A-F 138th FA Bde

P-0141A-F 141st Man Enhance

P-0142A-F 142nd FA Bde

P-0142B-F 142nd Signal Bde

P-0143A-F 143rd Trans Cmd

P-0149A-F 149th Armor Bde

P-0151A-F 151st FA Bde

P-0153A-F 153rd FA Bde

P-0155A-F 155th Armor Bde

P-0156A-F 156th QM Cmd

P-0157A-F 157th Infantry Bde

P-0158A-F 158th Inf Bde

P-0158B-F 158th Man Enhance

P-0160A-F 160th Signal Bde

P-0162A-F 162nd Inf Bde

P-0163A-F 163rd Arm Cav

P-0164A-F 164th ADA

P-0165A-F 165th Inf Bde

P-0166A-F 166th Avn Bde

P-0167A-F 167th Spt Cmd

P-0168A-F 168th Eng Bde

P-0169A-F 169th FA Bde

P-0170A-F 170th Inf Bde

P-0172A-F 172nd Inf Bde

P-0173A-F 173rd Abn Brig

P-0174A-F 174th Inf Bde

P-0174B-F 174th ADA Bde

P-0175A-F 175th Finance Ctr

P-0175B-F 175th Medical Bde

P-0176A-F 176th Eng Bde

P-0177A-F 177th Armor Bde

P-0177B-F 177th MP Bde

P-0181A-F 181st Inf Bde

P-0184A-F 184th Sust Cmd

P-0185A-F 185th Avn Bde

P-0187B-F 187th Infantry Bde

P-0187C-F 187th Signal Bde

P-0189A-F 189th Inf Bde

P-0192A-F 192nd Inf Bde

P-0193A-F 193rd Infantry Bde

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


Full Color Patches

Sizes will vary — proportions are not accurate as shown.

P-0194A-F 194th Armor Bde

P-0194B-F 194th Eng Bde

P-0196A-F 196th Infantry Bde

P-0196B-F 196th FA Bde

P-0197A-F 197th Infantry Bde

P-0197B-F 197th FA Bde

P-0198A-F 198th Infantry Bde

P-0199A-F 199th Infantry Bde

P-0200A-F 200th MP Cmd

P-0201A-F 201st Mil Int Bde

P-0204A-F 204th Man Enhance

P-0205A-F 205th Infantry Bde

P-0205B-F 205th Mil Int Bde

P-0207A-F 207th Mil Int Bde

P-0209A-F 209th FA Bde

P-0210A-F 210th FA Bde

P-0212A-F 212th FA Bde

P-0213A-F 213th Medical Bde

P-0213B-F 213th Support Gp

P-0214A-F 214th FA Bde

P-0218A-F 218th Infantry Bde

P-0219A-F 219th Btlefld Surv Bde

P-0220A-F 220th MP Bde

P-0221A-F 221st MP Bde

P-0224A-F 224th FA Bde

P-0224B-F 224th Sust Bde

P-0226A-F 226th Man Enhance

P-0227A-F 227th FA Bde

P-0228A-F 228th Signal Bde

P-0230A-F 230th Sust Bde

P-0244A-F 244th Avn Bde

P-0256A-F 256th Infantry Bde

P-0260A-F 260th MP Bde

P-0261A-F 261st Signal Bde

P-0263A-F 263rd ADA

P-0266A-F 266th Finance Ctr

P-0278A-F 278th Arm Cavalry

P-0279A-F 279th Support Bde

P-0287A-F 287th Sust Bde

P-0290A-F 290th MP Bde

P-0300A-F 300th Mil Int Bde

P-0300B-F 300th MP Bde

P-0300C-F 300th Sust Bde

P-0301A-F 301st Support Gp

P-0301B-F 301st Cmbt Spt Bde

P-0303A-F 303rd Man Enhance

P-0304A-F 304th Sust Bde

P-0304B-F 304th Civ Aff Cmd

P-0308A-F 308th Civil Affairs

P-0310A-F 310th Spt Cmd

P-0311A-F 311th Sust Cmd

P-0311B-F 311th Signal Cmd

P-0316A-F 316th Sust Cmd

P-0319A-F 319th Mil Int

P-0319B-F 319th Trans Bde

P-0321A-F 321st Sust Bde

P-0321B-F 321st Civ Aff Bde

P-0322A-F 322nd Civ Aff Bde

P-0330A-F 330th Medical Bde

P-0332A-F 332nd Medical Bde

P-0335A-F 335th Signal Bde

P-0336A-F 336th Finance Cmd

P-0336B-F 336th Trans Gp

P-0338A-F 338th Med Bde

P-0347A-F 347th Spt Gp

P-0350A-F 350th Civ Aff Bde

P-0351A-F 351st Civ Aff Bde

P-0352A-F 352nd Civ Aff Bde

P-0353A-F 353rd Civ Aff Bde

P-0357A-F 357th Air & Misl Def

P-0359A-F 359th Signal Bde

P-0364A-F 364th Civil Aff

P-0364B-F 364th Sust Cmd

P-369A-F 369th Sust Bde

P-0371A-F 371st Sust Bde

P-0372A-F 372nd Eng Bde

P-0377A-F 377th Support Cmd

P-0401A-F 401st Spt Bde

P-0402A-F 402nd TRN

P-0402B-F 402nd Spt Bde

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


Full Color Patches

P-0403A-F 403rd Spt Bde

P-0404A-F 404th MEB

P-0404B-F 404th Spt Bde

P-0406A-F 406th Spt Bde

P-0407A-F 407th Spt Bde

P-0408A-F 408th Spt Bde

P-0409A-F 409th Spt Bde

P-0410A-F 410th Spt Bde

P-0411A-F 411th Eng Bde

P-0412A-F 412th Eng Bde

P-0415A-F 415th Chem Bde

P-0416A-F 416th Eng Bde

P-0420A-F 420th Eng Bde

P-0425A-F 425th Trans Bde

P-0426A-F 426th Med Bde

P-0428A-F 428th FA Bde

P-0434A-F 434th FA Bde

P-0442A-F 442nd Infantry

P-0455A-F 455th Chem Bde

P-0460A-F 460th Chem Bde

P-0464A-F 464th Chem Bde

P-0470A-F 470th Mil Int Bde

P-0479A-F 479th FA Bde

P-0500A-F 500th Mil Int

P-0501A-F 501st Mil Int Bde

P-0501B-F 501st Sust Bde

P-0504A-F 504th Mil Int Bde

P-0509A-F 509th Inf “Geronimo”

P-0513A-F 513th Mil Int Bde

P-0516A-F 516th Signal Bde

P-0525A-F 525th BSB

P-0528A-F 528th Sust Bde

P-0555A-F 555th Engineer GP

P-0560A-F 560th Btl Surv Bde

P-0593A-F 593rd Sust Bde

P-0631A-F 631st FA Bde

P-0648A-F 648th Man Enhance

P-0650A-F 650th MI Gp

P-0704A-F 704th MI Bde

P-0800A-F 800th MP Bde

P-0804A-F 804th Hosp Center

P-0807A-F 807th Med Bde

P-0818A-F 818th Hospital Ctr

P-0902A-F 902nd MI Gp

P-0916A-F 916th Support Bde

P-0926A-F 926th Eng Bde

P-1101A-F 1101st Sig Bde

P-1104A-F 1104th Signal Bde

P-1107A-F 1107th Signal Bde

P-1108A-F 1108th Signal Bde

P-ACC-F Army Correction Cmd

P-ACQ SPT-F Acquisition Spt Ctr

P-ADEFC-F Air Defense CTR

P-AFGAN-F CF Cmd Afghan

P-AFRICA-F Africa Cmd

P-ALLIED-F Allied Cmd

P-AMA-F AL Military Academy

P-ANTRN-F Aviation Trn

P-ARCD-F AR Res Career Div

P-ARCTR-F Armor Center

P-ARMY Army of One

P-ARNG SCH-F Army NG School

P-ARSCH-F Armor School

P-ASYM-F Asy Warfare Gp

P-ATC-F U.S. Army AT Svc Cmd

P-AVNLO-F Avn Log School

P-BERLI-F Berlin Cmd

P-BROAD-F Broadcasting

P-CENTC-F Central Cmd

P-CESCH-F Chem Trn School

P-CGS-F Cmd & Gen Staff School

P-CHAP-F Chaplain Ctr & School


P-CIVAFF-F Civ Aff & Psy Cmd

P-CMBFA-F Combined Field

P-CMBST-F Cmb Security Trans Cmd Afghan

P-CMBST-F/O Cmb Security Trans Cmd (OLD Design)

P-COMP-F Computer Sys Cmd

P-COSCOM-F Arms & Spt Cmd

P-CPENG-F Corps of Engineer

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


Full Color Patches

Sizes will vary — proportions are not accurate as shown.

P-DOA GUARD/1 P-DOA GUARD/2 P-DOA POLICE/1 P-DOA POLICE/2 Dept of Army Guard Dept of Army Guard Dept of Army Police Dept of Army Police (hat) (shoulder) (shoulder) (hat)

P-CRIMI-F Criminal Invest Cmd



P-DOD/P2 Dept of Def Police (hat)

P-ENGCM-F Eng Cmd, Vietnam

P-ENFSA-F Eng Field Spt

P-ENSCH-F Engineer School

P-EUROP-F European Cmd


P-HESVC-F Health Serv Cmd


P-INFOR-F Info & Data Syst Cmd

P-INSCH-F Infantry School

P-INSEC-F Intell/Security Cmd

P-JAG-F Judge Adv Gen


P-JFKSW-F JFK, Spec Warfare

P-JNTRE-F Joint Readiness Cmd

P-MED-F Med School

P-MEDCMD-F Joint Med Cmd

P-MEKOR-F Med Cmd-Korea

P-MNCORPS-F Multnat’l Corps

P-MNSCH-F Missile School


P-RECMD-F Recruiting Cmd

P-DOD/G1 Dept of Def Guard (shoulder)

P-DOD/G2 Dept of Def Guard (hat)

P-DOD/P1 Dept of Def Police (shoulder)

P-FCOE-F Fires Ctr of Excelence

P-FORINTEL-F Foreign Intell Cmd



P-INST-F Install Mang

P-INSYS-F Info Sys Eng Cmd

P-INTEL-F Intell Agency

P-IRRES-F Individual Ready Res

P-ISC-F Info Sys Cmd


P-JUNEX-F Jungle Expert

P-LEG-F Legal Serv Agency

P-LOG-F Logistics Center


P-MAN-F Man Spt Ctr of Excl Ft Lenoardwood

P-MFIRAQ-F Multnat’l Force-Iraq

P-MIDIS-F Mil Dist of Washington

P-MIL-F Mil Pers Center

P-MILEN-F Mil Ent & Processing

P-MINTRE-F MI Readiness Cmd

P-MISCH-F Mil Intell School

P-MITFC-F Mil Traffic Mgt. Cmd

P-MPH Military Police, HI




P-NG-F NG Recrut & Ret

P-NORAD-F NA Aerospace Def Cmd

P-NORTH-F US Northern Cmd


P-ORSCH-F Ord Trn Sch

P-PACCMD-F HQ Pacific Cmd

P-PARAL-F ParaGlider-Enl

P-PARAR-F ParaGlider-Off

P-PATHM-F Pathfinder Patch MER

P-PER-F Personnel-DOD

P-PERSON-F Total Pers Agency

P-PHYFI-F Physical Fitness


P-RESCMD-F Reserve Cmd

P-RESEA-F Mil Research & Dev

P-RESMED-F Army Res Med Cmd

P-RESPER-F Army Res Pers Ctr

P-RESRED-F Army Res Ready Cmd


P-SCHAM-F School of Americas

P-SESVC-F Selective Service


Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


Full Color Patches

P-SFORC-F Special Forces


P-SIGSCH-F Sig Trn School

P-SOLDMEDIA-F Soldier Media Ctr


P-SOPER/A-F Spec OP Cmd Africa

P-SOPER/C-F Spec OP Cmd Ctrl

P-SOPER/E-F Spec OP Cmd Europe

P-SOPER/K-F Spec OP Cmd Korea

P-SOPER/P-F Spec OP Cmd Pacific

P-SOPER/S-F Spec OP Cmd South

P-SOUTH-F Southern Cmd

P-SOUTHERN-F Southern Cmd

P-SPC OPNS CMD Joint Forces Cmd

P-SPCCD-F Space Cmd

P-SSC-F Soldier Support Ctr

P-SSDC-F Space & Strat Def Cmd

P-STAFF-F Staff Support

P-STRAT-F US Army Strategic Cmd

P-SUSTCTR-F Sust Ctr of Excel

P-TCSCH-F Trans TRN School

P-TEXCO-F Test-Exp Cmd


P-TRANCOM-F Transportation Cmd

P-TRIAL-F Trial Def Svc

P-TRN CNT-F Training Ctr

P-TXSG-F Texas State Guard

P-USAAK-F Alaska


P-USAEU-F Europe

P-USAR-F Retired

P-USAVN-F Vietnam

P-USJFC-F Joint Forces Cmd

P-USMA/F Mil Acad, Instructor

P-WAR-F War College


P-WEST-F Western Hem Inst


Full Color Tabs

PT-101 Airborne (Gld/Blk)

PT-102 Airborne (Wht/Blue)

PT-103 Airborne (Red/Blk)

PT-112 Honor Guard

PT-105 Ranger

PT-128 Raider

PT-107 Special Forces

PT-131 Ranger Challenge

PT-109 Mountain


State National Guard HQ’s

P-NG/AK-F Alaska

P-NG/AL-F Alabama

P-NG/AR-F Arkansas

P-NG/AZ-F Arizona

P-NG/CA-F California

P-NG/CO-F Colorado

P-NG/CT-F Connecticut

P-NG/DC-F District of Columbia

P-NG/DE-F Delaware

P-NG/FL-F Florida

P-NG/GA-F Georgia

P-NG/GU-F Guam

P-NG/HI-F Hawaii

P-NG/IA-F Iowa

P-NG/ID-F Idaho

P-NG/IL-F Illinois

P-NG/IN-F Indiana

P-NG/KS-F Kansas

P-NG/KY-F Kentucky

P-NG/LA-F Louisiana

P-NG/MA-F Massachusetts

P-NG/MD-F Maryland

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


State National Guard HQ’s

Sizes will vary — proportions are not accurate as shown.

P-NG/ME-F Maine

P-NG/MI-F Michigan

P-NG/MN-F Minnesota

P-NG/MO-F Missouri

P-NG/MS-F Mississippi

P-NG/MT-F Montana

P-NG/NC-F North Carolina

P-NG/ND-F North Dakota

P-NG/NE-F Nebraska

P-NG/NH-F New Hampshire

P-NG/NJ-F New Jersey

P-NG/NM-F New Mexico

P-NG/NV-F Nevada

P-NG/NY-F New York

P-NG/OH-F Ohio

P-NG/OK-F Oklahoma

P-NG/OR-F Oregon

P-NG/PA-F Pennsylvania

P-NG/PR-F Puerto Rico

P-NG/RI-F Rhode Island

P-NG/SC-F South Carolina

P-NG/SD-F South Dakota

P-NG/TN-F Tennessee

P-NG/TX-F Texas

P-NG/UT-F Utah

P-NG/VA-F Virginia

P-NG/VT-F Vermont

P-NG/WA-F Washington

P-NG/WI-F Wisconsin

P-NG/WV-F West Virginia

P-NG/WY-F Wyoming


PF-0001A 1 Spt Cmd

PF-0001B 1 SF Gp

PF-0001C 1 SW Trn Gp

PF-0003A 3 SF Gp

PF-0003B 3 Spec Op

PF-0003F Co F, 3 Bn, Academy Bde

PF-0004A 4 Psyc Op

PF-0004B 4 ADA 3 Bn

PF-0004C 4 Spec Op Spt Cmd

PF-0004D 4 Bde 25th Inf

PF-0004E 4 Bde 25th Inf Spec Trp

PF-0005A 5 SF Gp, RVN

PF-0005B 5 SF Gp

PF-0005C 5 Spec Op Spt Cmd

PF-0006A 6 Theater Spec Op

PF-0006B 6 Spec Op

PF-0006C 6 Spec Forces

PF-0007A 7 SF Gp

PF-0007B 7 Spec Op

PF-0010A 10 SF Gp

PF-0011A 11 SF Gp

PF-0011B 11 FA 4 Bn

PF-0011C 11 QM Co

PF-0012A 12 SF Gp

PF-0014A 14 MI Co C

PF-0016A 16 MP

PF-0017A 17 Cav 1 Sq

PF-0017B 17 Avn Bde HHC

PF-0018A 18 Abn Corp

PF-0018B 18 FA Bde

PF-0018C 18 Avn Bde

PF-0018D 18 Abn Corp Arty

PF-0018E 18 Pers Gp

PF-0019A 19 SF Gp

PF-0020A 20 SF Gp

PF-0020B 20 Eng Bde

PF-0020C 20 Avn Bn

PF-0027A 27 Eng Bn

PF-0030A 30 Eng Bn

PF-0035A 35 Sig Bn

PF-0037A 37 Eng Bn

PF-0038A 38 Cav Rgt 1 Sq C Trp

PF-0038B 38 Cav Rgt 2 Sq C Trp

PF-0038C 38 Cav Rgt C Trp

PF-0040F 40 Cav 1 Sq

PF-0050A 50 Sig Bn

PF-0051A 51 Sig Bn

PF-0051B 51 Inf Regt Co E & F

PF-0052A 52 Inf Co E

PF-0053A 53 QM Det

PF-0055A 55 Sig Co

PF-0056A 56 Chem Recon Det

PF-0058A 58 Avn Regt 1 Bn

PF-0073A 73 Arm 3 Bn

PF-0073B 73 Cav Regt 1 Sq

PF-0082A 82 Abn Div HQ

PF-0082B 82 Abn Arty

PF-0082C 82 Avn HQ

PF-0082D 82 Avn 1 Bn

PF-0082E 82 Avn 2 Bn

PF-0082F 82 Avn HHC

PF-0082G 82 Avn Co D/HQ

PF-0018F PF-0018G 18 Cav 1 Sq Trp E 18 Abn Corps

PF-0044A 44 Med Bde

PF-0046 46 SF Co

PF-0073C PF-0073D PF-0073E PF-0075A 73 Cav Regt 5 Sq 73 Cav Regt 3 Sq 73 Cav Regt 4 Sq 75 Ranger HQ

PF-0082H 82 Spt Bn

PF-0082I 82 Per Spt Bn

PF-0082J 82 Sig Bn

PF-0082K 82 Fin Bn

PF-0075B PF-0075C PF-0075D 75 Ranger 1 Bn 75 Ranger 2 Bn 75 Ranger 3 Bn

PF-0082L 82 Avn Co D

PF-0082M PF-0082N PF-0082O PF-0082P PF-0082Q 82 Abn Div STB 82 Abn 3 Bde CT 82 Abn 2 Bde CT 82 Abn 4 Bde CT 82 Abn 1 Bde CT

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699

PF-0082R 82 Abn Div 1 Bde CT STB



PF-0101A 101 MI Bn Co D

PF-0101B 101 Cav 1 Sq

PF-0101C 101 Abn Div

PF-0101D 101 Abn 2 Bde

PF-0104A 104 MI Bn

PF-0105A 105 MI Bn

PF-0106A 106 MI Co C

PF-0107A 107 MI Bn

PF-0131A PF-0143A 131 Cav 1 Sq C Co 143 Inf Rgt 1 Bn

PF-0151A 151st Inf Det

PF-0158A 158 Cav 1 Sq

PF-0160A 160 Avn HQ

PF-0160B 160 Avn 1 Bn

PF-0160C 160 Avn 2 Bn

PF-0160D 160 Avn 3 Bn

PF-0160E 160 Avn 4 Bn

PF-0194A 194 Cav 1 Sq

PF-0207A 207 Inf Gp

PF-0229A 229 Avn Gp

PF-0234 234 FA Det

PF-0245A 245 Avn 1 Bn

PF-0250A 250 Forward Surgical Tm

PF-0307A 307 Fwd Spt Bn

PF-0325A 325 Inf HQ

PF-0325B 325 Inf 1 Bn

PF-0325C 325 Inf 2 Bn

PF-0325D 325 Inf 3 Bn

PF-0407A 407 S&T Bn

PF-0412A 412 Civ Aff Bn

PF-0421A 421 QM

PF-0422A 422 Civ Aff

PF-0425A 425 Inf LRS Unit

PF-0505A 505 Inf HQ

PF-0505B 505 Inf 1 Bn

PF-0505C 505 Inf 2 Bn

PF-0505D 505 Inf 3 Bn

PF-0507A 507 Inf 1 Bn

PF-0508 508 Inf

PF-0528A 528 Spt Bn

PF-0600A 600 QM Co

PF-0612A 612 QM Co

PF-0618A 618 Eng Bn

PF-0647A 647 QM Co

PF-0725A 725 Spt Bn

PF-0782A 782 Maint Bn








PF-0084A 84 Eng Co

PF-0087A 87 QM Det

PF-0095A 95 Civ Aff Bde

PF-0096A 96 CIiv Aff Bn

PF-0097A 97 Civ Aff Bn

PF-0098A 98 Civ Aff Bn

PF-0110A 110 MI Bn

PF-0112A 112 Sig Bn

PF-0117A 117 Cav 5 Sq

PF-0122A 122 Inf Co H

PF-0125A 125 MI Bn

PF-0163A 163 MI Bn

PF-0167A 167 Cav 1 Sq

PF-0167B 167 Spt Bn

PF-0173A 173 Spt Bn

PF-0173B 173 Abn Bde CT

PF-00173C 173 Abn Bde

PF-0188A 188 ADA 1 Bn

PF-0307B 307 Eng Bn

PF-0311A 311 MI Bn

PF-0312A 312 MI Bn

PF-0313A 313 MI Bn

PF-0319A 319 FA 1 Bn

PF-0319B 319 FA 2 Bn

PF-0319C 319 FA 3 Bn

PF-0325E 325 Inf 4 Bn

PF-0327A 327 Sig Bn

PF-0337A 337 MI Bn

PF-0345A 345 Psy Op Co

PF-0346A 346 Psy Op Co

PF-0360A 360 Civ Aff Bde

PF-0377B 377 FA 1 Bn

PF-0377C 377 FA 2 Bn

PF-0404A 404 Civ Aff Bn

PF-0426A 426 Sig Bn

PF-0426B 426 Civ Aff Bn

PF-0450A 450 Civ Aff Bn

PF-0501A 501 Inf 1 Bn

PF-0504A 504 Inf HQ

PF-0504B 504 Inf 1 Bn

PF-0504C 504 Inf 2 Bn

PF-0504D 504 Inf 3 Bn

PF-0508A 508 Inf 1 Bn

PF-0508B 508 Inf 2 Bn

PF-0509A 509 Inf

PF-0509B 509 Inf 1 Bn

PF-0509D 509 Inf 3 Bn

PF-0511A 511 Inf Regt

PF-0525A 525 MI Bde

PF-0824A 824 QM Co

PF-AF TACP AF Tact Air Ctrl Party


PF-ATF Abn Test Frc

PF-CIV Civ Aff/Psy Op




PF-SF/B SF Per Not in SF Units

PF-SOC/A Spec Op Cmd Atlantic

PF-SOC/AF Spec Op Cmd Africa


PF-SOC/E Spec Op Cmd Europe

PF-SOC/P Spec Op Cmd Pacific

PF-0321A PF-0321B PF-0321C 321 FA Regt 1 Bn 321 FA Regt 2 Bn 321 FA Regt 3 Bn

PF-SOC/S PF-SOE PF-SOS Spec Op Cmd Southern Europe Spec Op Sch South Task Force

PF-SOTF Spc Ops Task Force Europe

PF-SPB/CS PF-SPL PF-SPL-A HQ AP Spec Op Spt Cmd Spec Op Spt Spl Projects HQ

CALL FOR UNIT PRICING — Speak with one of our sales representatives to see if you qualify for special pricing.

PF-SPL-Cmd PF-SPL/WRF MED PF-SROTC Spec Op Cmd Spec Warfare Med SROTC Ranger

PF-USAE USA Element Spec Ops Cmd


PF-WHISC West Hem Inst


Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699



PO-0001A 1 Corps Spt Cmd

PO-0001B 1 SF Gp

PO-0001D 1 Spec Warfare Gp

PO-0003A 3 SF Gp

PO-0003B 3 Spec Op

PO-0003F Gp F, 3 Bn Academy Bde

PO-0004A 4 Psyc Op

PO-0004B 4 ADA 3 Bn

PO-0004C 4 Spec Op

PO-0004D 4 Bde 25 Inf Div

PO-0005A 5 SF Gp

PO-0005B 5 Spec Op

PO-0006A 6 Spec Op

PO-0006B 6 Spec Op Cmd

PO-0007A 7 SF Gp

PO-0007B 7 Spec Op

PO-0010A 10 SF Gp

PO-0010B 10 MP Det

PO-0011A 11 SF Gp

PO-0011B 11 FA 4 Bn C

PO-0012A 12 SF Gp

PO-0014A 14 MI Bn Co C

PO-0016A 16 MP

PO-0017A 17 Cav

PO-0017B 17 Cav 1 Sq

PO-0018B 18 Abn Corp HQ

PO-0018C 18 Abn Corp Arty

PO-0018D 18 FA

PO-0018E 18 Personnel

PO-0018F 18 Cav 1 Sq TRP E

PO-0018G 18 Avn Bde

PO-0019A 19 SF Gp

PO-0020A 20 SF Gp

PO-0020B 20 Avn Bn

PO-0020C 20 Eng

PO-0025A 25 Inf 4 Bde STB

PO-0027A 27 Eng Bn Hq

PO-0030A 30 Eng

PO-0031A 31 MP Det

PO-0032A 32 Cav Regt, 1 Sq

PO-0033A 33 Cav Regt 1 Sq

PO-0035A 35 Sig Bde

PO-0037A 37 Eng

PO-0038A 38 Cav Rgt 1 Sq C Trp

PO-0038B 38 Cav Rgt 2 Sq C Trp

PO-0038C 38 Cav Rgt C Trp

PO-0040A 40 Cav 1 Sq

PO-0044A 44 Med

PO-0044B 44 ADA

PO-0050A 50 Sig

PO-0051A 51 Sig

PO-0051B 51 Inf Co E/F

PO-0052A 52 Inf Co E

PO-0055A 55 Sig

PO-0056A 56 Chem Recon Det

PO-0056B 56 Troop Cmd

PO-0061A 61 Cav Regt 1 Sq

PO-0073A 73 Armor

PO-0073B 73 Cav Regt 1 Sq

PO-0073E 73 Cav Regt 3 Sq

PO-0073D 73 Cav Regt 4 Sq

PO-0073C 73 Cav Regt 5 Sq

PO-0075A 75 Ranger HQ

PO-0075B 75 Ranger 1 Bn

PO-0075C 75 Ranger 2 Bn

PO-0075D 75 Ranger 3 Bn

PO-0082A 82 Abn HQ

PO-0082B 82 Abn ARTY

PO-0082C 82 Avn

PO-0082D 82 Avn 1 Bn

PO-0082E 82 Avn 2 Bn

PO-0082F 82 Avn Bde

PO-0082H 82 Spt Bn

PO-0082I 82 Pers Svcs Bn

PO-0082J 82 Sig Bn

PO-0082K 82 Fin

PO-0082L 82 Avn Co D

PO-0082M 82 Abn Div Spec Tp

PO-0082N 82 Abn 3 CT Spec Tp

PO-0082O 82 Abn 2 CT Spec Tp

PO-0082P 82 Abn 4 Bde Cmb Tm

PO-0082Q 82 Abn 1 Bde Cmb Tm

PO-0082R 82 Abn 4 Bde CT, Spec Tp

PO-0082S 82 Abn 2 Bde Cmb Tm

PO-0082T 82 Abn 3 Bde Cmb Tm

PO-0082U 82 Abn Div 1 Bde CT, STB

PO-0084A 84 Eng Co

PO-0091A 91 Cav Regt 1 Bn

PO-0095A 95 Civ Aff Bde

PO-0096A 96 Civ Aff

PO-0097A 97 Civ Aff Bn

PO-0098A 98 Civ Aff Bn

PO-0101A 101 Abn Div

PO-0101D 101 Abn 1 Bde

PO-0101E 101 Abn 2 Bde

PO-0101F 101 Abn 3 Bde

PO-0101G 101 Cav 1 Sq

PO-0101H 101 MI Bn Co D

PO-0101B 101 Abn ARTY

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699



PO-0101C 101 Abn Div Spt Cmd

PO-0101I 101 Pers Svc

PO-101J 101 Abn Div

PO-0101K 101 Abn 2 Bde Spec Tp Bn

PO-0101L 101 Abn 4 Bde Cmb Tm, Sp Tp

PO-101M 104 MI

PO-0104A 104 MI

PO-0105A 105 MI

PO-0107A 107 MI

PO-0110A 110 MI

PO-0112A 112 Sig

PO-0117A 117 Cav 5 Sq

PO-0122A 122 Inf Co H

PO-0125A 125 MI

PO-0131A 131 Cav 1 Sq C Co

PO-0135A 135 Inf 2 Bn

PO-0143A 143 Inf Rgt 1 Bn

PO-0151A 151 Inf Det

PO-0158A 158 Cav

PO-0159A 159 Avn

PO-0160A 160 Avn HQ

PO-0160B 160 Avn 1 Bn

PO-0160C 160 Avn 2 Bn

PO-0160D 160 Avn 3 Bn

PO-0163A 163 MI Bn LRS Det

PO-0167A 167 Cav 1 Sq

PO-0167B 167 Spt Bn

PO-0173A 173 Abn Bde Cmb Tm

PO-0173B 173 Abn Bde Cmb Tm, STB

PO-0173C 173 Support Bn

PO-0187A 187 Inf HQ

PO-0187B 187 Inf 3 Bn

PO-0187C 187 Inf Regt 1 Bn

PO-0187D 187 Inf 4 & 5 Bn

PO-0194A 194 Cav 1 Sq

PO-0229A 229 Avn

PO-0234A 234 FA Det

PO-0245A 245 Avn 1 Bn

PO-0250A 250 Fwd Surgical Tm

PO-0307A 307 Eng

PO-0307B 307 Spt Bn Fwd

PO-0311A 311 MI

PO-0311B 311 MI (LRSD)

PO-0312A 312 MI

PO-0313A 313 MI

PO-0319A 319 FA 1 Bn

PO-0319B 319 FA 2 Bn

PO-0319C 319 FA 3 Bn

PO-0319D 319 FA 4 Bn

PO-0320A 320 FA 1 Bn

PO-0320B 320 FA 2 Bn

PO-0320C 320 FA 3 Bn

PO-0320D 320 FA 4 Bn

PO-0321A 321 FA 1 Bn

PO-0321B 321 FA Regt 2 Bn

PO-0321C 321 FA 2 Bn

PO-0325A 325 Inf HQ

PO-0325B 325 Inf 1 Bn

PO-0325C 325 Inf 2 Bn

PO-0325D 325 Inf 3 Bn

PO-0325E 325 Inf 4 Bn

PO-0326A 326 Eng

PO-0326B 326 Med

PO-0327A 327 Inf 1 Bn

PO-0327B 327 Inf 2 Bn

PO-0327C 327 Inf 3 Bn

PO-0327D 327 Sig

PO-0337A 337 MI

PO-0345A 345 Psy Op Co

PO-0346A 346 Psy Op Co

PO-0360A 360 Civ Aff Bde

PO-0377A 377 FA Regt

PO-0377B 377 FA Regt 2 Bn

PO-0404A 404 Civ Aff Bn

PO-0407B 407 S&T

PO-0412A 412 Civ Aff Bn

PO-0421A 421 QM Co

PO-0422A 422 Civ Aff

PO-0425A 425 Inf LRS

PO-0426A 426 Sig

PO-0426B 426 S&T

PO-0426C 426 Civ Aff Bn

PO-0450A 450 Civ Aff

PO-0501A 501 Inf 1 Bn

PO-0501B 501 Sig

PO-0502A 502 Inf 1 Bn

PO-0502B 502 Inf 2 Bn

PO-0502C 502 Inf 3 Bn

PO-0503A 503 Inf HQ

PO-0503B 503 Inf 1 Bn

PO-0503C 503 Inf 2 Bn

PO-0503D 503 Inf 3 Bn

PO-0504A 504 Inf HQ

PO-0504B 504 Inf 1 Bn

PO-0504C 504 Inf 2 Bn

PO-0504D 504 Inf 3 Bn

PO-0505A 505 Inf HQ

PO-0505B 505 Inf 1 Bn

PO-0505C 505 Inf 2 Bn

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699



PO-0505D 505 Inf 3 Bn

PO-0506A 506 Inf HQ

PO-0506B 506 Inf 1 Bn

PO-0506C 506 Inf 2 Bn

PO-0506D 506 Inf 3 Bn

PO-0507A 507 Inf 1 Bn

PO-0508A 508 Inf

PO-0508B 508 Inf 1 Bn

PO-0508C 508 Inf 2 Bn

PO-0509A 509 Inf

PO-0509B 509 Inf 3 Bn

PO-0509C 509 Inf 1 Bn

PO-0511A 511 Inf Regt

PO-0525A 525 MI

PO-0526A 526 Fwd Spt Bn

PO-0528A 528 Spt

PO-0612A 612 QM Co

PO-0618B 618 Spt

PO-0725A 725 Spt Bn

PO-0782A 782 Maint

PO-0801A 801 Maint

PO-0824A 824 QM Co

PO-ATF Abn Test Fce

PO-CIV Civ Aff


PO-JFK JFK Spec Wfre Ctr

PO-JFK/B JFK Spec Wfre Sch

PO-JRTC Jnt Readiness Trng Ctr

PO-JSO Joint Spec Ops Cmd

PO-RTB Ranger Trng Bde


PO-SFORC (old) Spec Forces Cmd

PO-SFORC Spec Forces Cmd

PO-SOC Spec Ops Cmd

PO-SOC/AF Spc Ops Cmd, Africa

PO-SOC/C Spec Ops Cmd, Central

PO-SOC/E Spec Ops Cmd, Europe

PO-SOC/S Spec Ops South

PO-SOS Spec Op Spt Cmd


PO-SPL/JNT Spec Op Cmd Joint Forces Cmd

PO-SPL/MED Spec Warfare Med Gp

PO-SPL/PAC Spec Op Cmd Pacific

PO-SPL-TSFC Spc Ops Cmd, Task Force, Europe

PO-USAE US Army Element Spec Ops Cmd


PO-WHISC West Hem Inst

OPFOR Insignia

Private OPFOR-SM/OD-01 Private, 1st Class OPFOR-SM/OD-02

Junior Lieutenant OPFOR-SM/OD-10 Lieutenant OPFOR-SM/OD-11

Corporal Senior Lieutenant OPFOR-SM/OD-03 OPFOR-SM/OD-12 Captain Junior Sergeant OPFOR-SM/OD-04 OPFOR-SM/OD-13 Sergeant Major OPFOR-SM/OD-05 OPFOR-SM/OD-14 Senior Sergeant Lieutenant Colonel OPFOR-SM/OD-06 OPFOR-SM/OD-15 Sergeant Major Colonel OPFOR-SM/OD-07 OPFOR-SM/OD-16

Collar Tab OPFOR-02

Collar Tab OPFOR-02B

OPFOR Name Tape Desert OPFOR-10A

OPFOR Patch - Full Color OPFOR-05

Collar Tab OPFOR-02A

OPFOR Name Tape Subdued OPFOR-10


OPFOR Patch - Desert OPFOR-03


OPFOR Patch - Subdued OPFOR-04

Infantry Sew-On Blk/Gld OPFOR-60

Infantry Sew-On Subdued OPFOR-07

Armor - Gold OPFOR-13

Armor - Black OPFOR-12

Infantry - Gold OPFOR-09

Infantry - Black OPFOR-08

More OPFOR Insignia Available Online Private OPFOR-21 Private, 1st Class OPFOR-22

2nd Lieutenant OPFOR-30

Spec, 4th Class OPFOR-24

Captain OPFOR-32

Sergeant OPFOR-25

Major OPFOR-33 Lieutenant Colonel OPFOR-34

Sergeant Major OPFOR-29

OPFOR Star - Gold OPFOR-14

1st Lieutenant OPFOR-31

OPFOR Patch - Subdued OPFOR-64


OPFOR Star - Silver OPFOR Star - Red OPFOR-15 OPFOR-16

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


ASU & Dress Mess Accessories Gold/Blue Chevrons

Service Stripes Male C-M112 Female C-F112

Private Male C-M101 Female C-F101

Private, 1st Class Male C-M102 Female C-F102

Staff Sergeant Male C-M106 Female C-F106

Sergeant, 1st Class Male C-M107 Female C-F107

Corporal Male C-M103 Female C-F103

Master Sergeant Male C-M108 Female C-F108

Specialist, 4th Class Male C-M104 Female C-F104

1st Sergeant Male C-M109 Female C-F109

Overseas Bars Male C-M113 Female C-F113

Sergeant Male C-M105 Female C-F105

Sergeant Major Male C-M110 Female C-F110

Cmd Sergeant Major Male C-M111 Female C-F111

Gold/Green Chevrons

Service Stripes Male C-112 Female C-212

Private, 1st Class Male C-102 Female C-202

Private Male C-101 Female C-201

Staff Sergeant Male C-106 Female C-206

Sergeant, 1st Class Male C-107 Female C-207

Specialist, 4th Class Male C-104 Female C-204

Corporal Male C-103 Female C-203

Master Sergeant Male C-108 Female C-208

1st Sergeant Male C-109 Female C-209

Overseas Bars Male C-113 Female C-213

Sergeant Male C-105 Female C-205

Sergeant Major Male C-110 Female C-210

Cmd Sergeant Major Male C-111 Female C-211

Dress Blue & Dress Mess Accessories Cap Devices

Service Caps

Cotton Military Gloves (Standard Length) G-101 No Snap G-102 With Snap

Enlisted Male AR/CAP-MEN

Bowtie Clip-on T-107 Band T-108

Male Officer NS-420

Tie Regular T-104 Clip-on T-101

Enlisted Female AR/CAP-FEN

Female Officer Female Enl NS-424 NS-422


Company Grade Male AR/CAP-MCG

Tab for Formal Blouse T-201

Male Enl NS-423

G-102 G-106

20 NS-464

25 NS-458

30 NS-459

36 NS-460

Snap Closure

Button Sets

Tab for Dress Blouse T-200 Company Grade Female AR/CAP-FCG Cummerbund Male T-110 Female T-121

G-103 Male Button Sets NS-450 NS-451 (Eng)

Male Mess Jacket NS-454 NS-455 (Eng)

Button Suspenders Black SUS/B-BLACK White SUS/B-WHITE

Female Button Sets NS-452 NS-453 (Eng)

Sure Grip Gloves w/ Rubberized Palm (Standard and Long Length) G-103 Standard Length G-107 Long Length

G-107 Gloves available in sizes S-XL

Snap Suspenders Black SUS/S-BLACK White SUS/S-WHITE Shirt Garters Black PE-H05/B White PE-H05/W

Cotton Stretch Gloves (Long Length) G-106 Long Length

Female Mess Jacket NS-454A

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699

Clutch, Rubber Button Toggle M-A12 M-A09

Clutch, Brass M-A11

Button Ring M-A08


ASU & Dress Mess Accessories

Rayon Shoulder Boards When ordering, specify: • Male or Female • Branch of Service • Rank (W01 - COL)

Bullion Shoulder Boards

Rayon Shoulder Boards When ordering, specify: • Male or Female • Branch of Service • Rank (W01 - COL)

When ordering, specify: • Male or Female • Branch of Service • Rank (Capt - COL)

Epaulettes and Soutache Kit

Allow six weeks for delivery if not in stock.

