CRR 0325 for Web

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Field Guide to the Lower Columbia River in Poems and Pictures By Robert Michael Pyle and Judy VanderMaten.

Rex Ziak’s edited and annotated edition of Franchére’s 1820 journal, The First American Settlement on the Pacific.


11 issues $55

In three editions:

• Boxed Signature Edition, with color $50

• Collectors Edition, with color $35

Rex Ziak • $29.95



Pacific Northwest Woodcuts and Haiku by Debby Neely •Boxed, Gift Edition with tasseled bookmark $35



•220 historic photos •Boxed, signed. $50. IN FULL VIEW

Southwest Washington author and explorer Rex Ziak revolutionized historical scholarship by documenting minute-by-minute the Corps’ dangerous days at the mouth of the Columbia.



A Layman’s Lewis & Clark by Michael O. Perry.

•BW Edition $35

Now that we’ve set our clocks ahead for Daylight Saving’s Time, spring is definitely in the air. And so is MUSIC!

A few weeks ago, I saw a note online from Gary Nyberg’s wife, Daniela, inviting former colleagues and friends to record a 30-second video to be compiled for Gary’s birthday. For any who don’t know, Gary is a very talented brass musician who greatly influenced the local community over many years.

I thought about what to say, but unsure how to submit a “selfie” video, didn’t get very far organizing my thoughts. I did know I’d want to thank Gary for being a musical force and artist sharing his gifts, and for doing a spectacular job as conductor of the Lower Columbia College Symphonic Band, pre-retirement. Some years ago, with Gary’s encouragement, I’d dusted off my high school clarinet and played in the Band (open to community members and professional musicians, as well as students) for a few years, simply for the joy of it. Making (and listening to) music, in all its forms, is an enriching experience.

At one weekly rehearsal, Gary distributed to 13 band members sheet music to Mozart’s Sonata No. 10, also known as “Gran Partita,” to prepare and later

Publisher/Editor: Susan P. Piper

Columnists and contributors:

Hal Calbom

Nancy Chennault

Alice Dietz

Joe Fischer

Joseph Govednik

Judy MacLeod

Neil Martello

Bob Park

Michael Perry

Ned Piper

Robert Michael Pyle

Marc Roland

Alan Rose

Greg Smith

Andre Stepankowsky

Debra Tweedy

Judy VanderMaten

Jovon Vaughn

Editorial/Proofreading Assistants:

Merrilee Bauman, Michael Perry, Marilyn Perry, Tiffany Dickinson, Debra Tweedy, Ned Piper

Advertising Manager: Ned Piper, 360-749-2632

Columbia River Reader, llc 1333 14th Ave, Longview, WA 98632

P.O. Box 1643 • Rainier, OR 97048

Office Hours: M-W-F

Sue’s Views

perform. I felt very lucky to be one of the players (Thank you, Gary). It was challenging, thrilling — and a bit daunting — to be part of the ensemble. I was not then familiar with it, but fell in love with Mozart’s beautiful, kaleidoscopic, seven-movement masterpiece.

Fast forward to just a week or two ago, when an announcement caught my attention: The Vancouver Symphony’s Chamber Series would perform “Gran Partita” on March 9. Hurrah!! But this was the very day before CRR files would be due at the printer (aways an intense, racing-theclock couple of days) But I had to go, so tightened my schedule, dashing off to Vancouver just in time to hear the performance.

Happy (belated) Birthday, Gary I listened to “Gran Partita” in honor of you, and in lieu of sending you a personal video. It was delicious to hear again, live, with its pulsating momentum, swelling turbulence leading to glorious, serene passages. I hope you’re enjoying the good life up on Silver Lake. Thank you for so many memories and all the good you did at LCC, and with Quintesence, making music all around the community.

We would all do well to embrace and experience music more. It is one

thing that elevates, inspires, and connects us via a universal “language.” And does not involve politics.

Looking forward to Pink Martini’s performance April 11

Thomas Lauderdale brings his vibrant, globally-popular entourage as the “headliner” show at the Columbia Theater during its centennial week in April (see “In the Spotlight,” page 37). Many other events and opportunities occur that week, too, including a re-dedication ribbon cutting, theatre tours, and the screening of Charlie’s Aunt, the silent movie shown on the Columbia Theatre’s Opening Night, April 4, 2025. (see schedule in ad, page 23).

Congratulations to theatre director Kelly Ragsdale, and to everyone whose efforts keep it “Our” Columbia Theatre. We are fortunate to have it. Let’s celebrate!

*THIS IS CRR’S LAST ISSUE in its first 20 years. Next month we begin Year 21. The “official” date of CRR’s anniversary is April 15 — also tax deadline day — both providing two more causes for celebration!


Columbia River Reader is published monthly, with 14,000 copies distributed in the Lower Columbia region. Entire contents copyrighted; No reproduction of any kind allowed without express written permission of Columbia River Reader, LLC. Opinions expressed herein, whether in editorial content or paid ad space, belong to the writers and advertisers and are not necessarily shared or endorsed by the Reader.

Submission guidelines: page 36.

General Ad info: page 9. Ad Manager: Ned Piper 360-749-2632.

issues from 2013.

Sue Piper
Celebrating Mozart, Gary Nyberg’s Birthday, and CRR’S last issue*
photo by hal calbom
Sculpture by Chris Wise, featured artist, CAC Spring Show Story, page 14. Pink Martini Story, page 37.

Proud to prompt Youth Category

We are so proud, for the third year in a row, to submit the following haiku in honor of Gary Myers and the Columbia River Reader’s HaikuFest. Our beautiful little school is a nonprofit, cooperative learning program in Battleground, Washington. Three years ago, we encouraged our kids to write for your HaikuFest. My husband, Jim Tejcka, a haiku enthusiast, had some of his haiku published in your paper, and he made the suggestion.

The kids at our school were the first young people to have haiku published

in your paper and now you actually have a category for youth. We are proud of that! And we are happy to see other kids writing haiku. We really look forward to it! ... Our students were all encouraged to write Haiku. We are proud to see the enthusiasm of those who chose to participate. Thank you for this inspiring opportunity. I remember Gary saying his mission was to foster his love for haiku. Mission accomplished, sir!

Amy Tejcka Sprouting Seeds School Battleground, Wash. CRR’s

Personal Training

Rebecca Loren

• Women’s Fitness • Fitness Nutrition

• Senior Fitness • Corrective Exercise • Youth Exercise

February issue hit every mark. Again, well done! Michael’s description of the Corp of Discovery’s winter made ours easily bearable. Hal revealed a busy farm that I must visit. Nancy shared insights on how to think about plants. Debra hit a bases loaded homer with the quotes she selected. Marc confronted (what may become) an inconvenient truth. Andre shared a warm peek at a NYC life I didn’t live. Greg inserted some pragmatic details that planetary travelers might want to resolve before waving goodbye. Alan’s book review is especially timely. Alice taught me what I should know about my PUD. And Ned found the low hanging fruit that our legislators couldn’t seem to find until now. Brilliant... and that’s only some of this issue!

From brother in Big Sky Country

I sent the copy of Columbia River Reader which featured Greg Price, Fitness Guru, to my brother in Montana, and I thought you’d like to know his response: Hello dear sister, “Yes, it is a great picture of Greg. Thanks so much!

“I had no idea that no one is really sure how to spell Sacajawea, and even the pronunciations, though close, are not in agreement. Fascinating article. Her entire tribe, the Shoshone, just disappeared from history while she was shown off in Europe. I liked the Sky Report. We do have beautiful skies here, but I rarely go out at night to look. I should. Anyway, I love the Columbia River newspaper and thank you so much for sending it!! You are such a sweet sister!

The ‘whole person’ approach of Greg and his Gym is the right approach and I do miss that Gym. Great article about him!.

Brian Davern Longview, Wash. Letters to the Editor continue, page 8

My brother was employed by Greg about eight years ago, and they are still good friends. Thank you so much for this, and all the other interesting articles!

Sharon Ashford Longview, Wash. • Weight Loss


Just the Grizzly Facts, Ma’am

In the spring of 1805, the Lewis and Clark Expedition was preparing to resume their trek to the Pacific Ocean after spending the winter near the Mandan and Hidatsu Indian villages. Fort Mandan was located 45 miles upstream from present-day Bismark, North Dakota.

After the Corps of Discovery left St. Louis a year earlier, in May 1804, their progress up the Missouri River had been very slow. Due to the heavily laden boats and fast current, they averaged only seven miles per day until reaching the Mandan Villages where they spent the winter. When they continued their westward journey on April 7, 1805, they did so with fewer men and supplies, and without the heavy keelboat. They had two pirogues from the previous year plus six dugout canoes they carved from cottonwood logs.

The smaller boats and lighter load made it possible to cover upwards of 25 miles per day. Headwinds were a problem, but strong tailwinds allowed the crews to raise the sails and cover great distances on several days. On April 24th, Clark wrote, “The wind blew so hard during the whole of this day, that we were unable to move.” Clark later wrote “The party complain much of the Sand in their eyes, the Sand is verry fine and rises in clouds from the Points and bars of the river, I may Say during those winds we eat Drink & breeth a prepotion of Sand.” Fine alkali dust and constant glare of the sun on the water probably caused the sore eyes.

... covered with herds ...

