Tues Nov 1 2011 Leader

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Tuesday November 1, 2011 Serving Surrey and North Delta www.surreyleader.com

Seven candidates vying for Surrey’s top civic position


by Kevin Diakiw


Above: Candidates for Surrey mayor are (from left) Dianne Watts (incumbent); Vikram Bajwa; Ross Buchanan; Touraj Ghanbar-zadeh; Clifford Inimgba; Shan Rana; and Deanna Welters.

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Whose Name Here?


itting in her office Friday morning, Surrey Mayor Dianne Watts was calm and relaxed, despite being in the maelstrom of a civic re-election campaign. Watts has reason to feel comfortable. A recent national poll indicates 68 per cent of people in Surrey like the job she’s doing, and 54 per cent of those asked say they intend to put her back in office. However, running in a municipal race is a grind, she admits, adding it’s the only level of government where incumbents are expected to continue doing their job while campaigning. This campaign, Watts, 52, will be standing on her record. She says her most notable accomplishments in the past three years have been creating substantial policies, including the Homelessness and Housing Foundation and an Ecosystem Management Study, as well as a waging a successful fight for better transportation south of the Fraser. One of Watts’ key policy initiatives was the Build Surrey Program, which features about $175 million in capital projects over the next few years, including several all-weather fields, a performing arts centre, the new City Centre Library and a new city hall in Whalley. She’s been receiving heat from her opponents in this election for spending $50 million (some estimate $90 million when interest is calculated) on that city hall, but she defends the expenditure.

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