Surphang Magazine Issue 37

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Surphang Magazine Issue 37

Proudly presents

The Pro Show The Day I Met...

Champ Chats Taz Takes 'eM On!

High Fliers

Surf 'Sul'utions Home and Hawai-A! A Whole New World?

Surphang Magazine

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'A Whole New World!' Let's be honest there's nothing more exciting than heading off to somewhere new, surfing waves you've never surfed before! Yet at the same time, there's nothing worse than being fobbed off by a load of hype beforehand only to find out that the eventual outcome isn't anyway near what you were expecting! Well life tends to serve us up a bit of both of these in varying amounts so we'll be delving a little deeper into the new look World Surfing League, aiming to get behind the hype to how new a world it really is! And as we much prefer the adventure of discovering new worlds, there's plenty of frothing upcoming surfers talking about their exciting trips away this past month! So get ready for another awesome ride with SURPHANG!

Gabriel Medina aiming to stay on top and fly high once more! Photo: SM - 02

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Surphang Magazine

Magazine Editor: Stuart Gaston Contributing Photographers: Lewis Arnold, Nicolas Audineau, Alan Burke, Izac Carracher, Lenard Dupper, Mario Entero, Ben Potier, Frank Quirarte, Jared Sislin, Ian Stackhouse, Louren de Villiers and Staff Photographer: Stuart Gaston

Send any photographic submissions for future issues of the magazine to:

Cover Shot: Taz Knight takes on Californian surf! Photo:

The only place to be... Photo: Jared Sislin

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This Issue's Features

The Pro Show Champ Chats Surphalosophy The Day I Met...

Well despite the doubters, he's made it! So its time to look back at his journey since 'the day I met' Gabriel Medina!

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Taz Takes 'eM On! Home and Hawai-A!

Taz Knight's already a British surf Champion so now he's travelling and championing British surfing – we caught up for a chat in Cali!

Josh Burke's been home and away this season, sampling the best that his native Barbados and also Hawaii have to offer!


Surf 'Sul'utions We catch up with four of the current Surf Solutions Cadet squad following their recent training trip in Portugal.

H i g h F l i e rs

A Whole New World?

Here's another three high fliers Take away the hype and is it who we think will be making their now a whole new World Surfing mark in the world of surfing for League or really just a group of many more years to come! competing professional surfers?

Joseph Morris making the most of warm winter waves! Photo: Lewis Arnold SM - 06

Welcome to

The Pro Show The Day I Met... Photos: Chuck Schmid Words: Stu Gaston

07 - SM Gabriel Medina making the most of another section! Photo:

Gabriel Medina will be remembered for many things in years to come and in light of recent events, some less favourable than others. But one thing's for sure, this Brazilian surfer has made for some seriously historic moments in his surfing career so far. And so with his maiden World Title now behind him, it's time to look back in our new series of 'Pro Show' features to the day when I was lucky enough to meet the man himself...

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The Day I Met... The World Champ

09 - SM Gabriel Medina going for some serious layback! Photo:

The Pro Show

The date was 21st August 2011 and Gabriel Medina had just won the ASP Lacanau Pro Junior. Nothing special in that you might think and you'd be right. Although for many surfers in their late teens, winning an event would be quite a big deal, this teenager from Brazil was chasing a much bigger prize – he had his eye on taking down the following Mens QS event and more importantly the accompanying 6-star event's worth of points as this would see him one step closer to a place on the Dream Tour itself! So having done my research into the Brazilian phenomenon, I managed to achieve what many wary surf photographers and reporters had not! It's well known that the then teenage Gabriel Medina was chaperoned everywhere by his father who managed his competition time to the last minute and so grabbing a moment to even speak to Gabriel was a task on its own; then of course was the language barrier as at this point it was clear he'd not spent much time travelling away from his homeland. But I did what very few had done before – arrange an interview with Medina himself!

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The Day I Met... The World Champ

11 - SM Gabriel Medina getting to the point! Photo:

The Pro Show In fact, I achieved one better than that and having spoken to Gabriel as he came in from one of his Pro Junior heats earlier in the week and then seeing him on subsequent days after, he'd invited me to spend a whole day shadowing him as he took on the heats during the final day of the QS event – a day that was to become historic as he not only won, but also became the first surfer to win both Pro Junior and QS events in 35 years!

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The Day I Met... The World Champ

13 - SM Gabriel Medina giving his backhand a good work out! Photo:

The Pro Show What struck me most though, spending the entire day with this young surfer who held so much potential within him, was how humble and modest he appeared. He was happy to talk with me, answer my questions and was very different from the shy, retiring, interview avoiding teenager I'd read about in other surf media. And although it was obvious that this young man was going to go far in the surfing world (yes, I called a world championship title future ahead of him right back then!), he didn't have any of the brash bravado and attitude that some of his surfing peers at the time had then (and still do!). So it's quite surprising to see the Gabriel Medina of recent events – how it seems that fame and fortune can change a person!

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The Day I Met... The World Champ Whatever your take on those recent events and the resulting fine that will certainly dent both Medina's purse and his pride, one thing can't be taken away from him and that is that he is the first Brazilian surfer to take the World Title and no doubt it won't be his last. So Gabriel Medina has come a long way since the day that I met him back in 2011 and I'm sure still has a long way to go, probably aiming to take even more titles than King Kelly himself – another day I look forward to!