The Corps of Discovery hunted for their livelihood. In his book titled ‘The Natural History of the Lewis and Clark Expedition,’ Raymond Darwin Burroughs tallied the game consumed during the course of the Expedition: Deer 1,001; Elk 375; Bison 227; Antelope 62; Big Horn Sheep 35; Grizzly Bears 43; Black Bears 23; Beaver (shot or trapped) 113; Otter 16; Geese and Brant 104; Grouse 46; Turkeys 9; Plovers 48; Wolves (only one eaten) 18; Indian Dogs (purchased and consumed) 190; Horses, 12.

The land was mostly open grasslands, with a few trees growing along the river. The further west they went, the more wildlife they saw. On April 25th, Lewis wrote, “the whol face of the country was covered with herds of Buffaloe, Elk & Antelopes; deer are also abundant… the buffaloe Elk and Antelope are so gentle that we pass near them while feeding, without appearing to excite any alarm among them, and when we attract their attention, they frequently approach us more nearly to discover what we are.”

On April 26th, they reached the mouth of the Yellowstone River, five miles from present-day Montana. An extra ration of whiskey was served; the fiddles came out,

and the men sang and danced in celebration. By mid-May, they had covered about 350 miles, reaching an area now covered by Fort Peck Lake, near Glasgow, Montana.

Grin and bear it

While Lewis and Clark spent the winter at Fort Mandan, Indians told them of a ferocious bear they would encounter. On April 17th Lewis wrote, “tho’ we continue to see many tracks of the bear we have seen but very few of them, and those are at a great distance generally running from us; I thefore presume that they are extremely wary and shy; the Indian account of them dose not corrispond with our experience so far.”

Two weeks later, after trying to kill two Grizzly bears, Lewis wrote, “one of them made his escape, the other after my firing on him pursued me seventy or eighty yards, but fortunately had been so badly wounded that he was unable to pursue so closely as to prevent my charging my gun; we again repeated our fir and killed him. It was a male not fully grown, we estimated his weight at 300 lbs...It is astonishing to see the wounds they will bear before they can be put to death.”

Despite these encounters, Lewis still felt the bears were over-rated. On April 29th he wrote, “the Indians may well fear this anamal equiped as they generally are with their bows and arrows or indifferent fuzees [inferior muskets], but in the hands of skillfull riflemen they are by no means as formidable or dangerous as they have been represented.” However, his assessment would soon be revised.

Later that week Clark wrote, “In the evening we Saw a Brown or grisley beare on a Sand beech, I went out with one man Geo. Drewyer & Killed the bear, which was verry large and a terrible looking animal,

Five years ago, we introduced a revised version oF Michael Perry’s popular series which began with CRR’s April 15, 2004 inaugural issue and was reprised three times and then expanded In the new book, Dispatches from the Discovery Trail, edited by Hal Calbom and published by CRRPress. It includes an in-depth author interview and new illustrations and commentary.

Grizzly Claw

Letters to the Editor cont. from page 4

Gary Meyers Memorial HaikuFest

I still think about Gary when I write my haikus throughout the year. He did so much extra for some of the writers whose works were chosen. I still have some stationery that one of my haikus was on with the picture appropriate for the haiku. I have a black and white photo dealing with the subject of another haiku. It was actually the first time I participated in the HaikuFest. Gary was so creative and inspiring.

I was in Hawaii when he had the gathering in Honolulu but, unfortunately, on another island. I wish we could have met. He lived in the area where I grew up and went to grade school and high school.

I am very happy that you are continuing with the fest. Also, my husband and I enjoy your publications every month. We get ours at Colvin’s in Clatskanie. He turns to the “Dispatches from the Discovery Trail” immediately! Love it!

Thank you for a great magazine!!

Estrella Brown Clatskanie, Ore.

Gary Meyers created HaikuFest some 17 years ago and poured his heart into the entire project, year by year. He enjoyed creating personalized certificates and finding the perfect mementos for participants. We miss Gary and are ever-grateful for his contribution to CRR’s zeitgeist and fun.

Appreciates local connection

Thank you for the Reader! We are so fortunate to have the local connection you and your family provide for all of us in the Lower Columbia region, especially now that so many local papers and news coverage has disappeared. The Reader’s unique focus on local people, businesses and events sparks many opportunities for common experiences and discussions. Especially in our current divided world these opportunities are so very valuable. Thank you.

Sally Jones Rainier, Ore.

HaikuFest brings river community together

You have given me a pleasant time musing on my surroundings. I hope you will enjoy the result. Thank you for all your work in bringing our river community together. You are part of the light and warmth.

Cynthia Svensson Kalama, Wash.

Editor’s note: Cynthia submitted to this year’s HaikuFest and, in fact, one of her entires was selected for publication. See page 27.

which we found verry hard to kill. We Shot ten balls into him before we killed him, & 5 of those Balls through his lights [lungs] . We had nothing that could way him, I think his weight may be Stated at 500 pounds, he measured 8 feet 7-1/2 In. from his nose to the extremity of the Toe… 3 feet 11 Ins. arround the neck. His talents [talon, or claw] was 4 Inches & 3/8 long. Captain Lewis thought the Grizzly weighted 600 pounds.”

Another Grizzly proved hard to kill when Lewis reported a man “had shot a brown bear which immediately turned on him and pursued him a considerable distance but he had wounded it so badly that it could not overtake him. I immediately turned out with seven of the party in quest of this monster, we at length found his trale and persued him about a mile by the blood through very thick brush… and shot him through the skull with two balls.”

After that adventure, Lewis changed his mind about the Grizzly when he wrote, “I must confess that I do not like the gentlemen and had rather fight two Indians than one bear.” It was next to impossible to kill a Grizzly with one shot; a direct shot to the head or lungs was not enough. And, since it took a minute or more to reload their guns, a second shot was often not possible.

While Clark referred to it as a beare,” he was not responsible for the scientific name Ursus arctos horribilis. However, I’m sure he would have approved!

Next month we’ll read about Sacajawea saving the day when the boat nearly capsized... and when the whiskey ran out at Great Falls.

Tip jar at a hosted event; Seating at a dinner party; keys left in the doorknob

DEAR MISS MANNERS: I hold an annual party, for which I hire a person to assist me in setting it up, maintaining the buffet and serving drinks. She has always done a great job.

At the most recent party, however, I noticed she had set up a tip jar next to the drinks. I was horrified. I went over and grabbed the jar, then pulled her aside and said that I was sorry that she did not feel I was paying her enough, and that she felt the need to seek compensation from my guests. I told her to tell me how much she felt like I was underpaying her, and that I would compensate her so she didn’t need a tip jar.

I went back to the friends I had been chatting with and explained what happened. They all thought it was perfectly appropriate for her to have a tip jar.

After the party, I called my mother and told her what happened. Like me, she was horrified that someone would seek tips at a party that I was hosting. Who do you think is right here? Should I have let her keep the tip jar out?

GENTLE READER: Inclined to side with mothers whenever possible, Miss Manners is happy to say she agrees with yours. And with you.

It is rude to leave out a tip jar in a private home. It screams, as you indicated, that your employees are not satisfied with their pay -- or are crassly looking for extra. Your approach was justified and your offer generous, although you did not mention if the worker took you up on it. Or if you are still employing her.

DEAR MISS MANNERS: My elderly parents and I seldom talk or visit, per my father’s wishes. I am the older of their two children, and was always the dependable, devoted daughter.

Seven years ago, my father made a derogatory comment towards my husband and me over politics at a family gathering, and when I objected to him and my mother privately, he decided that I wouldn’t be included in future family events.

In the years since, both my father and my brother have told many mutual friends and relatives about our rift, but have told different versions to different people, none of which are true.

I am regularly approached by wellintentioned acquaintances, urging me to mend fences with my grieving parents; I never know what story they’ve heard, and have responded by telling them politely that the issue is a private family matter, and that I prefer not to discuss it with them.

Three times recently, I’ve been told that my reply was rude, and one lady even remarked that my parents might be better off the way things are. How should one respond to such suggestions, especially if the person is an old family friend?

GENTLE READER: “Thank you. I will think about it.”

Never mind that you, Miss Manners and probably your old family friends know you will not. The fact that you appear to be considering their advice should be enough to satisfy them in the moment.

And since thinking is an ongoing activity, presumably you can repeat the sentiment if they follow up.

DEAR MISS MANNERS: Is it bad manners to wear a wireless earpiece at church during the sermon?

GENTLE READER: It depends. Is it being used to amplify the sermon — or drown it out?

Either way, Miss Manners warns, you will have to explain yourself, as people will assume the latter. And keep in mind that lying in church seems a particularly damning idea.

DEAR MISS MANNERS: How do I gently remind a lovely young neighbor, in the apartment next door, that leaving her keys in the door overnight is not a safe thing to do?

I see them left in her door lock at least once a week. Is there a way to get the point across without being horribly graphic and terrifying? She is a wonderful person and I would hate for any harm to come to her.

GENTLE READER: Knock on the door and hand her back the keys a few times. Then, if it keeps happening, keep the keys overnight and return them in the morning.

DEAR MISS MANNERS: My partner and I lived abroad for 12 years and have recently moved back to his hometown. He has a job, I am working as a temp, and we are struggling to find housing, so we have been staying with his parents.

