The Cassowary Coast Regional Council (council) had a plan to redevelop Balliol Street, a largely undeveloped street which runs between Bowen Street and Victoria Street (the Bruce Highway) in Cardwell to align with the future Bowen Street upgrade.
The plan was not widely accepted by the community and it was decided and agreed with council that a community driven concept design was needed. PAGE 2 >>>
In March 2015 the Cardwell community created a working group from committee members from community groups including the now Futures Forum, Cardwell Historical Society and Hinchinbrook Regional Arts and other interested community members and were named the Cardwell Cultural Precinct Concept Committee. A grant from the Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) (Arts Queensland) was applied for and was successful in the amount of $6,935.00 and Joseph Corben Landscape Architect in Cairns was hired to prepare a concept plan. As the area is adjacent to the art gallery, musuem and the bush telegraph heritage centre it was decided to call the project, the Balliol St Historical and Cultural Precinct Concept Design (concept design). According to Daryl Dickson, artist and wildlife conservationist, one of the convenors of the committee, and member of Hinchinbrook Regional Arts, Mr Corben offered to provide his services at half his regular fee as he had a vested interest in the community and wanted to extend on the disaster works (post Cyclone Yasi) that had already been undertaken by him. After much community discussion including a paid consultant who helped the group brainstorm their ideas, the plan was finalised, and a presentation was made to Council, together with the proposed concept plan for their consideration. Mrs Dickson says that the council were very positive and advised that they would seek funding from RDA Building Better Regions Fund but that there needed to be some modifications of the original plan. This was signed off and completed and council’s engineers were then to cost the project and council would apply for funding. According to Robert Clark, a consultant employed to assist with the preparation of the council's application for RDA Building Better Regions Fund - Infrastructure Application, “I understand the total project cost is $1.6M and CCRC [council] will apply for 75% funding of $1.2M as Cardwell falls within the remote or very remote classification geographical area,”
Council has not made any comments regarding the amount of the final costing of the project. According to Mrs Dickson’s recollection every year there was a reason that funding was never available and that included reallocation of monies to other projects within the region. They told us, “We needed to modify the project plan to make maintenance cheaper and split the project into stage 1 & stage 2. “Stage 1 was the the roadworks and didn’t need funding as it could come out of the general road works budget and that will start soon and then at least the road re-alignment will be done ready for the precinct work – never started – never budgeted,” she said. She was also told that the Mission Beach swim centre was over-budget and that the covered walkway in Innisfail was a priority. “And now this year 19/2020 budget, five years after we started, there is $275,000 budgeted for road realignment but that is subject to State government matching the funding. She said she was disappointed. “The whole project came from the positive idea that the council could not be expected to understand what the community wanted for this area unless we assisted them. “So much positive energy, cooperation, collaboration and our valuable time was spent and valuable and scarce arts funding was used for this project with the encouragement of CCRC [council] and endless promises. “It is just a little bit insulting to our community for so many different promises to have been made since 2014. “I really do not understand why the council has not been direct and honest with us,” she said. Council did not comment on any of the questions raised in an email to them. Mrs Dickson says she has had a telephone call from Cr. Glenn Raleigh indicating that the funding proposal was on the Minister’s desk. Coral Sea Sun has been unable to confirm this.
Cardwell post office tour operator and volunteer staff member for the Cassowary Coast Regional Council’s (council’s) Cardwell Visitor Information and Heritage Centre (CVIHC) Matthew Jackson was a finalist in the Individual – Volunteer staff category in the 2019 Gallery and Museum Achievement Awards (GAMMA) in Cairns. John and Carolyn Mewing joined Thea Ormonde, council’s Tourism and Museum Officer in support of Matthew’s nomination. “We enjoyed a night networking with other museum and gallery staff and volunteers from across Queensland,” she said. “We have come back inspired and have some amazing ideas we will
be looking at implementing in 2020,” she said. She congratulated Matt on his nomination saying he was up against some amazing people and to be recognised by GAMMA for his volunteering work is a great achievement. Stephanie Berger – Vice President Cardwell & District Historical Society Inc said, “Matts achievements since he first joined us have showcased his dedication to research and hands on ability in telling historic stories. “I call him the “quiet achiever. “Our very own young historian,” she said.
