Katalog NKB 2013 Surfshop_Snowshop

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— N o r t h K i te B oa r d i ng —

content S u s ta i n a b i l i t y

6 / 7

+ 6 W A R R ANTY

10 / 11

P r o g r e ss i o n Q

12 / 17

technoforce d2

18 / 19

5th element

20 / 21


22 / 61

B a rs

62 / 77

B o a r d s t w i n t i ps

78 / 99

fo ot pa ds / B i n d i n g s

100 / 111

Boards directionals

h a r n e ss e s

132 / 139

p a c ks & b a g s

140 / 145

a pp a r e l

146 / 159


160 / 161

pr o d u c t O v e r v i e w

162 / 163

112 / 131

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— N o r t h K i te B oa r d i ng —

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These days everybody is talking about sustainability, yet there is often a lot of talk, but not a great deal of action behind it. Apart from the fact that life in general depends on an intact environment, the practice of our sport in particular is only possible in cooperation with nature and we can all do our bit to help, not to leave any tracks and to behave in an environmental friendly way. In 2008 we became increasingly concerned with concepts for sustainability regarding material, production and marketing. We were considering how we could contribute to improving the environment and which options we had to make production methods and products more sustainable.

Don’t leave a trace!


The most obvious idea was to produce kites from recycled polyester, similar to the outdoor sports industry. Our Japanese cloth supplier Tejin, the leading producer of textile polyester fabrics, developed a perfectly functional recycled material for North Kiteboarding. There was just one catch; the technical requirements for kite material are so high that they can only be achieved with pure polyester. Due to the elaborate process that is needed to produce such pure polyester from recycled materials, the energy balance is worse than that of polyester made from new raw materials. Therefore, we are still waiting for technical advances that will allow us to produce the recycled pure polyester material in a more sustainable manner. At present recycled is not an option. The second large product group is kiteboards. These were, and still are, made predominantly of PVC or PVC-EPS cores that are laminated with glass fiber and PU or Epoxy. The most critical product involved in this process is PVC, which causes serious ecological problems throughout the entire product life cycle. It begins with its production from carcinogenic chloride compounds with heavy metals and finishes with the unsolved problem of its proper disposal. The typical form of disposal is combustion, which releases dioxins and furans. Therefore, we have been replacing the PVC in our


boards with wood and bamboo from managed and controlled artificial plantations. These new cores are not only much safer to dispose of; they also produce better boards with more vivid riding characteristics for our customers. The boards are then UV-coated, which completely eliminates the use of solvents. Our production site in Austria, close to our main markets, offers the advantage of short routes of transportation, which significantly reduces our carbon footprint. When talking about sustainability we must also consider the human factor. Our main production sites are located in Sri Lanka and Austria. There is no need to say much about working conditions in Austria, as the standards in Western Europe are, in general, very high. In the free trade zones of Sri Lanka, working hours, minimum age and wages are clearly regulated and monitored in contrast to conditions in India or China. In addition, there is no child labor within our Sri Lankan plants and we offer above standard rates of pay and provide additional social benefits. Unfortunately, we are not yet able to claim that we are a thoroughly ‘green’ business, because at the present time, there are simply no entirely ecologically sound materials or production processes available for many of our products. However, we continually try to optimize individual steps and chains of production with great care in order to find the best compromise for durability, quality, the ecosystem and our workforce, even if that makes our products a little bit more expensive. In that respect, we hope that the concept of ‘sustainability’ will itself be recycled and not lose its current vogue, like many other ‘trends’ have done in the past. Ultimately, a lot of small steps will ensure progress, always being aware of our natural environment and trying to improve every stage of the process. Last but not least, to our consumers; please try not to leave a trace wherever, whatever you’re doing!



— N o r t h K i te B oa r d i ng —

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— North KiteBoarding —


+6 WARRANTY North Kiteboarding offers an extended warranty of 6 months on all North Kiteboarding kites, boards and bars up from the 2011 range! All our customers can register their North products* on our website using our unique product registration system! Customers who register their North product* within 60 days of purchase receive an extended warranty of six months beyond the legal warranty period of their country. (The extended warranty begins with the expiration of the legal warranty period of their country and includes the same scope of protection.) *The following products can be registered: kites, boards and bars from the 2012 range or later. (Older products cannot be registered)

How does the extended warranty process work? After successful registration of a North product, you receive a confirmation mail. If the product has been registered within 60 days of purchase, this confirmation mail and a valid receipt entitles you to a six months extended warranty. Warranty claims can only be made with the dealer who sold the registered North Kiteboarding product to you. Warranty process / Necessary requirements: —— > Valid receipt —— > Confirmation mail —— > Registration of the North product on the web site (kite, board and / or bar up from 2011) within 60 days of purchase If these requirements are met, the usual complaints process can be applied, i.e. the damage is documented and all necessary documents (receipt, confirmation mail, documentation) are sent / given to the shop where the product has been bought. The shop is sending the information to the warranty department.

register now! ——— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— >

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+6 warranty



— N o r t h K i te B oa r d i ng —


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Progression Q



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— North KiteBoarding —

Progression Q



—— > Bladders of Polyurethane All bladders are produced of high quality Polyurethane. This material is known for its high elasti­city in different temperatures and resistance to pressure. The modern welding technique ensures durable seams and binds the material together perfectly.

keeping precise control over the process for every individual kite at every step. —— > Computerized sewing and cutting

Specialized Hardware for Kite construction: Attention to detail is the key to the overall quality of any product. Kites are complex technical products, and the key to progression and evolution is to keep analysing and optimizing all aspects of the construction and production methods continuously. In industrial production a Total Quality Control approach is the method of choice to improve efficiency in production and material consumption to achieve a product that is both superior and economic at the same time – we applied this to our kites. After 3 continuous years of installing this attitude in our R&D Team and production facility,

1. Materials and Hardware We choose partners to supply our basic materials who we trust and we build longstanding relationships with them to benefit from their own development and improvements.

the concept has proven successful: our kites are a superior quality product down to every last detail, and you can feel this, when you fly them. The result: The best kites, boards and accessories for your True Kiteboarding experience. There are 3 aspects to this approach which complement each other and have to work together seamlessly:

—— > Smart Valve The valves unique construction with an integrated closing mechanism and deflator pin prevents the rotating or sliding of the bladder inside the strut. —— > Lazy Pump

1. Materials and Hardware 2. Employees and Production Techniques 3. Construction Details and Design

—— > Lines by Teufelberger: The North Lazy Pump system enables the inflation of the kite from just one valve. Clips close off struts from leading edge to prevent unwanted airflow in case of damage or simply to only deflate the leading edge.

—— > Dacron and Technoforce D2 by Teijin:

Teufelberger is a leading supplier for ropes, ranging from climbing, sailing and paragliding to specialized ropes for kitesurfing. North Kiteboarding uses Teufelberger products for lines and bridles.

—— > Abrasion Reinforcements Teijin is the world’s leading supplier for polyester fabrics and sail materials for all kinds of marine sports. We use the remarkably durable Teijin Dacron for our leading edge, struts, wingtips and the trailing edge and wherever high tension or an applied load is found. Technoforce D2 is used for our canopy. Technoforce D2 is an exclusive development for North Kiteboarding. It has proven its superiority in Durability and Dynamics over the past 3 years.

All areas exposed to scuffing are reinforced, renowned for its durability against abrasion.

All critical seams are done with computer supported sewing and cutting machines. This avoids human mistakes and inconsistencies, increases the productivity and reduces waste from offcut material; it is the only way to create a perfect and consistent result every time.

3. Construction Details and Design A number of construction details optimized in the Progression Q process resulted in features which are outright innovations made by North Kiteboarding and have become industry standard. North Kiteboarding stays at the cutting edge of R&D by working with two experienced kite designers and numerous product developers, who work closely with each other to ensure every improvement and development is transferred to each kite model in our range. Durability and functionality of our products are a direct result of their experience and workflow.

2. Employees and Production Techniques —— > People We expect a lot from the people who manufacture our kites. This is why we work with technically trained employees, who are motivated due to a longterm investment in their capabilities, controlled working conditions and a fair wage system.

—— > Glued Zigzag stitches Every single seam is stitched with a zigzag sewing technique. They are first glued then stitched. The result is a clean, good-looking and highly durable stitch, which supports the overall stability of the kite.

—— > TQM Method – the quality check card A detailed quality control system has been developed, controlling every step starting with the delivery of raw materials to the factory and ending with the final delivery of kites to our customers. In between, every single stage is optimized to the smallest detail. The quality check card is the key to

—— > Zipperless Strut A strut without zippers means less weight, and results in smoother flying characteristics and increased durability. These advantages outweigh the slightly more tedious process required when changing a strut bladder.



— North KiteBoarding —

—— > Load-Distribution-Panels

—— > North Framed Construction An extra durable band supports the shape within our kites. Shape and arc stability are a must for long lasting performance.

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Progression Q

—— > Loaded 5th Line

—— > Relaunch Bungees

The loaded 5th line is a “nose line” with constant tension. This is responsible for reactive steering, powered as well as depowered and a crisp and direct bar feel. Only the 5th line system can guarantee 100 % depower in less than one second when releasing the IRON HEART.

The re-launch-bungees prevent any tangling or snagging of the rear lines on the kite’s wingtip during launch and water re-launch. The extra tension on the bungees also makes the kite easier to steer, even when depowered.

—— > Kook Proof Connectors

As kite geometry improves, the canopy must continue to resist increasing forces. To spread these forces, Load-Distribution Panels are used, holding the kite’s shape even under the most extreme loads. In practice this gives a smoother and more consistent performance from the kite in any riding situation.

The kook proof line connection points prevent accidents by guaranteeing that you cannot accidentally connect your lines incorrectly when rigging your kite.

—— > Fusion Strut

—— > Trailing Edge Force Spread – TEFS —— > Heavy Duty Leading Edge Closing Seam

This construction allows for a controlled distribution of forces between strut and leading edge. Struts are 100% connected to the leading edge with a flexible Dyneema line, which promotes higher canopy tension and a clean profile.

—— > Double-V Pigtails

For 2013, the leading edges of all kites will be even more durable due to a new closing seam. The Dacron material at the leading edge is reinforced with a self sticky Insignia Tape and double stitched additionally. The Heavy Duty Leading Edge Closing Seam is resistant to much higher tensions and diagonal forces than any sewing before.

—— > Self Rescue Handles

These pigtails distribute the load of the line connections to the kite, minimising the risk of fatigue, making the kite less prone to distortion and helps to it steer more smoothly. The self-rescue handles on the inside of the wingtips can be easily found in case of an offshore break down. They provide a good, comfortable grip.