I am incredibly grateful to them; we have been living with them for two months now, and may stay another two months (the housing crisis is that bad). But I am also finding it difficult to live with them. I knew it would be challenging not to have my own space and to live by someone else’s rules, but I also feel judged, and I hate their jokes.

They have feedback and comments about absolutely everything. I prefer to shower in the evening, after work; they tell me it is “bizarre,” that showering wakes you up and is a terrible thing to do just before bed.

I have very long hair, and my motherin-law has asked me several times if I would “consider” cutting it. When I said no, she pointedly said, “It is very long, you know.”

I am a vegetarian, and I never bring it up. Still, they will often ask if I am “tempted” by whatever meat dish they are having. And then there are the constant jokes about my nationality. They will bring that up several times a day, asking me “what people do in my country of origin” (I left 16 years ago). Or they will just drop random words in the language of my birth into the conversation and laugh. It makes it hard to fit in and feel accepted. My partner says to just ignore it, and he never intervenes -- it is not something he would do. My friends agree it’s difficult, but to “think of the free rent.” What do you think?

GENTLE READER: Although Miss Manners does not want you to end up on the street -- and she does understand that your partner’s parents are doing you an enormous favor -- asking what she thinks, rather than how to fix your problem, strikes her as far too passive.

Etiquette is not a barter system. Just as one rudeness does not justify another,

cont page 12

cartoon by Joe fischer

Knocked out by a kangaroo

Recalling a legendary boxer, friend and storyteller


To laugh at yourself you have to be a good person,” someone once said. Old Joe was a very good person. In the 1970s and 80s, he would volunteer at the Kelso Boxing Club at Tam O’Shanter Park in Kelso, Washington.

It was a small building resembling a barn, poorly lit and often smelling of sweat and hard work. No one knew Old Joe’s last name or how old he really was or where he was born. All they cared about was how he helped all the young people to be the best they could be.

Old Joe was a mentor, a friend, a teacher, an advisor, a guru and best of all, a wonderful story-teller.

Most people love a good story and everyone has one. He used humor in his stories and he was there for anyone who needed to talk. He could talk, and he could listen.

Recaliing highlights of his stories

“Boxing will improve your balance so you don’t trip over your feet and fall on your face.

You have to be smooth and just move back and forth, like a dance. The best boxers in my opinion were great dancers. I wasn’t a great dancer, in fact I wasn’t even a Fred Astaire or even a Gene Kelly.

A good boxer has to learn to move and duck, I wasn’t very good at ducking as you can see by my face. Remember, never lead with your face.

One time in my life, I was a professional boxer and seemed to come in second in most of my matches. One match lasted 10 rounds and after I lost, I received $30, enough to pay for my supper. Even though I lost, I gave it all I had and tried my best.

Neil Martello, of Kelso, has been a friend of CRR for several years, writing novelty articles on topics such as baseball, Spam (the food), and fruitcake. Recently, he was working on stories about D.B. Cooper and Indiana Jones. Sadly, Neil passed away March 3 while on a cruise with his wife, Candee. CRR offers sincere condolences. We appreciate Neil’s cheerful presence in CRR and will miss him and remember him fondly. He was a good man.

It’s not how you win or lose, but how you fought the battle.

In another match I received a carton of cigarettes. The funny thing was I didn’t even smoke. Remember, smoking is bad for your health.

So many of my matches were hard fought, but I kept on hitting the canvas. Some of the spectators started calling me “Joe Van Gogh,” you know, like the painter. I can still hear them after all these years yelling to me, ‘Get up, Van Gogh, get up!’

My famous match was against an Australian kangaroo. I had him/her on the ropes for four rounds before I got tired and was knocked out. It was the hardest I was ever hit by a man or a kangaroo. After that match I hung up the old gloves. I decided to take up a hobby, and started fishing. It was a lot safer for my health. I started helping out at the Kelso Boxing Club and enjoyed every minute of it. It was my pleasure.”

If you can remember Old Joe you will never forget him. He was a person who would not be forgotten due to all his volunteer time, effort and energy in helping the young people at the Kelso Boxing Club. He was a very good person. We need more people like him in our lives and in the world.

1 2 3 4 5

Your ROSES want to grow...

Spring is so close you can feel it. Winter reluctantly relinquishes its frosty grip on landscapes throughout the region and gardeners rejoice in each lengthening day. The subtle, softening of the air and the warmth of the sun have encouraged roses to stir from their lingering state of dormancy. You’ve been patient, knowing that you should not prune too early. Your patience has been rewarded. Now is the time!

Pruning promotes new growth

Buds are set on the new canes (stems) and it is at the ends of these canes that flower buds form. Spring pruning initiates development of laterals (side shoots) and basal bud growth (new growth from the base). It is this growth that will yield multiple flower buds all summer long. The more extensive the pruning …. the larger and more prolific the blossoms.

Begin by assessing the plant

Clean up any debris from its base. Don’t be intimidated by the labyrinth of branches and emerging leaves (photo #1, above). Cleanly cut out dead, diseased and small canes. After winter’s coldest temperatures, there may be many canes blackened from the freeze. Cut these back until you see clean green pith in the center of the cane (photo #2). Sharp, clean tools are essential (photo #3). A pair of heavy leather gloves will protect tender fingers from the prick of thorns.

These cuts will be made at a slight angle, just above a bud pointing to the outside of the plant. Remember, you control how the rose will grow. Cutting to an outside bud encourages that bud to grow outward, not across the middle of the plant (photo #4). Once completed, the rose bush will be in the shape of a bowl with the canes spaced

somewhat like the spokes of a wheel. Air circulates within that bowl. Plants are rarely symmetrical so don’t despair if it takes some imagination to see this shape (photo #5).

You will continue to shape and prune your roses all summer. Every time you cut a rose bud for a bouquet or pick off the spent blossoms on a summer evening, there is opportunity to encourage more blooms. Cut the stems back to an outside bud that is on a



cane at least as big as a pencil. Anything smaller will result in fragile growth with diminutive stems. Grooming your roses as the blossoms fade will result in faster repeat flowering. When all the flowers on the tips of stems have faded, cut that stem back as you would a stem you were cutting for a vase. The reward for your rigorous pruning regime will be arm loads of bountiful blossoms from June through October frost.

Nancy Chennault and her husband, Jim, operated a landscaping business and independent nursery/garden center for 20+ years. She wrote CRR’s Northwest Gardener in CRR’s early years. After a hiatus, she re-joined CRR to reconnect us with some of her favorite gardening topics. Nancy is founder of “Castle Rock Blooms” community of volunteers.

Story and photos by Nancy Chennault

Looking UP


Mar. 17th – April 17th

The Evening Sky

A clear sky is needed.

I hope you were able to see last Thursday’s Lunar eclipse the night of the 13th. It happened around midnight on the 13th and continued into the wee hours of the morning on the 14th. Lunar eclipses are a sight to behold when the regular bright white moon turns a dusky red-orange due to the sun’s light passing through the Earth’s atmosphere. There is another full eclipse in September this year, so be waiting for that one as well.

Jupiter is high in the southwestern sky near the Pleiades star cluster and Mars is high in the Southern sky in the middle of the constellation of Gemini. They are the only planets left in the parade of planets, as the others have raced to the other side of the sun and are starting to appear in the morning hours.

The Morning Sky

A cloudless eastern horizon sky is required.

Saturn is starting to appear in the morning sky by late March. On March 20th , the Spring Equinox, Venus will be between us and the sun. Venus will reappear as the morning star in April.

Night Sky Spectacle

A clear sky is a must.

The constellation of Leo with its recognizable semi-circle of stars that represents the head of the lion, is well fully risen in the eastern sky with its bright star Regulus at the bottom of the semi-circle of stars. Just to the right of Leo is the constellation Cancer; it is a dim constellation. It has no bright stars but as you swing

your hosts’ good deed of letting you live with them does not justify the ongoing rudeness you describe.

The unpleasant duty of asking them to please stop commenting on your country of origin, your hair and your choice of food should fall on your partner, whose duty it is not only to do so tactfully, but to insist the discomfort with their behavior is his own, not yours.

Motivating him to do this convincingly is your task.


Last Quarter: Sat., March 22nd

New: Sat., March 29

First Quarter: Fri., April 4th

Full: Sat., April 12th


When the brightest stars start to come out. Allow about an hour more to see a lot of stars.

Wed., Mar 19th • 7:53pm

Wed., March 26 • 8:02pm

Wed., April 2nd • 8:12pm

Wed., April 9th, 7:22pm


Wed., Mar 19th • 7:24pm

Wed.,March 26th • 7:34pm

Wed., April 2nd • 7:43pm

Wed., April 9th • 7:52pm

Wed., April 16th • 8:02pm

your binoculars from Regulus to the right, you will come across a large patch of stars known as the Beehive cluster (also known as M44). You will see how the jumble of stars looks like a swarm of bees. Just below M44 is another cluster of stars known as M67 or the King Cobra cluster. This cluster needs a good dark clear sky and very good binoculars as the stars are tenth to fifteenth magnitude stars, well below human eye detection. A telescope will give you a better chance of seeing this little known Messier object, as it is often overlooked by its neighbor just above it.

Longview resident Greg Smith is past president of Friends of Galileo. Meet him and other club members at monthly meetings in Longview. For more info about FOG, visit

DEAR MISS MANNERS: Is there a “best” or “correct” way to seat couples at a dinner party using place cards? My husband and I enjoy speaking with other people, and we split couples up when we host. However, our friends seat couples together.

