2 minute read
Age group: 13 - 100 Keywords: Communication, Cooperation, Intercultural Competences.
Time required:
20 minutes
Number of people:
Minimum 8, maximum 30 Equipment, materials, and space needed: Paper sheets, colour crayons or markers, one chair per participant. Activity explored and suggested by: Aventura Marão Clube - Portugal
Aim of the method: To develop communication competences, and to experience the challenge of interaction when people have different profiles and needs.
Preparation: Set as many chairs as participants back to back in a two by two row. (If there is not an even number of participants one should act as observer, taking notes.)
INTRO The facilitator contextualizes this method within the scope of the school, the contents, the educational process, and/or the group concerned. The facilitator presents him or herself and gives the group members the opportunity to introduce themselves and share their experiences as well as their expectations.
Round 1: The facilitator asks the participants in one of the rows to draw a simple image linked to tourism. The other row receives a blank paper and a pen. Whoever draws the image will have to describe it to the person behind him or her, and he or she must draw what he hears — without asking questions. The participants can’t look or turn their backs. When everyone has finished, facilitator tells the participants to turn around and see if the final result is close to the original, and asks for impressions and feelings about what happened.
Round 2: The participants change roles and in this second round it is the turn of the row that was following instructions to draw the original image. They must then describe it to their partner and in this round questions are allowed (but they are still unable to look or turn away). When everyone has finished facilitator tells the participants to turn around and see if the final result is close to the original, and asks again for comments about how it was and if it was easier or more difficult.
Round 3: The facilitator asks the pairs to divide themselves around the room and face each other. The facilitator explains that in this last round they will have the opportunity to face each other, but will only be able to speak in English. One of the participants in the pair draws a simple image related to tourism tourism, not showing it, and then gives the instructions in English in order to the other participants to draw it. When everyone has finished the facilitator facilitator tells the participants to see if the final result is close to the original drawing, and asks again for comments about how it was and if it was easier or more difficult.
DEBRIEFING Back to a circle with the chairs, the facilitator asks the participants how they feel about the experience and how they relate it with real life situations.