Wed Mar 23 2011 Leader

Page 1

Surrey schools win two at B.C.’s page 19

An Iraqi pilgrimage for the kids page 23

Wednesday March 23, 2011 Serving Surrey and North Delta

20,000 suites, 1 permit application Three months after Surrey enacts new secondary suite rules, public is slow to react by Kevin Diakiw OF THE more than 20,000 owners of illegal secondary suites in Surrey, only one has applied for a permit to legalize their unit since the city passed a law allowing one suite per home three months ago. After more than 30 years of grappling with the issue, on Dec. 13, 2010, Surrey enacted legislation allowing one secondary suite per home throughout the city. Surrey views secondary suites as a necessary form of affordable housing stock. Part of the new legislation is intended to bring existing secondary suites up to current B.C. Building Code standards, so the units will be safer. But as of March 21, The Leader has learned just one homeowner has applied for the necessary permits. Acting Mayor Barinder Rasode isn’t pleased with the situation. “Obviously, we need to do a better job of educating Barinder Rasode the public that this is something they need to move on quickly,” Rasode said Monday. “And we probably haven’t done that in a way that we should yet.” Rasode, whose home has a suite, initiated the process of obtaining necessary permits before the bylaw was passed. Tara Foslien, senior communications specialist for Mayor Dianne Watts, said by email Monday the city is initially focusing on homes with multiple suites. Surrey’s new bylaw does not allow multiple suites in a single-family home.

“Obviously, we need to do a better job of educating the public...”


A new bylaw enacted in December 2010 allows one secondary suite per home in Surrey. So far, just one person has complied with the legislation and applied for a permit to legalize their suite.

See HOMES / Page 3

What will survive the great shake-up? Some Metro structures vulnerable to earthquake by Jeff Nagel MANY BRIDGES, dams and other major infrastructure around the Lower Mainland have undergone seismic upgrades, but questions linger as to exactly how big an earthquake they could withstand and which structures might fail. Public imagination focuses on “the big one” – a

magnitude 8 to 9 super-quake centred far offshore and deep beneath the seabed in the Cascadia subduction zone. That would be similar to the magnitude 9.0 earthquake that has devastated Japan and would rock the entire Pacific Northwest. See NEW STRUCTURES / Page 4

During a major earthquake, engineers expect the new Port Mann Bridge would ‘dance,’ but not fall down.

Editorial 6 Letters 7 Sports 19 Life 23 Classifieds 27

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2 Surrey/North Delta Leader Wednesday, March 23, 2011

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011 Surrey/North Delta Leader 3

Homes: Change is occurring From page 1 However, as of March 21, just 46 letters have been sent to homeowners with multiple suites, asking them to remove the units. It’s estimated that more than 4,000 homes in Surrey have multiple suites. Foslien said the 46 homes targeted have been drawn to the city’s attention through various means, including public complaints. Rasode said that’s not how enforcement should work. “So, what I’m hearing is that it is still the traditional complaint-driven process?” she asked. “That would not be my intention from the bylaw that we passed.” Rasode expects that when a new bylaw clerk and two full-time bylaw officers are in place next month, the notices will be sent out much more quickly. In other cities, multiple suites are shut down as soon as they are discovered. Under a new law in Delta, owners of multiple suites are fined $200 a day until they comply with the bylaw. Delta, which passed a bylaw similar to Surrey’s last year, also experienced a sluggish pace of compliance at first. In the first six months of the bylaw being in force, Delta Barinder saw just a dozen Rasode property owners come forward to start the legalization process. To get things moving, Delta offered a $300 credit toward utility fees if homeowners registered their suites by Dec. 31 of this year. As an added incentive, the Corporation of Delta is waiving the permit fee until the end of 2011. Rasode doesn’t want to offer incentives because she believes people should be complying with the bylaw. Foslien points out compliance will occur much more rapidly once more bylaw officers are hired to specifically enforce the new legislation. One of the officers will start work by the end of April and recruitment for the other is underway. Surrey staff point out changes that don’t involve enforcement are already occurring.Specifically, most new homes being built in the city now include secondary suites in the architectural drawings and will be built to code. That represents a marked difference from before, when most builders submitted applications for homes without suites, then retrofitted the home after inspection to include a suite. Rasode said the process of creating and enforcing a bylaw has been extremely difficult, particularly because people’s shelter is at stake. “It’s absolutely a tough one from all perspectives,” Rasode said. More information about Surrey’s secondary suite bylaw and the process of legalizing suites can be found at

A scene from Eman Landau’s short animation, A Memory Still, which won second place in the distracted driving category in ICBC’s 180 Short Film Contest.

Youth films drive home potent messages about road safety Surrey-Delta filmmakers land prizes in ICBC contest by Sheila Reynolds

“In making this animated short we realized that the decisions we make as individuals could not only hurt our own lives, but the lives of THE ELDERLY man sits on a park bench, birds flying overhead as he looks those around us,” said Landau, 24. “The immediacy of driving distracted at photos of a pair of young men, growing up together, attending special makes it seem like a small risk, but can have consequences that people events such as birthday parties and graduation. will regret and remember for a long time.” “It was a time when the future was in front of The contest asked 19- to 25-year-olds in us ... we were invincible. There was nothing that B.C. to create a short film that would make could stop us – except maybe ourselves,” he says, their friends “do a 180” with their risky driving as if speaking to his friend, recalling him receiving habits. More than 120 entries were received in a text while driving and then crashing his car. the three film categories: speeding, impaired “And we were right, because I watched you die driving and distracted driving. right in front of me. As I stood there I realized Surrey’s Justin Tambogon, 23, took second that life was fragile. That we were never invincible, place in the speeding category for his film Even just naive.” the Ones We Don’t Hurt, Will Hurt, featuring Eman Landau The animated, two-and-a-half-minute film is a poignant series of simple statements from the creation of Surrey’s Eman Landau called A people telling how their friends, parents, sister, Memory Still. spouses and teachers were killed in fatal accidents due to speeding. The film took second prize in the distracted driving category in ICBC’s 180 “I learned a lot of facts when researching for the movie,” said Short Film Contest. Tambogon. Winners were announced last Thursday (March 10) in Vancouver, where See ICBC / Page 5 other local youth were also honoured.

“... we realized that the decisions we make as individuals could not only hurt our own lives, but the lives of those around us.”

The early bird gets to water Metro approves ban on evening lawn sprinkling by Jeff Nagel METRO VANCOUVER’S board has

Surrey Coun. Judy Villeneuve has doubts about the region’s new watering policy.

approved a new policy to outlaw evening lawn sprinkling, but the ban won’t be enforced until the summer of 2012. The shift to early morning-only sprinkling to conserve water in peak consumption days means residents will only be permitted to water lawns between 4 and 9 a.m. on two weekday mornings plus one morning on the weekend. This summer is intended to be

an “education year” as residents and businesses, who are also subject to morning-only rules, make the adjustment. Surrey Coun. Judy Villeneuve said she’s not yet sure the five-hour window before 9 a.m. is going to be workable for many residents. “That’s a bit challenging for people who are off to work early or taking kids to school and not coming back,” she said. Metro hopes more people will use automated sprinkling systems that can be programmed to water in the

wee hours of the morning, when demand is low and evaporation is minimal. “Some people have the luxury of a sprinkling system,” Villeneuve said. “But many people water by hand or just with a small sprinkling device.” She wants to see how education efforts play out before endorsing enforcement of the policy in 2012. “We do need more time,” she said. “Otherwise what you’re going to see is people sneaking around trying to water because they’re not available in the mornings to do so.”

4 Surrey/North Delta Leader Wednesday, March 23, 2011

New structures: Designed to withstand substantial quake From page 1 But experts in the field worry more about a much closer and shallower earthquake in the 6.5 to 7.5 range that could strike at any time, rather than the every 500 years typical of Cascadia quakes. Such a quake close to Vancouver might last only 30 seconds rather than minutes but be more intense and cause more damage to buildings and structures in the region, says SFU earth sciences professor John Clague. “The greatest hazard

is really conveyed by these magnitude 7 local earthquakes,” he said. “You get stronger ground acceleration from those.” The impact depends on how far away the epicentre is and how deep it is underground, as well as local soil conditions. A 7.0 quake centred almost on top of Vancouver would be much more destructive than the identical quake 80 or 100 kilometres away. Clague said he remains concerned various buildings, bridges and transportation links would fail. “I would worry about critical infrastructure on

the Fraser River delta,” he said, citing the airport, Tsawwassen ferry terminal and Deltaport as vulnerable to damage from soil liquefaction. The phenomenon where shaken ground turns to mush could happen not just in the silty lowlands of Richmond and Delta, he said, but anywhere large amounts of fill underlies buildings or structures. “We’ve got all this development all around False Creek built on a lot of fill,” Clague said, noting that vulnerable area extends east as far as Clark Drive. Rock slides would

almost certainly plug the Sea-to-Sky Highway and possibly the Fraser Canyon, Clague said. “You’re limited then, particularly if the airport goes, in how you can get relief into the area,” he said. “If bridges go, you can end up with parts of the Lower Mainland being isolated from one another without the ability to provide relief except internally with whatever resources you have.” Transportation ministry officials say new bridges – like the 10-lane Port Mann under construction and new Pitt

River bridge – and seismic upgrades on other key spans are designed to withstand a 6.5 to 7.0 local earthquake centred on Vancouver or an up to magnitude 8.0 Cascadia megathrust earthquake. Engineers expect them to “dance” but not fall in those types of quakes. The more than $105 million spent on refits in recent years have focused on “lifeline bridges” needed to connect communities and serve designated disaster response routes. So far, the Lions Gate, Ironworkers Memorial, Oak Street, Queensborough bridges and the





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Mail to: City Beautification, Parks Recreation & Culture 14245 56 Avenue, Surrey BC V3X 3A2

upgraded both its CleveMassey Tunnel have land Dam and Seymour been retrofitted to the Falls Dam that hold back seismic standard. the two North Shore The Mission Bridge is being retrofitted and seis- reservoirs to a similar seismic standard as the mic upgrading is in the province’s planning bridges. stage for In a total one more failure, the lifeline Cleveland bridge – the Dam could Agassizrelease a Rosedale deluge of Bridge. water from Overthe Capilano passes are Reservoir also being John Clague towards the examined Park Royal and the Port Mann/Highway 1 project shopping centre and the north footings of the includes six retrofits, 15 replacements and 21 new Lions Gate Bridge in West Vancouver. structures all built to the The failure of the current seismic standard. dam at the Seymour TransLink spokesman Reservoir might threaten Ken Hardie said the downstream homes in Golden Ears Bridge is the Riverside Drive area also built to the latest of North Vancouver. standard. And B.C. Hydro’s Engineers estimate Coquitlam Dam holds the new Langley-toback Coquitlam Lake Maple Ridge span faces above populated parts a one-in-10 chance in of Coquitlam and Port its 50-year life of being Coquitlam and low-lying temporarily shut for areas around Derby inspections due to a quake, with more serious Reach Regional Park. But Metro Vancouver damage much less likely. security and emergency Other TransLinkplanning coordinator controlled bridges – the Rod Tulett said a cataPattullo and Knight strophic failure where a Street – would be more dam instantly vanishes is vulnerable to a major “highly unlikely.” quake, particularly the A partial failure would 73-year-old Pattullo. mean a slower water “We’ve done some release and less damage upgrading on the downstream, he said. Pattullo, but certainly Tulett said another nothing that is going to area of concern is slope prevent it from being stability, citing the potenclosed if we have any tial for mud slides or land kind of major incident,” slides on the North Shore Hardie said. and lower Sea-to-Sky “The choice there was corridor. not to invest the large B.C. Hydro finished amount of money in the a $65-million seismic Pattullo if we’re going to upgrade of the Coquitreplace it.” lam Dam in 2008, In a major quake, he while Metro finished a said, TransLink would $50-million retrofit at expect to see the Knight Seymour Falls in 2009. and Pattullo closed for Both now meet inspections, with the Canadian Dam AssociaKnight likely reopening sooner than a potentially tion Guidelines, which require them to withmore damaged Pattullo. stand a one-in-10,000 The Knight – and any year probability quake. other bridge or overpass A $230-million new touching down in Richmond – could be affected water tunnel beneath the Fraser River to serve the by soil liquefaction. Surrey area is being built “The structure could in part because the existbe fine but the approach ing pipe is vulnerable to could be out of commisbeing knocked out by sion,” Hardie noted. Delta Mayor Lois Jack- even a minor quake. A report released last son said she has strong year by the Institute confidence dikes that protect Delta would hold for Catastrophic Loss Reduction also warned in a major quake. that earthquake-triggered fires have potential Most local dams to cause more damage in up to latest Metro Vancouver than earthquake the shaking. standard Downtown Vancouver is considered particularly A BURST dam during vulnerable, because Japan’s earthquake has transformers on wooden also put the spotlight on poles may arc and the seismic readiness of explode, sparking fires in dams around the Lower buildings that are often Mainland. just inches away. Metro Vancouver has

“I would worry about critical infrastructure on the Fraser River delta.”

Wednesday, March 23, 2011 Surrey/North Delta Leader 5

Crash sparks review of railing by Tracy Homes MINISTRY OF Transportation engineers will be

examining a section of highway guard rail that failed to prevent a Vancouver woman from crashing into the Serpentine River last month. “We’re working with the RCMP and the coroner’s office to assess the facts that were associated with that crash,� ministry spokesperson Jeff Knight said. “The ministry’s bridge and traffic engineers will be looking at how the railing performed.� A driver in her 20s died March 12 of injuries sustained Feb. 28, when the Honda she was driving

crashed through a barrier on the Serpentine Bridge and plunged into the river. In the days since her death, a tribute of flowers and a cross have been placed near the scene. Police ruled out speed, drugs and alcohol as contributing factors early in the investigation. Last week, Cpl. Aaron Sproule of the RCMP’s Lower Mainland Traffic Services announced that charges have been recommended against a second driver who is believed to have contributed to the crash. That driver’s name has not been released, pending formal charges. At the family’s request, police have also not released the victim’s name.

ICBC: ‘Amazed’ at talent shown From page 3 “It really hit home for me when looking back on what happened to my aunt who died in a crash, and made me think about how people drive. Whether it was on the subject of speeding or impaired driving or even distractions, it taught me a lot doing this film.� Zeeshan Dhanani, 20, also from Surrey, took sixth place in the speeding category for Slow it Down, as did Delta’s Brook Lotzkar in the impaired driving category for his piece, entitled The Formula. Dhanani said it was after one of

his friends was killed in a drinking and driving accident that he realized how serious an issue it is. “It affects so many people, but for some reason it still occurs,� Dhanani says. “It is something that is easily preventable, especially stuff such as speeding and texting. I hope our videos can relay that message to others. I know I am super conscious about my phone now in the car. It goes into my pocket until I get out of the car.� Films were judged on the basis of creativity/originality, acting/ believability, production quality and relevant content.


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“We’re amazed by how many talented filmmakers got behind the lens to help promote road safety, reach their peers in a meaningful way, and potentially help save lives,� said Jon Schubert, ICBC’s president and CEO. “Because of the incredible quality of the films, we’ll be featuring the winning entries in our youth-oriented road safety programs this year.� The three top filmmakers in each category won the top prize packages worth $7,800 in filmmaking equipment and software. View top films at http://www.


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6 Surrey/North Delta Leader

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Published and printed by Black Press Ltd. at 5450 152 St., Surrey, B.C.


Crash: Answers required



Vancouver woman died last weekend, 12 days after her Honda veered off of Highway 99, crashed through a steel barrier and plunged into the Serpentine River. There is no question the incident was a tragedy, although – as in any situation where a person is killed before their time – the word somehow seems not strong enough to capture the reality of the loss. Police announced her death Wednesday, along with news that investigators will be recommending charges against a second driver in connection with the crash. Specifics of that information – including details of how the crash unfolded – will remain under wraps until charges are formalized, police said. It remains to be seen if those details will answer questions many are asking, among them: Why did the highway’s steel barriers not prevent the woman’s car from driving off the bridge? If speed, alcohol and aggressive driving were ruled out as contributing factors, are the barriers not to a standard capable of sustaining a highway-speed impact? Why did it take 90 minutes to locate and rescue the driver? Were response and rescue protocols followed and, if so, are there any steps that could be taken to boost the outcome of a similar situation in the future? None of the answers – regardless of how detailed, researched or sincere – will bring the woman back to her family. But they could serve to help prevent another family from experiencing similar devastation. It must be noted her family members, though hardest hit, are not the only ones impacted by her death. About two dozen emergency personnel responded to the scene to help search, extricate and resuscitate the victim. While their jobs on a daily basis are about dealing with tragedy, it does not come without a toll. And then there are those who will help her family through; her friends and colleagues; even those, when reading or hearing of what transpired, who are reminded of their own losses. As Cpl. Aaron Sproule said, “the impact is huge.” To afford some logic to a seemingly senseless death, something good must come of it. There must be answers. – Black Press


Don’t play politics with B.C. Hydro




The Surrey/North Delta Leader is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2.

lith wedged in a granite gorge. Until it’s comupgrades needs fixing, only how fast it’s pletely rebuilt, even a moderate earthquake done. would not be good for families downstream Take the Ruskin dam. Many B.C. residents are unaware of the string of hydro dams in the village of Ruskin. along the north shore of the Fraser River, The Ruskin upgrade alone is estimated at a staggering $800 million, if it starts next namely the Coquitlam, Alouette, Stave and year and is done by 2018. It Ruskin dams. They are mainly could be delayed to give Coleknown for the campsites and recreational beaches on their man and Clark a short-term reservoirs. political boost, if they want to gamble on a deadly dam These are among B.C.’s oldest failure. hydro assets, privately develThe resulting inland tsuoped. The Coquitlam River was dammed in 1914 and has recently nami would have B.C. featured on CNN for a couple of weeks. had a second earth-fill dam added downstream to mitigate the ineviDelaying this long-overdue work further will also certainly table earthquake catastrophe. The Stave Falls dam was the cost over $1 billion. Tom Fletcher push completed in 1911 and the Coleman could rein in BC Hydro without directly risking Ruskin dam followed in 1929. lives by delaying smart meter Their modest power output installation. But as described last week, this kept up with growing demand – at huge cost to salmon runs – and connecting tunproject is also unavoidable, and delay can only lead to bigger costs and rate hikes. nels between reservoirs also provide flood Coleman could possibly reduce the rate control. Ruskin dam is a mossy old concrete mono- impact via privatization. According to BC

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ich Coleman is B.C.’s fourth energy minister in the past year, which is as good a measure as any of the political storm that has rocked the government. On only his second day on the job, Coleman was already showing why Premier Christy Clark calls him a “tough guy” who can stare down the big-spending BC Hydro. Clark is, of course, concerned that it may not be “good for families” if Hydro rates go up 50 per cent in the next five years. The city media made a big story out of how Coleman is considering pulling the plug on the smart meter program or some other expensive project like the Ruskin dam overhaul. Interim NDP leader Dawn Black is demanding that the new premier “tackle skyrocketing Hydro rates” now that she’s eliminated poverty by raising the minimum wage. Don’t hold your breath. What Coleman actually mused about in his first scrum as energy minister was “amortization” and such. It’s not a question of whether or not B.C.’s 20-year lapse in grid and dam

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Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press and

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Hydro’s most radical union, COPE local 378, this is imminent, as the utility’s contract with Accenture expires in 2013. COPE produced the infamous “Gordon Campbell wants to kill your grandma!” ad campaign for the 2009 election, and its penchant for overstatement continues. It issued a news release last week warning of the “possible breakup” of BC Hydro in outsourcing agreements as much as three times the size of the Accenture deal. (In 2003 BC Hydro contracted with Accenture to provide customer service, finance, information technology and other backoffice functions.) A BC Hydro spokesman advises me that no, the utility is not considering breaking itself up into three entities, or greatly expanding its outsourcing. The next time you hear about a quick solution for rising electricity rates, take it with a grain of salt.


