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Born in 2016 with the purpose of generating a space of communion and dialogue between the audiovisual area and the performing arts, as well as contributing the dissemination of this discipline between creative specialists and general audience. This Exhibition focused the dancefilm gender with special attention on pureness and poetics of dance and body movement as the strongest language expression of the audiovisual work. This Call is directed to profesional on performing arts, with interest on dancefilm gender. Our intention is to exhibit and promote dancefilm productions, by stablishing the Exibition day, as well as our Itinerant program, nowadays, consolidated with some Mexican Cultural Institutions: MÊxico´s Library, Vasconcelos Library, Education Radio and others, in order to continue spreading out the audiovisual work specialized on Dancefilms, and stimulate knowledge of the topic and working on growing dancefilm audience.

With 5 years running this Dancefilm Festival, we call: Submission fee is FREE. The theme is Free. The Official Selection will consider National and International works. May submit only one work as an individual or a group/company (as the case may be). The production date must be from 2018. (no exceptions). Running time: 10 minutes or less. (no exceptions). Only the dance films whose creators prove to be the owners of the copyright of the audiovisual production will be part of the Official Selection.

Notes: MUMVI does not award prizes. Documentary works, video clips, or performance records will not be considered.

APPLICATION PROCESS. This call is open from the date of its publication, until April 30th, 2020. For the registration process: The videos must be visually available or send password. (will not be cosidered trailers or abstracts).

SELECTION. The Official Selection will be published on May 7th, 2020 on our social networks and website. Those selected will be notified via email, where the logistical information of the Official MUMVI 2020 will be attached. Directors or submitters, will be contacted by e- mail (important to have that information visible) From the notification date, until 15 days after, submitters must send the works with the following features via We Transfer, Google Drive, Dropbox, Vimeo. a) link film (complete Works only) b) Attach: Title, director, duration, year of production, brief synopsis of the Videodance (in spanish), as well as a brief curriculum of the group or Director. c) 2 stills, or photographs of the Production in JPEG format at 300 dpi. d) Rights cession signature.

Curation process of the Official Selection will be carried out by an internal Sur Arte EscĂŠnico commission and the resolution of the same will be unappealable. Selected Works will take part of the MUMVI Videolibrary. (Trailers can be sent for this area, if wanted).

Doubts and further information:

IMPORTANT DATES: Open Call Release: February 1st, 2020 Application period: February 1st - April 30th, 2020. Application’s deadline: April 30th, 2020. Results: May 7th, 2020. Participating Dance films sending: May 7th to 22nd, 2020.

Official MUMVI. CDMX * MUMVI will have it´s openning on May 29th, 2020, at the Multi-use Auditorium “Antonieta Rivas Mercado” of Mexico´s Library at México City.

SOCIAL NETWORKS: e-mail: Facebook: MUMVISurOeste Instagram: @mumvisuroeste Twitter: @MUMVI_SurOeste YouTube: MUMVI Sur Oeste

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