Should one ask couples in advance whether they’d prefer to be seated together or separately? It seems a shame not to ask, since we would have liked to have been asked, but it puts guests on the spot for an answer.

Hiking to eat? Check out Mt. St. Helens Club

Let’s give those of you who are curious about the Mt. St. Helens Club, a sneak peek of what a hike with our group entails. At the meetup point a lone hike leader arrives and surveils the skies to judge the weather he’s ordered. As the departure time nears, hikers arrive and greet one another, guests are introduced and the group carpools to the trailhead.

During the ride, Julie L. ponders how the club has given her a new group of friends while also learning good techniques and habits for hiking safely. And Melanie F. a newer member, mentions how the club has shown her great places to hike and new places to grab a bite.

Just before the hike starts, the group counts off in a circle by name and then they’re off. A funny thing happens, though, about forty-five minutes into almost every hike. Someone inevitably brings up the question, “Are we going to eat afterwards?”

So, as this sneak peek wraps up, we have some interesting takeaways. We all love getting outdoors, and hiking together, and maybe we really just hike to eat.

Mount St. Helens Club


(E) - Easier: Usually on relatively flat ground (up to 5 miles and/or less than 500 ft. e.g.) (M) - Moderate: Longer and more elevation gain (over 5 miles and/or over 500 ft. e.g.) (S) - Strenuous: Long hikes and/or elevation gain (over 8 miles and/or over 1200 ft. e.g.)

Call leader to join outing or for more info. Nonmembers welcome. Driving distances are from Longview, Wash.

(SS) – Snow Shoe (XC) – Cross Country Ski (K) – Kayak (B) – Bicycle RT - round trip        e.g. - elevation gain

Mar 15 - Sat • Gillette Lake (S) Drive 154 miles RT Hike 7.3 miles RT with 1245’ e.g. NW FOREST PASS REQUIRED FOR DRIVERS CAN BE PURCHASED AT TRAILHEAD. Leader: Charles R. 360-751-0098

Mar 19- Wed • Crown Zellerbach Trail (E) Drive 80 miles RT to Scappoose. Hike 5-7 miles on a gently rolling gravel trail with minimal e.g. Leader: Barbara R. 360-431-1131

Mar 26 - Wed • Lacamas Lake Heritage Trail (E)  Drive 90 miles RT. Hike 7 miles along lakeside flat trail with little e.g. Leader: John R. 360-431-1122

Mar 29 - Sat •  Elkspur Loop (M) Drive 168 miles RT. Hike a 5.5 mile loop (or a 7.5 mile loop) with 1095’ e.g. Leader: Bruce M. 360-4250256

April 2 - Wed • Vancouver Urban Hike (E/M) Drive 80 miles RT. Hike 6.5 miles on paved trail with 160’ e.g. Leaders: Art M. 360-270-9991, Moe B. 360-449-9488

April 5 - Sat • Gnat Creek (M)

Drive 62 miles RT. Hike 8 miles RT with 770’ e.g. (or 6 miles RT). A scenic hike through large trees past Little Barrier Falls. Leaders: Dave and Belinda K. 360-430-9879

April 9 - Wed • Lewisville Regional Park (E) Drive 76 miles RT. Walk - mile loop along the East Fork Lewis River, through large trees with 150’ e.g. Afterwards, we plan to tour the Battle Crest Distillery near Battle Ground. Leaders: Bruce M. 360-425-0256, Josie 360-353-3135

April 12 - Sat • Lake Sacajawea (E) Walk 4 miles on flat ground around the whole lake or any portion for a shorter walk. **This walk is designed for seniors and/or people with physical limitations at a slow pace.** Leader: Susan S. 360-430-9914

April 16 - Wed • Burntbridge Greenway Trail (E) Drive 80 miles RT. Hike approx. 6 miles on paved walkway with 350’ e.g. on a forested, urban and greenway trail. Leader: John R. 360431-1122.

GENTLE READER: Why would you want to be seated together? Or, asked another way, if you and your spouse want to have dinner together, why are you accepting an invitation to a dinner party?

It is the duty of guests to socialize with the hosts and other guests. The rule is to separate couples so that they can do so. They should not be asked, because no one wants to declare a preference for being apart. If there is a compelling

reason (“My wife broke her arm and can’t manage the fork”), the guest should declare it.

Please send your questions to Miss Manners at her website,; to her email,; or through postal mail to Miss Manners, Andrews McMeel Syndication, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106.

sketch by the late deena martinson
Miss Manners from page 9


Inflation, labor costs, tipping practices, and the customer

The restaurant and beverage industry has been navigating significant changes in recent years, driven by rising inflation, higher prices, and increasing wages. These factors have forced us to rethink our pricing strategies, service models, and overall business operations.

Inflation has been one of the biggest challenges for wine bars and restaurants, affecting both ingredient costs and the price of producing the food you like and the beverages you drink. Meanwhile, wine costs have increased due to higher cost of grapes and climate pressures. The good news is it forces us to source more local, affordable, and healthful ingredients.

To cope with inflation

Some wineries and restaurants are cutting back on portions and increasing wine-by-glass selections to encourage sales without requiring customers to commit to full bottles. I’m not sure this is wise, because it is still cheaper to buy the bottle and take the rest home. But consumers perceive they are spending less on a single glass.

Tipping culture in the U.S. is also changing. Most folks still want to tip according to the service they receive. The common amount of 20 percent is a social contract that has been accepted in consumers minds for years, but many customers tip at variable levels, making it hard to ensure fairness for all staff.

As service industry wages rise, many restaurants and wine bars are reconsidering traditional tipping models. Some places have adopted a service charge model, where an automatic fee is added to the bill, ensuring fair wages for staff. With minimum wage increases in Washington State and the factors aforementioned, restaurants, wine bars, and pubs have adjusted their labor budgets. If customers were to tip 25 percent, it could do a lot to help businesses deal with higher wages.

What to expect the next time you visit a pub, restaurant, or wine bar

More streamlined operations which will include reduced hours and staffing, ordering at the counter, and surcharges on your total bill or on orders that include high cost ingredients like eggs. Some may resort to adding a 25 percent tip to every bill. Expect higher prices. In some cases, your favorite watering hole may opt to close completely during slow days and even months. And overall business closures will continue, which is a shame.

What can you do?

Continue to support local businesses that offer high quality experiences and service. Most importantly, change your expectations and be patient with those businesses trying to adjust to this new reality. Maybe increase your tips to encourage businesses to keep prices stable, and don’t get mad at the changes. Be thankful that our community continues to have some great places to meet, eat, and drink.

Longview resident and former Kelso teacher Marc Roland started making wine in 2008 in his garage. He and his wife, Nancy, now operate Roland Wines at 1106 Florida Street in Longview’s new “barrel district.” For wine tasting hours, call 360-846-7304.


Roadside Angels Finding grace along a lonely state highway

n hour’s drive along a lonely Central Washington highway restored some of my faith in humanity last week.

My son, Nicky, and I were headed to Chelan from Wenatchee, where we had just competed in the state Special Olympics basketball tournament, he as a player, I as a coach.

It had been a long three days, and as I drove northward on U.S. 97 I became sleepy. So I pulled into the driveway of an abandoned zip line business to take a brief nap, letting Nicky do an electronic puzzle on his iPad.

I awoke 15 minutes later and turned the key of my Subaru Imprezza to continue our journey to visit old friends in Chelan. All I got was a rapid click, a sure sign of a dead battery. I had somehow left the key in the ignition “on” position. My snooze had drained the battery.

There was no cell phone service and nothing but scrubland surrounded us. I couldn’t reach 911. I knew, from previous visits, that I was miles from a home, a business, or cell phone service. I’m usually maniacally self-reliant, but this time I was stumped.

As I pondered my predicament, I heard some southbound motorcycles approach from beyond a slight rise.

Sure enough, three Harley riders — a bearded older guy and a middle-aged couple -— came riding toward me.

They wore biker garb but these were not Hells Angels people. They became my guardian angels that late Sunday afternoon.

I waved. They stopped. Asked me what was wrong. Checked the battery connections and dug into one of their saddle bags to grab a portable power booster. It started the Subbie right up.

I’ll never leave home again without one of those power packs, but the experience also energized my depleted view of humanity. These people were the first to come upon me and the first to stop. They didn’t need to interrupt their leisurely cruise to help, but they did.

I have no idea what their politics were, but their civility and compassion touched me. They were simply people being nice to people. As long as we as a people treat one another like that, not as labels, our culture and nation will endure.

After thanking them profusely (and neglecting to get their names, duh), I drove off feeling I had gotten plain lucky. What these friendly bikers really bestowed on me, though, was a dollop of grace.

Award-winning journalist Andre Stepankowsky is a former reporter and editor for The Daily News in Longview. His Columbia River Reader columns spring from his many interests, including hiking, rose gardening, music, and woodworking. More of his writing can be found under “Lower Columbia Currents,” on


Featured artist engineers new career

Columbia RiveR ReadeR

Chris Wise leads spring art show

“I just had to get out of Silicon Valley,” said artist Chris Wise. “Fifty years was enough — born, raised, worked.”