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Gabriel Medina releasing those fins! Photo:

The Pro Show

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The Day I Met... The World Champ

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Gabriel going through the motions! Photo:

The Pro Show

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Champ Chats Taz Takes 'eM On! Photos: Chuck Schmid, Ian Stackhouse & Frank Quirarte Words: Stu Gaston

19 - SM Taz Knight takes on some fun Californian surf! Photo:

Taz Knight is known for one thing – he is a charger! So when choosing the ideal winter trip, small consistent waves in Sumatra just wasn't going to hit the mark. Instead Taz has spent the last few months trekking down the west coast of California where he has been lucky enough to take on one of the biggest waves around – Mavericks! We managed to catch up with Taz for a chat while he was forced to take a pitstop in La Jolla, though even when all looked bleak, Taz takes 'em on!

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Taz Takes 'eM On!

21 - SM Taz Knight nestling into a Blacks barrel! Photo:


Name: Taz Knight Age: 18 Years surfing: Debatable, I like to think about 13…. but probably closer to 10 Where you live: Croyde, North Devon Sponsors: ION, NS Surfboards and DryRobe Local break/s: Most of the breaks in the Croyde area Favourite surfer? Currently stuck between Parko and John John, Parko is an old favourite, but you can't really deny that John John is amazing at everything… Favourite place to surf? Thurso, especially when it's hailing. Favourite surf movie? Stranger Than Fiction Favourite surf trick? Getting kegged Favourite board? Nigel Semmens just made me this sick 6’6 swallow tail for good sized barrels which is really exciting and has gone really well the last few times I've surfed it.

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Taz Takes 'eM On!

23 - SM Taz Knight knows a good spot when he finds one! Photo:

CHAMP CHATS What first got you into surfing? Definitely my dad. He was always surfing, so I naturally followed suit Who in surfing inspires you most? Again my dad. He can always find a reason to froth about a session. When and how did you become sponsored? I think my first sponsorship was from Tony Plant, when he was doing Surf Twisted. He gave me a few T-shirts and some stickers when I was 10 or something and I was frothing! What do you prefer then, free surfing or competitions and why? Definitely free surfing, I started surfing because it was a fun thing to do with my dad and sisters, I got interested in competitions long after that. Surfing with my family and friends has remained the main reason why I surf. But getting barrelled is also quite high up there, and you don't tend to find very many barrels in a heat.

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Taz Takes 'eM On!

25 - SM Taz Knight notched up some impressive moves last season! Photo: Ian Stackhouse


Now the past couple of years have seen you performing well on the competitive circuit, especially in 2013 when you won both the Pro Junior and Under 18 division at the Thurso Surf Festival on your way to becoming the Under 18 UK Champion. First, talk us through that season and the events that lead to you earning the title. Well! That year was actually really funny, and a very unexpected success. At the end of the season before in 2012 I'd dislocated my knee at the British Nationals, tearing the cartilage and stretching some tendons. After having to have surgery, I had about 3 months out the water and a further 3 months body surfing and riding a foamy. This meant I missed the first few events. It was also my first year in the under 18 category, so I wasn't really expecting to get anywhere when I started competing again. I think this mindset helped me loosen up, and my surfing improved as a result of not feeling the pressure to do well. I got good results in the first few comps I did, and then at the end of the year, I won three events back to back which put me ahead! When It got to Thurso, I needed to win to be in with a chance at getting the overall title, and it just so happened that the finals were held in big barreling Thurso which suits me just fine!

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Taz Takes 'eM On!

Following your wins at the legendary break of Thurso, you've become known as a bit of a big wave charger. So what's the appeal of surfing huge barrels for you? I guess I have always been leaning in that direction. I just love the rush of adrenaline you get when you are in an intense situation. When you are surfing big waves, the whole experience sets your adrenalin levels up. I was out at Mullagmore recently and didn't even catch a wave, but I came in feeling better than I do when I win a comp! Surfing bigger waves is a different kind of fun to surfing normal waves and surfing competitions. I guess if the joy you get from the experience is greater than your fear then that fear becomes something you crave. No wonder then, a year after taking a national champion title, you're over in California charging Mavericks amongst some of the biggest names in surfing! How was that then? Haha! Yeah! Bloody awesome! It is such a great big wave spot! It was so amazing watching all these guys who I have grown up admiring catching the biggest waves I had ever seen! It was a cool scene out there, everyone was pretty chilled for the most part. The biggest day was pretty crowded, but I surfed out there 4 or 5 times before when there were far less people so I managed to get my share of good ones.

27 - SM Taz Knight taking on Mavericks with a couple of mates! Photo: Frank Quirarte


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Taz Takes 'eM On!

29 - SM Taz Knight on a nice one!


CHAMP CHATS Now as winter trips go, most surfers tend to head off for Indo or Hawaii. So what was it about a Californian road trip that did it for you? Thats exactly it, I didn't want to do what most surfers do. My actual plan was to spend 6 months driving the coast of Mexico, but unforeseen delays have meant that I have been in California for 3 months! I am about to head in to Baja though so its all good!

Starting in Northern California and working south to Mexico then, you've obviously passed and surfed some epic breaks such as Steamer Lane and Trestles on your way. How did you find surfing Lowers then? Literally like the most perfect wave ever. We did get quite lucky, there was a bit of south in the swell which is rare at this time of year, so the rights were lining up perfectly, and we managed to score perfect timing in relation to crowds. We got in just after a load of people got out, and then as we were getting out a whole load of people were turning up! It was sick. I have had some great surf on my way down through Cali, definitely going to come back, maybe head further north next time as well!

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Taz Takes 'eM On!

