El i r a n o i c c i d
" o n r e t i p m e "S
Intr. Aqui es on dono la benvinguda al diccionari "sempiterno" paraula que vol dir que tindrà una durada infinita, sense fi.
En aquest diccionari, he recollit frases i paraules bàsiques de l´ús americà per a poder utilitzar als Estats Units i poder moure'm amb més facilitat en aquesta part del viatge.
XIFRES Un, dos, tres, quatre, cinc, sis, set, vuit, nou, deu. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Vint, trenta, quaranta, cinquanta, seixanta. Twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty. Setanta, vuitanta, noranta. Seventy, eighty, ninety. Cent, dos-cents... one hundred, two hundred...
A AdĂŠu: Bye. AviĂł: Plane. Avui: Today.
B Barat: Cheap. Benvingut: Welcome. Bicicleta: Bike. Bon dia/ Bona tarda/ Bona nit: Good morning/ Good Afternoon/ Good night.
C Com estĂ s?: How are you? Car (val molts diners): Too expensive Cotxe: Car.
D De res: You're welcome. DemĂ : Tomorrow. Disculpa (perdoni): Excuse me. Diners: Money. Dreta: Right.
E Entenc/ No entenc: I understand/I don't understand. Em dic... My name is ... Esquerra: Left. El compte siusplau: I would like the bill please. Estic perdut(a): I'm lost.
F Fins desprĂŠs: Goodbye.
G Gràcies (moltes): Thank you (very much).
H Ho odio: I hate it.
M M'encanta: I love it. M'agradaria comprar això: I would like to buy this. Molt bé: Very good.
N No: No. No m'agrada: I don't like it. No em trobo gaire bĂŠ: I don't feel well.
P PerdĂł: Sorry.
Q Quant costa? (diners): How much is it?
S Siusplau: Please. SÃ: Yes. Socors ! / Ajuda ! Help!
T Tren: Train. Taxi: Taxi.