Tropical Male Female

Adjutant General

Military Police




Military Intelligence

Shoulder Marks & Shoulder Knots



Item # C-M320 C-F325

Large Size SM-xxxL

Small Size SM-xxxS

Large Size SM-xxxL

Small Size SM-xxxS

Corporal Sergeant Staff Sergeant Sergeant 1st Cls Mast Sergeant 1st Sergeant Sergeant Major Cmd Sergent Maj W01 W02 W03

SM-103x SM-104x SM-105x SM-106x SM-107x SM-108x SM-109x SM-110x SM-115x SM-116x SM-117x

W04 W05 2nd Lt 1st Lt Captain Major Lt Col Colonel Brig Gen Major Gen Lt Gen General

SM-118x SM-119x SM-120x SM-121x SM-122x SM-123x SM-124x SM-125x SM-126x SM-127x SM-128x SM-129x

Male Shoulder Knots KT-01


Female Shoulder Knots KT-02


Trefoil BD-T01A


Sleeve & Hat Braids Special Forces

Civil Affairs

Sleeve Braids Engineer



Judge Advocate General

Officer BD-S/01 Adjutant General BD-S/02 Armor BD-S/03 Artillery BD-S/04 Aviation BD-S/05 Chaplain BD-S/06 Chemical BD-S/07 Civil Affairs BD-S/08 Engineer BD-S/09 Finance BD-S/11 Infantry BD-S/12 Medical BD-S/13 Military Intelligence BD-S/14 Military Police BD-S/15 Ordnance BD-S/16 Quartermaster BD-S/17 Signal BD-S/18 Special Forces BD-S/19 Transportation General Officer BD-S/10 General Officer

Hat Braids Officer BD-H/01 BD-H/02 BD-H/03 BD-H/04 BD-H/05 BD-H/06 BD-H/07 BD-H/08 BD-H/10 BD-H/13 BD-H/14 BD-H/15 BD-H/16 BD-H/17 BD-H/18 BD-H/19 BD-H/20 BD-H/21 BD-H/22 Enlisted BD-H/09

Adjutant General Armor Artillery Aviation Chaplain Chemical Civil Affairs Engineer Finance Infantry JAG Medical Military Intelligence Military Police Ordnance Quartermaster Signal Special Forces Transportation


Acquisition Corps

Brigadier General

Major General


Lieutenant General


Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699



67 Inf Bde

67 Armor Bn

61 Med Bn

56 ADA

51 Inf

49 Armor Div

44 Spt Bn

44 Evac Hosp

42 FA Bde

39 Spt Bn

36 Med Bn

35 Eng Bn

Unit Crests

1 Armored Div

DUI-0001/001 DUI-0001/001(2) DUI-0001/002 DUI-0001/003 DUI-0001/004 DUI-0001/010 DUI-0001/034 DUI-0001/082 DUI-0001/101 DUI-0001A DUI-0001B DUI-0001C DUI-0001D DUI-0001E(L) DUI-0001E(R) DUI-0001F DUI-0001G DUI-0001H DUI-0001J(2) DUI-0001K DUI-0001L DUI-0001M DUI-0001N DUI-0001P DUI-0001Q DUI-0001R DUI-0001S DUI-0001T DUI-0001U DUI-0001W DUI-0001Z(L) DUI-0001Z(R) DUI-0001ZA DUI-0001ZB DUI-0001ZC DUI-0001ZD DUI-0001ZE DUI-0001ZF DUI-0001ZG DUI-0001ZH DUI-0001ZI DUI-0001ZJ DUI-0001ZK DUI-0001ZL DUI-0001ZM DUI-0001ZN DUI-0001ZP DUI-0001ZQ DUI-0001ZR(L) DUI-0001ZR(R) DUI-0002/001A DUI-0002/001B DUI-0002/002(2) DUI-0002/003 DUI-0002/004 DUI-0002/010 DUI-0002/028 DUI-0002/082 DUI-0002/101 DUI-0002A(2) DUI-0002B(2) DUI-0002C DUI-0002D DUI-0002E DUI-0002F DUI-0002G DUI-0002H DUI-0002I(L) DUI-0002I(R) DUI-0002K DUI-0002L DUI-0002M DUI-0002N DUI-0002P DUI-0002Q DUI-0002R DUI-0002S

35 Div Arty

1 Army

1 Cav

1 BCT 1 Armored Div STB 1 Bde 1 Cav, STB 1 Bde 2 Inf STB 1 Bde 3 Div STB 1 Bde 4 Inf, STB 1 Bde 10 Mt, STB 1 Bde 34 Inf Div STB 1 Bct 82 Abn STB 1 Bde 101 Abn STB 1 ADA 1 Armor Div 1 Army 1 Avn 1 Avn Bde (LH) 1 Avn Bde (RH) 1 Bde, 1 Inf Div 1 Cav 1 Cav Div 1 Corps 1 Spt Cmd 1 Eng Bn 1 FA 1 CmbArm Bn 5 Bde 1 Arm 1 Finance Bn 1 Inf 1 Maint Bn 1 Maint Co 1 Med Bde 1 MI Bn 1 MP Gp 1 Pers Cmd (LH) 1 Pers Cmd (RH) 1 Pers Gp 1 Pers Svcs Bn 1 Psyops Bn 1 Trans Bn 1 Sig Bde 1 Sig Bn 1 Inf Div 1 Sig Gp 1 Inf Div Arty 1 Trans Agency 1 NCO Academy 1 Space Bn 1 Info Ops Cmd 1 Space Bde Us Army 1 Sustainment Bde 1 Cmbt Spt Bde 1 Info Ops Bn (L) 1 Info Ops Bn (R) 2 Bct 1 Inf Div STB 2 Bde 1 Cav, STB 2 Bde 2 ID, STB 2 Bde 3 Inf Div, STB 2 Bde 4 Inf Div, STB 2 Bde 10 Mt, STB 2 IBCT 28 ID, STB 2 Bde 82 Abn, STB 2 Bde 101 Abn, STB 2 ACR 2 ADA 2 Armored Div 2 Army 2 Avn 2 Chem Bn 2 Eng Bn 2 Eng Gp 2 FA (LH) 2 FA (RH) 2 Field Hospital 2 General Hospital 2 Inf 2 Inf Div 2 Medical Bde 2 MI Bn 2 MI Cmd 2 MP Bde

35 Arty Gp

35 Armor

1 Cav Div

DUI-0002U DUI-0002V DUI-0002W DUI-0002X DUI-0002Y DUI-0002Z DUI-0002ZA DUI-0002ZB DUI-0002ZC DUI-0002ZD DUI-0002ZE DUI-0003/001A DUI-0003/001B DUI-0003/001C DUI-0003/003 DUI-0003/004 DUI-0003/010 DUI-0003/025 DUI-0003/082 DUI-0003/101 DUI-0003A(2) DUI-0003B(2) DUI-0003C DUI-0003D DUI-0003E DUI-0003F DUI-0003G DUI-0003H DUI-0003I DUI-0003K DUI-0003L(4) DUI-0003M DUI-0003O DUI-0003P(2) DUI-0003Q DUI-0003R DUI-0003S DUI-0003T DUI-0003U DUI-0003V DUI-0003W DUI-0003X DUI-0003Y DUI-0003Z DUI-0003ZA DUI-0003ZB DUI-0003ZC DUI-0003ZD DUI-0003ZE DUI-0003ZF DUI-0004/001A DUI-0004/001B DUI-0004/001C DUI-0004/003 DUI-0004/004 DUI-0004/010 DUI-0004/025 DUI-0004/082 DUI-0004/101 DUI-0004A(2) DUI-0004B DUI-0004E DUI-0004F DUI-0004G DUI-0004H DUI-0004I DUI-0004J DUI-0004L DUI-0004M DUI-0004N DUI-0004O DUI-0004P DUI-0004Q DUI-0004R DUI-0004S DUI-0004T DUI-0004U

35 ADA Bde

1 Corps

1 Spt Cmd

2 Psy Op Gp 2 QM Gp 2 Signal Bde 2 Spt Bn 2 Support Ctr 2 Support Cmd 2 Trans Gp 2 Surgical Hospital 2 Info Op Bn 2 Cbt Ar Bn, 5 Bct 1 Ar Div 2 Eng Bde 3 Bde 1 Cav, STB 3 Bct 1 Inf Div, STB 3 Bct 1 Armor Div, STB 3 Bde 3 Inf Div, STB 3 Bde 4 Inf Div, STB 3 Bde 10 Mnt, STB 3 Bde 25 Inf, STB 3 Bct 82 Abn STB 3 Bde 101 Abn, STB 3 ACR 3 ADA 3 Armored Div 3 Army 3 Avn 3 Bde 104 Div 3 Corps 3 Corps Arty 3 COSCOM 3 Eng Bn 3 FA 3 Field Hospital 3 Inf 3 Inf Div 3 Inf Div Arty 3 Med Cmd 3 MI Bn 3 MP Gp 3 NCO Academy 3 Ord Bn 3 Pers Cmd 3 Pers Gp 3 Psyops 3 Sig Bde 3 Spt Bde 3 Spt Bn 3 Trans Agency 3 Sust Bde 3 Chem Bde 3 Man Enhance Bde 4 Bct 1 Arm Div STB 4 Bde 1 Cav, STB 4 Bde 1 Id, STB 4 Bde 3 Id, STB 4 Bde 4 Inf Div, STB 4 Bde 10 Mt Div, STB 4 Bde 25 Inf, STB 4 Bde 82 Abn, STB 4 Bde 101 Abn, STB 4 ADA 4 AG Bn 4 Avn Bn 4 Cav Bde 4 Cav 4 Eng Bn 4 Evac Hosp 4 FA 4 Finance Bn 4 Inf Div 4 Infantry Regiment 4 Maint Bn 4 Med Bde 4 Misssile Cmd 4 Sust Cmd 4 MP Gp 4 NCO Academy 4 Pers Svcs Bn

34 Spt Bn

38 Inf Div

1 Eng Bn

DUI-0004V DUI-0004W DUI-0004X DUI-0004Y DUI-0004Z DUI-0004ZA DUI-0004ZB DUI-0005/001A DUI-0005/001C DUI-0005/001D DUI-0005A DUI-0005B DUI-0005C DUI-0005D DUI-0005E DUI-0005F DUI-0005G DUI-0005H DUI-0005L(2) DUI-0005M DUI-0005N DUI-0005O DUI-0005P DUI-0005Q DUI-0005S DUI-0005T DUI-0005U DUI-0005V DUI-0005Y DUI-0005Z DUI-0005ZB DUI-0006B DUI-0006C DUI-0006D DUI-0006E(2) DUI-0006F DUI-0006H/1 DUI-0006H/2 DUI-0006J DUI-0006K DUI-0006L DUI-0006N DUI-0006O DUI-0006P DUI-0006S DUI-0007B(2) DUI-0007C(2) DUI-0007D DUI-0007F DUI-0007G DUI-0007I DUI-0007J DUI-0007K DUI-0007N(2) DUI-0007R(R) DUI-0007S(L) DUI-0007V DUI-0007X DUI-0007Y DUI-0007Z DUI-0007ZA DUI-0007ZF DUI-0007ZG DUI-0007ZI DUI-0007ZJ DUI-0008A DUI-0008B DUI-0008D(L) DUI-0008E(R) DUI-0008F DUI-0008G DUI-0008H DUI-0008I DUI-0008J DUI-0008K(2) DUI-0008L DUI-0008M

34 Div

1 FA

1 Fin Bn

4 Psyops Gp 4 Sig Bn 4 Sig Gp 4 Spt Bn 4 Trans Cmd 4 Sust Bde 4 Maneuver Bde 5 Bct 1 Armd Div STB 5 Bde 1 Armd Div Fires Bn 5 Bde 1 Armd Div Spt Bn 5 ADA 5 Armored Bde 5 Army 5 Arty Gp 5 Avn Bn 5 Cav 5 Eng Bn 5 FA 5 Inf 5 Inf Div 5 Maint Bn 5 Med Gp 5 MP Bn 5 MP Gp 5 Ord Bn 5 Pers Gp 5 Pers Svcs Bn 5 Psych Ops Gp 5 Sig Bn 5 Sig Cmd 5 Surgical Hospital 6 ADA (LH) 6 ADA (RH) 6 Army 6 Cav 6 Cav Bde 6 FA (L) 6 FA (R) 6 Inf 6 MP Grp 6 Ord Bn 6 Psyops Bn 6 Sig Bn 6 Sig Cmd 6 Trans Bn 7 ADA (LH) 7 ADA (RH) 7 ARCOM 7 Avn Bn 7 Cav 7 Eng Bde 7 Eng Bn 7 FA 7 Inf 7 Inf Div (RH) 7 Inf Div (LH) 7 MP Gp 7 Pers Gp 7 Psyops Gp 7 Sig Bde 7 Sig Cmd 7 Trans Bn 7 Trans Gp 7 Civ Spt Cmd 7 Psy Ops Bn 8 Army 8 Avn Bn 8 Cav (LH) 8 Cav (RH) 8 Eng Bn 8 Evac Hosp 8 FA 8 Field Hosp 8 Fin Bn 8 Inf 8 Inf Div 8 Med Bde

34 Armor

33 FA

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


DUI-0008N DUI-0008P DUI-0008S DUI-0008T DUI-0008V DUI-0009A DUI-0009B(2) DUI-0009D DUI-0009E DUI-0009F DUI-0009H DUI-0009M DUI-0009N DUI-0009O DUI-0009P DUI-0009Q DUI-0009S DUI-0010A DUI-0010B DUI-0010C DUI-0010G(L) DUI-0010H(R) DUI-0010I DUI-0010J DUI-0010K DUI-0010L DUI-0010N DUI-0010O DUI-0010P DUI-0010Q DUI-0010R DUI-0010S DUI-0010T DUI-0010U DUI-0010W DUI-0010X DUI-0011A DUI-0011B DUI-0011C DUI-0011D DUI-0011G DUI-0011H(2) DUI-0011J DUI-0011K DUI-0011M DUI-00011N DUI-0011O DUI-0012A DUI-0012B DUI-0012C DUI-0012D DUI-0012F DUI-0012G DUI-0012H DUI-0012I DUI-0013A DUI-0013B DUI-0013C DUI-0013D DUI-0013E DUI-0013F DUI-0013G DUI-0013H DUI-0013I DUI-0013J DUI-0013L DUI-0013M DUI-0014A DUI-0014B DUI-0014C DUI-0014D DUI-0014E DUI-0014F(2) DUI-0014G DUI-0014H DUI-0014I DUI-0014K

33 Armor

3 Corps

8 MP Bde 8 Psyops Bn 8 Spt Gp 8 Trans Bde 8 Sustainment Cmd 9 Avn 9 Cav 9 FA 9 Fin Gp 9 Fin Bn 9 Inf 9 MP Gp 9 Psyops 9 Regional Spt Cmd 9 Sig Bn 9 Sig Cmd 9 Spt Cmd 10 Air Miss Def Cmd 10 Avn 10 Avn Bde 10 Cav (LH) 10 Cav (RH) 10 Combat Spt Hosp 10 Eng Bn 10 FA 10 Inf 10 Mountain Div 10 MP Bn 10 Pers Cmd 10 Pers Svcs Bn 10 Psyops Bn 10 Sig Bn 10 Spt Bn 10 Spt Gp 10 Trans Bn 10 Sustainment Bde 11 ADA 11 Arm Cav 11 Avn 11 Avn Bde 11 FA 11 Inf 11 MP Bn 11 MP Bde 11 Sig Bde 11 Sig Bn 11 Trans Bn 12 Avn Bde 12 Cav 12 Eng Bn 12 FA 12 Inf 12 MP Gp 12 Psyops Bn 12 Sig Gp 13 ADA Gp 13 Armor 13 Avn Regt 13 Corps Spt Cmd 13 CS Hosp 13 Eng Bn 13 FA 13 Field Hospital 13 Fin Gp 13 Inf 13 Sig Bn 13 Spt Bn 14 Armored Cav 14 Avn 14 Eng Bn 14 FA 14 Field Hosp 14 Inf 14 MI Bn 14 MP Bde 14 Psyops Bn 14 Trans Bn

32 Med Unit


4 Inf Div

DUI-0014L DUI-0015A DUI-0015B DUI-0015C DUI-0015D DUI-0015E DUI-0015F DUI-0015G(2) DUI-0015H DUI-0015I DUI-0015J DUI-0015K DUI-0015L DUI-0015M DUI-0015N DUI-0015O DUI-0015Q DUI-0016A DUI-0016C DUI-0016D DUI-0016E DUI-0016F DUI-0016G DUI-0016H DUI-0016I DUI-0016K DUI-0016M DUI-0016N DUI-0016O DUI-0017A DUI-0017B DUI-0017C DUI-0017D(2) DUI-0017E DUI-0017F(2) DUI-0017I DUI-0017J DUI-0017K(2) DUI-0017L DUI-0017M DUI-0018A DUI-0018B DUI-0018C DUI-0018D DUI-0018E DUI-0018F DUI-0018G DUI-0018H DUI-0018I DUI-0018K DUI-0018L DUI-0018N DUI-0018O DUI-0018P DUI-0018R DUI-0019A DUI-0019B DUI-0019C DUI-0019D DUI-0019E(2) DUI-0019F DUI-0019G DUI-0019H DUI-0019I DUI-0020A DUI-0020B DUI-0020C DUI-0020D DUI-0020E DUI-0020G DUI-0020H DUI-0021A DUI-0021B DUI-0021D DUI-0021F DUI-0021G DUI-0021I

32 Inf Bde

Unit Crests

5 FA

6 FA (L)

14 Field Hosp 15 Arty Gp 15 Avn Gp 15 Cav 15 Eng Bn 15 FA 15 Fin Bn 15 Inf 15 MI Bn 15 MP Bde 15 Ord Bn 15 Pers Svcs Bn 15 Psych Ops Bn 15 Sig Bde 15 Spt Bde 15 Spt Bn 15 Sustainment Bde 16 ADA Gp 16 Avn Bn 16 Avn Gp 16 Cav 16 Eng Bde 16 Eng Bn 16 FA Bn 16 Inf 16 MP Bde 16 Psyops Bn USAR 16 Sig Bn 16 Spt Gp 17 FA Bde 17 Arty Gp 17 Avn Bde 17 Cav 17 Eng Bn 17 FA 17 Psyops Bn 17 Sig Bn 17 Spt Bn 17 Spt Gp 17 Sust Bde 18 ADA Gp 18 Abn Corps 18 Avn Bn 18 Avn Bde 18 Cav 18 Eng Bde 18 Eng Bn 18 FA Bde 18 FA Bn 18 Fin Gp 18 Inf 18 MP Bde 18 P & A Bn 18 Personnel Gp 18 Spt Bn 19 ADA Gp 19 Avn Bn 19 Eng Bn 19 FA 19 Inf 19 Maint Bn 19 Spt Cnt 19 MP Bn 19 Spt Cmd 20 Avn Bn 20 Eng Bde 20 Eng Bn 20 FA 20 Inf 20 Avn Bde 20 Support Cmd 21 Avn Bn 21 Cav Bde 21 Combt Spt Hsp 21 Eng Bn 21 FA 21 Inf

32 FA

7 Inf Div (RH)

DUI-0021J DUI-0021L DUI-0021M DUI-0021N DUI-0022A DUI-0022B DUI-0022C DUI-0022D DUI-0022E DUI-0022G DUI-0022H DUI-0023A DUI-0023B DUI-0023C DUI-0023F DUI-0023G DUI-0024A DUI-0024B DUI-0024D DUI-00024F DUI-0024G DUI-0024H DUI-0024I DUI-0024J DUI-0024K DUI-0024L DUI-0024N DUI-0025A DUI-0025B DUI-0025C DUI-0025D DUI-0025E DUI-0025G DUI-0026A DUI-0026B DUI-0026C DUI-0026E DUI-0026F DUI-0026G DUI-0026H DUI-0026I DUI-0027A DUI-0027B DUI-0027C DUI-0027D(2) DUI-0027F(2) DUI-0027G DUI-0027H DUI-0027K DUI-0027L(L) DUI-0027L(R) DUI-0028A DUI-0028C DUI-0028D DUI-0028E DUI-0028G DUI-0028H(2) DUI-0028J DUI-0028K DUI-0028L DUI-0028M DUI-0028N DUI-0029A DUI-0029B DUI-0029C DUI-0029D DUI-0029E DUI-0029F DUI-0029G DUI-0029H DUI-0029I DUI-0029J DUI-0029L DUI-0030A DUI-0030B DUI-0030D DUI-0030E

32 Air Miss Def Cmd

31 Spt Gp

8 Psyops Bn

21 Pers Gp 21 Sig Gp 21 Spt Bde 21 Spt Cmd 22 Avn Bn 22 Chemical Bn 22 FA 22 Inf 22 MP Bn 22 Sig Bde 22 Spt Cmd 23 ADA Gp 23 Chem Bn 23 Inf 23 QM Bde 23 Spt Gp 24 ADA Gp 24 Avn 24 Eng Gp 24 Finance Bn 24 Inf Div 24 Inf Regt 24 MI Bn USAR 24 Pers Svcs Bn 24 Sig Bn 24 Spt Gp 24 Trans Bn 25 Avn 25 FA 25 Inf Div 25 Sig Bn 25 Spt Bn 25 Trans Bn 26 Eng Bn 26 Inf Bde 26 Inf Div 26 Sig Bn 26 Spt Bn 26 Spt Gp 26 FA 26 Inf Bct STB 27 Eng Bn 27 FA 27 Fin Bn 27 Inf (RH) 27 Inf (LH) 27 Inf Bde 27 Spt Bn 27 Trans Ctr 27 Inf Bct STB 27 Inf Bct STB 28 ADA Gp 28 Avn Gp 28 FA 28 Fin Bn 28 Hosp 28 Inf Div 28 Inf 28 Pers Svcs Bn 28 Sig Bn 28 Trans Bn 28 Inf Div STB 29 ATC Gp 29 Eng Bn 29 FA 29 Inf 29 Inf Bde 29 Inf Div 29 Inf Div Arty 29 Sig Bde 29 Sig Bn 29 Spt Bn 29 STB, 29 ID 30 ADA Bde 30 AG Bn 30 Eng Bde 30 Eng Bn

31 Spt Bn

9 Spt Cmd

10 Spt Bn

DUI-0030F DUI-0030H DUI-0030I DUI-0030J DUI-0030L DUI-0030M DUI-0030N DUI-0030O DUI-0030P DUI-0030Q DUI-0030R DUI-0031A DUI-0031B DUI-0031C DUI-0031D DUI-0031E DUI-0031F(2) DUI-0031G DUI-0031H(2) DUI-0031H(2) DUI-0031I DUI-0031K DUI-0031L DUI-0031M DUI-0032A DUI-0032B DUI-0032C DUI-0032D DUI-0032E DUI-0032F DUI-0032G DUI-0032H DUI-0032I DUI-0032J DUI-0032L DUI-0032M DUI-0033A DUI-0033B DUI-0033C DUI-0033D DUI-0033F DUI-0033G DUI-0033H DUI-0033I(3) DUI-0033J DUI-0034A DUI-0034C DUI-0034D DUI-0034E DUI-0034F DUI-0034H DUI-0034I DUI-0034J DUI-0034K DUI-0034L DUI-0034N DUI-0035A DUI-0035B DUI-0035C DUI-0035D(2) DUI-0035E DUI-0035F DUI-0035G DUI-0035H DUI-0035I DUI-0035K DUI-0035L DUI-0035M DUI-0035N DUI-0036A DUI-0036B DUI-0036C DUI-0036D DUI-0036F DUI-0036G DUI-0036H DUI-0036I

29 Sig Bn

27 FA

10 Trans Bn

30 FA 30 Fin Bn 30 Inf 30 Inf Bde 30 Maint Bn 30 Med Bde 30 MP Bn 30 QM Bn 30 Sig Bn 30 Spt Gp 30 Spt Bn 31 ADA Bde 31 Armor Bde 31 Avn Gp 31 Eng Bn 31 Eng Gp 31 FA 31 Field Hosp 31 Inf (LH) 31 Inf (RH) 31 Med Gp 31 Spt Bn 31 Spt Gp 31 Cav Rgt 32 Air Missle Def Cmd 32 Armor 32 Avn Bn 32 CS Hosp 32 FA 32 Inf 32 Inf Bde 32 Med Unit 32 Sig Bn 32 Spt Cmd 32 Trans Gp 32 Med Bde 33 Armor 33 Avn Bn 33 Avn Gp 33 FA 33 Fin Bn 33 MP Bn 33 Sig Bn 33 Support Gp 33 Inf Bde, STB, CBT 34 Armor Bn 34 Div 34 Eng Bn 34 Eng Gp 34 FA 34 Inf 34 Med Bn 34 MP Bn 34 Sig Bn 34 Spt Bn 34 Inf Div STB 35 ADA Bde 35 Armor 35 Arty Gp 35 Div Arty 35 Eng Bde 35 Eng Bn 35 Eng Gp 35 FA 35 Inf 35 Inf Div (LH) 35 Inf Div (RH) 35 Sig Bde 35 Sig Bn 36 Arty Gp 36 Bde 36 Eng Bn 36 Eng Gp 36 FA 36 Inf 36 Med Bn 36 Sig Bn

25 Avn

11 ADA

DUI-0036K DUI-0036L DUI-0036M DUI-0037A DUI-0037B DUI-0037C DUI-0037D DUI-0037F DUI-0037G DUI-0037H(2) DUI-0038A DUI-0038B DUI-0038C DUI-0038D DUI-0038E DUI-0038G DUI-0038H DUI-0038I DUI-0038J DUI-0038K DUI-0038L DUI-0039B DUI-0039C DUI-0039D DUI-0039E DUI-0039F DUI-0039G DUI-0039I DUI-0039J DUI-0039K DUI-0039L DUI-0040A DUI-0040B DUI-0040C DUI-0040D DUI-0040E DUI-0040F DUI-0040G DUI-0040H DUI-0040I DUI-0040J DUI-0040K DUI-0041A DUI-0041C DUI-0041D DUI-0041E(2) DUI-0041F(2) DUI-0041F(2) DUI-0041G DUI-0041H DUI-0041I DUI-0042A DUI-0042B DUI-0042C DUI-0042E DUI-0042F DUI-0042G DUI-0042H DUI-0042I(L) DUI-0042I(R) DUI-0043A DUI-0043B DUI-0043C DUI-0043D DUI-0043E DUI-0043F DUI-0044A DUI-0044B DUI-0044C DUI-0044D DUI-0044E DUI-0044G DUI-0044H DUI-0044I DUI-0044J DUI-0045A DUI-0045B

21 Spt Cmd

12 Avn Bde

12 Cav

36 Trans Bn 36 Infantry Div 36 Sust Bde 37 Armor 37 Eng Bn 37 FA Bn 37 Inf Bde 37 Sig Bn 37 Trans Gp 37 Inf Bct 38 ADA Bde 38 FA 38 Inf 38 Inf Div 38 Spt Gp 38 Sig Bn 38 Spt Bn 38 Spt Bn ARNG IN 38 Trans Bn 38 Cav Rgt 38 Sust Bde 39 Eng Bn 39 Eng Gp 39 FA 39 Fin Bn 39 Inf 39 Inf Bde 39 Ord Gp USAR 39 Sig Bn 39 Spt Bn 39 Trans Bn 40 Armor 40 Armor Bde 40 Arty Bde 40 Eng Bn 40 FA 40 Fin Bn 40 Inf Div 40 MP Bn 40 Ord Gp 40 Sig Bn 40 Spt Bn 41 Area Spt Gp 41 Eng Bn 41 FA 41 Fires Bde 41 Inf Bde (L) 41 Inf Bde (R) 41 Inf Regt 41 Sig Bn 41 Inf Bct STB 42 AG Bn 42 FA Bde 42 FA Bn 42 Inf Div 42 MP Gp 42 Spt Bn 42 Trans Bn 42 Spt Gp (L) 42 Spt Gp (R) 43 ADA 43 AG Bn 43 Eng Bn 43 MP Brigade 43 Sig Bn 43 Spt Gp 44 ADA 44 Chemical Bn 44 Eng Bn 44 Eng Gp 44 Evac Hosp 44 Med Bde 44 Signal Bn 44 Spt Bn 44 Spt Gp 45 ADA Bde 45 Avn Bn

19 Spt Cmd

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699

18 FA Bde

12 FA

12 Psyops Bn

17 Cav

13 AVN Regt

13 Corps Spt Cmd

13 CS Hosp ARNG

13 FA

13 Sig Bn

13 Spt Bn

15 Fin Bn

16 Sig Bn

17 FA

17 FA Bde


67 Maint Bn

121 Eng Bn

120 FA

120 Eng Bn

119 Inf Bn

118 Spt Bn

118 Med Bn

118 Inf

117 FA

116 MI Gp

116 FA BN

116 Eng Bn

116 Cav

Unit Crests

67 Maint Co

67 Sig Bn

DUI-0045C DUI-0045D(2)(L) DUI-0045D(2)(R) DUI-0045F(2)(L) DUI-0045F(2)(R) DUI-0045H DUI-0045K DUI-0046C DUI-0046D DUI-0046E DUI-0046F DUI-0046G DUI-0046K DUI-0046L(2) DUI-0047B DUI-0047D DUI-0047G DUI-0047H DUI-0047I DUI-0048A DUI-0048B DUI-0048C DUI-0048D DUI-0048E DUI-0048F DUI-0049A DUI-0049B DUI-0049D DUI-0049E DUI-0049G DUI-0049H DUI-0049I DUI-0049J DUI-0049K DUI-0049L DUI-0050C DUI-0050E DUI-0050H DUI-0050I DUI-0050J DUI-0050K DUI-0050L DUI-0050M DUI-0051A DUI-0051B DUI-0051C DUI-0051D DUI-0051E DUI-0051F DUI-0051G DUI-0052A DUI-0052B DUI-0052D DUI-0052E DUI-0052F DUI-0052G DUI-0052H DUI-0052I DUI-0052K DUI-0053B DUI-0053C(2)(L) DUI-0053C(2)(R) DUI-0053D DUI-0053E DUI-0053G DUI-0053H DUI-0054A DUI-0054B DUI-0054C DUI-0054D DUI-0054E DUI-0054F DUI-0054G DUI-0055A DUI-0055B DUI-0055C

45 Eng Gp 45 FA Bde (LH) 45 FA Bde (RH) 45 Inf Bde (LH) 45 Inf Bde (RH) 45 Spt Bn 45 Sust Bde 46 Avn Bn 46 Cmbt Spt Hosp 46 Eng Bn 46 Eng Gp 46 Inf 46 Spt Gp 46 MP Cmd 47 Cmbt Spt Hos 47 Eng Bn 47 Inf 47 Inf Div 47 Spt Bn 48 Inf 48 Spt Bn 48 Trans Gp 48 Cmbt Spt Hosp 48 Chem Bde 48 Inf CT STB 49 ADA Gp 49 Armor Div 49 Fin Bn 49 Med Bn 49 Pers Svcs Bn 49 QM Gp 49 Spt Bn 49 Missile Def Bn 49 Trans Ctr 49 MP Bde 50 Fin Bn 50 Inf 50 Pers Svcs 50 S&S Bn 50 Sig Bn 50 Spt Bn 50 Spt Gp 50 Inf Bct 51 ADA 51 Avn Gp 51 Eng Bn 51 Inf 51 Maint Bn 51 MP Bn 51 Sig Bn 52 ADA 52 ADA Bde 52 Arty Gp 52 Avn 52 Eng Bn 52 Inf 52 Med Bn 52 Ord Gp 52 Sig Bn 53 Avn Bn 53 Inf Bde (LH) 53 Inf Bde (RH) 53 Sig Bde 53 Sig Bn 53 Spt Bn 53 Trans Bn 54 Arty Gp 54 Eng Bn 54 FA Bde 54 Inf 54 Ord Co 54 Sig Bn 54 Spt Bn 55 ADA 55 Avn Bn 55 Inf Bde

115 MI Gp

115 Inf

68 Armor

115 Eng Bn

68 Spt Bn

DUI-0055D DUI-0055E DUI-0055F DUI-0055G DUI-0055I DUI-0056A DUI-0056B DUI-0056E DUI-0056F DUI-0056G DUI-0056H DUI-0056K DUI-0057A DUI-0057B DUI-0057C DUI-0057D DUI-0057E DUI-0057F DUI-0058B DUI-0058C DUI-0058D DUI-0058E DUI-0058F DUI-0058G DUI-0058H DUI-0059A DUI-0059B DUI-0059C DUI-0059D DUI-0060A DUI-0060B DUI-0060C DUI-0061A DUI-0061B DUI-0061C DUI-0061D DUI-0061E DUI-0062A DUI-0062B DUI-0062D DUI-0062E DUI-0062F DUI-0063A DUI-0063B DUI-0063C DUI-0063D DUI-0063E DUI-0063F DUI-0063G DUI-0063I DUI-0064A DUI-0064B DUI-0064D DUI-0064E DUI-0064F DUI-0065A(2)(L) DUI-0065A(2)(R) DUI-0065B DUI-0065C DUI-0065F DUI-0066A(2) DUI-0066B DUI-0066E DUI-0066F DUI-0067A DUI-0067C DUI-0067E DUI-0067G DUI-0067H DUI-0067I DUI-0067J DUI-0067K DUI-0068A DUI-0068B DUI-0068C DUI-0068E

114 FA

69 Armor

55 Maint Bn 55 Med Gp 55 Pers Svcs Bn 55 Spt Bn 55 Sust Bde 56 ADA 56 Arty Gp 56 Inf Bde 56 Med Bn 56 Pers Svcs Bn 56 Sig Bn 56 Info Ops Gp 57 ADA 57 FA Bde 57 Med Bn 57 Ord Bde 57 Sig Bn 57 Trans Bn 58 Avn Bn 58 Inf 58 Inf Bde 58 Med Bn 58 Sig Bn 58 Spt Bn 58 Trans Bn 59 ADA 59 ATC Bn 59 Ord Bde 59 Sig Bn 60 ADA 60 Inf 60 Ord Gp 61 ADA 61 Inf 61 Med Bn 61 Ord Bn 61 Cav 62 ADA 62 Eng Bn 62 Maint Bn 62 Med Gp 62 Sig Bn 63 Armor 63 Avn Gp 63 Eng Bn 63 Maint Bn 63 Ord Bn 63 Regional Spt Cmd 63 Sig Bn 63 Avn Bde 64 Armor 64 Eng Bn 64 QM Bn 64 Spt Bn 64 Spt Gp 65 ADA (LH) 65 ADA (RH) 65 Eng Bn 65 Inf 65 Fires Bde 66 Armor 66 Avn Bde 66 MI Bde 66 Trans Bn 67 ADA 67 Armor Bn 67 Inf Bde 67 Maint Co 67 Med Gp 67 Sig Bn 67 Spt Bn 67 Trans Gp USAR 68 ADA 68 Armor 68 Maint Bn 68 Sig Bn

113 Inf

70 Armor

70 Div Train

DUI-0068F DUI-0068G DUI-0069A DUI-0069B DUI-0069C DUI-0069E DUI-0069F DUI-0069G DUI-0069H DUI-0070A DUI-0070B DUI-0070C DUI-0070G DUI-0070I DUI-0071A DUI-0071B DUI-0071D DUI-0071E DUI-0071F DUI-0071G DUI-0071H DUI-0071I DUI-0072A DUI-0072B DUI-0072C DUI-0072F DUI-0073A DUI-0073C DUI-0073E DUI-0073F DUI-0075 DUI-0075A DUI-0075B DUI-0075D DUI-0075E DUI-0075F DUI-0075G DUI-0076A DUI-0076B DUI-0076D DUI-0076E DUI-0076F DUI-0077A DUI-0077B DUI-0077C DUI-0077D(2) DUI-0077E DUI-0077F DUI-0078A DUI-0078C DUI-0078D DUI-0078G DUI-0079A(L) DUI-0079A(R) DUI-0079B DUI-0079C DUI-0079D DUI-0079E DUI-0079H DUI-0080A DUI-0080B DUI-0080C DUI-0080D DUI-0081A DUI-0081B DUI-0081C DUI-0081D DUI-0081E DUI-0082A DUI-0082B DUI-0082C DUI-0082D DUI-0082E DUI-0082F DUI-0082G DUI-0082I

