Bloom dome is an energetic space for hosting multi cultural performances and activities. The name resonates the blooming form of the architectural creation. Suraj Dwivedi
Location: Bamboo land,
Kotakarai, Auroville
1: Fruit & tree plantations 2: Bamboo intercrop plantation/sectum 3: Natural growth (Sacred grooves) 4: Bamboo nursery 5:Cowshed 6: Chicken barn 7: Water tank 8: Watchman’s hut 9: Youth & children art space 10: Volunteer hut + kitchen 11: Site_bamboo house Figue 1: site map_bamboo land
Auroville Bamboo land is located on the outer reaches of Auroville’s greenbelt, is dedicated to experimentation with agricultural bamboo and intercrop relations. At Auroville Bamboo land, the Bamboo Centre is developing and refinining methods for effective bamboo production, as well as completing Auroville Bamboo Centre’s vision to encompass the full cycle of bamboo, from seed to final product. Auroville Bamboo land is designed to be a model for utilizing bamboo in intercrop plantations, the first of its kind in Tamil Nadu. It also host cultural activities for ‘mohanam’ an organisation which works for cultural heritage and preservation and works towards bridging the gap between auroville and local.
Bloom Dome is the structure constructed as a part of bamboo center summercamp, where people from different background, locations and professions gathered to partcipate in this one month intensive bamboo building and self awareness camp. In the camp the participants were exposed to many different aspects of life for self awareness. Apart from learning about bamboo, the magnificiently graceful grass, participants were also diligently involved in permaculture activitis and learning abstractly and metaphorically about architecture of the body from architecture of the space., and how the connections between the two.The bamboo building part directed us to make this complex juxtaposition of bamboo and achieve a simple form. This multi functional dome once finished will serve as a space for cultural activities and performance amphitheatre.
Images of the construction
Sectional elevation
The sectional elevation shows the interlocking of bamboos inorder to achieve the outer curve of the dome. The amphitheatre is built with four rounds of steps for an audience of 150 capacity approx. The central podium is of approx 20 sqmts. The total height of the central ring is 8 mts from ground level. The outer curve of the dome is achieved with the bundles made from splits of bamboo which are lashed with coconut rope and metal wires at regular intervals.
The basic arrangement of one tower is explained in the next page. The dome is completed with 8 such bamboo towers.
Foundation details
rammed earth
Foundation was one of the key structural part in the construction of the dome. Four columns going 80 cm deep below the ground, need to have some kind of barrier between them and the earth to keep the bamboo from getting damage. The trench is in total 70 cm x 70 cm wide and 80 cm deep. A metal box section of 15cm x 45 cm wide and 60 cm deep was placed in the trench, later the remaining space outside the metal box section within the trench was filled with each part respectively from below of concrete, gravel and on the top rammed earth. The void space after inserting the columns in the metal box section is filled with concrete for extra reinforcement.
Structural details
Detail at A
Detail at A explains the base of the main two bamboo beams which reaches the top ring and will be tied with the outer curve to counter balance the load. These beams are resting at two places one in at detail A and the other at detail B&C. In this detail the beams are resting at 45 degree fish mouth on other culm and bolted to reinforce.
Detail at B&C
Detail at B&C (shown in plan view) are one of the key joineries in the overall structure. The horiontal support made by joining 4 pieces of bamboo supports the main two bamboo culms inorder to reach the top ring. The front part of the piece supports these beams and the back part holds the outer split bamboo bundle by keeping it in place.
Detail at D
There are four main bamboo columns in each tower to support the overall load. Two bamboo columns reach at the height of 5 mts from g.l. to support a horiontal set piece (Detail B&C). these st pieces are 3 mts in length horizontally, inorder to support these setpieces angular supports are provided to further reinforce the structure.
The tower was assembled completely and later on moved to site.
Putting up the tower into the foundation box. It took some people to do the job.
bamboo t o w e r s standing in it’s place
Structural details
3D realisation
Birds eye view of the 3d realisation
3D realisation
Isometric view of the 3d realisation
Architect,Designer : Suraj Dwivedi Workshop co-ordination: Suraj Dwivedi, Walter Van Assche