31 - SM Taz Knight tucks into a nugget at Blacks! Photo:


Soon after that your fortunes turned as your road trip came to a halt with engine trouble, though you did end up stuck in San Diego, not far from another legendary surf spot, that of Blacks Beach. So how did this beach break compare to low-tide Croyde back home? Funny you should say that, as it is just the comparison I would make! Well‌ almost‌ I don't think Croyde gets quite that good, well It does, but not as consistently as Blacks. The canyon outside the beach just makes perfect little peaks on this one small part of the beach. It is funny, because it is a long beach, but most of it is a close out, and then there is like a quarter mile stretch which is epic! This was probably the best place to break down in all America and Mexico! I have been surfing every morning and working on my truck all day! Where else could I do that!

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Taz Takes 'eM On!

So far then, when and where has your best surf session been then? Well that is a tough one… there was this session at Mavericks which was really sick, on a Wednesday sometime in December. But then Trestles was pretty sick… but both surfs were amazing in different ways so it is impossible to chose between them… they are almost different sports! And what's been the worst wipeout of your time over there? That same Wednesday, I got a pretty solid one and about halfway through my bottom turn I got thrown off by some chop. I got three solid ones on the head which definitwly was not fun!

33 - SM Taz Knight takes on another big one! Photo: Frank Quirarte


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Taz Takes 'eM On!

35 - SM Taz Knight knows where's next.... that way for Mexico! Photo:

CHAMP CHATS Next then your road trip will see you venturing further south into Mexico. So where are you planning to head to and surf once you make it across the border? First stop will be Ensenada and Todos Santos. There actually looks like there might be a swell on the way! So fingers crossed I'll get my truck fixed in time to make it! After that I’m on cruise control. I really want to meet up with some mates of mine from back home who are in Puerto Escondido, but if I don't make it in time to catch them I will definitely be going there! Well Taz been good catching up with you in between surfs and engine repairs and of course we wish you all the best for the rest of your trip! Cheers! YEW! Froth on!

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All Amped Up! Comingsoon!

37 - SM ION team rider Andy Criere all amped up in his Onyx Amp wetsuit! Photo: Mario Entero


Summer is just around the corner and that means longer days, longer surfs, longer in the water – and thanks to the innovations in wetsuit design you can be in there longer than ever! So in our new feature, 'Hot Wots', we'll be looking at What's Hot in the world of wetsuits with the help of Surphang's very own top student surfer, James Heslington. He'll be testing out our favourite suits on offer this summer and giving us an actual surfer's eye review of how good these suits really are! First up then, we'll be checking out watersports giant ION's Onyx Amp as it gets the full product test feature in our next issue when we're sure to be 'All Amped Up!'

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Home and Hawai-A! Photos: Alan Burke; Words: Stu Gaston

39 - SM Josh Burke living the dream in Barbados! Photo: Alan Burke


For many of us, this idylic scene of turquoise waters, blue skies, sunny days and most importantly, perfectly shaped waves is what dreams are made of... For Josh Burke this literally is living the dream as this is where he is fortunate enough to call home! No wonder then that this Pro Junior surfer from Barbados is turning heads wherever he goes and after a few recent trips to Hawaii, we caught up with Josh to ask him more about the awesome waves he gets to surf when he's home and away!

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Home and Hawai-A!

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Josh Burke living the barrel dream in Hawaii! Photo: Alan Burke


It was summer then when we spoke to you last Josh and over the past six months you've been as busy as ever! First of all then, tell us about your travels. You're just back from another trip to Hawaii, so how was that? What were the highlights? This past January was my fourth trip to the North shore and definitely my best! The waves were really good the entire time, only a couple of lay days. I started to feel comfortable in the solid surf and getting used to the crowds whether it was OTW, Backdoor, Haliewa or Sunset. However my best sessions were at OTW.

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Home and Hawai-A!

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Josh Burke getting barrelled at Sunset Photo: Alan Burke


Now you're a seasoned Hawaii traveller, so where and when was your best session this season? One day I was on the balcony at the Billabong house watching the blown out waves with no one out, the wind died and OTW got really good so I dropped what I was doing and paddled out with a couple friends exchanging barrels.

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Home and Hawai-A!

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Josh Burke driving through another Hawaiian barrel! Photo: Alan Burke

surphalosophy And how did it compare to previous trips? Has this Hawaii season been a good one? My last trip to Hawaii (in January) was probably my best one because almost everyday had great waves with light winds. One day it was magical weather with light offshore winds. All my other trips I haven't been so lucky! I travel back to the North shore tomorrow for the WSL Pipe Pro Junior so hopefully it's good.

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Home and Hawai-A!

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Josh Burke having fun in another Hawaiian green room! Photo: Alan Burke

surphalosophy Of course last time, you were also over there to take part in the WSL Sunset Beach Pro Junior, so how did that go? It was awesome to compete in the Sunset Pro Junior in epic waves with just three other guys out. I ended up getting 49th out of 112 surfers which was obviously not the result I was looking for but it was a great experience and I can't wait to compete in it again next year.

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Home and Hawai-A!

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Josh Burke looking right at home in Hawaii! Photo: Alan Burke

surphalosophy Now everyone knows the surf in Hawaii can be pretty heavy, so you ever taken any hard wipeouts at say Pipe or any other gnarly spots? I took a couple wipeouts at each: Backdoor, OTW, Haliewa and Sunset. Each one is a bit different but all hit you hard! I broke two of my favorite boards out at Sunset, one was the day before the event started on a massive clean-up set, couple of the other boys thought they were going to drown and the other was on my first wave in my heat, I buckled it on the drop nearly going down but managed to recover and did not realize it was broken until I caught my second wave and felt the fibre glass peeling up the bottom.