Designing kites includes smartly implementing power tensions in every single kite design. Trailing Edge Force Spread describes the smooth power distribution between the different materials of the kite, forcing the tensions in the right directions. Additionally, especially at the stress points where Dacron and D2 Canopy Material are connected, flattering marks are avoided and the material is not wearing out.



— North KiteBoarding —

exclusively for North Kiteboarding since 2009

Technoforce D2 All North Kiteboarding Kites are made of Technoforce D2 – there’s no better choice of canopy material!

After more than 4 years of development with Technoforce D2, testing several other fabrics, we recognized there’s just no other, better material than the existing Teijin fabric. Its dynamic and durability is exceptional. The development and the evolution in close teamwork with Teijin, the world market leader in Polyester fabrics continues. It is an exclusive team work with a producer, offering a lot of knowhow – not just in kitesurfing but also in sailing, windsurfing and several completely different industries such as airport transport systems.

protected, please watch out what you put onto your kite to keep it down on the ground! Fins and sharp, heavy things can still cause small scratches and destroy your kite during the next times you’ll use it! Double Coating Step 1 Coating of the single yarn.

advantages of D2: —— > less broken / torn kites —— > higher durability due to: — a 40 % higher breaking strength — a 70 % higher elongation strength — UV resistible even after years of use unique flying characteristics: —— > higher diagonal stiffness than normal canopy materials —— > higher performance: the stiffer overall structure stabilizes the kite and makes it faster —— > crisp and very direct reactions on steering impulses Due to the dynamic power working on kites, the stiffness of a kite is immensely important for the flying characteristics of a kite! One of the main factors for the aging of kites is: UV light Like for your skin, the sun is the most intense and dangerous force influencing the ageing of your kite. New kites left behind in the sun for a long time, lose their crisp steering and flying feeling sometimes just in-between days! Due to the DoubleCoating of D2, the material stays crisp for a longer time. The unique coating procedure is not just protecting the final canopy, but every single yarn is coated before the final weaving process and therefore every single yarn is protected additionally. Even if the coating comes off the first layer, the yarns itself stay coated! Not just protected from the sun, but also from salt crystals, sand, small stones and all other sharp rubbish parts. Even it’s

Step 2 Weaving of the coated single yarns to one fabric.

Step 3 Coating of the whole canopy material.

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technoforce d2



— North KiteBoarding —

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5th element

Why believe in the

5th line Why is North Kiteboarding still convinced of the 5th line? An interview with Till Eberle.

Since the beginning of kiteboarding, safety systems are one of the most important topics in the development of the sport, especially for North Kiteboarding. A lot of spots get crowded, narrow launch and landing areas and unfortunately also irresponsible kiters are just some of the reasons why accidents happen. Therefore a lot of reasons to get the advantages of a 5th line back into the focus. What are the advantages of the 5th line compared to 4 or virtual 5th lines? TILL EBERLE: The 5th line is the safest setup and there are several advantages compared to 4 line systems. When releasing the safety, the whole force is directed to the 5th line and therefore directly to the very front of the leading edge. Therefore the Kite is pulled out of the normal flying position, looses the whole power immediately and goes to the ground without twisting. The main advantages compared to 4 lines are that the 5th line depowers immediately, works independent on wind strength and position of the kite in the wind window, drag is minimized and with the 5th line you can launch and land with nearly no power in the kite. This makes even self launching and self landing safer! Together with the 5th line a relaunch can be supported efficiently and will help to get your kite up before the rocks or the next set of waves. If kites are developed especially for 5 lines, like the Vegas and the Rebel with the loaded 5th line, bridles are not needed and the result is a more direct bar feel and a shorter depower stroke. Most 4-line-systems deliver the power to both front lines when releasing. The result is that the kite depowers partly, travels to the wind window and falls to the ground. But that also means, the stronger the wind, the less depower effect you get, it takes longer until the kite gets powerless. Additionally 4 line systems have a way higher drag when released and it takes longer to release all the rest drag. A controlled and safe self landing is normally not possible.

Do you think the 5th line has avoided accidents already? TE: It speaks for itself that no magazine or other brands have ever criticized the 5th line as the ultimate safety system. Some even try to deliver the advantages of the 5th line through marketing gimmicks like the “virtual 5th line”. The 5th line is safer and therefore avoids accidents. I can proof this through my own experience. Most of the accidents happen during launching and landing. On the water it’s not that essential if the kite looses power a bit faster or slower. Normally there should be enough space, and hopefully no obstacles the rider could crash into. Meanwhile there are a lot of spots worldwide which offer nearly no launch and landing area, so launching and landing has to be done without any mistakes. Especially at such spots the 5th line has major safety advantages compared to other systems! North Kiteboarding offers only two kites, the Rebel and the Vegas, which don’t offer a 4 line option at all. With all other kites it is possible to use them on 4 lines. Why is North not committing a 100% to the 5th line? TE: 2006 and 2007 we started this strategy. At this point the market just accepted the advantages of 5th lines partly. Therefore we adjusted our kite line and offered everything that our customers desired and just offered options. What about the 5th line in waves? TE: Personally I feel way safer and easier with the 5th line – especially in waves. If a wave catches the kite, it pulls with a lot of power in the kite – and also at the rider. I think every kiter who kites in waves has experienced being dragged behind his kite under water. Not a very comfortable situation. If it happens, you should release immediately or the kite could be damaged or you stay under water for a quite long time. Out of my own experience I know that the 5th line depowers so

effectively that the wave doesn’t have any angle of attack anymore, and the wave glides over the kite nearly without any pressure. This means the rider doesn’t have to get rid of his material completely, he stays connected with the leash and can relaunch after the washing. A kite with the 4-linefront-system means it’s not possible to release the power due to the wave in the kite and you would have to release the safety and leash to get the same effect like with a 5th line. To even achieve this under water it also needs a lot of luck.

Is it true North Kiteboarding is holding the patent for the 5th line? TE: Yes, North is holding the patent for the 5th line, and definitely a reason why not more brands are developing on 5 lines. But having the patent or not, the main reason we work with it, is that we believe in it and the safety advantages it offers!



— North KiteBoarding —



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— North KiteBoarding —

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Rebel Fuse









— North KiteBoarding —

TO M co u rt:


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— North KiteBoarding —









Wakestyle / freestyle


Vegas   loaded 5th line high depower c-kite

most responsive and direct feeling kite in the north kiteboarding range   Best unhooked performance   Wakestyle / Freestyle Mode The 2013 Vegas is the definitive freestyle kite in the North Kiteboarding line up. Our top freestyle riders use it as a devastating weapon of choice; world class athletes like Tom, Thomas, Mario, Cesar, Reno and Stefan have the Vegas as their go-to kite for all conditions. The Vegas has a long heritage with North Kiteboarding and we have been constantly developing it to create the ultimate freestyle kite. Whilst the Vegas is a freestyle machine we wanted it to be a little more than that. By tuning the kite you can create a few different set ups and allow it to suit different riding styles. On the frontlines are two settings; freestyle gives the rider more depower, more lift, precision kiteloops

and very reactive steering. The wakestyle setting gives the rider more pop when unhooked, a longer “power delay” to allow easier handle passes and slightly less reactive steering so you can concentrate on the rails and kickers. The rear lines can be tuned to increase or decrease the turning speed of the kite to suit almost any rider. Compared to last years model we have tuned quite a lot on the 2013 Vegas, the quarter strut was moved further out towards the wingtip to improve the low-end range of the kite. This also helped us to create a more rigid tip to the kite, the concentration of struts in the tip area helps make the kite very responsive and direct in terms of bar feeling. We also made the wingtips wider to improve steering and responsiveness. Hook yourself into the 2013 Vegas and prepare to be blown away by the performance of this freestyle and wakestyle machine!



20 – 40




19 – 37




18 – 34




17 – 33




16 – 31




15 – 28




14 – 26




13 – 25




12 – 23






— North KiteBoarding —

Vegas technology

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5 line setup 140°




Turning Speed Adjustment —— > Pigtail Position Less Turning Speed!


—— > Pigtail Position

Recommended Turning Speed! —— > Pigtail Position

More Turning Speed!


NOTE Move Pigtail Between Attachment Points to change turning Speed!






— North KiteBoarding —

a irton c ozzol in o :

“ T h e N e o i s m y k i te b e cause i t m a d e m e Wo r ld Ch a m pion. I t gi v e s m e t h e f re edom to re a lly su r f wav e s b u t i ts a lso p e rf e ct fo r m y f re est yle trick s.”

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— North KiteBoarding —








Wakestyle / freestyle


Neo   Three strut simplicity

Most dynamic kite in the North Kiteboarding range   Smooth Power Development   Best “drifting“ Abilities   Easy Water Relaunch

The Neo was a new kite in 2011 for the North Kiteboarding line up; it is the weapon of choice for the hardcore wave riders on our team. Airton Cozzolino uses it as his kite for tearing up the waves on the KSP World Tour, and just about anywhere else his travels may take him. The Neo is a simple three-strut design, offering blistering responsiveness, ease of use and a smooth power development throughout the turning arc of the kite. Because we only use three struts the Neo is incredibly lightweight, this means it drifts as you ride down the

wave, allowing you to concentrate on getting barrelled and getting the ride of your life. The Neo sits a little further back in the window, which allows it to drift, rather than fly backwards. This also means it performs well when depowered, steering control is maintained and the kites lively behaviour isn’t lost when it reaches the upper limits of it’s wind range. The Neo also performs impeccably unhooked, meaning it will suit whatever your style of waveriding. Should the waves not show up for your trip it can also be used for freestyle as well, the responsive steering, smooth power development and easy water relaunch make it perfect for learning new moves! If it is a wave killer you’re after, accept no substitute, the Neo is your kite.