Wise, who is featured artist at the annual Columbian Artists Association Spring Show (see ad. page 36) traces a remarkable life and career path —from high tech engineering design firms, via cold winter solitudes of Montana’s Bitterroot Mountains, to a meticulously maintained 200 square foot “tiny house” on the shores of our own Silver Lake.

“I even have room for my potter’s wheel there.” said Wise. “I’m thrilled to be part of an active community of artists. There weren’t a lot of art shows in the Montana mountains!”

Wise’s output is as diverse as her resume (she worked on the design side for engineering firms producing everything from semi trucks to space vehicles), all traceable to a surprise gift from her daughter. “She bought

me an old, used set of oil paints and I was hooked.” Oils and acrylics gave way to a passion for pottery, featured prominently in her Cowlitz Museum show.

“There are so many different techniques and finishes, which I love experimenting

with,” she said. Her current oeuvre features “sgrafitto,” (that’s Italian for “scratch,” she told me) which entails an intricate process of firing, finishing, inscribing, and refinishing, truly the work of a former Silicon Valley design maven.

Wise clearly relishes this dance among various media. “Being able to pivot between 2D and 3D provides the balance and rhythm that feels best for me as an artist,” she said. “Even within ceramics, I need to toggle between thrown pieces and sculpted work.”

Wise appreciates the collaborative spirit spotlighting her work in the MarchApril show: “I love having compatriots,” she said, “We can chase our dreams together.”

Our World in Words

Puppy Love

We moved to the farm on Coal Creek when I was about halfway through the second grade. After a time my parents informed me and my brothers that we would have a sitter while they went to town one day. Usually, they took us to Grandma and Grandpa’s.

So this was new territory. Well, the day came and Dad went to get the sitter. He came back in a short time and through the door walked the most beautiful thing I had ever seen: a tall, thin girl

Life and Lore, Ebb and Flow, Then and Now

with lovely brown hair and matching eyes, and a smile I could not believe. As I write this 70 years later, I still get short of breath.

Dad introduced her as Rosie. When she said “Hello, Bobby,” I about went down on my knees. That first time she came over, I was so taken aback, I was so shy. I remember it was a nice, sunny day and she asked me to show her around the place.

The rest of the day is now lost to me until Dad and Mom got home. Dad said he was taking Rosie home and I said I would go along, and I did.

Well, I quickly found out she lived about three-quarters of a mile up the road, across a small creek from the Coal Creek Store.

As time passed, she would come again to sit with the Park boys. We lost our shyness, began to play tag and hide and seek. I would try to catch her as often as I could, and began to “tag” her by

Here for healing

almost a tackle, just so I could touch and smell her. She was so soft, and to touch her was like a pleasant shock, and scent like heaven through my nose.

Between times, I would walk to the store to go by her house in hopes of seeing her. This went on for two or three years, and I was as enchanted as ever when Mom told me Rosie was sick and would not be sitting anymore. Plus, she said, I could watch my brothers. What a step backwards.

So I began watching my brothers while Mom and Dad were away for a few hours. I went by Rosie’s house, but no sign of her. I asked about her and my mom said she was still ill.

One day I came home from school and Mom sat me down and told me Rosie had died. I fled the room and ran up to my bedroom and I cried for a long time. This was my first time experiencing the death of a person I was so attached to. I was sad for quite a while.

Rosie still came into my thoughts for the next 60-plus years. Whenever I would drive up Coal Creek Road by her house, she would come back in my thoughts and be almost real.

Around 2015, I was at a Johnson Family event at the Germany Creek Chapel and was chatting with my wife Gloria’s cousin, Sue Richards. She said her dad, Don, was raised on Coal Creek. I thought about that for about two seconds, then said, “Did he have a sister named Rosie?” Sue said yes, but Rosie had died at the age of 16 and that of course she’d never met her. To say the least, I was taken aback.

Later, when alone I had a good cry, and as I write this — 69 years later — I have tears in my eyes.

Bob Park grew up in Longview and graduated from R.A. Long High School He recently adopted a new dog, Joe, and took him on a road trip to Minnesota to get acquainted.

What’s Happening Around the River

Biz Buzz notes news in local business and professional circles. As space allows, we include news of innovations, improvements, new ventures and significant employee milestones of interest to readers. Please email to

Lisa Wolff was recently named the City of Longview’s new Finance Director. Wolff, a seasoned financial professional has more than 20 years of experience in municipal finance, including 18 years serving the City of Longview in various financial leadership roles. “Bringing on a dedicated Finance Director was a key priority for the city

1332 Vandercook Way Longview, WA 98632 360-425-0037

and City Council in the last budget cycle,” said City Manager Jennifer Wills. “Strong financial leadership is critical to ensuring long-term fiscal stability, responsible budgeting, and transparency for our community.”

Wolff most recently served as the city’s Fiscal Manager, where she oversaw the biennial budget, capital improvement planning, and financial analysis. Wolff officially assumed the role March 1 and will lead the Finance Department in managing the city’s financial health, budget development, and fiscal strategy..

City of Longview hosts Citizen Summit to Shape Community’s Future

The City of Longview is inviting residents to participate in the 2025 Citizen Summit, an interactive event focused on shaping the city’s future through collaboration and action. This year’s theme, Focus on “What’s Strong, Not What’s Wrong,” encourages residents to build on the city’s strengths and identify tangible steps for progress.

The summit will be held on two separate dates at the Woman’s Club at 835 21st Ave. Citizens only need to attend one session on either Wednesday, March 19, 6– 8pm. or Saturday, March 22, 10am–12pm.

“Longview has incredible potential, and this summit is about harnessing that energy to move forward together,” said Mayor Spencer Boudreau. “We’re not just talking about challenges — we’re focusing on what makes our city great and how we can build on that

Maple Street Longview, WA 98632


for the future. Every voice matters, and I encourage all residents to attend and be part of the conversation.”

Discussions will be guided by City Council members encouraging practical, actionoriented ideas.

Key questions to explore:

• What strengths make Longview unique?

• What partnerships or resources can we build on?

• What small steps can we take to create meaningful progress?

• Imagine Longview as a thriving, vibrant community. What does that look like?

All residents are welcome to attend; registration is encouraged but not required.

To RSVP visit Citizens can email for more information or with questions.

Diane Kenneway Escrow Closer / Assistant
Celinda Northrup Escrow Officer / LPO
Alison Peters Escrow Officer / LPO
Nick Lemiere CFP®
Lisa Wolff

Student-run store expands footprint in second year at Port of Kalama’s Mountain Timber Market

Fresh off their first successful year inside the Mountain Timber Market, Kalama School District’s Career and Technical Education (CTE) program advisors were approached by the Port of Kalama with an opportunity to grow their Chinook Shoppe — a hybrid learning program and student store — from a small kiosk into a permanent retail space. Flash forward several months, and the reimagined Chinook Shoppe finds itself poised for continued success in its new 450 sq. ft. location.

The expanded store now offers a wider range of products, thanks to the collaboration of various CTE classes.

Engineering classes design and create things like metal wall art and engraved tumblers, while woodworking and art students craft cheese boards, coasters and other items. Bar soaps by Future Farmers of America classes, key chains, apparel and even candy round out the store’s offerings.

“We wanted to prepare our students for the workforce,” explained Cory Torppa, CTE Director. “So, we reached out to area employers to understand their individual needs and they all emphasized the importance of teamwork, collaboration and a strong work ethic.”

The Chinook Shoppe provides an invaluable learning ground for students to foster these essential workforce skills. Five students are now employed at the store, gaining real-world experience by working in the evenings and on most weekends.

The store’s impact extends beyond the local community, including American Cruise Lines passengers, who come from around the country snapping up student-made merchandise—cherished souvenirs from their visit to Kalama.

Since opening their smaller kiosk in 2023, the Chinook Shoppe has seen consistent growth, demonstrating the creative talent of Kalama High School students and the effectiveness of the program.

With guidance from Cory Torppa and Stacy Jones (Career Connected Learning Specialist) and support from the Port, the Chinook Shoppe has grown into a thriving business and vital educational resource, preparing our students with skills they need to be ready for the future.

Port of Kalama news brief provided by Dan Polacek, Port of Kalama Legislative / Public Relations Administrator.

From left: Kalama CTE Director, Cory Torppa, Aubree Hutchinson, Jacey Hutchinson, Evey Simpson and Stacy Jones, Kalama's Career Connected Learning Specialist.


photos by

THE GEM OF NASELLE Appelo Archives Center

hile researching a book project, I visited the Appelo Archives Center in Naselle, Washington. This had been on “my list” for some time, however every time I was in the area I was unable to make a visit.

The Appelo Archives Center was founded by Carlton Appelo to share the rich history of the Naselle and Grays River Valley areas. The center is dedicated to encouraging the study of regional history and preserves collections of artifacts and archival materials.

The Center houses a museum, research library, Finnish library, and a café and bookstore on the ground level. Upon entering this time capsule. I was greeted with the aromas of breakfast cooking as locals hung out in the café, and enjoyed their food and coffee. Adjacent to the café and upstairs are the museum, which also includes an ADA chair lift for those who have difficulty with stairs.

The museum focuses on the local history of Naselle and surrounding areas with an emphasis on the importance of the logging industry that supported the community. The C.A.

and Agnes Appelo Memorial Library contains more than 400 books available for researchers or the public to reference.

