20 minute read
New Year New You
With the New Year we all start with plans to conquer new goals and create grand resolutions for the coming twelve months. More than often the year flies by and we haven’t checked these goals off and they roll over to the following year with only a few modifications. It is important to have ambitions and a desire to want to become healthier, a better person, happier - but realistic changes that match your ability to commit are most important. There’s no point making grand plans if you’re not going to stick to them.
Adifferent approach to creating a long list of objectives over the next year is simply to look at your current circumstances and to see how to spark more joy in your life. This idea comes from a Japanese theory by Marie Kondo on creating space and decluttering your environment - primarily referring to your living space. Once we have learnt how to declutter our living areas it can be wider applied to our general life principals.
“Life truly only begins once we have our home in order”. When we look around our home often we have hoarded years and years of collectibles that we just stuff and store somewhere that we more than likely won’t even look at or touch over the next year. This includes our wardrobe, books, photographs, stored boxes in the garage. It can be a daunting task that seems impossible to tackle especially as we all have an emotional attachment to many of our belongings, but once your life is more organised and you have created space it flows onto making your life easier.
It is suggested that the decluttering process works through stages and starts with your wardrobe as this has the least emotional attachment when culling. All your clothes need to be pulled out and while deciding on what to keep you ask the question of whether each item sparks joy? If you haven’t worn it in the past twelve months you are probably unlikely to wear it for the next twelve months. It can also create potential for someone else to make use and find happiness from what you are no longer benefiting from. Once you have mastered the decluttering process and worked your way through your home from kitchen, bathroom to office, (including all your drawers) creating an environment where the things you cherish and use are accessible and also visible your life becomes more simple and organised. It is important to respect the belongings you have and when hidden, bundled or boxed they are not creating any joy in your life. Tidying doesn’t mean getting rid of everything, just keeping what makes you happy.

This is an important concept which could be applied throughout life. We can ask the same question of our personal circumstances and make positive changes in our employment, interpersonal relationships with partners and friends. Determining the people in our life that create happiness and make us feel better can have huge positive impacts on our well-being.
If we all think of our circle of friends and extended circle - we can think of people that make our mood positive and in contrast there are different people that drain us. So focusing your energy on people that make you feel good about yourself instead of people that bring your mood down is an important way to spark more joy in your life. We all have times of need and trouble but there must be a balance and friendships should seek a balance working for both people. Before just cutting people from your life you could talk to them at an appropriate time about the relationship you have and how to make it better.
There are many ways that can make a friendship feel draining, someone that makes an appointment to see you and always cancels last minute is not respecting your time, someone that never shares their portion of the bill over dinner, someone that only calls you when they have problems but never asks how you are or forgets to call when things are going well for them.
In some cases it really can be a situation where your friend is not aware of their behaviour and the effects it has on you. But we all have our limits and you can’t carry on in an unhealthy friendship. Let your friend know or let them slip away quietly.

The same can be said for our love life. Do we feel we are being taken for granted, is the playing field honest and respectful?
Whatever your situation, whether being in a marriage, living with your partner, dating, casual meetings - you need to feel good in yourself and the other person should enhance your happiness level. We often become complacent in our relationships but seeking a level “higher than satisfactory” is important for our personal wellbeing. We have a choice with our partnerships and respect and honesty, taking care of each other makes these partnerships special. If we are not feeling cared for or appreciated - then changes are necessary.
You should feel a spark of joy when spending time with your partner so try to find new ways to create happiness and fun in your partnership. This is the hardest decision to make if things are not going your way. There are so many good relationship and marriage counsellors out there so try your hardest to make time for each other, sometimes reigniting that initial spark is all it takes. Spend time on your relationships.

Another aspect of our life which we dedicate a great amount of our energy and time is our work. Employment is important to feel valued in society and in having a sense of self-worth. Whether your occupation is going to the office, looking after children at home, or being an athlete, it needs to fulfill us emotionally as this is what we do day in and day out and there is no escape from. It may not be possible to change your position in the workplace but if your work is not fulfilling you, creating a sense of self-worth, or sparking joy then you can look at how to enhance your current job, develop into a new role or look at ways to develop a new career path. If you create a mind map or plan it will make achieving your goals clearer with a more determined effort. Make 2022 a year to focus on this and if changes need to be made, do so. There is so much help out there and the government backed scheme called the New
Enterprise Alliance will guide and fund you along the way. Make changes now if you need to.