113 FA Bn

113 Avn

71 Maint Bn

68 Spt Bn 68 Trans Gp USAR 69 ADA Bde 69 Armor 69 Eng Bn 69 Inf 69 Inf Bde 69 Maint Bn 69 Sig Bn 70 Armor 70 Div Training 70 Eng Bn 70 Ord Bn 70 SP Bn 71 Abn Bde 71 ADA 71 Inf 71 Maint Bn 71 Trans Bn 71 Cavalry 71 Ord Gp 71 Btlfd Surv Bde 72 Armor 72 FA Bde 72 Inf Bde 72 Sig Bn 73 Armor 73 FA 73 Ord Bn 73 Sig Bn 75 Cav Rgt 75 Cmbt Spt Hosp 75 Div 75 FA 75 FA Bde 75 Inf 75 Spt Bn 76 Avn Gp 76 Div (Trng) USAR 76 FA 76 Inf Bde 76 Regt CST USAR 77 Armor 77 Avn Bn USAR 77 FA 77 Regional Spt 77 Avn Bde 77 Cmbt Sust Spt Bn 78 Div 78 Regt CST 78 Sig Bn 78 FA 79 Army Res Cmd (LH) 79 Army Res Cmd (RH) 79 Eng Bn 79 Eng Gp 79 FA 79 Ord Bn 79 Troop Cmd 80 Div (Trng) USAR 80 FA 80 Ord Bn 80 Regt CST 81 ARCOM 81 Armor 81 FA 81 Armor Bde 81 Maint Bn 82 Abn Div Arty 82 Abn Div 82 Abn Div 82 Avn Bn 82 Cav 82 Chem Bn 82 FA Bn 82 Fin Bn

113 Armor

71 Trans Bn

DUI-0082J DUI-0082K DUI-0082L DUI-0082M DUI-0083B DUI-0083C DUI-0083D DUI-0083E DUI-0084A DUI-0084B DUI-0084C DUI-0084D DUI-0084E DUI-0084F DUI-0084G DUI-0085B DUI-0085C DUI-0085D DUI-0085E DUI-0085G DUI-0086B DUI-0086C DUI-0086D DUI-0086E DUI-0086F DUI-0086G DUI-0087A DUI-0087C DUI-0087D DUI-0087E DUI-0088A DUI-0088B DUI-0088C DUI-0089A DUI-0089B DUI-0089C DUI-0089E DUI-0090B DUI-0091A DUI-0091B DUI-0091D DUI-0091F DUI-0091H DUI-0091I DUI-0091J DUI-0092A DUI-0092B DUI-0092C DUI-0092E DUI-0092G DUI-0092J DUI-0093C DUI-0093D DUI-0093E DUI-0094A DUI-0094C DUI-0094D DUI-0094E DUI-0094F DUI-0094G DUI-0094H DUI-0095A DUI-0095B DUI-0095D DUI-0095F DUI-0095G DUI-0096A DUI-0096B DUI-0096D DUI-0096E DUI-0097A DUI-0097C DUI-0097E DUI-0097G DUI-0097H DUI-0098A

112 Sig Bn

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699

72 Armor

72 FA Bde

82 Forward Spt Bn 82 Per Svc Bn 82 Sig Bn 82 Sust Bde 83 Avn USAR 83 Chem Bn 83 Eng Bn 83 FA 84 Chem Bn 84 Div (Trng) USAR 84 Eng Bn 84 FA 84 Ord Bn 84 Regt 84 Spt Bn USAR 85 Div 85 Maneuver Cmd 85 Med Bn 85 Regt CST 85 Civ Aff Bde 86 Armored Bde 86 Eng Bn 86 Evac Hosp 86 FA 86 Ord Bn 86 Sig Bn 87 ADA Gp 87 Inf 87 Res Cmd 87 Maint Bn 88 Arty Gp 88 RSC 88 S&S Bn 89 MP Bde 89 Regt 89 Sust Bde 89 Cav Regiment 90 Reg Spt Cmd 91 Div USAR 91 Eng Bn 91 Med Bn 91 Spt Bn 91 MP Bn 91 Cav Regt 91 Civ Aff Bn 92 Chem Bn 92 Eng Bn 92 FA 92 MEB 92 MP Bn 92 Civ Aff Bn 93 Med Bn 93 MP Bn 93 Signal Bde 94 ADA Bde 94 Eng Bn 94 FA 94 Gen Hosp USAR 94 MP Bn 94 Regional Spt Cmd 94 Spt Bn 95 AG Bn 95 CA Bde 95 Div 95 MP Bn 95 Regt 96 Army Res Cmd 96 Civil Affairs 96 MP Bn 96 Support Bn 97 ARCOM 97 Eng Bn 97 MP Bn 97 Sig Bn 97 CA Bn 98 Div

112 FA

112 Eng Bn


72 MP Bn

DUI-0098C DUI-0098D DUI-0098E DUI-0098F DUI-0098H DUI-0098I DUI-0099C DUI-0099D DUI-0099E DUI-0099F DUI-0100A DUI-0100B DUI-0100C DUI-0100D DUI-0100E DUI-0100F DUI-0100H DUI-0101A DUI-0101B DUI-0101C DUI-0101D DUI-0101E DUI-0101F DUI-0101G DUI-0101H DUI-0101I DUI-0101J DUI-0101K DUI-0101L DUI-0101M DUI-0101N DUI-0101O DUI-0101P DUI-0101Q DUI-0102A DUI-0102B DUI-0102C DUI-0102D DUI-0102E DUI-0102F DUI-0102G DUI-0102H DUI-0102I DUI-0102J DUI-0103A DUI-0103C DUI-0103D DUI-0103E DUI-0103F DUI-0103H DUI-0103I DUI-0103J DUI-0104A DUI-0104B(2) DUI-0104D DUI-0104E(2) DUI-0104F DUI-0104G DUI-0104H DUI-0104I DUI-0104J DUI-0104K DUI-0104L(L) DUI-0104M(R) DUI-0104N DUI-0104O DUI-0105C DUI-0105D DUI-0105E(2) DUI-0105F DUI-0105G DUI-0105H DUI-0105I DUI-0105J DUI-0105K DUI-0105L

112 Armor

73 Armor

Unit Crests

73 FA

98 Regt CST USAR 98 Sig Bn 98 Spt Bn USAR 98 Spt Gp 98 Civ Aff Bn 98 Cav 99 Reg Spt Cmd 99 Sig Bn 99 Spt Bn 99 Spt Gp 100 Div 100 MP Bn 100 Regt Cst USAR 100 S & S Bn 100 Spt Bn USAR 100 Spt Gp 100 Missile Def Bde 101 Abn Div 101 Abn Div Arty 101 Avn Bn 101 Avn Gp 101 Cav 101 Eng Bn 101 FA 101 Finance Bn 101 Inf 101 MI Bn 101 Ord Bn 101 Personnel Svc Bn 101 QM Bn 101 Sig Bn 101 Spt Bn 101 Spt Gp 101 Sust Bde 102 ARCOM 102 Armor 102 Eng Bn 102 FA 102 Inf 102 Med Bn 102 MI Bn 102 MP Bn 102 Sig Bn 102 MP Bn 103 Armor 103 Eng Bn 103 FA 103 FA Bde 103 MI Bn 103 Sust Cmd 103 Spt Gp 103 Chem Bn 104 Avn 104 Cav 104 Eng Bn 104 FA 104 Inf 104 Med Bn 104 MI Bn 104 Regt AIT USAR 104 Spt Bn USAR 104 Spt Gp 104 Div Trng (LH) 104 Div Training (RH) 104 MP Bn 104 Div “Inst Trng” 105 Eng Bn 105 Eng Gp 105 FA 105 Fin Bn 105 Inf 105 Med Bn 105 MI Bn 105 Pers Svc Bn 105 Sig Bn 105 Spt Bn

111 Eng Bn

111 Avn Bn

73 Ord Bn

DUI-0105M DUI-0106A DUI-0106B DUI-0106C DUI-0106D DUI-0106E DUI-0106I DUI-0106J DUI-0106K DUI-0106L DUI-0106M DUI-0106N DUI-0107A DUI-0107C DUI-0107D DUI-0107E DUI-0107G DUI-0107I DUI-0108A DUI-0108B DUI-0108C DUI-0108D DUI-0108E DUI-0108G DUI-0108I DUI-0108K DUI-0108L DUI-0108M DUI-0108N DUI-0108O DUI-0108P DUI-0108R DUI-0108S DUI-0109A DUI-0109B DUI-0109C DUI-0109D DUI-0109F DUI-0109H DUI-0109I DUI-0109J DUI-0109K DUI-0109L DUI-0109M DUI-0110A DUI-0110B DUI-0110C DUI-0110D DUI-0110E DUI-0110F DUI-0110H DUI-0110I DUI-0110K DUI-0110L DUI-0111A DUI-0111B DUI-0111C DUI-0111D DUI-0111F DUI-0111G DUI-0111H(2) DUI-0111I(2) DUI-0111J DUI-0111K DUI-0111L DUI-0111M DUI-0111N DUI-0112A DUI-0112B DUI-0112C DUI-0112D DUI-0112E DUI-0112F DUI-0112G DUI-0112H DUI-0112I

111 ADA Bde

75 Combat Spt Hosp

105 MP Bn 106 Avn 106 Cav 106 Eng Bn 106 FA 106 Fin Bn 106 Med Bn 106 MI Bn 106 Regt 106 Sig Bde 106 Support Bn 106 Trans Bn 107 ACR 107 Eng Bn 107 FA 107 Fin Bn 107 MI Bn 107 QM Bn 108 ACR 108 ADA 108 Armor 108 ARNG GA 108 AVN 108 CAV 108 Div (Trng) USAR 108 FA 108 Inf 108 Sustainment 108 Med Bn 108 MI Bn 108 MI Gp 108 Regt 108 Sig Bn 109 Armor 109 Avn 109 Eng Bn 109 Eng Gp 109 FA 109 Inf 109 Med Bn 109 MI Bn 109 MI Gp 109 MP Bn 109 Sig Bn 110 Armor 110 Cav 110 Man Enhan Bde 110 FA 110 Inf 110 Maint Bn 110 Med Bn 110 MI Bn 110 Spt Bn 110 Chem Bn 111 ADA 111 ADA Bde 111 Armor Gp 111 Avn Bn 111 Eng Gp 111 Eng 111 FA 111 Inf 111 Med Bn 111 MI Bde 111 Ord Gp 111 Sig Bn 111 Spt Bn 112 Armor 112 Avn 112 Eng Bn 112 FA 112 FA Gp 112 Inf 112 Med Bde 112 MI Bde 112 MP Bn

110 Chem Bn

75 Div

75 FA

DUI-0112J DUI-0112K DUI-0113A DUI-0113B DUI-0113C(2) DUI-0113D DUI-0113E DUI-0113F DUI-0113G DUI-0113H DUI-0113I(L) DUI-0113I(R) DUI-0114A DUI-0114B DUI-0114D DUI-0114E DUI-0114G DUI-0114H DUI-0115C DUI-0115D DUI-0115E DUI-0115F DUI-0115G DUI-0115H DUI-0115I DUI-0115J DUI-0115L(2) DUI-0115M DUI-0116A DUI-0116B DUI-0116C DUI-0116D DUI-0116E DUI-0116F DUI-0116G DUI-0116I DUI-0116J DUI-0117A DUI-0117B DUI-0117C DUI-0117D DUI-0117E DUI-0117F DUI-0118A DUI-0118B DUI-0118C(2) DUI-0118D DUI-0118E DUI-0118F DUI-0119A DUI-0119B DUI-0119C DUI-0120A DUI-0120C DUI-0120D DUI-0120E DUI-0120H DUI-0121C DUI-0121D DUI-0121E DUI-0121G(2)(R) DUI-0121H(2)(L) DUI-0121K DUI-0122B DUI-0122C DUI-0122D DUI-0122F DUI-0122G DUI-0123B DUI-0123C DUI-0123D DUI-0123E DUI-0123F DUI-0123G(2) DUI-0124B DUI-0124C

110 Med Bn

75 FA Bde

80 FA

112 Sig Bn 112 Trans Bn 113 Armored Cav 113 Avn 113 Eng Bn 113 FA Bde 113 FA Bn 113 Inf 113 MI Gp 113 Spt Bn 113 Sust Bn (LH) 113 Sust Bn (RH) 114 Avn Regt 114 Cav 114 FA 114 Inf 114 Support Gp 114 Sig Bn 115 Eng Bn 115 Eng Gp 115 FA 115 FA Bde 115 Field Hosp 115 INF 115 MI Gp 115 MP Bn 115 Sig Bn 115 Spt Bn 116 Cav 116 Cav Bde 116 Eng Bn 116 FA Bn 116 Inf 116 Inf Bde 116 MI Gp 116 Inf Bde, Sp Trps Bn 116 Cav Bde, CBT, Sp Trps 117 Cav 117 FA 117 Regt 117 QM Bn 117 Space Bn 117 MP Bn 118 FA 118 Cav Regt 118 FA Bde 118 Inf 118 Med Bn 118 MP Bn 119 FA 119 Inf Bn 119 Spt Bn 120 AG Bn 120 Eng Bn 120 FA 120 Inf 120 Inf Bde 121 Chem Bn 121 Eng Bn 121 FA 121 Inf (RH) 121 Inf (LH) 121 Spt Bn 122 Eng Bn 122 FA 122 Regt 122 Spt Bn 122 Spt Gp 123 Armor 123 Avn Bn 123 FA 123 Inf 123 Sig Bn 123 Spt Bn 124 Cav 124 Inf Bn

109 Med Bn

109 Inf

82 Chem Bn

DUI-0124D DUI-0124E DUI-0124F DUI-0124G DUI-0125D DUI-0125E DUI-0125F DUI-0125H DUI-0125I DUI-0125J DUI-0125K DUI-0125L DUI-0126A DUI-0126B(BO) DUI-0126C DUI-0126D DUI-0126F DUI-0126G DUI-0127C DUI-0127D DUI-0127F DUI-0128A DUI-0128D DUI-0128E DUI-0128F DUI-0129B DUI-0129D DUI-0129E DUI-0129F DUI-0129G DUI-0130A DUI-0130C DUI-0130D(2) DUI-0130E DUI-0130F DUI-0130H DUI-0130I DUI-0130K DUI-0131A DIU-0131C DUI-0131D DUI-0131E DUI-0131F DUI-0131G DUI-0131H DUI-0132A DUI-0132C DUI-0132E DUI-0133A DUI-0133B DUI-0133D DUI-0133E DUI-0134A DUI-0134C DUI-0134D DUI-0134F DUI-0134G DUI-0134H DUI-0134I DUI-0135B DUI-0135C DUI-0135E DUI-0135K DUI-0135L DUI-0136B DUI-0136D DUI-0136E DUI-0136F DUI-0136G DUI-0137C DUI-0137E DUI-0137F DUI-0137H DUI-0138A DUI-0138C DUI-0138D

109 Eng Bn

84 FA

124 MI Bn 124 Regt 124 Sig Bn 124 Spt Bn 125 FA Bn 125 Fin Bn 125 Inf 125 MI Bn 125 MP Bn 125 Ord Bn 125 Sig Bn 125 Spt Bn 126 Avn 126 FA 126 Fin Bn 126 Armor Reg 126 MI Bn 126 Chem Bn 127 FA 127 Inf 127 Spt Bn 128 Avn Bde 128 Inf 128 MI Bn 128 Spt Bn 129 FA 129 MP Bn 129 Regt 129 Sig Bn 129 Spt Bn 130 Avn 130 Eng Bde 130 Eng Bn 130 FA 130 FA Bde 130 Inf 130 Spt Ctr 130 Fin Bn 131 Armor Bn 131 Avn Bn 131 Field Hosp 131 Inf 131 Regt 131 Sig Bn 131 Surg Hosp 132 Avn Bn 132 FA 132 Spt Bn 133 Eng Bn ME 133 FA 133 Med Gp 133 Sig Bn 134 Cmbt Spt 134 FA 134 Inf 134 MI Bn 134 Sig Bn 134 Spt Bn 134 Avn 135 Avn 135 Eng Gp 135 FA Bde 135 Sig Bn 135 Sust Cmd 136 FA 136 MP Bn 136 QM Bn 136 Sig Bn 136 Regt TX 137 Avn Regt 137 Eng Bn 137 Inf 137 S & T Bn 138 ADA 138 FA 138 FA Bde

108 Regt

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699

108 Med Bn

89 Regt

93 Signal Bde

98 Div (Training)

102 MI Bn

104 Inf


107 ACR

107 FA

108 ADA

108 Avn

108 Cav

105 Eng Gp

108 Supt Bn


122 FA

161 Med Bn

161 Inf

161 FA

159 Avn Bn

158 Spt Bn

158 FA Bn

158 Avn

157 Inf Bde

156 Sig Bn

156 Armor

154 Regt

153 Fin Bn

Unit Crests

123 Sig Bn

DUI-0138E DUI-0138H DUI-0138K DUI-0139A DUI-0139B DUI-0139C DUI-0139D DUI-0139E DUI-0139F(2) DUI-0140A DUI-0140C DUI-0140E DUI-0141A DUI-0141B(2) DUI-0141C DUI-0141E DUI-0141F DUI-0141G DUI-0142A DUI-0142B DUI-0142C DUI-0142D DUI-0142F DUI-0142I DUI-0142J DUI-0142L DUI-0142M DUI-0142N DUI-0143B DUI-0143C DUI-0143D DUI-0143E DUI-0143H DUI-0143I DUI-0143K DUI-0144B DUI-0144C DUI-0145B DUI-0145C DUI-0145E DUI-0145G DUI-0145H DUI-0145I DUI-0146A DUI-0146B(L) DUI-0146B(R) DUI-0146E DUI-0146F DUI-0146G DUI-0146H DUI-0147A DUI-0147B DUI-0147E DUI-0147G DUI-0147H DUI-0147I DUI-0148B DUI-0148C DUI-0148D DUI-0149A DUI-0149B DUI-0149C DUI-0149D DUI-0149E DUI-0149F DUI-0149H DUI-0149I DUI-0150B DUI-0150C DUI-0150D DUI-0151A DUI-0151B DUI-0151C DUI-0151D DUI-0151E

153 Eng Bn

124 Inf Bn


138 Fin Bn 138 Pers Svc Bn 138 Sig Bn 139 FA 139 Med Gp 139 Ord Bn USAR 139 Regt 139 Trans Bn 139 Spt Gp 140 Avn 140 MI Bn 140 Regt 141 Eng Bn 141 FA 141 Inf 141 MI Bn 141 Sig Bn 141 Spt Bn 142 Avn 142 Eng Bn 142 FA 142 FA Bde 142 Inf 142 MI Bn 142 Sig Bde 142 Spt Bn 142 Trans Bn 142 Btlfd Surv Bde 143 FA 143 FA Gp 143 Inf 143 MP Bn 143 Spt Bn 143 Spt Gp 143 Trans Cmd 144 FA 144 Inf 145 Cav 145 Chem Bn 145 FA Bn 145 MASH 145 Regt 145 Spt Bn 146 Medical Bn 146 Avn Gp (LH) 146 Avn Gp (RH) 146 FA 146 MP Bn 146 Sig Bn 146 Spt Bn 147 Armor 147 Avn Bn 147 FA Bn 147 MI Bn 147 Spt Bn 147 Pers Svc Bn 148 FA 148 Inf Bn 148 Spt Bn 149 Armor 149 Inf Bde 149 Avn 149 Avn Bn 149 Inf KY NG 149 MP Bn 149 Pers Svcs 149 Surg Hosp 150 Armor 150 Avn Bn 150 FA 151 Avn 151 Cav 151 FA Bde 151 FA Bn 151 Inf

153 Cav Regt

152 Chem Bn

125 FA Bn

DUI-0151F DUI-0151G DUI-0151H DUI-0151I DUI-0151J DUI-0151K DUI-0152A DUI-0152B DUI-0152D DUI-0153A DUI-0153B DUI-0153C DUI-0153D DUI-0153E DUI-0154B DUI-0154D DUI-0154E DUI-0155A DUI-0155B DUI-0155C DUI-0155D DUI-0156A DUI-0156B DUI-0156C DUI-0156E DUI-0156F DUI-0156H DUI-0157A DUI-0157B DUI-0157C DUI-0157D DUI-0158A DUI-0158B DUI-0158C(2)(L) DUI-0158E(2)(R) DUI-0158F DUI-0158G DUI-0158H DUI-0158J DUI-0158K DUI-0158L DUI-0159A DUI-0159B DUI-0159E DUI-0160A DUI-0160B DUI-0160C DUI-0160D DUI-0160E DUI-0160F DUI-0161A DUI-0161B DUI-0161C DUI-0161D DUI-0162A DUI-0162B DUI-0162E DUI-0162G DUI-0163A DUI-0163B DUI-0163C DUI-0163E DUI-0163F DUI-0163G DUI-0163I DUI-0163J DUI-0163K DUI-0164A DUI-0164B DUI-0164C(2) DUI-0164D DUI-0164E DUI-0164F DUI-0164H DUI-0165A DUI-0165C

125 Inf

126 Avn

151 Med Bn 151 MI Bn 151 Sig Bn 151 Chem AL 151 Spt Gp 151 MP Bn 152 FA 152 Chem Bn 152 Inf 153 Cav Regt 153 Eng Bn 153 FA Bde 153 Inf 153 Fin Bn 154 Sig Bn 154 Regt 154 QM Bn 155 Armor Bde 155 Inf 155 Spt Bn 155 Chem Bn 156 Armor 156 FA 156 Inf 156 Sig Bn 156 Spt Gp USAR 156 Info Ops Bn 157 ARNG CO 157 ARNG MI 157 Inf Bde 157 MP Bn 158 Avn 158 Cav 158 FA Bde (LH) 158 FA Bde (RH) 158 FA Bn 158 Inf Bde 158 Spt Bn 158 QM Bn 158 Fin Bn 158 Man Enhanc Bde 159 Avn Bn 159 Eng Gp 159 MP Bn USAR 160 Avn 160 Eng Gp 160 FA Bn 160 Inf 160 MP Bn 160 Sig Bde 161 FA 161 Inf 161 Maint Bn 161 Med Bn 162 FA 162 Inf 162 Trans Bn 162 Inf Bde 163 Armored Bde 163 Cav 163 FA 163 Inf 163 Med Bn 163 MI Bn 163 Pers Svcs 163 Spt Bn 163 Trans Bn 164 ADA Bde 164 Avn Bn 164 Avn Gp 164 Eng Bn 164 Eng Gp 164 Regt 164 QM Gp 165 Avn Gp 165 QM Bn

151 Chem Bn ARNG AL

151 Med Bn

126 Chem Bn

DUI-0165D DUI-0165E DUI-0165F DUI-0166A DUI-0166B DUI-0166C DUI-0166D DUI-0167 DUI-0167A DUI-0167B DUI-0167C DUI-0167F DUI-0168A DUI-0168C DUI-0168D DUI-0168G DUI-0168H DUI-0168I DUI-0168J DUI-0169A DUI-0169B DUI-0169C DUI-0169E DUI-0169F DUI-0169G DUI-0170B DUI-0170C DUI-0170D DUI-0170E DUI-0170G DUI-0171A DUI-0171B DUI-0171D DUI-0171F DUI-0172A DUI-0172B DUI-0172C(2) DUI-0172D(2) DUI-0172E DUI-0173A DUI-0173B DUI-0173E DUI-0173F DUI-0174A DUI-0174C DUI-0174E DUI-0174F DUI-0174G(2) DUI-0175B DUI-0175C DUI-0175D DUI-0176A DUI-0176B DUI-0176C DUI-0176D DUI-0176F DUI-0176G DUI-0177A DUI-0177B DUI-0177C DUI-0177D DUI-0177E DUI-0177F DUI-0178A DUI-0178B DUI-0178C DUI-0179A DUI-0179B DUI-0180A DUI-0180B DUI-0180C DUI-0180D DUI-0181B DUI-0181D(2) DUI-0181F DUI-0181H

151 FA Bde

151 Cav

127 FA

165 QM Gp 165 Inf 165 MI Bn 166 Avn Bde 166 Inf 166 Regt 166 Spt Gp USAR 167 Support Bn 167 Cav 167 Inf 167 MP Bn 167 Sust Cmd 168 Avn 168 Eng Gp 168 Eng Bn 168 MP Bn 168 QM Bn 168 Regt 168 Spt Gp USAR 169 Avn 169 Eng Bn 169 FA Bde 169 Regt 169 Spt Bn 169 Spt Gp 170 Inf 170 Maint Co 170 MP Bn 170 Spt Bn USAR 170 Inf Bde 171 Avn 171 FA 171 Inf Bde 171 Spt Gp USAR 172 Armor Bn 172 FA 172 Inf Bde 172 Inf Regt 172 Med Bn 173 Abn Bde 173 Eng Bn 173 Spt Gp USAR 173 Trans Bn 174 ADA 174 QM Bn 174 Maint Bn 174 ADA Bde 174 Inf Bde 175 Inf 175 Med Bde 175 MP Bn 176 Eng Bn 176 Eng Gp 176 Fin Bn 176 Maint Bn 176 MP Bn 176 Eng Bde 177 Armored Bde 177 Fin Bn 177 MP Bde 177 QM Bn 177 Regt 177 Spt Bn 178 Eng Bn 178 FA 178 Inf 179 ADA 179 Inf Bn 180 FA 180 Inf Bn 180 Med Bn 180 Trans Bn 181 FA 181 Inf 181 Spt Bn 181 Inf Bde

150 Avn Bn

128 Avn Bde

DUI-0182A DUI-0182B DUI-0183A DUI-0183B DUI-0183C DUI-0184B DUI-0184C DUI-0184D DUI-0185B DUI-0185C DUI-0185F DUI-0185G DUI-0185H DUI-0185I DUI-0186B DUI-0186C DUI-0187A DUI-0187B DUI-0187C DUI-0187D DUI-0187E DUI-0187F DUI-0188A DUI-0188C DUI-0188D DUI-0189B DUI-0189C(BO) DUI-0189D DUI-0189E DUI-0190A DUI-0190D DUI-0191A DUI-0191C DUI-0192A DUI-0192B DUI-0192C DUI-0192D DUI-0192E DUI-0192F DUI-0192G DUI-0193A DUI-0193B(2) DUI-0193C DUI-0193D DUI-0193E DUI-0193F DUI-0194A DUI-0194B DUI-0194C DUI-0194D DUI-0194E DUI-0195A DUI-0195B DUI-0195C DUI-0196A DUI-0196B DUI-0196C DUI-0196E DUI-0196H DUI-0197A DUI-0197B DUI-0197C DUI-0197E DUI-0198A DUI-0198B DUI-0198D DUI-0198E DUI-0199A DUI-0199B DUI-0199C DUI-0200A DUI-0200B DUI-0200D DUI-0200E DUI-0201A DUI-0201C

150 Armor ARNG WV

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699

129 FA

129 Spt Bn

182 FA 182 Inf 183 Avn Bn 183 Cav Regt 183 Regt 184 Inf 184 Ord Bn 184 Sust Cmd 185 Avn 185 Avn Gp 185 QM Bn 185 Regt 185 Spt Bn 185 Maint Bn 186 Inf 186 Spt Bn 187 FA 187 Inf 187 Inf Bde 187 Med Bn 187 Ord Bn 187 Sig Bde 188 ADA 188 Maint Bn 188 Inf Bde 189 Avn Bn 189 Regt 189 Spt Bn 189 Inf Bde 190 FA 190 Trans Bn 191 Inf Bde 191 Spt Bn 192 Avn 192 Cav 192 Eng Bn 192 MP Bn 192 Maint Bn 192 Spt Bn 192 Inf Bde 193 Avn 193 Inf Bde 193 MP Bn 193 Regt 193 Spt Bn 193 MP Bn 194 Armored Bde 194 Eng Bde 194 FA 194 Inf 194 Maint Bn 195 Armor 195 Ord Bn 195 Regt 196 Cav 196 FA Bde 196 Inf Bde 196 Regt 196 Man Enhan Bde 197 FA 197 FA Bde 197 Inf Bde 197 Regt 198 Armor 198 Inf Bde 198 MP Bn 198 Sig Bn 199 Inf Bde 199 Regt 199 Spt Bn 200 ADA 200 Eng Bn 200 Regt 200 MP Cmd 201 Engr Bn 201 FA

149 Avn



130 AVN

DUI-0201D DUI-0201E DUI-0201F DUI-0201G DUI-0201H DUI-0202A DUI-0202B DUI-0202D DUI-0202E DUI-0202F DUI-0202G DUI-0203A DUI-0203B(2)(L) DUI-0203B(2)(R) DUI-0203C DUI-0203D DUI-0203E DUI-0203F DUI-0204A DUI-0204C DUI-0204D DUI-0204E DUI-0204F DUI-0204G DUI-0204H DUI-0204I DUI-0205B DUI-0205D DUI-0205E DUI-0205F DUI-0205H DUI-0205K DUI-0205L DUI-0206A DUI-0206B DUI-0206D DUI-0206E DUI-0206F DUI-0206G DUI-0207A DUI-0207B DUI-0207C DUI-0207E DUI-0207F DUI-0207H DUI-0208B DUI-0208D DUI-0208E DUI-0209A DUI-0209B DUI-0209D DUI-0209E DUI-0210A(2) DUI-0210B DUI-0210C DUI-0210D DUI-0210E DUI-0210F DUI-0210G DUI-0210H DUI-0211A DUI-0211B DUI-0211C DUI-0211D DUI-0211E DUI-0212A DUI-0212B DUI-0212D DUI-0213A DUI-0213C DUI-0213D DUI-0213E DUI-0214A DUI-0214B DUI-0214C DUI-0215A

148 Spt Bn ARNG GA

Unit Crests

130 FA

201 MI Bde 201 MI Bn 201 Regt 201 Spt Bn 201 QM 202 ADA Bn 202 FA 202 Med Gp 202 MI Bn 202 Spt Bn 202 Cav 203 ADA 203 Eng Bn (LH) 203 Eng Bn (RH) 203 MI Bn 203 Pers Svcs 203 Spt Bn 203 MP Bn 204 ADA 204 Med Bn 204 MI Bn 204 MP Bn 204 Regt 204 Spt Bn 204 Spt Gp 204 Avn Gp 205 Eng Bn 205 Med Bn 205 MI Bde 205 MI Bn 205 Regt 205 Trans Bn 205 MP Bn 206 FA 206 MI Bn 206 Spt Bn 206 Chem Bn 206 Eng Bn 206 Reg Spt Gp 207 Avn 207 Eng Bn 207 Evac Hosp 207 MI Gp 207 Regt 207 Spt Gp 208 Fin Bn 208 Regt 208 Spt Gp 209 FA 209 FA Bde 209 Regt 209 Spt Gp 210 Armor 210 Avn 210 FA Bde 210 Fin Bn 210 MP Bn 210 Regt 210 Spt Bn 210 Spt Gp 211 Avn Regt 211 Avn Gp 211 MP Bn 211 Regt 211 Spt Gp 212 Avn 212 Fires Bde 212 Sig Bn 213 ADA 213 QM Bn 213 Spt Gp 213 Regt 214 Avn Bn 214 FA 214 FA Bde 215 Fin Bn

147 FA Bn

130 Inf

131 Armor Bn

DUI-0215B DUI-0215C DUI-0216A DUI-0216B DUI-0216C DUI-0217A DUI-0217B DUI-0217C DUI-0218A DUI-0218B DUI-0218C DUI-0219A DUI-0219B DUI-0220A DUI-0220B DUI-0220C DUI-0221A DUI-0221B DUI-0221C DUI-0221D DUI-0221F DUI-0222A DUI-0222B(2) DUI-0222D DUI-0223C DUI-0223D DUI-0223E DUI-0223F DUI-0224B DUI-0224D DUI-0224F DUI-0225A DUI-0225B DUI-0226A DUI-0226B DUI-0226C DUI-0226D DUI-0226E DUI-0227A DUI-0228A DUI-0228B DUI-0228C DUI-0228D DUI-0229A DUI-0229B DUI-0229C DUI-0229D DUI-0229E DUI-0229G DUI-0230A DUI-0230B DUI-0230D DUI-0230F DUI-0230G DUI-0230H(2) DUI-0231B DUI-0231C DUI-0232A DUI-0232B DUI-0233A DUI-0233B DUI-0233C DUI-0234A DUI-0234B DUI-0235A DUI-0235B DUI-0235C DUI-0236A DUI-0237C DUI-0237D DUI-0238A DUI-0238D DUI-0239A DUI-0240A DUI-0240B DUI-0240C

147 FA Bde

131 Field Hosp

215 Spt Bn 215 Regt 216 ADA 216 Eng Bn 216 MP Bn 217 Spt Bn 217 Med Bn 217 Pers Svcs 218 FA 218 Inf Bde 218 Regt 219 Spt Bn 219 Spt Gp 220 MP Bde USAR 220 Spt Bn 220 Fin Gp 221 Cav 221 Eng Gp 221 MP Bde 221 Spt Bn 221 MI Bn 222 Avn 222 FA 222 Spt Bn 223 Eng Bn 223 MI Bn 223 Regt 223 Spt Gp 224 Avn 224 MI Bn 224 Sust Bde 225 Eng Gp 225 Spt Bn 226 Eng Bn 226 Med Bn 226 QM Bn 226 Spt Gp 226 Spt Bn 227 Avn Bn 228 Avn 228 Cmbt Spt Hosp 228 Sig Bde 228 Spt Bn 229 Avn Bn 229 Eng Bn 229 FA 229 MI Bn 229 S & S CO 229 Med Bn 230 Cav 230 Eng Bn 230 Fin Bn 230 Sig Bn 230 Spt Bn 230 Spt Gp 231 MP Bn 231 Spt Bn 232 Med Bn 232 Support Bn 233 Eng Gp 233 Regt 233 Spt Bn 234 Sig Bn 234 Trans Bn 235 Eng Gp 235 Regt 235 Spt Bn 236 Spt Bn 237 Per Svc 237 Spt Bn 238 Avn Regt 238 Regt 239 QM Gp 240 Cav 240 Eng Gp 240 QM Bn

147 Avn Bn

147 Armor

131 FA

134 Spt Bn

DUI-0240D DUI-0240E DUI-0241B DUI-0242A DUI-0242C DUI-0242D DUI-0243A DUI-0243B DUI-0243D DUI-0244A DUI-0244B DUI-0244C DUI-0244D DUI-0244E DUI-0244F DUI-0245A DUI-0246B DUI-0246D DUI-0248A DUI-0248B DUI-0249A DUI-0249B DUI-0249C DUI-0249D DUI-0249E DUI-0250A DUI-0250B DUI-0250D DUI-0250E DUI-0251A DUI-0252A DUI-0253A DUI-0254A DUI-0254B DUI-0254C DUI-0256A DUI-0256B DUI-0257A DUI-0257B DUI-0258A DUI-0259L DUI-0260A DUI-0260B DUI-0260C DUI-0260D DUI-0261B DUI-0261D DUI-0262B DUI-0263A(2) DUI-0263B DUI-0263C DUI-0264A DUI-0264C DUI-0264D DUI-0265A DUI-0265C DUI-0265D DUI-0266A DUI-0266B DUI-0267A DUI-0267B DUI-0269A DUI-0271A DUI-0272B DUI-0272C DUI-0274A DUI-0275A DUI-0276A DUI-0277A DUI-0278A DUI-0278C DUI-0279A DUI-0279B DUI-0279C DUI-0279E DUI-0280A

146 Sig Bn

135 FA Bde

136 FA

240 Regt 240 Sig Bn 241 FA 242 Eng Bn 242 Maint Bn 242 Sig Bn 243 Eng Bn 243 MP Bn 243 Regt 244 ADA 244 Avn Bn 244 Avn Bde 244 Eng Bn 244 Med Gp 244 QM Bn 245 Avn 246 FA 246 Trans Bn 248 Eng Bn 248 Trans Bn 249 Engr Bn 249 Gen Hosp 249 Inf 249 Regt 249 Sig Bn 250 ADA 250 Sig Bn 250 Spt Bn 250 MI Bn 251 ADA 252 Armor 253 Trans Bn 254 Regt 254 Spt Bn 254 Trans Bn 256 Cmbt Spt Hosp 256 Inf Bde 257 FA Bde 257 Trans Bn 258 FA 259 MI Gp 260 MI Bn 260 MP Bde 260 QM 260 Regt 261 Med Bn 261 Sig Bde 262 QM Bn 263 ADA 263 ADA Bde 263 Armor Bn 264 Eng Gp 264 S & S Bn 264 Med Bn 265 ADA 265 Eng Gp 265 Eng Bn 266 Fin Cmd 266 QM Bn 267 Avn Bn 267 Fin Bn 269 Ord 271 Spt Bn 272 Trans Bn 272 Spt Gp 274 Regt BCT USAR 275 Spt Bn 276 Eng Bn 277 QM Bn 278 Armor Cav 278 Chem Bn 279 Inf 279 Sig Bn 279 Spt Bn 279 Spt Bde 280 Sig Bn

146 Medical Bn

DUI-0280B DUI-0282A DUI-0284A DUI-0285A DUI-0286A DUI-0287A DUI-0289A DUI-0290A DUI-0290B DUI-0291B DUI-0291C DUI-0292B DUI-0293B DUI-0293C DUI-0294B DUI-0295A DUI-0296A DUI-0296B DUI-0297A DUI-0297B DUI-0297C DUI-0297D DUI-0297E DUI-0297F DUI-0298A DUI-0298B DUI-0299A DUI-0299C DUI-0300C DUI-0300F DUI-0300G DUI-0300I DUI-0300K DUI-0300L DUI-0301A DUI-0301F DUI-0301H DUI-0302C DUI-0302E DUI-0302F DUI-0302I DUI-0303A DUI-0303B DUI-0303C DUI-0303D DUI-0303E DUI-0303G DUI-0303H DUI-0304A DUI-0304B DUI-0304C DUI-0304D DUI-0304F DUI-0305A DUI-0305B DUI-0305C DUI-0306A DUI-0306D DUI-0306G DUI-0307B DUI-0307D DUI-0307F DUI-0307G DUI-0307H DUI-0307I DUI-0307J DUI-0308A DUI-0308B DUI-0308C DUI-0309D DUI-0309E DUI-0309G DUI-0310A DUI-0310C DUI-0310E DUI-0310F

