Crimes of Architecture In the Rectilinear City, domes had become ancient history. A history which would one day become legendary.
A few years in the past, domes had been banned from the Rectilinear City by the Council of Buildings, but a few remaining domes went into hiding. The few remaining domes were hiding in the park central of the Rectilinear City. The Council of Buildings continued searching, then one day an anonymous note was left in their offices. The note described the whereabouts of the last three domes in the Rectilinear City.
Fly-Eye the queen
Tri the kid
As the Council of Buildings and their guards entered the park central, the three domes tried to escape from their pursuers. The guards of the Council caught the three domes on the edge of the park, and brought them into custody.
Bucky the leader The three domes were convicted on the charge of bad style and sentenced to life terms in prison. In other words, the three domes’ crimes of architecture were for being obsolete. The three domes were named, Fly-Eye the queen, Tri the kid and Bucky the leader. Air transport took the three domes to a prison ship known as the Floating Fortress.