23 – 40 4.7 2.7


21 – 38 4.7 3.3


19 – 36 4.6 3.8


17 – 34




16 – 32 4.5 5.0


15 – 30 4.5 5.5

14 - 29





13 – 27 4.5 6.5




— North KiteBoarding —

Neo technology line setups 4 LINE SETUP


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Streamline Strut

This year the North Kite Design incorporates a new strut concept, which combines the responsive turning and softer feel of three strut kites with the superior stability of a classic 5-strut design. The front sections of the struts feature an increased diameter towards the leading edge and then taper towards the trailing edge of the kite. This radically reduced diameter leads to more flexibility, while

the front part of the struts remains super stiff and strong for great stability. The flexible back section of the strut allows the kite to twist over the entire profile when sheeting in and out. As a direct result, the kite is able to generate better low end and more responsive turning.

center strut —— > max. flex

quarter strut —— > medium flex Light sheeting force setting —— > Light Bar Load —— > Kite Reacts Faster to Turning Impulse —— > Kite Turns Tighter —— > Smooth Kite Loops —— > Softer Power Development

tip strut —— > minimum flex

Hard sheeting force setting —— > Heavier Bar Load —— > More Precise Steering —— > More Kite Feedback —— > Powerful, Dynamic Turning —— > Better Jumping —— > Aggresive Kite Loops


— North KiteBoarding —

TO M h e be rt:

” I j u st lov e m y E vos b e cause I ca n d o a n y t h ing w i th th e m . L o op s , r a dica l wakest yle, i n c r e di b le high oldsch o ol m o ov e s o r j u st c ru ising a lo n g. ”

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— North KiteBoarding —












FreeStyle / Freeride / WAVE


Delta orientated design   Good low end   Easy unhooking abilities

Most versatile kite in the North Kiteboarding range   Good hangtime and lift   Extremely stable

The ultimate all rounder, the Evo from North Kiteboarding is the kite to own if you change your riding style as often as you change your clothes! Jaime Herraiz needs no introduction as a rider, he excels at freestyle, freeride and wave kiting, and the Evo is his choice. Tom Hebert competed at the top level of the sport in freestyle, is also known for boosting huge old school moves and shredding the waves, naturally the Evo is his choice too. The kite has a smooth, predictable feel that riders fall in love with, the power delivery is progressive and the kite feels more like a C kite than the delta hybrid that it is. This year

the Evo incorporates the new adaptive tips and also our streamline strut system, these new struts allow us to control the flow of air over the kite much better. This means we can improve the kites turning speed and responsiveness and reward the rider with a much more lively feeling kite. The larger sizes have a fuller profile and this gives them a much better low end range. The Evo can be flown with 4 lines or 5 giving the rider the choice to ride the kite however they desire. Depower is excellent, while the turning is direct and responsive allowing the rider to instinctively feel where the kite is in the window. The Evo soon ceases to be a kite and instead becomes an extension of your own arms! Hooked in, unhooked, freeride, freestyle, small waves, monster swells, strapped or unstrapped the Evo is your ticket to ride!



24 – 46 5.2 2.3


22 – 42 5.1 2.9


20 – 40 5.0



18 – 37 4.9 4.1


18 – 35 4.9 4.7


15 – 31 4.8 5.3


14 – 28 4.8 5.8


13 – 27 4.8 6.4


12 – 26 4.8 6.9


11 – 25 4.85 7.5


11 – 23 4.8 8.1




— North KiteBoarding —

EVO technology line setups 4 LINE SETUP


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Streamline Strut

This year the North Kite Design incorporates a new strut concept, which combines the responsive turning and softer feel of three strut kites with the superior stability of a classic 5-strut design. The front sections of the struts feature an increased diameter towards the leading edge and then taper towards the trailing edge of the kite. This radically reduced diameter leads to more flexibility, while

the front part of the struts remains super stiff and strong for great stability. The flexible back section of the strut allows the kite to twist over the entire profile when sheeting in and out. As a direct result, the kite is able to generate better low end and more responsive turning.

center strut —— > max. flex

quarter strut —— > medium flex Light sheeting force setting —— > Light Bar Load —— > Kite Reacts Faster to Turning Impulse —— > Kite Turns Tighter —— > Smooth Kite Loops —— > Softer Power Development

tip strut —— > minimum flex

Hard sheeting force setting —— > Heavier Bar Load —— > More Precise Steering —— > More Kite Feedback —— > Powerful, Dynamic Turning —— > Better Jumping —— > Aggresive Kite Loops


— North KiteBoarding —


“ I l i ke k n ow i ng e x actly wh e re m y k i te i s w h e n doing a i rs a nd t u r n s a n d t h e di re ct f e el of t h e R e b e l le ts m e f o c us pu rely o n s u r f i n g th e wav e –  n ot b at t l i n g w i t h m y k i te. Th e f if th l i n e a l low s m e to l au n ch in so m e p r e t t y s ke tch y p l ac es to o a n d h a s d ef ini tely sav ed m e m o r e t h a n on ce.”

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— North KiteBoarding —












Rebel   Loaded 5th Line Hybrid Design

Best wind range in the North Kiteboarding line up   Short, efficient depower stroke   Massive Hangtime   Responsive steering even when depowered   Excellent upwind ability

The Rebel is the universal kite in the line up, used by riders like Sky Solbach and Jérémie Eloy it excels in the waves and as a freeride kite. It is one of the best selling kites we have ever built and is loved by riders all over the world. The Rebel boasts a huge wind range, the widest available from any of the North Kiteboarding line up. Huge hangtime and lift, fantastic upwind performance, fast turning, direct feeling, easy handling, responsive steering when depowered and a short depower stroke giving you total control in harsh conditions. The 2013 Rebel perfectly combines power and handling to create the perfect kite for “hooked” riders looking for their perfect wave and

freeride partner. Upwind the Rebel is outstanding, still used by some of our race team on the World Tour for course racing, need we say anymore? This year the Rebel incorporates a new strut concept, which combines the responsive turning and softer feel of three strut kites with the superior stability of a classic 5-strut design. The front sections of the struts feature an increased diameter towards the leading edge and then taper towards the trailing edge of the kite. This radically reduced diameter leads to more flexibility while the front part of the struts remain super stiff and strong for great stability. The flexible back section of the strut allows the kite to twist over the entire profile when sheeting in and out. As a direct result, the kite is able to generate better low end and a more responsive turning. In order to improve top end, we flattened the canopy profile towards the tip and quarter struts of the kite. This also gives less drag, less luffing and less flutter. The Rebel – the benchmark since many years and the ultimate high performance freeride machine!













































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Rebel technology 5 line setup


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Streamline Strut

This year the North Kite Design incorporates a new strut concept, which combines the responsive turning and softer feel of three strut kites with the superior stability of a classic 5-strut design. The front sections of the struts feature an increased diameter towards the leading edge and then taper towards the trailing edge of the kite. This radically reduced diameter leads to more flexibility, while

the front part of the struts remains super stiff and strong for great stability. The flexible back section of the strut allows the kite to twist over the entire profile when sheeting in and out. As a direct result, the kite is able to generate better low end and more responsive turning.

center strut —— > max. flex

quarter strut —— > medium flex Light sheeting force setting —— > Light Bar Load —— > Kite Reacts Faster to Turning Impulse —— > Kite Turns Tighter —— > Smooth Kite Loops —— > Softer Power Development

tip strut —— > minimum flex

Hard sheeting force setting —— > Heavier Bar Load —— > More Precise Steering —— > More Kite Feedback —— > Powerful, Dynamic Turning —— > Better Jumping —— > Aggresive Kite Loops


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pat r i m c l au gh l in :

” T h e Fu s e i s t h e b est I e v e r ro d e i n l ig h t w inds a nd to b o o st m a s si v e j u m p s. A ll t h at w i t h p e rf e ct control a n d c o m fo rt. Dep e nding on h ow t ric k y condi t ion s a re, I' m f r e e to u se 4 or 5 l in es.”

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4 line high performance freeride kite   Hybrid design   Huge wind range   Massive hangtime   impressive low–end   Responsive steering even when depowered   excellent upwind ability 4 years ago we set out to build our first dedicated 4-line kite, the Fuse was born and we have never looked back. Originally its design was similar to the Rebel with a simple bridled 4-line set up. After four years of continuous development, it has evolved to become a competitive kite in its very own right. Today the Fuse is an entirely unique kite and the choice of many all round riders looking for a 4 line bridled kite. Of course it can also be ridden in a 5 line set up if wanted!

We worked hard to ensure we got the bridle just right on the kite, over the years it has been tweaked and adjusted to get the most out of the kite and the results speak for themselves. The 14, 16 and 18 have some of the lowest wind ranges in our line up and this is largely thanks to the bridle set up allowing the kite to be trimmed to perfection. If you are looking for a kite for really light winds then the 14, 16 and 18m deliver in every aspect. It is a high performance freeride-lightwind kite that will impress anyone who rides it. Jumping and hangtime are exceptional excellent and the turning characteristics are responsive and direct. The bridle gives the kite excellent depower and a huge wind range. The upwind performance is impressive. The adaptive tips combined with our unique streamline strut system give the kite much better stability in the air and improve the turning speed and response rate of the kite dramatically. Pump up, hook in and get ready to take off!



21 – 40 4.9 3.3


17 – 36 5.0 4.5


15 – 32 5.0 5.6


14 – 30 5.0 6.2


12 – 27 5.0 7.5


11 – 23 5.1 8.6


10 – 20 tba tba


9 – 17 tba tba





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Fuse technology line setups 4 LINE SETUP


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Streamline Strut

This year the North Kite Design incorporates a new strut concept, which combines the responsive turning and softer feel of three strut kites with the superior stability of a classic 5-strut design. The front sections of the struts feature an increased diameter towards the leading edge and then taper towards the trailing edge of the kite. This radically reduced diameter leads to more flexibility, while

the front part of the struts remains super stiff and strong for great stability. The flexible back section of the strut allows the kite to twist over the entire profile when sheeting in and out. As a direct result, the kite is able to generate better low end and more responsive turning.

center strut —— > max. flex

quarter strut —— > medium flex Light sheeting force setting —— > Light Bar Load —— > Kite Reacts Faster to Turning Impulse —— > Kite Turns Tighter —— > Smooth Kite Loops —— > Softer Power Development

tip strut —— > minimum flex

Hard sheeting force setting —— > Heavier Bar Load —— > More Precise Steering —— > More Kite Feedback —— > Powerful, Dynamic Turning —— > Better Jumping —— > Aggresive Kite Loops


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o l i v ie r dansin jr :

“ In r aci n g n oth ing is m ore i m p o rta n t t h a n su p e rior e q u i p m e n t . Th e Dyn o is e xc e pt io n a l , state of th e a rt d e v e lo p m e n t, m a d e to w in.”

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— North KiteBoarding —

Dyno   Optimized for Racing

Best Upwind Performance of the range   Best Low End of the Range   light weight construction   IKA registered

If you want to be the fastest rider round the course, you need the best kite on the planet to deliver the goods. The 2013 North Dyno is the pinnacle of Ken Winner’s kite design knowledge. Specifically designed to be the best race kite on the market the Dyno delivers blistering speed and upwind performance across the entire range. The bigger sizes offer the best light wind capabilities ever seen in a North kite. Everything about the Dyno has been tuned to achieve the maximum potential from the kite.

Ken is still developing the final stages of the Dyno, and won’t be giving out his secrets until the very last moment to avoid the competition copying this fantastic racing machine. Stay tuned and we will keep you updated on www.northkites.com, but rest assured this will be the best race kite we have ever produced!