145 Regt

136 QM Bn

137 Avn Regt

280 Spt Bn 282 Spt Bn 284 Spt Bn 285 Avn Regt 286 QM Bn 287 Sust Bde 289 Regt 290 MP Bde USAR 290 Regt 291 Regt AIT USAR 291 Spt Bn 292 Spt Bn 293 Inf Bn 293 Spt Bn 294 Inf 295 Inf 296 Inf 296 Spt Bn 297 Cav 297 Inf 297 MI Bn 297 Spt Bn 297 Spt Bn (Huki Like) 297 Btfld Surv Bde 298 Spt Bn 298 Regt 299 Eng Bn 299 Spt Bn 300 FA 300 MI Bde 300 MP Cmd 300 QM USAR 300 Spt Gp USAR 300 Sust Bde 301 Area Spt Gp 301 MI Bn 301 Man Enhan Bde 302 Maint Bn USAR 302 MI Bn 302 Sig Bn 302 Cmbt Spt Bde 303 Armor 303 Cav 303 Field Hosp 303 Ord Bn 303 MI Bn 303 Man Enhnc Bde 303 Info Ops Bn 304 CA Bde 304 MI Bn 304 MP Bn 304 Regt BCT 304 Sust Ctr 305 Field Hosp USAR 305 MI Bn 305 Regt 306 MI Bn 306 MP Bn 306 Regt USAR 307 Eng Bn 307 Inf Regt 307 Med Gp 307 MI Bn 307 QM Bn USAR 307 Spt Bn 307 Sig Bn 308 Civ Aff Bde USAR 308 Eng Gp 308 MI Bn 309 Med Gp 309 MI Bn 309 Regt BCT USAR 310 Cav Gp USAR 310 MI Bn 310 Regt BCT 310 Sust Cmd

145 FA Bn

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699

144 Inf ARNG TX

137 Inf

138 Pers Svcs Bn

138 Sig Bn

139 Regt

140 Avn

140 MI Bn

141 Inf

142 Avn

142 MI Bn

142 Sig Bde

143 Spt Bn

143 Spt Gp

144 FA


162 QM Bn

204 Regt

204 MP Bn

204 MI Bn

204 Med Bn

203 MI Bn

203 ADA

202 Cav

202 Spt Bn

202 MI Bn

202 Med Gp

201 QM

201 MI Bde

Unit Crests

163 Cav

DUI-0310G DUI-0311B DUI-0311F DUI-0311G DUI-0311H DUI-0311I DUI-0311K DUI-0312A DUI-0312B DUI-0312C DUI-0312D DUI-0313A DUI-0313B DUI-0314A DUI-0314B DUI-0314C DUI-0315A DUI-0315B DUI-0315C DUI-0315D DUI-0316C DUI-0317A DUI-0317B DUI-0317D DUI-0318B DUI-0319A DUI-0319B DUI-0319C DUI-0319D DUI-0319E DUI-0319F DUI-0319G DUI-0320B DUI-0320D DUI-0320F DUI-0320G DUI-0321A DUI-0321B DUI-0321D DUI-0321E DUI-0321H DUI-0322A DUI-0322B DUI-0322E DUI-0323C DUI-0324B DUI-0324D DUI-0324E DUI-0325A DUI-0325B DUI-0325C DUI-0325D DUI-0325E DUI-0325G DUI-0326A DUI-0326D DUI-0326F DUI-0327A DUI-0327B DUI-0327C DUI-0328A DUI-0328C DUI-0328D DUI-0329A DUI-0329D DUI-0330C DUI-0330D DUI-0330E DUI-0332A DUI-0332B DUI-0332C DUI-0332D DUI-0333A DUI-0334C DUI-0334D DUI-0334E

201 Engr Bn

163 FA

163 Inf

310 Pers Gp 311 Avn Bn 311 MI Bn 311 Regt BCT USAR 311 Sig Cmd 311 Spt Cmd 311 Spt Bn 312 Field Hosp 312 MI Bn 312 Regt AIT 312 Spt Gp USAR 313 Inf USAR 313 MI Bn 314 Inf USAR 314 MI Bn 314 Spt Bn 315 Eng Gp USAR 315 Inf USAR 315 MP Bn 315 Regt 316 Sust Cmd 317 Eng Bn 317 MP Bn 317 Regt BCT USAR 318 Trans Agency 319 FA 319 MI Bde 319 MI Bn 319 QM Bn USAR 319 Sig Bn 319 Trans Bde USAR 319 Spt Bn 320 FA Bn 320 MP Bn 320 Spt Bn 320 Ord Bn 321 Civ Aff Bde 321 Eng Bn 321 FA 321 MI Bn 321 Sust Bde 322 Civ Aff Bde ASAR 322 Cav USAR 322 Regt 323 MI Bn 324 MP Bn 324 Sig Bn 324 Spt Bn 325 Field Hosp 325 Fin Bn 325 Inf 325 MI Bn 325 QM Bn 325 Spt Bn 326 Eng Bn 326 MI Bn 326 Spt Gp 327 Inf 327 MP Bn 327 Sig Bn 328 Cmbt Spt Hosp 328 Pers Svcs Bn 328 Spt Bn 329 Eng Gp USAR 329 Regt BCT USAR 330 Med Bde 330 Regt BCT USAR 330 Trans Ctr 332 Med Bde 332 Ord Bn 332 Spt Bn 332 Trans Bn 333 FA 334 QM Bn USAR 334 Regt AIT USAR 334 Spt Bn

199 Spt Bn

198 Sig Bn

163 Spt Bn

DUI-0334F DUI-0335C DUI-0336A DUI-0336B DUI-0336D DUI-0337B DUI-0337C DUI-0337D DUI-0338A DUI-0338D DUI-0338E(2) DUI-0338F DUI-0339A DUI-0339C(2) DUI-0340B DUI-0340C DUI-0340D DUI-0341B DUI-0341C DUI-0342A DUI-0342B DUI-0344A DUI-0344C DUI-0345A(2) DUI-0345C DUI-0345D DUI-0345E DUI-0345F DUI-0346A DUI-0346C DUI-0347B DUI-0347C DUI-0347D DUI-0348C DUI-0348D DUI-0348E DUI-0348F DUI-0349B DUI-0350B DUI-0350D DUI-0351A DUI-0351C DUI-0351E DUI-0352A DUI-0352C DUI-0353A DUI-0353B DUI-0353C DUI-0353D DUI-0354A DUI-0354B DUI-0354C DUI-0355A DUI-0355B DUI-0356C DUI-0356D DUI-0357B DUI-0357C DUI-0357D DUI-0358A DUI-0358B DUI-0358C DUI-0359A DUI-0359B DUI-0359C DUI-0360A DUI-0360B DUI-0360D DUI-0361D DUI-0361E DUI-0361F DUI-0362B DUI-0362C DUI-0363B DUI-0363C DUI-0364A

198 MP Bn

164 ADA Bde

164 Regt ARNG ND

334 Trans Bn 335 Sig Cmd 336 Fin Cmd 336 MP Bn USAR 336 Trans Gp 337 Eng Bn 337 MI Bn 337 Regt BCT 338 Fin Bn 338 Med Gp USAR 338 MI Bn 338 Regt AIT 339 Cmbt Spt Hosp 339 Regt 340 MP Bn 340 Regt 340 Spt Bn 341 Med Bn 341 MI 342 QM Bn 342 Spt Bn 344 Cmbt Spt Hospital 344 Trans Bn 345 Cmbt Spt 345 MI Bn USAR 345 Regt 345 Spt Bn 345 QM 346 Regt 346 Trans Bn 347 Regt 347 Repl Bn USAR 347 Spt Gp 348 Personnel Gp 348 Regt 348 Trans Bn 348 Spt Bn 349 Regt 350 Regt 350 Civ Aff Cmd 351 Civ Aff 351 Regt 351 Spt Bn 352 Civ Aff Cmd 352 Maint Bn USAR 353 Civ Aff Cmd 353 Eng Gp 353 Regt BCT 353 Trans Bn 354 Cav Bde 354 Regt BCT USAR 354 Trans Bn 355 Eng Bn 355 Regt USAR 356 QM Bn USAR 356 Regt AIT USAR 357 Regt 357 Spt Bn 357 Spt Gp 358 Civ Aff Bde USAR 358 Cmbt Spt Hosp 358 Regt 359 Regt 359 Sig Bde 359 Trans Bn 360 Ca Bde 360 AG Bn 360 Regt BCT 361 Regt BCT 361 Sig Bn 361 Spt Bn 362 QM Bn 362 Regt 363 Regt USAR 363 Spt Gp USAR 364 Civ Aff Bde USAR

198 Armor

165 QM Bn

DUI-0364B DUI-0364D DUI-0364E DUI-0367A DUI-0368A DUI-0368B DUI-0369B DUI-0369C DUI-0369D DUI-0371A DUI-0371B DUI-0371C(2) DUI-0372B DUI-0372C DUI-0372D DUI-0372E DUI-0372G DUI-0373B DUI-0373C DUI-0373D DUI-0374A DUI-0375B DUI-0376B DUI-0376C DUI-0377A DUI-0377C DUI-0377F DUI-0377G DUI-0378A DUI-0378B DUI-0378C DUI-0379A DUI-0379B DUI-0380A DUI-0380B DUI-0380C DUI-0381A DUI-0381B DUI-0382B DUI-0382D DUI-0382E DUI-0383A DUI-0383B DUI-0383C DUI-0384A DUI-0385A DUI-0385C DUI-0385D DUI-0385E DUI-0385F DUI-0386A DUI-0386B DUI-0387B DUI-0389A DUI-0389C DUI-0390B DUI-0390C DUI-0391A DUI-0391C DUI-0391D DUI-0392D DUI-0393A DUI-0393C DUI-0394A DUI-0394B DUI-0394E DUI-0395B DUI-0395D DUI-0396A DUI-0397A DUI-0397B DUI-0398A DUI-0398C DUI-0399C DUI-0400A DUI-0400C

197 Regt

166 Avn Bde

364 Eng Gp 364 Regt 364 Sust Cmd 367 Eng Bn 368 Eng Bn 368 Fin Bn 369 Cmbt Spt Hosp USAR 369 Sig Bn 369 Sust Bde 371 Spt Bn 371 ARNG TX 371 Spt Gp 372 Eng Bde 372 Maint Co 372 MI Bn 372 MP Bn 372 Spt Bn 373 MI Bn 373 QM Bn 373 S & S Bn 374 Fin Bn 375 Trans Gp 376 Fin Bn 376 MI Bn 377 FA 377 MI Bn 377 Regt BCT USAR 377 Spt Cmd 378 MI Bn 378 Regt BCT USAR 378 Spt Bn 379 Eng Bn USAR 379 Regt BCT USAR 380 Inf 380 QM Bn 380 Repl Bn 381 Regt 381 Repl Bn 382 MP Bn 382 Regt 382 Spt Bn 383 MI Bn 383 QM Bn 383 Regt 384 MP Bn 385 Avn Gp 385 Eng Gp 385 MP Bn 385 Regt BCT 385 Trans Bn 386 Eng Bn 386 P & A Bn 387 QM Bn 389 Eng Bn 389 Regt BCT USAR 390 Pers Gp 390 Regt BCT 391 Eng Bn 391 MP Bn 391 Regt BCT 392 Sig Bn 393 Regt USAR 393 MP Bn 394 Regt USAR 394 Spt Bn 394 QM Bn USAR 395 Fin Bn 395 Regt 396 Cmbt Spt Hosp 397 Eng Bn 397 Regt BCT USAR 398 Fin Gp 398 Regt BCT 399 Regt AIT USAR 400 MP Bn 400 Regt AIT

196 Regt

196 Cav

167 Spt Bn

167 Cav

DUI-0401A DUI-0401C DUI-0402A DUI-0402B DUI-0402D DUI-0403A DUI-0403D DUI-0404A DUI-0404D DUI-0404E DUI-0404F DUI-0405A DUI-0405B DUI-0405C DUI-0406C DUI-0406D DUI-0407A DUI-0407C(L) DUI-0407D(R) DUI-0407E DUI-0408A DUI-0408B DUI-0409A DUI-0409B DUI-0409C DUI-0410A DUI-0410B DUI-0410C DUI-0410D DUI-0411A DUI-0411B DUI-0411C DUI-0411D DUI-0411E DUI-0411F DUI-0412A DUI-0412B DUI-0412C DUI-0412D DUI-0412E DUI-0413B DUI-0413C DUI-0414A DUI-0414B DUI-0414C DUI-0415A DUI-0415B DUI-0415C DUI-0415D DUI-0415E DUI-0416A DUI-0416B DUI-0416C DUI-0416D DUI-0416E DUI-0417A DUI-0417C DUI-0417D DUI-0418E DUI-0418F DUI-0418G DUI-0419A DUI-0419B DUI-0419C DUI-0420B DUI-0420C DUI-0421B DUI-0422A DUI-0422B DUI-0423A DUI-0423B DUI-0423C DUI-0424A DUI-0425A DUI-0425B DUI-0425C

195 Ord Bn

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


401 Civ Aff Bn 401 Spt Bde 402 Bde 402 Civ Aff Bn 402 Spt Bde 403 Civ Aff Bn 403 Spt Bde 404 Civ Aff Bn 404 Spt Bn 404 Man En Bde 404 Spt Bde 405 Civ Aff Bn 405 Cmbt Spt Hosp 405 Spt Bde 406 Spt Bn USAR 406 Spt Bde 407 Civ Aff Bn 407 Spt Bn (LH) 407 Spt Bn (RH) 407 Spt Bde 408 Pers Svc Bn 408 Spt Bde 409 Regt USAR 409 Spt Bn 409 Spt Bde 410 Evac Hosp 410 Inf 410 Spt Bn 410 Spt Bde 411 Civ Aff Bn 411 Eng Bn 411 Eng Bde 411 Spt Bn 411 Regt 411 Spt Gp 412 Eng Cmd 412 Spt Bn 412 Civ Aff Bn 412 Spt Bn 412 Spt Bde 413 Regt 413 Civ Aff Bn 414 Civ Aff Bn 414 Regt 414 Spt Bn 415 Civ Aff Bn 415 Chem Bde 415 MI Bn 415 Regt 415 Spt Bn 416 Civ Aff Bn 416 Eng Cmd 416 Eng Gp 416 Regt BCT USAR 416 Trans Bn 417 Regt BCT 417 Sig Bn 417 Spt Bn 418 Civ Aff Bn 418 QM Bn 418 Regt AIT USAR 419 Avn Gp 419 Spt Bn 419 Trans Bn 420 Trans Bn 420 Chem Bn 421 Regt 422 Civ Aff Bn 422 Sig Bn 423 Med Bn 423 Regt AIT USAR 423 Spt Bn USAR 424 Med Bn 425 Civ Aff Bn 425 Inf 425 Med Bn

194 Maint Bn

194 Inf


169 Avn ARNG CT

DUI-0425D DUI-0425E DUI-0426A DUI-0426D DUI-0426F DUI-0427A DUI-0427B DUI-0428A DUI-0429C DUI-0429D DUI-0430A DUI-0431A DUI-0432A DUI-0434A DUI-0434B DUI-0436A DUI-0437A DUI-0439A DUI-0439B DUI-0440B DUI-0441A DUI-0442B DUI-0443A DUI-0444A DUI-0445A DUI-0447A DUI-0448A DUI-0449A DUI-0449C DUI-0450A DUI-0450C DUI-0451B DUI-0451C DUI-0453A DUI-0453B DUI-0453C DUI-0455B DUI-0457A DUI-0457B DUI-0458B DUI-0460A DUI-0460B DUI-0461A DUI-0462A DUI-0463A DUI-0464A DUI-0467A DUI-0467B DUI-0468A DUI-0469B DUI-0469C DUI-0469D DUI-0470A DUI-0470B DUI-0472A DUI-0473A DUI-0475B DUI-0476A DUI-0478A DUI-0478C DUI-0479C DUI-0483B DUI-0484A DUI-0485A DUI-0485B DUI-0485D DUI-0486A DUI-0487B DUI-0489A DUI-0489B DUI-0489C DUI-0490A DUI-0490B DUI-0492A DUI-0493A DUI-0495B

194 FA

Unit Crests

169 Engr Bn

169 Regt ARNG Co

425 Spt Bn 425 Trans Bde 426 Civ Aff Bn 426 Regt USAR 426 Spt Bn 427 Med Bn 427 Spt Bn 428 FA Bde 429 QM Bn 429 Spt Bn 430 Eng Bn 431 Civ Aff Bn 432 Civ Aff Bn 434 FA Bde 434 Spt Bn 436 Med Bn 437 MP Bn 439 Eng Bn 439 Med Bn 440 Sig Bn 441 Ord Bn 442 Sig Bn 443 Civ Aff Bn 444 Pers Svs Bn 445 Civ Aff Bn 447 Sig Bn 448 Civ Aff Bn 449 Avn Gp 449 Spt Bn 450 Civ Aff Bn 450 Trans Bn 451 Chem Bn USAR 451 Civ Aff Bn USAR 453 Fin Bn 453 Trans Bn 453 Chem Bn 455 Trans Bn 457 Chem Bn USAR 457 Trans Bn 458 Surg Hosp 460 Chem Bde 460 QM Co 461 Pers Svcs Bn 462 Trans Bn 463 Eng Bn 464 Chem Bde 467 Eng Bn 467 QM Bn 468 Chem Bn 469 Fin Gp 469 QM Gp 469 Spt Bn 470 MI Bde 470 Trans Bn 472 Chem Bn 473 Spt Bn 475 QM Gp 476 Chem Bn 478 Civ Aff Bn 478 Pers Svcs Bn 479 FA Bde 483 Trans Bn 484 Trans Bn 485 Chem Bn USAR 485 Regt AIT USAR 485 QM Bn 486 Civ Aff Bn 487 FA 489 Civ Aff Bn 489 Eng Bn USAR 489 Spt Bn 490 Civ Aff Bn 490 Chem Bn 492 Civ Aff Bn 493 Eng Gp USAR 495 Spt Bn

192 Spt Bn

169 Spt Bn

DUI-0496A(R) DUI-0496B(L) DUI-0500A DUI-0500B DUI-0501A DUI-0501B DUI-0501C DUI-0501D DUI-0501E DUI-0501F DUI-0501G DUI-0501H DUI-0502B DUI-0502C DUI-0502E DUI-0502H DUI-0503A DUI-0503B DUI-0503C DUI-0503D DUI-0504A DUI-0504B DUI-0504C DUI-0504D DUI-0504E DUI-0505A DUI-0505B DUI-0505C DUI-0505D DUI-0505E DUI-0506A DUI-0507A DUI-0507B DUI-0507C DUI-0508A DUI-0508C DUI-0509A DUI-0509B DUI-0509C DUI-0510A DUI-0511A DUI-0511B DUI-0512B DUI-0513B DUI-0514A DUI-0515A DUI-0515B DUI-0515C DUI-0516A DUI-0516B DUI-0517A DUI-0518C DUI-0519A DUI-0519B DUI-0519C DUI-0521A DUI-0522B DUI-0524A DUI-0524B DUI-0525A DUI-0525B DUI-0526A DUI-0527A DUI-0527B DUI-0528A DUI-0528B DUI-0528C DUI-0529A DUI-0530A DUI-0530B DUI-0532A DUI-0532C DUI-0533A DUI-0535A DUI-0536B DUI-0536C

192 Maint Bn

192 MP Bn

170 Maint Co

170 MP Bn

496 MP Bn (RH) 496 MP Bn (LH) 500 MI Bde 500 Trans Gp 501 Avn 501 Fin Bn 501 Inf 501 MI Bde 501 MI Bn 501 Sig Bn 501 Spt Bn 501 Sust Bde 502 Inf 502 MI Bn 502 Pers Svc Bn 502 Trans Ctr 503 Inf 503 Avn Bn 503 MP Bn 503 Spt Bn 504 Avn Bn 504 Inf 504 MI Bde 504 MP Bn 504 Sig Bn 505 Eng Bn 505 Inf 505 MI Gp 505 QM Bn 505 Sig Bde 506 Inf 507 Eng Bn 507 Inf 507 Spt Gp 508 Inf 508 MP Bn 509 Inf 509 Pers Svc Bn 509 Sig Bn 510 Pers Svcs Bn 511 Inf 511 MI Bn 512 Eng 513 MI Bde 514 Arty Gp 515 Regt 515 Spt Bn 515 Spt Bn 516 Pers Svcs Bn 516 Sig Bde 517 ADA 518 Regt Bct 519 Maint Bn 519 MI 519 MP Bn 521 Maint Bn USAR 522 MI Bn 524 MI Bn 524 Spt Bn 525 MI Bde 525 MP Bn 526 Spt Bn 527 Eng Bn 527 MI Bn 528 Arty Gp 528 Spt Bn 528 Eng Bn 529 Spt Bn 530 Spt Bn 530 MP Bn 532 MI Bn 532 Trans Bn 533 MI Bn 535 MP Bn 536 Spt Bn 536 Trans Bn

190 FA

171 Avn ARNG GA

DUI-0540A DUI-0540B DUI-0541B DUI-0542A DUI-0544A DUI-0546A DUI-0548D DUI-0549A DUI-0549B DUI-0549C DUI-0550A DUI-0551A DUI-0553A DUI-0553B DUI-0554A DUI-0554B DUI-0555A DUI-0556A DUI-0559C DUI-0561A DUI-0561B DUI-0562A DUI-0563A DUI-0563B DUI-0565A DUI-0577A DUI-0578A DUI-0579A DUI-0588A DUI-0589B DUI-0593A DUI-0601A DUI-0601C DUI-0602A DUI-0603A DUI-0604A DUI-0607A DUI-0612A DUI-0615A DUI-0620A DUI-0623A DUI-0626A DUI-0628A DUI-0628B DUI-0629A DUI-0630A DUI-0631A DUI-0632A DUI-0633B DUI-0634A DUI-0634B DUI-0635A DUI-0635B DUI-0635C DUI-0635D(L) DUI-0635D(R) DUI-0635E DUI-0636B DUI-0638A DUI-0638B DUI-0640A DUI-0640B DUI-0640C DUI-0640D DUI-0640F DUI-0641B DUI-0641C DUI-0642A DUI-0642B DUI-0642D DUI-0643A DUI-0644A DUI-0644B DUI-0645A DUI-0646A DUI-0647A

189 Avn Bn

188 ADA

171 Spt Gp USAR

540 Avn Gp 540 QM Bn 541 Maint Bn 542 MI Bn 544 Maint Bn 546 Pers Svc Bn 548 Spt Bn 549 Eng Bn 549 MI 549 Trans Bn 550 MI Bn 551 Sig Bn 553 Eng Bn 553 Spt 554 Eng Bn 554 QM Bn 555 Eng Bde 556 Pers Svcs Bn 559 QM Bn 561 Spt Bn 561 Spt Gp 562 ADA 563 Eng Bn 563 Spt Bn 565 Eng Bn 577 Eng Bn 578 Eng Bn 579 Eng Bn 588 Eng Bn 589 Spt Bn 593 Spt Gp 601 MP Bn USAR 601 Spt Bn 602 Spt Bn 603 Spt Bn 604 MP Bn 607 MP Bn 612 Eng Bn 615 Spt Bn 620 Spt Bn 623 FA 626 Spt Bn 628 Spt Bn 628 MI Bn 629 MI Bn 630 Spt Bn 631 FA Bde 632 Armor 633 Spt Gp 634 MI Bn 634 Spt Bn 635 Armor 635 ARNG KS 635 Avn Gp 635 MI Bn (L) 635 MI Bn (R) 635 Spt Gp 636 MI Bn 638 MI Bn 638 Spt Bn 640 Regt 640 Spt Gp 640 MI Bn 640 Regt 640 Spt Bn 641 Spt Gp 641 Avn Regt 642 MI Bn 642 Spt Bn 642 Spt Gp 643 Spt Gp 644 Pers Svs 644 Spt Gp 645 Spt Gp 646 Spt Gp 647 Spt Gp

187 Ord Bn


172 Inf Regt

DUI-0648A DUI-0648B DUI-0648C DUI-0649C DUI-0650B DUI-0650C DUI-0651A DUI-0652A DUI-0652B DUI-0653A DUI-0654A DUI-0655A DUI-0656B DUI-0657A DUI-0678A DUI-0682A DUI-0685A DUI-0687A(L) DUI-0687A(R) DUI-0690A DUI-0695A DUI-0700A DUI-0701A DUI-0701B DUI-0701C DUI-0702B DUI-0703A DUI-0703B DUI-0704A DUI-0704B DUI-0704C DUI-0704D DUI-0705A DUI-0706B DUI-0709A DUI-0710A DUI-0711A DUI-0713A DUI-0716A DUI-0716B DUI-0718A DUI-0719A DUI-0720A DUI-0724A DUI-0724B DUI-0725A DUI-0726A DUI-0727A DUI-0728A DUI-0728B DUI-0729A DUI-0729B DUI-0730B DUI-0731A DUI-0732A DUI-0733B DUI-0734A DUI-0734B DUI-0734C DUI-0734D DUI-0735A DUI-0735B DUI-0737A DUI-0738A DUI-0741A DUI-0741B DUI-0741C DUI-0742A DUI-0743A DUI-0744A DUI-0744B DUI-0746A DUI-0746B DUI-0749A DUI-0751A DUI-0757A

187 Med Bn

173 Abn Bde

648 Spt Gp 648 Eng Bn 648 Man Enhan Bde 649 Spt Gp 650 MI Gp 650 Spt Gp 651 Spt Gp 652 Eng Bn 652 Spt Gp 653 Spt Gp USAR 654 Spt Gp 655 Spt Gp 656 Spt Gp 657 Spt Gp 678 Pers Svcs Bn 682 Eng Bn 685 MP Bn 687 QM Bn (LH) 687 QM Bn (RH) 690 Maint Bn 695 Spt Bn 700 Spt Bn 701 MI Bn 701 MP Bn 701 Spt Bn 702 Spt Bn 703 MI Bde 703 Spt Bn 704 Maint Bn 704 MI Bde 704 MP Bn 704 Spt Bn 705 MP Bn 706 Trans Gp USAR 709 MP Bn 710 Spt Bn 711 Sig Bn 713 MI Gp 716 MI Bn 716 MP Bn 718 Trans Bn 719 Trans Bn 720 MP Bn 724 Eng Bn 724 MP Bn 725 Spt Bn 726 Fin Bn 727 Maint Bn 728 MP Bn 728 Spt Bn 729 Spt Bn 729 Trans Bn 730 QM Bn 731 Maint Bn 732 Maint Bn 733 MP Bn 734 Maint Bn 734 Ord Bn 734 Trans Bn NE 734 Spt Gp 735 Maint Bn 735 Spt Bn 737 Maint Bn 738 Spt Bn 741 Spt Bn 741 Ord Bn 741 MI Bn 742 MI Bn 743 MI Bn 744 MP Bn 744 MI Bn 746 Maint Bn 746 Spt Bn 749 Maint Bn 751 Maint Bn 757 Trans Bn

187 Inf Bde

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699

187 Inf

174 ADA

175 MP Bn

176 Eng Bn



181 Spt Bn

183 Avn Bn

184 Ord Bn

185 Avn

185 Maint Bn

185 Regt

186 Spt Bn



325 MI Bn

DUI-0757B DUI-0759A DUI-0765A DUI-0766A DUI-0766B DUI-0769A DUI-0773A DUI-0773B DUI-0774A DUI-0777A DUI-0779A DUI-0782A DUI-0783A DUI-0785A DUI-0786A DUI-0787A DUI-0787B DUI-0795A DUI-0796A DUI-0800A DUI-0801A DUI-0801B DUI-0803A DUI-0807A DUI-0812B DUI-0818E DUI-0821A DUI-0828A DUI-0828B DUI-0832A DUI-0834A DUI-0834B DUI-0841A DUI-0844A DUI-0847A DUI-0850A DUI-0856A DUI-0863A DUI-0864A DUI-0867A DUI-0875A DUI-0876A DUI-0877A DUI-0878A DUI-0890A DUI-0891A DUI-0898A DUI-0900B DUI-0901A DUI-0902B DUI-0902C DUI-0902D DUI-0905A DUI-0914A DUI-0915A DUI-0916A DUI-0921A DUI-0926A DUI-0926B DUI-0927A DUI-0931A DUI-0935A DUI-0937A DUI-0937B DUI-0949A DUI-0960L DUI-0960R DUI-0961A DUI-0972A DUI-0980A DUI-0980B DUI-0983A DUI-0986B DUI-1024A DUI-1030A DUI-1034A DUI-1088A DUI-1092A DUI-1101A DUI-1103A DUI-1104A

Unit Crests

326 Eng Bn

327 Inf

757 Spt Bn 759 MP Bn 765 Trans Bn 766 Trans Bn 766 Eng Bn 769 Eng Bn 773 Maint Bn 773 Maint Bn USAR 774 Trans Gp 777 Spt Bn 779 Eng Bn 782 Maint Bn 783 MP Bn 785 MP Bn 786 QM Bn 787 MP Bn 787 Spt Bn 795 MP Bn 796 MP Cmd 800 MP Gp 801 Cmbt Spt Hosp USAR 801 Spt Bn 803 Armor 807 Med Bde 812 Trans Bn 818 Trans Bn 821 Trans Bn USAR 828 Evac Hosp USAR 828 Trans Bn USAR 832 Ord Bn 834 Spt Bn 834 Spt Bn 841 Eng Bn 844 Eng Bn 847 Pers Svcs Bn 850 MP Bn 856 QM Bn 863 Eng Bn 864 Eng Bn 867 QM Bn 875 Eng Bn 876 Eng Bn 877 Eng Bn 878 Eng Bn 890 Eng Bn 891 Eng Bn 898 Eng Bn 900 Spt Bn 901 Spt Bn 902 MI Gp (LH) 902 MI Gp (RH) 902 Spt Bn 905 Spt Bn 914 Cmbt Spt Hosp 915 Spt Bn 916 Spt Bde 921 Field Hosp 926 Eng Bn 926 Eng Gp 927 Spt Bn 931 Eng Gp 935 Spt Bn 937 Eng Gp 937 Sig Bn 949 Spt Bn 960 Spt Bn (LH) 960 Spt Bn (RH) 961 Eng Bn 972 Eng Bn USAR 980 Eng Bn 980 QM Bn 983 Eng Bn USAR 986 Maint Bn USAR 1024 Med Bn 1030 Eng Bn 1034 Spt Bn 1088 Eng Bn 1092 Eng Bn 1101 Sig Bde 1103 Trans Bn 1104 Sig Bde

327 Sig Bn

328 Pers Svcs Bn


329 Eng Gp USAR

1106 Avn Gp 1107 Sig Bde 1108 Sig Bde 1113 Eng Bn 1120 Trans Bn 1140 Eng 1144 Trans Bn 1146 Pers Svc Bn 1169 Eng Gp 1200 QM Bn 1203 Eng Bn 1204 Spt Bn (LH) 1204 Spt Bn (RH) 1207 Hosp USAR 1225 Spt Bn 1249 Eng Bn 1297 Spt Bn 1457 Eng Bn 1461 Trans Co 1984 Hosp 2290 Hosp 2291 Hosp 3274 Hosp 3297 Hosp 3643 Spt Bn 3678 Spt Bn 4005 Hosp 5010 Hosp USAR 5502 Hosp Augment 6250 Hosp Avn & Trp Cmd Acquisition Corps (LH) Acquisition Corps (RH) Air Defense School Alld For Cent Nor Eu Alld For NW Europe USAR Africa Cmd Alld Land Frc S Eur Avn Logistics Sch Alaska US Army Acad Of Health SCI Armor Schl Res Readiness Trn Ctr ASYMM Warfare Gp Atlantic Cmd Mobilization Avcrad Avn & Missile Cmd Aviation School Avn Trng Site (LH) Avn Trng Site (RH) Brooke Army Med Ctr Ctrl Us Army Element Chaplin Ctr & Sch Chem & Bio Def Cmd Chem School Civ Aff/Psy Warfare Civ Aff School Cmbd Arms Spt Cmd Afghanistan Cmd & Gen Staff Coll AR Contract Cmd Corrections Cmd Crim Invstgtn Cmd Cmb Sec Tran Cmd, Afg USAR Cyber Cmd Eisenhower Meddac Ft Gordon Dentac Ft Polk Dentac Ft Bliss Dentac Ft Bragg Dentac Ft Carson Dentac Ft Hood Dentac Ft Jackson Dentac Ft Leo Wood Dentac Ft Riley Dentac Ft Sill Dentac Hawaii USAR Dental Cmd DOA Staff Spt Exped Contract Cmd USAR Corps of Eng (LH)

329 Regt Bct USAR

330 Med Bde


330 Regt Bct USAR

USAR Corps of Eng (RH) Engineer School Evaluation Center FA School Finance School Foreign Intell Cmd Forces Command Fort Mccoy Hospital AKS Alaska Starc Alabama Starc Arkansas Starc Arizona Starc California Starc Colorado Starc Connecticut Starc Delaware Starc (LH) Delaware Starc (RH) Florida Starc Georgia Starc Guam Starc Hawaii Starc Iowa Starc (LH) Iowa Starc (RH) Idaho Starc Illinois Starc Indiana Starc Kansas Starc Kentucky Starc Louisiana Starc Massachusetts Starc Maryland Starc Maine Starc Michigan Starc Minnesota Starc Missouri Starc (LH) Missouri Starc (RH) Mississippi Starc Montana Starc North Carolina Starc North Dakota Starc Nebraska Starc Dist of Columbia Starc New Hampshire Starc New Jersey Starc New Mexico Starc Nevada Starc New York Starc Ohio Starc Oklahoma Starc (LH) Oklahoma Starc (RH) Oregon Starc (LH) Oregon Starc (RH) Penn Starc (LH) Penn Starc (RH) Puerto Rico Starc Rhode Island Starc South Carolina Starc South Dakota Starc Tennessee Starc Texas ARNG Utah Starc Virginia Starc Virgin Islands Vermont Starc Washington Starc (LH) Washington Starc (RH) Wisconsin Starc West Virginia Starc Wyoming Starc Infantry School Instltn Mgt Agency Intell & Sec Cmd Intell Ctr & Schl Individual Ready Res JFK Special War Elmnt Jnt Subreg Cm Joint Readiness Trng Legal Ser Agency Madigan Army Med Ctr Mgt Eng College

334 Spt Bn

336 MP Bn USAR


Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699

336 Trans Gp

Maneuver Ctr of Excell Army Marksmanship USAR Med Command Med Res & Materl Cmd Ft Polk Meddac Dwight D. Eisenhower Aberdeen Meddac Alaska Ft Belvoir Meddac Ft Benning Meddac Ft Carson Meddac Ft Drum Meddac Ft Eustis Meddac Ft Huachuca Meddac Ft Irwin Meddac Ft Jackson Meddac Ft Leavenworth Ft Leonard Wood Ft Polk Meddac Ft Riley Meddac Ft Sill Meddac Ft Campbell Meddac Ft Hood Meddac Ft Rucker Meddac Ft Stewart Meddac Redstone Arsenal Wurzburg Med Dept US Army Medical Cmd Military Dist Of WA Mil Intel Ready Cmd Mil Traffic Mgmt Mssl & Mun Ctr & Sch MP Bde Hawaii MP Command Military Police Schl Maneuver Supt Ctr Mltntnl Force & Obs Natl Training Center NATO NG Pro Ed Cntr NG Oper SptAirlift Cmd TN State Gd w. Red Star US Element US Northern Cmd Ops Support Cmd Operational Test Cmd Ordnance School US Army Pacific US Army Pacific DOD & Joint Act Pers Recruiting Comd Reserve Comd Army Res Med Cmd Army Reserve School ROTC Basic Camp Security Asst Cmd Special Forces Sgt Major Acd Signal Schl Simulation Trg Cmd Special Opns Cmd Soldier Spt Inst Spec Opns Spt Cmd South US Army Southern Command Space & Mis Def Cmd Space Cmd US Army Spec Ops Cmd Joint Forces Cmd Special Opns Cmd Pac Spec Ops Cmd Korea Spec Ops Cmd Cen Spec Ops Cmd Europe Spec Ops Cmd South 1 Armor Div, STB 1 Cav Div STB 1 Armd Div 2 Bde STB 2 Inf Div STB 3 Inf Div STB 4 Inf Div STB 8 Army STB


381 Regt

Unit Crests

383 QM Bn


383 Regt

10 Mo Div, STB 25 Inf Div, STB 28 Inf Div STB 29 Inf Bde CT STB 32 Inf Div SPL 34 Inf Div STB 2 BCT 35 Inf Div, STB 35 Inf Div, STB 36 ID, 56 Bdg CT, STB 37 Inf Bde, STB 39 Inf Bde, STB 40 Inf Bde CT ST 42 Inf Div STB

386 Eng Bn

392 Sig Bn


395 Fin Bn

53 Inf BCT, STB 55 IBCT 28 Inf Div, STB 72 Bde CT 36 Inf Div STB 76 Inf Bde CT STB 81 Armr Bct STB 82 Abn Div, STB 86 Inf BCT, STB STB 155 Armd Bct 173 Abn Bde, STB US Army South Selective Serv Sys Sprm Hqs Allied Pwr Eu Test And Eval Cmd

409 Spt Bn

417 Spt Bn


426 Civ Aff Bn

Test And Evaluation TMDE Group TRADOC Trans Schl Training Ctr Trainer Personnel Univ Health Science Elmt Mltn’l Corp Iraq AR Soldiers Media Ctr Transpotation Cmd US Joint Forces Cmd US Strategic Cmd USAR Air Traffic Svc

429 QM Bn

434 MSB


440 Sig Bn

US Army Multi Iraq USAR Spec Opns Army Material Cmd Veterinary Cmd Wstn Hemis Instsecur Warrant Off Career Ctr WM Beaumont AR Med Womack AR Med Ctr

Regimental Crests See Page 52

These items have been manufactured in accordance with applicable government specifications under the Institute of Heraldry certificate number S-38.

