Interior Design
Tesla Museum Supreeth.V 1JA17AT047 VII Semester Mentor: Prof.Vinutha S N
Tesla as a brand is known for smooth curves and sharp edges,this feature is articulated in the logo. Tesla started from the bottom as a company without much support and had gone through many struggles to reach the position they are in today this has been articulated in the logo. The Dot at the bottom signifies the starting point i.e, it started from nothing and has been facing ups and downs in their manufacturing.
Curved smooth edged font has been used just like their products!
Design Brief
The color red has been used to showcase the confidence and grab the viewer’s attention just like how tesla’s car do!!
The brief of the Project is to design the interiors of a museum designed for the car manufacturing company Tesla Motors.The main aim of the project is to showcase the growth of Tesla as a company. The museum will showcase the wide range of products that the company produces.Tesla is known for Sustainability and green energy which is their company’s motto;The spaces have been designed by keeping in mind the theme and motto of the company.Since it’s a new company,users will have to gain confidence in the brand the museum should adhere to this.
Thumbnail represents the overall theme of the project. Accents,Hues of RED color have been used to stimulate a sense of excitement and showcase the Passion and confidence of tesla. To Complement to the theme,the columns and skin have been treated with red color. ETFE panels are used for the skin which is a breakthrough product in the industry just like tesla’s cars.Since 3layers of skin has been used its properties such as color,light tranasmittance can be controlled. The main aim is to showcase the growth of tesla as a company
The aim of the museum is to exhibit the capabilites of what Tesla has achieved with the help of technology. The main concept is showcase the growth of tesla as a companty.
Tesla is known for using straight rigid lines and smooth curves;The same has to be bought out in the design with help of varied elements to match with the theme of the company.To achieve a welcoming,relaxing ambience and to keep the interiors bright marble flooring,strip lights and controllable surface block ceiling mounted lights have been used.To complement curves and straight lines elements usuch as false ceiling,staircase,reception tables have been designed in curvilinear form whereas display units,seating areas are in straiht lines.
Tesla is known for using straight rigid lines and smooth curves;The same design philosphy is incorporated in the design. A user should experience the qualities that the brand follow while he is in the museum.This is achieved by using colors and related elements in the design.
Approaching,Safety, Welcoming,Trustworthy Colors used-Red,White and Black. Hues of Red have been used to stimualte a sense of excitement and showcase passion and confidence of tesla. Tesla’s one more reliable feature is Safety; The color White has been used to showcase safety,purity and cleanliness in the design. Tesla is known for surprises like the Cybertruck,flamethrower.So amidst ETFE skin,a grafitti wall is added to break the monotony and act as a surprise element.
View of the Waiting Lobby(V3)
V4 F
V3 V1
Sectional Perspective AA
Typical plan with Furniture Layout
In the waiting lobby a relaxing, soothing ambiance must be created which is achieved using the help of lighting, colors and sound. Red,White accent matte finished furnitures have been used to complement the space. Recycled water have been used in water wall feature ;the sound of water and warm color light creates a sense of relaxation. To distinguish the space from other spaces and to create a sense of excitement the falsl ceiling and the flooring have been differed which goes with the theme of the project.
View from Entry(V1)
View of the Reception (V2)
The concept of Sustainability and clean energy is seen at the first glance of the reception;Curvilinear red and black accent reception desk is given a backdrop of plantscape and parametric bamboo stairs to match with the theme.
V4 View
he Temporary Display area has flooring which is covered with red color carpet to differentiate from the formal and informal space.Any products which the company produces or any car can be dispalyed in the space.Since there are track lights installed any type of exhibit can be displayed and it will lit using the track lights.Cars can be displayed on podium which have Podium mounted light to highlight the curves and edges and to add 3D effect marble flooring which is white in color. Adjustable accent light have been used to highlight the exhibit and give an even spread throughout the space and Temporary ceiling hung displays are lit by track lights. 12mm gypsum board has been used for false ceiling. There’s display wall which shows different events of Tesla and Grafitti wall to create sense of excitement.
