Crystallize No.3

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Taiwan Published in November, 2019

Pubilshed in November, 2019

Graphic Design

‧ Editorial ‧ Branding ‧ All The Works I’ve Done

Publish Jou Yu Cheng

Editor Jou Yu Cheng

Pubilshed in November, 2019





Age 2013 - 2019.07


Special Thanks to

My Dearest Parents, friends and teachers Yow!Design, Pentagram, Transform Design

Published in November, 2019 Printed in Taiwan, Taipei


Be positive, be yourself and move foreward

About Me, Myself _


I figure life is a gift and i don’t intend on wasting it. You never know what hand you’re going to get dealt next. You learn to take life as it comes at you

Be positive, be yourself and move foreward.

The Departure /

Never make apologizes for who you are!

About Me, Myself _


About Suri Cheng About Me -

鄭 柔 毓,1992 年生,畢 業 於 國立高 雄 師範 大學 視 覺設計系,國立台 灣 科 技 大學工商業研究 所肄 業。

視 覺 設 計 師,擅 長 平 面 設 計、品 牌 識 別 設 計、網 頁 設 計。曾 於

Pentagram 五 角設計聯 盟 於 紐 約 的 分 部 擔 任 Natasha Jen 團 隊 的

2015 暑 期 實 習生,協 助 團 隊 設 計 師 專 案 執行,並 於 2017 春 季 任 職 於 Transform Design 瑜 悅設計。

Awards -

2014 | Hiiibrand Awards, Finalist 2014 | International Design Awards , Honorable Mention

Education -

2010 - 2014 | 國立高雄師範 大學 視 覺設計學系 2014 - 2017 | 國立臺灣 科 技 大學 工商業設計研究 所 肄 業

Experience -

2014.07- 08 | YOW! Design 唷吼設計 暑期實習生 2015.07- 09 | Pentagram, NY 五 角設計聯盟 紐 約分 部 暑期實習生 2017 - 2019 | Transform Design 瑜 悅設計 平面設計師

Index / Catalog

The Departure/ I didn't come for the title... It's the opportunities and the platform. Now I have all these oppotunities and I'm happy.

結晶,各種微小的總 和。



experience & introduction


MG Spirit Liqueur

Re-branding & Packaging Design


Dye - Graduation Exhibition Graduation Project


— WeiWuYing Art Festival AVA Product Introduction Succulent Planting Magazine Kaffe - The Creative Kitchen Christmas Card Self-Introduction Brochure Graduation Project Report, No.0 Graduation Project Development KiGive Tea Gift Catalog Design KiGive Tea Poster The Aria, The Solitary Nature Battery App Design


Identity Design

— Pho Fun Identity Design The Warehouse Optical Fu Long, Identity Desgin CPU 70 anniversary Core Tech Nurtro Art Museum

- Published in November, 2019 Based in Taiwan, Taipei

Index / Catalog

Graphic Design








Pubilshed in November, 2019

Packaging Design

MG Spirit Liqueur _

MG Spirit Liqueur Packaging Design

Packaging Design

MG Spirit Liqueur _

MG Spirit Liqueur (Re-branding ) 瓶裝利口酒 包裝設計 -

以 羅 克 夏 墨 漬 測 驗 為 概 念,使 用 壓 克 力 顏 料流 動 特 性 與 鏡 射 對 稱 的 方 式 設 計三個 主 要 視 覺 圖 像。透 過 不 同 的 圖 案 與 配 色,使 消費 者想 像它 這 些 圖 案 看

起 來 像 那 些事 物,並 在 內 裡 提 供 提 供 3 個 選 項,透 過 撕 開 個 別 選 項 得 到 相 對 應 的心 理 測 驗 建 議 答 案。同 時 色 彩 繽 紛 的 包 裝 也可以作 為 禮 物 展 示。

Packaging Design

MG Spirit Liqueur _


Packaging Design

MG Spirit Liqueur _


Packaging Design

MG Spirit Liqueur _

撕開選項後就可得到相對應的測 驗 答 案


Never Make Apologize Fro Who You Are!