Combat Service Identification Badges




1 Cavalry Div D-P0001C

1 Corps BCT D-P0001D

1 Sust Cmd D-P0001E

1 Med Bde BCT D-P0001F

1 Man Enhance D-P0001G

1 Marine Div D-P0001H

1 Marine Exped Force D-P0001I

1 Info Ops D-P0001J

1 Pers Cmd D-P0001K


1 Armor Div D-P0001B


1 Infantry Div D-P0001A


2 Infantry Div D-P0002A

2 Armd Cav Rgt BCT D-P0002B

2 Marine Aircraft Wing D-P0002C

2 Marine Exped Force D-P0003D

2 Marine Div D-P0003E

2 Armor Div D-P0002F

2 Medical Bde D-P0002G

3 Infantry Div D-P0003A

3 Corps D-P0003B

3 Armd Cav Regt D-P0003C

3 Sust Cmd BCT D-P0003D

3 Chemical D-P0003E

3 Marine Aircraft Wing D-P0003F

3 Armor Div D-P0003G

3 Signal Bde D-P0003H

4 Infantry Div D-P0004A

4 Man Enhance D-P0004B

4 Sust Cmd D-P0004C

5 Corps D-P0005A

7 Sust Cmd BCT D-P0007A

7 Signal Cmd D-P0007B

7 Corps D-P0007C

7 Signal Bde D-P0007D

8 MP Bde D-P0008A

9 Support Cmd D-P0009A

10 Infantry Div D-P0010A

10 Sust Bde D-P0010B

11 Armd Cav Regt D-P0011A

11 MP Bde D-P0011B

11 Avn Cmd D-P0011C

12 Avn Bde D-P0012A

13 Fin Gp D-P0013A

13 Sust Cmd D-P0013B

15 Sust Bde D-P0015A

16 MP Bde D-P0016A

16 Eng Bde D-P0016B

16 Sust Bde D-P0016C

17 FA Bde D-P0017A

17 Avn Bde D-P0017B

18 Abn Corps D-P0018A

18 MP Bde D-P0018B

18 Fires Bde D-P0018C

18 Eng Bde D-P0018D

20 Spt Cmd D-P0020B

20 Eng Bde D-P0020C

21 Cavalry Bde D-P0021A

21 Sig Bde D-P0021B

22 Signal Bde D-P0022A

24 Infantry Div D-P0024A

25 Infantry Div D-P0025A

26 Man Enhance D-P0026A

30 Armor Bde BCT D-P0030A

30 Medical Cmd D-P0030B

31 ADA Bde D-P0031A

32 Air & Misl Def Cmd D-P0032A

33 Inf Bde CT D-P0033A

34 Infantry Div D-P0034A

35 ADA D-0035A

35 Sig Bde w/Abn D-0035B

18 Avn Bde D-P0018F

27 Inf Div BCT D-P0027A

18 Fires Bde w/Abn 20 Eng Bde w/Abn D-P0020A D-P0018G

28 Infantry Div D-P0028A

29 Infantry BCT D-P0029A

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699

18 Avn Bde w/Abn D-P0018E


Combat Service Identification Badges

35 Sig Bde D-0035C

36 Eng Bde D-0036A

36 Infantry Div D-P0036B

36 Sust Bde D-P0036C

37 Infantry BCT D-P0037A

38 Inf Div D-P0038A

38 Sust Bde D-P0038B

39 Inf BCT D-P0039A

41 Fires Bde D-P0041A

41 Inf Bde D-P0041B

42 Inf Div D-P0042A

42 MP Bde D-P0042B

42 FA D-P0042C

43 MP Bde D-P0043A

44 Med Cmd D-P0044A

45 Fires Bde D-P0045A

45 Sust Bde D-P0045B

45 Inf BCT D-P0045C

46 MP Cmd D-P0046A

48 Inf BCT D-P0048A

48 Chem Bde D-P0048B

49 QM Gp BCT D-P0049A

49 MP Bde D-P0049B

50 Infantry BCT D-P0050A

52 Ord Gp D-P0052A

53 Inf BCT D-P0053A

54 FA Bde D-P0054A

55 Sust Bde D-P0055A

58 Inf BCT D-P0058A

62 Medical Bde D-P0062A

63 Avn Bde D-P0063A

65 Fires Bde D-P0065A

66 Avn Cmd D-P0066A

67 Btl Surv D-P0067A

69 ADA D-P0069A

75 Ranger Rgt D-P0075A

1/75 Ranger Rgt D-P0075B

2/75 Ranger Rgt D-P0075C

3/75 Ranger Rgt D-P0075D

75 Ranger Rgt STB D-P0075E

75 Fires Bde D-P0075F

76 Inf Bde Div D-P0076A

77 Avn Bde D-P0077A

77 Sust Bde D-P0077B

81 Armored Bde D-P0081A

82 Abn Div D-P0082A

82 Sust Bde D-P0082B

89 MP Bde D-P0089A

90 Sust Bde D-P0090A

92 Inf Bde D-P0092A

93 Sig Bde D-P0093A

95 Civ Aff Bde D-P0095A

96 Sust Bde D-P0096A

100 Trng Div D-P0100A

101 Abn Div D-P0101A

101 Sust Bde D-P0101B

103 FA Bde D-P0103A

103 Sust Cmd D-P0103B

104 Trng Div D-P0104A

106 Sig Bde D-P0106A

108 ADA D-P0108A

108 Sust Bde D-P0108B

110 Man Enhance D-P0110A

110 Avn Bde D-P0110B

111 Man Enhance D-P0111A

111 Eng Bde D-P0111B

115 FA Bde D-P0115A

116 Inf BCT D-P0116A

116 Cav Bde D-P0116B

130 Man Enhance D-P0130A

130 Eng Bde D-P0130B

135 Sust Cmd D-P0135A

143 Sust Bde D-P0143A

153 FA Bde D-P0153A

155 Armor BCT D-P0155A

163 Armor Bde D-P0163A

164 ADA D-P0163A

166 Avn Bde D-P0166A

168 Eng Bde D-P0168A

169 Fires Bde D-P0169A

170 Inf Bde D-P0170A

172 Inf BCT D-P0172A

173 Abn BCT D-P0173A

174 Inf Bde D-P0174A

174 ADA D-P0174B

176 Eng Bde D-P0176A

177 MP Bde D-P0177A

184 Sust Cmd D-P0184A

185 Avn Bde D-P0185A

194 Eng Bde D-P0194A

196 Man Enhance D-P0196A

196 FA Bde D-P0196B

197 Fires Bde D-P0197A

200 MP Cmd D-P0200A

201 Btl Surv Bde D-P0201A

205 Mil Intell Bde D-P0205A

207 Mil Intell Bde D-P0207A

210 Fires Bde D-P0210A

212 FA Bde D-P0212A

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


Combat Service Identification Badges

214 Fires Bde D-P0214A

218 Infantry BCT D-P0218A

219 Btl Surv D-P0219A

220 MP Bde D-P0220A

224 Sust Bde D-P0224A

225 Eng Bde D-P0225A

230 Sust Bde D-P0230A

244 Avn Bde D-P0244A

256 Inf Bde D-P0256A

260 MP Cmd D-P0260A

261 Sig Bde D-P0261A

263 ADA D-P0263A

266 Fin Cmd D-P0266A

278 Armor Cav Regt D-P0278A

287 Sust Bde D-P0287A

300 MP Bde D-P0300A

301 Man Enhance D-P0301A

302 Man Enhance D-P0302A

304 Civ Aff Bde D-P0304A

304 Sust Bde D-P0304B

308 Civ Aff Bde D-P0308A

310 Sust Cmd D-P0310A

311 Sust Cmd D-P0311A

316 Cav Bde D-P0316A

316 Sust Cmd D-P0316B

321 Civ Aff Bde D-P0321A

321 Sust Bde D-P0321B

322 Civ Aff Bde D-P0322A

335 Sig Cmd BCT D-P0335A

336 Finance Ctr D-P0336A

350 Civ Aff Cmd D-P0350A

351 Civ Aff Cmd D-P0351A

352 Civ Aff Cmd D-P0352A

353 Civ Aff Cmd D-P0353A

354 Civ Aff Bde D-P0354A

358 Civ Aff Bde D-P0358A

359 Sig Bde D-P0359A

364 Civ Aff Bde D-P0364A

364 Sust Bde D-P0364B

371 Sust Bde D-P0371A

372 Eng Bde D-P0372A

377 Sust Cmd D-P0377A

404 Chem Bde D-P0404A

411 Eng Bde D-P0411A

412 Eng Cmd D-P0412A

415 Chem Bde D-P0415A

416 Eng Cmd D-P0416A

420 Eng Bde D-P0420A

442 Inf Regt D-P0442A

449 Avn Bde D-P0449A

455 Chem Bde D-P0455A

460 Chem Bde D-P0460A

464 Chem Bde D-P0464A

501 MI Bde D-P0501A

504 Btlfd Surv D-P0504A

513 MI Bde D-P0513A

525 Btlfd Surv w/Tab D-P0525A

525 Btlfd Surv D-P0525B

555 Eng Bde D-P0555A

560 Btlfd Surv D-P0560A

593 Sust Cmd D-P0593A

704 MI Bde D-P0704A

800 MP Bde D-P0800A

804 Med Bde D-P0804A

807 Med Cmd D-P0807A

926 Eng Bde D-P0926A

Criminal Invest Cmd D-PCID

Cmbd Arms Cmd D-PCMBARM

DOD & Jt Actv D-PDOD

Mlt-Nat Corps Iraq D-PMNCI

Mlt-Nat Force Iraq D-PMNFI


NATO Trn Misson Afghan D-PNATOAF

Sthn Europe Task Force D-PSETF

Spec Forces Gp D-PSF

Spec Ops Cmd D-PSOPER

Spc Op Cmd, Africa D-PSOPER/A

Spc Op Cmd, Central D-PSOPER/C

Spc Op Cmd, Europe D-PSOPER/E

Spc Op Cmd, Joint Forces D-PSOPER/J

Spc Op Cmd, Korea D-PSOPER/K

Spc Op Cmd, Ft Bragg D-PSOPER/NC

Spc Op Cmd, Pacific D-PSOPER/P

Spc Op Cmd, South D-PSOPER/S

Trng & Doc Cmd D-PTRADOC

Trial Defense Svc D-PTRDS

Air Traff Svc Cmd D-PUSAATSC

US Army Central D-PUSAC



US Army Europe D-PUSAEU

US Army South D-PUSAS

US Cmb Frc Afghan D-PUSCFA

US Frc Afghan D-PUSFA

US Army Frc Cmd D-PUSFC

Army Material Cmd D-PUSMC

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699

US Mil Dist of WA D-PUSMD


Full Size Medals

Army Dist Svc Cross ML-F1049

Navy Cross ML-F1120

Air Force Cross ML-F1006

Defense Dist Svc ML-F1092

Army Dist Svc ML-F1050

Silver Star ML-F1140

Def Super Svc Medal ML-F1093

Legion of Merit ML-F1104

Dist Flying Cross ML-F1094

Soldiers Medal ML-F1141

Navy/Marine Corps ML-F1132

Airman’s Medal ML-F1027

Coast Guard ML-F1082

Bronze Star ML-F1069

Purple Heart ML-F1137

Defense Merit Svc ML-F1091

Meritorious Service ML-F1109

Air Medal ML-F1025

AF Aerial Achv ML-F1024

Joint Svc Cmd ML-F1101

Army Commendation ML-F1048

Navy Commendation ML-F1119

AF Commendation ML-F1005

CG Commendation ML-F1075

Joint Service Achieve ML-F1100

Army Achievement ML-F1047

Navy Achieve ML-F1117

AF Achievement ML-F1001

CG Achievement ML-F1071

Prisoner of War ML-F1136

AF Cmbt Readiness ML-F1004

USAF Combat Action ML-F1174


Army Good Conduct ML-F1051

Navy Good Conduct ML-F1125

Naval Res Merit Svc ML-F1113

Air Res Merit Svc ML-F1026

Marine Good Conduct ML-F1107

Marine Org Res ML-F1108

AF Good Conduct ML-F1008

CG Good Conduct ML-F1081

Navy Expeditionary ML-F1121

Marine Corps Exped ML-F1106

CG Res Good Conduct ML-F1084

China Service ML-F1070

Army Res Comp Achv ML-F1060A

American Defense ML-F1039

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


Army Res Achv ML-F1060B

American Camp ML-F1038


Full Size Medals

Asiatic Pacific Camp ML-F1067

Euro Mid East Camp ML-F1095

WWII Victory ML-F1155

WWII Occupation ML-F1154

WWII Navy Occupation ML-F1157

Humane Action ML-F1097

National Defense ML-F1111

Korean Service ML-F1102

Armed Forces Exped ML-F1045

Vietnam Service ML-F1153

Southwest Asia ML-F1142

Armed Forces Svc ML-F1044

Humanitarian Service ML-F1098

Outstanding Vol Svc ML-F1204

Naval Reserve ML-F1112

Korea Def Svc ML-F1168

Kosovo Campaign ML-F1227

Armed Forces Res ML-F1046A

NG Armed Forces Res ML-F1046B

AF Armed Forces Res ML-F1046C

Navy Armed Forces Res ML-F1046D

Glb War on Terror, Svc ML-F1166

Afghanistan Campaign ML-F1172

Iraq Campaign ML-F1173

Air & Space Medal ML-F1167

Phillippine Liberation ML-F1226

Navy Expert, Rifle ML-F1123

CG Expert, Rifle ML-F1202

RVN Cross of Gal w/Palm ML-F1150

RVN Civ Action ML-F1147

UN Korean Service ML-F1144

United Nations ML-F1146

UN Op Somalia ML-F1218

NATO Medal ML-F1161

NATO Medal ML-F1222

NATO Medal ML-F1223

Multinational Forces ML-F1110

RVN Camp w/Date ML-F1149

Kuwait Liberation ML-F1103

USMC Armed Forces Res ML-F1046E

Navy Expert, Pistol ML-F1124

Glb War on Terror, Expd ML-F1165

CG Expert, Pistol ML-F1201

UN Prot Frc Yugoslavia NATO Medal Iraq-Afghn ML-F1216 ML-F1224

Lib of Kuwait (new) ML-F1209

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699

Dist Civilian Svc ML-F1300


Outstanding Civ Svc ML-F1301

Full Size Medals

Cmd Awd for Pub Svc ML-F1302

Civ Awd for Humn Svc ML-F1303

Exceptional Civ Svc ML-F1310

Superior Civilian Svc ML-F1312

Commander’s Award for Civilian Svc ML-F1313

Achieve Civilian Svc ML-F1314

Medal Box Sets available on page 52

Armed Forces Civ Svc ML-F1315

USAF Meritorious Civilian Service ML-F1402

USAF Exemplary Civilian Service ML-F1403

Outstndg Civ Career Svc ML-F1406

Global War on Terror Civilian Svc ML-F1316

Anodized Medals

Army Dist Svc Cross ML-FA1049

Navy Cross ML-FA1120

Dist Flying Cross ML-FA1094

Soldiers Medal ML-FA1141

Navy/Marine Corps ML-FA1132

Airman’s Medal ML-FA1027

Defense Merit Svc ML-FA1091

Air Medal ML-FA1025

AF Aerial Achv ML-FA1024

Army Commendation ML-FA1048

Navy Commendation ML-FA1119

AF Commendation ML-FA1005

CG Commendation ML-FA1075

Joint Service Achieve ML-FA1100

Army Achievement ML-FA1047

Navy Achievement ML-FA1117

AF Achievement ML-FA1001

Prisoner of War ML-FA1136

AF Cmbt Rediness ML-FA1004

Army Good Conduct ML-FA1051

Navy Good Conduct ML-FA1125

Marine Good Conduct ML-FA1107

AF Good Conduct ML-FA1008

CG Good Conduct ML-FA1081

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


Full Size Medals

Naval Res Merit Svc ML-FA1113

Air Res Merit Svc ML-FA1026

Navy Expeditionary ML-FA1121

China Service ML-FA1070

American Defense ML-FA1039

American Camp ML-FA1038

Asiatic Pacific Camp ML-FA1067

Euro Mid East Camp ML-FA1095

WWII Victory ML-FA1155

WWII Occupation ML-FA1154

Humane Action ML-FA1097

National Defense ML-FA1111

Korean Service ML-FA1102

Armed Forces Exped ML-FA1045

Vietnam Service ML-FA1153

Southwest Asia ML-FA1142

Armed Forces Svc ML-FA1044

Humanitarian Svc ML-FA1098

Outstanding Vol Svc ML-FA1204

Armed Forces Res ML-FA1046A

NG Armed Forces Res ML-FA1046B

USMC Armed Forces Res ML-FA1046E

Naval Reserve ML-FA1112

Korea Def Svc ML-FA1168

Kosovo Camp ML-FA1227

Glb War on Terror, Expd ML-FA1165

RVN Cross of Gal w/Palm ML-FA1150

UN Korean Svc ML-FA1144

United Nations ML-FA1146

Multinational Forces ML-FA1110

Outstanding Civ Svc ML-FA1301

AF Armed Forces Res ML-FA1046C

Glb War on Terror, Svc ML-FA1166

Afghanistan Campaign ML-FA1172

Comdr Awd for Pub Svc Civ Awd for Human Svc ML-FA1302 ML-FA1303

Navy Armed Forces Res ML-FA1046D

Iraq Campaign ML-FA1173

Superior Civ Svc ML-FA1312

Ribbons Found on Pages 54-55 Ribbon Mounts Located on Page 53

Cmdr Awd for Civ Svc ML-FA1313

Armd Forces Civ Svc ML-FA1315

USAF Merit Civ Svc ML-FA1402

USAF Exemp Civ Svc Glbl War on Terror Civ Svc ML-FA1403 ML-FA1316

See Our Price List Online at

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


Medal Box Sets Box Sets with Full Size Medal, Mini Medal, Ribbon and Lapel Pin

Box Sets with Full Size Medal, Ribbon and Lapel Pin

Army Commendation ML-BS1048/L

Army Achievement ML-BS1047/WML Set Includes: Ribbon, Full Size Medal, Lapel Pin, & Mini Medal

Def Merit Svc ML-BS1091/WML

Legion of Merit ML-BS1104/WML

Army Comm ML-BS1047/WML

Bronze Star ML-BS1069/WML

Joint Svc Ach ML-BS1100L

Army Good Conduct ML-BS1051/WML

National Defense ML-BS1111/L

Set Includes: Ribbon, Full Size Medal, & Lapel Pin

Army Ach ML-BS1047/L

GWOT, Exped ML-BS1165/L

GWOT, Svc ML-BS1166/L

Afghan Camp ML-BS1172/L

Medal with Ribbon Sets

Army Dist Svc Cross ML-FR1049

Merit Svc ML-FR1109

Outstanding Vol Svc ML-FR1204


Civ Award for Human Svc ML-FR1303

Regimental Crests

Adjutant General D-R101

Chaplain D-R102

Chemical D-R103

Sup Civ Svc ML-FR1312

Ach Civ Svc ML-FR1314

See pages 36-45 for a full listing of our Unit Crests

Civil Affairs D-R104

Engineer D-R105

Finance D-R106

Judge Adv Gen D-R107

Military Intelligence D-R108

Medical D-R109


Military Police D-R110

Ordnance D-R111

Quartermaster D-R112

Signal D-R113

Transportation D-R114

Psych Opns D-R115

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699

Acquisition Corps D-R116


Ribbon Devices - Set of Two Each Ribbon Mounts

Plastic Tight Mounts R-PM04/NG R-PM05/NG R-PM06/NG R-PM07/NG R-PM08/NG R-PM09/NG R-PM10/NG R-PM11/NG R-PM12/NG R-PM13/NG R-PM14/NG R-PM15/NG

4 Mount 5 Mount 6 Mount 7 Mount 8 Mount 9 Mount 10 Mount 11 Mount 12 Mount 13 Mount 14 Mount 15 Mount

R-PM09/NG 9 Ribbons


16 Mount 17 Mount 18 Mount 19 Mount 20 Mount 21 Mount 22 Mount 23 Mount 24 Mount 25 Mount 26 Mount

5/16 Bronze Oak Leaves

Plastic 1/8” Gap Mounts R-PMG04 R-PMG05 R-PMG06 R-PMG07 R-PMG08 R-PMG09 R-PMG10 R-PMG11 R-PMG12 R-PMG13 R-PMG14 R-PMG15

4 Mount 5 Mount 6 Mount 7 Mount 8 Mount 9 Mount 10 Mount 11 Mount 12 Mount 13 Mount 14 Mount 15 Mount


R-M09S/NG 9 Ribbons

R-PMG09 9 Ribbons 16 Mount 17 Mount 18 Mount 19 Mount 20 Mount 21 Mount 22 Mount 23 Mount 24 Mount 25 Mount 26 Mount

1/8” Gap Mounts, Staggered Right



9 Mount 10 Mount 11 Mount 12 Mount 13 Mount 14 Mount 15 Mount 16 Mount 17 Mount 18 Mount 19 Mount 20 Mount


1 Mount 2 Mount 3 Mount 4 Mount 5 Mount 6 Mount 7 Mount 8 Mount 9 Mount 10 Mount 11 Mount 12 Mount 13 Mount 14 Mount 15 Mount 16 Mount

9 Mount 10 Mount 11 Mount 12 Mount 13 Mount 14 Mount 15 Mount 16 Mount 17 Mount 18 Mount 19 Mount 20 Mount


2 Leaves - R-D108

2 Leaves - R-D156

3 Leaves - R-D109

3 Leaves - R-D157

4 Leaves - R-D110

4 Leaves - R-D158

Navy Efficiency “E” R-D144

21 Mount 22 Mount 23 Mount 24 Mount 25 Mount 26 Mount 27 Mount 28 Mount 29 Mount 30 Mount 31 Mount 32 Mount

Bronze Fleet Marine R-D151

5/16 Bronze Hourglass R-D135

3/16 Gold Plate Stars

1 Star - R-D101

1 Star - R-D105A

2 Stars - R-D102

2 Stars - R-D105B

3 Stars - R-D103

3 Stars - R-D105C

4 Stars - R-D104

4 Stars - R-D105D

Bronze Letter “E” R-D145

Bronze Letter “V” R-D146

Gold Letter “V” R-D146A

1/4 Bronze Arrowhead R-D142

Date Bar R-D141

5/16 Bronze Star R-D132

5/16 Silver Hourglass R-D135A

5/16 Gold Hourglass R-D135B

Bronze Palm R-D136

Bronze Letter “M” R-D155

5/16 Gold Star 5/16 Silver Plate R-D133 Star R-D134A

Large Bronze Palm R-D137

R-M17/NG R-M18/NG R-M19/NG R-M20/NG R-M21/NG R-M22/NG R-M23/NG R-M24/NG R-M25/NG R-M26/NG R-M27/NG R-M28/NG R-M29/NG R-M30/NG R-M31/NG R-M32/NG

17 Mount 18 Mount 19 Mount 20 Mount 21 Mount 22 Mount 23 Mount 24 Mount 25 Mount 26 Mount 27 Mount 28 Mount 29 Mount 30 Mount 31 Mount 32 Mount

Kuwait Liberation R-D138

R-MG09 9 Ribbons

1/8” Gap Mounts R-MG04 R-MG05 R-MG06 R-MG07 R-MG08 R-MG09 R-MG10 R-MG11 R-MG12 R-MG13 R-MG14 R-MG15

4 Mount 5 Mount 6 Mount 7 Mount 8 Mount 9 Mount 10 Mount 11 Mount 12 Mount 13 Mount 14 Mount 15 Mount

R-MG16 R-MG17 R-MG18 R-MG19 R-MG20 R-MG21 R-MG22 R-MG23 R-MG24 R-MG25 R-MG26 R-MG27

16 Mount 17 Mount 18 Mount 19 Mount 20 Mount 21 Mount 22 Mount 23 Mount 24 Mount 25 Mount 26 Mount 27 Mount

Bronze Knots

Silver Knots

1 Knot - R-D112 2 Knots - R-D113 3 Knots - R-D114 4 Knots - R-D115 5 Knots - R-D116

1 Knot - R-D117 2 Knots - R-D118 3 Knots - R-D119 4 Knots - R-D120 5 Knots - R-D121

3/16 Bronze Numbers 0 - R-D122 1 - R-D123 2 - R-D124 3 - R-D125 4 - R-D126

Unit Citations R-M01 R-MS04

Navy Bronze “S” R-D147

R-M09/NG 9 Ribbons

Tight Mounts R-M01 R-M02 R-M03 R-M04/NG R-M05/NG R-M06/NG R-M07/NG R-M08/NG R-M09/NG R-M10/NG R-M11/NG R-M12/NG R-M13/NG R-M14/NG R-M15/NG R-M16/NG

21 Mount 22 Mount 23 Mount 24 Mount 25 Mount 26 Mount 27 Mount 28 Mount 29 Mount M 30 Mount 31 Mount M 32 Mount

1 Leaf - R-D111

3/16 Bronze Stars

R-MG09S 9 Ribbons

Tight Mounts, Staggered Right

5/16 Silver Oak Leaves

1 Leaf - R-D107

Army Frame R-U101

Presidential Unit R-U102

Joint Merit Unit R-U104

Valorous Unit R-U103

Meritorious Unit R-U106




Army Superior Unit Philippine Pres Unit R-U105 R-U107

Korean Pres Unit R-U108

Viet Pres Unit R-U109

Viet Cross of Gal Unit Viet Civil Act Unit R-U111 R-U110

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699

5 - R-D127 6 - R-D128 7 - R-D129 8 - R-D130 9 - R-D131



Army Dist Svc Cross R-1049

Navy Cross R-1120

AF t Cross R-1006

Def Dist Svc Cross R-1092

Army Dist Svc Medal R-1050

Navy Dist Svc Medal R-1203

AF Dist Svc Cross R-1007

CG Dist Svc Medal R-1079

Silver Star R-1140

Defense Superior Svc Medal R-1093

Legion Of Merit R-1104

Dist Flying Cross R-1094

Soldiers Medal R-1141

Navy/USMC Medal R-1132

Airmans Medal R-1027

CG Medal R-1082

Gold Life Saving R-1080

Bronze Star R-1069

Purple Heart R-1137

Defense Meritorious Svc R-1091

Meritorious Service R-1109

Air Medal R-1025

Silver Life Saving R-1088

Aerial Achievement R-1024

Joint Svc Commendation R-1101

Army Commendation R-1048

Navy/USMC Commendation R-1119

AF Commendation R-1005

CG Commendation R-1075

Joint Svc Achievement R-1100

Army Achievement R-1047

Navy/USMC Achievement R-1117

AF Achievement R-1001

USAF Combat Action R-1174

CG Achievement R-1071

CG Letter of Commendation R-1074

Navy/Marine Combat Action R-1131

AF Pres Unit Citation R-U202

Navy Pres Unit Citation R-1115

Navy Unit Commendation R-1130

CG Unit Commendation R-1090

AF Joint Merit Unit Comm R-U204

Navy Merit Unit R-1126

CG Meritorious Unit R-1083

AF Outstanding Unit R-1015

AF Organization Excellence R-1014

Navy E Ribbon R-1116

POW R-1136

Combat Readiness R-1004

Army Good Conduct R-1051

Navy Good Conduct R-1125

USMC Good Conduct R-1107

AF Good Conduct R-1008

CG Good Conduct R-1081

CG Res Good Conduct R-1084

Army Res Components Achieve R-1060

Navy Res Meritorious Svc R-1113

Air Res Meritorious Svc R-1026

Selected Marine Reserve R-1139

Navy Fleet Marine Force R-1135

Outstanding Airman Year R-1016

AF Recognition R-1021

Navy Expeditionary R-1121

USMC Expeditionary R-1106

China Service R-1070

American Defense R-1039

American Campaign R-1038

Asiatic Pacific Campaign R-1067

Eur-Afr-Mid Eas Campaign R-1095

WWII Victory R-1155

WWII Occupation R-1154

Humane Action R-1097

National Defense R-1111

Korean Service R-1102

Antarctica Service R-1040

CG Arctic Service R-1072

Armed Forces Expeditionary R-1045

Vietnam Service R-1153

Southwest Asia R-1142

Armed Force Service R-1044

Humanitarian Service R-1098

Outstanding Volunteer Svc R-1204

AF Overseas Svc (short) R-1018

AF Overseas Svc (long) R-1017

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699



AF Longevity R-1012

AF Training Instructor R-1009

Navy/Marine Sea Svc Deploy R-1134

Navy Arctic Svc R-1118

Navy Res Sea Svc R-1114

Navy/USMC Overseas Svc R-1133

CG Special Operations R-1089

CG Sea Svc R-1087

CG Restricted Duty R-1085

CG Basic Training R-1073

Navy Recruiting Svc R-1128

AF Recruiting R-1019

USMC Recruiting R-1108

USMC Drill Instructor R-1162

USMC Security Guard R-1163

Armed Forces Reserve R-1046

Army NCO R-1056

Army Service R-1062

Army Overseas R-1057

AR Res Components Overseas R-1061

AF NCO R-1013

AF Honor Graduate R-1003

Small Arms Expert R-1022

Navy Reserve Medal R-1112

MC Reserve Medal R-1105

Korean Defense Svc Medal R-1168

Kosovo Medal R-1227

Global War On Terror Expd R-1165

Global War On Terror Svc R-1166

Afghanistan Camp Medal R-1172

Iraq Camp Medal R-1173

Air & Space Medal R-1167

Navy Expert Rifle R-1123

Navy Expert Pistol R-1124

AF Training R-1023

CG Expert Rifle R-1158

CG Expert Pistol R-1159

French Cr/Guer WWI R-1160

French Cr/Guer WWII R-1096

Viet Cross Of Gall w/Palm R-1150

Korean Pres Unit Citation R-U208

Vietnam Pres Unit Citation R-U209

RVN Cross of Gall Unit Citation R-U210

RVN Civ Action Unit Citation R-U211

Vietnam Civil Action 1st Cl R-1147

Philippine Liberation R-1207

Philippine Independence R-1208

United Nations Svc Korea R-1144

UN Observer Medal R-1146

UN Observer India R-1221

UN Operation Somalia R-1218

UN Protect Yugoslavia R-1216

UN Mission West Sahara R-1219

UN Observ Group Lebanon R-1217

UN Iraq/Kuwait Obsv Gp R-1220

UN Mission Haiti R-1215

New Nato Medal R-1161

Nato Active Endv Medal R-1222

Nato Balkans Medal R-1223

Nato Iraq-Afghan Medal R-1224

Multinational Force R-1110

Vietnam Campaign w/Date R-1149

Kuwait Liberation w/Device R-1103

Liberation of Kuwait R-1209

Distinguished Civilian Svc R-1300

AR Outstndg Civ Svc Award R-1301

Cmd’s Award for Public Svc R-1302

Civ Svc Humanitarian R-1303

AR Excptnl Civ Svc Awd R-1310

Meritorious Civilian Svc Award R-1311

Superior Civilian Svc Award R-1312

Commander’s Civ Svc Award R-1313

AR Civ Svc Achievement R-1314

Armed Forces Civ Svc Medal R-1315

AF Excptnl Civ Svc Awd R-1401

AF Merit Civ Svc Award R-1402

AF Civilian Achv Award R-1405

AF Meritorious Unit Award R-1170

AF Exempl Svc Award R-1403

AF Outstndg Civ Career Svc R-1406

AF Dstg Pub Srv Award R-1407

More Ribbons, Medals and Box Sets Available Online!

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


Order Information


There are 4 easy ways to order. 1. Call Toll-Free 800-458-5180, Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pm CST. 2. Fax order Toll-Free 800-521-5027, 24 hours a day. 3. Mail in orders - include item #, description, size and/or color as required. 4. Use Our Web Store at Because all items are not in stock at all times, please allow sufficient lead time when ordering. Please include name, address and customer account number with orders. Your customer account number appears above your name on the address label of this catalog. Using it for each order or inquiry speeds response time!

Minimum Orders

Regular accounts - $50.00 (excludes custom items). Service charge of $10.00 on lesser orders, excluding freight.

Custom Orders

Custom work may take 30-120 days for delivery. Please allow sufficient lead time when ordering.

Avoiding Delays

Most order delays are due to missing information. Be sure to specify sizes, colors, and any personalization.


Prices in this catalog supersede all previously published prices and are subject to change without prior notice. If there is major price change, we will contact you before shipping the order.

Payment Terms

Visa, Mastercard, AE, Discover and I.M.P.A.C. orders are accepted. Credit will be extended on authorized purchase orders of local, state and government agencies. Terms are Net 30 days. All other orders, prior to shipment must be paid in full by check, money order, or credit card. We will make partial shipments to meet customer deadlines. Partial invoices must be paid within our payment terms.


Colors shown in this catalog are as close as possible, but some variation may occur due to the printing process. Custom or reorders are best handled by sending a sample for us to match colors.

Shipping Information

Back Orders

Unexpected demands or production delays on occasion may result in items that are temporarily out of stock. It is our policy to ship all available merchandise and back order the balance unless customer specifies otherwise.

Missing or Damaged Goods

Missing or damaged merchandise must be reported at once upon receipt. A packing list is enclosed with each order and will list all merchandise shipped. Damaged shipping boxes must be noted as such and saved for purposes of insurance inspection. We cannot accept responsibility for missing or damaged items reported more than 48 hours after delivery.

Returns and Exchanges

Merchandise may be returned only with prior authorization and within 30 days of receipt. No merchandise will be accepted for exchange or credit without prior authorization from The Supply Room, Inc. Returns of custom-made or obsolete merchandise will not be accepted. Freight must be prepaid on all returns. Restocking fees may apply. Return Address: 230 Supply Room Road Oxford, AL 36203


We value any suggestions, comments or criticisms you may have about our service, catalog or products.

Shipping and Handling

All shipments are F.O.B. Oxford, AL with shipping charges prepaid and added to the invoice. Unless otherwise directed by the customer, all shipments will be routed by our shipping department. Shipping prices are subject to change. Prices stated below are estimates; shipping costs include shipping expense and handling.


All shipments shipped via UPS will be insured and the insurance charges included in the shipping charges.


We fully guarantee all merchandise against defects in material and workmanship.

The Supply Room ground service delivery schedule for commercial shipments from our Oxford, AL Location.

Delivery Time for your order?

Shipping Rate Estimates ONLY $0.01-40.00 $41.00-100.00 $101.00-200.00 $201.00-300.00 $301.00-400.00 $401.00-500.00 C.O.D. Add Each Additional Box Backorder Next Day Air Letter Next Day per lb 2nd Day Letter 2nd Day 1 lbs. 3rd Day 1 lbs.

$8.00 $14.00 $18.00 $22.00 $26.00 $30.00 $10.00 $8.00 $8.00 $14.75 & Up $21.00 & Up $8.75 & Up $9.00 & Up $7.00 & Up

Contact Information Phone: (800) 458-5180 Fax: (800) 521-5027

Email: Web:

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


Ordering from the Website

Homepage Step 1: Connecting to The Supply Room Website Go to Log in using your account number and password. If you do not have an account, call 800-458-5180 to speak to a representative.

Product Listing

Product Information Step 2: Product Listing and Selection Choose your branch and then choose the product you are shopping for. You can also use our search feature at the top of the page. A product listing will be shown with our item number, product description and price. Click on the product you would like to view details on. Select quantity and click “Add to Cart” to purchase the item.

Shipping Information Shopping Cart Step 3: Shopping Cart Here you can remove unwanted items from your shopping cart or change the quantity of items you wish to purchase. Enter your zip code and select the method of shipping. Click the “Update” button to view the total price of your purchase. Enter any comments you have about your order in the form and click “Update” to include them. From here you can continue shopping, reset (empty) your cart, or proceed with checkout.

Payment Information Step 4: Shipping Information The billing address is used as the shipping address by default. If you need your order shipped to a different address, please call 800458-5180. Click “Submit” and the payment information screen will appear. Enter your credit card information or submit this order as a quote and a salesperson will contact you.

Step 5: Review and Complete Your Order Before your order is complete, review all of the details to make sure the information is correct. You can modify payment details or edit the shipping address or change items in the order. When you are finished, click “Submit Completed Order”. A screen will appear notifying you that your order was submitted successfully. An e-mail order confirmation will be sent to you.

Review Your Order is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for your convenience.

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


Positional Flags



All flags are 3’ x 4’ or 4’4” x 5’6” and are Rayon Embroidered, also available in Nylon.



Office of the President of the United States

Office of the Vice President of the United States

Office of the Secretary of Defense

Office of the Deputy Secretary of Defense

Offices of the Under Secretaries of Defense

Offices of the Assistant Secretaries of Defense

Office of the Department of Defense Inspector General

Office of the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff

Office of the Vice Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff

Office of the Secretary of the Army

Office of the Under Secretary of the Army

Offices of the Assistant Secretaries of the Army and General Counsel

Offices of the Principal Staff Assistants to the Secretary of the Army

Office of the Chief of Staff, United States Army

Office of the Vice Chief of Staff, United States Army

Office of the Director of the Army Staff

17 7 5





Office of the Adjutant General



Office of the Chief, Army Reserve



Office of the Chief of Chaplains

Office of the Chief of Engineers








Office of the Inspector General

Office of the Judge Advocate General

Office of the Chief, National Guard Bureau

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699

Office of the Surgeon General


Positional Flags

Brigadier General

Major General

Lieutenant General


Brigadier General Medical

Major General Medical

Brigadier General Chaplain

Major General Chaplain




Speak to one of our representatives about unit pricing. E




Senior Executive Service




Organizational Flags

States Army National Guard, Brigade General








Major Army Commands

Designated Commands

Major Subordinate Commands

Numbered Troop Commands

Special Troops of Armies

Armies, 3rd Army

Corps, III Corps

Corps Artillery, I Corps

Divisions, 1st Armored Division

Divisions, 3rd Infantry Division

Division Artillery, 1st Infantry Division

Division Support Command, 3rd Armored Division

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


Organizational Flags

Brigades of Divisions, 1st Armored Division

Brigades of Divisions, 10th Infantry Division

Named Brigades of Divisions, 1st Armored Division

Named Brigades of Divisions, 1st Cavalry Division

Named Brigades of Divisions, 1st Infantry Division

Named Brigades of Divisions, 3rd Infantry Division

Separate TOE Brigades, Airborne

Separate TOE Brigades, Armored

Separate TOE Brigades, Military Intelligence

Separate TOE Brigades, Military Police

Separate TOE Brigades, Support

Prisoner of War Camp, Military Police

46 Groups, Artillery

66 Groups, Military Intelligence

Hospital Centers

185 Groups, Aviation

49 Groups, Quartermaster

36 Groups, Engineer

167 Groups, Support







Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699

334 Groups, Medical

37 Groups, Transportation



Organizational Flags

US Army Centers, ADA

US Army Centers, Field Artillery

US Army Centers, Infantry

US Army Centers, Signal


College & Service School

School Brigade

Battallions of School Brigades

Training Centers, Armor

Brigades of Training Centers, Field Artillery

Battalions of Training Centers, Infantry

US Army Garrison


2 R

Fort Knox

Brigade of Recruiting Command







Adjutant General



44 TH A





Air Defense Artillery/Field Artillery

41 2TH CV



Battalions of Regiments


11 2T H





Battalions of Regiments



36 9T HA


Battalion of Recruiting Command



11 0T H FIE




Civil Affairs

13 1S TA




Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699





Organizational Flags






80 TH TR




Supply and Transport






99 TH S














Special Forces




Military Police











Special Troops













Supply and Service




49 TH M




Missile Defense

Guidons Dimensions: 20-inch hoist by 27-inch fly, 10-inch triangle

Major Army Commands

Designated Commands

Major Subordinate Commands

Armies, 3rd Army

Corps, III Corps

Divisions, Cavalry

Divisions, Infantry

Special Troops of Armies

Corps Artillery, I Corps

Division Artillery, 1 Armored

Division Support Command, 3 Armored

Brigade of Division, Cavalry

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699



Brigade of Division, Infantry

Engineer Brigade of Division, Cavalry

Aviation Brigade of Division, Infantry

Maneuver Area Command

Maneuver Area Training Command

Separate Brigade, Airborne

Separate Brigade, Armored

Separate Brigade, Aviation

Separate Brigade, Infantry

Separate Brigade, Support

Military Prisoner of War, Military Police





Groups, Engineer

Groups, Support

Groups, Transportation

TDA Unit

Companies of US Army Garrison

Hospital Centers


School Brigade

Battalion of School Brigade

Company of School Brigade

Battalion of OCS Brigade


Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699



NCOA NCO Academy

US Army Training Centers

Training Battalion of Training Center

Companies of Training Center Battalion

Separate TOE Platoons

Separate TOE Units

Companies of Battalion without Branch Insignia

Companies of Regiments and Separate Battalions

Named TOE Companies of Regiment and Battalions

Companies of Battalions of Regiments

Named TOE Companies of Battalion of Regiment

Separate Cavalry Squadrons

Named TOE Companies of Cavalry Squadrons

Cavalry Troops of Regiments

Adjutant General

Air Defense Artillery



Branch Immaterial



Civil Affairs


Field Artillery

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699



For custom vessel flags, call for pricing.