In April last year, according to a media report in the Cassowary Coast Independent News, Cardwell business owners met with Mayor Kremastos from the Cassowary Coast Regional Council (council) to discuss their concerns over competition from food vans operating out of Colleen McLaughlin Park in Cardwell (the park). To address these concerns council created a roadside vending guideline for food vendors and now requires vendors, who wish to be a permanently fixed mobile operator within the Cassowary Coast region to apply through a tender process. The guidelines commenced on 1st August 2019. The tender offered three permits/tenders for operations out of the park. Robert Jesse who runs a bakery from his residence in Meunga Creek and is also Jesse’s pies, Cardwell’s iconic, pie vendor and who has a food van that operates out of the park said, “I don’t agree with the tender process, it allows corruption. “It takes away the fairness. “It will cost more,” he said “Im already paying to the council and what do they
give us? Nothing,” he said. He said council also reduced parking by stopping cars from parking on the grass thus, “…denying more trade." A council spokesperson said that they had not taken car parking overload into consideration because they did not expect it to get any busier. Council also advised that all the food vendors had the correct tender document after the STU WARD OWNER SEABREEZE CAFE Cairns Post reported a disgruntled Innisfail food vendor, Kat’s Cane Bar had said that she had received the wrong tender document. Jane Edmondson who operates Jane’s Catering also 3
out of the park said that she talked to council at length when originally considering applying for a permit as a food vendor, because, she said, “This was a big investment for me.” “If I had known they were going to change the rules. “I would not have bought the van.” Business owner Stu Ward from Seabreeze Cafe says that council have still failed to address the cost of overheads for bricks and mortar food businesses compared to mobile food businesses. His Category 3 food licence cost $364.00 and he has an additional amount on top of that of $150.00 per outside table. “Of course outside is where the people want to be,” he said pointing to the view. He also pays for signage outside his shop. “If I have a chipped floor tile in my shop I have to repair it. “I have to sanitise and do pest control and clean toilets. “Meanwhile down the park they can get cheaper food and sit on the grass.”
He said that if council workers were emptying bins and cleaning toilets from the extra rubbish from the food vans then council should factor in that cost and charge it to the food van vendor. He said he had nothing against the food vans [sic] as long as there were only three. In response to the questions asked by the Coral Sea Sun as to whether the new tender process and fees addressed the businsses concerns of a level playing field between mobile business and bricks and mortar business, council said that it was and would allow for price indexing from year to year. However, clause 3.1 of the tender document says: Tenderers should be aware that the contract is a fixed price lump sum contract and not subject to rise and fall or CPI increases. The tender was open to any interested party, not just ratepayers in the Cassowary Coast region, and has now closed.
Potter, and secretary of the Cardwell Shed Kay Reading facilitated a workshop on Kokodama on the weekend. The shed is aiming to facilitate regular art and craft workshops for the community. Find and like them on Facebook to find out more.
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Hi Susan, My partner and I were at the Seabreeze Café on Saturday evening. We purchased a copy of the Coral Sea Sun by way of a gold coin donation. It is great to have a local newsletter. With interest I read the Editor Opinion, Page 4. In recent years I attended a community forum hosted by a panel of representatives from Fire & Emergency Services, Queensland Parks and Wildlife Services (QPWS), and Cardwell Forestry. It was post Cyclone Yasi and there was significant vegetative debris generated locally and regionally. The forum discussion focused on Cardwell, Kennedy Valley and Hinchinbrook Island. Of the main concerns voiced by Cardwell Residents were:1. Hinchinbrook Island – expressing the desire “not to burn the island.” 2. Smoke generation affecting – air quality. To the Cardwell resident’s concerns I added the following:3. Vegetation Assemblage – Fire Resistant vs Fire Intolerant Speciation. The importance of Mahogany Glider habitant was expressed by the panel both verbally and in editorial content displayed in DL Brochure literature available at the meeting. To which an “Open Woodland” type habitat is preferred being fire resistant and for the benefit of “one species.” I asked the panel, “in ecological terms, why is a Mahogany Glider any more important than a Cockroach?” To which a member of the public involved in wildlife conservation, in particular the Mahogany Glider answered, not the panel, “all species are important.” Fire as a means of “Weed Management” was exhibited by QPWS. In this case “invasive and aggressive” introduced species ware removed enabling the natural assemblage to recover. 4. Fire Hazard Reduction –