Not for everyone but if it makes you feel happier within yourself then there are so many great products and procedures on the market these days, there is no need to suffer in silence. They won’t break the bank either. If it can help boost your confidence, if that’s what you are lacking, then you should go for it. If you have a crooked nose and it’s depressing you – Rhinoplasty was the only alternative at £4000 plus a year ago, now you can get filler and at a fraction of the price with no downtime. Thin lips getting you down, filler is not only for celebrities, shun the takeaways for a few months and cook at home to save the £300 you need to boost the new you.
Nose Filler or non-surgical liquid rhinoplasty is the new trend for nose jobs. It is an excellent alternative to traditional surgical rhinoplasty. The treatment works by placing dermal filler on strategic areas to lift and sculpt the nose. Although this treatment does not make the nose “smaller” it carefully contours and shapes the nose to look less bumpy, straighter and more delicate.
The benefits of this treatment are plentiful: It takes approximately 15 minutes to achieve amazing results, there is no downtime or recovery time, you get instant results plus no general aesthetic and no broken bones. Cobham and Wimbledon based beauty salon, Face and Fillers, are doing a January promotion for anyone who is happy to have their before and after nose photos put on social media. Prices are being reduced from £450 to £350 if you book through their website this month. The results are amazing and can last for 6 months or more.
See www.faceandfillers.com for more information.

The first body treatment to win the “Winner of Innovative Technology Award” and now available in Weybridge at Lisa Harris Skin Science, recognised as one of the best worldwide clinics for results in Drone Technology Results.
The treatment uses Pharmaceutical Drone Encapsulation with a navigation system to target fat cells and allow product to directly enter the cells, which no other treatment has yet been able to do. The Drone and Electrode pads work together to stimulate collagen production, detoxifying the body and delivering Drone Technology directly inside the cells. It can transform the body in just 3 weeks; so a perfect after Christmas treatment to do if you have over indulged.
Offering 3 different programmes to target; Fat Reduction, Cellulite Reduction & Skin Tightening combining the amazing muscle toning programme to improve muscle definition. Alongside Electrostimulation, LED & Thermal Stimulation helping to deliver the Drone Peptides - to target a range of skin concerns. The benefits include: rebuilding and strengthening muscle definition, helps with sporting performance, improves circulation and skin texture, focused fat reduction, reduction in cellulite, increased collagen and elastin.
See www.lisaharrisskinscience. co.uk for more information.


These procedures seem to be anti-ageing rituals for most women these days. Always make sure you visit a regulated aesthetician, there are so many rogue traders out there. Surrey Rocks recommends Icon Style Beauty, Face & Fillers, Lisa Harris and The Soni Clinic if you are looking for the best local establishments. Proven track records, qualifications and 5 Star Reviews... you will thank us later. Steer clear of cheap as chips ‘Botox’ and ‘Filler’ merchants as you pay for what you get and there’s a lot that can go wrong if you are not in the right hands.
With Botox it’s always best to go “less is more” if you are trying for the first time.
Look out for ‘Baby Botox’ which you can test to see if it’s the right procedure for you without going and fully freezing your face and regretting it later.
With lip fillers always opt for 0.5ml not a full 1ml as there’s nothing worse than a ‘Lesley Ash’ trout pout. If 0.5ml is not enough first time round extend to a 1ml next time – but try it out and build it up gradually, you don’t want to look like a blownup version of you with scary consequences.
“You only better” is the result you want to achieve with any cosmetic procedure. Yasmin at Face & Fillers, Marina at Icon Style Beauty, Lisa Harris at Skin Science and Dr. Ash Soni at Soni Clinic all know this and will look after you guaranteed. Botox and Fillers are not fads - they are preventative medicine for your face ageing. As Yasmin said to us, “Growing old is a fact of life but looking old no longer is.”
Be sure to be over 20 before you start these procedures – any younger is a waste of time and money as collagen does not depreciate till then. And as of 20 you only lose 1% collagen growth per year so the ageing process that starts then, starts slowly.

Try and cut out sugar from your diet. It’s harmful in so many ways.
Take a look at sugar-free advocate Carolyn Hartz. For the past 28 years Carol has shunned sugar in her pursuit of the perfect face and body and has been making headlines in the process. Fed up of the highs and lows associated with sugar and a diabetes scare in her forties, she gave up the drug (yes, drug) almost 30 years ago and has never looked back. Carolyn boasts a bikini body and glowing complexion that many women decades younger could only dream of. The Perth-based mother-of-three, said of her transformation: “A lot of women post 50 think that it’s not possible to maintain a reasonable shape and weight when they reach 50 or beyond. I even speak to women who are in their 40s and who have had children and think they cannot regain their post baby body. We know our metabolism slows down as we get older it just means we have to take control and make healthier choices and work a little harder,” she said. “I believe it is very important to be aware of the type of food you eat and the quantity of food you eat. Being mindful while you are eating is a huge factor. Mindless eating can lead to unnecessary weight gain. I say to my customers “taste and enjoy every mouthful”... it will help you slow down and you will be less likely to overeat.” And when it comes to food, sugar is most certainly out, with Hartz opting for an alternative called Xylitol. If you can opt for sugar free completely it will work wonders, otherwise aim to cut down on the white stuff.