Judge Advocate General



Military Intelligence

Military Police


Psychological Operations



Special Forces

Special Troops Battalion


Supply and Service

Supply and Transportation





Senior ROTC Branch-Oriented

Senior ROTC Nonbranch-Oriented

Junior ROTC

Junior ROTC Companies of Regiments

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699











Heavy Division Forward Support Bn Headquarters–Support

Heavy Division Forward Support Bn Company A–Supply

Heavy Division Forward Support Bn Company B–Maintenance

Heavy Division Forward Support Bn Company C–Medical









Heavy Division Forward Support Bn Company D–Adjutant General

Heavy Division Main Support Bn Headquarters–Support

Heavy Division Main Support Bn Company A–Supply

Heavy Division Main Support Bn Company B–Transportation









Heavy Division Main Support Bn Company C–Maintenance

Heavy Division Main Support Bn Company D–Maintenance

Heavy Division Main Support Bn Company E–Maintenance

Heavy Division Main Support Bn Company F–Medical








HQ & A

Aviation Support Bn Headquarters Support–Supply

Aviation Support Bn Company A–Aviation Maintenance

Aviation Support Bn Company B–Ground Maintenance

Light Division Forward Support Bn Headquarters & A–Supply







HQ & A


Light Division Forward Support Bn Company B–Maintenance

Light Division Forward Support Bn Company C–Medical

Light Division Main Support Bn Headquarters & A–Supply

Light Division Main Support Bn Company B–Maintenance









Light Division Main Support Bn Company C–Medical

Light Division Main Support Bn Company D–Transportation

Light Division Main Support Bn Company E–Quartermaster

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699

Light Division Main Support Bn Company F–Maintenance


Custom Vessel Flags

For custom vessel flags, call for pricing.

Vessel Flags

Air Defense Artillery




Civil Affairs


Field Artillery




Military Intelligence

Military Police


Psychological Operations



Special Forces


US Army Garrison


Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


State & Territorial Flags

Alabama # AL

Alaska # AK

Arizona # AZ

Arkansas # AR

California # CA

Colorado # CO

Connecticut # CT

Delaware # DE

District Of Columbia # TER2

Florida # FL

Georgia # GA

Hawaii # HI

Idaho # ID

Illinois # IL

Indiana # IN

Iowa # IA

Kansas # KS

Kentucky # KY

Louisiana # LA

Maine # ME

Maryland # MD

Massachusetts # MA

Michigan # MI

Minnesota # MN

Mississippi # MS

Missouri # MO

Montana # MT

Nebraska # NE








3’ x 5’ Pole Hem, No Fringe

3’ x 5’ Pole Hem, w/ Fringe

4’ x 6’ Pole Hem, No Fringe

4’ x 6’ Pole Hem, w/ Fringe

3’ x 5’ Header & Grommet

4’ x 6’ Header & Grommet

5’ x 8’ Header & Grommet

xx = State

xx = State

xx = State

xx = State

xx = State

xx = State

xx = State

Nevada # NV

New Hampshire # NH

New Jersey # NJ

New Mexico # NM

New York # NY

North Carolina # NC

North Dakota # ND

Ohio # OH

Oklahoma # OK

Oregon # OR

Pennsylvania # PA

Rhode Island #RI

South Carolina #SC

South Dakota #SD

Tennessee # TN

Texas # TX

Utah # UT

Vermont # VT

Virginia # VA

Washington # WA

West Virginia # WV

Wisconsin # WI

Wyoming # WY

American Samoa # TER1

Guam # TER3

North Mariana # TER4

Puerto Rico # TER5

U.S. Virgin Islands # TER6







Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699



Foreign Flags

For a full inventory of all Foreign Flags, call or visit us online at






Czech Republic























Indoor 3’ X 5’ • 4’ X 6’ Pole Hem & Fringe

Indoor 3’ X 5’ • 4’ X 6’ Pole Hem No Fringe

Outdoor 3’ X 5’ • 4’ X 6’ • 5’ X 8’ Header & Grommet For Flagpole

North Korea










Saudi Arabia


South Korea


Sri Lanka






United Arab Emirates

United Kingdom

United Nations

United States



Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699



U.S. Flags

U.S. Army Ceremonial Flag

U.S. Army Ceremonial Flag The U.S. Army Ceremonial flag is 4’4” x 5’6” and requires a 9’6” flag pole. It is manufactured in either embroidered rayon or appliqued nylon.

U.S. Army Display Flag The U.S. Army Display flag is 3’ x4’ with the same design as the U.S. Army Ceremonial flag. It is manufactured in either embroidered rayon or appliqued nylon. The U.S. Army Display flag is displayed where the ceiling height precludes display of the U.S. Ceremonial flag.

Indoor Rayon w/Fringe 3’ x 4’ F-US/RF-01 Organizational

3’ x 5’ F-US/RF-02

4’ x 6’ F-US/RF-03

4’4”’ x 5’6” F-US/RF-04 Ceremonial

Visit us online at

Indoor Rayon w/o Fringe 3’ x 4’ F-US/RN-01

3’ x 5’ F-US/RN-02

4’ x 6’ F-US/RN-03

4’4” x 5’6” F-US/RN-04

Indoor Nylon w/Fringe 2’ x 3’ F-US/NIF-01

2’6” x 4’ F-US/NIF-02

3’ x 4’ 3’ x 5’ F-US/NIF-03 F-US/NIF-04 Organizational

4’ x 6’ F-US/NIF-05

4’4” x 5’6” 5’ x 8’ F-US/NIF-06 F-US/NIF-07 Ceremonial

Indoor Nylon w/o Fringe 2’ x 3’ F-US/NIN-01

U.S. Army Field Flag

U.S. Army Field Flag The U.S. Army Field flag is 3’ x 4’ and is manufactured in either embroidered rayon or appliqued nylon. It requires an 8’ flag pole. No streamers are displayed.

Poles & Stands Pages 74-75 IB S N U

2’6” x 4’ F-US/NIN-02

3’ x 4’ F-US/NIN-03

3’ x 5’ F-US/NIN-04

4’ x 6’ 4’4” x 5’6” 5’ x 8’ F-US/NIN-05 F-US/NIN-06 F-US/NIN-07

Outdoor Nylon w/o Fringe 2’ x 3’ F-US/NON-01

3’ x 5’ 4’ x 6’ 4’4” x 5’6” 2’6” x 4’ 3’ x 4’ F-US/NON-02 F-US/NON-04 F-US/NON-05 F-US/NON-06 F-US/NON-07 Boat Flag

5’ x 8’ F-US/NON-08

5’ x 9’6” F-US/NON-09

6’ x 10’ 6’8” x 12’ 8’ x 12’ 8’11” x 17’ 10’ x 15’ F-US/NON-10 F-US/NON-11 F-US/NON-12 F-US/NON-13 F-US/NON-14 Field Flag Post Flag

10’ x 19’ F-US/NON-15

12’ x 18’ F-US/NON-16

30’ x 50’ 30’ x 60’ 15’ x 25’ 20’ x 30’ 20’ x 38’ F-US/NON-17 F-US/NON-18 F-US/NON-19 F-US/NON-20 F-US/NON-21 Garrison Flag

Outdoor Spun Polyester w/o Fringe 3’ x 5’ F-US/PON-01

4’ x 6’ F-US/PON-02

5’ x 8’ 5’ x 9’6” 6’ x 10’ 8’ x 12’ 10’ x 15’ F-US/PON-03 F-US/PON-04 F-US/PON-05 F-US/PON-06 F-US/PON-07 Internment Flag

10’ x 19’ F-US/PON-08

12’ x 18’ F-US/PON-09

15’ x 25’ 20’ x 30’ 20’ x 38’ 30’ x 50’ 30’ x 60’ F-US/PON-10 F-US/PON-11 F-US/PON-12 F-US/PON-13 F-US/PON-14 Garrison Flag

Flags Starting on Page 38

Outdoor Cotton w/o Fringe 2’ x 3’ F-US/CON-01

Guidons Starting on Page 43

8’ x 12’ F-US/CON-08

2’6” x 4’ F-US/CON-02

3’ x 5’ F-US/CON-03

4’ x 6’ 5’ x 8’ 5’ x 9’ 6’ x 10’ F-US/CON-04 F-US/CON-05 F-US/CON-06 F-US/CON-07 Internment Flag

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


Battle Streamers

*BS-AR001 BS-AR002 BS-AR003 BS-AR004 BS-AR005 BS-AR006 BS-AR007 BS-AR008

Lexington 1775 Ticonderoga 1775 Boston 1775-1776 Quebec 1775, 1776 Charleston 1776, 1780 Long Island 1776 Trenton 1776 Princeton 1777

*BS-AR017 BS-AR18 BS-AR019

Canada 1812-1815 Chippewa 1814 Lundy’s Lane 1814

*BS-AR023 BS-AR024 BS-AR025 BS-AR026 BS-AR027

Revolutionary War BS-AR009 BS-AR010 BS-AR011 BS-AR012 BS-AR013 BS-AR014 BS-AR015 *BS-AR016

War of 1812 BS-AR020 BS-AR021 *BS-AR022

Palo Alto 1846 Resaca de la Palma 1846 Monterey 1846 Buena Vista 1847 Vera Cruz 1847

Mexican War BS-AR028 BS-AR029 BS-AR030 BS-AR031 *BS-AR032

Navy over Grey

*BS-AR033 BS-AR034 BS-AR035 BS-AR036 BS-AR037 BS-AR038 BS-AR039 BS-AR040 BS-AR041 BS-AR042 BS-AR043 BS-AR044 BS-AR045

Civil War Sumter 1861 Bull Run 1861 Henry & Donelson 1862 Mississsippi River 1862-1863 Peninsula 1862 Shiloh 1862 Valley 1862 Manassas 1862 Antietam 1862 Fredericksburg 1862 Murfreesborough 1862-1863 Chancellorsville 1863 Gettysburg 1863

BS-AR046 BS-AR047 BS-AR048 BS-AR049 BS-AR050 BS-AR051 BS-AR052 BS-AR053 BS-AR054 BS-AR055 BS-AR056 *BS-AR057

BS-AR062 BS-AR063 BS-AR064

Indian Wars Miami 1790-1795 BS-AR065 Tippecanoe 1811 BS-AR066 Creeks 1813-1814, 1836-1837 BS-AR067 Seminoles 1817-1818, 1835-1842, BSAR068 1855-1858 BS-AR069 Black Hawk 1832 BS-AR070 Comanches 1867-1875 *BS-AR071 Modocs 1872-1873

*BS-AR072 BS-AR073

Santiago 1898 Puerto Rico 1898

*BS-AR075 BS-AR076

Tientsin 1900 Yang-Tsun 1900

*BS-AR078 BS-AR079 BS-AR080 BS-AR081 BS-AR082 BS-AR083

Philippine Insurrection Manila 1899 BS-AR084 Iloilo 1899 BS-AR085 Malolos 1899 BS-AR086 Laguna de Bay 1899 BS-AR087 San Isidro 1899 *BS-AR088 Zapote River 1899

*BS-AR058 BS-AR059 BS-AR060 BS-AR061

Streamers for the Inclement Weather Set are marked with an asterik (*).

Mexican Expedition Saratoga 1777 Brandywine 1777 Germantown 1777 Monmouth 1778 Savannah 1778, 1779 Cowpens 1781 Guilford Court House 1781 Yorktown 1781


Mexico 1916-1917

*BS-AR090 BS-AR091 BS-AR092 BS-AR093 BS-AR094 BS-AR095 BS-AR096

World War I Victory Cambrai 1917 BS-AR097 Somme Defensive 1918 BS-AR098 Lys 1918 BS-AR099 Aisne 1918 BS-AR100 Montdidier-Noyon 1918 BS-AR101 Champagne-Marne 1918 *BS-AR102 Aisne-Marne 1918


World War II, American Theater Antisubmarine 1941-1945

*BS-AR104 BS-AR105 BS-AR106 BS-AR107 BS-AR108 BS-AR109 BS-AR110 BS-AR111 BS-AR112 BS-AR113 BS-AR114

World War II, Asiatic Pacific Theater Philippine Islands 1941-1942 BS-AR115 Northern Solomons 1943-1944 Burma 1941-1942 BS-AR116 Eastern Mandates 1944 Central Pacific 1941-1943 BS-AR117 Bismarck Archipelago 1943-1944 East Indies 1942 BS-AR118 Western Pacific 1944-1945 India-Burma 1942-1945 BS-AR119 Leyte 1944-1945 Air Offensive, Japan 1942-1945 BS-AR120 Luzon 1944-1945 Aleutian Islands 1942-1943 BS-AR121 Central Burma 1945 China Defensive 1942-1945 BS-AR122 Southern Philippines 1945 Papua 1942-1943 BS-AR123 Ryukyus 1945 Guadalcanal 1942-1943 *BS-AR124 China Offensive 1945 New Guinea 1943-1944

*BS-AR125 BS-AR126 BS-AR127 BS-AR128 BS-AR129 BS-AR130 BS-AR131 BS-AR132

World War II, European-African-Middle Eastern Theater Egypt-Libya 1942-1943 BS-AR133 Normandy 1944 Air Offensive, Europe 1942-1944 BS-AR134 Northern France 1944 Algeria-French Morocco 1942 BS-AR135 Southern France 1944 Tunisia 1942-1943 BS-AR136 North Apennines 1944-1945 Sicily 1943 BS-AR137 Rhineland 1944-1945 Naples-Foggia 1943-1944 BS-AR138 Ardennes-Alsace 1944-1945 Anzio 1944 BS-AR139 Central Europe 1945 Rome-Arno 1944 *BS-AR140 PO Valley 1945

*BS-AR141 BS-AR142 BS-AR143 BS-AR144 BS-AR145

Korean War UN Defensive 1950 BS-AR146 UN Offensive 1950 BS-AR147 CCF Intervention 1950-1951 BS-AR148 First UN Counteroffensive 1951 BS-AR149 CCF Spring Offensive 1951 *BS-AR150

Somme Offensive 1918 Oise-Aisne 1918 Ypres-Lys 1918 St. Mihiel 1918 Meuse-Arogonne 1918 Vittoria Veneto 1918

Bladensburg 1814 McHenry 1814 New Orleans 1814-1815

Cerro Gordo 1847 Contreras 1847 Churubusco 1847 Molino del Ray 1847 Chapultepec 1847

Southern-Grey over Blue

Vicksburg 1863 Chickamauga 1863 Chattanooga 1863 Wilderness 1864 Atlanta 1864 Spotsylvania 1864 Cold Harbor 1864 Petersburg 1864-1865 Shenandoah 1864 Franklin 1864 Nashville 1864 Appomattox 1865

Apaches 1873, 1885-1886 Little Big Horn 1876-1877 Nez Perces 1877 Bannocks 1878 Cheyennes 1878-1879 Utes 1879-1880 Pine Ridge 1890-1891

War with Spain *BS-AR074

Manila 1898

China Relief Expedition *BS-AR077

Peking 1900

*BS-AR151 BS-AR152 BS-AR153 BS-AR154 BS-AR155 BS-AR156 BS-AR157 BS-AR158

Cavite 1899-1900 Tarlac 1899 San Fabian 1899 Mindanao 1902-1905 Jolo 1905, 1906, 1913

*BS-AR168 *BS-AR169

Vietnam Service Vietnam Advisory 1962-1965 BS-AR159 Vietnam Defense 1965 Vietnam Counteroffensive 1965-1966 BS-AR160 Vietnam Counteroffensive, Phase II BS-AR161 1966, 1967 BS-AR162 Vietnam Counteroffensive, Phase III BS-AR163 1967-1968 TET Counteroffensive 1968 BS-AR164 Vietnam Counteroffensive, Phase IV 1968 BS-AR165 Vietnam Counteroffensive, Phase V BS-AR166 1968 *BS-AR167

Armed Forces Expeditionary Dominican Republic 1965-1966 *BS-AR170 Grenada 1983

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699

UN Summer-Fall Offensive 1951 Second Korean Winter 1951-1952 Korea Summer-Fall 1952 Third Korean Winter 1952-1953 Korea Summer 1953

Vietnam Counteroffensive, Phase VI, 1968-1969 TET 69/Counteroffensive, 1969 Vietnam Summer-Fall 1969 Vietnam Winter-Spring 1970 Sanctuary Counteroffensive 1970 Vietnam Counteroffensive, Phase VII, 1970-1971 Consolidation I 1971 Consolidation II 1971-1972 Vietnam Cease-Fire 1972-1973

Panama 1989-1990


Battle Streamers

*BS-AR171 BS-AR172

Southwest Asia Service Defense of Saudi Arabia 1990-1991 *BS-AR173 Southwest Asia Cease-Fire Liberation and Defense of Kuwait 1991 1991-1995


Kosovo Air Campaign 1999

*BS-AR176 BS-AR177

Afghanistan Campaign Liberation of Afghanistan 2001 BS-AR178 Consolidation I 2001-2006 BS-AR179


Global War on Terrorism, Expeditionary Global War on Terrorism

*BS-AR181 BS-AR182 BS-AR183 BS-AR184

Iraq Campaign Liberation of Iraq 2003 BS-AR185 Transition of Iraq 2003-2004 BS-AR186 Iraqi Governance 2004-2005 BS-AR187 National Resolution 2005-2007

Kosovo Campaign *BS-AR175 Kosovo Defense Campaign

Luxembourg Croix de Guerre BS-UC041

Specify Description


Philippine Presidential Unit Citation Specify Description

ITALY Consolidation II 2006-2009 Consolidation III 2009-2011

Iraqi Surge 2007-2008 Iraqi Sovereignty 2009-2010 New Dawn 2010-2011


Croce al Merito di Guerra (Italy) Specify Description


Military Order of William (Netherlands) Specify Description



Order of the Tower and Sword (Portugal) Specify Description


Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Specify Description


Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross Specify Description


Republic of Vietnam Civil Actions Specify Description


Specify Description


Specify Description

Unit Commendation The following streamers are just examples; You must verify a description when you order.


Specify Description

Presidential Unit (Army)

Presidential Unit (Navy) BS-UC125


Specify Description

Specify Description

Valorous Unit Commendation

Army Combat Action BS-UC289

Joint Meritorious Unit Award DOD Specify Description


Meritorious Unit Commendation Specify Description


Specify Description


Specify Description

Netherlands Orange Lanyard

Air Force Outstanding Unit

Army Superior Unit Award Infantry Unit Streamers BS-UC305

Specify Description


Specify Description

French Croix de Guerre WWI BS-UC039

Specify Description


Specify Description

French Croix de Guerre WWII

Medical Unit Streamers

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


Battle Streamers


Global War on Terrorism, Service Specify Description


Specify Description



Specify Description

Specify Description

WWII Victory BS-UC149

Specify Description


Specify Description


Specify Description


Navy-Marine Corps Meritorious Unit Commendation Specify Description


Specify Description


Army of Occupation of Germany Specify Description

National Defense Service WWII Occupation

American Defense USAF Meritorious Unit

Philippine Liberation

Philippine Defense BS-UC119

Specify Description Nicaraguan Campaign Navy Unit Commendation


Specify Description

FRANCE French Medaille Militaire BS-UC064

Specify Description

U.S. Army Ceremonial Streamer Set (Set of 187) Streamers in 2¾” x 4’. See list from BS-AR001—BS-AR187 Belgian Croix de Guerre BS-UC038


U.S. Army Ceremonial Streamer Set for Inclement Weather (Set of 39)

Specify Description

Streamers in 2¾” x 4’. See list from BS-AR001—BS-AR187, streamers will be specified with an asterik (*).

Chrysoun Aristion Andrias (Brave Gold of Greece) Specify Description

Battle Streamer Sets BS-UC178

USAF Organizational Excellence Specify Description


Specify Description


Specify Description


Marine Corps Expeditionary Service Specify Description

4 ft.

U.S. Ceremonial Flag

3 ft.

Organizational Flag

2 ft.


Silver Star

USAF Campaign


Brown Arrowhead

Earned Honor Device

Oak Leaf




USAF Gallant Unit BS-UC582

Specify Description


Vietnam Presidential Unit Citation Specify Description

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


Flag Stands & Accessories


STATE FLAG SETS FS-50-1 FS-50-2 FS-50-3 FS-50-4 FS-50-6 FS-50-7 FS-50-8

4”x 6” 50 State Flag Set, No Fringe 4”x 6” 50 State Flag Set, Fringe 4”x 6” United Nations Set (185 Flags), No Fringe 3’x 5’ Indoor State Flag Set with Pole Hem, No Fringe 3’x 5’ Indoor State Flag Set with Pole Hem, Fringe 4’x 6’ Indoor State Flag Set with Pole Hem, No Fringe 4’x 6’ Indoor State Flag Set with Pole Hem, Fringe 3’x 5’ Outdoor State Flag Set, Header & Grommet 4’x 6’ Outdoor State Flag Set, Header & Grommet 5’x 8’ Outdoor State Flag Set, Header & Grommet


3’x 5’ Indoor Territory Flag Set with Pole Hem, No Fringe 3’x 5’ Indoor Territory Flag Set with Pole Hem, Fringe 4’x 6’ Indoor Territory Flag Set with Pole Hem, No Fringe 4’x 6’ Indoor Territory Flag Set with Pole Hem, Fringe 3’x 5’ Outdoor Territory Flag Set, Header & Grommet 4’x 6’ Outdoor Territory Flag Set, Header & Grommet 5’x 8’ Outdoor Territory Flag Set, Header & Grommet

Flag Tassels

Nickel Flag Stand For Gov Spec Poles F-202/1 (31 lbs)


Nickel Flag Stand For 3 Gov Spec Poles F-202/3 (36 lbs)


Adapter For 3 Poles F-202/2 (5 lbs)

F-C401/A F-C401/B F-C401/C F-C401/D

5” Tassel & 9’ Cord White 6” Tassel & 9’ Cord White 5” Tassel & 9’ Cord Gold 6” Tassel & 9’ Cord Gold

Flag Covers 01 Maroon

02 Sand

03 Red

04 Navy Bl.

05 Royal Bl.

09 Gold

10 O.D.

11 Purple

12 Orange

13 Yellow

06 07 White Kelly Green


21 MultiCam

FC-401/xx w/o Embroidery • FC-401E/xx w/Embroidery Gold Finish Metallized Plastic For Rounded Bottom Poles F-201A (8 lbs)

Nickel Finish Metallized Plastic For Rounded Bottom Poles F-201B (8 lbs)

xx= Colors Available • Available in 48” or 63”

Antique Gold Finish Metallized Plastic For Rounded Bottom Poles F-201D (8 lbs)

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699

08 Black

22 ABU


Flag Poles Flag Pole Accessories

Pin and Ring BS-A001

Streamer Holders 15 Hole 18 Hole 24 Hole

BS-15 BS-18 BS-24

Sterling Silver Bands with engraving BS-A002

Flag Pole Gold Aluminum 7’ x 1” FP-301-G 8’ x 1” FP-302-G 8’ x 1.25” FP-303-G 9’ x 1.25” FP-304-G

Flag Spreader F-325

Flag Pole Silver Aluminum 7’ x 1” FP-301-S 8’ x 1” FP-302-S 8’ x 1.25” FP-303-S 9’ x 1.25” FP-304-S

Adjustable Aluminum Flag Pole without Ornament – 5-9’ Gold FP-305G

Guidon Staff, Gov Spec Spear & Ferrule 7’ FP-102A 8’ FP-103A 9’6” FP-103C

Guidon Staff, Gov Spec Spear & Wood Bottom 7’ FP-102B 8’ FP-102C 9’6” FP-103D

Marker Staff 7’ Gov Spec Acorn & Chrome Ferrule FP-103J

Light Oak Flag Pole, Gold Joint & Ferrulet 7’ FP-211G 8’ FP-210G

Dark Oak Flag Pole, Gold Aluminum Joint – Commercial Size 7’ FP-402 8’ FP-403 9’ FP-404

Regulations • 9’6” Flagstaffs are used for Positional Colors, Organizational Colors and Ceremonial Flags. If the flag is 4’ x 6’ or 4’4” x 5’6” then a 9’6” flagstaff should be used. • 8’ Flagstaffs are used for Guidons and General Officer Flags. 8’ Flagstaffs can be used for 3’ x 5’ flags and smaller.

Light Oak Flag Pole, Nickel Joint & Ferrule 7’ FP-205S 8’ FP-206S

• 7’ Flagstaffs are used in place of 8’ when the ceiling height prohibits a taller flagstaff. • The flagstaffs for all flags in a display should be the same length. One Piece 8’ Guidon Staff FP-103B

Government Spec Flag Poles ITEM # FP-102A FP-102B FP-102C FP-103A FP-103B FP-103C FP-103D FP-103J

DESCRIPTION 7’ Guidon Staff w/Spear & Bottom Ferrule 7’ Guidon Staff w/Spear & Wood Bottom 8’ Guidon Staff w/Spear & Wood Bottom 8’ Guidon Staff w/Spear & Ferrule, Chrome 8’ Guidon Staff w/Spear & Ferrule, One Piece 9’6” Flag Staff w/Spear & Ferrule 9’6” Flag Staff w/Spear & Round Bottom 7’ Marker Staff w/Acorn & Chrome Ferrule

SIZE Govt Spec Govt Spec Govt Spec Govt Spec Govt Spec Govt Spec Govt Spec Govt Spec

Flag Pole List ITEM # FP-205G FP-205S FP-206G FP-206S FP-207G FP-207S FP-208G FP-208S FP-210G FP-210S FP-211G FP-211S FP-301-G FP-301-S

DESCRIPTION 7’ Light Oak w/Gold Joint & Wood Bottom 7’ Light Oak w/Nickel Joint & Wood Bottom 8’ Light Oak w/Gold Joint & Wood Bottom 8’ Light Oak w/Nickel Joint & Wood Bottom 7’ Medium Oak w/Gold Joint & Wood Bottom 7’ Medium Oak w/Nickel Joint & Wood Bottom 8’ Medium Oak w/Gold Joint & Wood Bottom 8’ Medium Oak w/Nickel Joint & Wood Bottom 8’ Light Oak w/Gold Joint & Bottom Ferrule, No Spear 8’ Light Oak w/Silver Joint & Bottom Ferrule, No Spear 7’ Light Oak w/Gold Joint & Bottom Ferrule, No Spear 7’ Light Oak w/Silver Joint & Bottom Ferrule, No Spear 7’ Gold Aluminum Flag Pole w/o Ornament 7’ Silver Aluminum Flag Pole w/o Ornament

ITEM # FP-302-G FP-302-S FP-303-G FP-303-S FP-304-G FP-304-S FP-305G FP-400 FP-401 FP-402 FP-403 FP-403A FP-404

DESCRIPTION 8’ x 1” Gold Aluminum Flag Pole w/o Ornament 8’ x 1”Silver Aluminum Flag Pole w/o Ornament 8’ x 1.25” Gold Aluminum Flag Pole w/o Ornament 8’ x 1.25” Silver Aluminum Flag Pole w/o Ornament 9’ Aluminum w/Gold Joint, w/o Ornament 9’ Aluminum w/Silver Joint, w/o Ornament 5’-9’ Adjustable Gold Aluminum Pole w/o Ornament 6’ Dark Oak Pole w/Gold Joint, 1” w/o Ornament 7’ Dark Oak Pole w/Gold Joint, 1” w/o Ornament 7’ Dark Oak Pole w/Gold Joint, 1.25” w/o Ornament 8’ Dark Oak Pole w/Gold Joint, 1” w/o Ornament 8’ Dark Oak Pole w/Gold Joint, 1.25” w/o Ornament 9’ Dark Oak Pole w/Gold Joint, 1.25” w/o Ornament

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699

Gloves & Flag Pole Ornaments


Cotton Military no Snap Available in XS, S, M, L, XL

Cotton Military with Snap Closure Available in S, M, L, XL White G-102

Polyester Stretch One Size Fits All White G-104

Black G-201

White G-101

Pole Ornament List A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O

#F-302-S #F-302-G #F-301-S #F-301-G #F-303 #F-304 #F-305 #F-306 #F-307 #F-308 #F-309-S #F-309-G #F-310-S #F-310-G #F-311-G

Army Spear Solid Brass, Polished and Lacquered - Chrome 8¼” Long Army Spear Solid Brass, Polished and Lacquered - Brass 8¼” Long Army Spear Solid Brass, Polished and Lacquered - Chrome 7” Long Army Spear Solid Brass, Polished and Lacquered - Brass 7” Long Eagle Antique Gold Plated Finish 5” Eagle Antique Gold Plated Finish 7” Eagle Gold Plated 7” Classic Eagle 11” - Gold Classic Eagle 8½” - Chrome Classic Eagle 8½” - Gold Classic Universal 9” Spear ABS with Chrome Finish Classic Universal 9” Spear ABS with Gold Finish Round Spear - Styrene Plastic Plated Chrome 8¼” Long Round Spear - Styrene Plastic Plated Gold 8¼” Long Fancy Spear - Styrene Plastic Plated Gold 7¾” Long










#F-312 #F-313-S #F-313-G #F-314-S #F-314-G #F-315 #F-316 #F-317 #F-318 #F-319 #F-320 #F-321 #F-322 #F-323


Fancy Spear - Styrene Plastic Plated Brass 8” Long Round Spear - Styrene Plastic Plated Chrome 8” Long Round Spear - Styrene Plastic Plated Gold 8” Long Staff 7” Spear ABS with Chrome Finish Staff 7” Spear ABS with Brass Finish Guiding Star Solid Brass, Polished and Lacquered 7” Long Maple Leaf Solid Brass, Polished and Lacquered 8¼” Long Battalion Lance Solid Brass, Polished and Lacquered 9¼” Long Ball Gold Anodized Aluminum 3” Diam. Plain Church Cross Solid Brass, Polished and Lacquered - Brass 9¼” Long Classic Church Cross ABS with Gold Finish 8” Long Botonee Cross Solid Brass, Polished and Lacquered - Brass 101/8” Long Cross Solid Brass Plated Aluminum 91/8” Long Botonee Cross Solid Brass, Polished and Lacquered - Brass 7¾” Long














More Flag Equipment & Gloves Available Online at Y





Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699



Flag Carriers & Accessories Double Strap Web Flag Carrier w/Cup 104




Leather Flag Carriers w/Straps F-C103B F-C104B F-C101W F-C102W

Flag Carrier, Single Strap, Black Leather Flag Carrier, Double Strap, Black Leather Flag Carrier, Single Strap, White Leather Flag Carrier, Double Strap, White Leather

Double Strap Web Flag Carrier w/Aluminum Cup


F-C301N F-C302N F-C303N F-C304N


Double Strap Web Flag Carrier w/Gold Cup



Double Strap, White Web, Aluminum Cup Double Strap, Black Web, Aluminum Cup Double Strap, Navy Web, Aluminum Cup Double Strap, O.D. Web, Aluminum Cup

F-C310G F-C311G F-C312G F-C313G

Double Strap, White Web, Gold Cup Double Strap, Black Web, Gold Cup Double Strap, Blue Web, Gold Cup Double Strap, O.D. Web, Gold Cup

Double Strap Web Flag Carrier w/Chrome Cup Patent Leather Flag Carriers HG-C01N HG-C01G HG-C02N HG-C02G

Black Flag Carrier, Chrome Cup Black Flag Carrier, Gold Cup White Flag Carrier, Chrome Cup White Flag Carrier, Gold Cup

Flag Carrier for Belt F-C320 F-C322 F-C321 F-C323

F-C310N F-C311N F-C312N F-C313N

Flag Carrier, Black Leather Flag Carrier, Black Leather Flag Carrier, White Leather Flag Carrier, White Leather

Double Strap, White Web, Chrome Cup Double Strap, Black Web, Chrome Cup Double Strap, Blue Web, Chrome Cup Double Strap, O.D. Web, Chrome Cup

202 305 301














Leather Flag Carriers w/Straps F-C201 F-C202

Flag Carrier, Single Strap, White Webb Flag Carrier, Double Strap, White Webb



Web Carriers F-C305 F-C307 F-C306 F-C308

White Web Carrier w/Web Cup Black Web Carrier w/Web Cup O.D. Web Carrier w/Web Cup Blue Web Carrier w/Web Cup

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


Sabres, Belts & Parade Equipment

Army Sabre (Made In Taiwan) SR-101 Helmets PE-A02 PE-A01

White Helmet Chrome Helmet

West Point Academy Sword SR-103

Pistol Belts, No Eyelets

Parade Belts, No Eyelets

Waist Buckle RC-CB10N RC-CB10G

(Belts listed are in Gold. For Nickel, substitute G with N)

(Belts listed are in Gold. For Nickel, substitute G with N)

White Pistol Belt up to 44” White Pistol Belt up to 52” White Pistol Belt up to 60”

White PB-C1G/44 PB-C1G/52 PB-C1G/60

White Parade Belt up to 44” White Parade Belt up to 52” White Parade Belt up to 60”

Black PB-A2G/44 PB-A2G/52 PB-A2G/60

Black Pistol Belt up to 44” Black Pistol Belt up to 52” Black Pistol Belt up to 60”

Black PB-C2G/44 PB-C2G/52 PB-C2G/60

Black Parade Belt up to 44” Black Parade Belt up to 52” Black Parade Belt up to 60”

Navy PB-A3G/44 PB-A3G/52 PB-A3G/60

Navy Pistol Belt up to 44” Navy Pistol Belt up to 52” Navy Pistol Belt up to 60”

Navy PB-C3G/44 PB-C3G/52 PB-C3G/60

Navy Parade Belt up to 44” Navy Parade Belt up to 52” Navy Parade Belt up to 60”

OD PB-A4G/44 PB-A4G/52 PB-A4G/60

O.D. Pistol Belt up to 44” O.D. Pistol Belt up to 52” O.D. Pistol Belt up to 60”

OD PB-C4G/44 PB-C4G/52 PB-C4G/60

O.D. Parade Belt up to 44” O.D. Parade Belt up to 52” O.D. Parade Belt up to 60”

White PB-A1G/44 PB-A1G/52 PB-A1G/60

Waist Buckle, Nickle Waist Buckle, Gold

Breast Buckle RC-CB11N RC-CB11G

Breast Buckle, Nickle Breast Buckle, Gold

Sabre Belts

Black Available In 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42 & 44 lengths White Available In 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42 & 44 lengths


Sabre Belt, 1¾” Black Garrison Belt Sabre Belt, 1¾” White Garrison Belt

Buckles and Keepers

Pistol Belt Buckle Nickel PB-101N

Pistol Belt Buckle Gold PB-101G

Belt Keepers Nickel PB-103N

Belt Keepers Gold PB-103G

Parade Belt Buckle Parade Belt Buckle Nickel Gold PB-102N PB-102G

Keepers SR-B03C

Sabre Guards

Pistol Belts w/Eyelets

Parade Belts w/Eyelets

Sword Frogs Sabre Guards

SR-G01 SR-GW01

Sabre Guard, Army, Black Sabre Guard, Army, White

Sword Frog (Belts listed are in Gold. For Nickel, substitute G with N)

(Belts listed are in Gold. For Nickel, substitute G with N)

White PB-B1G/44 PB-B1G/52 PB-B1G/60

White Pistol Belt up to 44” White Pistol Belt up to 52” White Pistol Belt up to 60”

White PB-D1G/44 PB-D1G/52 PB-D1G/60

White Parade Belt up to 44” White Parade Belt up to 52” White Parade Belt up to 60”

Black PB-B2G/44 PB-B2G/52 PB-B2G/60

Black Pistol Belt up to 44” Black Pistol Belt up to 52” Black Pistol Belt up to 60”

Black PB-D2G/44 PB-D2G/52 PB-D2G/60

Black Parade Belt up to 44” Black Parade Belt up to 52” Black Parade Belt up to 60”

Navy PB-B3G/44 PB-B3G/52 PB-B3G/60

Navy Pistol Belt up to 44” Navy Pistol Belt up to 52” Navy Pistol Belt up to 60”

Navy PB-D3G/44 PB-D3G/52 PB-D3G/60

Navy Parade Belt up to 44” Navy Parade Belt up to 52” Navy Parade Belt up to 60”

OD PB-B4G/44 PB-B4G/52 PB-B4G/60

O.D. Pistol Belt up to 44” O.D. Pistol Belt up to 52” O.D. Pistol Belt up to 60”

OD PB-D4G/44 PB-D4G/52 PB-D4G/60

O.D. Parade Belt up to 44” O.D. Parade Belt up to 52” O.D. Parade Belt up to 60”


Sword Frog, USMC, Black Leather Sword Frog, USMC, White Leather

Sabre Chains SR-M05 SR-M06

Sabre Chain, Nickel Sabre Chain, Nickel, Crate Style

Shoulder Strap SR-B03B

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699

Sam Brown Waist Belt 2¼”, Half Lined SR-B03A


Framed Guidons - Available in 16” x 20” Ordering Instructions: 1. Pick a frame style. 2. Pick your flag or guidon. 3. Pick a Medallion (optional).