Property Wild fires were cited by the panel as being a threat to property and lives. I asked the panel to consider the dominant seasonal and diurnal wind spectra for Cardwell. There are three, the Northeast Trade Winds, the Southeast Trade Winds and the afternoon Sea Breeze. In terms of “wild fires” if one considers the directional vectors of these local weather systems, with Cardwell located on the coast, then the winds blow away from Cardwell. Within Cardwell there are localised pockets of vegetation, presenting potential hazards, but nothing to justify fire hazard reduction burning on Hinchinbrook Island, nor the Cardwell Range hinterland escarpment. In fact the Cardwell Forestry poses a greater fire risk to residents than our Island National Parks, Queensland Forestry Reserves, National Parks and Wet Tropics World Heritage Sites. The panellist representatives from Fire & Emergency Services and QPWS cited an “Expert” located in Southeast Queensland, whom did not attend the meeting as being the authority regarding Fire Management. An example was provided by way of dropping incendiary devises from aircraft on the upper portion of steep slopes. Rather than light a fire at the bottom of a slope which encourages the fire to intensify (i.e. given an upward slope component, assisted by favourable winds and fire generated convective wind currents), mid to upper slope targeting for vegetation ignition is preferred. On Hinchinbrook Island and the Cardwell Range escarpment, “who lives on the mid to upper slopes?” There is no “risk nor hazard for humans.” If the intent is simply to reduce fire intensity what consideration has been given to the resident flora and fauna? What are the benefits of stripping away soil moisture and
EDITORS OPINION Im happy to say we have a new column written by Auri’An Lay (Sue Thomson). You can read all about her and her healing business on page 11 and her column on page 13. Ohh I hope thats not an ominous number :) I attended the community meeting last night for a discussion about what was needed to make Cardwell a mountain bike destination. The attendance numbers were really positive. To get the project off the ground a feasibility study would need to be undertaken at a cost of $25,000.00 which will need to be raised by the community. Council would not commit to any funding. Although they are going to send council delegates to Derby Tasmania which is apparently the gold standard of mountain bike trails--to learn more. More positive happenings is the purchase of Dunk Island and plans to build a resort. They are saying like Daydream Island. I'm always happy to receive your feedback, comments and suggestions Susan Fairbairn
ERRATA Issue 4
Edited the story by MOW P5 and went from third to first person. Fishing news (p9) shows Ella Lawrence with two spotty Macks, not the Spanish mackerel she caught and released. Story p 11 Printer did not like this word, Facade. Instead Fac. ade was printed. In my Editor’s opinion I stated no sighting of Blue Banksia since 1991. That was incorrect the last documented sighting according to the Queensland Herbarium (DES) was in 1986.
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR (CONT'D) organic matter? What of seed recruitment success? What of fire mortality and population competition in unaffected adjoining areas? A member of the public raised the concern of “Soil Loss” to which we both addressed questions to the panel, for example:i) Mid to upper slopes, have there been any soil surveys to determine soil types? ii) Mid to upper slopes, what is the thickness of the soil veneers? iii) Mid to upper slopes, what is the thickness of the saprolite (i.e. in-situ weathered country rock)? No answers from the panel given the above. Further, given soil loss from mid to upper slopes due to fire removal of humus, leaf litter and vegetative debris; plus vegetative cover reduction and/or loss; and/or vegetation assembly change; in a region subject to high intensity, sustained rainfall and cyclonic wind events; could fire induced soil loss have the potential to change catchment hydrology and fluvial sediment transport and deposition dynamics in the Kennedy Valley? No answers from the panel. I appreciate fire has had great utility and brought great benefits to human beings throughout human history. I do not find anything unique given the “importance” ceded to Aboriginal people using fire. Seasonal observations, cause and effects over time suited people and their way of life. Aboriginal people were taught to use fire, the benefits where for them “not the natural environment.” At the meeting, fire given an Aboriginal context is cited as being “acceptable and conducive to managing the environment.” In essence if the anthropogenic colonization of the Australian continent includes the use, refinement and targeting of fire spanning possibly three glacial/interglacial cycles (~ 70 kya), then the “natural environment” has been changed to suit human beings; hence the acceptance to manage the environment using fire. Cardwell Forestry Estate - Waste Management In the wake to Cyclone Yasi, the Cardwell Forestry estate was devastated. Some