A who’s wh who on a great rock band
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Friday August 6, 2010 Serving Surreyy and North Delta www.surreyleader.com ww w w.s s u rr su r ey e y leader.com
SPCA: Felines at full capacity Owners wanting to surrender their cats are put on wait list Black Press THE BC SPCA’S Surrey branch is just one of 10 shelters that has been forced to
turn away and create waiting lists for owners surrendering cats and kittens. “We are absolutely chockablock full,� Surrey branch manager Valerie Sigler said. “We have over 100 kittens right now.� While Sigler said the branch would never turn away an owner in a real bind, staff are having to explore other housing alternatives – such as finding new homes privately – before taking in additional cats and kittens. “We are full, full, full to capacity,� she said, noting owners are also being put on a waiting list until space becomes available. Surrey isn’t the only SPCA location faced with the problem. Shelters in Vancouver, Burnaby, Chilliwack, Maple Ridge, Dawson Creek, Kamloops, Prince Rupert, Williams Lake and Quesnel are also struggling to handle the number of cats and kittens that are coming in. “We’re doing our best but we’re absolutely over capacity right now,� said Ryan Voutilainen, manager of the BC SCPA’s Vancouver branch. “The welfare of the cats and kittens we already have in our care is our first priority, so unfortunately at this time, we can’t accommodate cats who are being surrendered.� The non-profit society currently has 3,100 cats and kittens in its network of shelters and foster homes. “Now is the height of kitten season, which is our busiest time of year,� said Mark Takhar, BC SPCA assistant general manager of operations. Green-eyed Tess is just one of many cats – as well as kittens – available at the Surrey SPCA shelter.
See SPCA / Page 4
Going the distance Surrey man swims, bikes and runs for Surrey charity by Dan Ferguson FIRST, 51-YEAR-OLD Cloverdale resident Will Rogers swam 22 kilometres from Sturdies Bay on Galiano Island to the Tsawwassen ferry terminal in Delta . He says the July 3 swim went well, except for the harbour seals that nibbled on his toes and the boat that nearly cut him in half as he neared the finish line. Rogers, a father of three and grandfather of five, even shaved 25 minutes off his previous time.
Then, he followed up the swim with a 500-kilometre bicycle ride from Victoria to Penticton on July 17-18. Next up is a run, on foot, along the same route starting Aug. 10. It’s all a fundraiser for the Surrey-based Servants Anonymous Society (SAS), a charity that works to rehabilitate sex trade workers. It’s the third “Million Dollar Journey� by Rogers. Last year, he raised $10,000. So far this year, he’s raised $2,500. See SAS / Page 5
Will Rogers in action in the water.
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