4. Submit information for a personalized, engraved name plate.

Black FR-001

Gold & Black FR-003

Mahogany FR-004

Cherry Stacked FR-006 Army Designs PD-NP001 PD-NP002 PD-D005

Unit Patches US Army US Army Retired Army Eagle, Gold

Branch Of Service Designs

Walnut Stacked FR-007

Walnut FR-008

Dark Cherry FR-009

PD-D201 PD-D202 PD-D203 PD-D204 PD-D205 PD-D206 PD-D207 PD-D208 PD-D209 PD-D210 PD-D211 PD-D214 PD-D215 PD-D216 PD-D217 PD-D218 PD-D219 PD-D212

Adjutant General Air Defense Arty Armor Aviation Cavalry Engineer Field Artillery Chemical Finance Medical Mil Intelligence Infantry Ordnance Quartermaster Signal Special Forces Transportation Mil Police


Mil Police, Sil Ox Career Coun, Nick Career Coun, Sil Ox CID Army Aviator Army Sr Aviator Army Mas Aviator Parachutist Sr Parachutist Mas Parachutist Expert Infantry Combat Infantry Air Assault

PD-P-NG/AR PD-P-CESCH-F PD-P/FA PD-P-NG/FL PD-P-HESVC PD-P/INF PD-P-MPSCH-F PD-P/RECMD PD-P-SFORC-F PD-P-JFKSW-F PD-P-0001G PD-P-0001D PD-P-0001A PD-P-0001C PD-P-0001E PD-P-0001F PD-P-0001B PD-P-0001H PD-P-0002A PD-P-0002B PD-P-0002C PD-P-0002D PD-P-0003A PD-P-0003C PD-P-0003D PD-P-0003E PD-P-0004A PD-P-0005A PD-P-0006A PD-P-0006B PD-P-0007A PD-P-0007B PD-P-0007C PD-P-0008A PD-P-0008B PD-P-0009A PD-P-0010A PD-P-0011A PD-P-0018A PD-P-0018B

Arkansas N/G Chemical School Field Arty School Florida N/G Health Service Cmd Infantry School MP School Recruiting Cmd Special Forces Spec Warfare Scl 1st Infantry Div 1st Cav Div 1st Armor Div 1st Aviation Bde 1st Corps 1st Coscom 1st Army 1st Signal Bde 2nd Infantry Div 2nd Army 2nd Armor Div 2nd Armor Cav Regt 3rd Infantry Div 3rd Corps 3rd Army 3rd Armor Cav Regt 4th Infantry Div 5th Army 6th Infantry Div 6th Army 7th Army 7th Infantry Div 7th Corps 8th Infantry Div 8th Army 9th Infantry Div 10th Infantry Div 11th Arm Cav Regt 18th Airborne 18th Fa Bde

PD-P-0018C PD-P-0018D PD-P-0023A PD-P-0024A PD-P-0025A PD-P-0028A PD-P-0029A PD-P-0035A PD-P-0038A PD-P-0039A PD-P-0040A PD-P-0042B PD-P-0053A PD-P-0063A PD-P-0075A PD-P-0077A PD-P-0081A PD-P-0082A PD-P-0087A PD-P-0089A PD-P-0090A PD-P-0094B PD-P-0096A PD-P-0099A PD-P-0101A PD-P-0124A PD-P-0142A PD-P-0167A PD-P-0193A PD-P-0197B PD-PT001 PD-PT004 PD-PT002

18th MP Bde 18th Avn Bde 23rd Infantry Div 24th Infantry Div 25th Infantry Div 28th Infantry Div 29th Infantry Div 35th Infantry Div 38th Infantry Div 39th Inf Bde 40th Infantry Div 42nd Infantry Div 53rd Infantry Bde 63rd Regional Cmd 75th Inf Div 77th Infantry Div 81st Regional Cmd 82nd Abn Div 87th Div 89th Reserve Cmd 90th Reserve Cmd 94th Infantry Div 96th Reserve Cmd 99th Reserve Cmd 101st Abn Div 124th Regional Cmd 142nd Fa Bde 167th Support Cmd 193rd Infantry Bde 197th Infantry Bde Abn, Blue & White Ranger, Blk & Gold Abn Tab, Blk & Gold

Custom Unit Crest & Rank PD-DUI-0087A PD-DUI-SF PD-SGT PD-SGT1 PD-SGT2 PD-SGT3

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699

87th Div Special Forces Master Sergeant First Sergeant Sergeant Major Cmd Sgt Major


Military Mugs NEW IT Page EMS! s 80-8 4 MILITARY MUGS

Sizes: 15oz Customizable military mug. Ceramic, UV protected, FDA compliant, microwave and dishwasher safe, white imaging area. Available for all branches of the military. Customize yours today!

Item # (Prices Each) MUG-AR/


Minimum order: 24 Mugs, same design Price includes: Mug Production time: 7 business days plus shipping time






















Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


Military Coasters























Size: Square 4.25” ; Round 3.625” ; .09375” thick Wood coaster with fiberglass reinforced plastic inserts. Imprint with your military artwork for an item that is personal and unique. Custom military coasters are a great gift idea. Item # (Prices Each) CSTR-ARMahagony Coasters Starting at $4.90 Minimum order: 24 Mahogany Coasters, same design Production time: 7 business days plus shipping time


Size: 3.625” ; .09375” thick Wood coaster with base. Natural finish with fiberglass reinforced plastic insert. Lightweight coaster with an upscale look. Imprint with your standard or custom military artwork. Item # (Prices Each) CSTR-ARNatural (Wood) Coasters


Minimum order: 24 Coasters, same design Production time: 7 business days plus shipping time

















Size: Square 3.75” x 3.75” x .135” ; Rounded 4” x 4” x .125 Glossy coaster with a corked backing. Features include a vibrant color quality that catches your eye and a durable, washable, dry-erase surface that stands up to drips and spills. These coasters are a great attention getter. Imprint with your standard or custom military artwork. Item # (Prices Each) CSTR-ARGloss Coasters

Starting at $2.40

Minimum order: 24 Gloss Coasters, same design Production time: 7 business days plus shipping time

HARDBOARD COASTERS Size: Rounded 4” x 4” x .125











Size: Square 3.6” x 3.6” x 0.3” ; Round 4.4” x 0.30” Sandstone Coaster. Off white with cork backing. These sandstone coasters are an alternative to the glossy, vibrant finish of other coasters. Rigid sandstone coasters are ideal for graphics, not photos, as the finish is subdued, giving these coasters a more organic look. Item # (Prices Each) CSTR-ARSandstone Coasters Starting at $2.35 Minimum order: 24 Sandstone Coasters, same design Production time: 7 business days plus shipping time

These gloss finish hardboard coasters are an alternative to similar cork-backed coasters. Great for gatherings or parties. These coasters are less expensive but produce a brilliant image quality found in similar gloss coasters. Customize yours for your next event!

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


Customizable Sublimation Products iPhone Covers



Size: 4.5” x 2.25” IPhone cover with imprintable insert. Aluminum inserts are available in white, gold and silver finishes. Customize your phone to represent the Army. Plastic cover fits IPhone 4 and IPhone 4s.


Sizes: 11.5” & 5.5” Circle; 11.5” & 5.5” Square; 3”x 11” Bumper; 5.5”x4.25” Calendar Magnet Customizable Army magnets. These look great on your automobile. Customize an Army calendar magnet. Imprint with photos, custom or standard Army artwork.

Production time: 7 business days plus shipping time Customizable inserts available in White, Gold or Silver

Plastic Case: Rubber Case

Laptop Sleeves

Production time: 7 business days plus shipping time


$6.95 $8.25


CUSTOMIZE THESE P RODUCTS! Any product featured from page 84-88 is available for customization. Choose a standard Army graphic from this catalog or create your own to place on these imprintable products. Create fully customized products for your Division, Battalion or Company. Get creative and order your items today! ARMY LAPTOP SLEEVES

Sizes: See Chart Customizable Laptop sleeves. High quality neoprene with zippered closures. 1 and 2-sided cases available. 1-sided sleeves are white with black back. Imprint with standard or custom Army graphics. Production time: 7 business days plus shipping time






10” - 1-sided




11” - 2-sided




14” - 1-sided




14” - 2-sided




16” - 1-sided




16” - 2-sided




10” - 1-sided




8” - 1-sided





ARMY MOUSEPADS Sizes: See Below Double-sided customizable clipboards. 1/8” hardboard. Durable item with dry-erase surface.

Sizes: See Below One-sided polyester fabric mousepads with open-cell black rubber backing. Also available with glossy surface. Great for the office or computer area. Customize your Army mousepad today!

U1013 U1014 U5634 U5994

MP1889 MP89 MP800 MP62


9” x 12.5” 9” x 12.5” 9” x 15.5” 6” x 9”

(flat clip) (regular clip) (flat clip) (flat clip)

$12.60 $12.60 $14.40 $9.75

Production time: 7 business days plus shipping time

7.75” x 9.25” x 1/8” (fabric) 7.75” x 9.25” x1/4” (fabric) 8” x 1/4” Round (fabric) 7.75” x 9.75” x .135” (gloss)

$2.75 $3.95 $4.25 $8.95

Production time: 7 business days plus shipping time

Please call for quantity pricing


Starting at $ 0.95 Sizes: 2 1/4” and 3” Round


Customizable aluminum Army Buttons. Available with standard pin, mirror, magnet or bottle opener backings. High quality prints in a protective enclosure.

$ 12.50 Size: Will vary from 17” to 20” in length 15mm imprint area 100% Polyester Army Lanyards. Customiz Customizable lanyards are a great way to show your support for the Army Customize yours to today! Lanyards are shipped fully assembled

Production time: 7 business days plus shipping time

Production time: 7 business days plus shipping time

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


Customizable Sublimation Products Drinkware

License Plates & Frames


Sizes: See Chart Army Drinkware. Durable travel mugs and water bottles available in both white and aluminum silver finishes. Great for your daily commute or outside activity. Imprint with your custom Army graphics!


Size: 5.875” x 11.875” x .045”

Production time: 7 business days plus shipping time

United States Military license plates. Imprintable white or silver surface area with 4 mounting slots for easy mounting. Choose from our standard military designs or customize your own!




White Travel Mug

14oz; Stainless Steel


$12.50 $11.65


Silver Travel Mug

14oz; Stainless Steel


White Water Bottle

20oz; Aluminum



Silver Water Bottle

20oz; Aluminum



Silver Water Bottle

11oz; Stainless Steel



White Water Bottle

11oz; Stainless Steel



Production time: 7 business days plus shipping time White Silver

Beverage Insulators

White Front/Aluminum Back U5656 Aluminum U5948

$6.25 $6.25



Sizes: See Chart Army Koozies. Neoprene with white imprintable surfaces. Keep your drinks cold while showing your support for the Army. Choose a standard Army graphic or create your own. Production time: 7 business days plus shipping time





Zipper Insulator

8 7/8” H x 3 5/8” W (12oz)



Slip-on Insulator

7” H x 3 5/8” W (12oz)



Velcro Insulator

3.75“ H x 10” W (12oz can)



Can Insulator

4 5/16” H x 4” W (12oz can)



Water Bottle Insulator

6.75” H x 4.5” W (600mL)



United States Military license plate frames. Aluminum with a chrome finish. Represent the military on your everyday commute. Choose from our standard military designs or customize your own. Not legal in California. Production time: 7 business days plus shippintg time Item: LPF612 $9.95

Flip Flops ARMY FLIP FLOPS (Black or White Straps)

Sizes: Adult; S-M-L Child; S-M-L Customizable flip flops with white or black rubber straps. These lighweight and durable sandals are perfect for any casual occassion. Show your support for the Army everywhere you go!. Production time: 7 business days plus shipping time

FLP001 - Adult Small FLP002 - Adult Medium FLP003 - Adult Large

FLP007 - Child Small FLP008 - Child Medium FLP009 - Child Large

$ 9.95 $10.95 $11.95

$8.95 $8.95 $8.95

Carpets CUT PILE



5’ x 8’




Available Soon



Sizes: See Chart Army Carpets & Rugs. These durable carpets and rugs are a great addition for your home or office. Show your support for the Army in a unique way. Comfortable and long-lasting tufted loop and cut pile materials. Choose a standard Army design or customize your own. Cut pile carpets have a latex backing. Tufted loop carpets have a rubber backing. Production time: 7 business days plus shipping time

5’ x 6’




4’ x 6’





3’ x 6’





3’ x 5’





34” x 45”





30” x 40”





20’ x 30”





30” x 30”










Tufted loop carpet has a reputation for being sturdy and wearing well over long periods of time. Tufted loop holds up well in high-traffic areas. Cut Pile has a dense appearance and provides a soft cushion for the foot. Cut pile carpets also hold up well to high traffic making them ideal for your office or home.

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


Automobile Accessories

Mirror Covers

Size: Medium, Large Spandex mirror covers with elastic openings. Slide these over your side mirrors to show your military pride. Two sizes - Medium fits cars, some SUVs and trucks, and Large for big SUVs and trucks. Item # MC-AR-100A

Mirror Cover–Medium



Mirror Cover–Large


Minimum order: 24 Mirror Covers, same design Production time: 7 business days plus shipping time

Military Window Decals

Size: 2” x 24” ; 4’” x 6” ; 4.25” x 5.25” ; 4” x 6.75” Customizable military window decals. Durable, clear decals are a great way to represent your branch, rank or division in the military. White and metallic inks available. Item # DECAL-

See designs below for #

Minimum order: Production time: 7 business days plus shipping time

Window Strip


METALLIC - Add metallic ink to any design to make your decal stand out. A wide range of metallic colors are available. Metallic inks achieve a shine and luster that is not possible using normal inks.

WHITE - Using white ink is another great way to get your decal noticed. White inks add an extra emphasis to your military decal. Combine with normal process colors and/or metallic ink for a unique decal with brilliant color.

2 Ply Auto Flag

Size: 11.25” x 14.75” Large flag for car, truck or SUV. Thick, double-ply material. Show your military pride on the highway. Heavy duty flagpole included. Item # FLAG04 FLAGD/P

Auto Flag with Flagpole $10.65 Large Auto Flag with Flagpole $19.95

Minimum order: 24 Auto Flags, same design Price includes: Auto Flag and Heavy Duty Flagpole Production time: 7 business days plus shipping time

COLOR - Decals are also available using standard process colors. A wide range of color choices available. Use with white ink to make your color stand out, or combine with metallic ink for an extra shine.

3.5 x 5” Clear Decals


4.25 x 5.25” Clear Decals




Sizes: 27” x 17”; (rear) 17” x 13” Automotive Mats (set of two). Excellent custom military item. Imprint with logos, photos or custom artwork. Protect the interior of your vehicle and present a unique message to your passengers. Durgan backed mats with black finished edges. Item # CM2617L

Call for Pricing

Minimum order: Production time: 7 business days plus shipping time



4 x 6.75” Clear Decals

$1.95 DECAL-AR-005

All products featured on pages 84-88 can be customized for your unit. Additional products available. Call for further information.

1-800-458-5180 DECAL-AR-006

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


ACU Uniform & Accessories

ACU Uniform Size Chart - See Item # Coat Item # 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32



X-Small X-Short 59-63 X-Small Short 63-67 X-Small Regular 67-71 X-Small Long 71-75 X-Small X-Long Above 75 Small X-Short 59-63 Small Short 63-67 Small Regular 67-71 Small Long 71-75 Small X-Long Above 75 Medium X-Short 59-63 Medium Short 63-67 Medium Regular 67-71 Medium Long 71-75 Medium X-Long Above 75 Large X-Short 59-63 Large Short 63-67 Large Regular 67-71 Large Long 71-75 Large X-Long 75-79 X-Large X-Short 59-63 X-Large Short 63-67 X-Large Regular 67-71 X-Large Long 71-75 X-Large X-Long 75-79 XX-Large Short 63-67 XX-Large Regular 67-71 XX-Large Long 71-75 XX-Large X-Long 75-79 3X-Large Regular 67-71 3X-Large Long 71-75 4X-Large Regular 67-71

Boonie Cap Item: ACU BOONIE-##

Trousers Chest



Up to 33 Up to 33 Up to 33 Up to 33 Up to 33 33-37 33-37 33-37 33-37 33-37 37-41 37-41 37-41 37-41 37-41 41-45 41-45 41-45 41-45 41-45 41-45 45-49 45-49 45-49 45-49 45-49 49-53 49-53 49-53 53-57 53-57 57-61

Up to 27 Up to 27 Up to 27 Up to 27 Up to 27 27-31 27-31 27-31 27-31 27-31 31-35 31-35 31-35 31-35 31-35 35-39 35-39 35-39 35-39 35-39 35-39 39-43 39-43 39-43 39-43 39-43 43-47 43-47 43-47 47-51 47-51 51-55

Up to 26 1/2 26 1/2 - 29 1/2 29 1/2 - 32 1/2 32 1/2 - 35 1/2 35 1/2 - 38 1/2 Up to 26 1/2 26 1/2 - 29 1/2 29 1/2 - 32 1/2 32 1/2 - 35 1/2 35 1/2 - 38 1/2 Up to 26 1/2 26 1/2 - 29 1/2 29 1/2 - 32 1/2 32 1/2 - 35 1/2 35 1/2 - 38 1/2 Up to 26 1/2 26 1/2 - 29 1/2 29 1/2 - 32 1/2 32 1/2 - 35 1/2 35 1/2 - 38 1/2 Up to 26 1/2 26 1/2 - 29 1/2 29 1/2 - 32 1/2 32 1/2 - 35 1/2 35 1/2 - 38 1/2 26 1/2 - 29 1/2 29 1/2 - 32 1/2 32 1/2 - 35 1/2 35 1/2 - 38 1/2 29 1/2 - 32 1/2 32 1/2 - 35 1/2 29 1/2 - 32 1/2

Patrol/Boonie Cap Sizes Available: 6 1/2, 6 5/8, 6 3/4, 6 7/8, 7, 7 1/8, 7 1/4, 7 3/8, 7 1/2, 7 5/8, 7 3/4, 7 7/8

ACU Coat

• 50/50 • Wrinkle-Resistant • Tilted chest pockets for use with body armor • Elbow pouch with hook fastener closure for inner elbow inserts • Zippered front closure with hook fastener for smooth surface under body armor • 3-slot pen pocket with easy access • Hook fastener sleeve closure • Shoulder pockets that are easily accessible when wearing body armor

Item: ACU COAT-## ACU Trousers

• 50/50 • Wrinkle-Resistant • Knee pouch with hook fastener closure for knee pad inserts • Leg cuff with front closure tie • Forward tilted cargo pocket for easy access in various positions • Includes elastic drawstring for closure during movement • Calf storage pocket with hook fastener closure on both legs


ACU Patrol Cap Item: ACU CAP-##

Socks OD



GI Style Boot Tube Sock



CoolMax Military Sock

• 85% / Cotton 15% Nylon • Forms to Foot • Multi-Purpose, Over the Calf • US Made Colors: OD, Black

• 50% Wool / 30% Cotton / 20% Stretch Nylon • Cushioned sole boot sock has a splice heel and a 14” leg Colors: Tan, OD, Black Sizes: SM, MD, LG, XL

Black: SOCK-R/6180, OD: SOCK-R/6181

Item: SOCK-E/170

Boots Altama® Desert EXOSpeed II

• Tan Desert Suede and Codura® Upper • Dual-Zone Wicking and Breathable Air Mesh Lining • Slip, Acid and Oil Resistant Outsole • Medial Side Ventilation Screen Sizes: 7-13 Regular Width, 7-13 Wide Width

Item: BOOT-3658

Khyber Desert Mountain Hybrid Boot

• Exclusive Vibram® Ibex Outsole For Rugged Terrain • TR-1 Load Bearing Orthotic Insole • Heel and Toe Overlays Designed to Extend Wear & Life of Boot • Low Profile Sole Reduces Weight & Improves Mobility Full Sizes: 3-14, Reg & Wide Width Half Sizes: 3.5-11.5, Reg & Wide Width

Item: BOOT-TR360

Altama® Desert Lightweight Boot

• Highly Breathable Air Mesh Upper • Molded Ankle Stabilizers • Trail Running Chassis • Arch Support Shield • Oil, Acid and Slip Resistant • Non-marking Outer Sole Sizes: 7-13 Regular Width, 7-13 Wide Width

Item: BOOT-3358

New Balance Desertlite 453MT

• Light Weight-Stability Redefined • High Traction non squeak outsole and molded EVA midsole unit • Stain Resistant Microfiber Suede upper with breathable nylon panels • Mesh ventilation ports throughtout • Reinforced inside toe Full Sizes: 6-13, Reg & Wide Width Half Sizes: 6.5-11.5, Reg & Wide Width

Item: BOOT-453MT Danner Desert TFX Rough-Out 8” Military Boot

Oakley S.I. Assault Boot

Item: BOOT-26014

Item: BOOT-889

• Rugged, aggressive outsole and Danner’s patented lightweight Terra Force X support system combine with Dri-Lex liner for rapid drying and air exchange • Roughout leathe and 1000 denier nylon upper offers protection and toughness Sizes: 7-12, 13, 14 Reg, 7 - 12, 13 Wide

Offers the comfort of prime urethane shock absorption and the climate control of a moisture wicking liner. The vulcanized rubber sole includes directional lug geometry and provides wet/dry traction Sizes: 6-13, 14, 15, 16, 17 Reg Width 6-13, 14, 15, 16, 17 Wide Width

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


T-Shirts & Outerwear

ACU T-Shirt • T-shirt with ACU pattern Item: 4379 Sand



Soffe Dri-Release Short Sleeve T-Shirt • 85% Polyester/15% Cotton Dri-Release • Taped neck and shoulders, wide-rib two-needle coverstitched neckband and two-needle bottom hem Sizes: S-XXL Colors: Sand, Brown, OD

Item: M805 Soffe Dri-Release Long Sleeve T-Shirt

Sizes: S-XXL Colors: Sand

Item: M875

Gen III Level 3 ECWCS Fleece Jacket

• Meets requirements of GL/PD 06/03 • Retains body heat without weight • Quick Drying • Breathable • Reduced volume when packed • Center front zip opening • Taslin™ reinforcement in collar, elbow & shoulders • Raglan sleeves • Channeled fleece side panels • 2 internal upper chest pockets • Name & Rank Loop • Side Pockets • Color: Foliage Sizes: S-3XL

Item: 2078 Sand



For more Outerwear Visit Us Online


Soffe 50/50 T-Shirt 3-Pack

• 50% Polyester / 50% Cotton Sizes: S-XXL Colors: Sand, Brown, OD, Black

ACU Gore-Tex® Trousers • Sizes: Small (01), Med (02), Large (03),

Foliage Watch Cap Item: FG-C/WC

Tactical Grips

• 3-layer windproof, waterproof and breathable material • Taped seams • Non-freeze, two-way zipper • Double Storm Flap • Oversize hood attached with drawstring • Comes with free foliage fleece parka liner Sizes: Small (01), Med (02), Large (03), XLarge/R (04), XXLarge (05)


• Synthetic Microfleece • Color: Foliage

Item: M280-3

ACU Gen-1 Gore-Tex® Parka

XLarge/R (04), XXLarge (05)


Leg Holsters

Weapon Slings

AVG Vertical Ergonomic Grip

• Allows a natural “fighting stance” hold on your rifle • Improved muzzle control during rapid fire • Secured storage compartment • Comfortable grip surface • Molded from reinforced polymer composite • Screw attachment to securely lock on rail • Fits Picatinny / Weaver rails Item: WEAP-CA/AVG


ACU MOLLE Drop Leg Platform w/ Pocket

Color: O.D., Black, Coyote Tan, Multi-Cam Item: ACU-C/MA1

Sling 101 3-Point Combat Weapon Sling

• Traverse strap prevents sling from getting tangled in weapon mounted accessories • Emergency quick-release 100% Made in the USA – Guaranteed for Life! M16 - Black: 100350101; M4 - Black: 100350201

View our entire collection of Grips, Slings, & Holsters Online at

Quick Release Vertical Foregrip for Standard Rail

• Easy to fit and secure • Fits hand guards equipped with a Weaver or Picatinny rail system Item: WEAP-M/T-AG44-S

M16/AR15 Ergonomic Pistol Grip • Enhances grip, minimizes slippage • Provides better control during firing Item: WEAP-M/AG-43

Tactical Foregrip for 1” Flashlight, Standard Rail

• Unique tactical grip allows for 1” flashlight • Most ergonomic vertical grip • Fits any weapon with a Weaver or Picatinny rail. Item: WEAP-M/T-GRIP

With Surefire G2 Weapon Light

• Ergonomic foregrip • Quick release button • 1” flashlight adapter • On/Off trigger Item: WEAP-M/T-GRIPSF

ACU Tactical Leg Holster

• Retention system with Velcro® strap to secure weapon • Fully adjustable leg strap with non-slip rubber lining and quick release • One magazine pouch, with adjustable Velcro® strap Unit Weight: 1lbs Size: Fully Adjustable Color: O.D., Black, Coyote Tan, ACU Item: ACU-C/TLH


Mamba Combat Fighting Sling

• Strike opponent with weapon muzzle • For full-contact engagement • Right or Left-Handed • 100% Made in the USA - Guaranteed for Life! Fixed - Black: 100240201

Mamba Geronimo

• Features a wider tubular web shoulder strap. (17/8” wide) Fixed - Black: 100240401; Collapsible - Black 100240301

ACU Universal Leg Holster

• Fully adjustable strap with nonslip rubber lining and quick-release buckle • Extra magazine pouch Unit Weight: 1lbs Size: Fully Adjustable Color: O.D., Black, Coyote Tan, ACU Item: ACU-C/ULH

Single Point Tactical Weapon Sling

• Slip into any loop attach point • Stainless steel gateless snap hook offers alternative to HK-style 100% Made in the USA – Guaranteed for Life!

Item: WEAP-M/MD-S1

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


PT Gear & Sportswear Accessories

Ear Plugs, OD Case

• Ear plugs come with swivel-top Olive Drab case Item: M-A-OD/SML, Small M-A-OD/MED, Medium M-A-OD/LGE, Large

Ear Plugs, ACU Case

• Ear plugs come with swivel-top ACU case Item: M-A-ACU/SML, Small M-A-ACU/MED, Medium M-A-ACU/LGE, Large

Pace Counter

Item: Type: U4326XL w/o Army patch 4326-1 w/Army patch

Warm Up Jacket

Survival Firestarter

• Magnesium shaving edge & sparking insert • Government Issue

Item: 672

Tactical Shortsleeve Loose Fit

Black Desert

Sizes: S-XXXL Colors: White, Black, M.O.D., Desert, Navy

Item: 5384 Tactical Shortsleeve V-Neck

Sizes: S-XXXL Colors: White, Black

Item: 5084 Marine Navy OD

• 2” reflective stripes • One size fits all • Blue mesh with lime stripesl

Item: M-A04



Drill Sergeant Vest

• Black counters on foliage string

Tactical Longsleeve Loose Fit

• Taslan nylon outershell • Reflective stripping • Cool mesh poly lining, hook & loop/elastic wrist closures • 2 Pockets • Sizes: S-2XL S-XL 60070 (Army)

60074 (USMC)

2XL 60071 (Army)

60075 (USMC)

Running Vest w/ Fluorescent Lime Reflective Trim

Warm Up Pants

• Taslan nylon outershell • Reflective stripping • Warm poly/cotton lining,elastic/drawstring waistband, zipper elastic bottom cuff • Sizes: S-2XL S-XL 60072 (Army)

60076 (USMC)

2XL 60073 (Army)

60077 (USMC)

• 11/2” reflective stripes on front and back • More reflective tape than any other running vest on the market • Elastic/ hook & loop closure • Sewn-In ID Tag Sizes: Large, XL

Item: 4313 4314 4316 4317

Type: Orange/Lime stripes White mesh/White stripes Lime mesh/White stripes Blue mesh/White stripes

Sizes: S-XXXL Colors: White, Black, MOD, Desert, Navy

Item: 5385


For More PT Gear, Sportswear, & Accessories Visit Us Online

Tactical Full T-Shirt

Sizes: S-XXXL Colors: White, Black, MOD, Desert, Navy

Item: 5039 Black Desert

Marine Navy OD

Tactical Full T-Shirt V-Neck Sizes: S-XXXL Colors: White, Black

Item: 5040


Soffe Reflective PT T-Shirt with Dri-Release White






Sizes: S-XXL Colors: White, Black, Desert, OD

• Features Dri-Release to wick away moisture • Sizes: S-2XL • Color: Gray

Item: M815APT M835APT

Size: Shortsleeve Longsleeve

Reflex Extended Reflective Belt • Can be seen for 1/4 mile • Stretches to over 9 feet

Item: LR027978

Item: 1216 Black Desert

Marine Navy OD

White Black

Tactical Leggings


Soffe Reflective PT Short with Dri-Release

High-Intensity Belt

Item: 49080 (Lime), 49084 (Blue)

Sizes: S-XXXL Colors: Black, Marine OD, Desert, Navy, White

Long Compression Shorts

• Features Dri-Release to wick away moisture • Sizes: S-2XL • Color: Black

Item: 5550

Item: 1201164

Item: M044

Sizes: S-XXXL, Colors: White, Black, Gray

• 2” gridded, fabric-backed tape for 360º day and night visibility • Belt is 60” long • Meets military requirements

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699



Front Left

Front Left

Victory U.S. Army T-AR-4019

King of Battle FA T-AR-4025

US Army Corps of Engineers T-AR-4034

1st Cavalry w/Skull T-AR-4024-2

United States Army Strong T-AR-4036

Skull Army Strong T-AR-4007

Steel Dragons (Chem Corps) T-AR-4026

We Shoot You Die Air Cav T-AR-4027

ADA Hell Unleashed T-AR-4035

Assist, Protect, Defend MP T-AR-4028

Front Left

Airborne Death From Above T-AR-4029

Front Left

Military Police T-AR-4030

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699



Also available in women’s T-MIL-0012

101st Airborne T-AR-4031

United States Army w/Eagle T-AR-4032

Armor, First to Fight! T-AR-4033

Army Star T-AR-4037

Airorne Bombshell T-MIL-0007

Army Wife T-MIL-0006

Liberty & Justice T-CF-2001

Our Love Is Army Strong T-MIL-0002

My Dad is Army Strong T-MIL-0011

I “Heart” My Soldier w/face T-MIL-0008

I “Heart” My Soldier T-MIL-0009

Welcome Home Daddy T-MIL-0010

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


Hoods & Eyewear FOL




GI Fleece Neck Gaiter


• Made in the U.S.A. • Long Length Sizes: One Size fits all Colors: Black, Brown, Sand







Polypropylene Balaclava • 100% Heavyweight polypropylene • Adjustable eye opening • Made in the USA Sizes: One Size fits all Colors: Foliage, OD, Brown, Black, Desert

Item: 5510

Under Armour® Tactical Hood DES

• Form-fitting comfort on its own or beneath the helmet/headgear • Full facial protection extends below the neck line • Converts to neck gator, with drop chin for full ventilation • Sizes: One Size fits all Colors: Desert, OD, Black, Brownt

Recon Wrap

• Use as sweatband, balaclava, neck gaiter, helmet liner, contour forming face cover, dew rag, goggle cover, etc. Size: One size fits all

ACU-SO/10113; BLK-SO/10101

Item: 5503


Sand: HAT-F/64-9875 Black: HAT-F/64-985






• Stretchable polyester microfiber material, comfortable fit, multiple configurations • Anti-static and Moisture Wicking Colors: ACU, Black, Tan and OD

Tan: TAN-C/003, OD: OD-C/001, Black: BLK-C/002, ACU: ACU-C/007

Sunglasses & Accessories POLARIZED GASCAN®

• Extended wrapped frame • Dual lens polaric ellipsoid geometry • ANSI-Compliant • UV Protection

Item: EYE-OK/12-891 Wiley X SG-1

Wiley X CQC

• Converts from sunglasses to low-profile goggle • Ballistic, anti-fog lenses • Unique Ultra-Foam™ seals the eye orbits providing protection from extreme changes in temperature • Includes clear lenses, soft case, temples and elastic strap.

• Meets ANSI Z87.1-2003 high velocity safety and MIL-PRF-31013 Vo ballistic standards • Designed to be worn with NVG • Converts into sunglasses • Includes: smoke and clear lenses, soft bag, elastic strap, temples and cleaning cloth

Item: EYE-W/SG1

Item: EYE-W/491


• Three-Point Fit • Interchangeable lenses & nose pads • Glare Reduction & UNOBTAINIUM® lens coating • ANSI-Compliant • UV Protection

Item: EYE-OK/03-915

FLAK JACKET® Frame Accessory Kits

• Each kit contains two sizes of nose pads and a pair of matching stem sleeves • All components made of UNOBTAINIUM® to increase grip with sweat

Vehicle Ops

• 2.4 mm Lenses • Durable Face Padding • Interchangeable Lenses • ANSI-Compliant • Mil Spec • Fits over Glasses • Color: Black


Advancer V-12

• ANSI-Compliant • Mil Spec • 2.8mm ClearZone FC Lenses • NVG-compatible • Interchangeable lenses EYE-ESS/EAI-BKR 2 Lens • Clear and gray lens, lens pod, speed sleeve, hard case EYE-ESS/EAI-BKS 3 Lens • Clear, gray, yellow lenses, 2 lens pods, speed sleeve, soft case

Item: EYE-OK/06-210


• UV Protection • Three-Point Fit • Interchangeable lenses • ANSI-Compliant • Pro M Frame to maintain position • Distortion free coverage

Item: EYE-OK/09-102

M FRAME® Frame Accessory Kits

ESS Tactical XT Goggles

• 2.4mm ToughZone lenses • Interchangeable lenses • Soft face padding • ANSI-Compliant • Mil Spec



• High-Impact Protection • ANSI-Compliant • Interchangeable Lenses • Comfortably seals to face • Compatible with helmet / vision systems

Black: EYE-R/201, Foliage: EYE-R/211, Tan: EYE-R/221

Profile NVG

• ANSI-Compliant • Mil spec • 2.8mm Clear Zone FC Lenses • Night-vision compatible • Extra-wide field of view • Interchangeable lenses Foliage: EYE-ESS/MSR-FOL Tan: EYE-ESS/MSR-TAN

• Instantly change the look of your M FRAME® • Each kit includes two temple sleeves and a nosepiece • All components are made of Oakley UNOBTAINIUM®

Item: EYE-OK/06-596


• Extended lens coverage • Ultra light stress resistant frame • Interchangeable nose pads, earstocks & lens options • Three-Point Fit • UV Protection Item: EYE-OK/03-650

Land Ops

• 2.4 mm Lenses • Soft Face Padding • ANSI-Compliant • Mil Spec • Fits over Glasses • Hi-Flow Ventilation • ClearZone Lens Coatings


RADAR® RANGE™ Shooting Specific

• Optical Precision • ANSI-Compliant • Impact Resistance • Glare Reduction • Interchangeable lenses & nose pads • Recommended specifically for shooting • UV Protection • Three-Point Fit

Item: EYE-OK/09-688

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


Gloves & Goggles

CALL FOR UNIT PRICING — Speak with one of our sales representatives to see if you qualify for special pricing.


800-458-5180 Glove Liners FOL OD


Glove Liner

GI Wool Glove Liners

• 75% Wool / 25% Nylon Sizes: 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6

• Made in U.S.A. Colors: OD, Black Sizes: 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6

Olive Drab: GL-3819, Black: GL-3818

Cold Weather Gloves

• 70 grams of 3M Thinsulate Insulation • Windproof Nylon outer shell • Neoprene knuckle and thumb panel to maintain flexibility and mobility • Grip Advantage Technology provides an excellent grip while maintaining dexterity Sizes: XS–2X Colors: Foliage


ACU All-Purpose Gloves

• Heat Resistant • Double layered palm, reinforced fingertips Size: XS–2XL Colors: Foliage, ACU

Foliage: GL-32580, ACU: GL-32526

Item: GL-35070

Item: GL-R/8418

Sunglasses & Accessories Ice Eye Shields with 3 Lenses and Case

• 2.4 mm Lenses • Extra-Wide Field of View • Interchangeable Lenses • ANSI-Compliant • Mil Spec • ToughZone Lenses • 2x kit • Clear, Smoke and Hi-Def Yellow Lenses

Item: EYE-ESS/ICE-R UVEX XC Ballistic Combo Pack

• Adjustable length temples • Ratcheting temples promoting custom fit and comfort • Soft, flexible nose fingers • Clear and grey antifog coated lenses • Eyewear retainer, lens cleaner • Soft pouch with belt loops • Made in the USA


Combat Assault Gloves • Injection-molded knuckle protector for

impact and abrasion resistance. • Lightweight, 100% Kevlar weave throughout for flame resistance and cut protection Colors: Foliage

Item: GL-W/G232


• High-Impact Protection • ANSI-Compliant • Optically correct for unrestricted field-of-view • Interchangeable Lenses • U.S. Army Authorized Protective Eyewear List


Black: EYE-R/201; Foliage: EYE-R/251; Tan: EYE-R/231


Wiley X Sunglasses

Special Forces Tactical Gloves

• Kevlar, extended cuffs • Ergonomic cut/fit • Non-skid material provides excellent grip Sizes: S–2X Colors: Tan, OD, BLK

Wraparound PT-3 Glasses Double Lens Pack for XL-1 Goggles

• Changeable smoke and clear lenses

Item: EYE-W/XL-1-291

• Injection-molded knuckle protector for impact and abrasion resistance. • Light Lightweight Nomex®/ Kevlar® blend top, sleeve and inner lining for thermal and abrasion protection Colors: Foliage

Item: GL-W/G216

Item: EYE-BD/UVEX-XC Sawfly Deluxe


Tactical Assault Gloves

Tan: GL-R/3462T, OD: GL-R/3462OD, Black: GL-R/3461

Operator Military Tactical Gloves

• Kevlar® provides cut resistance, heat and flash-protection • Water-resistant ultra-thin kangaroo leather palms • Cut-ring allows removal of index finger for trigger control Size: XS–2XL Colors: Black

Item: GL-SOG750

• ANSI-Compliant • Mil spec • 8 Base wraparound compatible with all helmets • Includes: smoke and clear lenses, zipper top nylon case and cleaning cloth Item: EYE-W/PT-3-S


D-3A Black Leather Gloves

XL-1 Changeable Lens Goggles Light Adjusting Lenses • Zipper top nylon case • Elastic strap • Cleaning cloth

Item: EYE-W/XL-1-297

Brick - Polarized Smoke Lenses

• Removable facial cavity seal • Soft case • T-Peg plastic strap • Leash cord • Cleaning cloth

Item: EYE-W/BRICK-857

• Genuine Cowhide Leather • Cotton Pull Closure • Plastic Fastener Connecting Pairs at Wrist Strap • Available Sizes: 2–6

Item: GL-R/3383


All Weather Specialist Shooting and Duty Gloves

• Palms provide excellent grip and feel. • Extreme-Grip™ sewn onto the palms and fingertips for trigger control Size: XS–2XL Colors: Black

Item: GL-NS430

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


Wallets, Bags, & Map Cases Map Cases


Folding Map Case

Size: Folds compactly to 6½” x 11” • Outer flap-covered pocket can hold your compass, GPS or cell phone • Lots of pen and pencil slots • Unfolds to map size (16½” x 20½”) with clear cover for full view • Full length covered zipper makes changing maps easy • Adjustable nylon shoulder strap

Item: 25-0009

Military Round Protractor

Military Square Protractor

Item: RM-07

Item: RM-21

• 5” Diameter • Scales: 1:25,000 1:50,000 1:100,000

Map/Document Case

Size: 13” x 11” x 5” • Large main compartment with Velcro® closure storm flap • 3 Velcro® closure front pockets and one zip pocket • Concealed map pocket on backside with Velcro® closure • Adjustable padded shoulder strap and carry handle

Grid Scale Reader Coordinator

• 5” x 5” • Scales: 1:25,000 1:50,000 1:100,000

• 3½” x 4½” • Multiple scales for foreign/enemy maps

Item: RM-22

Item: ACU-F517 Raine Rolled Map Case

• Double polished vinyl • 22” x 16” twoside viewing • Velcro, pen holder

Green: GRN-R/029RG Black: BLK-R/029RB ACU: ACU-R/029RC Desert Camo: DC-R/029RD

Grid Scale Plotter

Army Military Symbols

• 4” x 4” • Aid for speed, accuracy • Simplified method of plotting & reading grid


Item: RM-24

• Observer fan for artillery and mortar fire adjustment

• 7” x 6” • Tracing Plate, Marines & Enemy included

Item: RM-46

Item: RM-20

Passport/ID Holders & Wallets Universal Belt Wallet

Size: 3¾” x 5¾” • Made of rugged pack cloth with oversized military zippers and adjustable side-release buckle • Outside zippered compartment for ID or credit cards

Dry-Cell M/D Waterproof Case

• Watertight/Submersible • Cordura® 1000D nylon fabric • Write on front with dry-erase marker/grease pencil.