attempts were made to harvest/salvage what remained. What remained was “forestry waste.” So how does Forestry Management mitigate the cost of dealing with the waste? One strategy is to “burn it!” In the Cardwell Forestry case two explanations for using fire as a management strategy are as follows:i) Reduce potential fire hazards within and at the margins of the plantation estate by episodic, targeted and controlled burning. ii) Address potential fire hazards by reducing fuel loads using fire as a “cost effective” strategy to reduce waste. Using the Cardwell Forestry estate fire management strategies, these are much the same as that of the Aboriginals, the “natural environment” is sacrificed. Human land used has laid waste to large tracks of diverse vegetation assemblages on the coastal plain and indented coastal valleys and replaced these areas with a “monoculture invested in monetary selfinterest.” How many full time forestry jobs, industry and commercial developments have been brought to Cardwell? What are the Social, Environmental and
Economic benefits?Science vs Propaganda, Spruiking, Rumours, Innuendo, Misinformation and Lies. Part of the agenda of the Cardwell Community meeting was that of a “formality.” When the “State” sanctions burning the environment, then a consultation in undertaken. It is not the agenda of the consultation to seek acceptance on the part of Cardwell residents to burn the environment. Instead it is a process that is undertaken to inform residents that the “State intends” to burn our protected natural assets. There is no choice given to residents to burn or not burn in the consultation process. Instead it enables State Government “authorizing” Public Sector employee’s be it on environmental and/or risk and/or hazard reduction grounds, to “sign off on a consultation.” When a Fire & Emergency Services representative from the Atherton Tablelands attends the Cardwell Community Meeting and tells residents he does not want to be woken up at 3:00am in the morning to fight fires, what is one to think? That’s a long way for someone to have to travel from the Atherton Tablelands to Cardwell to fight fires. Or, if you don’t want to be called at 3:00am to fight fires either don’t give your phone number to the Fire Control Centre or tell them not to call you at 3:00am. So where is the science in this discussion? Well questions were asked but no answers were forthcoming. Given burning different vegetation assemblages on moderate to steep slopes, where is the soil science data? When the State sanctions vegetation assemblage change using fire, where is the topographic hydrological monitoring and modelling data? Where is the geomorphological fluvial data modelling sediment dynamics and transfers between catchments, coastal discharge nodes and the Great Barrier Reef Lagoon? When the State sanctions episodic, indiscriminate, targeted and controlled burning, what data collection, monitoring and modelling has been done to protect endemic floral and faunal biodiversity? Where is the Air Quality data? How many air quality sensors and sensor arrays have been set up on Hinchinbrook Island, Cardwell, Kennedy Valley, Cardwell Range etc.? More importantly are air quality sensors equipped to detect and quantify ash fall, aerosols, particulates and volatile compounds? The “State” is the authority and the guide when it comes to information. As for science, objectivity and data? Well one can attend a Community Meeting. Or be forced to call Queensland Ambulance at 3:00am as a family member has been experiencing difficulty breathing due to smoke inhalation over the preceding days, culminating in a nocturnal atmospheric temperature inversion suppressing a dense ground level layer of smoke (visibility to 20 metres) triggering episodes of coughing, chocking and acute chest pain. No science, then more of the same Propaganda, Spruiking, Rumours, Innuendo, Misinformation and Lies.Good luck regarding E-mail correspondence with the State Government. In my view the State’s agenda is determined by whom it employs. Otto O 6
Courtney Atkinson, Olympic athlete and winner of the inaugural Australian Red Bull Defiance event held in the Cassowary Coast, has produced a series of regional adventure promotional videos commissioned by Cassowary Coast Regional Council in collaboration with Tourism Tropical North Queensland and Tropical Coast Tourism. The Beijing and London Olympic Games triathlete filmed the higher-pace adventures in the lead up to the Red Bull Defiance event over August 31 and September 1. Mayor John Kremastos said Mr Atkinson’s series of videos will be used for some time to promote the region through social media channels and via Tropical Coast Tourism for trade and consumer marketing. The longer versions are being used for presenting the region at visitor centres and at expos. “Having an adventure sport identity like Courtney Atkinson showcasing the region gives the story credibility with the niche adventure and lifestyle markets. It underpins our vision of establishing our identity as the adventure and lifestyle capital of Australia and boosts our tourism appeal,” Cr Kremastos said. “A lot of the 96 athletes who took part in the recent inaugural Red Bull event here on the Cassowary Coast are a key demographic we are trying to attract. They are all ages, enthusiastic and have a healthy disposable income.” Mr Atkinson said after the Olympics he went back to his roots as a distance trail runner and enjoying adventures and travel with his family. “When the Commonwealth Games came to the Gold
