Bug Out Bag
Bug Out Bag List
Bug Out Bag
The Bug Out Bag List - Survival Gear You Must Have For Emergency Preparedness by Zachary Carver
All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including scanning, photocopying, or otherwise without prior written permission of the copyright holder. Copyright Š 2013
Bug Out Bag List
Bug Out Bag
Table of Contents 1. READ ME FIRST 2. Bracing Yourself For Bugging Out 3. The Bug Out Strategic Mindset Blueprint 4. What Is A Bug Out Bag... and Why Should You Build One? 5. How To Select Your Bug Out Bag 6. Bug Out Bag Documents 7. Water & Water Purification 8. Communicating With A HAM Radio When SHTF 9. 5 Dependable Food Sources For Your Bag 10. Must-Have Cold Gear Clothing For Your Bag 11. Sheltering From The Elements 12. First Aid Kit Item Recommendations 13. 8 Easy Ways To Start Fire For Cooking, Sterilizing & Staying Warm 14. 5 Must Have Personal Protection Items 15. 43 Base Camp Post-Bug Out Bag Items To Have 16. Addition Considerations For Your BOL (Bug Out Location) 17. Bugging Out With Your Pets 18. Comprehensive Questions 19. Comprehensive Questions With Answers 20. Survival Seeds For Life - How To Survive The Coming Ban Of Heirloom Seeds, Organic Seeds and Non Hybrid Seeds 21. Martial Law Manual - What You Need To Know When The SHTF! 22. Survival Gardening - Post Economic Collapse Food Production Methods 23. Recommended Library of Survival Books (Physical Copies Only)
Bug Out Bag List
Bug Out Bag
READ ME FIRST The difference between life and death during disasters comes down to the decisions you will make. So, if you’re looking for real, easy-to-use survival and self-sufficiency tips to ensure you make the right decisions to keep you and your family alive and have a hassle-free lifestyle during the hassles that happen when disaster strikes, the free training ecourse “How To Be Safe Instead Of Sorry” makes perfect sense. You get 43 free survival and self-sufficiency tips to make sure you and your loved ones are standing strong when things around you are falling and going wrong.
For Your FREE TRAINING eCourse:
“How To Be Safe Instead Of Sorry” Visit www.SurvivalistVictoryGarden.com/43FREE And Enter Your Email Address To Get
“43 FREE Survival & Self Sufficiency Tips For Survivalist, Preppers and Homesteaders” You also get updates, pictures and videos from my undisclosed (BOL) Bug Out Location. You will see my 1 acre garden and new growing permaculture, the chickens, water harvesting and more. You’ll watch and learn as I grow new food, harvest it, eat it and preserve it. And tons more!
Bug Out Bag List
Bug Out Bag
2. Bracing Yourself For Bugging Out Today's economic, social, political, environmental and international environment are so fragile that the need to bug out is imminent and can happen from any direction at any time. We may not be able to predict what will happen and when, but we can be prepared for whatever happens when it does. And that's what this book is about. Being ready in a moment’s notice to bug out when things start to break down. Before we get into all of the critical goodies that make for an efficient and effective bug out bag, lets first talk about bracing yourself... and I mean literally bracing yourself. What am I talking about? I'm talking about making sure you have a lower back brace to wear when you bug out. If you (or someone you know) have ever had a lower back injury, even so much as a sprain, then you know how immobilizing it can be. If you are immobilized because of a lower back injury then you go from being an asset to a group to a liability real fast. A lower back injury can make it nearly impossible to run and navigate through rough terrain, not to mention just stand up and sit down with ease. So while this element may not be as exciting as many other items we will cover for your bug out bag, I can assure you, if your back goes out on you for example because you were lifting some heavy stuff to build a shelter... then the game is nearly over for you if you don't have the time or the items to rehabilitate your back. And listen, you and I both know, the time to bug out is not the time to rehabilitate anything, it's time to relocate permanently or temporarily. And this relocation could mean going to various (BOL's) bug out locations. If you're young, fit, healthy or strong, then a lower back brace will help support and protect your lower back while you're on the move and doing some heavy lifting. Bug Out Bag List
Bug Out Bag If you're much older or simply not too fit, healthy and strong, then a lower back brace will protect your back while helping support your every move. Now, we won't stop there. We will also use this back brace for another important tool for our bugging out... our handgun. Get yourself a back brace and nice concealed hand gun holster and simply clip the holster to the inside of your back brace while you have it on and then put your gun in your holster... and now you are braced for bugging out and battle. Also, you can slip two additional fully loaded clips on the opposite side of you back brace for reloading if your having a very bad day in a gun fight or need to protect yourself and your family. Here are some pictures to show you what I’m talking about here. I recommend the Mueller Adjustable Lumber Back Brace…
Back brace with concealed handgun holster…
Bug Out Bag List
Bug Out Bag Back brace with concealed handgun holster and Glock 19 with two fully loaded 16 round clips…
Here’s how it looks when you have it on…
Turning to the left so you can see…
Bug Out Bag List
Bug Out Bag
Now turning to the right so you can see‌
This is very comfortable and neither the gun nor the mags poke you or disrupt movement. With a clip already in your gun and two additional clips, assuming you have 16 rounds in each, this gives you a nice 48 rounds at your fingert ips while on the move and without having to stop and dig in your bag (costing you precious time.) Just remember to top out empty clips when resting, eating, setting up camp, etc. Bug Out Bag List
Bug Out Bag Okay, so now that you know how to brace yourself for bugging out, let's now put together your bag.
