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Tuesday August 2, 2011 Serving Surrey and North Delta
Akonyu Akolo faces charges over missing money
Theft claims denied by former city planner
Manmeet Singh, 26, appeared in court Friday, the day after he is accused of killing his wife of two years in a newspaper office in North Surrey. Singh is charged with first-degree murder in connection to Ravinder Kaur Bhangu’s death, as well as assault charges pertaining to a man who attempted to intervene in the attack on Bhangu.
by Kevin Diakiw A FORMER planner with the City of Surrey is denying any involvement in bilking the city out of fees, as is alleged in a lawsuit by the municipality. Akonyu Geoffrey Akolo, 46, became the subject of a police investigation on April 15, 2010 after it was discovered money had gone missing from city hall. Akolo faces several criminal charges and is being sued by the city. In documents filed last month, Akolo refutes the allegations made in the city’s statement of claim. “I therefore categorically deny all accusations labelled Akonyu Akolo against me by the City of Surrey,” Akolo writes in his response to the city’s statement of claim. “All this has caused my family a lot of stress. I am being harassed by the media.” The City of Surrey has alleged unnamed developers acted in conspiracy with a Akolo to bilk the city out of various fees. “(Akolo) in exchange agreed not to collect the full amounts of fees owed by those members of the public to the city, in respect to rezoning, subdivisions or development permit applications they had made to the See AKOLO / Page 5
Man charged in wife’s murder at Surrey newspaper Manmeet Singh accused of killing 24-year-old Ravinder Kaur Bhangu by Kevin Diakiw MANMEET SINGH wore a white prison jumpsuit and spoke to the judge through a court-appointed translator in Surrey Provincial Court as he faced charges of killing his wife and assaulting her co-worker. The 26-year-old Indo-Canada man with a goatee, appeared unmoved during his brief court appearance Friday, listening carefully to his translator. Singh is charged with first-degree murder, aggravated assault and assault with a weapon related to the daytime slaying of 24-year-old Ravinder Kaur Bhangu Thursday. The count of first-degree murder involves the incident Ravinder Kaur Bhangu with Bhangu, explained Crown Counsel John Labossiere.
“The count of aggravated assault and assault with a weapon are (involving) the gentleman who came in to assist,” he said. Witness accounts say Singh entered the Sach Di Awaaz Newspaper (Punjabi for Voice of Truth) office at 128 Street and 82 Avenue at about 11 a.m. July 28, armed with at least one knife, and attacked his wife. The second employee tried to help her and was also stabbed multiple times. He was subsequently treated for his injuries in hospital and released. Singh was arrested at the scene and has been in custody since. Initially, he wouldn’t cooperate with police, even
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