Our Museum Process Book

Page 22

Idea development


Initial sketches


The next step was to start producing ideas. During this stage I sketched up my ideas in Adobe Illustrator. I really enjoyed this process as it was a free flow activity, letting my mind respond to the proposal. My aim was to show dynamic and liveliness in special focus of the heartbeat motif. I have carried out further research regarding how else I could represent heartbeat rather than an ECG line. I spent about a day on generating these initial ideas in order to be able to show different options to my group and have them ready as a starting point. I tried a few possible routes. One was to approach the heartbeat as a sound and that took me to research vibe and its visualisation. Another route was to combine the heartbeat with maritime themes, so I created some initial sketches about this idea too. When the group looked at it, they found that the museum front idea could work the best out of these, so they advised me to start developing that further. They liked the spiral drawing (Figure 39) too, but it wasn’t as strong as the museum front with the heart idea. Colours are random, not considered at this stage. I picked blue shades mostly because of the maritime theme and because they complement the orange in the Poole Museum logo.

Figure 34.: Poole Museum front. Figure 35.: Museum front drawing developed further to draw out a folded heart shape. An attempt to combine the heartbeat notion with the home & harbour theme.

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