Coast, I was appointed as Queensland Tourism’s ambassador for the games. I went around the State doing filming of all those adventures to promote what Queensland has to offer,” he said. “My sports life and love of the outdoors and my ability to capture that in a film (often with the use of a go-pro attached to a bike helmet) enable me to showcase places in a more unique sort of way. “My focus is on finding all the places that make this region exciting to do in an adventure way or experience. Yes, you can see the cassowaries and go fishing but you can also go skydiving, raft the Tully, mountain bike the trails or along the beach. “There are only a few places where you can do that in a location like this with palm trees and have the beach to yourself. “The hard line of the Red Bull Defiance event is a very tough level, a very difficult competition and that is for athletes to come and experience. “These are locations that I love and love bringing my family to. I am looking at it from a bit of an outsider’s point of view. For us to come and see a cassowary on the side of the road is special. So is riding along the beach at sunrise, rafting the Tully – having that at your doorstep – we would love to have that in South East Queensland. “You can sit here at Castaways Resort and have a beer and relax while you look out at Dunk Island. You have the islands just offshore and that is pretty unique.” To view the videos of world class natural experiences designed by nature, head to Tropical Coast Tourism’s website,
New research has revealed the tiny minority of fishers who poach on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) think the illegal practice is justified, because they believe "everyone else is doing it." Researchers at the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies at James Cook University asked nearly 700 recreational fishers at boat ramps in Townsville about their perceptions of poaching (i.e. fishing in notake zones). PhD candidate Brock Bergseth led the study, and said the results were overwhelmingly encouraging. "97 percent of fishers thought poaching was personally unacceptable, and most supported enforcement of the rules. But a small number did not." Mr Bergseth said the 21 self-admitted poachers thought poaching occurred much more often than did non-poachers. "People involved in illicit activities such as illegal drug use and drink driving are more prone to overestimate the prevalence of their behaviour in society. This 'false consensus effect' often allows offenders to justify their actions - they think it's ok because everyone else is doing it. Our data suggest that this effect may also be occurring among poachers in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (GBRMP)." He said it was a dangerous trend, because fishers who know poachers can also be 'contaminated' if they
begin to think the bad behavior is widespread. "People who know a poacher have significantly higher estimates of the level of poaching compared to fishers that don't know poachers. This implies that these fishers believe that poaching is more common than fishers who do not associate with poachers." Mr Bergseth said 13 percent of fishers reported knowing someone who had poached within the past 12 months. "In all, this study showed how numerous misperceptions are probably supporting the continuation of poaching on the GBR. If left unchecked, these misperceptions could lead to a cascading effect that encourages further poaching." Mr Bergseth said the research pointed to a way of addressing the problem. "There are three specific messages that could be communicated to poachers. First, that nearly every recreational fisher thinks that poaching is socially and morally unacceptable. Secondly, it is really important for everyone to know that almost all recreational fishers follow the rules - poachers are just a small minority that people don't respect. And lastly, the likelihood of getting detected while poaching is high, as are the consequences - the fine for poaching in a notake zone is $2100.
JOI N US F OR TH E 201 9 B B B OO0K477IN G S E S S E N TIAL 1 0 3 1 1 0 o r 0 4 1 8 78 3 9 75 T h u r s d a y ni g h t 1 7t h O c t o b e r
Cardwell Mega B urger, steak or chicken burger, j acket potato with garlic butter plus sausages. Adults $1 2 kids under 1 6 $8
S a t u rd a y n i g h t - 1 9 t h O c t o b e r ME N U
P i t B B Q g r i l l , w h o l e p i g , b u tts o f b e e f and fabulous sides. A d u l t s $ 2 0 K i d s u nd e r 1 6 $ 1 0 . A l l p ro d u c e a n d m e a t s s o u rc e d l o c a l l y ( C a rd w e l l ) .
B ar o p e n 4 p m T h u r s d a y a n d S a t u rd a y
WHAT'S ON Meetings| Events| Sports Free listings for non-profit clubs or groups e:
Regular group and club meetings Visit the Google Calendar
SPECIAL EVENTS Listings available for business. Email for media kit and special prices.
TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY Cardwell State School and businesses got behind the Talk Like a Pirate Day, fundraising event for the Childhood Cancer Foundation raising a total of $600.00. Pure Shores Hair donated $2 per customer and raised $140.00. The school’s P&C committee indicated that the funds raised will allow a family to stay at Camp Crystal. They wanted to thank all the businesses: Cardwell Swim, Gym and Juice Bar,
Ob La Di, Pure Shores Hair, LEFT TO RIGHT: ASHLEIGH GALLO, The Salad Bowl, PURE SHORES HAIR, ROBYN SMITH, OB LA DI AND JASMINE PURE Cardwell Butchery, And Brearleys Bakery. SHORES HAIR. The Cardwell State School students as well as dressing like pirates had their annual talent show.
Auri’An Lay or Sue Thomson, as she is still officially known, arrived in Cardwell 12 months ago and set up her home-based business Ki’an Healing because she had a strong desire to help others who are going through troubled times. Auri’An is herself a sufferer of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). She says she worked her way through these issues with no medication. She can assist people, mainly women, with a wide variety of life’s problems including money worries, empty nesting, depression and panic attacks. “I like to help people flip their thoughts,” she said. She says that while she is not qualified to deal with domestic abuse victims she can still help in other ways. She offers a variety of modalities including mindfulness which she is teaching to Cardwell State School teachers next semester. She is qualified as an energy healer and reiki practitioner and is also an EFT master tapping
practitioner. She says that at one stage in her life she became quite ill, suffering chronic pain and she was unable to get up and move. She believes she had an adrenal breakdown. She was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. As an ex ballet dancer and fitness instructor she was determined not to end up in a wheelchair. She started to learn to belly dance. She studied for about 5 years and decided to teach. She said it’s an activity that allows women to ‘giggle and jiggle’, saying that when she first come to town she thought that that was what was missing— a venue for women to relieve emotions and at the same time address aging. “It’s great for co-ordination, speed and memory,” “No-one cares if you think you can’t do it,” she said. You can find Auri’An regularly at Cardwell Jetty Markets which are held at Easter through to October each year. You can also attend her belly dancing lessons at the Anglican Church in Cardwell on Thursdays at 6.30 pm.
SPICE ME UP OZ or Garden ramblings.....a column BY SUSAN FAIRBAIRN
In some suburban backyards and, some remnant coastal forests, lives a rainforest tree, another to hit the headlines as a functional commodity, called Backhousia citriodora or Lemon Scented Myrtle. From the leaves comes a wonderful aromatic herb that is undeniably lemon and uniquely Australian. It can be substituted for lemon in most recipes and I’m an avid supporter of these flakes and willingly pay, yes I admit, the rather steep price to secure a precious few grams. Its sharp lemon flavour makes it an undeniable rival of lemon zest and it’s become popular with chefs. Lemon Myrtle flakes can be rubbed over lamb cutlets, which can then be roasted or grilled. It’s nice sprinkled in salads, goes well with chicken and fish and makes a nice lemon tea. There is also a recipe for lemon myrtle cheesecake and lemon myrtle tart. Another uniquely Australian herb that can be used in baking is ground Wattleseed. A unique coffee drink called Acaccino™ was produced by Vic Cherikoff, chef and producer of Australian herbs and spices. This happened by accident after he invented Wattleseed extract with a distinct aroma and flavour of coffee, chocolate and hazelnut. This extract he says then found its way into ice cream; custard, bread, whipped cream and chocolates. Wattleseed does have a distinct nutty aroma and a coffee, hazelnut flavour and 10 millilitres of Wattleseed extract into a schooner of light beer, apparently, adds a rich, cleansing, nuttiness. There are three Australian pepper spices. Two of these are Mountain Pepper and Dorrigo Pepper. The leaves have a better flavour, but the berries from these plants are also used. Pepperberries are very hot and come with a cautionary warning to only use 1/10th compared
to conventional black pepper. A blend produced by Cherikoff called Australian Alpine Pepper combines sumac and pepperberries. All of these peppers can be substituted for white or black pepper. Eucalyptus Olida produces a herb that is marketed as, forest berry herb, by Herbie’s Spices, with flavours of passionfruit, berries and sweet spices that can be added to pancakes and enhance berry jams and sauces. For chilli lovers try Cherikoff’s Australian rainforest rub, which he uses on potato chips and fries. In fact this is a very versatile herb that according to Vic has a chicken, spice, pepper and chilli heat flavour, followed by citrus aromatics and toasted seed. Australian spices are gaining popularity and a number of products are available in the supermarket. They are still a niche product so be prepared for the hefty price tag. Supermarket suppliers are the Outback Café and Outback Pride. Both of these suppliers are Indigenous communities, so provide a way for them to make a living. Vic Cherikoff sells a wide range of native herbs and spices off his Also Barbushco at and Herbie’s Spices at On a final note, Lemon Scented Myrtle is native to Queensland and is even on the endangered list, so that’s a compelling reason to grow one or two. It’s a beautiful plant for the garden with masses of creamy white flowers with iridescent and showy stamens, and, of course, the beautiful lemon scented leaves. In fact most of the Backhousia species are aromatic and also produce other fine herbs.
