INTERNSHIP PORTFOLIO M:OFA STUDIOS 16/12, Lower ground floor, Kalkaji New Delhi 110019
National Institute of Water sports (NIWS), Goa Suraj Arora
Design Development Execution Development Working Drawings
Setting Up
Production & 01 Optimisation of Roof Panels
Second 01 Floor Glazing Modelling
As an intern, I was given certain responsibilities according to my capabilities which I offered to the firm, overtime the responsibilities and the momentum increased, where I was absorbing the learning by handling the tasks given.
Steel Wall Extention 01 Wall
Auxillary Roof Work
JLN Proposal 01
Block 5 Bridge
Entrance Modelling
Landscape 01 Walls
Production and Optimisation of Roof Panels Production of the Bison Board and Galvalume Panels required advanced coding skills in Grasshopper as several design and execution decisions had to be translated into the script , hence increasing the efficiency in producing the drawings of 4798 custom panels following the same parameters of design and their eventual execution.
Execution Development Process & End Product
Production & Optimisation of Roof Panels
Bison Board Production Process
Responsibilities - The prominent guidelines were to produce the panels according to the grid lines done earlier. -The process of scripting is to be adequately checked in order to produce ready for execution vector files and working drawings.
Base Surface
The base surface was provided with the respective individual panels of the 3-d model according to the structural model which was already done beforerhand
-The labeling of the panels had to relate in every medium produced.
Categorized Panels
All the Panels were then categorised as Quadrilaterals and Triangles, also the skylights according to the Skylight plan were incorporated.
Working Drawing
Efficient Production of Working Drawings
Optimised Curves
The Panels were unrolled and converted into curves with their respective models in the 3d shown in the previous step to further aid in the optimisation process.
-The script has to be correct without any discrepency.
Nesting and Optimisation of Curves so that they fit 8�X4� Bison Board Panels for Production.
Labeling of Panels
All the Panels were labelled as per the script in conjuction with their block numbers and the part of the block.
Unrolled Curves
* The process showcased above applies to all the blocks , hence the information provided is for Part 2 of Block 1 only to reduce unnecessary information.
Production of a Master Excel File for easy correlation with the drawings, for further references. Excel File
Execution Development Scripting and Optimisation
Production & Optimisation of Roof Panels
Contributions -All the process which was guided by the immediate supervisor and the principal architect lead to : // Efficiency in Production of Working Drawings. // Production of Optimised Panels which are ready for execution. // Production of a Reference Master Excel File. Grasshopper Script for Unrolling
Learnings - From the process, and the discussion the skill of scripting has surely been realised to a potential. - Relating the previous drawings with current production hence realising the importance of finding mistakes and correcting them.
Optimisation required grouping the individual curves and their labels manually and after running through a custom script which was developed according to the needs to fit in a custom sized panel. 03
Production & Optimisation of Roof Panels
Working Drawing Block 1 Part 2
Production & Optimisation of Roof Panels
Working Drawing Block 1 Part 2
Production & Optimisation of Roof Panels
Working Drawing Block 1 Part 2
Production & Optimisation of Roof Panels
Working Drawing Collective Blocks
Execution Development Process & End Product
Production & Optimisation of Roof Panels
Galvalume Panel Unrolling Process
-Following are the parameters which were developed : // Taking an exploded offset which is perpendicular at 50mm.
Base Surface
Categorized Panels
Working Drawing
Efficient Production of Working Drawings
Unrolled Curves
Labeling of Panels
* The process showcased above applies to all the blocks , hence the information provided is for Part 2 of Block 1 only to reduce unnecessary information.
Production of a Master Excel File for easy correlation with the drawings, for further references.
// Taking another joined offset at 100mm from the base curve which gets trimmed by an extention line which is parallel to the adjacent curve. // Unnecessary portion of the flaps created after trimming shall be removed by extending the base curve. // If there are any flaps at the outer edge which are not being separated, then introduce another curve which separates them if the situation occurs. // All the demarcated Flaps and Folds shall be polylines and no broken lines will occur.
Excel File
Development of Detail according to the structural grid through paper modelling hence realising the set of common perimeters for the custom panels. Physical Model Development
Base Curve after Unrolling
Required Set of Lines according to Detail developed in the physical model
Execution Development Scripting and Optimisation
Production & Optimisation of Roof Panels
Contributions -All the process which was guided by the immediate supervisor and the principal architect lead to : // Creation of a Script which works any base curve hence, the same script can be used on any panel making a week a long task into mere some hours. // Efficient production of working drawings and other related drawings.
Learnings - From the process, and the discussion , translating a paper model and incorporating into a process tranforming it into executable panel vector files, hence learning the importance of the process
Grasshopper Script for Previous Parameters
Production & Optimisation of Roof Panels
Execution Development Process & End Product
Presentation Drawing used to elaborate the process to the consultants
Production & Optimisation of Roof Panels
Working Drawing Block 1 Part 1
Production & Optimisation of Roof Panels
Working Drawing Block 1 Part 1
Production & Optimisation of Roof Panels
Working Drawing Block 1 Part 1
Production & Optimisation of Roof Panels
Working Drawing Block 1 Part 1
Production & Optimisation of Roof Panels
Working Drawing Block 2
Production & Optimisation of Roof Panels
Working Drawing Block 1 Part 3
Production & Optimisation of Roof Panels
Working Drawing Block 3 Part 1
Production & Optimisation of Roof Panels
Working Drawing Block 3 Part 1
Production & Optimisation of Roof Panels
Working Drawing Block 3 Part 1
Production & Optimisation of Roof Panels
Working Drawing Block 3 Part 2
Auxillary Roof Work Carenzalem, Goa has a very high rainfall hence, a rainfall analysis was required in order to formulate the type of Custom Gutters in conjuction with the Consultancy provided, also Work related to the revised skylight according to the existing Glazing Drawings.