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EDITOR Paula Carlson


Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Surrey/North Delta Leader 7

Going Smart meters won’t stop power theft too fast to $10.25 RE: BC HYDRO smart meters.

THE B.C. CHAMBER of Commerce

greets the minimum wage increase with one major concern: the speed with which the plan arrives at the maximum $10.25 per hour. The announced raise for the minimum wage is an increase of 20 per cent in just over a year. That is a significant increase in operating costs for businesses to take on in such a short time, and some regions will be more negatively impacted than others. The B.C. Chamber of Commerce engaged in a consultation with the B.C. Ministry of Labour on this issue, and asked its member chambers to survey their business members on the question of a potential John Winter increase in the minimum wage. The clear consensus from chamber members was that any increase must be phased in over time to allow businesses to adjust, the training wage should be removed, and that a differential should exist for servers who earn significantly higher wages through tips. The biggest concern from businesses across B.C. is the potential ratcheting effect this increase will cause. Employees and employers use the minimum wage as a baseline, and an increase to the baseline will change the expectations of those earning a wage based on it. Despite the speed of its implementation, this plan certainly provides the business community with an important degree of certainty on what to expect. We are glad to see a tip differential, and that the recommendations from the chamber network were very constructive. The ratcheting effect on wages remains a concern, but this is an excellent example of how the chamber network provides an invaluable resource for policy and decision makers. John Winter President & CEO BC Chamber of Commerce

Write to us

newsroom@ Letters to the editor must identify writers by proper name, and provide address and phone numbers for verification. The Leader reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity and legality.

Hydro says it will cost us $1 billion for smart meters, with the cost to be recovered by reduced theft. The theft of power will be just as possible as it is now. It’s like illegal guns, impossible to stop by passing a law and hoping for change. Ontario has installed smart

meters on 90 per cent of its base for $1.1 billion. How can it cost us $1 billion for one third as many? The political Pollyannas think we will all start using less power. Most residents in Ontario have had a bill increase, just 20 per cent have had a reduction. Split-price billing is only a saving

if you can reschedule your peak load. Doing laundry and washing dishes during non-peak hours may be possible for some, but many in apartments and condos are restricted to limited hours due to noise. Considering how many families have both adults working, most are probably already doing

those things off peak hours anyway. It’s like the Golden Ears Bridge. A great idea, lack of planning, expensive process, we get hosed again by political pipe dreams, and the politicians at $100,000 per year don’t understand the impact. Ross Blair

Children’s centre celebrates 10 years WE RECENTLY recorded an important anni-

versary for children and families in Surrey. Ten years ago, on March 16, the Children’s Health Centre at Surrey Memorial Hospital first opened its doors to patients. It was the first step in providing the care and services our rapidly growing population of children and families need. It makes perfect sense for a city that today has more children than any other community in the province. Since the centre opened, tens of thousands of children have received care closer to home. The hospital now sees the second most births in the province. The neonatal intensive care unit cares for hundreds of fragile premature babies each year, with plans to expand the service in the near future. The pediatric cancer clinic is highly regarded by the families who seek its services. Our surgical services are also expanding, and we continue to attract specialists who can give our children the care they need. As our city approaches 500,000 residents, the growth of our children’s health services is critical to our prosperity and quality of life. Thank you to those who came together a decade ago to raise $10 million to help the Children’s Health Centre open. Surrey Memorial Hospital Foundation celebrates this important anniversary and encourages the community to sustain its support for health care.


The president and CEO of the Surrey Memorial Hospital Foundation notes the importance of the Children’s Health Centre to the community.

Jane Adams President & CEO Surrey Memorial Hospital Foundation

Does Surrey really need a new city hall? SURREY IS GOING to have a civic

election this year. Why can’t we have a referendum on the need for the proposed borrowing by city council of approximately $200 million for a new city hall and other new buildings? The taxpayers of Surrey are the people that have to repay the borrowed money, not city council. Most financial experts are advising people not to go further in debt. Consider why the present city hall was built at its location. It is a concrete building designed to expand as required and is located on a large parcel of land central to all of Surrey It has road access from all directions. The mayor and council wish to build the new city hall in Whalley as part of a re-development project and a new headquarters for Surrey’s library system. It seems the old one is no longer good enough. A satellite of Simon Fraser Uni-

versity is presently open in this area which also includes the B.C. Lions training centre. The cost of the city hall started out at approximately $50 million and presently is projected at $67 million. One of council’s good intentions

is to clean up the drug problem in the area. In other words, it is to solve a social problem that plagues many cities. Will it solve it or just move it? The proposed city hall will no longer be central to the taxpayers

Any more letter writers? IS THERE a reason that The Leader has a tendency to regularly print letters

from some of the same small group of individuals, all of whom appear to lean to the same side of the political spectrum? Is it a matter that those who hold differing opinions are far too busy in their daily lives to submit a letter to the local paper? Or is there another reason to these recurring, quasi-political diatribes? Do these writers actually believe that if they write enough of their slanted opinions, that the rest of us will believe them and join them in their causes to either cheer lead for the current B.C. and federal governments, shower praise on the new B.C. premier, spread the message of how we must all respect life in days gone by, or simply wag their proverbial finger at those who disagree with them? John Powell Surrey

of Surrey, but at an end of SkyTrain which runs north to New Westminster, Burnaby and Vancouver. Did council do a viability study to consider whether the new city hall will change the area? Will it attract business to the area? Consider a city hall that closes down for 10 days at Christmas, a university which closes at that season, and a library headquarters which may also close. It really doesn’t seem successful from a marketing standpoint. I predicate that if the city hall is moved to Whalley, that South Surrey will want to separate and become South Surrey/White Rock. The author of this letter is a former Surrey alderman, who is not intending to run for office. I am not a member of a city political party. I’m a concerned taxpayer who was lucky enough to be born in Surrey. Dalton Jones

8 Surrey/North Delta Leader Wednesday, March 23, 2011

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011 Surrey/North Delta Leader 9

Surrey Memorial snags noted neurologist New equipment lures sought-after specialist by Sheila Reynolds IT’S TAKEN several years

and has often proven frustrating, but Surrey Memorial Hospital (SMH) has finally found its man. The hospital has been trying to attract a neurologist to its ranks for about five years, consistently running into barriers. Neurologists – doctors who specialize in the nervous system – are not easy to come by in Canada. Part of the reason is it takes between nine and 15 years to fully train a neurologist (depending on sub-specialization) and relatively few are trained nationally each year. In B.C., while there used to be only two trained per year, that number is has now jumped to five. But keeping them within the province has proven historically difficult, due to various factors, whether it be they have family elsewhere or are drawn to programs or equipment in other parts of Canada and abroad. However, less than a month into its 100 Days to Give campaign, the Surrey Memorial Hospital Foundation is boasting the first successful doctor recruit since the campaign began. Dr. Martin SuttonBrown will start work in Surrey on April 12. Trained at a prestigious neurology centre in Calgary, SuttonBrown also has a sought-after sub-specialty in neuroophthalmology – vision problems that are related to the nervous system. His addition will mean there will be three neurologists at SMH. In February, the SMH Foundation announced a $5-million donation from B.C. billionaire Jimmy Pattison to help outfit the Jim Pattison Outpatient Care and Surgery Centre, with the specific intent to attract

new doctors to the local hospital with specialized equipment. For patients, the addition of SuttonBrown will result in quicker access to specialty health service closer to home. There will also be greater service for neurology patients within the hospital, not just the new outpatient and surgery centre scheduled to open June 1. “It’s a very exciting recruit for us,” said Dr. John Diggle, a neurologist who is also head of medical education at SMH. “I have been amazed at the support of our (hospital) foundation. This last recruit is directly linked with those efforts.” He said until now, the region has lacked the space and equipment for neurologists to practice, research or train neurology students effectively. But with the hospital foundation’s support and that of donors, Diggle said, Surrey was able to offer a great opportunity, with plenty of future potential, to a willing doctor. SuttonBrown will start the first neuroophthalmology program in region, serving 1.6 million people. Currently, patients requiring the specialized care are sent to St. Paul’s Hospital in Vancouver or other health regions. He’ll also develop a clinical research program in neuro-ophthalmology in Surrey. The Surrey Memorial Hospital Foundation is in the midst of its 100 Days fundraising campaign, with a target of $10-million to supply equipment at the outpatient hospital in Green Timbers Park at 140 Street and the Fraser Highway. To donate, visit www.

Dr. John Diggle, head of medical education at Surrey Memorial Hospital, called the addition of neurologist Dr. Martin SuttonBrown an “exciting recruit for us.”

10 Surrey/North Delta Leader Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Man details murder A FashionablbleAffair in undercover video eaglequest l t


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Vic Fraser case: Cop posed as crime boss in Montreal by Sheila Reynolds GARY JOHNSTON was in a

hotel room in Montreal with a man he believed was an organized crime boss when he described bludgeoning Vic Fraser to death in Surrey 13 years ago. In video footage of a 2009 undercover operation shown in New Westminster Supreme Court on Friday, Johnston recalled how he was robbing Fraser’s sister’s home when he showed up unexpectedly. He said he greeted Vic, a man he’d met prior, and before he could figure out he was stealing from his sister’s home, stabbed him in both sides of the neck so hard the blades broke off. “I held his head as I stabbed his neck,” Johnston said to the faux criminal, describing the victim “gasping” and not dying right away as he proceeded to kick him on the floor. Johnston is currently on trial, charged with seconddegree murder in connection with the death of Fraser in his sister’s home in the Bridgeview neighbourhood in March 1998. Fraser’s family and friends left the courtroom during the video, upset by the details. The undercover RCMP investigator who portrayed the crime boss testified in court Friday, saying the plot target-

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ing Johnston – called Operation Epolygenous – started in April 2009. He said his first meeting with Johnston was at a set up social gathering in August 2009.

“I’ve been there, done that, got 10 shirts and don’t mind doing it again.” Gary Johnston A second meeting with Johnston and other police officers posing as crime associates took place about a month later. It was during this meeting that the fake crime kingpin – who cannot be identified under court order – spoke with Johnston alone, telling him he was nervous about working with him because he had heard some of his past “work” had been “sloppy,” and because he had learned Johnston had told a few people – including his brother – about a crime that he’d been involved in in Surrey. Initially, Johnston simply says he hasn’t told anyone anything, adding he’s gotten much more careful after spending


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seven-and-a-half years in jail – time spent for a murder he committed in Regina. He reveals his “neighbour’s brother” was killed, but says no more about his involvement. Johnston, bearded with closely short hair, tells the crime boss he’d be a “good asset” for his crime family. “I do what I’m told and I get the job done. “I’ve been there, done that, got 10 shirts and don’t mind doing it again,” Johnston says. The undercover officer repeatedly tells Johnston of his concerns about fingerprints and DNA connecting him to the Surrey crime, calling them “loose ends” that he doesn’t want to come back to haunt either of them. Finally, the video shows Johnston stand up, demonstrating how he held both arms out and stabbed Fraser’s neck. He assures the crime boss that investigators would never find the knife handles because he dumped them in various places. “All they’ll find is the knife pieces that broke off in the guy’s throat,” says Johnston. In the video, he also says he burned everything he was wearing in a friend’s fireplace. Johnston’s trial continues for several more weeks.

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011 Surrey/North Delta Leader 11

Judge reserves decision of Panghali’s parole Convicted of second-degree murder in death of his wife by Sheila Reynolds MUKHTIAR Panghali,

the Surrey man who murdered his wife and then burned her remains four-and-ahalf years ago, will have to wait until Friday to find out how many years he’ll have to spend in jail before being eligible for parole. Panghali, a former Surrey high school teacher, was convicted of second-degree murder last month in the violent death of his pregnant wife Manjit Panghali, a 31-year-old elementary school teacher. While Mukhtiar’s conviction carries an automatic life sentence of 25 years, the court still has to determine how many years it will be – between

Mukhtiar, 38, did not 10 and 25 – before he’s report his wife missing allowed out on parole, until 26 hours after her based on the gravity of disappearance on Oct. the offence. 18, 2006 and In New then held a Westminster tearful press Supreme Court conference with on Thursday police where he morning, pleaded for his Crown lawyer wife’s return. Dennis Murray Her burned argued Panghali body was should serve 20 discovered on years behind a South Delta bars before Mukhtiar shoreline next being paroled Panghali to a truck route because of the a few days later, murderer’s lack and her husband was of remorse for the horcharged with secondrific crime. degree murder five Defence lawyer months later. Michael Tammen asked In convicting him in for a period of parole early February, Holmes ineligibility of between said while the evidence 10 and 13 years. against Mukhtiar was Supreme Court circumstantial, it was Justice Heather Holmes very powerful. reserved her decision That evidence until March 25.

included video footage of Panghali purchasing a lighter and newspaper at a local gas station the night of Manjit’s disappearance, and cellphone records that showed Mukhtiar was using Manjit’s phone for months after her death, despite her having taken it to her yoga class the night she died. That showed she had returned home after her class that evening and that Mukhtiar was the last person to see her, said the judge. Holmes also denied that the charge be downgraded from second-degree murder to manslaughter, saying that although Manjit’s death by strangulation may have been brief, it was extremely forceful – worse than that of a

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human hanging. “Mr. Panghali meant to cause bodily harm,” said Holmes. “... and he knew it would likely

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taken by Panghali. A memorial website has been established by Manjit’s family at www.

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New complaint against former Surrey mom Woman who kidnapped children facing more allegations by Dan Ferguson ONCE AGAIN, former

Surrey resident Nathalie Gettliffe has been accused of kidnapping her own children. But this time, the custody fight isn’t over her Canadian-born son and daughter and it isn’t with their father, Scott Grant, a financial planner who waged a trans-Atlantic custody battle to get his children back after Gettliffe took them to her native France 10 years ago in defiance of a court order. Instead, Gettliffe, 39, is now battling her new husband, French journalist Francis Gruzelle, 50, over access to their two sons. Late last year, French news outlets reported Gruzelle filed a kidnapping complaint with French prosecutors after Gettliffe moved to another community and refused to allow him access to their children. “Nine years almost to the day after the kidnapping of her two eldest children in Canada... Nathalie Gettliffe has done it again,” Gruzelle complained in an e-mail sent to a French news agency (translated from the French). “[Nathalie] reproduced the same scenario

Nathalie Getliffe

Scott Grant

with me as with her exhusband [Grant].” The matter is now before the courts in France. The father has won an interim order granting him visitation. Gruzelle and Gettliffe became involved after she returned to France with her Canadian-born son Max and daughter Josephine in 2001. Gruzelle was convicted by a French court of helping Gettliffe hide the children from French authorities when she was ordered to give them up. He was sentenced to two months in jail, but is appealing the verdict. Gruzelle orchestrated a protest campaign in France against the return of Max and Josephine to Grant, who endured public vilification by many French media outlets who painted him as a religious fanatic and abusive, claims the courts ruled completely untrue.

B.C. Justice Marvyn Koenigsberg declared that Gettliffe and Gruzelle resorted to “untruths and gross exaggerations” in order to win sympathy in France and alienate the children from their father. Koenigsberg described the allegations made against Grant by Gettliffe and her supporters as “... such exaggerations of his conduct and interests that they bore no relation to the truth.” Now Gettliffe is making similar allegations against Gruzelle, accusing him of assaulting her in August of 2010, while he maintains it was Gettliffe who physically attacked him. A French family court has ordered both parents to undergo psychiatric assessments. Gruzelle may be getting a taste of his own medicine, but Grant

isn’t celebrating. “The sad thing is, it’s the children who suffer,” Grant told The Leader. After his son and daughter were taken, Grant obtained judgments in Canada and France giving him custody of his kids only to have them defied by Gettliffe. He was finally reunited with his children in 2006, after Gettliffe was arrested when she returned to B.C. to complete her PhD degree. At the time, she was pregnant with her second child by Gruzelle. Gettliffe was charged and convicted of abducting her own children and spent several months in prison before she was allowed to return to France. She wrote a book about her experience. Grant has since remarried and says both kids are doing well, that Josephine is a straight-A student and Max an avid athlete. They have not been to France to see their mother, but they speak to her regularly by phone. After Gettliffe filed multiple legal applications against Grant following her return to France, his lawyer won an order requiring her to appear in person to make any further filings.

Lucky woman escapes injury

Black Press

POLICE SAY a woman is lucky to be alive after a dra-


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matic two-truck accident on the weekend. On Saturday, March 19, at about 2:25 a.m., a 1998 Ford dump truck was travelling eastbound on Highway 1, at the 152 Street off-ramp, when it was struck by a 2009 Dodge pick-up truck. Damage to the pick-up was so severe, the roof had to be removed to remove the 42-year-old female driver and the 22-year-old male passenger.