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freeride / race




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School kite

Super durable   Auto re-launch   Easy and predictable

We’ve spent years refining the Buzz to create the ultimate “School Kite”. It’s really easy to fly, relaunches automatically and is very predictable in the sky, making it the ultimate kite to learn on. The power is soft and steady and the kite is designed not to surge forwards in gusty winds making it very controlla-

ble. The auto relaunch allows for simple hands free relaunch, meaning you spend more of your time flying the kite and learning the basic skills you need to progress. When riders are learning they crash kites, pure and simple, these kites get a tough life. To ensure they survive season after season we have used the highest quality and most indestructible materials we could find. Crash it, launch it, crash it again the Buzz will keep coming back for more!

Our Lizard trainer kites are available in two different sizes. The Lizard 1.8 and the Lizard 2.5, they both offer a safe and enjoyable way for newcomers to learn the basics of kite flying, before they progress onto their first lesson on the water. Durability is paramount when you are learning to fly a kite, both the Lizards are Ram Air Construction and we have employed new internal construction

supports to make the kites bomb proof. The handling on the Lizard is predictable and controllable, enabling new flyers to get to grips with the basic skills quickly. The kites react instantly to input on the bar, allowing the flyer to direct the kite around the wind window with precision and ease. Both Lizard kites are supplied with a 50cm rubber coated aluminium bar, this means you can get the “feel” for flying a kite on the same set up as our kitesurfing kites. The bar has winding posts to allow you to wrap up the lines without tangling them. Both Lizards are equipped with a hand leash, optional you can get the 1.8 without leash. The Lizard kites are ready to fly straight out of the bag, unpack, unwind, launch and ENJOY!

trainerkite trainerkite



22 – 50 4.3 2.0



20 – 45 4.3 3.2


2 – 21


18 – 40 4.3 4.2


2 – 16



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2013 trust bar

your new cockpit

The North Trust Bar is legendary in the kitesurfing industry and amongst the riders; we have developed it, tweaked it and refined it for many years. The Trust bar 2013 once again stands for unmatched safety and reliability. As with all things at North Kiteboarding, if we do something new, we do it right, this year the bar has been completely reworked, updated and redesigned! Top Features: —— > EVA cushioned winding post with flip-flop function for easy width adjustment —— > Integrated backline adjuster —— > Fully integrated EVA floater —— > Exchangeable plastic center hole insert The new bar for 2013 is the culmination of years of development, testing and competition winning success. It provides the rider with a unique control system that has safety rooted at its core. Comfort, control and easy handling back up this ethos and combine to offer the rider the best control system on the market. Naturally the new Trust bar conforms to the regulations of the French Safety Laws and surpasses all of our own requirements in terms of ease of release. Take a closer look at this masterpiece yourselves!


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barFINDER line length advisor The length of your flying lines can make a huge difference to the way your kite flies. Different styles of riding also require different line lengths, and lastly different kites and different kite sizes are designed to be flown with different line lengths. Riders often overlook these facts; they get new kites but don’t bother to match the kite and their riding style to the correct lines. The bar is your first point of contact with the kite, it is the connection between you and your kite and it is important to get it right. And it’s actually an easy formula: The shorter the lines, the more direct and faster the kite turns. The longer the lines, the more power you can generate out of them! Choose a North Trust Bar, and choose the right line set up for your style of riding. 19m (70 % Handling / 30% Power) Super fast and reactive tuning speeds, shorter lines are best for extreme freestyle and crazy kiteloops. They are also excellent for wave riding, where kite turning speed is important. Wakestyle riders like the close connection to the kite too. The disadvantage is you lose some of the low end power. —— > Fast and reactive turning —— > For extreme Freestyle, Wakestyle and Waves —— > Tight, super fast and hard kite loops 22m (60 % Handling / 40 % Power) This is the favorite length of our freestyle and wave team! These 22m lines are still great for getting lots of speed from the kite, perfect for wave riding and freestyle. Not as extreme as the 19m lines, they still lose a bot of low end power. —— > Reactive turning —— > Fast kite loops —— > Favorite set up from our freestyle riders —— > Best choice for waveriding

24m (50 % Handling / 50 % Power) The best choice for an all round length, good turning speed combined with good power make 24m the perfect choice for a lot of riders. Great for freeride, waves and freestyle. —— > The most versatile length —— > Great for all round freeriding —— > Good low end and a good turning speed —— > High jumps as you can “load” the lines —— > The recommended size for a one bar quiver!! 27m (40 % Handling / 60 % Power) The extra length means extra power, get a little more range out of your quiver by adding this bar with the longer lines. They are also great for jumping as you can really “load” the lines when you edge and send the kite back through the window. —— > Enormous low end —— > Huge jumps —— > Lots of lift 32m (25 % Handling / 75 % Power ) The choice of the North Kiteboarding Race Team, longer lines mean even more power, but the kite turns at a slower rate. This suits racers looking for the ultimate in pull in the often gusty and light conditions they are faced with. —— > Perfect for light winds! —— > Extra power —— > North Kiteboarding Race Team approved

line lengths 19   22   24   27   32   Choose exactly the right bar for your needs   Different bars with the perfect line length to suit your style   Get a different feeling and more range from your kite   Highest quality lines with the best performance   Exceptional durability reactivity Length (M)


19 22 24 27 32






kitesize (sM)

4-10 4-12 5-17 9-17 12-17 turning speed direct barfeel

hang time low end




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5th element / quad control

French Norm

The following release systems integrated in the North Trust bar continue to fulfill all requirements of the French Norm for 2012: —— > The quick release system of the bar (Iron Heart IV) —— > The quick release that separates the rider completely from the kite (safety leash)

5th Element Bar The North patented 5th line system has provided the greatest combination of safety and performance for many years now. 2013 is no different and we are sticking behind the 5th line concept which we feel offers the ultimate in safety and 100% depower no matter what the conditions. It isn’t just the safety aspect either, our loaded 5th line kite designs offer a very short depower stroke, giving the rider ultimate control in gusty conditions. Plus the 5th line makes water relaunch really easy too, the benefits of this set up are clear to see and are appreciated by riders all over the world.

Quad Control Bar Our Quad control bar is the safest 4-line bar on the market, offering unrivalled control and safety release options. The Iron Heart release is unparalleled in its efficiency and ease of use and forms the core of the bar through which the other safety systems flow. The safety line when activated is connected to the two front lines, allowing the kite to rest on the water or the beach with hardly any power allowing the rider to get things back under control quickly and easily. The Quad Bar is identical to the 5th Element Bar aside from the 4 lines and front line safety set up, ensuring it is the best on the market.

Trust bar 5th element (19/22/24/27/32 m)

Trust bar quad control (19/22/24/27/32 m)

Both safety systems are tested in various media and the release force must not exceed 100 N (9.8 Kg). The actual release process of both systems must not exceed 0.5 sec. The transition from riding position to release (reaching for the Iron Heart or safety leash from riding position with both hands on the bar) must not exceed 2 sec. Other requirements The grips of the release system must be red and the direction of release must be indicated. The release grips must be easy to reach. Furthermore, the Iron Heart must resist a load of 360 kg without deformation and without losing functionality. The same applies to the safety leash with a load of 180 kg. The system is tested in the worst sandy and salty conditions. Sadly, many available systems on the market are unable to fulfill the requirements of this norm!



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bar features integrated Backline adjuster Winding Posts We have completely redesigned the winding posts for the bar and they are loaded with new features! We have utilized a fully moulded fibreglass reinforced Polyamide construction, which offers an incredibly lightweight solution with increased

stiffness. We have also integrated a new backline adjustment, which allows the rider to trim the rear lines as and when it is needed to do so. In addition to this there is moulded EVA cushioning to ensure maximum comfort for the rider.

EVA cushioning



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Integrated EVA Floater one 4 all flip flop The all-new moulded EVA floater is fully integrated into the winding posts to offer a seamless connection, which gives better protection to the lines and the rider. We have a totally new Flip-Flop function which allows you to switch between a 46cm and

54 cm bar with just one click, making the riders choice of bar far simpler to set up. The integration of the EVA floater also avoids line tangling and gives better overall stiffness between the bar and lines.

New Vario Cleat and sliding stopper We have completely redesigned the Vario Cleat for 2013 to make it even more effective and efficient. We have introduced a 5th line channel for the 5th line to run through, this reduces the risk of the 5th line getting tangled considerably. You can easily adjust the height of the Vario Cleat too, plus we have reduced it’s size to increase the depower area. The sliding stopper can be adjusted to suit personal preferences, it is also smaller than in previous years. Combined with the smaller Vario Cleat this accounts for 12% more depower area!

Depower Line

Plastic, fitted centre hole Our new exchangeable insert for the centre hole is made of plastic, to reduce wear on the depower line. The material we use is resistant to abrasion, but should cause much less damage, if sand is present, to the line itself.

We have used a totally new depower line this year. It features a special Monofil core, which makes it stiffer so as to reduce tangling. This means that the depower line is always ready to use and can’t get twisted around the centre lines if a lot of depower is applied.



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bar features


The reverse release Pin The heart of the Iron Heart IV is the reverse release pin and one of the keys of the intelligent release mechanism. Unlike other safety systems, it hinges to the inside to protect your hands. The incredibly low release forces are a direct result of the reverse release pin.

iron heart

Standard Mode

STANDARD / SUICIDE MODE With every 2013 North Kiteboarding Bar, there is a choice between the standard safety mode and an easy to mount ‘SUICIDE’ MODE. Only very experienced riders with special needs should use the suicide mode. ATTENTION: Only the standard safety mode offers 100% safety. We recommend to always use the standard safety mode. Riders who use the suicide mode should be aware and responsible for of the possible resulting consequences!

Suicide Mode

Moulded Chicken Loop The Chicken loop has been totally reworked for 2013, we have used a new moulded construction, which is stiffer and increases the overall durability. This new construction is warp resistant and dimensionally stable. This makes it very easy to hook back in after unhooked tricks, as the loop can never get out of shape.

The Iron Heart from North Kiteboarding has long been the benchmark for all safety systems, 2013 sees more development to further improve this essential piece of safety equipment. It is renowned for fast, safe and easy release, coupled with the ability to quickly reassemble the unit and continue flying. For 2013 we analysed all the features of the Iron Heart and addressed a few areas where we felt we could improve it. The Roto Head, Chicken Loop and Chicken Dick have all been redesigned in order to improve safety and performance. The light, robust, stainless steel and strong plastic construction of the main body remains the same, as it is the most reliable on the market.

Moulded Chicken Dick We have a new moulded chicken dick with a thicker end, which helps the rider avoid accidental unhooking. The new construction used is also stronger and more durable.