Many of the library reference books came from Carleton’s 90 years of collecting local and national history. Local Finnish and Scandinavian heritage abound in the Naselle area, with the Finnish Library supporting this legacy.

There are books written in Finnish and English covering topics of Finnish history, music, arts, and children’s stories. There are also displays of Finnish costumes and clothing (above photo).

The next time you are traveling to the Southwest Washington Coast, set aside some time to visit the Appelo Archives Center, Café, and Museum, at 1056 WA-4, Naselle. Stop in for lunch (indoor and outdoor seating), and grab a loaf of Finnish Pulla bread to go!

For more information and hours please visit


Above: Left: Angela Metcalf, the Center’s Director, with an associate.

Production notes

Horriable! Bummer on the riverbank

I hereby propose a new, more accurate and historically sound designation for the mouth of our own Columbia River:

Be it formally decreed that our modestseeming, sand-bar leaving, ship-cleaving, wave-heaving, vomit-relieving, motorboatdeceiving Columbia River Bar be from this moment forward designated…

The Most Horriable Place in the World Mere “Disappointment”surely fails to capture our fearsome Cape. Consider the evidence of our beloved, but beleaguered, Lewis and Clark:

• After trekking 4,000 miles it took them 20 days to negotiate these final five

• The incessant rain rotted the clothes off their backs

• They were pummeled by 200-foot logs seven feet in diameter

• The relentlessly-understated Clark called it “distressing to a feeling person”

• It rendered Lewis depressive and speechless

• Only half the disconsolate troupe opted for the field trip to view the breakers

• When Lewis broke his silence he simply muttered, “Bummer” (not really)

• They went home early

Adding insult to injury, the Chinooks dissed the Corps’s oarsmanship, mocked their home-made canoes, and proved hard bargainers and ingenious thieves.

Finally after 10 days of torture, Clark November 22, 1805 pronounced: “O! how Horriable is the day.”

Nice ring to it?

Weigh this evidence, you traders in tall tales! Blackfeet Indians? Mild mannered. Bitterroot Mountains? Walk in the park. Great waterfalls of the Columbia? Easy peasy portage.

Hence, we respectfully follow the lead of our esteemed Nancy and Heather at Knappton Cove, who hold an “O Most Horriable Day” memorial each November, and ourselves declare that we henceforth refer to our own great river’s mouth... The Most Horriable Place in the World Graveyard of the Pacific? Nah!


Columbia Curator Nancy Bell Anderson’s enduring stewardship

The history of Knappton Cove Heritage Center is both sacred and profane.

The US Marine Hospital Service erected its original building in the late 1800s to isolate diseased sailors entering the mouth of the Columbia. They dubbed it “the lazaretto,” emulating more than 500 years of marine safety practice and commercial caution.

It was the Venetians, among the world’s great sailors and merchants, who in the 1420s designated one of their outer islands a quarantine island and refuge for lepers and victims of plague. They called it a lazaretto, likely in tribute to Saint Lazarus, he who was lifted from the dead.

Later, with predictable pragmatism — and despite its grand lineage and saintly namesake — the businesslike denizens of the Columbia Bar, circa 1890, called it simply “the pesthouse.”

“Marine hospitals were pretty common in those days,” said Nancy Bell Anderson, the wonderfully energetic 86 year-old force of nature behind the Heritage Center. “Our young nation depended so much on waterways and rivers to get to things.”

The Greatest Scourge In the 19th century, increases in trade and especially immigration exacerbated the threat of disease. The Columbia River region was doubly aware and vulnerable, from both upstream and downstream.

It was contagious disease carried by overland pioneers and explorers — not warfare — that killed as much as 90 percent of the river’s native population. Now, eastbound traffic from the mouth of the Columbia created a pathway for contagion, as well.


Shipboard outbreaks of bubonic plague caused by fleainfested rats, yellow fever spread by mosquitoes, cholera from contaminated food and water, typhoid fever from lice, and smallpox spread by un-vaccinated immigrants were not unusual.”

michael o perry, “postmarks along the trail, crr may 2007

It was the symbiosis between rats, that thrived and proliferated on unclean ships, and the parasitic culprits they carried — the common fleas that harbored and spread the diseases themselves — that was poisoning the fleets.

Politics and Prejudice

Infectious disease not only left death in its wake, it spawned fear, fed prejudice, and sickened the spirit, not just the body. Origin myths abounded, from noxious vapors to astrological signs to simply staring intently at another human with an evil eye.

Prevention and treatment were not exempt from these human foibles, either. As with so much of riverine politics, Oregon-versusWashington rivalry surfaced almost immediately.

“County of Roxburgh” ship moored at Knappton Cove for quarantine procedures, 1903. courtesy of columbia river maritime museum
The lazaretto aka “The Pesthouse” at Knappton Cove today.

“There were already three quarantine stations on the West Coast,” said Anderson, “two in California and one in Port Townsend. But that was 250 miles out of the way for ships trying to get up the Columbia.”

Recognizing the pressing need, Congress decreed a new quarantine station be located at the mouth of the river, which the prosperous, populous Astorians decided should have two epicenters: They’d do the inspections over on the Oregon side, and the Washingtonians would do the dirty work.

“There was a lot of political stuff going back and forth,” said Nancy Anderson. “Why are these Oregonians sticking us with this?”

Fumigation and Isolation

The Marine Hospital Service purchased a former salmon cannery that had dominated Knappton commerce for decades, but had declined from overfishing. For the next 40 years, ships and sailors paid their anxious visits to the Quarantine Station established there — clearing the decks for chemical purging (with sulfurous gas and later

cyanide) and enduring at least two days of personal quarantine, often as much as 10 days.

“The owners of the ships had to pay for the fumigation,” said Anderson. “If they got stopped, they also had to pay for the passage back for anybody who was disembarked.”

In the Station’s first year of operation, 133 ships were inspected and more than 6,000 people went through health inspections. “By 1912, the Columbia River Quarantine Station was among the top 10 in the U.S.,” according to Michael Perry.

Back to the Future

The Quarantine Station closed in 1938, thanks to advances in medical technologies and the advent of highways and airports as gateways.

By 1950 the site, badly overgrown and isolated — it was still at the end of an eight-mile gravel road from Naselle, before the building of the Naselle-toMegler connecting highway and the “bridge to nowhere” in 1966 — was put up for auction.

Mother and daughter admire the Center’s latest interpretive sign. Below: Recovered artifacts.
colulmbia river Quarantine station personnel, circa 1906. courtesy image

The Bells of Knappton Cove

Taking the Station out of Quarantine

The Bell Family was almost immediately split.

“From the time we bought it — it was declared surplus by the government — Mom was really interested in historic preservation,” said Nancy Bell Anderson. But her Dad had a vision of his own: setting up a salmon camp to earn summer money (he taught history and auto shop at Benson High in Portland) and hooking a few big ones of his own.

“My Dad was really something else,” she said. And of course he was on the hook for the mortgage. When questions of highlighting local history arose, “He told us from the very beginning, ’We’re going to rent boats and catch fish. Period. I’m not going to pay for some damned sign.’”

Intermezzo: Salmon Camping

Indeed Clarence Bell’s Knappton Cove Camp quickly established itself as a recreational fixture on the lower Columbia and endured for almost 40 years. In the 1950s its popular Chinook Salmon Derby drew hundreds of anglers and lavished generous cash prizes for champion fish.

Echoes of the Quarantine Station remained, of course, with artifacts showing up during the renovations and improvements to the property. Long dock-ways that used to isolate fumigating ships still stretched out into the cove, now mooring charters and private boats.

But fishing habits (‘mooching” was winning out over trolling) were changing and, as always, transportation and commerce were encroaching.

Making History

Modernity caught up with the family when the bane of their existence — that painstaking gravel road from Naselle to Knappton — was replaced in the early 60s by a new highway cutting literally through their front yard, separating docks and boats from buildings and facilities. A convenience for motorists turned their destination camp into a roadside attraction, after all.

Led by Nancy Anderson and abetted by her daughter, Heather Bell Henry, the next generation began a rekindled preservation effort, with their long-lived mother still

cheering them on. In 1980, the site was placed on the National Register of Historic Places, and the Knappton Cove Heritage Center was established in 1995, gaining the all-important non-profit status in 2005.

Anderson has compiled the colorful story of the Cove, with many more fits and starts than are even captured at the Center, into an informative book, The Columbia River’s ‘Ellis Island:’ The Story of Knappton Cove, with editing assistance from daughter Heather.

Asked about the origin of the “Heritage Center” designation which evolved over the years, Anderson reflected the spirit of both her departed parents, “We liked the sound of it. So we just made it up.”

The rest is history.

Providing Clean Power

Since 1936

Northwest hydropower produces no carbon emissions, thereby significantly reducing the total carbon footprint of the region’s energy production.

Proud Sponsor of People+Place

Hal Calbom
Read more details about the history of Knappton Cove in Nancy’s book, The Columbia River’s “Ellis Island.” Available for purchase on Amazon, $15. $5 of every book sale goes toward the preservation of this historic site.
Nancy Bell Anderson at the family’s salmon camp.

cont. from page 20

“My dad just wanted to fish,” said Anderson. “This went up on the auction block and surprise, surprise we got it! Then he mortgaged the house so he could pay for it.”