The woman from Surrey was taken to hospital with serious, but non-life threatening injuries. Her passenger was treated for minor injuries. The 48-year-old dump truck driver from Surrey was uninjured. Police suspect speed and alcohol may have been factors on the part of the 42-year-old woman. The crash is still under investigation. Anyone who may have witnessed the crash and has not yet spoken with police, are requested to contact Const. Daniel Carter of Port Mann Traffic Services, at 604-526-9744.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011 Surrey/North Delta Leader 13

Family finds safe haven Escaping from the turmoil in Japan by Tracy Holmes AS PASSENGERS filed

Todd (right), wife Tomo and son Ocean arrived in Vancouver from Japan last Friday. night that he learned and moved to Japan 11 the full magnitude of years ago – said he and the damage. A former Tomo began making resident of the area that plans to leave their rural home town of Toyohashi was hardest hit, Todd said he doesn’t know if he – located about 600 has any kilometres friends from the disaster’s video-online] or colleagues epicentre among – March 12, after the nearly 7,000 word of conexplosions firmed dead or more at the nuclear plant. than 10,000 still missing. “I figured if anything Saddened at having blew up, it’s time to go,” to leave everything the 39-year-old said. they know and love The quake measured behind – including 7.0 in Toyohashi, Todd said. He described the sensation as “like a wave.” It hit as he was teaching English to elementary students, who dove under their desks, screaming, as everything around them moved dizzyingly. It wasn’t until that


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into the arrivals lobby at Vancouver International Airport Friday, Lesleigh Dick and Paul Wilkes scanned the crowd with eager anticipation. Like many others have done in the past week, the South Surrey woman and White Rock man were there to greet loved ones – including a grandson Paul has never met – who are fleeing Japan in the wake of last week’s devastating 9-magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami. “Oh my God, they’re here!” Lesleigh exclaimed suddenly, jumping up to run and hug the weary trio – her son, Todd, his wife, Tomo and grandson, Ocean. The moment was one of immense relief for Paul and Lesleigh, whose concerns over their family’s well-being had grown exponentially since the March 11 disaster, particularly given the ongoing crisis at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. “We’re so worried about them,” Paul said Thursday, before learning the family had managed to board the plane in Osaka. “We’re hoping that he’s in Osaka… and that he’ll be on the plane in the next eight to 12 hours.” Friday afternoon, Paul met his grandson for the first time. At the airport, Todd – who grew up in Langley

Tomo’s parents, two older sisters and other family members – Todd said he is also angry at the lack of support Canadians in the stricken country have received from their own government. While the Chinese, French and U.S. governments have all moved to help evacuate their citizens, Canada has all but left its people in the cold, Todd said. Officials at the Canadian embassy told him there were no plans to help Canadians stranded in Japan get home, he said. Paul described the lack of assistance as “shameful.” “Proud to be a Canadian? I’m just wondering,” Paul said. “All those Canadians – the government just almost turns their back on them.” Todd said he and Tomo hope to eventually return to Toyohashi with their son. They have tickets to fly home in two weeks. But until they know the situation is safe, home for now is with Lesleigh in South Surrey. There is too much at stake, Todd said. “Not taking chances with you,” he says, casting a fond glance at Ocean.


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14 Surrey/North Delta Leader Wednesday, March 23, 2011 H

Families left homeless

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Whalley apartment fire sends one person to hospital

ch ar

by Kevin Diakiw

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A TWO-ALARM blaze in

a Whalley apartment had one person taken to hospital and the residents of nine suites rendered homeless. Firefighters responded to the blaze at 13265 104 Ave. Thursday at just before 10:30 p.m. and quickly found the flames licking up the side of the building to the suite above. It’s believed the fire

started in one of the bedrooms from someone smoking, firefighters say. By 11 p.m. fire crews had the blaze extinguished, but two apartments were burned out, and another seven experienced smoke and water damage. One person was taken to hospital for smoke inhalation and is expected to be okay. The occupants of those nine suites were taken to emergency social service and relocated.

It’s expected a decision will be made some time Friday as to how many people will be allowed back into the building. There was no functioning smoke alarm in the original unit, according to Surrey Fire Service Deputy Chief Jon Caviglia. “There was somebody in that suite, but by the time they realized there was a problem, it was already too big for them to deal with,” Caviglia

said. The alarms serve as a crucial early warning system, recent studies show. “The biggest thing that people can do to protect themselves and their families is to have a working smoke alarm in their residence,” Caviglia said. “Surrey Fire Service is willing to do a free home safety inspection and provide a smoke alarm for anyone that doesn’t have one.”

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Black Press A 24-YEAR-OLD Surrey resident trying to evade police soon found himself tracked by squad cars, a police dog and a police helicopter. A car raced through Surrey streets early Thursday morning and caught the eye of the Lower Mainland District Traffic Services helicopter, known as Air 2. Racing at well above posted limits, the car sped east on 84 Avenue, passing another vehicle on a double solid yellow line. The driver then went through


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a stop sign at 82 Avenue without suspect then took off on foot. Air 2 continued to track him as stopping and continued his tear at speeds well in excess of 100 km/h. he climbed fences and ran through Marked police yards. He was found by a police dog hidcars located the vehicle near the ing in the back yard video-online] of a house on 161 intersection of 160 Street and Street. He was sub76 Avenue. The sequently arrested. suspect attempted Police are to drive around the considering recompolice vehicle, but mending charges was cut off. of assault with a weapon, assault Police allege the driver then police officer, dangerous driving, rammed the cruiser, just before flight, obstruction and two counts he was forced from the road. The of breach of conditions.

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011 Surrey/North Delta Leader 15


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Prices effective at all British Columbia Safeway stores Tuesday, March 22 thru Thursday, March 24, 2011. We reserve the right to limit sales to retail quantities. Some items may not be available at all stores. All items while stocks last. Actual items may vary slightly from illustrations. Some illustrations are serving suggestions only. Advertised prices do not include GST. ®™ Trademarks of AIR MILES International Trading B.V. Used under license by LoyaltyOne, Inc. and Canada Safeway Limited. Extreme Specials are prices that are so low they are limited to a one time purchase to Safeway Club Card Members within a household. Each household can purchase the limited items one time during the effective dates. A household is defined by all Safeway Club Cards that are linked by the same address and phone number. Each household can purchase the EXTREME SPECIALS during the specified advertisement dates. For purchases over the household limits, regular pricing applies to overlimit purchases. On BUY ONE GET ONE FREE items, both items must be purchased. Lowest priced item is then free.





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MARCH 22 23 24 TUES WED THUR Prices in this ad good through Mar. 24th.

16 Surrey/North Delta Leader Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Family Day performance Members of the Surrey Celebration Dance Team performed at Family Day Sunday at the Surrey Arts Centre. BOAZ JOSEPH / THE LEADER


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Wednesday, March 23, 2011 Surrey/North Delta Leader 17

How to afford Trade talk scheduled for April 27 the mortgage Canada and U.S. come together for Surrey symposium New rules now in effect

by Lee Dorner SEVERAL TOP Canadian and U.S. govern-

’TIS THE “mortgage

season” and people have begun coming out of winter hibernation to begin the hunt for that perfect home. But affordability remains a challenge, especially considering that in January, the federal government made regulatory changes that have altered the playing field for Canadian home hunters. Most notably, the maximum amortization on a Canada Mortgage Housing Corporationinsured mortgage decreased from 35 to 30 years. This means buyers hoping to minimize


Kathy McGarrigle

their regular payments by paying over a longer period will now have to manage larger payments over fewer years. Longer amortization periods reduce monthly payments, but increase the interest paid over the life of the mortgage, making it harder to build equity. So, how do you afford a home now that your payments will be larger than for a 35-year mortgage? Here’s some simple financial help.

Track your budget Knowing your monthly expenses and what you can give up to enable you to make your mortgage payments will paint a clear picture of the amount of mortgage debt you can handle. Be aware of what’s going out and coming in regularly, including debt obligations. A mortgage is a significant, long-term commitment and it’s important to first have your finances in order.

Talk to a good financial advisor A good financial advisor will take time to understand your needs, wants and most importantly, your reality. As a neutral, third-party, they’ll draw on their expertise to analyze your

financial landscape and determine what you can handle in terms of a mortgage, while ensuring you remain on track to meet your other financial goals.

Save, save, save You may want to purchase that dream home today, but saving as much as you can towards your down payment will help you in the long run. The larger your down payment, the smaller your mortgage, which means less interest and smaller regular payments. Also, consider the Home Buyers’ Plan (HBP) if you’re a firsttime buyer. The HBP lets you to withdraw up to $25,000 tax-free from your RRSP to purchase or build your first home. It allows you to benefit from tax sheltering while helping you with your down payment.

Hunt for the best rate A lower interest rate will save you thousands of dollars over the long term. Crunch the numbers to ensure you can afford your payments based on current rates and future, potentially higher rates. This is particularly important in today’s market where rates are still low (and attractive) but may rise. Your credit score and debts affect your rate so work to keep the former up and the latter down so you’ll be in a strong position when rate hunting.

Sign up for what you can afford Unless your uncle is Donald Trump, mortgages are a significant financial responsibility, even under the best of circumstances. Ultimately, it’s up to you to ensure this financial weight is manageable. Even if you qualify for an $800,000 mortgage over 30 years, you don’t need to use it all if the monthly payments are going to strain you. You may need to wait a little longer to buy that perfect home. But you would have made a smarter decision in the end. Kathy McGarrigle serves as Chief Operating Officer for Coast Capital Savings.

ment officials will speak and answer questions about improving cross-border trade between the two countries at the Building Bridges to Prosperity symposium in Surrey on April 27. Surrey Mayor Dianne Watts and U.S. Ambassador to Canada David Jacobson will be among the officials speaking at the Sheraton Vancouver Guilford Hotel for the event. Canadian and American businesses and any other interested members of the public - can learn about trade and border policies from some of the policy-makers

themselves. Attendees will also be able to ask questions of the speakers, and participate in a visit to the Canadian Border Services Agency and U.S. Customs and Border Protection at the Pacific Highway Border Crossing. “The objective of the symposium is to make it easier for companies to do business across the border,” said Greg Timm, general manager of Pacific Customs Brokers, the group hosting the event. “We want to take away the theory that it’s too difficult, and open up those crossborder markets.” Timm expects between 200-250 people to attend, including some business representatives from the U.S. Topics that

will be discussed at the event include pre-approval programs for commercial vehicles crossing the border, and a recently-proposed security perimeter deal between Canada and the U.S. A limited amount of spots are available for the border visit portion of the day, and anyone who wishes to attend it must register by today (March 23). The visit will consist of 45 minutes each with border customs officials from the U.S. and Canada. The registration deadline for the rest of the symposium is April 15, and the registration form can be downloaded off Pacific Custom Brokers’ website, www.

18 Surrey/North Delta Leader Wednesday, March 23, 2011

now that’s



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lZaXdbZ id adl eg^XZh Prices in effect until Saturday, March 26, 2011 Photos are for illustrative purposes only. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Plus deposit, recycling fee where applicable. *If a major competitor within our geographical trade area offers a lower advertised price on any “ad match” item listed in this ad, we will match the competitors’ price only during the effective date of the competitors’ advertisement. ‘Our major competitors’ and ‘geographical trade areas’ are determined solely by us and are based on a number of factors which can change from time to time. Excludes ‘multi-buys’ (eg: 2 for $4), ‘spend x get x ’, ‘Free’, percentage discounts and discounts obtained through loyalty programs. We reserve the right to limit quantities.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Surrey/North Delta Leader 19

Fleetwood Park, Tamanawis get victories on final day

Closing with two wins by Rick Kupchuk

Thunder perfect in Nanaimo

by Rick Kupchuk

ELIMINATED FROM championship contention in the second round, two Surrey schools made the most of their stay at the B.C. High School Senior AAA Boys Basketball Championships, each playing three more games in consolation play. The Tamanawis Wildcats won two of their last three games, finishing their second-ever trip to the provincial tournament with a 3-2 (won-lost) record. The Wildcats defeated the Argyle Pipers of North Vancouver 76-66 Thursday afternoon at the Langley Events Centre, with four players scoring in double digits. Satvir Sahota topped all scorers with 20 points, with Gagan Sahota (16 points), Ravjot Dhaliwal (14) and Manjodh Dulay (12) also contributing. The Sir Charles Tupper Tigers held the Wildcats to just 11 points in the second and third quarters combined, and went on to a 67-33 victory over Tamanawis Friday. Sahota with eight points was the top scorer for the Wildcats. Tamanawis concluded their tournament Saturday morning by topping the Oak Bay Bays 89-77, paced by a 25-point game from Satvir Sahota and a 22-point effort from Gagan Sahota. Dhaliwal added 18 points and Dulay netted 13. Later in the day, the Wildcats were named the Most Sportsmanlike Team at the 20-team tournament. The Fleetwood Park Dragons dropped two consolation games in a row before closing out their week with a win. The Dragons were outgunned by Oak Bay 87-59 Thursday. Avi Grewal was the top performer for Fleetwood Park with 13 points. Fleetwood Park fell again on Friday, losing 64-56 to the

LED BY THREE Midget division teams


Manna Sahota (5) of the Fleetwood Park Dragons gets his hands on a rebound during second round play against the W.J. Mouat Hawks last Wednesday at the B.C. Senior AAA Boys Basketball Tournament in Langley. Gleneagle Talons. Grewal was again the top scorer, netting 21 points, while Eldred Gomez and Harp Grewal had 11 each. Manna Sahota led all rebounders

with 12. The Dragons got their second win of the week Saturday, beating the Caledonia Kermodes 74-64.

Gavin Suran with a game-high 24 points, Harp Grewal with 13 and Avi Grewal with 11 led the Fleetwood Park offence.

from the Surrey Minor Hockey Association, six local minor hockey teams are competing for BC Hockey provincial championships throughout the province this week. The other teams to qualify for one of the 15 tournaments in the minor age groups are the Cloverdale Colts Tier 1 teams in both the Bantam and Midget age groups, and the Surrey Falcons Pee Wee female team. The Surrey Thunder are off to a perfect 2-0 (won-loss) start at the Tier 1 Midget tournament in Nanaimo, after edging Kelowna 2-1 Sunday afternoon then doubling Cloverdale 6-3 Monday morning. The Colts are in second place at 2-1. Prior to their loss to the Thunder, Cloverdale ripped the host Nanaimo Clippers 5-1 Sunday morning, then got past Prince George 3-2 Monday night. The top two teams in the sixteam round robin tournament play a championship game tonight (Wednesday). Q At the Midget Tier 2 tournament in Salmon Arm, the Surrey Hurricanes opened round robin play with a 4-4 tie with Port Alberni, then stopped Williams Lake 6-4 Monday evening. Ram Brar tallied twice, with Steve Hayes and Jason Makowski adding one each against Port Alberni, while Hayes with two goals, Jonathan Philley, Levin Harrison, Shane Kumar and Ben Blake scored against Williams Lake. Q The Surrey Storm is the host team for the Tier 4 Midget tournament at the North Surrey Recreation Centre, and were in first place after two days of play after the got past Saanich 3-2 Sunday afternoon then hammered Mackenzie 15-2 Monday night. The top two squads in the seventeam tournament will play in the

See FALCONS / Page 22




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20 Surrey/North Delta Leader Wednesday, March 23, 2011

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Kevin Davis of Kamloops makes a defensive dive to knock the puck from Austin Skancs of the Cloverdale Colts during the BC Hockey Bantam Tier 1 championship tournament in Abbotsford. The two teams played to a 2-2 tie.

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...with Dan Jukich

Kings take series lead Eagles lose two of three

by Nick Greenizan A 26-SHOT barrage in

Kent Gilchrist recently wrote in the Vancouver Sun about Jemmas Jet, the horse that nobody really wanted until trainer Randy Webster came into her life. Jemmas Jet is today one of the pacers in the Fraser Downs limelight, having won five consecutive starts including last Saturday’s $35,000 Princess Final for three and four-yearold fillies and mares. Well, three-year-old filly Glamour Puss hasn’t reached those heights just yet but it’s a similar, heart-warming story. Donna Cunningham has a small stable of standardbreds that she trains and has boarded broodmares for JJJ Stables. Last November JJJ Stables offered Cunningham a troubled two-year-old named Glamour Puss. The deal was simple: “Take her off our hands and she’s yours, no charge.” It’s a script that Hollywood discovered as long ago as 1944 when Mickey Rooney and Elizabeth Taylor were kids in National Velvet. Donna Cunningham took Glamour Puss home, not sure if she would ever race again but prepared to give it a try with unlimited tender, loving care. After seven weeks on the farm, Cunningham brought her back to the track to jog and become accustomed again to the surroundings. After returning Glamour Puss to racing condition, it was time for a qualifier. She won by 10 lengths. Next came the real test in a race on Feb. 25. She started fast, led the pack until midway on the final turn and faded to ninth. Ouch. But not one to give up, Cunningham prescribed more work for the filly known around the barns as ‘Princess”. Last Friday night at The Downs, Glamour Puss was dropped into a $6,000 maiden claiming race and with driver Don Monkman, Jr. in control, she won by a length over Wrangler Diva in a respectable final time of 1:58.4. Donna and partner Ermon McLaughlin were over the moon with the win and were joined in the winner’s circle by former owner Rick Mowles of JJJ Stables. Just like National Velvet, another happy ending … with the difference being I don’t think we’ve heard the last of Glamour Puss just yet. . Racing resumes at Fraser Downs Friday night with a 7:00 p.m. start and regular starts Saturday and Sunday of 1:15 p.m. Sunday the Downs will be offering a guaranteed Pick 4 Pool of $10,000. Pick the winners of races 6 thru 9 and you could share in a minimum pool of ten grand. See you there! 17755 60th Avenue Surrey BC


the third period was not enough for the Surrey Eagles to overcome a slow start, as they fell 3-2 to the Powell River Kings Monday at South Surrey Arena. Powell River now leads the best-of-seven Coastal Conference finals 2-1. The teams split the first two games of the BC Hockey League series on the Sunshine Coast on the weekend. Game 4 was played Tuesday after The Leader’s deadline. Powell River – the BCHL’s top team in regular-season play – jumped out to a 3-0 lead Monday, and Surrey didn’t respond until the third period, when Steve Koshey wired home a shot on the power play. Eleven minutes later, Richard Vanderhoek made it 3-2, but the home team couldn’t beat Kings’ netminder Michael Garteig again before the final horn. The Kings opened with a 4-2 win Friday at Hap Parker Arena, but the Eagles rebounded Saturday night when a Daniel Gentzler goal 40 seconds into overtime gave the visiting Birds a 2-1 victory. On Friday, the Kings jumped on the Eagles early, and

led 3-0 after the first period, on goals from Brendan Hawryluk, Andrew Pettitt and Chad Niddery, but Surrey responded in the middle frame when forwards Jeff Vanderlugt and Hayden Trupp found the back of the net, bridging the gap to 3-2. The Eagles pressured for the equalizer in the third period, but Powell River held on for win, and made it 4-2 when Matt Grabowsky scored into an empty net with seven seconds left on the clock. Saturday was a much more defensivefocused contest, with just two goals in regulation time – Grabowsky scored for the Kings in the first period and Brad McGowan tallied a power-play goal for Surrey in the second. Eagles netminder Karel St. Laurent earned first star honours stopping 40 of 41 shots, keeping his team in the game despite the fact they had just 18 shots on goal of their own. Gentzler – just a week removed from signing a scholarship agreement with Colgate University – gave the Eagles the win just 40 seconds into overtime, with assists to Tyler Morley and Richard Vanderhoek.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011 Surrey/North Delta Leader 21

