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Suresh Impression

Bangalore, India

Art to me is for life. I love to draw, paint and design. But these are not the only things I do. I read, observe and try to comprehend the world, often realising how futile it is. I love the early morning sun on my face waking me up every morning, only to turn the other side and go back to sleep. The beauty of little things in life amuses me. I wonder why people worry so much. I spend hours on activities that do not mean anything, to me or anyone else, and then try to find excuses for doing it. I often come up with really good ones. I love to laugh, devour homemade food and slouch on a bean bag switching TV channels continuously. Walking in rain is a passion, as is walking in moonlight. I think, and again think, I dream continuously, creating simulations illogical to contemporary human mind. I hate writing this, as I am limited by the language I speak. For a living, I do fine/applied art works, constantly pushing boundaries of both. For freelance art/design projects, contact me