(See sidebar for the Bell Family’s Salmon Camp story, page 21).

Today the lovingly curated Quarantine Station is more than just another roadside attraction. “We don’t call it a museum; it’s a heritage site.” said Anderson. “It’s of national significance. It was important to protect our people from disease. So the whole story is public health, really. People really appreciate it.”


KNAPPTON COVE Open House Sat, May 4, 1–4pm

Public Health is a Lifesaver 2pm program


Living History Encampment Sat, Jul 12, 10–4; Sun, July 13, 10–3

Open House 1–4pm Citizenship & Constitution Day Wed, Sept 17

“Horriable Day” and Veterans Day • Sun, Nov 9.

Knappton Cove Heritage Center is located at 521 SR401, on the north side of the river across from Astoria. Free admission during regular open hours: July and August Saturday 1–4pm. Guided Tours at 2pm More info:

Hal Calbom, a third-generation Longview native and author of Empire of Trees: America’s Planned City and the Last Frontier, produces CRR’s People+Place monthly feature, and is CRRPress associate publisher. See his “In the Spotlight” column, page 37.

Doctors Lauder, Liu Offer

Exceptional Upper Extremity Care

A.J. Lauder, md, and Tiffany Liu, md, give Longview Orthopedic Associates an outstanding one-two team when it comes to providing treatment for hand, wrist, and elbow problems

Dr. Lauder completed an orthopedic surgery residency at Creighton University, followed by a hand surgery fellowship at the University of Washington. He has coauthored nearly a dozen books dealing with the hand and wrist. His writing has also been published in the Journal of Hand Surgery, Skeletal Radiology, Spine, Foot & Ankle International, and the Journal of Arthroplasty.

Dr. Lauder treats carpal tunnel, Dupuytren’s contracture, arthritis, and trigger finger.

Dr. Liu completed her orthopedic surgery residency at the University of California, San Francisco, followed by a fellowship in hand and upper extremity surgery at the prestigious Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City, ranked the top orthopedic hospital in the United States.She provides comprehensive care of all conditions affecting the hand, wrist, forearm, and elbow, with a focus on skeletal and soft tissue trauma, arthritis, and peripheral nerve injuries.

Call today to schedule an appointment with one of these outstanding physicians.

Dr. Liu, MD
Dr. Lauder, MD


Fondly remembering HaikuFest Founder Gary Meyers

Judges’ selections announced in annual poetry event


Owls, they are the kings of the deep, dark, nightime sky goodbye, small rodents

-- Janie Maurer, age 11

The cheetah is fast he has many spots on him but can you spot him?

-- Halley Rose, age 10

The slug is so slow the scared snail hides in its shell they are both slimy!

-- Stella Maurer, age 9

Stick, stick, mud, stick, lot that is all to make a dam in a pind, my dam

-- Hazel Barnick, age 9

A small red fox stops hesitates; question in mind waits and then runs off

-- Cormac Barnick, age 12

Humpback moans softly he leaps out of the water waves crash over him

-- Kelvin Rose, age 12

Blue whales are gentle giants of the deep, ocean they’re peaceful creatures!

-- Group effort by students of Sprouting Seeds School, Battle Ground, Wash.

Please see their teacher Amy Tejcka’s note in Letters to the Editor, page 4.

I heard a bird sing

In bare branches of winter, Have I come too soon?

-- Carolyn Caines, Kelso, Wash.

From no snow to snow, An invisible line on A steep country road

-- Carolyn Caines, Kelso, Wash.

February speaks volumes written of winter in every snowflake

-- G. Adele Armstrong, Raymond

Crocus peek through snow

A touch of purple beauty

There is warmth in sight

--Shelly Langlais, Scappoose, Ore.

Frogs croak twilight songs in their yearly serenade

Foretelling springtime

-- Norma Huffman, Bay City, Ore.

Peace is elusive

There are more definitions than simply “no war.”

-- PJ Peterson, Longview, Wash.

Little faces shine eager anticipation

As the tale unfolds

-- Miriam Prather, city unknown

Gray skies, blowing wind

Lots of precipitation Oh, for a warm day

-- Blair Wilson, Longview, Wash.

One day a forest next day they clear-cut the hill and then it’s gone

-- Naomi Underhill, Raymond, Wash.

She was low, yellow northerly and fat, sinking — winter moon goes low

--Naomi Underhill, Raymond, Wash.

Hummingbird plumage vibrant gemstones of the air light as a feather

-- Sharon Ashford, Longview, Wash.

Morning rays descend lights dancing on the waters a splash of diamonds

-- Sharon Ashford, Longview, Wash.

A bud has appeared my imagination sees bouquets of flowers

-- Patti Conley, Longview, Wash.

Snow and ice blinding bright white beauty abounding winter woodland walk

-- Everett Dickson, Battleground, Wash.

The love I lavished on my children is flowing through their children’s hearts

-- Inga Walter, Longview, Wash.

Black gleam, eighty-eight red roses softly scent the air music fills the room

-- S.D. Garno, Longview, Wash.

Sunbeams slice gray clouds and burst on spruce trunks turning leaden mist to gold

-- John Ciminello, Naselle, Wash.

Flowing jellyfish so softly undulating slowly propelling

-- Carol Waugh, Bellingham, Wash.

Above me, birdsong conversations in the air I pause to eavesdrop

-- Pat Richards, Longview, Wash.

A bleary-eyed bear sensing first warmth and sunlight shrugs and starts anew

-- Cynthia Svensson, Kalama, Wash.


Who spilled bright sequins? hot pink dots on gray background wonder of sunrise!

--- Kim Worral, Rainier, Ore.

Wind on the river

Neptune’s galloping horses waves mimic their manes

-- Sulema Zerr, Puget Island, Wash

Thank you to everyone who entered this year’s HaikuFest. And to our judges, who shall remain anonymous and who wouldn’t let me help. Hence, my own category. S.P.

Clatskanie, Ore.

Fultano’s Pizza

770 E. Columbia River Hwy

Family style with unique pizza offerings, hot grill items & more!

Dine-in,Take-out and Home Delivery. Visit for streamlined menu. 503-728-2922

Ixtapa Fine Mexican Restaurant

640 E. Columbia River Hwy

Fine Mexican cuisine. Daily specials. The best margarita in town. Daily drink specials. Dine-in, curbside pickup. M-Th 11am–9:30pm; Fri & Sat 11am–10:30pm; Sun 11am–9pm. 503-728-3344

Rainier. Ore.

102 East “A” Street

Microbrews, wines & spirits 7am–8pm Daily. Inside dining.

Interstate Tavern

119 E. “B” St., (Hwy 30) Crab Louie/Crab cocktails, crab-stuffed avocados. 17 hot and cold sandwiches. Amazing crab sandwiches. Full bar service. Catering for groups. 503-556-9950.

El Tapatio

117 W. ‘A’ Street

Mexican Family Restaurant. Open Fri-Sat 11am-11pm, rest of week 11am-10pm. Full bar. 8-11pm. Patio seating. 503-556-8323.

Longview, Wash.

1335 14th Avenue

18 rotating craft brews, pub fare. M-Th 11am–9pm. Fri-Sat 11am–10pm; . Local music coming soon. 360-232-8283. Wine Wednesdays: $5 pours.

Bruno’s Pizza 1108 Washington Way. Pizza, breadsticks, wings, salads, fish & chips. WE DELIVER. Four beers on tap. 360-636-4970 or 360-425-5220.

Formerly The Carriage Restaurant & Lounge located on 14th Ave.

3353 Washington Way. Chinese & American cuisine. Full bar, banquet room stage room with balcony; available for groups, special events. Restaurant: 11am–9pm, Lounge 11am–1:00am. 360-425-8680.

The Corner Cafe

796 Commerce Ave. Breakfast & Lunch.

Daily Soup & Sandwich, breakfast specials. Tues-Sat 7am-3pm. Closed Sun-Mon. 360353-5420. Email:

COLUMBIA RIVER dining guide

Eclipse Coffee & Tea In the Merk (1339 Commerce Ave., #113)

360-998-2139. Mon-Fri 8am–4pm. Specialty coffees, teas, bubble teas and pastries....drinks with a smile. Takeout and on-site.

Freddy’s Just for the Halibut 1110 Commerce Ave. Cod, Alaskan halibut fish and chips, award-winning clam chowder. Burgers, steaks, pasta. Beer and wine. M-Wed 10am–8pm, Th-Sat 10am–9pm, Sunday 11am–8pm. Inside dining, Drive-thru, outdoor seating. 360-414-3288. See ad, page 27

Hop N Grape 924 15th Ave., Longview Tues–Thurs 11am–8pm; Fri & Sat 11am–9pm. BBQ meat slow-cooked on site. Pulled pork, chicken, brisket, ribs, turkey, salmon. World-famous mac & cheese. 360577-1541.

Kyoto Sushi Steakhouse 760 Ocean Beach Hwy, Suite J 360-425-9696.

Japanese food, i.e. Hibachi, Bento boxes, Teppanyaki; Sushi (half-price Wednesdays); Kids Meal 50% Off Sundays. Mon-Th 11-2:30, 4:30-9:30. Fri-Sat 11am10pm. Sun 11am-9pm. 360-425-9696.

Lynn’s Deli & Catering 1133 14th Ave.