Pictured above is what I call my “Zach Pack” which is my personal Bug Out Bag. Let’s take a closer look…
Bug Out Bag List
Bug Out Bag
Bug Out Bag List
Bug Out Bag
Bug Out Bag List
Bug Out Bag It may look like a lot and that it all wouldn’t fit in the bag. However, it does fit in the bag I selected. But we will get to all that in a few seconds. In this book I will be sharing with you exactly what I have in my "Zach Pack Bug Out Bag" which is basically my personal bug out bag. The images in this book are taken from items in my personal bug out bag. Where possible I'll provide you with links so you can check out prices purchase these items yourself if you want them added to your bag. After we cover your Bug Out Bag, we will then take a look at what I have in my "Boys Bug Out Bag." Who are "my boys?"
...they are my two dogs, Duke and Charlie. And yes, they each have a bug out bag built for them. We will take a look at what they have so if you or someone you know has pets that will be bugging out with them, you can have an idea of what to consider to pack for your pooch or other critters you care to carry when you bug out. So now that we are braced for bugging out and for battle, let's get into The Bug Out Bag List...
Bug Out Bag List
Bug Out Bag Other Books By Zachary Carver…
Survival Seeds For Life - How To Survive The Coming Ban Of Heirloom Seeds, Organic Seeds and Non Hybrid Seeds Survival Gardening - Post Economic Collapse Food Production Methods Martial Law Manual - What You Need To Know When The SHTF!
3. The Bug Out Strategic Mindset Blueprint It’s not just what you do, it’s how you do. Anyone can prepare, but not everyone is prepared. If you don’t use your brain, then you will be exchanging your bug out bag for a body bag because the difference between life and death during disasters comes down to the decisions you will make. Many people think that by buying a cool backpack and then throwing in a lot of cool useful stuff they are all set. They feel when it starts to hit the fan, they will grab (the bag) and go and all will be well. Let me tell, if you don’t have the strategic bug out mindset, then your bug out bag might as well be a… click here to continue reading The Bug Out Bag List - Survival Gear You Must Have For Emergency Preparedness Ignoring the facts doesn't change the facts. Did you know that it's stated 7 million American's starved to death during the Great Depression? (Those also included millionaires who found themselves instantly broke.) Did you know that the Congressional EMP Commission estimates that, given the nation’s current unpreparedness, within one year of an EMP attack, twothirds of the U.S. population — 200 Bug Out Bag List
Bug Out Bag million Americans — would probably perish from starvation, disease and societal collapse. Don't let you and your family be a causality of disaster, immediately get your copy of "The Bug Out Bag List - Survival Gear You Must Have For Emergency Preparedness" because you will learn; * The strategic skill to make sure your bug out bag doesn't become a body bag * How to select your bug out bag * How to get the M.O.S.T. out of your bug out bag and other survival gear * 12 places to find water and the #1 easy water purification method * 5 dependable food sources for your bug out bag * First Aid Kit item recommendations * 8 easy ways to start a fire * Tips for bugging out with your pets * ...and TONS MORE! This book contains a powerful bug out bag list that you can instantly use as a survival gear checklist to make sure you have a locked, loaded and life saving bug out bag. Disaster preparedness is more important today than at any other time in human history. Believe it or not this country is accelerating out of control into an unprecedented collapse of everything... and I do mean everything. We are all living in an intense environment of instability due to the forces of rapid economic, political, financial, spiritual, ecological, environmental and social changes. While there are threats of imminent large scale disasters and war... daily emergencies can happen to anybody, anywhere and at any time. You have to be ready. However, most people don't think about surviving disasters until it 's TOO LATE! For example: * No one had "Survive Hurricane Katrina" marked on their calendars. * There's no months’ notice before a city-crushing earthquake. Bug Out Bag List
Bug Out Bag * No one plans to have their home swallowed in a blazing fire that is eating up homes measured in thousands of acres. And even when early notice is possible, most people take it lightly. You don't have to look further than Super Storm Sandy to see that. Sadly, thousands lose their lives every year all because they were not prepared. So let me ask you... Are you ready for an emergency? I’m not talking about a nose bleed or dislocated shoulder. I’m talking the kind of emergency that creates an exodus of thousands of people (including you and your family) fleeing the comfort of your home. Or what about a large scale grid down ...no water ...no electricity ...no internet ...no grocery store ...no cell phone type of emergency? (It's coming... even if you decide to ignore it go back to sleep.) I would suspect that the reason you are even reading this i s because you’d like to have the strategy, structures and skills to handle an uncertain future while navigating through unpredictable situations. What you will learn in just the first section of "The Bug Out Bag List Survival Gear You Must Have For Emergency Preparedness" is a powerful structure to ensure you have the agility and adaptability to survive, win and have a firm financial footing today and tomorrow, regardless of the times and turmoil. While this book is called “The Bug Out Bag List” ...it’s really more than that, much more as you will soon see as you continue your journey through pages ahead. The difference between life and death during disasters comes down to the decisions you will make. So let's start now with the best decision you can make in this very second and that's to click here and download your copy of "The Bug Out Bag List Survival Gear You Must Have For Emergency Preparedness" today and give you and your family a strategic survival edge.
Bug Out Bag List