Tuesday Aug 23 2011 Leader

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Tuesday August 23, 2011 Serving Surrey and North Delta www.surreyleader.com

Tributes pouring in for Jack Layton

Mini Mountie

‘He gave us all hope...’

Gavin George, 3, sits on an RCMP motorcycle during the eighth annual Surrey RCMP’s Junior Police Academy held at Guildfrod Park Secondary last Wednesday. Nearly 800 Surrey kids took part in the program, held during the week of Aug. 15-19. The Junior Police Academy is offered free for five days each August – rotating through North Surrey, Guildford, Newton, Cloverdale and South Surrey.

by Jeff Nagel and Tom Fletcher FEDERAL NDP leader Jack Layton

is being remembered in Surrey and across the country as a politician who transformed Canadian politics. Layton’s death from cancer early Monday at the age of 61 prompted an outpouring of tributes. “He changed the landscape of Canadian political history,” said Penny Priddy, a longtime Surrey New Democrat who served both federally and provincially. His death comes just months after Layton led the NDP to Official Opposition status in Canadian Parliament, a first for the party. Priddy, a cancer survivor herself, was an Jack Layton MP from 20062008 when there was little sign the NDP was about to score a massive breakthrough in the 2011 campaign. “Regardless of what was happening publicly or what number we were at in the polls, Jack was always, always positive,” she said. See LAYTON / Page 3


Farm project a labour of love Potatoes grown on donated land will feed hungry at the Surrey Food Bank by Maria Spitale-Leisk WITH SOME help from the neighbours – and a little divine intervention – a former corporate man turned farmer has been able to cultivate a defunct farm into a thriving 3.5-acre crop of potatoes that will help feed Surrey’s hungry. “This is more than a donation, this is a project of love,” said Marilyn Herrmann, executive director of the Surrey Food Bank. On Aug. 18, standing in a gravel parking lot at God’s Little Acre farm at 16582 40 Ave., a visibly moved Herrmann spoke to media, invited guests and community partners about the generosity of the project’s

founder, Jas Singh. “We want you to hang this somewhere where the whole world can see it,” said Herrmann, revealing a framed, official certificate of appreciation from the Surrey Food Bank (SFB). It was approximately one year ago that Singh approached the food bank and told them about his plan. He wanted to grow a crop on donated land and provide the produce to the SFB. Herrmann was convinced that was the last time she would see Singh. “We have never had a donation like this before,” she said.

Editorial 6 Letters 7 Sports 11 Life 13 Classifieds 19 Best Vancouver bodyshop 9 years in a row (blush).

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WildPlay Maple Ridge 23485 Fern Cres. | Toll free 1-888-590-7274

See CROP / Page 3

Save time, save money.

Climb, swing, zip, or jump at WildPlay Maple Ridge.


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