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G II-high performance kite lines

EASY REASSEMBLING The entire system is easy to reassemble following a release.

by teufelberger The quality of the lines is often overlooked, but not here at North Kiteboarding! We understand and believe the lines are just as important as every other component in your kiteboarding set up. It was no mistake that already years ago we decided to team up with the company Teufelberger, the world’s leading line and rope manufacturer. Teufelberger understands the needs of demanding product managers, professional riders and of course our end users. They know that high quality kite lines can make a difference to the way the kite feels and reacts in the air. For years they have been perfecting their standards to ensure the highest durability, lowest wear rates and lowest stretch. The latest generation lines have improved even further over the last years, the current range offering 15% less stretch. On top of this the abrasion resistance has been improved and is up to 3 times better than before and the lines have much longer life spans, meaning season after season they will still be performing at the highest level.

Sticky & Ergonomic Bar Grip For 2013 we have redesigned the EVA Bar Grip to offer even more comfort to the rider. Using a new formula for the EVA we have also increased the “stickiness” of the bar grip to ensure your hands should never slip during radical manoeuvres such as unhooked kite loops.

The GII main advantages: —— > Up to 3 times higher abrasion resistance —— > Up to 15% Reduced Stretch Value high performance even after years of use

Kite Line FL-10 Breaking Strength [daN] 310 max. Elongation [%] (1) 3.5 Elongation at 80 daN [%] 1.00

Teufelberger have a rigorous testing program that sees every element of their lines and ropes being tested to destruction. Not only that but they test them against all the other leading lines and ropes available on the market to ensure theirs are the strongest, toughest and most high performance lines on the market. It is for this very reason North Kiteboarding chooses Teufelberger; we trust them and so can you, trust in your lines and concentrate on your riding!


a e d o













at i







Roto Head The all-new Roto Head utilises a plastic construction, which is totally new for 2013, the plastic is extremely durable and offers many benefits. There will no longer be any corrosion between the old aluminium head and the stainless stell pin. We have also used the old pin system for two grub screws to change the depower line, no need to hammer the old stainless steel pin out, simply use an FCS Fin Key to remove the screws and change the depower line.


min. Breaking Strength [daN]


40 30 20 10 (2)

0.75 (3)

1.0 Elongation [%]


(1) At maximum Breaking Strength (2) Load range in normal / average use (3) All data and specifications based on used lines


— North KiteBoarding —


boards twin tips

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Boards Twin Tips



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Boards Twin Tips



twintip boardFINDER

Team series Freeride speed early planing comfort upwind








spike textreme Freeride speed early planing comfort upwind



edge grip

edge grip

smooth landing


smooth landing




stable landing

stable landing

Wave carving ability

Wave carving ability


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twintip technology

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Boards Twin Tips

torsion flex

THE track

twintip technology Icons

North Kiteboarding has been developing and producing its twin tips in a high-tech snowboard and kiteboard factory in Austria for several years now. This long-term partnership is enabling the continuity of quality, optimization of construction techniques and cutting edge innovation into the future. To achieve maximum comfort and control, North Kiteboarding developed the 3D Contour Deck, which precisely dictates and controls the flex behavior over the entire length of the board. A soft tip area with stiff torsional flex is responsible for aggressive edging and early planing. In sharp contrast, the center of the board is tuned to be super stiff in order to ensure massive, aggressive pop when loading up for powered tricks and jumps. In recent years, the comfort of boards has also become even more important, which lead to the development of the Center Responsive Flex. Here, the torsional stiffness of a conventionally stiff center is reduced in order to dampen slaps and hits caused by choppy water, resulting in a significantly smoother ride. By utilizing carbon stringers, the amount of pop can also be greatly increased and fine-tuned on the more new-school/freestyle-oriented boards. All of the 2013 Twin Tip cores are now milled out of farm-grown Paulownia wood, which in combination with Triax glass layers, creates super lightweight, durable boards. To further reduce weight, all wood cores are CNC-milled to exactly within 0.1 mm the mold, to minimize and control the amount of glue used in each board. The latest techniques – redefined over the years.

protection top sheet



textreme carbon

DIAGONAL carbon layer



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Bottom Concepts Following on from our unique bottom shape concepts for 2012 we have continued to tweak those designs for 2013. On a kiteboard the most important aspect is the shape that is in contact with the water. This determines speed, grip and the ability to handle a variety of different water conditions. Because every rider is different, and they all want something unique from a board, we use three totally different bottom concepts across our range. A single Concave bottom with one V structure, which offers very little drag, is very fast and offers super smooth carves. The refined and proven Double V Bottom, not as fast, but with plenty of comfort and massive grip. Last but not least: the Quattro V bottom with an extreme rocker,

MONO CONCAVE BOTTOM select / XRide / Soleil gonzales / spike / spike textreme

combined with small fins. This combination creates massive flex through the four keels, offers a lot of grip even without fins and huge pop. The surprising characteristic however is that whilst both the Gambler and Teamseries offer a hard and stiff flex pattern they remain extremely comfortable, a mix you wouldn’t expect at first sight!

double V jaime

Mono Concave plus double v progressive round Rocker 4° canted fin setup

advantages —— > Medium speeds —— > Good grip —— > Comfortable landings —— > Comfortable flex —— > Smooth ride

quattro V teamseries / gambler

Mono Concave

Mono Concave plus quattro v

Round Rocker

multi stage Rocker 4° canted fin setup

advantages —— > Fastest concept, nearly no drag —— > Early planning —— > Soft flex —— > Smooth carving

advantages —— > Extreme bottom curve with small fins —— > Grip even without fins —— > Hard flex —— > BUT: Still comfortable!

Boards Twin Tips



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Kiteboarding is evolving at an amazing pace. As a result of this development, the demands on the material are increasing as well. Due to new tricks and an increased variety of people who engage in the sport, it has become more and more important that the entire equipment can be individually adjusted. For this reason we have set out to develop a multifunctional mounting system for our boards. What we envisaged was a solution that would allow a wide range of adjustments as well as quick and easy mounting of the footpads without having a negative influence on the board’s flex and weight. The result of this effort is a system that meets all our requirements. We proudly present the new THE TRACK SYSTEM! The Track System features two ultrasonic welded tracks made of fiberglass reinforced plastic that are laminated into our boards in the production process. The tracks are then CNC milled out of the finished board. The Track Nuts provide the connection with the footpad. The Track Nuts are made of non-corrosive brass and can be freely moved along the track to both sides. This system offers a whole range of possibilities to mount our footpads. One particular advantage is that the flexible tracks do not interfere with the fine-tuned flex of our boards. The Track Nuts The Track Features —— > Featuring Customize X6 —— > Stepless stance (foot distance) adjustment of the pads

The Track Nuts are used to secure the Entity Combo. The nuts can be moved laterally in The Tracks. This permits adjusting the distance between the pads. The nuts are supplied with all series boards with The Track System.

The Track Plugs The Track Plug is made of TPE plastic and prevents The Track Nuts from falling out of the tracks. The plugs also make sure that the system is mounted correctly!

Boards Twin Tips



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Boards Twin Tips

High Performance Carbon Technology

TeXtreme®   spread tow technology Spread Tow Fabrics /stf/    The Carbon spread tow of the Formula 1 Champions!

The patented TeXtreme® spread tow STF structure makes the composite 20% lighter, with an unprecedented increase in overall performance. This is based on the fact that the fibres are straighter in TeXtreme® than in any standard conventional carbon reinforcements. As a result of the optimized fibre structure, the end product will hold a larger amount of carbon fibres, at a minimum size and weight. The outcome of this unique technology when applied to kiteboarding: A board with high fibre volume content, low weight and enhanced strength! How does it affect your riding experience —— > The upwind ability is recognisably improved. —— > The way the board handles and feels is definitely unique they feel much smoother over the water than traditional boards. The pop that the board can generate is also improved, it is also easier to release the board for loaded jumps and getting the timing right for jumping will feel intuitional. TeXtreme® boards are just like your own magic carpet; the board does all the work for you!

The Select, Teamseries and Spike Textreme are the high performance boards in which we are utilising this amazing technology at the moment. Whenever you get the chance to strap one of these to your feet: feel the difference yourself!

—— > New carbon fibre technology noticeable improves your boards’ performance. —— > 20% lighter than conventional carbon reinforcements. —— > Unprecedented mechanical performance. —— > Superior surface finish.



— North KiteBoarding —

136 cm ›‹ 41 cm

125 cm ›‹ 36 cm Youngblood

139 cm ›‹ 42 cm

142 cm ›‹ 42.5 cm


The Gambler is our wakestyle board, designed for the hardcore riders out there looking for a board that performs with boots. Of course we recommend you ride it with the North Kiteboarding Frank Boot! It features a huge “wakestyle” rocker; this makes it the perfect board for the cable, the boat and of course the kite. The bottom sheet is made from our super durable “Tuff Skin” material that is designed to take abuse from kickers and sliders. The Gambler 2013 comes with a Carbon Beam Construction, which delivers progressive flex and additionally saves 10% in overall weight! This rail destroyer has special inserts for boots, is delivered with 3.5cm fins to keep it loose and to keep the kids happy there is a Young Blood version too. Tom Court and Thomas Paris both choose the Gambler for their hardcore riding style, if you want to ride wakestyle, then the Gambler chooses you!

Wakestyle / Freestyle

Gambler 136 / 139 / 142  NKB S-BEND FS 3.5  Gambler YoungBlood 125  NKB S Bend FS 4.2

— N K B C ata l o g u e 2 0 1 3 —

134 cm ›‹ 40 cm

137 cm ›‹ 41 cm

140 cm ›‹ 42 cm

Boards Twin Tips

team series   Best pop    Huge grip    EAsy landings    Oxeon Textreme Carbon

The ultimate twin tip in terms of performance, thanks to the Textreme Carbon construction. It also offers impressive comfort for a board in this category. The freestyle team, Mario, Stefan, Reno and Cesar all choose the Teamseries for competition. The board has quite a stiff flex, to ensure the maximum pop; this is backed up with wide tips that further increase the power when you edge the board hard. These tips double up as stable landing platforms when you come in hard and fast and the Quattro V Bottom offers extreme grip. The Textreme Carbon construction is 20% lighter than traditional carbon and means that while the board is extremely performance orientated, it is also very comfortable to ride in rough choppy water. Whilst being an excellent freestyle machine this forgiving nature makes it perfect for the adventurous freerider out there too. The Team series is for all our Pro riders, and of course all the riders looking to make the jump to the next level!


Team Series 134 / 137 / 140  NKB S-BEND FS 4.6



— North KiteBoarding —

130 cm ›‹ 39 cm

133 cm ›‹ 40 cm

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136 cm ›‹ 41 cm


The kiteboard that changed kiteboards forever! The Jaime was the first board to utilize the now ubiquitous snowboard technology you see in just about every board on the market. The Jaime still leads the way in terms of construction, utilizing a new carbon beam on the top and bottom, which allows us to save up to 10% off the weight and delivers more progressive flex and pop. This season the Jaime comes with an even more freestyle oriented outline for more aggressive unhooked freestyle performance. To keep the comfortable freeride roots, we scooped the board more and made the flex slightly softer. With 7 years of pedigree behind it the 2013 Jaime is the most refined board we build, the flex is comfortable, yet still allows riders to be aggressive. Carving is smooth and predictable thanks to the smooth outline and the double V shaped bottom gives excellent grip. Jaime Herraiz defines a certain style of kiteboarding, his signature board emulates that style, strap in and ride like Jaime!

