Crystallize, No.2

Page 1

Pubilshed in January, 2017

Pubilshed in January, 2017






2013 - 2015.03


Special Thanks to

My Dearest Parents, friends and teachers Internship workshop - Yow!Design, Transform Design

Published in March, 2015 Printed in Taiwan, Taipei


Be positive, be yourself and move foreward

About Me, Myself _


I figure life is a gift and i don’t intend on wasting it. You never know what hand you’re going to get dealt next. You learn to take life as it comes at you

Be positive, be yourself and move foreward.

The Departure/

Never make apologizes for who you are!

About Me, Myself _

About Me -

My name is Jou Yu Cheng and I am a graphic designer from Taiwan. For me, design is something that is a part of my life. I am very passionate about design and am happy for it to bemy career. I am proud to be a designer.

Awards -

2014 | Hiiibrand Awards, Finalist 2014 | International Design Awards , Honorable Mention

Education -

2010 | National Kaoshiung Normal University 2014 | National Taiwan University of Science And Technology

Internship & Workshop 2013. 8 2014. 7 2015 .1 2015. 7

| | | |

Phoenix Design Summer 5 YOW!Design Internship Transform Design Intership Pentagram, NY, Intership


About Suri Cheng

Index / Catalog

The Departure/

I didn't come for the title... It's the opportunities and the platform.Now I have all these oppotunities and I'm happy.




experience & introduction

MG Spirit Liqueur

Re-branding & Packaging Design

Dye - Graduation Exhibition Graduation Project

Graphic Design

Index / Catalog

— Succulent Planting Magazine Graduation Project Report, No.0 Kaffe - The Creative Kitchen Christmas Card Introduction Folder KiGive Tea Poster The Aria, The Solitary Graduation Project Development 2013 Week of Visual Design 2013 Farewell Party Graduation Project Development Gradation Project Report Poster KiGive Tea Gift Catalog Design Gradation Project Report Poster

Identity Design

— Nature Battery App Design CPU 70 anniversary Core Tech Nurtro Type:Quarter URSA


- Published in May, 2016 Printed in Taiwan, Taipei








Pubilshed in Jaunary, 2017

Packaging Design

MG Spirit Liqueur _

MG Spirit Liqueur Packaging Design

Packaging Design

MG Spirit Liqueur _

MG Spirit Liqueur (Re-branding) Packaging Design

Re-branding a new liqueur series that combine mental test with ink. Using acrylic pigment to create a new pattern with the computer as the auxiliary. By seeing the pictures user can imagine what are the they look like. Supplying 3 answers that represent different aphorism to encourage users. The packaging also can be a gift for display.

Packaging Design

MG Spirit Liqueur _

Packaging Design

MG Spirit Liqueur _

Packaging Design

MG Spirit Liqueur _

Choosing an answer and rending the package with the dotted line above it.

Never Make Apologize Fro Who You Are!

Identity Design

Dye - Graduation Exibition _

National Kaohsiung Normal University, Department of Visual Design, The 5th Graduation Exhibition

Identity Design

Dye - Graduation Exhibition _

Identity Design

Dye - Graduation Exhibition _

Dye - Identity Design

2014 NKNU Graduation Exhibition

Designers Suri Cheng, Mei-Ru Lai, Peggy Chen, Hung-Wen Li My Project Poster, Invitation, Book, Postcard, CD

Identity Design

Dye - Graduation Exhibition _

Identity Design

Dye - Graduation Exhibition _

Graphic Design _

/ / /

結晶,每份努力與時間濃縮 I love how relationships evolve and develop and shift in unexpected ways. Connection is the truth.