Wrestling icon mourned Randeep Sodhi ‘devoted his life to wrestling’ by Rick Kupchuk THE CITY’S wrestling community was shocked last week with the sudden passing of former national champion Randeep Sodhi. The 36-year-old executive member of the Hargobind Wrestling Club was admitted to hospital Thursday, passing away a day later. “It happened so quick,” said Satnam Johal, president and founder of the Hargobind Club, and also Sodhi’s uncle. “We didn’t think it was serious, he didn’t think it was serious. “He devoted most of his life to wrestling, both competing and giving back.” Sodhi moved to Surrey from his native Williams Lake in 1986 to join the Hargobind club and train under Johal. Sodhi won a national junior championship in 1993 in the 60 kg. weight class before wrestling as a senior in the 96 kg. category. He won a Commonwealth


Randeep Sodhi with his gold medal won at the Commonwealth Championships in 1997. championship in 1997, a Greco Roman national championship in 2002 and a Freestyle Canadian title in 2002. In total, Sodhi was an eight-time medalist in national championship competition. Once he retired from competition, he remained very active in the sport, serving as the program director at

Hargobind Wrestling in Newton. He was also the tournament director of the Hargobind International event staged at the Guildford Recreation Centre, an annual event staged every November which attracted some of the best international wrestlers to compete for $35,000 in prize money. “Randeep was not

Surrey Hospice Society Celebrating 25 Years Serving the City of Surrey Society Members and the general public are invited to join the Surrey Hospice Society as we welcome our special Guest Speaker, Dr. Doris Barwich; “Facing Tough Choices at the end of Life: the Gift of Hospice Palliative Care”. In addition, there will be a special presentation by City Councillor Barinder Rasode on the growth, vision & future of healthcare in Surrey. Thursday April 7, 2011 at 7:00pm Kwantlen Polytechnic University, 12666-72 Avenue, Surrey BC, Building D, Room D128

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just a wrestler, but a man dedicated to driving the sport of wrestling further in to our community,” said Clint Kingsbury, domestic development manager with Wrestling Canada, in a statement. “He was focused on developing grassroots wrestling, but also had a passion for giving opportunities to high performance wresting as evidenced in Canada’s only cash award tournament (Hargobind International) of which he helped create and organize to form a world class event in Canada.” Sodhi is survived by his father Darsem Sodhi, twin sister Harbneet, younger sisters Parbleen and Tajvin, uncle Satnam Johal and aunt Kalbinder Johal. A funeral service will take place on Sunday, March 27 at the Riverside Funeral Home (7410 Hopcott Road, Delta) at 3 p.m. Prayers will follow at the Surrey Sikh temple at 72 Avenue and Scott Road.

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We will also be holding the Society’s 24th Annual General Meeting. This is an important and informative event. In addition to the usual end of year business we will elect our Board of Directors.

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22 Surrey/North Delta Leader Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Falcons: Unbeaten in Kamloops From page 19 championship game at 8 p.m. tomorrow (Thursday) night. Q At the Bantam Tier 1 tournament in Abbotsford, the Cloverdale Colts beat Prince George 4-3 in their first contest, then played

to a 2-2 against Kamloops in game two on Monday, and were in second place after two days of play. Q Two wins in as many games has the Surrey Falcons atop the standings at the Pee Wee female tournament in Kamloops. Jasmine Bal, Natalie Richardson,

Jessie Sangha and Katelin Korman were the goal scorers in a 4-0 win over Kamloops Sunday afternoon. The Falcons followed up with a 5-2 triumph over Victoria Monday morning, with Sarah Merx netting a pair, and Richardson, Sangha and Korman adding singles.


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Eric Rossi of the Cloverdale Colts beats a pair of Nanaimo Clippers opponents for the puck during play at the BC Hockey Midget Tier 1 provincial tournament in Nanaimo. The Colts won the round robin game 5-1 Sunday morning.

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Surrey/North Delta Leader 23

Members of Surrey-based Child Aid International take part in a religious pilgrimage from Najaf to Karbala in Iraq in late January. AATIYA ZAIDI PHOTOS

An Iraqi experience Canadian volunteers walk 90 kilometres in Iraq to meet the children they have sponsored by Boaz Joseph


A boy offers dates to pilgrims at a road-side stall between Najaf and Karbala.

northbound from the city of Najaf to Karbala. The objectives of trip: to meet some of the 465 children that CAI sponsors, and to join an annual river of humanity, the pilgrimage of up to 10 million people into Karbala during Arba’een, a commemoration of the martyrdom of the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad 1,331 years ago.

yaat, 10, is homeless for three months of the year. During the summer, to save money on rent, she lives on handouts with her mother and brother, camped in a green belt between the two main temples in the Iraqi city of Karbala. The rest of the year, she lives in a decrepit rental home using a kerosene heater as a makeshift stove. Her mother Umm Yahya tries to make ends meet by cleaning houses. Despite their financial desperation, her mother sends Ayaat off to buy sodas as a group of Canadian visitors arrive. When back, Ayatt doesn’t beg them for anything, although her mother does ask at one point if they might take Ayaat back to Canada to protect her from being married off too young Ayaat and her mother Umm Yahya. before she’s educated – as happened to Umm Yahya. Ayatt, poring over books while her “We wanted an authentic Iraqi mother is interviewed, has a glint in experience,” said Michael Symons, a her eye that impresses the visitors. CAI volunteer from Surrey and one of “I’d like to be a chemistry professor,” six on the trip. she tells them. The others were Vancouver dentist Her optimism gives hope to the vis- Dr. Asif Tejani, charity lawyer Blake itors, members of Surrey-based Child Bromley, Americans Azra Khalfan Aid International (CAI), who came to and Aatiya Zaidi (the two women Iraq for their January fundraiser Walk on the trip), and Surrey’s Nouri Alfor Life, a three-day, 90-kilometre trek Hassani.


Al-Hassani was on a visit home, and not for the first time. He fled the country in the mid1990s after his father and brother were executed by Saddam Hussein’s forces, and spent six years in a Saudi refugee camp before emigrating to Canada. Al-Hassani founded CAI several years ago after seeing the grim reality of destitute children during a return visit – each with their own story of hardship. The non-profit society helps children with money for meals, clothing, education and medical attention. During the Walk for Life fundraiser, the Canadians marched 30 kilometres each day, nine solid hours of walking each day, with the crowds getting denser by the hour as they approached Karbala. “It’s very hard to describe,” Symons explains. “Behind you, you’ll see thousands of people. In front of you, you’ll see thousands of people, all trying to get to Karbala on this one day. Crowds during Arba’een have grown since 2003 when the 30-year ban of the Shia pilgrimage under Saddam Hussein was lifted. Along the route, there was no shortage of free food: Dates, rice, beans, roast meat and tea. See IRAQ / Page 24

24 Surrey/North Delta Leader Wednesday, March 23, 2011

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9476 - 120 Street, Surrey (Near Sabzi Mandi)

Millions of Shia Muslims gather around the Imam Husayn Mosque in Karbala after making the pilgrimage on foot during Arba’een.

Iraq: Trip updates tweeted back From page 23 “Breakfast of lamb kebabs in roadside stall between Karbala and Najaf. Delicious,” wrote Bromley on his Twitter feed on Jan. 26. At night, Iraqi pilgrims set up tents on the roadside (the Canadians were able to stay overnight at Al-Hassani’s relatives). Al-Hassani says that although the group didn’t feel threatened at any point, they were still warned to move away from big crowds or town squares during lunch time. (Five bombs did go off during the pilgrimage at several locations, killing and wounding dozens). Symons – Caucasian and with

a shaved head – was the only one of the group to generate attention from locals. There was curiosity, and lots of photos taken. The group moved through several security checkpoints – with Al-Hassani holding a Canadian flag to lead the way – to a city whose population was an order of magnitude larger than off-holiday size of 500,000. For several days, they toured religious sights and met with locals as well as some of the children CAI sponsors – 133 of the Iraqi children are in Karbala; the rest are spread from Basra to the capital of Baghdad. “Visited 1 ordinary home in


Illegal dumping is a serious and growing problem in Surrey. Aban ndoned garbage is not only an eyesore but it im mpacts our City in many negative wa ays. Ille egally dumped material makes neighbourho oods look filtthy and unsanitary and also has serio ous efffects on the environment, wildlife habitat and th he ability of others to use and enjoy outdo oor recreational areas. Let’s respect each other and dispose of waste properly. To find disposal locations, or report illegal dumping incidents, please visit or call Surrey’s Engineering Service Request Line at 604-591-4152.

Karbala where 50 strangers who had walked from Bagdad slept fed for free for 3 days,” tweeted Bromley. Before leaving, the Canadians bought Ayaat’s household a three-burner stove and a propane tank. Every child sponsored by Child Aid International is cared for by a team of seven volunteers based in two offices in Iraq. About 90 per cent of donations go to the children, who are provided with monthly cheques (for safety, no cash) as well as occasional gifts. For more information or to make a donation, visit http://childaid

Wednesday, March 23, 2011 Surrey/North Delta Leader 25

CHILDREN The George Mackie Library (8440 112 St.) is hosting OWL (Orphaned Wildlife Rehabilitation Society), who will bring raptors for a close-up look, on March 29 from 10:30-11:15 a.m. For more information, call 604594-8155.

by creating masks, puppets and plays – a different activity each day. Camps take place from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Tuesdays to Fridays during spring break (until April 1) at 17710 56A Ave. Drop-in, by donation. For more information, call 604-592-6956.

CULTURE Play with a steamer trunk full of costumes, props and artifacts at the Surrey Museum’s Spring Break Family Play Camp. Explore the history of performance

The Ukrainian Women’s Association - Surrey Branch is hosting a pysanka (Easter egg) workshop from 6:45-9 p.m. on March 24 and 31


DATEBOOK Submissions for Datebook should be posted at Click Calendar. Datebook runs in print on Wednesdays and Fridays.

at the Ukrainian Orthodox Centre, 13512 108 Ave. The cost is $13 per person. Preregister by calling Shirley at 604-596-2048.

DANCE An event called Dance, Mix and Mingle If You Are Single

7-11 p.m. at Sullivan Hall, 6306 152 St. Beginner dance lesson at 7:30 p.m., and DJ’d social swing dancing from 8:30 p.m. on. Come alone or with a partner. The cost is $8 or $5 for carpoolers and students. For more information, email

takes place March 24 from 7:30-10:30 p.m. at Elks Hall, 1469 George St. in White Rock. Music by Brian Malo. Tickets are $10. For more information, call 604-5384016.

A night of swing dancing takes place March 24 from

Perogy dinners will be available at a fundraiser on March 25 from 4:307:30 p.m. at the Ukrainian Cultural Centre, 13512 108 Ave. Eat-in or take away borsch, perogies and cabbage rolls. For more information, call 604-5311923 or 604-581-0313.

INFORMATION For the 22nd year in a row, you can get free tax help until April 30, Tuesday to

Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., at Surrey Alliance Church, 13474 96 Ave. This is for low-income individuals, seniors, single parents, new Canadians or those with disabilities. All volunteers are trained by Revenue Canada. No appointment necessary. For more information, call 604584-7617.

LEISURE Good Time Dancing is on every Saturday at 8 p.m. at Kennedy Hall, 8870 120 St.

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To advertise in this space contact

Ann Robinson 604.575.5301


26 Surrey/North Delta Leader Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Watching wildlife is good for the soul by thebay

MOST OF US get excited

Anne Murray

about seeing animals in the wild. Passengers on the ferries crowd to the railings when orcas are spotted. Glimpsing a coyote hunting voles in a farm field enlivens the morning commute. The sight of two bald eagles engaged in a talonclutching, death-defying aerial roll inspires awe in

Get ready to getaway this’s all right here in BC! View somee of my favourite up-and-coming Spring desttinations in BC. There is no more beautiful place on earth and so many wonderrs to discover. It’s all within your reach−coming your way at… Your host, Cheryl MacKinnon

the beach walkers below. It is usually the larger or cuter animals that get noticed, those belonging to what environmentalists wryly call the “charismatic megafauna.” Sometimes rarities attract attention, like the northern hawk owl that spent much of this winter on Westham Island, near Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary, gathering

its very own crowd of paparazzi. Yet many other wildlife live in our neighbourhood and may go unnoticed. Short-tailed weasels hunt in the marshes outside the dyke, muskrats swim in the ditches, and Yuma bats flutter around freshwater ponds on summer evenings. Everyone recognizes

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A female house sparrow perches on a branch at the Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary on Westham Island in Delta. the kinglets, soon lost to aging ears. Recent research shows that happiness is closely aligned with paying close attention to a task, and that our distracted-attention society can drive us to stress and burnout. An hour or two spent in nature, going for a walk and being absorbed in observation, will relieve us of many of the burdens of modern life. The mental challenge of really listening to birds, of trying to study the intricate patterns on a butterfly’s wings or a


70 - 120th St, Surrey Ph: 604-596-4994 81 Corner of 82nd & Scott Rd.

the larger birds around us, like great blue herons and bald eagles (although those all-brown, young birds sometimes send people running to a field guide). The more than 300 other bird species that can occur in the delta are easily overlooked by those unfamiliar with their habits and features. That is where the gentle art and skill of bird watching comes in. Where others might see a muddy field with a flock of ducks in it, birders can readily identify the stylish plumage of the northern pintail, jewelcoloured green-winged teal, and the pale stripe on a wigeon’s head. An attentive observer will see a well-camouflaged snipe flush from the marsh, and pick out wintering goldencrowned sparrows from a flock of their whitecrowned cousins. Recognition of bird songs and calls is a skill that needs practice and concentration. The range of sounds is remarkable, from the profoundly deep, resonating call of grouse, to the high-pitched calls of

dragonfly’s tail, or spotting a well-camouflaged otter resting on a rocky shore, all provide our brains with new connections. Spring is an excellent time to get out there and enjoy nature to the full. Anne Murray is a naturalist and author of two books on local nature: A Nature Guide to Boundary Bay and Tracing Our Past – A Heritage Guide to Boundary Bay, available at most bookstores; visit www.natureguidesbc. com


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Wednesday, March 23, 2011 Surrey/North Delta Leader 27

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Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, color, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved.


WITNESS WANTED For car accident that happened about 1:15 pm on February 14, 2011 at 88th Ave. and 124 St intersection. Between grey Mazda 3 and red Accura.

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28 Surrey/North Delta Leader Wednesday, March 23, 2011 EMPLOYMENT/EDUCATION 114



MICKY TRANSPORT Ltd., Surrey B.C. req’s a TRANSPORT SUPERVISOR, Minimum 3 years exp. as a driver required. Ability to schedule and supervise drivers, resolve work problems, train staff and prepare reports required. $20/hr and 40hrs/week. Send resumes to: 18663-52 Ave., Suite 103, Surrey, British Columbia V3S 8E5, Fax: (604) 574-9775 MICKY TRANSPORT Ltd., Surrey B.C. requires LONG HAUL TRUCK DRIVERS. Class 1 Driver’s license required. Ability to maintain equipment, log book, inspection reports etc. $23.50/hr, 50hrs/week. Send resumes: 18663-52 Ave., Suite 103, Surrey, British Columbia V3S 8E5 Fax: (604) 574-9775


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Change your career today

REQ’D F/T Live-in-Caregiver w/exp. to look after kids; supervision of kid’s activities; taking care of general hygiene; Knowledge of English. Contact Raj @PH#: 604-889-0410 Email: Location: Surrey, BC


Surrey metal fabrication shop requires energetic persons for general shop labour. Involves some heavy lifting. No experience required. $12.60 per hour to start, $14.00 per hour after 30 days worked. Opportunities for training and advancement after 6 months. Full time position. Complete benefit package. Hours of shift are 7:00am to 3:15pm Monday to Friday Apply in person at: Unitran Manufacturers Ltd. 5225 192nd Street, Surrey B.C. or by email: or by fax: (604) 574-9318 no phone calls please SOUTH ROCK LTD. is hiring for all positions. Milling personnel, Paving personnel, Safety Advisor. Experience with asphalt preferred. Valid drivers licence required. Send resume: Attention: Tamara; Fax 403568-1327; We are a leading Canadian manufacturer of plastic packaging products with companies located across Canada. We currently have the following opportunity in our Vancouver operation. CUSTOMER SERVICE To qualify, candidates should have a minimum of one year experience in Customer Service and excellent communication skills. The successful candidate needs to be computer literate and capable of maintaining accurate inventory figures. This is your opportunity to join a progressive organization, which rewards people for their accomplishments. Please forward your resume to: Box 001, #102, 5450-152nd St., Sry V3S 5J9

Cardiology Technologist The Canadian Medical Association (CMA) has granted this program it highest accreditation status, a 6 year accreditation. Community Support & Outreach Worker Assist individuals with a developmental disability and/or mental health issues by encouraging and supporting them in their daily lives. Starting entry wages range from $18.03 to $19.72/hr.







