Fri July 16, 2010 Leader

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Fusion Festival page 39

Tour de White Rock starts tonight page 35

Friday July 16, 2010 Serving Surrey and North Delta

Friends mourn murdered teen 17-year-old shot dead in North Surrey by Dan Ferguson ADEM ALIU didn’t have much use


for guns. The day before he was shot and killed on a Surrey street, the 17-year-old Guildford Learning Centre student posted a message about firearms on his Facebook page. “Guns are neat little things, aren’t they? They can kill extraordinary people with very little effort.” It was a quote from John Hinckley. Jr. – the would-be assassin who shot U.S. president Ronald Reagan. Less than 24 hours later, a

group of young people were smoking next to the garbage bins at the back of a First Nations housing complex at 141 Street and 103 Avenue in North Surrey. Around 3:30 Wednesday morning an argument started. Residents in the townhouses heard voices raised, then the sound of running, then gunshots. When they rushed outside, they discovered Aliu lying in the street. He’d been shot. “I heard screaming, then a girl come running back into the complex,” eyewitness Gary Johnny told The Leader. “That’s when everyone scattered.”

When police arrived, there was a confrontation with one young man who was wrestled to the ground by officers. The young man was yelling that someone had killed his buddy, Johnny said. “I got to f___ help my friend,” the eyewitness heard him shout. “This guy came along and shot my buddy. Shot him in the head.” Within a matter of hours, friends of Aliu set up memorial Facebook websites. They described with affection how the tall, sleepy-eyed kid from Albania had learned English well enough to develop a wry wit.

Adem Aliu came to Canada to escape the violence in Albania.

See ALIU / Page 3

Holy Grail of hockey comes to Surrey/Delta by Rick Kupchuk THREE LOCAL hockey heroes have brought the Stanley Cup home. The trio were members of the Chicago Blackhawks when the National Hockey League team became playoff champions last month, defeating the Philadelphia Flyers in six games. Colin Fraser was with the Cup Wednesday from 12-3 p.m. at Surrey City Centre, located across the

street from the North Surrey Recreation Centre, where the now 25-year-old played his minor hockey as a member of the Surrey Minor Hockey Association. Yesterday (Thursday), North Delta’s Troy Brouwer paraded the Stanley Cup down 84 Avenue from the public safety building to the Sungod Arena. Tsawwassen’s Brent Seabrook gets the mug for today (Friday) for a public viewing at the South Delta Recreation Centre. See FANS / Page 3


NHL player Colin Fraser hoists the Stanley Cup amidst throngs of fans in Surrey City Centre on Wednesday.

Editorial 6 Letters 7 Sports 34 People 37 Classifieds 41



. Y. . . . . . . .LA .W . IN . . .O . .. . . . . . . . . . . .G. . . .

5732 176 St. Cloverdale Showline 604-574-1114

Save time, save money.

Frri,, July 16 - Thur, July y 22 ESPIC CABLE ME ............................ 7:0 00 pm

Matine ees DESPPICCABLE ME .................................... 1:330 pm DESPPICCABLE ME .................................... 3:330 pm





ONE TUESDAY, SHOW KIDS & MATINEE (For 1 Person) (For 1 Person) Friends & Family Friendly Pricing Discounts for 2 or more people at Evening a E or Matinee shows


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