All the cells in our body contain tiny clocks called Telomeres that determine how long each cell lives. Telomeres are little caps at the end of chromosomes that prevent loss or injury to genetic information during cell division. However, each time a cell divides, part of the Telomere is lost and it becomes shorter, eventually disappearing because of the divisions and damage that prevents each cell from reproducing itself. Hence the ageing process.
Anyway what’s with all this science babble? Well before you throw this mag down - here it is… the chief enemy of Telomeres has been discovered by scientists to be none other than Stress. Therefore the breaking down of cells and premature ageing is primarily to do with leading a stressful life. Did you know Barrack Obama went grey after just a few months in the Oval Office? In which case, this theory is proven in spades.
This outward sign of Barrack’s “grey-ageing” (pronounced grayging) was caused by the damage to his Telomeres. Think of this in simplistic terms as the outgoing president elects cells going rusty. So, what can we actually do to combat stress and thus delay the onset of wrinkles? Besides not becoming President of the United States. Well here you go…

Research has found that participants in a 3-month yoga programme had increased levels of Telomerase in the bloodstream. Why? Because yoga fundamentally allows you to control your thoughts, not letting them spiral out of control. It’s known that yoga can help manage anxiety and depression. And if you feel more in control of your life and state of mind, you will simply be less stressed. Other benefits of yoga include improved muscular strength, improved flexibility and improved sleep quality. That yoga retreat holiday your friend has been barking on about seems somewhat more appealing now?


If you look at a person pounding the treadmill next to you - their face contorted, looking like they’re doing 12 rounds with Mike Tyson rather than a leisurely jog? Well this news will give you even more of a reason to gloat. This painstaking process is actually more counter-productive than the good work they think they are doing as if you don’t enjoy a workout, you will release stress hormones. Exercise should leave you feeling elated so be sure to choose an activity you really enjoy to shed pounds and destress you - be it swimming or a team sport.

Research shows that pessimists have shorter Telomeres than optimists. Of course, too much optimism can make us deluded, but we all tend to expect the worst much more frequently than we assume everything will be OK. Think positive as opposed to negative (minus delusion) and you will be taking a leaf out of Carolyn Hartz book in no time. Other benefits proven to thinking positive include; a longer life span, better physical health, lower blood pressure, better stress management and more creative thinking. According to Web MD you will also have greater problem solving skills, clearer thinking, better moods and less depression. Sounds good to us.


Good news… repeated studies have shown Omega 3s, found in oily fish, encourage our Telomeres to grow. Added to this almonds, cherry and other berry juices all act as antioxidants in the fight against cell division. Plus in a recent study, participants who took multivitamins had longer Telomeres than those who didn’t. Steer clear of red meat, starchy white carbohydrates like bread, pasta and rice and try to up your fish and vegetable intake. The best anti-oxidant superfoods are strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, kale, broccoli, artichokes, pecans and beans.

Pistachios also protect our DNA by lowering blood pressure in the fight against Telomeres destruction. The right food choices can help combat the ageing process so take full advantage of this simple anti-ageing rule. Walnuts and almonds are the best source of concentrated Omega 3 so if you are thinking of snacking get a pack of nuts to hand, its health benefits are plentiful as they contain Vitamin E to repair skin damage and boost collagen.
Simple, but effective. Get eight hours sleep or more and you can be winging your way to looking wow, not ow. Oh, and have more sex…it’s good for the cells in the brain, apparently. Regular sex helps people look youthful for longer, experts claim. Dr David Weeks’ research shows that older men and women with an active love life look between five and seven years younger than their actual age. Other British research has credited regular lovemaking with halving the odds of early death. Dr Weeks, former head of old age psychology at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital, said that people of all ages should be aware of the benefits of a healthy love life. Those who looked younger than their age claimed to have sex an average 50% more – in the 40-to-50 age group equating to three times a week rather than twice. Dr Weeks says that the pleasure derived from sex is a ‘crucial factor’ in preserving youth. Biology also plays a role, with sex releasing endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. You have been told!

Making small changes to find more positivity and happiness in your life can have huge long-term benefits. Your home should be a place you look forward returning to, the belongings you have should be easily accessible and visible. The people you surround yourself with should be supportive, caring and uplift your mood. Your partnership should make you feel valued and create a sense of contentment. Commitment and determination to focusing on creating an environment that makes you happy will give you a higher level of satisfaction and well-being. Simple changes in your mindset and looking for ways to enhance the joy in your life will create higher levels of satisfaction and enjoyment.

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We are delighted you have found us and sincerely hope that you are persuaded to visit one of our five beautiful venues. Our ethos has always been a simple one - to offer delicious food in stylish but cosy surroundings and to make your experience a relaxing and special one. The food we serve is always cooked fresh on the premises and, where possible, we use local ingredients and suppliers. Our dedicated staff and professional management team will do everything possible to make your experience a memorable one - be it for business, pleasure or just to pass the time. Whether you visit for a quick sandwich in the bar, a traditional afternoon tea on linen-clad tables, or an exquisite candle-lit three course dinner, the attention to detail is the same. Our venues are often busy, particularly at weekends and Bank Holidays, so advance booking for larger parties is advisable. We hope you too will make The Grumpy Mole your special place.