Storm npl and dev squad trials 201617

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Surrey Storm NPL and Development Squads 2016-2017: Trial Application Form Name:

England Netball Affiliation No. (must be provided):

Date of Birth:

Player E-mail:


Parent/Guardian email :

Address (As registered with England Netball):

Player Telephone details Home:

School/College/University (please name which of these and the town):

Mobile: Emergency contact details: (Name & number) 1st Choice Playing Position

2nd Choice Playing Position

Current 1st Claim Club, brief description of playing history & current level of club competition:

Current position in England Netball Regional or National Performance Pathway and brief history of participation in the Excel/Performance programmes:

Please declare if you have already trialled for another NPL Squad or plan to:


If yes, which franchise? If yes and trials have taken place already, were you successful? No If it has been recommended that you trial for Surrey Storm NPL or one of our Development squads, please state the name of the person and their role: (i.e. Club coach/Academy coach):

Please return your completed form to Louise Hall: with a head shot photo (if you are unable to send a photo with the form, you will be required to bring this with you if invited to trials) by 6pm Sunday 21st August 2016. Any forms received after this time will not be accepted. You will receive a confirmation email once your trial form has been accepted. There is a ÂŁ10 trial fee. Please bring this with you (cash) to the first trial.

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