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Home and Hawai-A!

51 - SM Josh Burke back at home in the barrel off the shores of Barbados! Photo: Alan Burke


Recently you've been enjoying some valuable time back home in Barbados. How was it surfing back there then? Had any memorable sessions? We had two pretty good North swells hit Barbados recently and I had a couple alltime sessions at a spot on the west side with some friends. I surfed for 7 hours that day trying to maximize the opportunity of good waves.The South coast has been pumping too! One of my favorite spots, Brandens, a sweet long left has been fun.

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Home and Hawai-A!

53 - SM Josh Burke loving the green rooms of Barbados! Photo: Alan Burke


So where's your all time favourite spot back home that you hope will be cranking? I hope we get another big North swell soon with South wind so that the east side is pumping. There are so many good spots in Barbados, just depends how the elements line up to determine where I go, however I mostly look forward to epic Soupbowl.

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Home and Hawai-A!

55 - SM Josh Burke making good use of the barrels of Barbados! Photo: Alan Burke

surphalosophy Now you're heading off to Hawaii again soon, with the WSL Pipe Pro Junior coming up, so what are your goals for your contest season this year? My goals are to win the North America Pro Junior Rankings and to qualify for the WSL World Juniors. I have not had a very good start, a bit of bad luck has been on my side. It's been three not good results in a row so hoping to shake that now.

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Home and Hawai-A!

57 - SM Josh Burke mixing it up! Photo: Alan Burke

surphalosophy Competitons aside, what about the freesurfing game? You've posted some impressive edits, full of your trademark airs, so have you plans for upping your online profile with fresh material this year? Yes for sure, I love free surfing and putting together edits, my Dad does the filming and I do the editing so all home made!

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Home and Hawai-A!

59 - SM Josh Burke driving through a powerful bottom turn! Photo: Alan Burke


And last summer you spent some time surfing with all the upcoming Billabong crew, who have always been well known for pushing the boundaries at the best spots around the world. So what are you thinking are your travelling plans for the year to come? I don't have any plans for surf trips just yet but there are plans in the works to tour the US East Coast with the REEF crew to promote a new film. I will be traveling to compete in all the WSL North America Pro Juniors and doing as much WQS events as I can get in. I will also be doing the ISA World juniors along with the NSSA Regionals and the NSSA Nationals this year, so that will have me pretty busy.

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Home and Hawai-A!

61 - SM Josh Burke flying high in Barbados! Photo: Alan Burke

surphalosophy Finally then what about the future? Is your goal to one day be on the Tour or are you going to carve out your own destiny and be known for your freesurfing? Or both of course? My ultimate goal will be to one day love to make the WCT and hopefully win a World Title but I also want to be known for free surfing and making good movies!

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Home and Hawai-A!

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Josh Burke living the green room dream and flying high! Photo: Alan Burke


Since interviewing Josh a few days ago, we're stoked to be able to say that he's just reached the semi-finals of the WSL Pipeline Pro Junior. So looks like that run of bad luck has made a turn for the better! Look forward to seeing you at the World Juniors later this year hopefully Josh!

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Surf 'Sul'utions Photos: Lewis Arnold; Words: Stu Gaston

65 - SM Seth Hughes having fun in the south of Portugal! Photo: Lewis Arnold


Spring has finally sprung and as every surfer knows, now it's time to get down to business as this year's contest season approaches. Nowadays, upcoming surfers are training harder than ever to reach that final podium so it's all about getting your A-game in gear as early possible. No wonder then that the 'Surf Solutions' Cadet Squad have had a busy winter of training, including their annual trip to the warmer climes of Portugal. We spoke to four of the squad to find out more about what goes down when the 'sul'utions head south...

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Surf 'Sul'utions Seth Hughes

67 - SM Seth Hughes showing some fin! Photo: Lewis Arnold


Name: Seth Hughes Age: 16 Years surfing: 7 Where you live: London Sponsors: Alcatraz Beach Club Local break/s: I don't have a local beach; I just surf where the waves are best. Favourite surfer? John John Florenece Favourite place to surf? Hossegor Favourite surf movie? Strange Rumblings in Shanghri Lah. Favourite surf trick? Dane Reynolds lay backs Favourite board? LC (Lewis Clinton) 5'11 roundtail step-up.

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Surf 'Sul'utions Seth Hughes

69 - SM Seth Hughes hitting a fun little section! Photo: Lewis Arnold


What first got you into surfing? My Grandad has a house in Bournemouth and there is a surf school not too far away so I just decided to try it a few years ago. Who in surfing inspires you most? If I was to pick a person in surfing that has inspired me the most it would be my coach Joel Gray. But lots of people inspire me from outside surfing as well, especially my parents. When and how did you become sponsored? Alcatraz Beach Club is a small clothing company that was started by a sixth former in my school a few years ago. He knew I surfed and I just asked if he wanted any help with publicity through the surfing world and it just started from there. What do you prefer then, free surfing or competitions and why? I prefer free surfing definitely because you don't have to surf to a criteria. You can just surf how you want to surf and not worry about taking risks or trying new things.