139 cm ›‹ 42 cm

FreeStyle / FreeRide

128 cm ›‹ 37 cm

131 cm ›‹ 38 cm

134 cm ›‹ 39 cm


Designed exclusively for ladies    Good control    Smooth through the water    Female specific flex and outline

In a male dominated industry it is easy to overlook the huge number of girls that ride. The Soleil has been built from the ground up with the female form in mind. The outline of the board and the flex have not only been tuned specifically for lighter female riders, but also for riders without as much power in their legs. This enables the girls to shred just as hard as the guys with a board that works for them. The ride is smooth and comfortable, eating up the chop and offering plenty of grip. Popping has never been easier with the board working hard to ensure you get the maximum height. Upwind is great and the board carves really well, the narrow outline allowing the rider to get from edge to edge with ease. Best used with the NTT strap/binding system, which comes in a S/M size, perfect for smaller feet. Ladies, we built this board for you, now is the time to jump onboard and show us what you can do.

FreeRide / FreeStyle

Jaime 130 / 133 / 136  NKB S-BEND FS 4.6

Soleil 128 / 131 / 134

Jaime 139

NKB S Bend FS 4.6

NKB S Bend FS 5.0

Boards Twin Tips



— North KiteBoarding —

132 cm ›‹ 39.5 cm

135 cm ›‹ 40.5 cm

137 cm ›‹ 41.5 cm

130 cm ›‹ 38 cm


The pinnacle of our board design technology, the Select utilizes our Textreme Carbon construction coupled with all our knowledge in board design. This fusion creates quite simply one of the best kiteboards on the planet. The board offers a smooth comfortable ride through the chop, yet still packs a lively feel and good pop with excellent grip into the same design. We’re already into our 4th generation of this excellent board, making it one of the most advanced on the market today. The Textreme® STF carbon is Formula 1 tested and 20% lighter than normal carbon fibers. It allows us to control the flex in the board like never before. Usually getting the right flex for a smooth ride and excellent pop is always a compromise, you can’t have both. With the Textreme Carbon technology we can offer the rider unrivaled comfort with blistering performance. Excellent for jumping, the Select is extremely fast and very early to get planing. You’ll probably never get to drive a Formula 1 car in your lifetime, but you can ride the Select, we think it’s the next best thing!

Boards Twin Tips

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FreeStyle / FreeRide

133 cm ›‹ 39 cm

136 cm ›‹ 40 cm

139 cm ›‹ 41.5 cm

x ride   Most comfortable in chop    Carving    Good edge grip    Most versatile board

The X-Ride is the best selling board in the range and has been for many years. It is extremely versatile, freeriding, busting out the latest freestyle tricks or even at home in waves! The flex is medium, giving the X-Ride a soft and smooth ride over choppy water. The rounded outline makes it ideal for carving turns on the wave and the special FR fins have been shaped to excel here too. Aside from being a great board for carving the X-Ride has massive grip, allowing the rider to edge hard and generate lots of pop, making it great for jumping. It also flies upwind! It’s the perfect board for the rider who is looking for the ultimate all rounder. Whether you freeride, freestyle or waveride, if you want one board to do it all the X-Ride is for you!

Freestyle / Freeride / Wave

X-Ride 130 / 133  NKB S Bend FR 4,9  X-Ride 136 / 139  NKB S Bend FR 5,3

X-Ride 136

Select 132 / 135 / 137  NKB S-BEND FS 5.0

X-Ride 139

X-Ride 133

X-Ride 130



— North KiteBoarding —

130 cm ›‹ 38 cm

134 cm ›‹ 40 cm

138 cm ›‹ 41.5 cm

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142 cm ›‹ 42 cm

151 cm ›‹ 42 cm

gonzales FreeRide

Lots of riders out there just want a board that works, they are searching for simplicity and a board that will make them look good. The Gonzales does exactly that; riders jump on and instantly feel at home with the board. It is extremely easy to ride; very forgiving and designed to help you improve your kiteboarding fast. To ensure it is accessible to all there is a size designed to suit every rider and weight. It carves like it is on rails and rips upwind allowing you to concentrate on jumping as high as you can. If you want the easy rider freestyle feeling, look no further!

Gonzales 130 / 134  NKB S Bend FR 4,9  Gonzales 138 / 142 / 151  NKB S Bend FR 5,3

Boards Twin Tips



— North KiteBoarding —

141 cm ›‹ 44.5 cm

153 cm ›‹ 46.5 cm

163 ›‹ 46.5 cm


The Spike is designed to get people kiting in the lightest of wind conditions and therefore they have a unique shape concept. The large surface area in combination with the flat rocker gives the board super early planning. Of course upwind performance in light wind conditions is nearly as important as early planning. The asymmetrical concave and the straight center part generate unmatched upwind ability. Meaning you can not only get going, but get upwind in the lightest of breezes. 163: Ultimate light wind performance, best upwind performance, really easy to ride. Get going before everyone else! 153: The 153 has slightly less low end than the 163 but being shorter means that you really can load it up to boost some proper jumps! 141: The 141 is a mix between a freestyle board and a light wind board. The board is the perfect match for all living at light wind or gusty locations who like to do lots more than just cruising.

Freeride / Lightwind

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Boards Twin Tips

141 cm x 44.5 cm / 153 cm ›‹ 46.5 cm


spike textreme   The Ultimate Lightwind weapon    Earliest planning in the range    Fantastic upwind performance    Oxeon Textreme Carbon construction

The ultimate in light wind performance the Spike Textreme Carbon Edition is the weapon to choose when you want to be on the water before everyone else. Thanks to its unique Textreme Carbon construction, which is 20% lighter than normal carbon fiber the board is extremely light. The board utilizes a unique flex characteristic which makes the board extremely lively for its size. This coupled with the lightweight means the board feels about 15 cm shorter than it actually is. Making it an excellent light wind freeride and freestyle board. Textreme Carbon boards offer unrivalled rider feedback and a unique feel to the board that is unmatched. Upwind ability is fantastic with the unique shape working really well even when the wind is light. If you want to be the first person on the water, perhaps even the only person on the water, look no further than the Spike Textreme Carbon Edition!

High Performance Freeride / Lightwind

Spike 141 / 153 / 163

Spike Textreme Edition 141 / 153

NKB S Bend FS 5.0

NKB S Bend FS 5.0


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footpads/ bindings

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footpads bindings



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footpads bindings

The Revolution of Individual Fit!

Every foot is different. We at North Kiteboarding realized that some time ago. After we defined a new standard by developing the first ergonomically shaped footpads a while ago, our new Entity Combo now comes with a whole range of innovative features such as the NTT ContactPad or the NTT SplitStrap. The entire product once again sets new standards in the evolution of kite sports. The NTT is quick and easy to mount. It offers a variety of settings for a perfect fit on each foot and it even looks damned good! The Track + NTT The NTT has been designed and tested for use together with our new The Track System. “The Track” is the new mounting system of our twintips. In connection with The Track, the NTT unfolds its full potential of individual settings, many of which are completely new in kite sports. The NTT can also be mounted on any board with standard inserts from the product generation of 2011 onwards, however, the range of individual settings is then limited. NTT ContactPad The NTT ContactPad consists of the new, redesigned EVA footpad and the NTT ContactFrame. The ergonomically shaped footpad was developed in cooperation with the leading experts in ergonomics. The Hexagonal Density Control Structure is a well tested feature. This structure helps reduce pressure in sensitive areas of the foot and contributes to the pad’s low weight. The newly designed Anti-Slip surface ensures a good grip, even in very rough landings and radical moves. Furthermore, the pad is supplied with three NTT HeelCushions of varying hardness: “soft” for more comfort, “hard” for better control and “medium” for the golden mean.

The NTT ContactFrame is the intelligent basis of the entire footpad. Its weight-optimized construction perfectly adapts to the shape of our boards. The advantage of this design and material is that the board’s flex characteristics are not influenced in any way. The NTT ContactFrame envelops the footpad and reliably transfers forces to the board. The NTT ContactPad has direct contact with the board, which enhances the board feeling. For even better fit, the NTT ContactPad is available in two sizes (S/M + L/XL)! The entire package combines individual fit, comfort, control and functional design on a completely new level! NTT SplitStrap Together with the NTT ContactPad, the NTT SplitStrap forms probably the most functional footpad system on the market. The NTT SplitStrap’s new construction can be more effectively adapted to the shape of the foot. The split function allows you to choose freely between maximum grip and optimum mobility: the further you open the split, the greater the contact surface that wraps around your foot. Bombproof grip and more control over your board are a direct result. If you need more range of motion, simply close the split. The procedure is dead easy and takes only a few seconds. The new width adjustment makes sure that the NTT SplitStrap wraps tightly around any shape of foot. Great fit with neoprene booties is no longer a problem either. The NTT SplitStrap’s design ensures that there is sufficient padded surface even for very large feet. Just like the NTT ContactPad, the NTT SplitStrap is also available in two different sizes. (S/M and L/XL)



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Pad Distance The pad distance depends on your size, your riding style and, of course, your personal preferences. A narrow distance is usually more comfortable because it makes the board feel softer. Furthermore, a narrow distance saves strength and is therefore preferred by freeriders. Freestylers usually chose a wider distance. This provides a lot of pop and permits more aggressive edging. The wide distance gives the rider more control in tricks and landings, however, it also makes riding more strenuous.



Adjusting the Strap Contact Surface Adjusting the NTT SplitStrap allows you to find the right balance between personal comfort and optimum grip. The more you open the split, the better the grip in your NTT! The narrower you set the split, the greater your mobility within the straps.


Pad Position Relative to the Edges

Foot Length Adjustment

The position of the pad on the board in relation to the heel and toe edge greatly influences the board’s riding characteristics. With very wide boards or very small feet it is recommended to move the binding towards the heel edge. This increases pressure on the heel edge and facilitates upwind riding. A central position of the foot between the two edges provides better stability in landings. Narrow boards and large feet also benefit from a central position.

The entire NTT SplitStrap can be moved back and forth on the NTT ContactPad. The right position depends on your foot length. We recommend adjusting the NTT SplitStrap so that your toes reach over the toe edge.