Item: 25-0016

Desert: 100020203, Black: 100020201

Compasses & Accessories Compass Pouch

Metal Lensatic Compass

Size: 4.5” x 4.5” • Snap closure

• Liquid Filled, gold lensatic compass

Item: ACU-F227

Item: F-3922

Tactical Wallet/Organizer

• 600 denier polyester • MOLLE-compatible • Compartments and pockets for storage of passport, pens, etc. • Removable Velcro® USA flag patch


G.I. Military Phosphorescent Lensatic Compass

• Brief exposure to external light “charges” Phosphorescent markings for night time use • Aluminum frame and waterproof housing • Magnifying lens, sight wire and dial graduations in degrees and mils • Includes carrying pouch, lanyard and belt clip

Item: 415


Mission Ready ID/Passport Holder

• One large ID window • Velcro® for name or rank • Numerous inner pockets • Detachable neck lanyard with quickrelease cord lock for position adjustment

BLK-F61, ACU-F67 ACU Arm and Ankle Wallet with ID Pouch

• Size: 17.5” x 3.5” • Made of 600 Denier Polyester camo material • Removable Cell Phone Pouch • Exterior Clear ID Window • Interior Concealed Zippered Compartment • Fits around ankle or arm to carry cell phone, iPod™, currency, or keys.

ACU: ACU-M/9908

A. 8 x 21mm Black Binoculars

A. 7 x 35mm Black Binoculars

• Compact Binoculars, with case

• Binoculars, with case

Blood Type Key Chain

Item: EYE-R/10257

Item: EYE-R/10280

• Quick release snaphook • Hook & loop attachment strap • Specify blood type

B. 10 x 50mm Wide Angle Binoculars

B. 10 x 25mm Binoculars

Coyote: 20-972 Foliage: FG-C/214

• Rubber Coated

Black: EYE-R/10266 Camo: EYE-R/10271

• Compact Binoculars, with case

Black: EYE-R/10285 Camo: EYE-R/10282

Passport Holder / Neck Wallet

Size: 6” x 5” closed, and 11¾” x 5” • Lots of zipper and open pockets for passport, tickets, ID, maps, money, etc. • Hook and loop closure • Adjustable neck cord • Hides underneath your shirt or jacket

Item: 25-0026

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


Tactical Gear & Medical Bags Planners & Padfolios


Our Day Planners and Padfolios are made of 600 Denier Polyester camo, available in ACU or ABU patterns.


Face Paint Compacts

A. Business Card Holder Size: 4½: high x 6½” wide (open) • Interior business card/credit card pockets • Exterior card slot • Includes notepad & pen ACU: ACU-M8192, ABU: ABU-M8192 B. Small Day Planner Size: 8” x 5” x 1” • 3 Interior slash pockets • Notepad • 6 Ring Binder with Time Mgt. Pages

ACU: ACU-M7613, ABU: ABU-M7613 C. Large Day Planner Size: 9” x 7” x 1” • Includes

3-ring binder fully stocked with planner pages & sections • Multiple storage slots

ACU: ACU-M8615, ABU: ABU-M8615 A. Business Card Holder

B. Small Day Planner

C. Large Day Planner

D. Junior Padfolio Size: 9½” high x 12¼” wide (open) • Interior slash pocket and one business card slot • Includes 5” x 7” writing pad and pen holder ACU: ACU-M8525, ABU: ABU-M8525

Five-Color Woodland/ Grey Bark Camo Compact

G.I. All-Purpose Camo Compact

• Dozens of camo combinations - Create any pattern Colors: Black, Olive, Brown, Light Green & Grey

• 4 colors: Light green, Loam, White and Sand • Current issue, U.S. made • Compact comes with mirror

Item: 8205

Item: 8206

G.I. 3-Color Woodland Camo Face Paint Compact

G.I. Type ACU Digital Camo 3-Color Compact

E. Padfolio Size: 12¼” high x 19¼” wide (open) • Interior slash pocket for legal size papers • Pen holder • 4 Small slash pockets for accessories

ACU: ACU-M6610, ABU: ABU-M6610

D. Junior Padfolio

E. Padfolio

F. Deluxe Zippered Padfolio

F. Deluxe Zippered Padfolio Size: 13¼” high x 20” wide(open) • Outside slash pocket • 5 Credit card slots • 2 slash pockets • Mesh ID window • Zip storage pocket • Large gusseted storage pocket • Includes 8.5” x 11” writing pad and Elastic pen loop ACU: ACU-M7526, ABU: ABU-M7526

Watches Field Watch

• Nylon/Leather • Velcro Strap • Water Resistant Color: OD

Item: SWW-11 OD

Lawman Watch

• All black, tactical watch • Precision quartz Japanese movement • Lightweight nylon/velcro band • Electronic backglow for night vision • Date Color: Black

• Colors: Black, Olive and Tan. • Non-breakable. Current issue, U.S. made, compact comes with mirror

Item: 8207

• Colors: Desert Sand, Urban Grey, Foliage Green • ACU Digital Camo Case with Mirror

Item: 9107

First Aid Kits

Item: SWW-11B-GLOW

Ranger Watch

• Swiss Movement • Quartz Battery • Luminous Dial • Individually Boxed

Item: 8408 8407

Color: Black OD

Squad Leader Watch

• Stainless Steel Case • Nylon Band • Quartz Battery • French Movement • Luminous Dial

Item: 8405 EMT Universal First Aid Kit

Military Watch Narrow Watchband Item: Color: 8437 Black 8436 OD

OD Field Watch

• Quartz with battery • Water Resistant • Stainless Steel Back • Metal Frame

Item: 4104

• 3 Changeable straps • Gift set: Black face with Black, Desert & OD Bands

• Filled with tape, bandages, gauze pads, BZK pads, triple antibiotic ointment, alcohol prep pads and more • Surgical pencil light, stainless steel scissors and a beam flashlight • Easy access zipper and hook and loop pockets with universal straps for mounting on your vest or leg platform

Item: 10-0011

Item: SWW-1464-BK

Wide Watchband

• Made in the USA of Heavy Nylon • One Size Fits All • Crystal Cover w/ Velcro® closure

ACU: 38-17, Black: 38-11, OD: 38-10, Tan: 38-15

Large M.O.L.L.E. First Aid Pouch

• Made of rugged synthetic material • Contains assortment of bandages, wipes, swabs, sterile pads and gauzes, first aid instruction sheet

Black: BLK-F/861, ACU: ACU-F/867

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


Hydration Packs & Accessories







Camelbak ThermoBak® 3L

• Closed cell insulation and neoprene tube cover keeps water cool or warm for hours. Capacity: 100 oz. (3 L) Size: 18.5” x 10” x 1” Volume: Including Water - 180 cu. in. (3 L) Weight: Empty - 1.13 lbs, Filled - 7.38 lbs.

Coyote: 60303, Foliage: 60430, Black: 60304, ACU: 60302, Multicam: 60666


Camelbak ThermoBak® Omega™

Capacity: 100 oz. (3 L) Size: 18.5” x 8” x 4” Volume: Cargo Only - N/A Including Water - 126 cu. in. (2 L) Weight: Empty - 1.8 lbs., Filled - 8.0 lbs.

Black: 71000, Desert Camo: 71050




Hydration Carrier

Item: ACU-M9971

Black: BLK-20-7444, ACU: ACU-20-7444, Multicam: HC-008

Size: 21” x 9” x 1” Vol: 189 cubic inches • 600 Denier Polyester with vinyl backing • 100 oz. Reservoir • PC connector set • Insulated tube with valve cover

• Holds most size bladders • Metal grommet drain holes • Wear as hydration pack or remove harness and stow it in its own pouch • Attach carrier to your pack • Back of carrier holds universal pouch




















Camelbak Motherlode™

Camelbak BFM™

Camelbak H.A.W.G.

Camelbak M.U.L.E.

Coyote - 60137, Foliage: 74050, Black: 74000, ACU: 60309, Desert Camo: 60072, Woodland: 60071, Multicam: 60667

Foliage: 60062, Black: 60135, ACU: 60422, Desert Camo: 60064, Multicam: 61763

Foliage: 60434, Black: 73000, Des Camo: 73100, Woodland: 73150

Black: 72000, ACU: 60306, Desert Camo: 72150, Woodland: 72050, Multicam: 61764

• Main compartment with zippered mesh pocket and divided organizer • Air Channel™ back panel and lumbar support. Capacity: 100 oz. (3 L) Size: 19” x 13” x 8” Volume: Cargo - 2142 cu. in. (35.1 L) Total Volume - 2322 cu. in. (38.1 L) Weight: Empty - 3.8 lbs, Filled - 10.0 lbs

• Main compartment with dual organizer, safety kit pocket for first aid, side pockets for MRE’s or ammo, and zippered slat pocket for maps. Capacity: 100 oz. (3 L)Size: 21” x 13” x 10” Volume: Cargo only - 2550 cu in. (41.8 L) Including water - 2730 cu in. (44.7 L) Weight: Empty - 5.6 lbs., Filled - 11.8 lbs

Hydration Accessories

Camel Clip

Cleaning Brush Kit

Item: 90071

Item: 90081

• Attaches tube to clothing or strap

• Reservoir brush & tube brush

Hydrolink Tube Kit

Cleaning Tablets

Tan: 90472, Black: 90462

Item: 90601

Change out your delivery tube easily by snapping in a replacement delivery tube into the port on your reservoir.

• Any-size antenna port • Multiple MOLLE/ PAL attach points • Add/remove nametags and unit badges • Closed cell insulation and neoprene tube cover keeps water cool for hours. Capacity: 100 oz. (3 L) Size: 19” x 12” x 6” Volume: Cargo Only - 1100 cu. in. (18 L) Filled - 1280 cu. in. (20.9 L) Weight: Empty - 2.6 lbs., Filled - 8.9 lbs.

G1 1 Qt Plastic Canteen • US Made • BPA Free Color: Black

OD: 604 Black: 606

• 8 tablets per box. • Easy to use, works in minutes • Keeps reservoir taste-free and odor-free


• Snaps into HydroLock • Big Bite™ Valve - just bite and sip • Works with CamelBak systems

Black: 90502

Bite Valve Cover

• Pile line interior • Two side locks • Velcro® pocket for water tabs, drain hole

Tan: 60120, Black: 60091

Item: ACU-F53-147 ACU-F53-247

• Keeps Bite Valve clean and protects against extreme weather conditions.


Compact Hydration Backpack

Canteen Covers HL Bite Valve

• Add/remove nametags/unit badges with integrated Velcro® strips • Secure storage pockets organize essentials Capacity: 100 oz. (3 L) Size: 18.5” x 10” x 5” Volume: Cargo Only – 540 cu. in. (8.84 L) With Water – 720 cu. in. (11.8 L) Weight: Empty – 1.81 lbs. (0.82 kg) Filled – 8.06 lbs. (3.65 kg)

Size: One Quart Two Quart

• Large main compartment, one outside pocket with inside accessory pockets Hydration pocket with Velcro® closure and carrying handle • 2.5L bladder • M.O.L.L.E. attach points on front • Expandable design • Fully adjustable straps Size: 17” x 8” x 5”

Black: BLK-F351, ACU: ACU-F357

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


Bags & Packs Computer Bags ACU Computer Backpack

• Size: 13.5” x 16” x 8” • Vol: 1728 cubic inches • 600 D Polyester • Front zipper organizer • Two side zipper gusset pockets • Large padded main compartment • Zipper mesh and accessory pockets in dome • Detachable/adjustable shoulder strap with luggage tag


Cargo Rucksack

Molle 3-Day Pack



Item: ACU-M9980; ABU-M9980 ACU

Size: 20” x 14” x 7½” Vol: 2100 cubic inches • Large main compartment with drawstring • Front accessory pocket • Side zipper pocket • Side mesh water bottle holder • Back support belt with parachute clasps

• Size: 20” x 15” x 9” • Rugged synthetic material to government spec • Large main compartment with double zipper pulls, hydration pocket and front zippered pocket • Fully adjustable/ padded shoulder straps and waist belt • Numerous MOLLE attach-ment points


Wheeled Laptop Computer Case

Size: 16 x 13¼” x 6” • Zippered file gusset and mesh pockets • Side zipper padded pouch for easy access • Telescopic handle with inline skate wheels • Antique brushed silver hardware • Back zippered pocket • Luggage tag • Detachable adjustable shoulder strap

Item: ACU-M9974, ABU-M9974

Item: ACU-F447

Item: ACU-M2164

Computer Messenger




Tac Pac with Bladder

Size: 17½” x 12¼” x 6” Vol: 1286 cubic inches • Padded Nylon lined main compartment with dual zippers and flap • LLE loopswith main compartment and flap • Three removeable accessory pouches • File and organizer pocket with dual zippers • Removeable padded computer case


Stretch Backpack

Size 20½” x 15” x 7¾” - 12¾” Vol: 3920 cubic inches • Large expandable main compartment • Hydrapack™ reservoir • Organizer pocket • MOLLE loops • Reinforced handles

Size: 20½” x 15” x 7¾” - 12¾” Vol: 3920 cubic inches • Large expandable main compartment • Organizer pocket • Side parachute clasps • Back support belt with parachute clasps

Item: ACU-M9978, ABU-M9978

Item: ACU-M9979, ABU-M9979



ACU: ACU-M9968, ABU: ABU-M9968

ACU Alice Packs GE Alice Pack Frame


Fits all LC-1 packs

Item: 2255

LC-1 ALICE Pack Frame

• Military Spec • Black frame with ACU pad and straps

Item: ACU-F017



Small ACU Alice Pack TAN



Size: 14½” x 12” x 7” • Made of rugged synthetic material • Large main compartment, 3 outside pockets • Adjustable shoulder straps

ACU Large

Medium Modular Assault Pack II

Size: 19” x 12” x 10” • External side compression straps • Heavy-Duty carry and drag handle • Double zipper pulls on all compartments for easy access • Heavy weight webbing over the entire pack for modular attachments • Compression molded back panel Unit Weight: 3lbs Color: O.D., Black, Coyote Tan, ACU

Tan: TAN-C/129, OD: OD-C/129, Black: BLK-C/129, ACU: ACU-C/129

Size: 18” x 10” x 10” • Made of rugged synthetic material to rigid government specs • Accepts MOLLE of ALICE pack components • Hydration system compatible • Large main compartment • Three additional pockets and storage compartments • Adjustable padded shoulder straps

Item: ACU-F427 Large ACU Transport Bag Size: 19” x 15” x 8”

Small MOLLE Style Assault Pack

Item: ACU-F437

Size: 17” x 9” x 7.5”

Tan: TAN-C/126, OD: OD-C/126, Black: BLK-C/126, ACU: ACU-C/126

Item: ACU-F147T

Medium ACU Transport Bag

Medium ACU Alice Pack

Large ACU Alice Pack

Item: ACU-F347T

Item: ACU-F517T

Size: 20” x 19” x 11” • Made of rugged synthetic material • Large main compartment, 3 outside pockets • Adjustable shoulder straps

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699

Size: 22” x 20” x 19” • Made of rugged synthetic material • Large main compartment, 6 outside pockets • For use with LC-1 frame


Bags & Packs Modular Deployment Bag

Size: 6” H x 12” W x 5.5” D • Adjustable & removable shoulder strap • Web carrying handle • Unit Weight: 1lbs • Modular attachment strap Color: ACU, Black, Coyote Tan

Giant Duffle Bag with Backpack Straps



Size: 31” x 15” x 15” • Vol: 6975 cubic inches • Made of 600 Denier Polyester w/ vinyl backing • Main compartment with “U” shaped zippered opening • Hideaway backpack straps • Zipper front pocket • Two end handles

ACU: ACU-M9931, ABU: ABU-M9931

Mini-Monster Bag with 3 Wheel System


Tan: TAN-C/127, OD: OD-C/127, Black: BLK-C/127, ACU: ACU-C/127


Size: 31” x 17” x 13” Vol: 6851 cubic inches • Large main packing compartment • Padded exterior • Reinforced handles • Internal compartment divider and mesh pocket • Zip-off exterior accessory bag • Protective corner guards and feet/skids





Knee & Elbow Pads

ACU: ACU-M9933, ABU: ABU-M9933

ACU Elbow Pads / Knee Pads

Elbow Pad Size: 7.75” x 5.5” Knee Pad Size: 9.5” x 7.25” • Made of rugged synthetic material • Padded with high density neoprene foam • Flexible and durable caps

Elbow Pads

ACU Locker Bag



Size: 21” x 11¼” x 10 • Vol: 2362 cubic inches • Made of 600 Denier Polyester w/ vinyl backing • Large main compartment with two zippered pockets • Front zipper pocket with mesh pocket inside • Detachable shoulder strap

ACU: ACU-M9905, ABU: ABU-M9905

Tactical Response Bag



Item: ACU-F997 ACU-F987

Knee Pads


Size: 9½” H x 13” W x 4” D • Main compartment with removable divide • Multiple pockets including • Padded removable shoulder strap • Universal Holster (UH1) included

Tan: TAN-C/136, Black: BLK-C/136, ACU: ACU-C/136

Elbow Pads

Type: Elbow Knee

ACU Elbow Pads / Knee Pads Item: Type: ACU-A53010 Elbow ACU-A50413 Knee

Knee Pads

Multicam Accessories Multicam Delux Universal Vest

Multicam EMT Pouch

Multicam Gadget Pouch

Multicam Utility Pouch

Size: 4½”H x 8½”W x 3½”D Genuine Crye Precision Multicam material

Size: 7”H x 5”W x 2½”D Genuine Crye Precision Multicam material




Size: 5½”H x 4”W x 2½”D Genuine Crye Precision Multicam material

Wearer configures placement of pouches and accessories • Fully adjustable • Double “D” ring attachment points on each shoulder • Side-release buckles • Built-in shoulder pads with rifle butt stabilizer ribs • Two inside zippered pockets • Rear grab strap • Adjustable keepers • Hook-N-Loop ID patch panel • Inside comfort mesh lining

20-7210 Multicam

Multicam 3-Way Deployment Bag

Size: 11½”L x 5½”W x 6”T Sewn web carry handle • Rear universal attachment straps • Removable, adjustable nylon shoulder strap • 2 side zipper accessory pouches • Adjustable compression straps

15-7644 Multicam Multicam Single M4 Mag Pouch Size: 7¼”H x 3½”W x 2”D Genuine Crye Precision Multicam material • Fits two M4/M16 mags


Multicam Drop Leg Platform

Genuine Crye Precision Multicam material


Multicam Double M4 Mag Pouch

Helmet Band & Name Tapes

Size: 7¼”H x 7”W x 2”D Genuine Crye Precision Multicam material • Fits two M4/M16 mags each pouch


ories Multicam Access NOW Available! Visit Us Online www.supplyroo Multicam Double M4/M16 Open Top Mag Pouch w/Bungee System

Multicam Dump Pouch

20-8585 Multicam

20-8172 Multicam

Size: 6¼”H x 8¼”W x ¾”D Adapts to any universal vest, belt, or platform • Holds 2 30-round M4/M16 magazines

Size: 9”W x 9”T x 2”D Attaches to universal vest, platform or range bag • Great for stashing extra mags • Inner full sized compartment w/ Drawstring extended collar

Multicam 100 Round M240 Ammo Pouch Size: 9”H x 6¾”W x 3”D Adapts to universal vest, belt, or platform • Removable Snap-In hand slot • Hook-N-Loop flap cover with quick-open assist tab

20-7332 Multicam

Multicam Helmet Band w/Cat Eyes HELMET BAND-05

Multicam Name Tape With Fastener EMB-194

U.S. Army Tape Without Fastener EMB-194C

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


Rappelling Equipment Carabiners

Rigger Belts

Silver D Carabiner

Locking D Carabiner

• High strength aluminum alloy • 5500lb. test • Silver finish Size: 4.25”

• Aluminum • Weight: 80G • Breaking Strength: 27KN • Gate Opening: 16MM • Meets CE & UIAA Spec

Item: 377

Item: 276 Black Rescue Figure 8 Ring













D Climbing Carabiner

• Aluminum • Weight: 70G • Breaking Strength: 27KN • Gate Opening: 20MM • Meets CE & UIAA Specs

• Crafted of Aluminum Alloy • NFPA Compliant • Hardcoated for durability

Item: 275

Item: 277

Rescue Figure 8 Ring

• Aluminum Alloy • Hardcoated for durablility • Weight: 212G • Accommodates two ropes up to 5/8” • Breaking Strength: 10,000lbs

Hydration Equipment Page 82

Item: 375

Military Belt for BDU Pants

• Metal cargo buckle/hook fastener closure • Heavy Duty 1 3/4” Nylon. Fully Adjustable. Sizes: S(27-31) M(31-35) L(35-39) XL(39-43)

Coyote Brown: Belt-ES, Desert Tan: Belt-AS, Foliage: Belt-BS, OD: Belt-DS, Navy: Belt-FS Black: Belt-CS

Harnesses, Rappelling Rope, & Paracord

Military Rigger’s Belt

• Mil-Spec Buckle and “D” ring tie-in anchor point • Strong 1.75” nylon webbing 8,000 lb. tensile strength • Heat-sealed eliminates unraveling • Made in the USA - Guaranteed for Life! Sizes: S(27-31) M(31-35) L(35-39) XL(39-43)

Coyote Brown: Rigger-F, Desert Tan: Rigger-A, Foliage: Rigger-B, OD: Rigger-E, Navy: Rigger-D, Black: Rigger-C

ACU & ABU Items

550 Paracord

• Available in 50’, 100’, 300’, or 1000’

Full Body Harness

• Lightweight • 5500lb. breaking strength • Rear lift hook • Fully adjustable

Item: 287

SWAT/Ranger Rappelling Rope

• Top quality static rope • High tensile strength nylon cord • U.S. Made • 7/16” Diameter • 9000 lb. Test • Length: 150 feet • Exceeds OSHA, ANSI and NFPA Standards

Item: 5055 5053 5052 5050 5061 5065 5056 5058

Type: 50’ Foliage 50’ Sand 100’ Foliage 100’ Sand 300’ Foliage 300’ Sand 1000’ Foliage 1000’ Sand

More tactical and rappelling equipment available. Visit us online to view our full selection.

Item: 279

Full Finger Rappelling Gloves



• Size: 16’ x 12” • 600 denier polyester camo material with double vinyl coating for durability • Drawstring closure • Reflective strip on the front for visibility and safety

Tactical Reactor Half-Finger Rappelling Gloves

• Half fingered gloves allow for maximum control and sensitivity when the full-finger version is not required Size: S–2XL Color: Black

Item: GL-LR10

Assortment of Bags & Packs Available in both ACU & ABU! See pages 95-98

ACU: ACU-M9913 ABU: ABU-M9913



ACU Tri-Fold Wallet

• 600 denier polyester camo • Multiple storage pockets and compartments • ACU or ABU pattern

ACU: ACU-M1109, ABU: ABU-M1109

• Provide great warmth and protection • Reinforced suede palms for rappel protection • Foam padded back & knuckles for debris & combat Sizes: S–2XL

Item: GL-R/3451

Drawstring Backpack

Triple Panel Pouch


For a Selection of Wallets & Passport Holders See page 92


Size: 8¼” x 5”• 600 denier polyester • MOLLE compatible • Consists of 3 affixed pouches - single mag and two utility pouches

Wide Variety of Pouches & Weapon Bags. Visit us on the web at:

ACU: ACU-F837, Black: BLK-F832

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


Knives & Weapon Accessories

US Army Knife w/ACU Pattern Handle

• 3.3” Black coated stainless steel blade • Aluminum handle w/ACU Pattern & US Army Logo • Weight: 5.4 oz.


Special Forces Knive w/Dual & Tanto Blades

• Blade Length: 3.5” • Overall Length: 8.25” • Weight: 4 oz. • Tanto blades offer maximum strength

Item: KNF-CR/M16-13SFG

Columbia River M21 3” Knife

• Overall length: 3.875” • Desert Tactical Knife with Clip

Item: KNF-CR/M21-12

Item: KNF-CR/M16-14ZSF

SOG SOGwinder I™ Folding Knife

SOG SEAL Knife 2000™

Item: KNF-SOG/S11

• Partially Serrated Edge • Blade Length: 7” • Overall Length: 12.25” • Weight: 12.6oz.

SOG Field Pup™ Stainless Knife

SOG SEAL Pup Knife


Item: KNF-SOG/M37

HRT Boot Knife - Smith & Wesson

KA-BAR/Dozier Folders

• Blade Length: 2.75” • Overall Length: 6.5” • Weight: 3.6 oz.

• Fixed Blade • Straight Edge • Blade Length: 4” • Overall Length: 8.5” • Weight: 4oz.

Lansky Easy Grip Knife Sharpener

• Sharpens in seconds • Precision v-shaped tungsten carbide sharpener • Ergonomic grip • Finger guard and thumb grip

Columbia River M16 Desert Tactical Knife

• 3” Knife with Clip. Straight Edge, Serrated

Item: KNF-SOG/S37

• Fixed Blade, Serrated Edge • Blade Length: 4.75” Overall Length: 9” Weight: 5.4oz.

Item: 3241

Gun Cleaning Kits & Bags

• Black dual edge • Non-serrated blade • Handle: Aluminum • Blade length: 4.92” • Overall length: 9.13”


KA-BAR Foliage Fighting Knife

M-16 Cleaning Kit

• Snap closure • Includes metal keeper • Color: ACU

Item: 5421

• Slip-resistant oval-shaped handle • Fixed Blade • Straight Edge comes with Hard Plastic Sheath

Item: KNF-KB/5011 KNF-KB/5012

Description: Price: Foliage, Non-Serrated Foliage, Serrated

• Dozier Folding Hunter’s Knife with Thumb Notch

Item: KNF-KB/4065-2

M.A.G.I.C. Military Police Smith & Wesson Knife • Assisted opening • Integrated glass breaker • Slide safety lock • Pocket clip Item: KNF-SW/SWMP1BS

M-16 Softpack Gun Cleaning Kit

Leatherman Blast

Leatherman Micra

Item: FG-223-9

Item: KNF-LT/Blast

Item: KNF-LT/640100

• Kit includes: Memory-Flex® cleaning rods, sollid brass slotted tips, 100% cotton cleaning patches, bore brushes, and all-in-one cleaner, lubricant & preservative, brass scraper tool set, lens cleaner, tissues and mohair lens brush • Instruction booklet & mini CD-Rom included

• Needlenose, Regular Pliers • Wire, Hard-Wire Cutters • Wire Stripper • Clip-Point Knife • Clip-Point Knife • Saw • Scissors • Large, Small & Phillips Screwdrivers • Small Bit Driver • Ruler • Bottle/Can Opener • 4 inches • 6.9 oz

• 420HC Clip Point Knife • Extra-Small Screwdriver • Medium Screwdriver • Flat Phillips Screwdriver • Spring-Action Scissors • Nail File/Cleaner • Bottle Opener • Ruler • Tweezers • Stainless Steel • Key Ring Attachment

Leatherman Fuse Mag Shooter’s Bag

Size: 11” x 10” x 6.5” • Large brass zippered main compartment • Six outside pockets with snap closures • Adjustable shoulder strap & carry handle

Item: ACU-F647

• Contoured Handle Grips • Needlenose, Regular Pliers • Wire, Hard-Wire Cutters • Wire Stripper • Clip-Point Knife • Scissors • Large, Small & Phillips Screwdrivers • Ruler (8 inch/19 cm.) • Bottle/Can Opener • Lanyard Attachment • 4 inches • 6 ounces

Item: KNF-LT/Fuse01

SOG Paratool®

• Straight, Serrated Blade • 3-Sided File • Small, Medium, Large/Phillips Screwdrivers • Awl • Bottle/Can Opener • Wire Cutter

Item: KNF-SOG/B31

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699


Flashlights Headlamps

Type: White LED High Mid Low Blue LED High Mid Low

Output / Runtime: 19.2 lumens for 6.2 hrs 5.0 lumens for 28 hrs 1.4 lumens for 48 hrs 2.5 lumens for 20 hrs 0.8 lumens for 48 hrs 0.3 lumens for 96 hrs

Surefire Tan HL1 Helmet Light

• Durable glass-filled nylon polymer and neoprene • O-ring sealed, watertight • Two toggle switches and a pressure switch for total control • White and Blue LEDs and infrared IFF LED beacon • Battery: Single 123A lithium • Tertiary IFF beacon: 1.72 mW/120 hrs Size: 2.2” x 2.6” x 1.3” Weight: 3.1 oz

7 LED Headlamp

• Adjustable headstrap • Variable 2, 5, or 7 LED illumination settings • Waterproof • LED bulb life of 100,000 hours • Requires three AAA Cell batteries (included) • Color: Black

Item: BLK-F37-186 Surefire G2® High Intensity Nitrolon® Flashlight

• Max Output: 65 lumens • Runtime: 60 minutes • Length: 5.1” • Weight: 4.1 oz • Battery: Two 123A lithiums


5 LED Headlamp

• Adjustable headstrap • Variable constant & blinking light • Wide beam & superbright 5 LED illumination • Requires 2 AAA Batteries (not included) • Color: Black


Item: BLK-F37-185

Streamlight Twin-Task 1-Cell Lithium

• Battery: (1) 3 Volt lithium • Run Time: Up to 9.5 hrs (3 LEDs) • Bulb: Three 100,000-hour lifetime, high-intensity LED • Color: Black • Weight: 112 g • Dimensions: 1.38” (D) x 4.09” (L)

Streamlight Stinger

• Piggy Back Charger • Battery: Nickel-cadmium 3.6 Volt, 1.8 amp hour, sub-C; • Rechargeable up to 1,000 times. • Bulb: 3.7 Volt, 6 watt, xenon gas filled bi-pin; spare bulb in tailcap. • Color: Black, Weight: 10 oz., Length: 7.4” • Run Time: 1 hour of continuous use between charges. • Candlepower: Up to 15,000 • Special Features: AC, or 12V DC


For a full selection of Flashlights, Knives, & other Accessories, visit us online at:

Item: 75300

Field Equipment

Style: 935 and 9353T Item 935 935T

GI Anglehead Flashlight Pelican Light M6 Lithium

• Tested Lumen Value: 74, Watts: 7.8 • Lamp Life: 120 hours, Run • Time: 1 hour • Batteries: 2 CR123 Lithium (included) • Packaged with a free Cordura® holster • Color: Black

• Safeguard switch • Extra lenses and bulb • 2 D-Cell • Made in the USA.

Cover & Page Color Woodland Green Desert Tan

Size 3” x 5” 3” x 5”

Black: FL-ROT/689; Camo: FL-ROT/690

Item: 2320C

Style: 946 and 946T Item 946 946T

Streamlight Twin-Task 2-Cell Lithium

• Battery: (2) 3 Volt lithium • Run Time: Up to 28 hours (3 LEDs) • Bulb: Three 100,000-hour lifetime, high-intensity LED • Color: Black, Weight: 152 grams • Size: 1.34” (D) x 5.43” (L)


• 1.25” Diameter Bezel • Produces a smooth beam of red light • Useful for close range applications such as map reading • Secondary Protection to Flashlight Lens Window • Does not impair night vision

Item: FL-SURE/FM35

Size 4” x 6” 4” x 6”

NEBO CSI Redline

• Output: 220 Lumens • Emergency Strobe Mode • SOS Flash Mode • Anodized aircraft grade aluminum weatherproof design • 5 Lighting Modes: 100% White Light, 50% White Light, 10% White Light, SOS Mode or Emergency Strobe • Adjustable beam

Item: FL-NEBO/5599

Surefire Red Filter for Flashlights

Cover & Page Color Woodland Green Desert Tan


• Output: 35 Lumens • Anodized aircraft grade aluminum water-resistant compact body deisgn • Steel Clip • Rear glow-in-the-dark button • Rubber grip for non-slip grip



These all-weather pens write on wet paper and upside down in temperatures from -50F to 250F. Available with black, red, and blue ink. Item Description Ink Barrel NO37 Standard Pen Black Chrome / Plastic NO37R Refill (fits all) Black Metal NO47R Refill (fits all) Blue Metal NO57R Refill (fits all) Red Metal

For more Field/Tactical Equipment, See Pages 92-93

Item: FL-NEBO/5519

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699

100 Quick Reference PAGES 36-47 CSIB & UNIT CRESTS CUSTOMER #


The Supply Room 230 Supply Room Road Oxford, AL 36203 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED


CHECK OUT OUR NEW T-SHIRT DESIGNS pages 88-89. ACU Sew-On Skill Badges

Aviator Senior Aviator Master Aviator Aircraft Crewman Senior Aircraft Crewman Master Aircraft Crewman Parachutist Combat Parachutist 1st Awd Combat Parachutist 2nd Awd Combat Parachutist 3rd Awd Combat Parachutist 4th Awd Senior Parachutist Senior Combat Parachutist 1st Awd Senior Combat Parachutist 2nd Awd Senior Combat Parachutist 3rd Awd Senior Combat Parachutist 4th Awd Master Parachutist Master Combat Parachutist 1st Awd Master Combat Parachutist 2nd Awd Master Combat Parachutist 3rd Awd Combat Action Badge Air Assault Expert Infantry Combat Infantry Combat Infantry 2nd Awd Combat Infantry 3rd Awd Expert Field Medical Combat Medical 1st Awd

SWV-301 SWV-302 SWV-303 SWV-304 SWV-305 SWV-306 SWV-307 SWV-307A SWV-307B SWV-307C SWV-307D SWV-308 SWV-308A SWV-308B SWV-308C SWV-308D SWV-309 SWV-309A SWV-309B SWV-309C SWV-312 SWV-313 SWV-314 SWV-315 SWV-316 SWV-316A SWV-317 SWV-318

Combat Medical 2nd Awd Combat Medical 3rd Awd Pathfinder Scuba Career Counselor Drill Instructor EOD Senior EOD Master EOD Flight Surgeon Senior Flight Surgeon Master Flight Surgeon National Guard Basic Recruiter National Guard Senior Recruiter National Guard Master Recruiter Para Rigger Wings USA Basic Recruiter USA Senior Recruiter USA Master Recruiter Diver 1st Class Diver 2nd Class Salvage Diver Master Diver Halo Badge Senior Halo Badge Master Halo Badge Special Ops Diver Special Ops Diving Supervisor

ACU Sew-On Rank

SWV-319 SWV-319A SWV-320 SWV-321 SWV-322 SWV-324 SWV-325 SWV-326 SWV-327 SWV-328 SWV-329 SWV-330 SWV-331 SWV-332 SWV-333 SWV-334 SWV-335 SWV-336 SWV-336A SWV-337 SWV-338 SWV-339 SWV-340 SWV-341 SWV-342 SWV-343 SWV-346 SWV-347

Blank Private Private 1st Class Corporal Spec 4th Class Sergeant Staff Sgt Sgt 1st Class Master Sgt 1st Sgt Sgt Major Cmd Sgt Major Warrant Officer 1 Warrant Officer 2 Warrant Officer 3

SVR-100 SVR-101 SVR-102 SVR-103 SVR-104 SVR-105 SVR-106 SVR-107 SVR-108 SVR-109 SVR-110 SVR-111 SVR-112 SVR-113 SVR-114

Warrant Officer 4 Warrant Officer 5 2nd Lieutenant 1st Lieutenant Captain Major Lt Colonel Colonel Brig General Maj General Lt General General OCS WOC

SVR-115 SVR-115A SVR-116 SVR-117 SVR-118 SVR-119 SVR-120 SVR-121 SVR-122 SVR-123 SVR-124 SVR-125 SVR-130 SVR-131

NEW ACU SEW-ON RANK & SKILL BADGES Now your choice of sew-on or hook & loop insignia. For all insingia, please visit us at:

Phone Order: (800)458-5180 • (256)835-7676 • Fax Order: (800)521-5027 • (256)835-7699

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