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Surf 'Sul'utions Seth Hughes

71 - SM Seth Hughes high over another lip! Photo: Lewis Arnold

surphangaway What moment are you most proud of in your surfing career so far? Probably when I was asked to do a 4-page article on Portugal in a surf magazine a few years ago because that was the first time. Where around the world have you been lucky enough to travel to and surf? I've been pretty lucky and got to go to quite a few different places but because I live in London I can pretty much get a flight anywhere, which helps. But I've been to France, Portugal, Australia, Canary Islands and Dubai WavePool. So on your recent trip with 'Surf Solutions', when and where was your best surf session? My best session was at Arrifana during the middle of the week. We got a steep little left all to ourselves one evening and it was super fun. And what about any notable wipeouts during the week away? I'm not sure about wipeouts but I'm sure I fell off my board a few times from eating too much of the amazing Surf Experience lunches!

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Surf 'Sul'utions Seth Hughes

73 - SM Seth Hughes having fun on those left handers! Photo: Lewis Arnold

surphangaway So what kind of training did Joel put you through that week? The training wasn't too demanding during that week but it was mainly just working on our technique, which I think is the best thing to do on trips away. What do you do then when you don't surf? Living in London means I have long gaps between surfing so keeping my fitness up is the only way to make sure I don't drop too far behind everyone else. I train at the gym twice a week and do yoga everyday at home. But besides from that I normally just have a lot of schoolwork to do to be honest! What's your goal for the next year? My plans for the years are just to surf as much as I can whilst also doing my exams in the summer and hopefully go on a few trips. And what about the future? I mainly want to surf all over the world, so I would like to find a way to do that for as long as I can.

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Surf 'Sul'utions Joseph Morris

75 - SM Joseph Morris making the most of the surf in the south of Portugal! Photo: Lewis Arnold


Name: Joseph Morris Age: 13 Nickname: Jo Jo Morris (haha) Years surfing: 6 Where you live: Port Talbot Sponsors: Santa Cruz, Northcore, Carve Eyewear, Reef, Fluid Juice Surfboards, Cool Flo Local break/s: Aberavon Favourite surfer? Kelly Slater & John John Florence Favourite place to surf? Aberavon & Huntington Beach, California Favourite surf movie? Attractive Distractions Favourite surf trick? I would love to do an Ally oop one day! Favourite board? My Fluid Juice 5ft

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Surf 'Sul'utions Joseph Morris

77 - SM Joseph Morris bottom turning! Photo: Lewis Arnold

surphangaway What first got you into surfing? I did a summer holiday taster session and was hooked...was already involved with my beach lifeguard's club anyway. Who in surfing inspires you most? Kelly Slater....still ripping now! When and how did you become sponsored? I was lucky enough to be sponsored by Santa Cruz 2 years ago after Brad saw my surf videos. Northcore a year ago was a great surprise after a sick trip to Newcastle. With Joel, I won a Fluid Juice surfboard during a Mini Bugs comp from where I now get my boards and recently I was lucky enough to have Reef sponsor me as well. What do you prefer then, free surfing or competitions and why? Although I love comps with all my friends, free surfing is the best!!! You can try new things and surf with no pressure to do anything...I love that.

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Surf 'Sul'utions Joseph Morris

79 - SM Joseph Morris off the top! Photo: Lewis Arnold

surphangaway What moment are you most proud of in your surfing career so far? Getting to the semi finals and coming 11th in the Euros last year with Wales. Where around the world have you been lucky enough to travel to and surf? Portugal, France, Florida, California and the Azores So on your recent trip with 'Surf Solutions', when and where was your best surf session? Aravana was the best on this trip! And what about any notable wipeouts during the week away? I normally have some good wipeouts but this trip wasn't too head caught the lip once and I face planted but that was it.

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Surf 'Sul'utions Joseph Morris

81 - SM Joseph Morris making ready to whack that lefthand lip! Photo: Lewis Arnold

surphangaway So what kind of training did Joel put you through that week? I always love the weeks because we work on everything. We worked on technique, correct turns and heat drills with a Ucal cup comp to finish! What do you do then when you don't surf? Skate, Parkour and drums What's your goal for the next year? Land air reverses, do well at comps and just keep enjoying my surfing. And what about the future? I just want to surf, travel to new places surfing and have fun with my friends.

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Surf 'Sul'utions Will Masterman

83 - SM Will Masterman working the fun surf in the south of Portugal! Photo: Lewis Arnold


Name: Will Masterman Age: 12 years old Nickname: Too rude to repeat! Years surfing: 5 years Where you live: Jersey, Channel Islands Sponsors: Nutzlife Local break/s: Goldies, Splash, Barge, Secrets – all in St Ouens Bay, Greve de Lecq and St Brelades Bay Favourite surfer? Jamie O'Brien Favourite place to surf? Splash, St Ouen Favourite surf movie? Chasing Mavericks Favourite surf trick? Tail Slide Favourite board? Nutz 'LiveWire' KFlex

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Surf 'Sul'utions Will Masterman

85 - SM Will Masterman bottom turning on his backhand! Photo: Lewis Arnold

surphangaway What first got you into surfing? A week surfcamp with Matt Seymour who ran Quiksilver Surf School Who in surfing inspires you most? Pro-surfer John John Florence and local surfers Matt Chapman and Josh Evans When and how did you become sponsored? I asked local surfboard and wetsuit manufacturer Ryan Herve of who offered to sponsor me last year. What do you prefer then, free surfing or competitions and why? Free surfing as I can try new things and don't have to worry about messing up.