Pad Angle

Foot Width Adjustment

In the basic setting the angle is 10°. The pad angle depends strongly on the rider’s personal preferences. Some riders prefer a position with the front foot rotated far to the outside. We recommend a greater angle for these riders.

You can vary the NTT SplitStrap’s width independently of the Velcro adjustment on the NTT ContactPad. This helps optimize the NTT’s fit according to your foot width. Furthermore, you can change the width if you use neoprene booties!

footpads bindings



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NTT features

NTT Contactpad The NTT ContactPad has an ergonomically shaped footbed and perfectly combines fit, control and comfort. It comes in two different sizes to fit every foot.

NTT SplitStrap

NTT ContactFrame The NTT ContactFrame forms the basis of the entire footpad. It perfectly adapts to the shape of our boards and does not interfere with their flex characteristics.

Anti Slip Inlays

The revolutionary split function offers the choice between maximum grip and maximum mobility. Furthermore, the NTT SplitStrap comes with an all-over padding and a bootie support! The NTT SplitStrap is available in two different sizes to fit all feet.

The Track Plugs The Track Plug is made of TPE plastic and prevents The Track Nuts from falling out of the tracks. The plugs also make sure that the system is mounted correctly!

Recommended Stance The central triangles on the NTT ContactPad and inside The Track System indicate the Entity Combo’s basic setting, also known as the Recommended Stance. The Recommended Stance has been individually determined for each North Kiteboarding board. Some riders may prefer a different position. The section Customize X6 explains the various possibilities for individual tuning.

Entity Combo

The redesigned Anti Slip Inlays keep the foot in firm contact with the NTT ContactPad. The surface of the inlays permits easy entry, yet prevents slipping out. Maximum comfort plus bombproof grip!

Hexagonal Density Control Structure The structure helps reduce pressure on sensitive areas of the foot and contributes to the Entity Combo’s low weight.

NTT StrapBuckles The NTT StrapBuckles are the key to the NTT SplitStrap’s split function. By moving the buckles backwards or forward, the split opens or closes. Open the split to increase the contact surface for maximum grip. Close the split for greater mobility.

Scope of Delivery

NTT QuickMount With prefitted The Track Nuts, the Entity Combo can be mounted within seconds! Simply put it on The Track System, slide it on, secure it and done!

The Track Nuts NTT HeelCushions

NTT ContactPad (pair) and NTT SplitStrap (pair), North Grab Handle, NTT StrapBuckles, washers and screws!

The three NTT HeelCushions with varying hardness permit adjusting the NTT ContactPads to your personal preferences.

The Track Nuts secure the Pad/Strap combination. The nuts can be moved laterally in The Tracks to adjust the distance between the pads. The nuts are supplied with all series boards with The Track System.

footpads bindings



— North KiteBoarding —

North Vario Combo The tried and tested Vario Combo is once again an integral part of our collection. The Vario Combo has been completely reworked and is now easier to mount, more compatible and more comfortable. The new design of the Vario Buckles features modified strap insertions that substantially simplify mounting. The ergonomically shaped Vario Pad still convinces with its high comfort and the proven anti-slip structure guarantees a firm grip in all situations. Mounted on a board with The Track System, both the Vario Strap’s and the Vario Pad’s width can be steplessly adjusted. Compared to last year’s model, the new Vario Strap offers increased size adjustment through the optimized Velcro closure. Adjusting the size is now much quicker and easier. This is particularly important if you have to use neoprene booties in cold conditions or if different riders use the same board. The Vario Combo is compatible with all North Kiteboarding boards of any product generation.

Vario Combo Features —— > Ergonomic footpad —— > Simple mounting —— > Increased size adjustment of the Vario Straps —— > Stepless width adjustment of the strap when mounted on The Track boards —— > Stepless stance adjustment (pad distance) when mounted on The Track boards —— > Anti-slip structure

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footpads bindings



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footpads bindings



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Boards Directionals

boards directionals



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Boards Directionals



directional boardFINDER







whip XSURF



early planing

early planing

stable in chop

stable in chop

upwind ability

upwind ability

small waves tight bottom turns snappy top turn POP for airs creating speed

big Waves drive grip / hold high speed control

small waves tight bottom turns snappy top turn POP for airs creating speed

big Waves drive grip / hold high speed control


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Boards Directionals



— North KiteBoarding —

5'8" ›‹ 17 7/8" ›‹ 2"

5'11" ›‹ 18 3/16" ›‹ 2 1/8"

6'2" ›‹ 18 1/2" ›‹ 2 1/4"

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5'9" ›‹ 17" ›‹ 1 7/8"

5'11" ›‹ 17 1/4" ›‹ 2"

Boards Directionals

6'1" ›‹ 17 1/2" ›‹ 2 1/8"

Pro Series


Competition board    Tri fin     Tightest turns    Surf/kite cross over for good waves    Squash tail

Big wave slayer    High wind board    Control in all conditions    Tri fin    Rounded pintail

The Pro Series is the direct result of team rider input over the last year with the aim to create a no-compromise competition board to perform at the highest level in small to medium surf. The Pro Series features low rails, a pushed-back wide point, ultra pulled-in squash tail and the most rocker of any board in the NKB range. The added rocker is ideal for fins free reverse landings and allows for ultra tight and responsive snaps in the most critical sections without bogging or catching. The Pro Series also doubles as a high performance paddle surfboard for advanced surfers in clean, powerful waves.

The Kontact is ideal for riders looking to tackle big waves or those simply looking for a very control-oriented board in choppy water and strong wind conditions. The Kontact’s predictable rocker, long rail line and rounded pintail give you confidence to lean hard into turns and carve long lines with predictable grip and hold.



5'8'' - TS S

5'9'' - TS S

5'11'' - TS M

5'11'' - TS S

6'2'' - TS M

6'1'' - TS M



— North KiteBoarding —

k irst y jon e s :

“ Th e Wo o ho o is a su p e r f u n, s m o ot h, e a sy to rid e b oa rd a n d e x t r e m e ly v e rsat ile. I t’s got t h e lo o se, controlled, res p o n si v e f e el of th e Wa m , j u st d own sized. I a b so lu te ly lov e i t ! ”

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Boards Directionals



— North KiteBoarding —

5'6" X 17 1/4" X 1 15/16"

woohoo   All round performance    Tri / Quad fin convertible    Balanced feel    Rounded Square tail

The WooHoo is a scaled down version of NKB’s most popular model, the Wam, with optimized width and volume and rail thickness to suit most female riders in the widest range of conditions. A subtle blend of medium rails, fast rocker and well-balanced outline make the WooHoo the perfect all-rounder. The WooHoo delivers dependable performance in nearly all conditions, strapped or strapless, from small to well overhead surf. The tri/quad fin configuration allows the WooHoo to be customized to your desired feel; Tri-fin mode offers more hold and drive, while quad-fin mode offers a more skatey and loose feel ideal for smaller surf.

— N K B c ata l o g u e 2 0 1 3 —

5'8" ›‹ 17 3/4" ›‹ 1 15/16"

5'10" ›‹ 18" ›‹ 2 1/16"


6'0" ›‹ 18 1/4" ›‹ 2 3/16"


All rounder    Perfect Travel Board for all conditions    Tri / Quad fin convertible    Balanced feel    Rounded Square tail

A subtle blend of medium rails, fast rocker and well-balanced outline make the Wam the all-round workhorse of the NKB surf range. The Wam delivers dependable performance in the widest range of conditions, strapped or strapless, from small to well overhead surf. Building on previous year’s models, the 2013 Wam now features thinner, refined rails, a rounded-square tail and a slight reduction in nose width to pull through those critical turns. The tri/quad fin configuration allows the Wam to be customized to your desired feel; Tri-fin mode offers more hold and drive, while quad-fin mode offers a more skatey and loose feel ideal for smaller surf.

5'6'' - TS S+QUAD SET

Boards Directionals

FINSET 5'8'' - TS S+QUAD SET 5'10'' - TS S+QUAD SET 6'0'' - TS M+QUAD SET



— North KiteBoarding —

5'4" ›‹ 18" ›‹ 2"

5'6" ›‹ 18 1/4" ›‹ 2 1/16"

5'8" ›‹ 18 3/4" ›‹ 2 3/16"

whip   Modern Hybrid DESIGN    Quad fin    Super fast    New school air board    “Rocket” tail

The Whip is a short and wide quad-fin hybrid, blending a short rail line with a super fast entry rocker and generous tail curve to draw fast, tight arcs in small to medium surf. The Whip’s low entry rocker makes it quick to plane and provides glide and carry through turns and flat sections. The Whip is the board of choice among team riders for newschool tricks in small waves, providing a wide and stable platform for landing progressive aerial manoeuvres. However, the Whip is equally suited to riders of all skill levels looking for an early planing board with great stability, comfort and effortless turning.

— N K B c ata l o g u e 2 0 1 3 —

5'10" ›‹ 19 1/4" ›‹ 2 5/16"

6'0" ›‹ 19 1/2" ›‹ 2 3/8"

whip X SURF   Modern Hybrid DESIGN   quad fin   super fast   new school air board   surf/kite cross over for ”every day” conditions   ”rocket” tail

The Whip X-Surf Edition is essentially a scaled up version of the Whip. Designed to surf or kitesurf small to medium “every day” wave conditions, the Whip X Surf Edition is a short and wide quad-fin hybrid, blending a short rail line with a super fast entry rocker and generous tail curve to draw fast, tight arcs. The low entry rocker makes it quick to plane and easy to paddle and provides glide and carry through turns and flat sections. The Whip X Surf Edition is the board of choice among larger team riders for new-school tricks in small waves, providing a wide and stable platform for landing progressive aerial manoeuvres. However, the Whip X Surf Edition is equally suited to riders of all skill levels looking for an early planing, easy paddling board with great stability, comfort and effortless turning.



5'4'' - TS S+QUAD SET

5'10'' - TS M+QUAD SET

5'6'' - TS S+QUAD SET

6'0'' - TS M+QUAD SET

5'8'' - TS S+QUAD SET

Boards Directionals



— North KiteBoarding —

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5'0" ›‹ 21" ›‹ 2 3/8"

138 cm ›‹ 50 cm

Boards Directionals



Light wind machine    Small wave ripper    Quad fin    Maximum stoke in average conditions

great control    early planning    good upwind performance    sweet entry to strapless riding    very durable

The Nugget is all about having fun and maximizing your time and stoke in the water! This radically different approach to a conventional surfboard allows you to get out there and rip apart small waves in light wind. The Nugget’s ultra wide round-tail, super low rocker and a unique bottom shape are all aimed at maximum glide, tight turns and upwind performance in light wind and small surf. Full boxy rails and an ultra flat deck maximize the Nugget’s volume to keep it short and compact. Don’t let the looks deceive you… This fat little board absolutely rips strapped or strapless! If you are serious about maximizing your time on the water and want a board that truly performs when others will not, you need a Nugget. At 5’0” the Nugget is also a great option for minimizing excess baggage costs.