Identity Design

Dye - Graduation Exibition _

National Kaohsiung Normal University, Department of Visual Design, The 5th Graduation Exhibition

Identity Design

Dye - Graduation Exhibition _

Identity Design

Dye - Graduation Exhibition _

Dye - Graduation Exhibition, 2014 國立高雄師範大學 視覺設計學系第五屆畢業展 - 染

Designers Suri Cheng, Mei-Ru Lai, Peggy Chen, Hung-Wen Li


Identity Design

Dye - Graduation Exhibition _


Identity Design

Dye - Graduation Exhibition _


Graphic Design _

/ / /


I love how relationships evolve and develop and shift in unexpected ways. Connection is the truth.

/ / /

Transfrom Design

Graphic Design _

WeiWuYing Art Festival, AVA Product Introduction, Succulent Planting Magazine, Kaffe - The Creative Kitchen, Christmas Card, Self-Introduction Brochure, Graduation Project Report, No.0, Graduation Project Development, KiGive Tea Gift Catalog Design KiGive Tea Poster, The Aria, The Solitary, Nature Battery App Design

Exhibition Key Visual Design

2017 Weiwuying Arts Festival _

2017 Weiwuying Arts Festival 衛武營國家藝術中心藝術季 Exhibition Key Visual Design

Art Director Leo Huang, Transform Design

Client National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts WEIWUYING

Designer Celine Shen Chiaoyi Chang Mimi Tsen Pinzo Zhou Suri Cheng Sandy Hsieh

Exhibition Key Visual Design

2017 Weiwuying Arts Festival _


Exhibition Key Visual Design

2017 Weiwuying Arts Festival _


Exhibition Key Visual Design

2017 Weiwuying Arts Festival _


Editorial Design

AVA Product Introduction _

AVA Product Introduction 產品介紹型錄

Creative Director Leo Huang, Transform Design

Client Carilex, AVA

Designer Suri Cheng

Editorial Design

AVA Product Introduction _


Magazine Design

Succulent Planting Magazine No.1 _

Succulent Planting Magazine No.1 多肉植物栽培月刊 第一期

Design Suri Cheng

Photography Suri Cheng

Magazine Design

Succulent Planting Magazine No.1 _

Editorial Design

Kaffe - The Creative Kitchen _

Kaffe - The Creative Kitchen Kaffe 創意廚房宣傳摺頁設計

Kaffe - The Creative Kitchen _

Editorial Design #33

Editorial Design

Kaffe - The Creative Kitchen _

Kaffe - The Creative Kitchen Kaffe 創意廚房宣傳摺頁設計

2013 Christmas Card _

Illustration & Card Design

2013 Christmas Card 聖誕賀卡設計


Editorial Design

Introduction Folder _

Introduction Folder 自我介紹 方形摺頁設計

Editorial Design

Introduction Folder _


Editorial Design

Introduction Folder _

Introduction Folder 自我介紹 方形摺頁設計

Editorial Design

Introduction Folder _


Poster Design

Poster Design

Graduation Project Report No.0 _ Graduation Project Report No.0 _

Graduation Project Report No.0

高師大第零次設計展提報 海報與邀請卡

Project Invitation Card Design,

Client Department of Visual Design, NKNU

Poster Poster Design Design

Graduation Project Report No.0 _ Graduation Project Report No.0 _


Poster Design

Graduation Project Development _

Client Kigive Tea

Graduation Project Development 染 高師大第五屆設計畢業展海報

Project Poster, Name Card, Invitation Card

Client Department of Visual Design, NKNU

Poster Design

Graduation Project Development _

Graduation Project Development 染 高師大第五屆設計畢業展海報

Project Poster, Name Card, Invitation Card

Client Department of Visual Design, NKNU

Poster Design

Graduation Project Poster _

Poster Desugn

Graduation Project Poster _

Graduation Project Poster Poster Design