UPCOMING AVAILABLE ROUTE CARRIERS NEEDED in North Delta & Surrey Areas Sub Carriers Also Needed ROUTE# PAPERS AREA DESCRIPTION 1-01 1-02 1-05 2-05 2-12 2-14 2-15 2-18 4-04 5-09 8-02 9-17 9-22 12-12 12-16 16-07 16-11 16-23 17-17 20-16 21-02 23-02 24-02 24-03 24-04 24-05 24-08 24-11 27-06 30-27 40-11

60 129 109 111 70 88 105 72 94 51 108 75 35 90 103 127 131 116 94 107 112 126 109 72 113 79 83 87 111 41 28

Blake Dr - 112 St, 72 Ave 114A St - 116 St, Cory Dr - 72 Ave Westview Dr - Huff Bvld,Westview Pl - Southridge Rd. 113A St - 115 St - 77 Ave - 80 Ave Garfield Dr - Muston Pl,Warwick Rd - Crawford Dr 112 St - Blake Dr, 72 Ave - 73A Ave 112 St - Fairfield Pl, 72 Ave - Glenbrook Pl Priory Pl - Malton Dr, Minster Dr - 74A Ave Lyon Rd - Hamlin Dr, Cherry Ln - Stoney Cres Santa Monica Dr - Santa Monica Pl,Wiltshire Bvld Collings Way - Norum Rd, River Rd - Norum Cres 155 St - 156 St, 78 Ave - 79A Ave Rural Route; 152 St - 65 Ave - 72 Ave 180 St - 182 St, 58 Ave - 59A Ave 184 St - 186 St, 53A Ave - Hwy 10 (56 Ave) 148A St - 152 St, 84 Ave - 85A Ave 149 St - 151 St, 81B Ave - 84 Ave 144 St - 146 St, 80B Ave - 82A Ave 140 St - 142B St, 82A Ave - 84B Ave 128 St - 130 St, 64 Ave - 65 Ave 132 St - 134 St,Tulsey Cres E - 87B Ave 121 St - 124 St, 100A Ave - 103A Ave 127 St - 128 St, 104 Ave - 107A Ave 123A St - 125 St, 102 Ave - 104 Ave 125 St - 127 St, 101 Ave - 104 Ave 126 St - 128 St, 102 Ave - 104 Ave 123A St - 126 St, 99 Ave - 100 Ave 124A St - 127B St, 98 Ave - 99 Ave Ursus Cres - 91 Ave, 136B St - Crichton Dr 177 St - 178 St, 100A Ave - 102 Ave 124 St - Industrial Rd, 112A Ave - 114 Ave

Early Childhood Educator According to the 2008 ECE Registry Survey commissioned by the BC Ministry of Children & Family Development, the average wage for Early Childhood Educators in BC is $17.43/hr. Graduates may qualify for a $3000 bursary through the BC Family Child Care Association. Health Care Assistant (formerly Resident Care Attendant) There is huge demand for this program! The starting wage for Health Care Assistants is $17 - $21/hr. Hospital Support Specialist Work in a hospital as a Admitting/ Registration Clerk, Health Records Clerk, Diagnostic Imaging Clerk, Hospital Switchboard Operator, Medical Secretary and much more. Entry level wages from $18.16 - $21/hr. Medical Laboratory Assistant Medical Office Assistant If you’re looking for a rewarding career in healthcare administration, you’ll love being a Medical Office Assistant. Nursing Unit Clerk The average wage for Stenberg grads is $20.77/hr, plus 12.2% in lieu of benefits. Practical Nursing We offer Free Biology 12! Psychiatric Nursing There is an urgent need for more Registered Psychiatric Nurses (RPN). Entry-level earnings start at $29/hour. This 23 month program is recognized by the CRPNBC. FREE ESL Training & Support: Free 2 month College English Preparatory program

604-580-2772 • Over 94% of our grads are employed in their field of study within 6 months of graduation.






LEGAL No. VIC-S-S-110533 Victoria Registry

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA CIVIL FORFEITURE ACTION IN REM AGAINST $40,580 CANADIAN CURRENCY seized by the Port Mann RCMP on July 30, 2010, from Vu Hung Le (the “money”) and the Fruits or Proceeds Thereof BETWEEN: Director of Civil Forfeiture (PLAINTIFF) AND: the Owners and all Others interested in the Money, in particular Vu Hung Le (defendant) ADVERTISEMENT To: VU HUNG LE TAKE NOTICE THAT on 14/March/2011 an order was made for service on you of a Notice of Civil Claim issued from the Victoria Registry of the Supreme Court of British Columbia in proceeding number VIC-S-S-110533 by way of this advertisement. In the proceeding, the Director of Civil Forfeiture claims the following relief against you: Forfeiture of the Money, and any proceeds or fruit of the Money. You must Àle and serve a Response to Civil Claim within 21 days from the date this advertisement is Àrst published failing which further proceedings, including judgment, may be taken against you without notice to you. You may obtain, from the Victoria Registry, at 850 Burdett Ave Victoria, B.C., a copy of the Notice of Civil Claim and the order providing for service by this advertisement. This advertisement is placed by Director of Civil Forfeiture whose address for service is 1001 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC V8W 9J7. Fax number for service: (250) 387-4002 E-mail address for service:

Wednesday, March 23, 2011 Surrey/North Delta Leader 29 EMPLOYMENT/EDUCATION 130


WELDERS & APPRENTICE WELDERS 2011 retirement of employees has created opportunities at TIDY TANKS LTD. Langley BC. We are currently recruiting Fulltime Welders and Apprentice Welders. Fax resume 604.534.5814 or e-mail: We thank all applicants however only those considered for interviews will be contacted. No phone calls please.


HOME CARE/SUPPORT Respite Caregivers

PLEA Community Services Society is looking for individuals and families who can provide respite care in their homes for youth aged 12 to 18, who are attending a recovery program for alcohol and/or drug addiction. Qualified applicants must be available on weekends and have a home that can accommodate one to two youth and meet all safety requirements. Training and support is provided. If interested, please call a member of our Family Recruiting Team at:



Sales Consultant Well established Lower Mainland company is looking for a Sales Consultant to service & develop our market share of fireplace installation sales. The ideal candidate will: Be self-motivated with the ability to work independently. Be well organized. Have excellent communication skills. ■ Ensure that our customers receive the level of service they expect. ■ Experienced in the heating/fireplace industry preferred or equivalent success in showroom and direct sales. ■ ■ ■

To the right candidate, we offer an exciting and challenging career where success is recognized and rewarded. In addition, training and technical support will be provided to the successful candidate. Remuneration includes an extended medical benefits plan. In return, we seek an energetic and ambitious longterm employee with a strong desire to develop their career and earnings potential. Please email your resume to




Required for busy Greek restaurant. Apply @ 7953-120 St. Delta.



Receptionist / Junior Legal Administrative Assistant Severide Law Group, a five lawyer firm located in Ladner needs a dynamic, outgoing person to be our full-time receptionist and junior legal administrative assistant. If you are looking for a career in a well-respected and established law firm, have obtained a certificate in legal administrative studies and want to develop your skills working with a team of experienced legal administrative assistants and lawyers, please apply by forwarding your resume by email to:

Prior law office work experience would be an asset but is not required.



- CNC Operators especially Morbidelli Biesse. - CAD Programmers with cabinet experience. - Millwork Designers with Mastercam or AutoCad. - Kitchen Designers with 20-20 or Cabinetvision or Microvellum. Needed NOW in Surrey, Langley, Abbotsford. **STABLE F/T EMPLOYMENT** WOODTECH International Fax: 1-866-360-1139 (100% Confidential) CONCRETE PUMP OPERATOR wanted, in Langley, min 2 yrs exp an asset. $45,000/yr to start. 3/mo probation. Call Andy 604-835-0901. GPRC, Fairview Campus (located in the heart of Alberta’s Peace Country in northwestern Alberta) requires a Welding Instructor to commence immediately. Visit our website: MECHANICS & ELECTRICIANS: Procon Equipment is currently looking for full-time permanent Journeyman Heavy Duty Mechanics and Journeyman Electricians for our Nisku, Alberta facility. Must have certification. Preference will be given to any with underground experience. Excellent work atmosphere and benefits. Work schedule is 4 weeks on, 2 weeks off. Will also consider relocation of qualified individuals to the Edmonton area from within Canada. Please fax resume to 780-955-2411.

PROJECT COORDINATOR Required for Betts Electric. Visit: for more information.





BEST HANDS IN TOWN. Hot Oil. 10am - Midnight. 10077 Whalley Blvd. 604-719-5628 SHANGHAI. Spring Special $10 off with ad, 10am-12am 604591-1891, 16055 Fraser Hwy, Sry


LABOURERS NEEDED, starting immed. Licence/vehicle an asset. 778-241-4640 or 778-240-4184



DEBT CONSOLIDATION PROGRAM Helping Canadians repay debts, reduce or eliminate interest, regardless of your credit. Steady Income? You may qualify for instant help. Considering Bankruptcy? Call 1-877-220-3328 FREE Consultation Government Approved, BBB Member $500 LOAN, NO CREDIT REFUSED. Fast, Easy and Secure. 1877-776-1660 AVOID BANKRUPTCY - SAVE UP TO 70% Of Your Debt. One affordable monthly payment, interest free. For debt restructuring on YOUR terms, not your creditors. Call 1-866-690-3328 or see web site: GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. If you own a home or real estate, ALPINE CREDITS will lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is NOT an issue. 1.800.587.2161.

NEED CASH TODAY? ✓ Do you Own a Car? ✓ Borrow up to $20000.00 ✓ No Credit Checks! ✓ Cash same day, local office


of a New Career? Check out Education and Career Sections in the 100’s for information.



604-777-5046 Own A home? Need Money? Get Mortgage Money Fast! Quick, Easy, Confidential No credit or income required 1st, 2nd, 3rd mortgages

Call 604-328-6409 Origin Home Financial Partners Matt Sadler -






Concrete Lifting Specialist

Bonniecrete Const Ltd Free Est & Warranties D House & Garage Floors D Driveways D Patios, etc. D Raise to Proper Height D Eliminate Trip Spots D Provide Proper Drainage Over 25 yrs exp. Ross 604D535D0124

PLACING & Finishing * Forming * Site Prep, old concrete removal * Excavation & Reinforcing * Re-Re Specialists 32 Years Exp. Free Estimates.

Call: Rick (604) 202-5184

AMIX RECYCLING, a Schnitzer Company - Chilliwack BC. Work for an industry leader and help save the planet by being a part of the largest scrap metal recycling co. in BC. Seeking a high energy, organized individual to work FT, Mon to Fri, with occasional Sat coverage. Qualifications: intermediate skills in Office, 3+ yrs exp in AR such as invoicing, receiving and computerized inventory mgmt, and superior math and problem-solving. We offer a competitive benefits pkg with disability, life, dental, extended health and MSP. Apply online at We are looking for a P/T OFFICE ASSISTANT to assist us with our operations. Please send resume for consideration to:


278 FURNITURE REFINISHING Furniture Repair & Finishing 604-534-1674


“No job too small”. 604-825-8469



Call 604-531-5935

778-987-8907 HARRY’S LAWN CARE. Lawn cut, Hedge Trimming, Aerating, Fertilizer, Gutter clean. 604-825-5545




(604)240-1920 BOWN & SONS Enterprises WCB-Lic’d-Insured 604-703-8654 1-800-264-8954 Repairs & Renos FINISH CARPENTER Finish Carpentry-Mouldings, sundecks, stairs, siding, painting, drywall. Refs. Rainer cel 604-613-1018 JACK’S HOME IMPROVEMENT. Prof painting & complete renos. Reasonable rates & quality work. Jack 604-716-3653, 604-767-6010 Mara Bros. Custom Home Services. New Builds, Renovations, Heating & Plumbing Systems, Outdoor living, Project Management. 20 Years Experience 604 834 2593 RenoMan. Kitch & Bath, Drywall, Patching & Taping, Tiling, Ext Painting, Laminate floors. All Big and small Jobs. Call 604-728-3849 Semi Retired (General Contractor) High Quality Home Improvements. Res/Comm. Int/Ext. References. House Smart Home Improvements Ken 778-858-0387

AAA SIHOTA ELECTRICAL Comm., Industrial & Res. Services. Licensed/bonded. 604-999-4573 Specializing in all types of: S Decking Systems S Railing Systems S Outdoor Living

YOUR ELECTRICIAN $29 Service Call Lic #89402 Same day guarn’td We love small jobs! 604-568-1899

The finest in Outdoor Living... Design to Completion DECKING RAILINGS • Cedar • Glass • Vinyl decking • Aluminum • Trex decking • Wrought iron • Pressure treated • Trex railings • Deck repairs • Cedar • Paving stone • Pressure & Concrete Treated


Tax Returns From $20.00 Call Ali

BACKHOES 4 X 4 C/W bracker & hoepack


6828-128 St. (Newton Pizza Unit)

6 ways to wide blades



☛ Bookkeeping & Payroll ☛ Full Cycle Accounting ☛ Personal & Corporate Returns Small Businesses Welcome! Certified Management Accountant of 20 years.

BOBCATS C/W attachments



C/W attachments

(604)531-5935 TARACOLE BOBCAT & EXCAVATING F Excavation F Grading & Fill F Trucking F Storm Sewer F Trenching F Drainage F Landscape, Top soil F Turf, Sand & Gravel


AAH ABOVE ALL APPLS REPAIR Quality work. Also appls for sale. Elect & plumb serv 604-588-2828 APPROVED APPLIANCES, HEATING, HOTWATER TANKS. Dryers/Washers, fridge, stove, dishwasher. Repairs. (604)589-1873 Dawn Appliance Service. (Sry) Fast in-home repairs, all makes & models Certif’d tech. 1 Yr parts & labour warr. 7 days/24 hrs. 604-512-5936



ACTION CARE Carpet CLEANING. Spring special ❖ 604-945-5801❖

CARPET CLEANING, commercial & residential. 10% off spring cleaning special. Call 604-785-8566.



HOME & OFFICE cleaning. Insured, bonded. References avail. Cindy 604-583-6993.



AKAL CONCRETE. All types of reno’s. Driveways, sidewalks, floors, retaining walls. Call 778-881-0961

OUTDOOR LIVING • Fireplaces • Kitchens & BBQ’s • Sun Rooms & Patio Covers • Landscaping • Hot Tubs & Pools • Trellis & Gazebos

.Jim’s Mowing Spring Services -

EX60 - EX300

604-617-4823, 604-543-7749



ALL RENOVATIONS and new construction, quality work, licensed and insured. Ken 604-790-1341 BEAUTIFUL BATH = Plumbing Drywall - Electrical - Tubs & Showers & Sinks -Toilets & Tile - Fans - Windows, crown molding. 17 yrs exp. Senior disc. Work guar, Res/Comm. Nick 604-230-5783, 581-2859 BEN’S RENO’S New bsmt, drywall, texture, paint, kitchen, bath, hardwood, laminate, plumbing, tiles, windows, doors & fencing. Snr’s disc. 604-507-0703.

#1 QUALITY WORK, Big or sm. Exp. Electrician avail. Reas.rates.604-773-0341. Lic#9902

JR Landscaping & Gardening Weekly & Bi-Weekly. Residential & Commercial Lawn Mowing, Power Racking, Tree Pruning, Hedging Trimming, Weeding, Power Washing, Cedar Fencing & Rubbish Removal Mike (604)202-4645 LAWN & GARDEN MAINT. Hedge trim/prune, power rake, aerate, bark mulch. Reas rate. 604-582-9513 LAWN & GARDEN Maint. Pruning, Trimming, Power Raking, Aeration. Free Est. Jason @ 604-614-5954.

ORBIT LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE *Lawn care *Mowing *Power rake *Aeration *Trimming *New turf *Flower beds *Pruning *Cedar Fencing *Landscape renovation *Gutter cleaning etc. Comm./Res. Monthly or Yearly Contracts Discounts for Senior’s and Regular Customers.

Gur 604-724-9036 for Est.





Call Mike 604-953-0898


10% OFF

283 GUTTERS & DOWNSPOUTS Always! gutter, window cleaning, pressure washing, lawn maintains, yard clean-up. Simon 604-230-0627 Always! Rubbish removal, yard clean up, tree timing. 7 days/week. Best rates. Simon 604-230-0627 DEMOSSING. Gutter Cleaning. Repairs. Roofing. Power Washing, Jeff’’s House Ext. 604-802-6310 GUTTER, roof, window, siding driveway, deck cleaning. Call Victor 604-589-0356 GUTTER & WINDOW CLEANING Prices starting from for 3 lvl. hm. (av. size) $90/gutters, $90/windows. 2 lvl. hm. (av.size) $65/gutters, $65/windows. 778-861-0465



Home, Garden & Design Solutions


Darryl 604-626-7100 Visit:



1 CALL ABOVE all Handyman Serv Elect,. Plumb, Appls, Gen Repairs, No job too small. Sell repair & install major appls. Also do kitchen, baths, bsmt, renos. 604-588-2828.

284 HEAT, AIR, REFRIGERATION Furnace & Duct Cleaning

Special pkg $89. Call 604-945-5801



AIRLINES ARE HIRING- Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified - Housing available. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance (877)818-0783 LEARN FROM HOME EARN FROM HOME CanScribe Career College offers online courses: Medical Transcription and Computers. Great work at-home opportunities. Enrol today! 1-800-466-1535

Copy of Certificate for soil test available upon request


PSB DRYWALL ★ All Boarding, Taping & Texture. Guaranteed work. Call Parm (604) 762-4657


Meets or exceeds BC Landscape Standard Spec.

*Lawn Cut *Power Raking *Moss Control *Aerating *Weeding *Hedge Trim *Pruning *Edging *Bark Mulch

AFFORDABLE DRYWALL Tape, Texture, Finish Painting. Call Les @ (604)599-3835



Planter mix or turf mix


Drywall, Reno & Texture Specialist.






ATTENTION DIABETICS with Medicare. Get a FREE Talking Meter and diabetic supplies at NO COST, plus FREE home delivery! Best of all, this meter eliminates painful finger pricking! Call 888449-1321

Kristy 604.488.9161

Member of BC Landscape and Nursery Association


A Call to Vern. Free Est. Guarant’’d.


Unique Taste, Unique Menus... Gourmet, customized menus tailored to your function! q Dinner Parties q Executive Meetings q Family Gatherings q Weddings / Banquets q B-B-Ques q Funerals We Come To You! Doing It All, From Set-Up - Clean-Up.