Execution Development Process & End Product
Auxillary Roof Work
Rainfall Analysis
Rainwater Fall Analysis on the Roof
Profile A
Profile B
- Profile A is being used on that side where the probability of the Water flow is more. -Profile B is being used on that side where the probability of the Water flow is less.
Grasshopper Script for Rainwater Fall Analysis
Auxillary Roof Work
Working Drawing Skylight Plan
Entrance Modelling Entrance of NIWS was left unmodelled, and also had to be updated hence , all the new elements of the site had to be introduced which resulted in certain design decisions and discussions that had to be managed accordingly.
Entrance Modelling
Design Development Modelling
Demarcation of the Model
Creation of Base Surface in conjuction with the design decisions taken by Principal Architect by providing with multiple options.
Existing Model
Creation of Base Surface
Detailing of Block 3 and Block 4 Landscaping
Creation of Retaining Walls in relation with the base surface modelled earlier.
Detailing of Contoured Vehicular Entry Retaining Wall
Design Development Modelling
Entrance Modelling
Contributions - The following exercise resulted in more clarity of the Entrance of NIWS , hence all the site related elements derived from the design development stage introduced the need for production and incorporation of the new elements into existing drawings. Updated Entry Model
Learnings - From the process, advanced modelling can be derived whilst learning how the design process works in a firm and incorporating the process.
Landscape Wall
Creation of Landscape Brick Walls which are a result of both the Base Surface and the Retaining Walls.
Retaining Wall for Steel Wall
Modelling of Retaing Wall for Steel Wall which transforms from a Trapezoid to a Curb.
Second Floor Glazing The tilted glazing of the second floor required resolving as it was realised that it was clashing with the bracings which were already done on the site, hence the solution was for the glazing to be tilted.
Second Floor Glazing
Design Development Design & Modelling
Block 3 and Block 4 were resolved in 3d model, afterwards, for the drawings to be produced.
J.L.N. Stadium Renderings The following are the renderings of the proposal for J.L.N. Stadium which has been also published.
J.L.N. Stadium Renderings
Design Development Renderings
The following are the renderings of the proposal with a walkway and other additional aspects of the propasal such as Commercial, M.L.C.P. & Housing.
Landscape Wall The following are the working drawings made with the direction of the Principal Architect and in conjunction with the immediate supervisor following the design language as per the model previously presented.
Landscape Walls
Working Drawing Block 3
Landscape Walls
Working Drawing Block 3
Landscape Walls
Working Drawing Block 3
Landscape Walls
Working Drawing Block 3
Landscape Walls
Working Drawing Block 3
Landscape Walls
Working Drawing Block 3
Steel Wall Extention The steel frames of the Extention Wall are illustrated in the drawing according to the direction of the Principal Architect.
Steel Wall Extention
Working Drawing Block 4
Block 5 Bridge The panelling on the bridge was optimised through the material optimisation script which provides the best way where least filling and cutting of panels is done , also Steel Frames are being illustrated in the drawing with the direction of the Principal Architect and in conjunction with the immediate supervisor.
Execution Development Process & End Product
Block 5 Bridge
Bison Board Production Process
Responsibilities - The prominent guidelines were to optimise the flooring by using as less effort of cutting the panels in order to fit the surface, hence providing a solution for the same.
Base Surface
The base surface was provided with the respective individual panels of the 3-d model according to the structural drawing which was already done beforerhand.
Division of Surface
The Surface was divided every 190mm which is the width of the W.P.C. Panel including the spacing.
- Also, ascertaing the number and sizing of panels required for a clear placement. - Using the W.P.C. Panelling for making the steel frames to indirectly support it.
Division of Lines through points Panelling
Offsetting 75mm on both the sides and then extruding it hence, creating the panels.
The divided lines were then further divided into 2900mm which is the length of the panel and then splitting the curves.
Execution Development Scripting and Optimisation
Block 5 Bridge
Contributions -All the process which was guided by the immediate supervisor and the principal architect lead to : // Efficiency in ascertaining the number and sizing of panels. // Optimising the Material hence,saving in materials and effort.
Grasshopper Script for Unrolling
Parameters -Following are the parameters which were developed : // The Flooring should be as optimised as possible with atleast possible alterations. // There should 60mm gap in between the W.P.C. Panels for expansion and contraction.
Learnings - From the process, and the discussion the skill of optimising materials through custom scripting with respect to the real world scenarios. - Working Drawings with details , hence going from the Design Development Stage to Working Drawing Stage.
// All the errors should be taken care off. // Deviation from the surface should be minimal. // The curvature and form shall not be compromised in any case.
Block 5 Bridge
Working Drawing Block 5
Block 5 Bridge
Working Drawing Block 5
Block 5 Bridge
Working Drawing Block 5
Suraj Arora Computation Fabrication