Project Poster, Name Card, Invitation Card

Client Department of Visual Design, NKNU

Editorial Design

KiGive Tea Gift Catalog Design _

KiGiveTea Gift Catalog Design 茶葉禮盒型錄

Client Kigive Tea, Yow!Design

Designer Suri Cheng

Editorial Design

KiGive Tea Gift Catalog Design _


Poster Design

KiGive Tea Poster _

KiGive Tea Poster KiGive品牌展示海報

Client KiGive Tea, Yow! Design

Designer Suri Cheng

Poster Design

KiGive Tea Poster _


Poster Design

KiGive Tea Poster _

KiGive Tea Poster KiGive品牌展示海報

Client KiGive Tea, Yow! Design

Designer Suri Cheng

The Aria, The Solitary _ Solitary The Aria, The _

Image Image Design Design

The The Aria, Aria, The The Solitary Solitary 墨者 影像設計 墨者 影像設計


APP Design

Nature Battery _

Nature Battery - Essential Oil Care 精油芳療APP介面設計

APP Design

Nature Battery _


Identity Design

Identity Design

Identity Design _

Pho Fun Identity Design, The Warehouse Optical Fu Long, Identity Desgin, CPU 70 anniversary, Core Tech, Nurtro Art Museum

Branding Design

Pho Fun Brand Identity _

Pho Fun Brand Identity 樂越 越式河粉專賣店 Art Director Leo Huang, Transform Design

Client Pho Fun, Wow Prime

Designer Celine shen, Fran Dai, Mimi Tsen, Suri Cheng

Photography Andrew Kan

Branding Design

Pho Fun Brand Identity _


Branding Design

Pho Fun Brand Identity _

Branding Design

Pho Fun Brand Identity _

Branding Design

Pho Fun Brand Identity _

Branding Design

Pho Fun Brand Identity _


Branding Design

The Warehouse Optical. Taipei _

The Warehouse Optical, Taipei The Warehouse 眼鏡品牌設計

Art Director Celine Shen, Transform Design

Client The Warehouse Optical, Taiepi

Designer Suri Cheng

Branding Design

The Warehouse Optical. Taipei _


Branding Design

The Warehouse Optical. Taipei _


Branding Design

The Warehouse Optical. Taipei _


Fu Long Brand Identity _

Fu Long Brand Identity 富隆船舶 標誌設計

Creative Director Leo Huang, Transform Design Client Pho Fun, Wow Prime

Logo Design

Designer Suri Cheng

Fu Long Brand Identity _

Fu Long Brand Identity 富隆船舶 標誌設計

Creative Director Leo Huang, Transform Design Client Pho Fun, Wow Prime

Logo Design

Designer Suri Cheng

Identity Design

CPU 70 Anniversary Logo _

CP C 70 Anniversary Logo 中國石油七十周年 標誌設計

Client CPC Corporation, Taiwan

Designer Suri Cheng

Identity Design

Identity Design

CPU 70 Anniversary Logo _ CPU 70 Anniversary Logo _

CP C 70 Anniversary Logo 中國石油七十周年 標誌設計

Client CPC Corporation, Taiwan

Designer Suri Cheng #69

Identity Design

Core Tech Logo _

Core Tech Logo

核昕科技 標誌設計

Client Core Tech Corporation

Designer Suri Cheng

Identity Design

Core Tech Logo _


Nutro Museum of Art _

Nutro Museum of Art 美術館識別設計 -


英文字“新New”與“復古Retro”結合成新的字 - Nutro,並利用字 母N與R筆畫結合,以新與舊的融合為標誌的設計概念

Identity Design

Nutro Museum of Art



Tea Nutro GiftMuseum Catalog of Design Art _ _

Nutro Museum of Art 美術館識別設計 -


英文字“新New”與“復古Retro”結合成新的字 - Nutro,並利用字 母N與R筆畫結合,以新與舊的融合為標誌的設計概念

Identity Design

Identity Design

Nutro Museum of Art



Identity Design

Nutro Museum of Art _

Shopping Bags Ticket


I figure life is a gift and i don’t intend on wasting it. You never know what hand you’re going to get dealt next.

Pubilshed in November, 2019

Taiwan, Tiapei Published in November, 2019

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