FreeRide / Wave


The Skimfish is the perfect tool for practicing your latest strapless tricks, making the most out of small waves and getting out in lightest wind. Utilizing a light but robust construction, the Skimfish is a fun and durable skim board that feels smooth and controllable through the chop. Easy to carve up small surf with its round outline, the nice width also gives the Skimfish excellent light wind and upwind capabilities. No matter what conditions, with the Skimfish you’ll make the most out of anything!

FINSET 4 x Skimfish 5.1



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Boards Directionals

Dirk Hanel



Goes Olympic Dirk Hanel

olivier Dansin JR

St e p h B ri d ge O l ly Bri d ge

o li v i e r Da n s i n

o li v i e r Da n s i n

Steph Bridge ‹  o li v i e r Da n s i n


Sky Solbach St e p h Br i dg e

Ol ly Br i d ge

S ky So lb ach

Dirk Hanel



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Boards Directionals




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airstyler The Air Styler has been the epitome of perfect fit and comfort for years. Now it has been further enhanced by the new Flex Zones. Combined with the Air Cushion back padding, the waist support patches make the harness fit like a glove. For the first time we are using the new Twister Fit construction: the entire inside is manufactured of high-grade neoprene that makes the harness comfortable to slip onto any material you are wearing or onto the naked skin. In any movement you are making, particularly when you twist the body like in wave riding, the harness will always be brought in the right position.


—— > Soft interior combined with air pads —— > 4 Flex Zones in critical areas for more range of motion and comfort —— > Flexible neoprene belt construction for high comfort —— > Soft covered hook plate with Push Down Strap to avoid injuries and bruises —— > Short harness hook for better bar feeling and control —— > Two color combinations: Pop and Soul






styler The Styler is the tried and tested classic among hip harnesses. As usual, the Styler comes with the Double Hook Attachment, complete EVA-padding and Friction Fit that keeps the harness firmly in the right place. The Full Protection Hook Mounting System protects you from bruises and rib injuries. Just like the Air-Styler, the Styler is extraordinarily comfortable and you can quickly and easily stow excess straps in the Belt Pockets.



soul soul




—— > Friction Fit —— > Foam molded Flex Zones for more range of motion and comfort —— > Flexible neoprene belt for more comfort —— > Soft covered hook plate with Push Down Strap to avoid injuries and bruises —— > Short harness hook for better bar feeling and control —— > Two color combinations: Pop and Soul


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transformer Just like the Air-Styler, the new transformer convinces with incomparable wearing comfort and perfect fit. The perfect positioning of the Waist Support Patches truly earns the Transformer its name! The vertically adjustable hook provides ultimate mobility for every kiter. Excess straps are neatly stowed away in the Belt Pockets. The Detachable Seat is a completely new feature that consists of a clever Velcro system that permits removing the entire belt system in just a few seconds so that the seat harness can be transformed into a well-sliding waist harness with Twister Fit.



—— > Seat harness with the mobility of a waist harness and the typical fit of a seat harness —— > No riding up through special pant construction —— > High-grade interior combined with air cushions —— > 4 Flex Zones in critical areas for more mobility and comfort —— > Flexible neoprene belt for more comfort —— > Soft covered hook plate with Push Down Strap to avoid injuries and bruises —— > Short harness hook for better bar feeling and control —— > Two color combinations: Pop and Soul







performer The time-proven Performer permits using a lower hook position compared to waist harnesses. Generous paddings, a freely adjustable back position and a good hook and hook plate position protect you from bruises and rib injuries. “Just lean back and relax, please!“





—— > Full-blooded seat harness with maximum comfort and low hook position —— > Flex Zones for more mobility and comfort —— > Soft covered hook plate with to avoid injuries and bruises —— > Comfortable neoprene footstraps —— > Short harness hook for better bar feeling and control —— > Two color combinations: Pop and Soul



— North KiteBoarding —





kite vest waist Perfect fit, and cushioned where needed – simple, yet very effective in meeting the requirements of a kitevest. Additionally we have fabricated an internal Neoprene-Belt, which prevents the vest from slipping when in action. The velcro-fastener can match up to any bodysize with a snug-fit. The side zipper allows for quick and untroubling access of putting on and taking off the Kitevest.

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kite vest seat We continue to offer the Impact Vest in two versions: one for seat harnesses and one for waist harnesses without paddings in the area of the harness. This ensures a very pleasant and comfortable fit. To keep the vests firmly in place, they can be secured to the harness with straps.

Optimized construction and tested: CE according to PSA directive 89/686/EWG



— North KiteBoarding —

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Packs & bags

packs & bags



Packs & bags

— North KiteBoarding —

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travelbag large

Let’s face it; with some airlines travelling is getting more and more ridiculous. To avoid problems, all our packs and bags are designed making sure we utilise lightweight construction and the most durable materials. It goes without saying that style is important to you and with these bags you’ll certainly stand out in the ocean of black and grey

travel bags. Our entire luggage range features our diligent attention to detail giving you many advantages, such as, combinable bag systems, intelligent buckles and clever storage systems. They may be just packs and bags but take the time to explore how much more they have to offer!


travelbag small

beAch bag



Packs & bags

— North KiteBoarding —

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single board bag

single BoarD bag surf



Available 140 / 160 cm

Available 5'8'' / 6'3''



Available 140 / 160 cm

Available 5'8'' / 6'3''


combi bag pop Available 135 / 150 / 160 cm

quiver bag pop Available 135 / 160 cm

soul soul

Available 135 / 160 cm

Available 135 / 150 / 160 cm

quiverbag surf POP 190 cm

quiverbag race SOUL 200 cm



— North KiteBoarding —


apparel Kiteboarding is Kiteboarding. Not Sailing, not Windsurfing, not Wakeboarding, not Surfing. That’s what we live and breath and we hope you do too! Express your love for your passion and wear your passion to true kiteboarding.

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— North KiteBoarding —


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SS Tee Butterfly

— White — Dolman Fit, Strong Enzyme Wash — 100 % CO, single jersey 32s — XS / S / M / L / XL

Hoody Sweat Logo

— Magnolia, Anthracite Melange, White — Strong Garment Wash — 80 % CO, 20 % PES, French Terry, 320–340 Gr. — XS / S / M / L / XL

Zip Hoody Sweat LSD

— Sea Green, Mazarine Blue — Strong Garment Wash — 80 % CO, 20 % PES, French Terry, 320–340 Gr. — XS / S / M / L / XL

LADIES SS Tee Basic Logo Women

SS Tee symbols


— Sea Green, Anthracite Melange, Magnolia — Strong Enzyme Wash — 100 % CO, single jersey 32s — XS / S / M / L / XL

— Anthracite Melange, White, Aurora — Strong Enzyme Wash — 100 % CO, single jersey 32s — XS / S / M / L / XL



— North KiteBoarding —

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BS Lollipop

— W hite — Allover Print — 100 % PES, Premium Suede — XS / S / M / L / XL

LS Rashguard Logo Women

— Magnolia — 92 % PA, 8 % EA, Lycra UV Flex — XS / S / M / L / XL

BS Wave Pro

— Sea Green, Mazarine Blue, Magnolia — Allover Embossing — 100 % PES, Premium Suede — XS / S / M / L / XL

SS Rashguard Logo Women

— Magnolia — 92 % PA, 8 % EA, Lycra UV Flex — XS / S / M / L / XL




— North KiteBoarding —


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SS Tee Select

— Black, Mazarine Blue — Loose Fit, Soft Garment Wash — 100 % CO, single jersey 30s — S / M / L / XL / XXL

SS Tee Alphabet

— Sea Green, Fire Orange, Anthracite Melange — Slim Fit, Soft Garment Wash — 100 % CO, single jersey 30s — S / M / L / XL / XXL


— Aurora, Mazarine Blue — Slim Fit, Soft Garment Wash — 100 % CO, single jersey 30s — S / M / L / XL / XXL

MEN SS Tee Basic Logo Men

SS Tee Legendary


— White, Black, Sea Green — Loose Fit, Soft Garment Wash — 100 % CO, single jersey 30s — S / M / L / XL / XXL

— Aurora, Swedish Blue — Loose Fit, Soft Garment Wash — 100 % CO, single jersey 30s — S / M / L / XL / XXL



— North KiteBoarding —

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SS Tee Kids

— White, Mazarine Blue — Soft Garment Wash, 100 % CO, single jersey 30s — 116 / 128 / 140

Hoody Sweat Quote

— Black, Fire Orange, Mazarine Blue — Strong Garment Wash, 80 % CO, 20 % PES, French Terry, 320–340 Gr. — S / M / L / XL / XXL

SS Wetshirt Logo

— Mazarine Blue — 100 % PES, Functional Jersey — S / M / L / XL / XXL

Zip Hoody Sweat Crosswalk

— Sea Green, Swedish Blue — Strong Garment Wash, 80 % CO, 20 % PES, French Terry, 320–340 Gr. — S / M / L / XL / XXL

Basketballshirt Magic

— Black — 100 % PES Mesh — S / M / L / XL / XXL

Hoody Sweat Retro Baby!

— Gunmetal — Soft Garment Wash — 54 % CO, 46 % PES Knitted Interlock, 300–310 Gr. — S / M / L / XL / XXL



— North KiteBoarding —

BS Tetris

— Black, Sea Green, Aurora — Allover Embossing, 100 % PES, Premium Suede — 29˝ / 30˝ / 31˝ / 32˝ /33˝ / 34˝ / 36˝ / 38˝

BS Burn

— Black — Placement Allover Print, 100 % PES, Poly Basic — 29˝ / 30˝ / 31˝ / 32˝ /33˝ / 34˝ / 36˝ / 38˝

BS Ride Hard

— Fire Orange, Mazarine Blue — Placement Allover Print — 88 % PES, 12 % Spandex, 4-Way Stretch Fabric — 29˝ / 30˝ / 31˝ / 32˝ /33˝ / 34˝ / 36˝ / 38˝

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SS Rashguard Logo Men

— Gunmetal — 92 % PA, 8 % EA, Lycra UV Flex — S / M / L / XL / XXL

LS Rashguard Logo Men

— Mazarine Blue — 92 % PA, 8 % EA, Lycra UV Flex — S / M / L / XL / XXL




— North KiteBoarding —

NKB cap split 59fifty

— Blue / Green — 7 1/8, 7 1/4, 7 3/8, 7 1/2, 7 5/8

NKB cap nyc 9fifty

— Grey — S / M, M / L

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— North KiteBoarding —

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— N o r t h K i te B oa r d i ng —


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product overview



pro series
















whip x-surf



spike textreme

race ltd




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