CARDWELL GARDEN GROUP MEET The Cardwell Garden group was introduced to Laureen Thorpe's garden at the last meeting. Laureen is the queen of upcycle using all manner of materials, such as clogs, bags and teapots to place her beloved
plants. Next meeting will be on 9th October and we will be visiting the Cardwell State School gardens. For more information or to join contact: Susan 0432758483
Maybe today was a bad day. Maybe the kids wouldn’t stop fighting, the dog threw up on the couch, and the washing machine flooded the kitchen. Maybe today was a day you really just wanted to go back to bed and wish it would all go away. Maybe you just wanted to curl up in a ball and cry. We all have those days. I’m sure you recognise that, even if your bad stuff is different. That feeling of being overwhelmed, of everyone looking to you to sort it out but seeming to not care that you just don’t want to do it any more. That you need a break. There are many ways that help you deal with it, get through it, and actually come out the other end still sane, and over the next few issues I’ll start to help you through some of these ways. There’s nothing really hard, or flash or fancy about it. You don’t need to buy heaps of self-help books; you just need to know that you need some help and be determined to once again find your happy self. One of the very easiest ways to get through these type of days – the ones where everything seems to go wrong – is something that you have been doing most of your life, well, all your life actually, breathe. But not just simply breathing in air and letting it escape again, you need to do this consciously: You stop whatever you are doing. You let your shoulders relax. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath in and then just sort of Huff it out in one big, noisy swoosh. Then, take another breath. This time suck in as much air as you can. Feel your chest expanding, your shoulders lifting and when you think you can’t take in any more – do just that…. Another little bit of air. You can do it…. Then, as slowly as you can let it out. And when you think you’ve fully breathed out – go some more! You’ll feel your shoulders pressing down, your tummy pushing upwards to squish your lungs.
See page 14 for advertising in the Coral Sea Sun
You’ll automatically take another deep breath – let this one out with a swoosh again and then you just get on with whatever you had to do. There’s many things that happen in the body when you take a couple of deep breaths, but there’s not really enough room to go through them here, but basically you are giving your body time to adjust and settle down from the fight or flight response. I’ll tell you more about fight or flight next week. Auri’An Lay (previously known as Sue Thomson) is a resident of Cardwell and is the Founder of Ki’An Healing and Helping You. She is a meditation therapist and holistic counsellor, spiritual teacher/healer, energy healer, and belly dance teacher. Contact Auri’An by email: or 0466 443 871
See page 14 for advertising in the Coral Sea Sun
ADVERTISING RATES As a special introductory offer, advertising in the Coral Sea Sun is offered at a oneoff special rate. Pay $70 for a 60mm (w) x 88mm (h) full colour advertisement in 12 editions. That’s just $10 per edition. Please see under artwork for terms and conditions.
TERMS AND CONDITIONS Mac platform file formats: high resolution, print ready pdf, eps, InDesign. PC platform file formats: high resolution print ready pdf. Files can be supplied via drop box or email and must be in the following file formats: Image files should be high resolution eps, vector or png files; Files containing text should be plain text. Size: Please provide the correct file sizes ie in total 60mm x 88mm. Scans: scanned document should be no less than 300 dpi for black and white. For full colour scans no less than 600 dpi. Both should be supplied as a jpeg, tiff or png file.
As a special introductory offer, advertising in the Cardwell Community Newsletter classifieds is offered at a oneoff special rate. Pay $70 for a 60mm (w) x 88mm (h) full colour advertisement in 12 editions. That’s just $10 per edition. Please see under artwork for terms and conditions.
Design Service: A design and copywriting service is available. Including writing of advertorial in the following sizes: Full Page - size— image: 190mm (w) x 247mm (h), trim 210mm (w) x 297mm (h) bleed 220mm (w) x 307mm (h)