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Sales & Marketing
Rapport Builders
RBY JAMES OLSEN apport is to selling what downstream is to swimming.
Can we swim upstream? Sure, but it's a lot more difficult. When we create rapport with our customers, they are more likely to listen to us and give our proposal serious consideration even if we disagree.
We can do many small/simple things to build rapport with our customers. Some of them are "obvious," but obvious or not when we do them; we have a competitive advantage because most sellers don't. Many sellers are so nervous and/or unprepared they can't concentrate enough to read their customer's body language and voice tones to get in sync with them. Other sellers just don't care; they are just there for the order.
Smile. Many of us are not natural smilers; I am not, nor are many of my students. I am not talking about a "Bozo the Clown" smile. Just a slight smile is best. As sellers, we need to project the feeling that
we enjoy what we do. No one wants to push a bag of rocks up the hill with us, but many sellers treat the sales process as if it were as much fun. Is it tough to smile after 10 NOs in a row? Yes, but smile, we must. Slow Down! I've been coaching sales for over 20 years and never have had to tell a student to speed up their speech. Many of us talk too fast. When we talk too fast, it's hard for customers to understand and, more importantly, for rapport to relate to us. The phrase "fast-talking salesperson" came from somewhere. When we talk too fast, it means we're hiding something, that we don't care, or both. Compliments. Most customers will sense false flattery. Don't do it. Sincere compliments, on the other hand, are powerful. Once we make it a priority, opportunities to give compliments abound. Often customers will have pictures of their favorite hobby, adventure, or photographs of their family posted in their office.
Humor. Humor is a power tool and, just like all power tools, must be used with care. Humor shows confidence and helps customers relax. Without relaxation, rapport is impossible. People want to have fun while they work. Great salespeople help them do that and are rewarded accordingly. Questions and Follow-up Questions. Most salespeople talk
too much. In any case, the person asking the questions is the one who controls the call. Master Sellers ask good questions, and more importantly, they ask follow-up questions. When we ask a single question only and then dive into our proposal, it sends the message that the first question was insincere.
Milesi presents: New waterborne impregnators for exteriors, specific for decking and exterior furniture.
Available in a choice of 12 tinted colors from the Available in a choice of 12 tinted colors from the Milesi Collection (XWT510x Color System series). Milesi Collection (XWT510x Color System series). Milesi Distributors can produce any tinted color desired using Milesi Distributors can produce any tinted color desired using the clear base (XWC5AA1) in combination with pigmented pastes. the clear base (XVI/C5AA 1) in combination with pigmented pastes. They feature excellent foot traffic resistance, and unparalleled They feature excellent foot traffic resistance, and unparalleled protection against weather conditions, mildew, fungi and protection against weather conditions, mildew, fungi and UV exposure threats. UV exposure threats. UV exposure threats.

As children often play on decks and pool decks, these As children often play on decks and pool decks, these impregnators have been formulated to comply with impregnators have been formulated to comply with EN71/3 European regulation related to toy safety, and EN71/3 European regulation related to toy safety, and are Non-Slip certified according to UNE 41901 are Non-Slip certified according to UNE 41901 regulation, making decks not only beautiful regulation, making decks not only beautiful and protected, but also safe. and protected, but also safe.

Ideal on softwoods, exotic woods Ideal on softwoods, exotic woods and thermotreated wood, can be applied and thermotreated wood, can be applied by brush, manual roller and automatic by brush, manual roller and automatic impregnator. impregnator. Coated surfaces can be maintained using the same products, without sanding. Coated surfaces can be maintained using the same products, without sanding. Pace, Tone, and Demeanor. We should do all our best to match our customer's pace, tone, and demeanor. If our customer is a taciturn, quiet communicator, we should match their style. If they are a bit more of a joker, we can loosen up with them. Customers will always be more comfortable communicating in their style, so as professional communicators, we match. When in Rome, speak Italian; when in Germany, speak German. Treat each company and customer as their own private country and speak their language. Body Language. The same as with pace and tone. We match the body language of our customers. The "We" Mode. If we want our customers to treat us like a partner, we need to speak to them like a partner. Most of us will need to train ourselves to speak in the "We" mode. Asking, "What do we need to be looking for?" vs. "What are you looking for?" makes a huge psychological difference in our communication with our customers. Caring and Curious. Most sellers are so wrapped up in their own proposal they don't have the mind space or the empathy to even think about caring about the customer and projecting that in their speech and tone. Master Sellers treat their customers like family. A student asked me, "What if I don't really care?" I said, "Well, then you'll have to become a better person to become a better seller. I did." I sold without rapport for seven years. I made a living, but when I started to care about my customers, I had more fun and sold a lot more. s p
JAMES OLSEN Reality Sales Training Portland, Oregon james@realitysalestraining.com