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Surf 'Sul'utions Will Masterman

87 - SM Will Masterman mastering the fun surf! Photo: Lewis Arnold

surphangaway What moment are you most proud of in your surfing career so far? Coming second in the under 12 category at the POSCA British Junior National Surf Championships last year. Where around the world have you been lucky enough to travel to and surf? I was part of the Channel Islands team that travelled to the Azores for the Junior ESF Championships last year and Portugal with Joel Grey, Surf Solutions last year. One day I'd like to go to Hawaii and surf Pipeline. So on your recent trip with 'Surf Solutions', when and where was your best surf session? On the second day we went to Arrifana which had a really nice left hand break with some solid barrels And what about any notable wipeouts during the week away? Yeh, at Arrifana I was coming out of a turn when the wave curled steeply, I went over the top and hit the sand quite hard!

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Surf 'Sul'utions Will Masterman

89 - SM Will Masterman loving another sunset session in the south of Portugal! Photo: Lewis Arnold

surphangaway So what kind of training did Joel put you through that week? Lots of technique concentrating on wave selection, deep bottom turns, arm position, where to focus and loads more with the benefit of video analysis. It was also my first time working with a surf photographer and so understanding my positioning to get good shots What do you do then when you don't surf? I attend Jersey Aquatic Rescue Club and am a keen prone paddle boarder. I also love to skateboard and just chill with my mates.

What's your goal for the next year? To improve my surf technique and experience more competitions And what about the future? I want to take every opportunity that I am given to be the best I can be and see where it takes me. I'd love to be a big wave surfer.

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Surf 'Sul'utions Max Spicer

91 - SM Max Spicer sampling the surf in the south of Portugal! Photo: Lewis Arnold


Name: Max Spicer Age: 14 Years surfing: 4 years Where you live: Brighton Sponsors: C-Skins, Ocean Sports Surf Shop Local break/s: Shoreham Hot Pipe Favourite surfer? Jordy Smith Favourite place to surf? Hossegor, France Favourite surf movie? Mick Fanning's Missing Favourite surf trick? Backside snaps Favourite board? Any Euroglass shapers

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Surf 'Sul'utions Max Spicer

93 - SM Max Spicer setting himself up nicely! Photo: Lewis Arnold

surphangaway What first got you into surfing? Being a strong swimmer and going to the beach with friends. Who in surfing inspires you most? Kelly Slater When and how did you become sponsored? About 6 months ago and through Ocean Sports surf shop. What do you prefer then, free surfing or competitions and why? I prefer free surfing because there is no time limit and you can choose the conditions that you go to surf in.

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Surf 'Sul'utions Max Spicer

95 - SM Max Spicer with some backhand spray! Photo: Lewis Arnold

surphangaway What moment are you most proud of in your surfing career so far? For me its paddling out at big low tide Croyde when none of my friends did. Where around the world have you been lucky enough to travel to and surf? California (all breaks driving from Malibu down to San Diego), the southwest of France, Portugal and the Canary Islands So on your recent trip with 'Surf Solutions', when and where was your best surf session? It was at this right hand reef that we surfed because it felt like a mini J-Bay. And what about any notable wipeouts during the week away? I had some notable wipeouts at Arrifarna beach on a shallow sand bank that we surfed

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Surf 'Sul'utions Max Spicer

97 - SM Max Spicer showing Seth and Joseph some fin! Photo: Lewis Arnold


So what kind of training did Joel put you through that week? The training was mostly done by doing different drills in the water because we were working on performing better bottom turns. What do you do then when you don't surf? When I'm not surfing, I do fishing in the summer and also mountain biking, school work and mainly swimming. What's your goal for the next year? To keep training and try to get some more consistent results in competitions. And what about the future? To keep developing my surfing, stay fit and healthy and to hopefully work within the surf industry.

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High Fliers Photos: Nicolas Audineau, Jared Sislin & Lourens de Villiers; Words: Stu Gaston

99 - SM Augustin Arrive flying high! Photo: Nicolas Audineau


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Augustin Arrive

101 - SM Augustin Arrive grabbing some air time! Photo: Nicolas Audineau

HotShots Photo: Ben Potier

Name: Augustin Arrive Age: 15 Nickname: Augu Years surfing: 7 Where you live: Vendee, France Sponsors: Rip Curl, FCS/Gorilla, Nissan lrsy Local break/s: Tanchet, Bud, La Sauzaie Favourite surfers? Gabriel Medina, Dane Reynolds and Kelly Slater Favourite place to surf? Tanchet, my home spot and Backdoor, Hawaii Favourite surf movie? Stranger than Fiction Favourite surf trick? Revo air Favourite board? Simon Anderson

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Augustin Arrive

103 - SM Augustin Arrive going for the slob! Photo: Nicolas Audineau


What first got you into surfing? Adrien, my brother Who in surfing inspires you most? John John Florence and Gabriel Medina When and how did you become sponsored? At 8 years old, during a Gromsearch contest

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Augustin Arrive

105 - SM Augustin Arrive working the right hander! Photo: Nicolas Audineau


What do you prefer then, free surfing or competitions and why? Both! Freesurfing to push my limits, contest to improve my surfing What moment are you most proud of in your surfing career so far? A Backdoor barrel during a second reef session

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Augustin Arrive

107 - SM Augustin Arrive getting in some green room time! Photo: Nicolas Audineau


Where around the world have you been lucky enough to travel to and surf? Morocco, Hawaii, South Africa, Sumatra, Sumbawa and Bali. When and where was your best surf session? Lacerations two years ago What's the worst wipeout of your life? Pipe, a free fall take off, then the lip hit me right on my back

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Augustin Arrive

109 - SM Augustin Arrive carving! Photo: Nicolas Audineau


Do you train as well as surf? Yes, as much as I can What do you do when you don't surf? School, cruising with my friends

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Augustin Arrive

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Augustin Arrive getting stuck right in! Photo: Nicolas Audineau

HotShots What's your goal for the next year? Going back to North shore, and take a big one at Backdoor or Pipe And what about the future? Surf as much as I can, and maybe trying to live the dream as long as is possible!

