Storytelling is a form of talk therapy. FOUR storeys of matter : Existing Condition
Remove Podium
Staircase Plinth & Water Basin
Floating Garden & Auditoriums
SOLID = Static
LIQUID = Non-equilbrium
GAS = Equilbrium
PLASMA = Public
Prentice & Pauper - ( Goldberg Storytelling Center ) the
Chicago Architectural Club: 2012 Chicago Prize Competition - FUTURE PRENTICE registration number -
panel 1/4
In this new tale, the Prentice plays herself, and the role of the Pauper is performed by a civil servant known as Staircase. Staircase Plinth :
North Elevation
Prentice & Pauper - ( Goldberg Storytelling Center ) the
West Elevation
South Elevation
Chicago Architectural Club: 2012 Chicago Prize Competition - FUTURE PRENTICE registration number -
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Stories adapt & change over time as a direct link to the storyteller.
Precast Concrete Components :
Tread & Riser as single unit.
Prentice & Pauper - ( Goldberg Storytelling Center ) the
Entry Vestibule @ Water Basin
Floating Garden
Filtered light for Interior & Exterior
Chicago Architectural Club: 2012 Chicago Prize Competition - FUTURE PRENTICE registration number -
panel 3/4
A city is a story, & every story is a city. CITY
FOUR scales :
Prentice & Pauper - ( Goldberg Storytelling Center ) the
Chicago Architectural Club: 2012 Chicago Prize Competition - FUTURE PRENTICE registration number -
panel 4/4
Prentice & Pauper - ( Goldberg Storytelling Center ) the
Storytelling is a form of talk therapy. As in Mark Twain's well known story, the newly constructed tale of the Prentice & the Pauper physically links two unacquainted characters. The relationship between the Prentice & the Pauper reveals a cyclical life lesson applied in the present day context of Chicago. Can the engineering marvel of the Prentice and it's historic position be retold to a new generation by the Pauper; via the introduction of a common architectural element? In this new tale, the Prentice plays herself, and the role of the Pauper is performed by the civil servant known as Staircase. The life lesson of the Prentice & the Pauper is a simple one... A city is a story, & every story is a city. Everyone has a story. Stories adapt & change over time as a direct link to the storyteller. Storytelling is a disappearing art form. The FUTURE PRENTICE will elevate everyone to tell their stories. The Goldberg Storytelling Center provides a platform for expression. A staircase elevates everyone.
FUTURE PRENTICE design process builds FOUR Storeys of Matter. Solid Storey = Static condition Ground plane lacking any space for public use. Podium building conceals poured in place concrete marvel. Liquid Storey = Non-equilibrium condition Remove Podium building’s curtain wall & floor slabs. Bed tower made into a one storey auditorium spaces. Gas Storey = Equilibrium condition Water basin is symbolic storytelling archive. Staircase plinth creates a cantilevered landscape. Plasma Storey = Public condition Floating Garden delivers natural light to all four storeys. FUTURE PRENTICE creates a platform for people to gather.
Prentice & Pauper - ( Goldberg Storytelling Center ) the
Chicago Architectural Club: 2012 Chicago Prize Competition - FUTURE PRENTICE registration number