Riot website, review
Fast, furious and fined
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Tuesday September 6, 2011 Serving Surrey and North Delta
Teachers begin job action as students head back to class
Olga Canlas, a kindergarten teacher at Prince Charles Elementary, prepares her classroom for today’s return of students. This year, all kindergarten students in B.C. will attend class for a full day, an extension of a provincewide program that began last fall, when more than half of Delta and Surrey schools began offering full days rather than the previous half days of instruction for kindergarten kids.
Disputes cast dark shadow on school year by Tom Fletcher A WORK-TO-RULE campaign by
public school teachers, set to begin on the first day of school, is only one dispute expected in education in the coming year. The B.C. Teachers Federation (BCTF) filed strike notice that took effect this morning (Tuesday). The BCTF says phase one will be to refuse administrative duties such as meeting with principals, supervising playgrounds and writing report cards. The union and the employers’ association are far apart on a range of issues, including salary and a list of benefit improvements sought by Susan Lambert the BCTF. One major point in dispute is the meaning of a B.C. Supreme Court decision handed down this spring on the government’s 2002 removal of class size and composition from teacher bargaining. BCTF president Susan Lambert says the decision means the government must add $336 million to the public school budget to guarantee a level of service. “Teachers are determined in this round of bargaining to regain those lost services, jobs and See SURREY / Page 5
Full steam ahead for full-day kindergarten Longer, six-hour program benefits children, say educators by Maria Spitale-Leisk WITH FULL-DAY kindergarten now the only option at B.C. public schools this year, educators, parents and kids are making adjustments – not only to their schedules, but their mindsets. While kindergarten students have traditionally attended school for half days only, this September marks the first school year that all-day kindergarten is offered at every elementary school in the province. The full-day program was phased in beginning last year, offered in 82 Surrey schools and two-thirds of Delta elementary schools.
Parents, says Surrey District Parent Advisory Council co-chair Bob Holmes, have mixed feelings on the longer school day. “Some parents love it, others not so much,” said Holmes. He reasons that kids entering kindergarten are at varying developmental stages because, while many might be five years old, some are still only four for the first few months of school. “A full day/half day option would have been nice,” he said. See ALL DAY / Page 4 Also see NEW SCHEDULES / Page 3
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