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Josh Benjoya

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Josh Benjoya flying high! Photo: Jared Sislin


Name: Josh Benjoya Age: 19 Nickname: Benji Years surfing: 7 Where you live: Dana Point Sponsors: Hurley, Infinity Surfboards, Von Zipper, Famous Surf Accessories Local break/s: Salt Creek, California Favourite surfer? Rob Machado Favourite place to surf? Nicaragua Favourite surf movie? Loose Change Favourite surf trick? Power hack Favourite board? My 5'11 round tail made by Infinity Surfboards What first got you into surfing? My dad surfs and took me to the beach everyday when I was young so it was really just a matter of time until I got into surfing.

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Josh Benjoya

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Josh Benjoya flying high at Huntington! Photo: Jared Sislin


What first got you into surfing? My dad surfs and took me to the beach everyday when I was young so it was really just a matter of time until I got into surfing. Who in surfing inspires you most? Kelly Slater inspires me most with his surfing because of the way he approaches competition and makes sure he is always in shape, eating healthy, and progressing his surfing. It blows my mind how he can keep up and beat all the young guys in his 40's When and how did you become sponsored? I took on my first sponsor at 14 and it all happened from surfing Salt Creek everyday and working on my skills but not until Salt Creek local Pat O'Connell watched me progress quickly over the years and then invited me to surf for the Hurley team.

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Josh Benjoya

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Josh Benjoya getting barrelled at Salt Creek! Photo: Jared Sislin

HotShots What do you prefer then, free surfing or competitions and why? I prefer free surfing but you can't really do that until you have a established a name for yourself and you have to do that by doing well in contests. Now 2015 has got off to a pretty good start for you after you posted some impressive scroes in the early rounds of the WSL Shoe City Pro in Huntington Beach. Talk us through how those early heats went for you then? The Shoe City Pro was a really fun competition. The waves were 3-4ft with rippable conditions. My board felt really good and I was lucky enough to get the waves to post decent scores throughout the event until the quarterfinals.

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Josh Benjoya

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Josh Benjoya flying high as ever! Photo: Jared Sislin

HotShots So with the competition side of things, what's your overall goal for this year? My goal for this year is to do more QS events and build my points. I want to set myself up so that I can get into higher rated events next year. And looking back, what's been the top highlight of your surfing career so far? The highlight of my surfing career is just traveling, meeting new friends and making memories What about plans for any trips this year then? I don't really have a surf trip planned yet for this year but in between contests I am definitely trying to go somewhere, maybe Fiji or Ecuador!

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Josh Benjoya

121 - SM Josh Benjoya flying high through a sunlit sky! Photo: Jared Sislin

HotShots And where around the world have you been lucky enough to travel to and surf already? I've been lucky enough to travel to Hawaii, Barbados, Mexico, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. Out of all of those, when and where was your best surf session? I scored "La Boom" in Nicaragua really good when I went last year and got some super fun waves. What about the worst wipeout you've had on a trip? I had a pretty good wipeout practicing out at Sunset this winter in Hawaii and just got rag dolled and pushed to the bottom barely making it up for a breath right before the next wave annihilated me.

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Josh Benjoya

123 - SM Josh Benjoya bringing true meaning to flying high! Photo: Jared Sislin

HotShots You've been posting some sick short vids of your freesurfing lately, so are we going to be seeing a longer edit popping up anytime soon? Possibly I have been trying to get film when I'm at home but it's hard when the waves are small but we'll see there might be something coming. Finally then, what are your aims for the future? My aims for the future are to keep traveling and doing contests, progress my surfing and live happy.

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Liam de Villiers

125 - SM Liam de Villiers sending spray flying off his backhand! Photo: Lourens de Villiers


Name: Liam de Villiers Age: 16 Years surfing: 4 years Where you live: Richards Bay, Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa Sponsors: Rip Curl and Reef Brazil SA, Famous Surf Accessories, Spider Surfboards and Xtreme Force Local break/s: Alkantstrand and Newark Beach, Richards Bay Favourite surfer? Owen Wright Favourite place to surf? Ponta d'Oro (Mozambique) Favourite surf movie? Cancer to Capricorn – Path to the Modern Gipsy Favourite surf trick? Anything with a full rotation feels sick Favourite board? 5'11�Spider Havoc

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Liam de Villiers

127 - SM Liam de Villiers flying high! Photo: Lourens de Villiers

HotShots What first got you into surfing? I was street skating near our local beach when a surfing legend of our town Fred le Roux convinced me to take up surfing. Who in surfing inspires you most? I have to say Gabriel Medina because of the way he became World Champ. Everybody wanted Kelly to win but he held on and surfed well when it mattered the most.

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Liam de Villiers

129 - SM Liam de Villiers working the lefthander! Photo: Lourens de Villiers


When and how did you become sponsored? Well this year would be my third year representing my sponsors. I was kind of at the right place at the right time when they where looking for a new surfer to sponsor on the North Coast. What do you prefer then, free surfing or competitions and why? Although I enjoy the competitive side of surfing I that I can be more expressive when I free surf. What moment are you most proud of in your surfing career so far? Getting sponsored and featuring in a double page article in a local surf magazine.