Bill, 604-306-5540 or 604-589-5909




Lawn Cut, Ride-on mower, Pwr Rake, Aerating, Weeding. Hedge Trim, Pruning, Reseed, Edging, Moss Killer, Bark Mulch, Pressure Wash., Gutter Clean. Roof Clean. Res/Comm. Reas. Rates, Fully insured. WCB.

778-231-9675, 778-231-9147 FREE ESTIMATES



ALL BEST LANDSCAPING All Lawn Care ~ Free Est.

F All types of concrete work F F Re & Re F Forming F Site prep FDriveways FExposed FStamped F Bobcat Work F WCB Insured



1-A1 BRAR CEDAR FENCING, chain link & landscaping. Block retaining wall. Reasonable rates. Harry 604-719-1212, 604-306-1714 6’ Cedar Fence: $16/ft. Hand blt. Sundecks, Sheds & Gazebos. Est’d 1989, free est. Brad 604-530-9331 6 FOOT HIGH CEDAR FENCE. $11/foot. Low Prices. Quality Work. Free Est. Harbans 604-805-0510. 6 FT FENCING, Retaining Walls, Blacktop/Concrete driveway’s, Reno’s, Roofing, Bobcat Service. Snow Removal. Gaary Landscaping (604)889-8957, 778-861-0220


142 OFFICE SUPPORT/CLERKS Abbotsford Company is seeking a Part time Accounts Receivable Clerk for a maternity leave position (6 months). Must be energetic, enthusiastic and professional. Skills and experience required in: Microsoft Office, computerized accounting program, collection, in voicing, billing, credit applications. Must have exceptional attention to detail, organization and accuracy. Must communicate well both ver bally and written. Please send resume to or fax to 604-850-2397.



1 CALL DOES IT ALL, for all your home improvement needs. Kitchens Baths, Additions, Bsmt Suites. Lic’d Builder. Quality Craftmanship, Reas Rates. (604)818-5919 or 671-8498 A-1 CONTRACTING. Renos. Bsmt, kitchens, baths, custom cabinets, tiling, plumbing, sundecks, reroofing. Dhillon 604-782-1936. All kinds of renos. Framing, flooring, kitchen, bath, bsmt, roofing, siding, finishing carpentry. 778-898-6815

TOP NOTCH ASSOCIATES We do only Quality work: Repairs/Reno’s and water tight Bathrooms. Electrical, Plumbing, Tile, Sealing, Finishing, Safety and Handicap. Mike 604-594-4791.



HOME IMPROVEMENTS Makingno e Home RCome s m a Dre True!

10% OFF



Home, G H Garden & Design Solutions


Complete Garden / Landscape Designs & Makeovers New Homescapes • Outdoor Living Spaces • Gardening Brick / Block • Retaining Walls • Pavers • Cultured Stone Railings • Pillars • Gates • Driveways • Masonry Lighting / Sprinkler / Drainage Systems Lawn Installations • Pruning • Weeding • Clean-Ups Strata/Commercial/Residential Maintenace Programs Fencing • Landscape Products • Home Improvements (see our Home Improvement ad under section 287 Home Improvement)

Kitchens • Bathrooms • Renovations • Additions Outdoor Living Spaces • Suites • Custom Homes Flooring • Hardwood • Tiles • Laminate • Sundecks Patios • Arbours • Pergolas • Railings • Pillars • Gates Driveways • Masonry Brick / Block • Retaining Walls Pavers Cultured Stone • Roofing • Windows / Doors Framing Fencing • Complete Renovations • Handyman Services & More • Gardening • Landscaping (see our Gardening and Landscaping ad under section 281 Lawn & Garden)

WCB • Fully Insured • 20 Years

WCB • Fully Insured • 20 Years

One Call Does It All, Follow us on

One Call Does It All, Follow us on

B.C.’s Premier Full Service Home Renovation & Landscaping Company

B.C.’s Premier Full Service Home Renovation & Landscaping Company



30 Surrey/North Delta Leader Wednesday, March 23, 2011 HOME/BUSINESS SERVICES 289 HOUSEHOLD SERVICES


Personal & Sm. Business Returns; GST-HST Filing; year round service; from $45 Call: 604.581.9121 or MACNAUGHTON & WARD FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD.



QUICKWAY Kitchen Cabinets Ltd. ****Mention this ad for 10% Off **** Call Ram @ 604-561-4041.



TLE LANDSCAPING. Experts in Pavers/ret. walls, driveway sealers. 604.264.0480




1 LIC. local plumber ~ 20 years exp $36/hr. Plumbing, heating, plug drains. Big/sml jobs. 604-308-5639. $38/HR!Clogged drains,drips,garbs sinks, Reno’s toilets. No job too small! Lic’d/insured. 778-888-9184

~ Certified Plumber ~ ON CALL 24 HOURS/DAY

Reno’s and Repairs Furnace, Boilers, Hot Water Heat Plumbing Jobs ~ Reas rates

~ 604-597-3758 ~

359 SAND, GRAVEL & TOPSOIL Always! deliver Top soil, bark mulch, sand, gravel, etc. 7days/wk. Simon 604-230-0627 will spread LITTLE LOAD SPECIALIST. Sand & gravel delivered. Small orders welcome. Topsoil available. Call (604) 532-0662 days/eves.


Plumb repairs, leaks, plugs, install all appls, garbourator, toilet, sink, dishwasher, etc. 604-314-1865

ROOF, gutter, window, siding, deck, driveway cleaning. Call Victor 604-589-0356


SPRING CLEANING HOUSE & driveway pressure washing. Will beat any price. Call 604-808-4470.


353 ROOFING & SKYLIGHTS #1 Roofing Company in BC

Aluminum patio cover, sunroom, railing, gates. 604-521-2688




All types of Roofing

604-588-0833 WWW.PATTARGROUP.COM GL ROOFING. Cedar shakes, Asphalt Shingles, Flat roofs BBB, WCB $2m Liability. Clean Gutters $80. 24 hrs. 7dys/wk. 604-240-5362



D New Roofs / Re-Roofs D Repair Specialist D Free Estimates D Ref’s ~ WCB Insured

Jas @ 604-726-6345

Pac-Man Movers 20 years exp ~ Reas rates. Call Kevin: (604)837-2744

Starting from $29/hour.

PAINT SPECIAL 3 rooms for $269, 2 coats (Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls Cloverdale Premium quality paint. NO PAYMENT until Job is completed. Ask us about our Laminate Flooring & Maid Services. MILANO PAINTING. Int./Ext. Prof. Painters. Free Est. Written Guar. Bonded & Insured. 604-551-6510

✓ Tree & Stump Removal ✓ Certified Arborists ✓ 20 yrs exp. 60’ bucket truck ✓ Crown reduction ✓ Spiral pruning ✓ Fully insured. Best Rates

Roofing Experts. 778-230-5717 Repairs/Re-Roof/New Roofs. All work Gtd. Free Est. Call Frank.

SAVE ON ROOFING New Roofs, Re-Roof, Repairs. Free Est. Refs. * WCB * Fully Insured. 10% DISCOUNT !

Simar 778-892-1266 Whether it is comic books, dirt bikes or video games you crave…

10% OFF with this AD

GreenLine Tree Service Complete Residential & Comm. Brush Chipping, Stump Grinding Land Clearing, Removal Neal 604-541-4608 / 604-230-4608 DANGEROUS TREE REMOVAL * Pruning * Retopping * Falling Service Surrey 25 years FULLY INSURED **EMERGENCY CALL OUT** Certified Arborist Reports

Morris 604-597-2286 Marcus 604-818-2327 PRO TREE SERVICES Quality pruning/shaping/hedge trimming/ removals & stump grinding. John, 604-588-8733/604-318-9270

PETS 477


2 AUSTRALIAN Shepherd x Husky. Brother & sister. 1.5 yrs old, healthy. $200 ea. To gd home (604)807-4151

BEAGLE PUPS, tri colored, good looking, healthy, males $500. (604)796-3026. No Sunday calls

MR. PAINTER’S PAINTING SERVICES Quality, Reliable, and Affordable. Senior’s Discount. Phone 778-847-2468 ~ PRO PAINTERS ~ INTERIOR / EXTERIOR Quality Work, Free Estimates Member of Better Business Bureau


Vincent 543-7776

You will find something for the kid in you in the Classifieds!





CHEAP RUBBISH REMOVAL!!!! Discounted prices for Metal. Car battery! We pay you. Yard work, and demolition also available 7 days a week. We recycle 90% of all items Free Estimates CALL: 604961-3505


Rubbish Removal Almost for free! (778)997-5757, (604)587-5991



ALLAN Const. & Asphalt. Brick, conc, drainage, found. & membrane repair. 604-618-2304; 820-2187.



10% OFF if you Mention this AD! *Plumbing *Heating *Reno’s *More Lic.gas fitter. Aman: 778-895-2005

Haul Anything... But Dead Bodies!! 604.


Serving The Lower Mainland Since 1988

615 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY STEEL BUILDING SALE... SPECIALS from $4 to $11/sq.ft. Great pricing on ABSOLUTELY every model, width & length. Example: 30x40x14 NOW $7995.00. End walls included, doors optional. Pioneer Steel Manufacturers 1-800668-5422.


Boston Terrier pups, 4 M, 2 F, vet checked, 1st shots, dewrmd, ready Mar. 18. $1,000. Call 604-868-0446 CATS GALORE, TLC has for adoption spayed & neutered adult cats. 604-309-5388 / 604-856-4866 CKC Reg. soft coated Wheaten terrier pups, hypo-allergenic. Guarntd. Vet ✓ $1200. 604-533-8992 COCK-A-POO X POO Pups: Vet ✔ 1st shots, non-shedding, S Sry. $525. 604-541-9163 /604.785.4809. ENGLISH MASTIFF P/B PUPS Fawn & Bridle. CKC reg. Ready to go. $1500. 604-726-3934 GERMAN Shepherd pups & young adults. Quality German & Czech bloodlines Reg/Guar. 604-856-8161







SAWMILLS - Band/Chainsaw SPRING SALE - Cut lumber any dimension, anytime. MAKE MONEY and SAVE MONEY In stock ready to ship. Starting at $1,195.00. 1-800-566-6899 Ext.400OT STEEL BUILDINGS PRICED TO CLEAR - Holding 2010 steel prices on many models/sizes. Ask about FREE DELIVERY! CALL FOR QUICK SALE QUOTE and FREE BROCHURE - 1-800-668-5111 ext. 170.






ARIZONA LAND LIQUIDATION Starting $99/mo., 1 & 2 1/2-Acre ranch lots 1 hour from Tucson Int’l Airport NO CREDIT CHECK. Guaranteed Financing, Money Back Guarantee. 1-800-631-8164 Code 4001

633 MOBILE HOMES & PARKS WHOLESALE FACTORY DIRECT. Manufactured, Modular & Park models. Tremendous savings. Luxurious 1512 sq. ft home including delivery and installation only $ 109,950. Many other plans available. 877-976-3737 or 250814-3788



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OKANAGAN SIMILKIMEEN Year round recreational lots for RV’s and park models. Joyce Geering, Sutton Power 1 Realty, 1-877-536-9590



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CEDAR COURT & CEDAR LODGE CLEAN 1 & 2 BDRM SUITES (some w/ensuites) in Park-like setting. Cable, heat, & hot water incl. Laundry rest area on each floor.

604-588-8850 604-584-5233


Older Home? Damaged Home? Need Repairs? Behind on Payments? Quick CASH! Call Us First! 604.657.9422

CLOVERDALE BENBERG APTS. 17788 57 Ave. Senior building,1 & 2 bdrm suites avail now. Starting at $700 to $850/mo. 604-574-2078 CLOVERDALE. Sherwood Apt. 5875-177A St. 1 bdrm-$750, 2 bdrm-$900. Lndry facility. np/ns. Avail immed. LEASE. Member of Surrey Crime free Multi-Housing Program. Call Lloyd at 604-5751608. ASCENTPM. COM

Large newly renovated 1 & 2 bdrm units available in wellkept concrete building. New floors and appl’s. Freshly painted. Patio and large storage room inste. 3 laundries in bldg. Rent incl’s heat & hot water. Sauna & jacuzzi. 5 min. walk to skytrain, Douglas College & New West Quay. Close to all amenities. Please call 604-834-1756


SHANNON GARDENS The Place to Live in N. Delta Park Like Setting

1 Bdrm $850/mo; 2 bdrms from $1000 + hydro. Quiet bldg. Heat, hot water, garborator, f/s, d/w, f/place. Inste storage & u/g pkg. Heated indoor pool & sauna.

Call 604-591-5666 Website: FT. LANGLEY lge. 1 bdrm. unfurn. Riverside apt. Heat incl. Refs. req’d. $1000 mo. Avail. now. 604-8880491, 604-328-8371 GATEWAY: 2 suites 1 bdrm. main floor, avail now. $600/mo. incl. utils. No ldry. N/S, N/P 604440-3486 or 604-583-4475 GUILDFORD - 2 bdrm top floor unit. new appl, paint, flooring, u/g prkg. $900 inc ht/hw 250-474-7743 np/s. GUILDFORD - 2 bd top flr cnr, newly rebuilt inc appl, paint, floors, u/g prkg. $1000 inc hw. 250-474-7743 np/s Guildford Mall / Public Library

EVERGREEN APARTMENTS Crime Free Multi-Housing Certified Spacious Suites, very competitive prices. Extra large 1 & 2 BDRM ste’s, lots of storage. Heat/hot water included. Access to Vancouver via freeway, 1 bus to Skytrain. Clean, quiet bldg’s. No pets. Outdoor Pool!

Phone 604-582-0465



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YELLOW LAB pups. 8 weeks old, ready to go. Vet checked, 1st. shots. Parents on site. $500. 604-852-6176 Abbts




NEED A GOOD HOME for a good dog or a good dog for a good home? We adopt dogs! Call 604856-3647 or SHIH TZU pup, adorable, 1st shots. Vet ✓ health guart. hypo-allergenic, nonshedding. $495. 604-533-8992.

ST. BERNARD pups, 3M/3F, born Jan 4/11, $1000 each, gentle temperment. 1 (604)847-9266

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SUNCREEK ESTATES * Large 2 & 3 bdrm apartments * Insuite w/d, stove, fridge, d/w * 3 floor levels inside suite * Wood burning fireplace * Private roof top patio * Walk to shops, nr park, pool, playground * Elementary school on block * Party room, tennis court * On site security, Sorry no pets

Office: 7121 - 133B St. Surrey 604-596-0916 SURREY


Brookmere Gardens 14880 108th Ave. Surrey



2 bdrm, 920 sqft, $710. 3 bdrm 1150 sqft, $910. Quiet family complex with garden-like courtyard, bordering Holly Park. Prime Location. Near schools, shops, transportation. 1 bus to Skytrain. N/P. Heat, H/W incl. Security.

Great new 2 bdrms, 2 bath in good building. 5 Appliances. $1050/mo. Lease and excellent references. Al Dodimead ACD Realty 604-521-0311 view this & other properties @


SURREY CTR - 140th/Fraser Hwy. 2 Bdrm, 2 bath, 5 appl, 2 secure u/g pkng, inste w/d, ns/np, avail immed. $1050 incl cbl/net. (604)773-3653.

Homelife Benchmark Realty Corp. Langley



BIG BEAUTIFUL AZ LAND $99/mo. $0 down, $0 interest, Golf Course, Nat’l Parks. 1 hour from Tucson Int’l Airport Guaranteed Financing, No Credit Checks. Pre-recorded msg. (800) 631-8164 code 4057 OWN 20 ACRES-$0 Down $99/mo. ONLY $12,900 Near Growing El Paso, Texas Money Back Guarantee, No Credit Checks, Owner Financing, Free Color Brochure 1800-343-9444 REGISTER NOW Saskatoon 55Plus Active Adult Large Ground Level Townhomes





Large 1 Bdrm. Apts $150 Move-In Allowance Please call for details. On-site manager. Suites include fridge, stove, drapes & carpeted throughout. Hot water & parking included. Close to shopping & schools, on bus route. Seasonal swimming pool & tennis court. Some pets welcome.

Call 604-533-0209

DONCASTER APARTMENTS Newly Renovated Family oriented bldg near Guildford Mall. Spacious 1 bdrm from $800/mo; 2 bdrm from $1000/mo. Some with laminate & carpet flooring with tile entrance. F/P, 4 appl’s, in-ste storage, large patio. Secure prkg. avail. Laundry on each floor. Heat & hot water. N/P. Well worth your inspection.



CLAYMORE APTS 1 & 2 Bdrm Apts Avail $200 Move-In Bonus!! Close to shopping & schools. Seasonal Swimming pool, and tennis court. 3 Appliances (fridge, stove dishwasher), blinds hot water and parking included. Carpeted throughout. Some pets welcome.




Large 1 Bedrooms Available Immediately, quiet bldg. in a park-like setting. 3 Full size appl’s, Washer & dryer. Close to Guildford Mall & theatre. Please call 604-589-1167

5374 - 203rd St, Langley

Call 604-533-9780


• Vehicles • Estates (complete hse. hld.) • Antiques • Bankruptcies • Damaged Freight • Tools • Anything Of Value 604-897-1605

Newton Location


VILLA UMBERTO Lovely 2 bdrm. Quiet building. 2 full baths. In-suite laundry, secured underground parking. Available immediately


8-10 FT

Call: 604-596-5671 or Cell 604-220-8696


SURREY 92/120. 3 Bdrm, 2000 sf PENTHOUSE modern, secure & quiet 2 baths 5 appls, u/g prkg $1675, A/C.No dogs. 604-951-7992

$10 ea 8069 Nelson St. Mission


BOLIVER HTS. Lrg 3 bdrm. Clean, like new, appls, prkg, solarium, N/S. Avail now. $1350. 604-951-0971



CLOVERDALE, 171/48 Ave. 45 x 30’ Shop w/upper newer 2 Bdrm ste. Avail now. Info: Randy 778898-5047 or Jas 604-716-0655.