/ / /

Graphic Design

Graphic Design _

Poster Design, Editorial & Books

Magazine Design

Succulent Planting Magazine No.1 _

Succulent Planting Magazine No.1 Monthy Magazine Design

Magazine Design

Succulent Planting Magazine No.1 _

Magazine Design

Succulent Planting Magazine No.1 _

Magazine Design

Succulent Planting Magazine No.1 _

Poster Design

Graduation Project Report No.0 _

Graduation Project Report No.0 Poster Design

Project Invitation Card Design,

Client Department of Visual Design, NKNU

Poster Design

Graduation Project Report No.0 _

Editorial Design

Kaffe - The Creative Kitchen _

Kaffe - The Creative Kitchen Recipes Design

Kaffe - The Creative Kitchen _

Editorial Design

Editorial Design

Kaffe - The Creative Kitchen _

Kaffe - The Creative Kitchen Recipes Design

2013 Christmas Card _

Illustration & Card Design

2013 Christmas Card Illustration & Card Design

Editorial Design

Introduction Folder _

Introduction Folder Self-introduction Design

Editorial Design

Introduction Folder _

Editorial Design

Introduction Folder _

Introduction Folder Self-introduction Design

Editorial Design

Introduction Folder _

Poster Design

KiGive Tea Poster _

KiGive Tea Poster

Illusrtation Poster Design

Client KiGive Tea, Yow! Design

Designer Suri Cheng

Poster Design

KiGive Tea Poster _

Poster Design

KiGive Tea Poster _

KiGive Tea Poster

Illusrtation Poster Design

Client KiGive Tea, Yow! Design

Designer Suri Cheng

The Aria, The Solitary _

Image Design

The Aria, The Solitary Image Design

Poster Design

Graduation Project Development _

Client Kigive Tea

Graduation Project Development Poster Design

Project Poster, Name Card, Invitation Card

Client Department of Visual Design, NKNU

Poster Design

Graduation Project Development _

Graduation Project Development Poster Design

Project Poster, Name Card, Invitation Card

Client Department of Visual Design, NKNU

Poster Design

2013 Week of Visual Design _

Client Kigive Tea

2013 Week of Visual Design Poster Design

Poster Design

2013 Farwell Party _

2013 Farewell Party Poster Design

Poster Design

Graduation Project Poster _

Poster Desugn

Graduation Project Poster _

Graduation Project Poster Poster Design

Project Poster, Name Card, Invitation Card

Client Department of Visual Design, NKNU

Poster Design

Graduation Project Report Poster _

Client Kigive Tea

Graduation Project Report Poster Poster Design

Poster Design

Graduation Project Development _

Graduation Project Development Poster Design

Editorial Design

KiGive Tea Gift Catalog Design _

KiGiveTea Gift Catalog Design Editorial Design

Client Kigive Tea, Yow!Design

Designer Suri Cheng

Editorial Design

KiGive Tea Gift Catalog Design _

Identity Design

Identity Design

Identity Design _

Nutro Museum of Art, Type: Quarte, URSA Sprot CPU 70 Anniversary, Core Tech

APP Design

Nature Battery _

Nature Battery - Essential Oil Care Brain Waves App Design

APP Design

Nature Battery _

Identity Design

CPU 70 Anniversary Logo _

CPU 70 Anniversary Logo Logo Design

Identity Design

CPU 70 Anniversary Logo _

Identity Design

Core Tech Logo _

Core Tech Logo Logo Design

Identity Design

Core Tech Logo _

Nutro Museum of Art _

Nutro Museum of Art Identity Design

Identity Design

Nutro Museum of Art

Creating an art museum that have many collections including modern and traditionary. I combine word “New” and “Retro” with a new word - “Nutro” as the name of the museum.


Identity Design

Tea Gift Catalog Design _

Identity Design

Nutro Museum of Art _

Shopping Bags Ticket

Typeface Design

Quarter Typeface Design _

Quarter Typeface Design English Typeface Design

I figure life is a gift and i don’t intend on wasting it. You never know what hand you’re going to get dealt next.

Pubilshed in January, 2017






2013 - 2016.09


Special Thanks to

My Dearest Parents, friends and teachers Internship workshop - Yow!Design, Transform Design

Published in January, 2017 Printed in Taiwan, Taipei

Taiwan, Tiapei Published in May, 2016

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