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Liam de Villiers

131 - SM Liam de Villiers flying tail high! Photo: Lourens de Villiers


Where around the world have you been lucky enough to travel to and surf? I have not travelled much out of South Africa, only been to Mozambique. I am very excited about an upcoming trip to the Maldives in April 2015 though! When and where was your best surf session? Last year at Seal Point, Cape St during a Billabong Junior Contest. What's the worst wipeout of your life? A while back at Super Tubes, Jeffreys Bay. Did not make the take off, went over the falls onto sharp rocks and kept on getting drilled by the set waves.

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Liam de Villiers

133 - SM Liam de Villiers in the green room! Photo: Lourens de Villiers


Do you train as well as surf? Yes, I train and do other sport when I am not surfing What do you do when you don't surf? Mostly school work, I also play rugby, cricket and do athletics, like to skate, do some fishing or chill with my girlfriend when I have some free time!

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Liam de Villiers

135 - SM Liam de Villiers flying high in a sunny sky! Photo: Lourens de Villiers

HotShots What's your goal for the next year? It would be great to compete in the World Junior Champs in 2016. And what about the future? I would like to continue to improve all aspects of my surfing. After school I like to try and surf as much as try and get on to the World Tour. Surfing the best waves around the world would be great, getting paid to do it would be awesome!

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A Whole New World? Photos: Chuck Schmid; Words: Stu Gaston

137 - SM Gabriel Medina grabbing some air time... he's been doing a lot of that lately! Photo:


Let us show you the world, Take you wonder by wonder, Over, sideways and under, On a magic tubular ride! A Whole New World, A new fantastic point of view, No one to tell us no or where to go, Or say we're only dreaming... I wonder if this is what they had in mind up at ASP towers when someone came up with the idea of the biggest rebranding to hit professional surfing in a long while... yes the World League of Surfing!

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A Whole New World?

139 - SM Gabriel Medina making the most of the green room! Photo: Izac Carracher


More to the point, I guess is, what did they actually have in mind? According to the official press release “The action is intended to simplify the Qualifying Series from a consumer, media, marketing and athlete standpoint, ensuring the continuation of the world's best surfers advancing through to the elite Championship Tour where they will contest for the world title.”Well that's so much clearer then... Perhaps Kieren Perrow, ASP Commissioner, words can help: “The changes being made to next year's Qualifying Series are designed to enhance the process already in place and improve the experience for our athletes, fans and event partners” And therein lies the subtle difference...

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A Whole New World?

141 - SM Gabriel Medina made the most of Hawaii to take his maiden World title! Photo: Izac Carracher


Last year, not only did the World Championship Tour see history made when Medina took the title, it also was the first year when major new sponsor Samsung stepped up to support and sponsor the World Tour. So it was only a matter of time before change crept its way into the ways of the world of surfing.

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A Whole New World?

143 - SM After winning in Hawaii, Julian Wilson's been in a league of his own lately! Photo: Izac Carracher

TheGoss The Association of Surfing Professionals was a very apt name for a group of surfers who compete against each other and earn a living from it. Yet at the same time, it was a very insular name – yes if you are a surfer come and join us, if not, go and find your own association that you can be part of! Whereas the World Surfing League is a much more encompassing name – if you have any interest in surfing, however small it might be, come and have a look anyway!

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A Whole New World?

145 - SM John John Florence on fine form... the first World Surfing League World Champion? Photo: Izac Carracher


And there it is, that subtle difference, Kieran Perrow refers first to the athletes, one of which he once was, whereas the offical press release, states the rebranding action comes from a “consumer, media, marketing and athlete standpoint.� In other words the now highly Samsung sponsored World Surfing League is all about the consumer and 'how much money we can make out of getting more and more people interested' in this sport called surfing.

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A Whole New World?

147 - SM Kolohe Andino got his 2015 campaing off to a good start... can he keep it up? Photo: Izac Carracher


That's all very well from an event organiser point of view, watching the spectators crowd the beach to watch Kolohe Andino win the first two QS events of the new season. But what about the surfers local to each and every beach around the world, one of whom recently commented, “A few years ago at this time of year it only used to be me and few mates out but today it was like every man and his dog out there!�

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A Whole New World?

149 - SM Gabriel Medina and his menacing backhand... can it keep him on top in 2015? Photo:

TheGoss So the World Surfing League is no doubt here to stay. Whether that's a good thing or not, only time will tell. In the meantime it's very much a case of spot the difference as this group of surfing professionals continue to compete in regular surfing contests at which one of them earns a lot of money and eventually goes on to be the next World Champion!

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Seth Hughes getting shacked in the south of Portugal! Photo: Lewis Arnold

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Taz Knight takes to the air in California! Photo:

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Josh Burke getting barrelled in Barbados! Photo: Alan Burke

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Liam de Villiers grabbing some air time! Photo: Lenard Dupper

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Surphang Magazine

159 - SM We could all be a little closer to living the dream next time! Photo: Alan Burke

So that's another issue all wrapped up! And with it we can hopefully wrap away those hoods, gloves, boots and 5 mil wetsuits for another year as Spring appears to have sprung! So in our next issue we'll be getting into a more summery mood as we sample some warmer waves of our own both home and away as we all get plenty more time SURPHANG!

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Thanks for reading the Thirty Seventh issue of

Surphang Magazine

Josh Burke bigging it up in Barbados! Photo: Alan Burke

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