Refreshingly Clean Meticulously Maintained


Surrey Gardens Apartments

612 BUSINESSES FOR SALE Oceanfront Motel, 2 acres, 10 units, near park, for sale or could be included in a larger project. Site approved for condos. Plans completed, ready to go. Phone 250-753-0160

CLAYTON HTS: 6758 188 St. Brand new 1 bdrm & study, laundry, free Wifi & cable, gym, secure pkng. Storage locker. TJ @ Sutton Proact (604)728-5460 CLOVERDALE Apts: 1 Bdrm $750; Incl heat, h/w & prkg. N/P. Secure bldg. Lndry facilities. 604-576-8230

for your new one bedroom home From From It’s time to$670.00 discover $690.00

Owner Managed Sorry, No Pets

Call for details! 604-589-7040


Wednesday, March 23, 2011 Surrey/North Delta Leader 31 RENTALS


733 MOBILE HOMES & PADS NEWTON MOBILE HOME PARK. Has 3 large lots available for your mobile. Call 604-597-4787.




WHALLEY. Share house, ladies. No drinking, no drugs. Room furn $375-$400. 778-388-5039.

GUILDFORD 2 bdrm g/l lge bsmt ste, clse to frwy. High ceiling, fresh paint, carport, $800 incl utils, coin ldry, Apr 1. 604-585-9030 GUILDFORD lge 2 bdrm ste avail now. Clse to schl, bus shops. $675 incl utils. N/P. 778-822-1371 N.DELTA 116/72. lge 2 Bdrm in 4-plex, all new lam/flr nr amen/bus/schl, N/P, Apr 1, $1000 incl utils/lndry/pkg. 604-597-8622. NEWTON 130/65, 1 bdrm suite, $525 incl utils & cable. Avail now. 604-726-4244 NP/NS plse NEWTON 152/72. New 1 bdrm ste, full bath, incl utils, alarm, nr bus. NS /NP. Av. anytime. 604-507-6786. NEWTON. 1 bdrm g/l suite. Ref’s req’d. N/S. N/P. Avail now. 604590-2753 or 778-846-2753. NEWTON 2 bdrm. N/P N/S. Newly painted, h/w floor, $800 mo. incl. hydro, cable, int. & ldry. Walk to bus stop. Avail. Apr. 1. 604-595-3418 NEWTON. 2 bdrm suite. Nr school & bus. Avail April 1 N/P. N/S inside. 604-502-0073 or 604-817-5144. NEWTON, 68/150th. 1 bdrm. suite. N/S. N/P. $550/mo. incl. utils. Sec. system. April 1. 604-502-7098. NEWTON 6946 144 St. 1Bdrm ste, avail immed,ns/np, $500 incl utils & cable. 604-598-9749,778-881-9749. NEWTON 72/132, new 2 bdrm g/l ste, avail now. N/P. Incl utils. 604594-2396, 604-354-2396 eves NEWTON 80/K.G. Lrg 2 bdrm walkout in newer home. $725 incl utils. New lam. floors, N/S 604-765-6104 NEWTON. Large 2 bdrm. Avail. now. Lndry avail. N/P, N/S. Rent neg. incl utils. 604-773-0355. N. SURREY, 2 bdrm, 6 yrs. old, $750 incl hydro/utils, cbl. N/S N/P. No ldry. Apr.1. 604-825-8123 Panorama 127/61 Ave 2 bdrm cvrd deck, suit sgl or cpl. ns/np. $695incl utils. 604-644-3099 / 604-596-3478 PANORAMA 1 & 2 bdrm brand new walkout ste, covered patio utils incl NS/NP $550 & $750. 604-340-6079 PANORAMA: 142/62: Brand new: 3 Bdrm gr/lvl; nr bus, schools, all amens; resp. person; ns/np. $1000 inclds utils (no cable). Avail now. Call 778-885-0376 or lve a msg. PANORAMA, 2 bdrm g/l ste. $600 incl cable. NS/NP. Avail now. Call: 604-590-0277 or 604-377-5085. Strawberry Hill, K.G. Hwy/80. 2 bdrm. $700/mo. incl hydro. Avail. Apr 1. N/S. N/P. 604-715-9199. SULLIVAN HEIGHTS, 60/146 Ave. 1 Bdrm ste. $550/mo incl utils. Avail Apr 1st. N/P, N/S. 604-572-3851.



Aldergrove/Langley. Avail. Apr. 1st 3 bedrooms 1 bath up, 3 rooms 1 bath down, hardwood floors upstairs, quiet location near 2 schools. $1600/mth +util. Call 604-856-9233 Boundary Park. 3 bdrms, 2 bath family home. North Park Crest. 5 appls. N/S. N/P. $1800.

Call Sheri M 604-535-8080 Croft Agencies Ltd. view pictures at: BRIDGEVIEW. 3 Bdrm, 2 baths, available anytime. N/S, N/P. Near Skytrain & school. 604-580-3300 CEDAR HILLS 10306 126 St. 2 storey hse, 3 bdrm up, 1 bdrm dn, h/w flrs, deck, storage, nr all amens, sm pet ok. Avail immed. $1750 + utils. 778-394-8171 or 604-720-2477. CLAYTON HEIGHTS 4 bdrm. house, 2.5 baths, $1800 mo. Avail. now. N/P. Phone 604-817-2008. ENVER CREEK, 3 bdrm, fresh paint, lots of parking, avail. April 1. Phone (604)722-4046. GREEN TIMBERES, approx 1600 sf,3 bdrm, updated,cls to amenities. $1500. Avail Apr. 1. 778-319-8200 Green Timbers 89/146 3 bdrm+den split lvl single family home, over 2000 sq.ft., dble grg, lawns cut for u NS/NP. $1680. 604-592-9883. GUILDFORD: 3 Bdrm upper $1400 + 60% utils. 2 Bdrm down $700 incl utils. Ph: (604)779-4103. ..


BEAR CREEK 1bdrm ste nr amens /bus, ns/np, no cbl/laund. Immed. 604-825-0629 or 604-369-5926. CEDAR HILLS 90/123. 2 Bdrm G/L suite $650/mo. Nr amens Suits mature. NS/NP. 604-501-2427. CEDAR HILLS 98/127A. 3 Bdrm ste, Apr 1st, $1000/mo + utils. W/D, D/W opt’l. NS/NP. 778-395-4797 CEDAR HILLS, newly reno’d large 2 bdrm, $700 incl util/cable. NS/NP. Avail. now. Phone (604) 596-3962. CHIMNEY HEIGHTS, 76A/150B St. 1 bdrm. Avail. now. $500. Ns/np. 778-891-7740 or 604-592-2149. CHIMNEY HILL 2 - brand new 1 bdrm. suites, 2 appl., N/P N/S. April 1. Nr. all amens. $650 ea. incl. hydro & cable. 604-649-6500 CHIMNEY HTS. 14687 73 Ave. Spacious 2/bdrm bsmt, Incl cable & util, prkng. N/S, N/P, no W/D. $750/mo. April 1. 778-840-4092. CHIMNEY HTS, 1 bdrm suite, no lndry, NS/NP, $500 incl utils. Apr. 1st. 778-708-6339 / 604-597-3091. CHIMNEY HTS. Newer 1bdr, x-spacious livrm, sep kit, ns/np. $600 incl utils/cbl/internet Now 604-598-1010 CHIMNEY RIDGE 1BD, new appls lam.flrs thruout. Sat TV & net neg. $575/mo, Apr 1. 604-317-7862 CITY POINT. 1 bdrm.Close to skytrain & SFU campus. Ungrd parking. Avail Apr. 1st. 850/mo. 604807- 4564 / 604-864-7577. CLOVERDALE. 163/58 Ave. Huge 2 bdrm nr schl/bus. NS/NP. Avail now. $800incl utils/cbl604-764-1552 Cloverdale, 16547-63B. 2 bdrm, 1 bath. Laminate & carpet. N/S. N/P. $650 incl utils.

Call Sheri M 604-535-8080 Croft Agencies Ltd. view pictures at:

NEW LANGLEY exec. home with views. 2500s/f. On shared acreage. Walnut Grove. $2000. Call 604 882 2505 NEWTON. 133/78. 4 bdrm, 1.5 full bath, 1000s.f. Avail now. $1250+util 778-960-5735 604-572-0290 Own a 3 bedroom townhouse w/$3300 down: Several updated 3 bdrm townhomes in Surrey, Cloverdale & Langley w/fenced yards, laminate floors, PETS OK. $1179/mo. mortgage + $250/mo. for maint. fees & taxes oac. $42,399/yr & 600 beacon score to quality. OR QUICK DATES avail. on some units. Call Jodi Steeves w/ Re/Max Treeland @ 604-833-5634 for more details. Houses available starting at $6375 down with $65,000 comb’d Inc & 680 beacon. Ask for details. QUEEN MARY, 2 storey, 5 bdrm. up, 1 bdrm. & rec rm. down, 2 f/p, 2 sundecks, dble. garage. April 1. $1750 mo. 604-805-2407 or 604543-9420 SURREY 138/90 Ave. 3 Bdrs up 1 famrm 1 livrm, 2 bth, 1 kit. Ns/Np, Apr.1 $1300/mo+utils 604-218-9848 SURREY 70/131 St. 3 Bdrm rancher in nice quiet neighbourhood, fncd bkyrd, N/P, N/S. $1500/mo +utils. Avail April 1st. Ph: 604-807-0410. SURREY, FRASER HWY. & 156. 1 acre in city, good for truck, RV, trailer, 3 level house, 5 bdrm. $2500 mo. April 1. 604-771-4876 Terry


WWW. WANTED Houses, Townhomes, Condos & Suites! Serving White Rock / S. Surrey, Surrey, Langley, Delta, Ladner, New West & Coquitlam Call Now! 604-536-0220 or email info:



LINDA VISTA Motel Luxury Rooms w/cable, a/c & kitchens. 6498 King George Hwy. Mthly, Wkly & Daily Specials. 604-591-1171. Canadian Inn 6528 K.G.Hwy. 604-594-0010

748 SHARED ACCOMMODATION BOLIVAR HEIGHTS. In deluxe home. $390/mo + utilities. Avail. now. Prefer fem., student or working person. 1 block to bus. Close to Gateway Station. 604-786-7977 SURREY CENTRAL, Furnished room. Nr amen. $400 incl w/d & util. Prefer male. Call (604)581-3613


Cloverdale 168/64 1 bdrm bsmt ste, nr amens, N/S sm pet OK, $700/mo cable & utils incl. Avail. immed. 604-613-5803 CLOVERDALE: 1 Bdrm grnd lvl ste. $600 utils incl. NS/NP. Avail immed. New carpet & paint. (778)836-8297. Cloverdale. 3 bdrm bsmt lrgl/rm. Sep ent. Nr schl/mall quiet neighbourhood. $850/mo. April 1. Contact Hung 604-825-4417 after 5pm or Joanna 1-403-383-2022 anytime. CLOVERDALE, Must See! 1200sf grnd lvl 2 bdrm. 6 appls, sunroom, garage, lrg bath w/jet tub & sep. shower, great patio! $1100 + 1/2 utils. Cat ok. Apr.1st. 604-574-3141 DELTA 115/74. 1Bdrm gr lvl suite, full bath, N/S, avail April 1st, $600 incl utils/cable/wifi. 604-603-2496. DELTA nr Scottsdale Mall, 1bdrm ste, $580 incl cable/hydro/laundry, NS/NP. Avail April 1. 604-596-9048 ENVER CREEK 145/83 Ave. 2 bdrm ste. NS/NP, no lndry. $650 incl hyd/cbl/net. Nr bus & schl. Apr 1st. (604) 596-8183 or 603-9110. ENVER CREEK 146/81A Newer 1 bdrm, April 1st. NS/NP $500/mo incl utils 604-599-9277, 374-3506. FLEETWOOD 158/89a newly renod 1 bdrm grnd/lvl, f/bath, ns/np, avail now. $575 incl utils. 604-581-6290 FLEETWOOD 2 bdrm. bsmnt. suite, N/S N/P. Heat & light incl. $675 mo. Avail. April 1. (604)572-4214 or (604)-318-1853 FLEETWOOD, 2/bdrm bsmt suite. $800/mo incl util & cable. N/P, N/S. Cl to school. April 1. (604)594-9769 FLEETWOOD 2 bdrm, near amens. $800/mo incl utils/cble. NS/NP, refs, Avail immed. 604-306-8731. FLEETWOOD: 2 Bdrm suite. N/S, N/P. Cls to amens. April 1. $650 util incl. No ldry. (604)562-5022. FLEETWOOD. 80/168. Large 1 bdrm ste. np/ns. $600/mo incls utils/cable/net. Now. 604-575-9093 FLEETWOOD. Corner of 171A & 85. 2 bdrm bsmt suite. Avail now. N/S. N/P. $750/mo. 604-861-4200, 604-574-0289, 778-908-8344 FLEETWOOD. New 1 bdrm suite. Close to bus. N/S, N/P. Available now. 604-726-6259. FLEETWOOD. New 2 bdrm suite. Close to bus. N/S, N/P. Available now. 778-574-2669. FRASER HEIGHTS,165/108A. 2 bdrm bsmt suite. Lndry. Pri. ent. N/S. N/P. $850/mo. incl. hydro. Now. No cble/int. 604-230-4790 FRASER HEIGHTS 16848 104A. 2 bdrm bsmt ste, on cul-de-sac, W/D, near transit, $800 incl utils. Avail. Apr. 1st. NS/NP. 604-833-5657. FRASER Heights. 1bdrm (700s/f) suite, full bath, sep ent. $600 incl utils. ns/np.Refs req. 604-588-5696. FRASER HEIGHTS 5 yr. old home, 2 bdrm. grnd. level suite, Incl. hydro, cable, internet. April 1. $850 mo. Shampoo carpets, new paint. N/P N/S. (604)723-2000 FRASER HTS. 156/109 Ave 2 bdr ste nr all amens, avail now. NS/NP. $850/mo incl utils. 604-760-2152 FRASER HTS 161/110 Ave. Lrg 2 bdrm bsmt suite, nr school, ns/np, April1, $975 incl utils. 604-589-6067 GREEN TIMBERS. Lrg bright 2 bdrm grd lvl ste. Nr park. $675/mo. incl utils. N/S. N/P. 604-583-7615. GUILDFORD 1 bdrm + den, 5 appl, $900/mo incl. hydro, u/g prk, gym & strg. Apr. 1. NP/NS. 778-233-7015 GUILDFORD: 2 Bdrm bsmt ste, nr school & bus. Avail now. $700/mo incl hydro. N/S, N/P. 778-895-0566.


SURREY 127th & 66th

Beautiful, like new... 2 bedroom. $725/mo.

New carpets, flooring, fixtures & paint. N/P & N/S. Avail. Now.

Incls. in-suite lndry. cbl. & utils. & WiFi Wireless.

604-728-7860 SURREY, 133/60th Ave. Avail March 15. New spacious 1100 sq.ft. 2 bdrm suite. 1/2 acre fenced lot. Radiant heat. Pri prkg. N/S N/P. $900 incl utils, cable, internet. Sep laundry. 604-230-5853. SURREY, 136B/58, 1 bdrm, $500 incl utils. No lndry. Avail now. N/P. Phone (604)594-7672. SURREY, 14184 Gladstone Dr. 2 Bdrm bsmt ste. $700 utils incl. Nr amens. Apr 1. ns/np 778-926-2427. SURREY 152/68 Ave. Newer 2 bdrm ste. $700 incl hydro/cbl/net. NS/NP. Avail now. 604-598-7872. Surrey, 15737-84th Ave. Lower level. 1 bdrm, 1 bath. Granite counters, lam flooring. N/S. N/P. $650. Avail now.

Call Sheri M 604-535-8080 Croft Agencies Ltd. view pictures at: SURREY 2 bdrm. bsmnt suite, 5929 146 St. Near YMCA, bus and park. N/P N/S. 604-572-2732, 604765-3857 SURREY, 6185-181A St. QUIET 1 bdrm. Patio. Shower only. F/P. $650/mo. Joia 604-854-6645. SURREY 6921-151A St. Newer 1 bdrm $500 incl utils. Avail now. NS, NP. 604-618-2567, 778-593-0608 SURREY 90/132. 1Bdrm gr/lvl suite avail April 1st. $650 incl shr’d laund, utils & cable. NS/NP. 778-593-7078 SURREY 96/132. Lrg 3bdrm gr/lvl, full bath, nice quiet cul-de-sac, nr all amens, Apr1, ns/np. 604-496-2250. SURREY, 9876-138 St. 2 Bdrm. Walking distance to SkyTrain. $800 incl utils. Lndry avail. Strictly NS/NP. Avail now. 604-582-0986. SURREY CTRL 133/97 Ave 1 bdrm avail now. $500/mo incl heat & light. N/S, N/P. 604-584-7678 aft 5pm. SURREY, SCOTT RD area. New 2 bdrm, avail. Apr. 1st. NS/NP. No lndry. Phone (778)889-5786. TYNEHEAD 2 bdrm. suite, with storage room. Ns/np. $600/mo. incl. utils. Avail. immed. 604-671-0477 TYNEHEAD, 96 & 160 St. 2 bdrm grnd level, near schools/transit. $800/mo incl utils & cble. N/S N/P. 604-581-3807



BEAR CREEK 4 bdrm. upper, 2 master bdrms, li/rm, f/rm, 3 baths, $1600/mo. N/s. 604-835-2744 CEDAR HILLS, 132/89. 3/bdrm upper suite. $1250/mo incl util. Avail April 1. N/S, N/P. (604)5994743 or cell 604-341-6656







Cloverdale 176 St./Hwy.#10 Reno’d Lrg 2 bdrm Wifi & cable ,near shopping $1100mo. w/1/3 acre & shop neg. 778-809-2510 FLEETWOOD. Reno’d 3 bdrm, upper level, F/S, D/W. Avail. Apr. 1st.$900/mth. NS/NP.778-388-3544 Newton, 70/140. 3 bdrms. 1½ bths. Lndry. H/W flrs. Avail Apr. 1. $1350 mo. 604-710-2142, 599-4624. PANORAMA, Brand new 2/bdrm coach house. W/D, incl util, pkng space. Avail now. TJ@ Sutton Proact (604)728-5460


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NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Re: the Estate of Stuart Blake Jones, Deceased late of 2 12917 17th Avenue, V4A 8T2, in the City of Surrey, in the Province of British Columbia widower, Retired District Sales Manager who died Testate, September 30, 2010 at Surrey, BC Notice is hereby given that creditors and others having claims against the Estate of Stuart Blake Jones, deceased, late of 2 - 12917 17th Avenue, Surrey, British Columbia, who died September 30, 2010, are hereby notified that particulars of their claims should be sent to the deceased’s Executor, Robert Wilson Jones, care of the undersigned law firm, on or before June 30, 2011, after which time the Executor will distribute the Estate among the parties entitled thereto having regard to the valid claims of which the Executor then has notice.