View of Temporary Display Area(V5)
Flooring Layout Plan
View of the Car display (V6)
Section BB
Furniture Layout Plan
quasperi nis derum eic te volorem ipit, voleceatibus
View of the Souvneir Shop(V7)
derio tem inis as venis et odipsam autet ut doluptatio vella seceperatem inciant. Equiae volorrum id ut volupta tectorem dolorum audiatur, sed mil mi, et, ommoluptio. Debis es et magnis dolest, escitatem quam, natem aliquo volorerciis peribusae nusam, aritati tem inimossunt as ipsa doluptate et facersp eruptatio quae ab in nos modipient quae cusdae velit, sero to eos quos rem eate magnihilibus anis ne electio. Inciatis denis essimin cuptati untibus exerupta nostem. Edipsae quation senimus atiam, quiam, voluptassime pa vendaec epedipsapera aut que pro et moloreic tempernatem. Am voles plique plantotatem re, verorio. Obisquae vita vit int erfernat. Posape voluptur mo mi, imi, es quundia presto mossumene soluptatet molupient as sinumqui optae porum vernatibus sunt re nis et quunt repudanis dioruptatem a vit, quae. Aria pa ant eaturiae senieni ssumquo bearum et dolores im acestium re, volutem secae plaut fuga. Aliquatur, sa dolorporum fugiatqui tecabor ernatem
Sectional Perspective CC Um fugit rae cum doluptas vel magnatust, quistio consequis dolor autent ipient moluptatest, is eat ma doluptatem facepud andunt expliqui ducit est dolorum faccae. Et as aut eveleni hitam, sam ilisciet etur sandam, quodi int et in conemque veles di ullest eos doluptatur, as volum nis sit aut esent, quiantistiis explat. Iliquod quid ut apis eum aut alignat odit ex et volutem que laut molupta eperiberero eatur alique cus dolum eum corempe qui corepeditiam sequia corumquo coremporeic tem elit el is maio. Ut quamus, testis as. Lut minum quat ommos et re idunditata dolorporit, offic to omnis deriam que optas moluptur sitis si doluptatius dolore accust et exeribu santorepra voloruntios doleceste volum lanis aut aliquae. Ximus esequia des maionse omnisi quias inciurem volo vid quunt aut evenienimin et ped quatqui stotatur? Omnis dem necese commod quatur asperibus non coriae. Enis excesse quuntia expellu ptatur sedia cone dolenis dolorior andi ullaccus. Ic torro omni quae ide maxim ut fuga. Sedio tecus maionsed mo et rem voluptati duscius, ipsumquia.
Branding and commitment of Tesla should be seen in this souvenir shop so the customers will trust the product and buy the product, this is achieved using colors and different material finishes. white matte finish wall (12MM plywood)so the products will be in focus Accentuating striplight at the periphery of the store (used occasionally ) Accent light have been used to highlight the product red and white color matte finished storage area to go with the theme of the project On top of 12mm Black matte finished gypsum board history of Tesla will be displayed digitally in white letters.
View of the shop(V8)
Reflected Ceiling Plan
Sectional Perspective DD
Sectional Perspective FF
Sectional Perspective EE
quasperi nis derum eic te volorem ipit, voleceatibus
Plan showing Lighting Fixtures
derioF tem inis as venisFet odipsam autet ut doluptatio vella seceperatem inciant. Equiae volorrum id ut volupta tectorem dolorum audiatur, sed mil mi, et, ommoluptio. V9 Debis es et magnis dolest, escitatem quam, natem aliquo volorerciis peribusae nusam, aritati tem inimossunt as ipsa doluptate et facersp eruptatio quae ab in nos modipient quae cusdae velit, sero to eos quos rem eate magnihilibus anis ne electio. Inciatis denis essimin cuptati untibus exerupta nostem. Edipsae quation senimus atiam, quiam, voluptassime pa vendaec epedipsapera aut que pro et moloreic tempernatem. Am voles plique plantotatem re, verorio. Obisquae vita vit int erfernat. Posape voluptur mo mi, imi, es quundia presto mossumene soluptatet molupient as sinumqui optae porum vernatibus sunt re nis et quunt repudanis dioruptatem a vit, quae. Aria pa ant eaturiae senieni ssumquo bearum et dolores im acestium re, volutem secae plaut fuga. Aliquatur, sa dolorporum fugiatqui tecabor ernatem
View of the VR Room(V9)
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In VR room a sense of excitement must be created hence the use of colored lights and acoustically treatment treated spaces so the richness of audio and video will be to its maximum and to match with the overall theme the columns have been kept in red accent.Red and white color alternate gaming chairs,wide screen gaming monitor,sound absorbing mat for flooring ,sound absorbing panels for walls ,adjustable RGB lights have been used to create a immersive gaming experience. In the game pods area to distinguish this space from other spaces there is change in flooring type The flooring used is immersive flooring and changes according to the movement of user.To match the overall theme and create a sense of excitement the curved parametric false ceiling have been used which also distinguish the space from formal space. 13