SURREY: 6438 King George Blvd., 3 bdrm T/H with basement, quiet family complex, no pets, $1035/mo. Call: 604-596-1099


Notice is Hereby Given that Creditors and others, having claims against the Estate of Janice Anita McMath a.k.a. Janice McMath a.k.a. Janice A. McMath a.k.a. Janice Anita Gray, 14808 Holly Park Lane, Surrey, B.C. Deceased are hereby required to send the particulars thereof to the undersigned, Administrator, c/o Matthew Thomas Alexander McMath, 301 – 2031 McCallum Road, Abbotsford, B.C. V2S 3N5 on or before April 15, 2011, after which date the estate’s assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims that have been received.

F. Kenneth Walton, Q.C. F. Kenneth Walton Law Corporation 2227 Sooke Road, Victoria, BC V9B 1W8




Matthew Thomas McMath, Administrator

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2000 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE Laredo 4L, good cond, New tires, New radiator, Aircare for 2 years asking $5000 (604)826-6256 Bill 2000 NISSAN PATHFINDER, 4 dr, auto, 4 X 4, fully loaded, green/blk leather, $5,300 obo. 604-836-5931. 2004 FORD ESCAPE XLS, 2 L, 5 sp. 131 km, no accid., $5,999 obo. Aircrd. 2 yrs. Phone 604-502-9912.



1976 FORD CABOVER, 600, CC, Allison auto., p/s, used little, $750. Phone (604)596-3534. 1981 Grumman step van, aircared, propane 4740kg. trans services, dwiller auto. $4999. 604-725-5276. 1995 PROWLER 5TH WHEEL 25.ft, slide out, fully contained, with shed, large deck and holding tank at Lakeview RV site at Nicola Lake in Merrit BC $10,000 Phone (604)826-6256 Bill 1997 DODGE CARAVAN, 1 owner, very clean, needs transm work. $800 obo. 778-593-0608. 2005 FORD F-150 XLT TRITON CREW CAB Auto, Air, Pwr Brakes, PLocks, PWindows, CD, Cruise $12,550.00 604-996-5120 2005 GMC Sierra, 6 cyl. 86K. White. New tires, longbox, alloy whls. $8750. 778-868-9173. 2006 FORD F250 super duty diesel, excellent cond, new tires, new brakes, tow pkg. Asking $20,000 Phone (604)826-6256 Bill 2006 FORD Super Duty F250 Lariat pkg., 4x4 supercab, 62,000km. Immac. $25,000 obo 604-530-8795 2008 Ford Dualy Truck 350 Diesel long box, 6 person seating. $28,000. (778)996-6479

Re: The Estate of MARY ISABELLA RYBNICK, also known as ISABEL RYBNICK, also known as MARY I. RYBNICK, also known as MARY RYBNICK, also known as ISABELLA RYBNICK who died on December 26, 2010, formerly of 36B - 1550 Oxford Street, White Rock, BC V4B 3R5 Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are hereby notified under section 38 of the Trustee Act that particulars of their claims should be sent to the Executor c/o it’s solicitor at #102 - 2055 - 152nd Street, Surrey, B.C., V4A 4N7, on or before April 18th, 2011, after which date the Executor will distribute the Estate among the parties entitled to it, having regard to the claims of which the Executor then has notice. ROBERT CECIL PENNINGTON WALKER, Executor by KANE, SHANNON & WEILER Solicitors (Heather W. Blatchford)

Public Notice Notice is hereby given: To recover our charges, under the provisions of the Warehouse Lien Act, total contents of the following storage unit(s) will be sold on or after:

April 6th 2011 The person(s) who appear in the following list, are liable to us for outstanding charges. Mark Gordon Botley Contents of unit = 2-20F Melanae Hillton Contents of unit = 28G Ted Orr Contents of Unit = 2C Jeffrey S. Palmer Contents of unit = 2-D13 All goods will be sold at Bridgeview Self Storage, #103, 11125 124th Street, Surrey, B.C., or by auction.

32 Surrey/North Delta Leader Wednesday, March 23, 2011



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Wednesday, March 23, 2011 Surrey/North Delta Leader 1

Pizza please. A South Surrey homeowner can now enjoy meals fresh from his outdoor oven thanks to a renovation that includes a covered outdoor entertainment area that can be used year-round ›› p.2

Making an attic amazing Ever thought about that musty, dusty storage space called an attic? What about creating a new space that is better-looking as well as functional? My House Design/Build Team shows that attics can be converted into fantastic suites that can add value to the home and also, become a mortgage-helper for the homeowners. ‘We basically used every nook and cranny,’ says My House managing director Graeme Huguet. ›› p.3


Big awards for B.C. renovators TRICIA LESLIE

Susan Yorke and her family needed a new home but didn’t want to move. Now, after a renovation by Frontier Homes, they love their home even more than before. Martin Knowles photo

Reno: style that works at home Deciding to renovate instead of making a move pays off for Yorkes MAGGIE CALLOWAY The Yorke family had been happy in their Maple Ridge home. They loved the neighbourhood and especially, their neighbours. Their two teenagers were doing

well in school and their friends were nearby. The only problem was that their children were not toddlers anymore and the family room/ kitchen area just wasn’t configured right for the teens and their friends to hang out, which was important to the family. The outdoor space off the family/great room, though not a big space, also needed an overhaul. Susan Yorke, a hands-on mom who makes all visitors feel extremely welcome, says it was an

easy decision to renovate, after the family looked at all options. “My husband and I want our kids and their friends to feel welcome here, but we felt we had outgrown the house,” she says. “We looked at other homes in Maple Ridge but keep coming back to the realization we just didn’t want to leave this home and neighbours CONTINUED ON P.5

B.C. has extremely talented people working in residential construction. At the recent Canadian Home Builders’ Association SAM awards (national) and CHBA BC Georgie Awards (provincial), locals in the industry were in the winners’ circle more often than not. Indeed, British Columbian companies took home 13 out of 22 SAM Awards (with seven going to Greater Vancouver Home Builders’ Association members), while GVHBA members took home a total of 32 of the 45 Georgies awarded. CHBA BC president Vicki Gerrits said this year’s winners are “truly the cream of the crop” and noted all winners are “defined by high standards, innovative ideas and a commitment to excellence.” In renovation categories, My House Design/Build Team proved a national and provincial winner, winning one SAM and several Georgie Awards, including the Georgie for CONTINUED ON P.4

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2 Surrey/North Delta Leader Wednesday, March 23, 2011

‘We are so thrilled with the oven’ MAGGIE CALLOWAY

Foodies who enjoy watching TV chef Jamie Oliver pull mouth-watering fare from his garden pizza oven are likely green with envy. They may even dream of entertaining friends and family around their own outside dining table, especially with the latest delectable creation from a new backyard oven. Well, the MacEwens did just that. On a trip to Italy, the MacEwen family experienced food served directly from an outdoor traditional brick oven and they were – from that moment – smitten, and determined to create the same on their property at home in South Surrey. As luck would have it, the MacEwens were having renovation work done on their home that included a large outdoor space. This huge covered area, purposely built for relaxing at the end of busy work days, was a perfect spot to add a fireplace to take the nip out of cool evenings – and possibly, the dreamed-of pizza oven. Bill MacEwen mentioned the pizza oven to Bill Farrand, who was already working on some indoor stone work for the renovation.


Bill Farrand with the finished space and the first pizza from the oven (right). Building an authentic Italian outdoor oven has inspired Farrand to expand his business. Martin Knowles photos

“As luck would have it, (Bill) Farrand was also scheduled to take a trip to Italy and decided he would do some research on authentic brick ovens while enjoying Tuscany,� MacEwn says. And magic was born. Farrand, a business owner, artist and bricklayer who specializes in masonry, says it was important for him to build an authentic-looking Italian outdoor oven “and not a modern interpretation.� “I designed both the outdoor oven and the


fireplace, (but) not to match perfectly; each should have a personality, but belong together,� Farrand says. “This was my first pizza oven,� he says, but notes he has built outdoor ovens before, “but never using bought internal components of a pizza oven, which are quite different (than products available here).� Judging from how happy the MacEwen family is, the pizza oven is a great success. “We are so thrilled with the oven,� MacEwen says. “We’re seriously considering putting one at the cottage.� The story doesn’t stop there, however.

Farrand, totally intrigued by his experience building the MacEwen’s pizza oven, started doing research on firms in Italy that manufacture the internal working parts of ovens. “I went back to Italy, visited a factory, and am now bringing in a container load,� Farrand says, and adds the experience inspired him to start a new branch of his business that focuses solely on outdoor ovens. “For people thinking of building an outdoor kitchen with a barbecue, etc., an outdoor oven is a wonderful addition,� Farrand says. “They are not just for pizza. You can bake bread, roast beef, chicken or fish, and vegetables are wonderful roasted. It opens up a whole new cooking experience.� Farrand’s new company, A Taste of Tuscany, will sell the components for clients who wish to build their own oven and will also design and build ovens for clients who want his expertise. Move over, Jamie Oliver.

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Sales Director: Lisa Farquharson • 604-575-5364 • Editor: Tricia Leslie • 604-575-5346 • Writer: Maggie Calloway • Online Advertising • Black Press National Sales • Scott Elliott • 604-575-5826 Contributing photographers • Martin Knowles,; Rob Newell, RenoNation is published by Black Press Group Ltd., (Suite 309 - 5460 152 Street, Surrey, B.C. V3S 5J9) 350,000 copies are distributed free across Metro Vancouver. Reproduction in whole or part is prohibited.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011 Surrey/North Delta Leader 3

Attics: so much more than storage MAGGIE CALLOWAY House bursting at the seams? Feeling a little squeezed? Thinking of creating a mortgage helper? Moving is an option, but what about expanding into the attic? An attic conversion, done well, not only has the potential to increase the value of the home but may be a better – and cheaper – option than building an addition. The first thing to do is check with the local municipal hall to establish if this is even doable under the existing zoning and building codes. Asking a local realtor about the conversion never hurts, either. My House Design/Build Team recently completed a fabulous attic conversion into a onebedroom, sun-filled rental suite with an ensuite bathroom, a separate powder room for guests and room for a stacked washer and dryer. The great room, kitchen, living and dining areas are all under a huge, vaulted skylight that lets in lots of natural light. “Most attics feel tight and opening it right up to the top makes all the difference,” says My House Design/Build Team managing director Graeme Huguet. “This is a good-sized apartment at 900 square feet, with its own little eight-by-five (feet) balcony off the kitchen,” he notes. There is a lot to love in this conversion. The kitchen is spacious and open, and the choice of white for the cabinets and the island adds to the feeling of space, as does the choice of a light wood floor. The unexpected style of the bank of windows adds lots of light but also, adds a great design element. It would have been easy to be a bit pedestrian with the

S & S


Before and after photos show how an attic can go from drab to fab.

AFTER windows but that is not My House Design/ Build Team’s style, and the careful placement of windows creating dual aspects is clever. “Even though this suite is modestly furnished and finished, it is done in the heritage style, which fits into the (Vancouver) Dunbar neighbourhood,” Huguet says. “Looking at the finished exterior of this home, you can’t tell there has been major interior renovation. The exterior is smart and appropriate to the style of the home.” The big skylight in the attic suite cannot be seen from the exterior, he adds, so there is no distraction. This attractive, renovated space was previously used for storage and an adult could only stand up in the middle of the room because of the sloped roof. The trusses were removed and the whole roof was reframed to make it vaulted; while the city would not allow changes to the roofline or height, Huguet explains that by gutting the attic and re-framing it, he and his team were able to get the most volume out of the space. “We basically used every nook and cranny.

There is not a piece wasted in that space,” Huguet says. “We were able to build in extra storage, up above the master bedroom, bathroom and hallway ... we then installed a pull-down ladder so that they can access the area.” He notes the key to the new space is how it was insulated, by using a product called lcynene insulation, an open-cell spray foam insulation that allowed them to insulate the actual ceiling. “Normally when you go into an attic, it’s the floor that is insulated and the ceiling is cold,” says Huguet. “What this product allows us to do is create a warm-edge ceiling, which means

we could get the vaulted ceiling, but also by using it up in the storage area – it creates a warm space, which makes it more usable.” The result? A stylish, practical renovation – reminiscent of a chic New York loft with its huge 12x8 skylight – that adds value to the home while still fitting into the existing neighbourhood. What more could a homeowner want?



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4 Surrey/North Delta Leader Wednesday, March 23, 2011

B.C. talent wins big with SAMs and Georgies CONTINUED FROM P.1

Residential Renovator of the Year. CCI Renovations, VictorEric Design Group, maison d’etre design/ build inc., Tom Bakker Design and Artisan Construction are among the many other local renovation winners; top builders that received awards include ParkLane Homes (Grand SAM Award), Portrait Homes, Concert Properties and Quiniscoe Homes, among many others (view a full list of Georgie winners at http:// and a full list of SAM winners at http://www.chba. ca/members-area/your-chba/samawards/2010.aspx). Several GVHBA members were honoured in other SAM categories, including South Ridge Developments’ Gary Friend (Beaver Award for most outstanding builder member in Canada), while TD Financial Group’s Ross Gurney won the Maple Leaf award (for most outstanding non-builder member in Canada). Two other GVHBA members, Green Sheet Construction Data’s Simone Sunderland and maison d’etre design/build inc.’s Rob Capar, were named recipients of CHBA Awards of Honour for their service and dedication at the local level. GVHBA president and CEO Peter

A crowd of B.C. residential construction professionals await the announcement of the Georgie Awards.






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Simpson also took home the Ken McKinlay and Susan Chambers awards, for excellence in communication and for most outstanding “initiation and development of non-dues sources of revenue,” presented each year to local or provincial chief executive officers. “I was honoured and humbled to receive both awards this year,” Simpson says. He notes the GVHBA’s renOVATION awards, an annual event, are coming up on April 15 in Vancouver. “Our homes and renovations are the envy of North America and we should be taking every opportunity to publicly celebrate our members’ achievements.”


with this

Knowles photos


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Maison d’etre design/build’s Rob Capar with a Georgie Award. Martin










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Wednesday, March 23, 2011 Surrey/North Delta Leader 5

Reno solves problems for Yorkes CONTINUED FROM P.1

who are good friends. That’s when we started thinking in earnest about not changing the houses but changing how we live in this one.” Renovating is never an easy process, especially when the kitchen is involved. The old layout offered a poor use of space: the kitchen island jutted out from the kitchen at an odd angle, which intruded into the family room. The Yorkes also felt the kitchen was tired and the fireplace, located in the corner of the room, again ate up way too much space. A complete overhaul of the backyard was also on the wish list. Gone was the need for open space to let little legs run and ride tricycles in safety and the Yorkes wanted a grown-up space to extend the outdoor entertaining season. All together, it was a major project that would require a great contractor, designer and sub-trade professionals. This is where Jim Severinski’s company, Frontier Homes, stepped in. A Maple Ridge-based builder and renovator with a superb reputation, Severinski has the added advantage of being local plus a great team of sub-trade professionals he has worked with for years due to their high-quality work. BEFORE Severinksi notes Jerry Poole of drawings for the new kitchen, great Tuscan Homes and interior designer room and the outside entertaining area,” Karen Campbell of Esprit Décor were he says. “We had a really good feel for what involved in the Yorke renovation, as well the family wanted to achieve, so we collaboas a local cabinetry company. rated until we had a plan the family loved.” “(We) all had a hand in coming up with


AFTER The Yorke family didn’t want to leave their beloved home in a community they love, with neighbours and friends they hold dear. Instead, Frontier Homes undertook a home renovation that means the house is more functional for the family – and also looks fantastic. Martin Knowles photos

Everyone involved really took the time to understand how the family lived in the home day-to-day, how they used the home and what they wanted from the renovation, Severinski says.

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6 Surrey/North Delta Leader Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Reno ‘has made all the difference’ CONTINUED FROM P.9

“We find by tapping into the collective expertise and vast experience, we end up with a superior product.” With a plan in hand, the renovation was started. An additional eight feet was added to the home’s great room BEFORE and a vaulted ceiling, which made a huge difference to the feel of the great room, was added. The kitchen was totally torn out, the Renovating instead of moving to a different fireplace removed from its corner spot and home paid off for a Maple Ridge family, who what was once a large window was changed to now especially enjoy their outdoor entera French door to match the existing door on tainment area as well as the rest of the reno. the same wall. great room to the hallway with slate to avoid The fireplace was moved to a much more an awkward merging of the different wood workable spot between the French doors and colours; in this case, the floors were not that designed without the deep hearth, which far apart colour-wise, but Campbell’s idea cleared more floor space. was brilliant and lent another element to the The new kitchen is a dream and Campbell overall design. loves it. Outside, the outdoor entertaining area was “The combination of antique cream cabichanged to a much larger footprint of 20 feet nets above and dark cabinets below makes a – after checking with municipal regulations great look – all-dark cabinets coupled with and rules – but workers had to go down nine the dark floor would have been much too feet to native soil to meet code, Severinski heavy,” she says. notes. “The newly positioned island with its “This area was originally built on fill, so to heavy granite edge is fabulous and makes get a solid footing and put in proper drainage much more sense then its old spot. The glass we had a big dig on our hands,” he says. backsplash wonderfully complements the rest “Now, with the French doors open to the of the kitchen.” deck, it makes the flow from the inside to the Campbell came up with the idea to marry outside area seamless and the family gets a lot different wood floors at the transition. She of use from the space.” filled the width of the doorway from the


An added element is that the kitchen window over the sink is now removable, so it serves as a pass-through during summer weather, he adds. From beginning to end the whole project took three months which, considering the work that went into the renovation, is excellent. And it’s definitely a success. “The renovation has made all the difference to the family,” Yorke says. “It totally works for what we wanted.” They hosted Christmas dinner for their extended family and the newly renovated space worked like a dream. Which is just what they wanted: a welcoming home for everyone to enjoy.

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011 Surrey/North Delta Leader 7

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8 Surrey/North Delta Leader Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My House brings home the GOLD again! The My House Design/Build Team are award-winning renovation and custom home professionals, with over 20 years experience in the lower mainland. They are winners and finalists of 8 National SAM awards and 27 Georgie’s including... 2010 Georgie Award Winner - Best Condo Renovation over $200,000

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