Soups & sandwiches, specializing in paninis, box lunches, deli sandwiches and party platters. Mon-Fri 8-3, Saturday 10-2. 360-577-5656

Roland Wines

1106 Florida St., Longview. Authentic Italian wood-fired pizza, wine, beer, specialty cocktails. Casual ambience. 5–9pm Wed-Sat, 360-846-7304 See ad, page 25.

Scythe Brewing Company 1217 3rd Avenue #150 360-353-3851

Mon-Thurs 11:30am -8pm; FriSat 11:30am -10pm. Sun 12-8pm. Family-friendly brewery/ restaurant with upscale, casual dining, lunch and dinner.

Stuffy’s 804 Ocean Beach Hwy 360-423-6356

8am–8pm. Breakfast, lunch, dinner. American style food. Free giant cinnamon roll with meal purchase on your birthday with proof of ID. Facebook: Stuffy’s II Restaurant, or Instagram @ stuffys2.


Café on Broadway

1133 Broadway. Lunch and Dinner, full bar. Mon12–8pm. Tues-Thurs 11am–8pm, Fri 11am–9pm; Sat 12–9pm. 360577-0717

Castle Rock, Wash

Luckman’s Coffee Company 239 Huntington Ave. North, Drive-thru. Pastries, sandwiches, salads, quiche. See ad, pg 38.

Vault Books & Brew 20 Cowlitz Street West, Castle Rock. Coffee and specialty drinks, quick eats & sweets. See ad, pg 30


(Parker’s former location), 1300 Mt. St. Helens Way. 360--967-2333. Open daily, 11am–10pm. Steaks, pasta, calamari, salads, sandwiches, fondue, desserts. Happy Hour, full bar. See ad, menu QR code, page 4.

Kalama, Wash.

LUCKMAN’S COFFEE Mountain Timber Market, Port of Kalama. Open 8am–7pm. 360-673-4586.See ad, pg 38.

215 N. Hendrickson Dr., Port of Kalama. A Northwest pub and unique bars serving breakfast, lunch & dinner daily. Info & reservations, bar hours at 8am–midnight daily. 360673-9210. Indoor dining, covered outdoor seating.

Antique Deli 413N. First. M-F, 10–3. Call for daily sandwich special. 360-673- 3310.

FIRESIDE CAFE 5055 Meeker Dr., Kalama. Open Wed-Sun, 9–4. 360-673-3473.

St. Helens, Ore.

Sunshine Pizza & Catering 2124 Columbia Blvd. Hot pizza, cool salad bar. Beer & wine. Limited inside seating, curbside pickup and delivery. 503-397-3211 See ad, page 32.

Big River Tap Room 313 Strand Street on the Riverfront. Lunch/Dinner Tue-Thurs 12–8pm; Fri-Sat 12–9pm. Chicago-style hot dogs, Italian beef, pastrami. Weekend Burrito Breakfast, Sat 8-11, Sun 8am-3pm.

Scappoose, Ore.

Fultano’s Pizza 51511 SE 2nd. Family style with unique pizza offerings, hot grill items & more! “Best pizza around!” Sun–Th 11:30am–9pm; Fri-Sat 11:30am–10pm. Full bar service ‘til 10pm Fri & Sat. Deliveries in Scappoose. 503-543-5100. Inside Dining.

Ixtapa Fine Mexican Restaurant 33452 Havlik Rd. Fine Mexican cuisine. Daily specials. The best margarita in town. Daily drink specials. M-Th 11am–9:30pm; Fri & Sat 11am–11:30pm; Sun 11am–9pm. 503-543-3017

Warren, Ore.

Toutle, Wash.

A Different Way of Seeing

A Different Way of Seeing


I Cross the Columbia

How many times have I crossed this river? Five hundred? A thousand? First time, 1964, with my mother, bringing me by rail from Colorado to see her beloved Northwest. It took. So there were many crossings to come on the Portland Rose, the City of Portland, and eventually Amtrak, or sometimes Greyhound, Seattle to Denver and back again. Later, in a dynasty of Volkswagens, it was I-5 and 205, the Bridge of the Gods, Hood River, The Dalles, Biggs, Umatilla, Vernita, and Vantage: for jobs, field trips, family, all the reasons one has for changing states of being. When I moved downstream to a lower trib, crossings shifted to the Lewis & Clark in Longview, the ferry at Westport, in Honda, Toyota, Subaru. Now I cross the river more than ever before — at Megler, the last bridge before the bar, And gladly so! For when I cross the Columbia now, I am crossing it to you.


The last ferry operating on the Lower Columbia is the Oscar B, which replaced its long-time predecessor, the Wahkiakum. From the Washington side, ferry riders leave Cathlamet and cross a bridge to Puget Island, where they board the ferry for the 15-minute crossing. Oscar B holds 19 vehicles and is owned and operated by Wahkiakum County. It drops passengers hourly at the Oregon-side town of Westport, just downriver from Clatskanie



This page and pg. 5 feature excerpts from CRRPress books.

CRRPRESS was founded in 2020, with the first printing of Tidewater Reach, followed by Dispatches from the Discovery Trail (see current episode, page 5), Empire of Trees, Words and Wood, and A Lifetime of Art. Purchase info, see page 2, 35.



“Everything on a grand scale.”

With 100 men and 42 mules, lead engineer Wesley Vandercook spent months through the summer and fall of 1921 mapping the tricky terrain.

The company then assembled a three-dimensional map based on Vandercook’s work, 50 feet long and 30 feet wide, assembled in sections from cardboard and overplayed with plaster of Paris. It showed not only the volumes and locations of the various stands of timber, it demonstrated Vandercook’s passion for efficiency and eliminating waste. He proposed where the company might put spar trees, roads and rail lines for maximum productivity.

photo courtesy of longview public library
The moon directing A murmuration of chum On their way to spawn
Chum Moon


I believe that all men, black and brown and white, are brothers, varying through time and opportunity, in form and gift and features, but differing in no essential particular, and alike in soul and the possibility of infinite development. --W.E.B. DuBois, American sociologist, historian, and civil rights activist, 1868-1963

Reading is an art of civilization; it’s one of the greatest acts of civilization because it takes the free raw material of the mind and builds castles of possibilities.

--Sir Ben Okri, Nigerian-born British writer, 1959-

Very often a lack of jobs and money is not the cause of poverty, but the symptom. The cause may lie deeper in our failure to give our fellow citizens a fair chance to develop their own capacities, in a lack of education and training, in a lack of medical care and housing, in a lack of decent communities in which to live and bring up their children. --Lyndon B. Johnson, 36th president, 1908-1973

It may be that when we no longer know what to do we have come to our real work, and that when we no longer know which way to go we have come to our real journey. The mind that is not baffled is not employed. The impeded stream is the one that sings.

--Wendell Berry, American writer, farmer, and environmental activist, 1934-

I believe that what we become depends on what our fathers teach us in odd moments when they aren’t trying to teach us. We are formed by little scraps of wisdom. --Umberto Eco, Italian historian, philosopher, and writer, 19322016

There is something in the human spirit that will survive and prevail, there is a tiny and brilliant light burning in the heart of man that will not go out no matter how dark the world becomes.

--Leo Tolstoy, Russian writer, 1828-1910

Every man who improves himself is aiding the progress of society, and every one who stands still, holds it back.

--Anne Sullivan, American teacher and companion of Helen Keller, 1866-1936

Longview native Debra Tweedy has lived on four continents. She and her husband decided to return to her hometown and bought a house facing Lake Sacajawea.“We came back because of the Lake and the Longview Public Library,” she says.

SWhat are you reading?

Where Coyotes Howl by Sandra Dallas

et in Eastern Wyoming during the early 1900s, Sandra Dallas sensitively portrays prairie women’s struggles with isolation, loneliness and lack of autonomy in an unforgiving environment that ranges from sub-zero blizzards to scorching dry, dusty summers. Farming seldom produces enough income to sustain their families, often headed by men who underestimated the knowledge and effort needed to survive under such harsh conditions. Consumed by their long days of toil, women and children often perish from childbirth and disease due to lack of medical care.

Kalama resident Judy MacLeod is a retired high school English teacher, a voracious reader, and an activist, advocating for a better world for her grandchildren and all children.

The story centers around the struggles of four women, two of whom must deal with a special needs child. What happens to a family when a husband abandons them, or to the children whose parents have died? What fearful emotions are triggered when a friend dies during childbirth? Their solutions are creative in a world with few options, and they emerge wiser and stronger as examples for us today.

While modern life can still present significant challenges, this book made me appreciate just how far women have come. Unlike my mother’s and grandmother’s generations, I have been given the opportunity to chart my own future and the freedom to choose the number of children I can manage physically, emotionally and financially. I have career choices and educational

Monthly feature coordinated by Alan Rose


Read a good book lately? Share your impressions and thoughts with other CRR readers. Email alan@alan-rose. com or publisher@crreader. com for info. Writers and non-writers welcome, editing services provided, and can be based on phone mini-interview if preferred.

alternatives that can provide financial security and independence, instead of being trapped in a toxic relationship. Yet the fight for equal rights is far from over, and we need to be reminded of what’s at stake if we sit back and do nothing.

in the historic Castle Rock Bank Building 20 Cowlitz Street West Mon-Sat 8:30–5 • Sun 10–4 360-916-1377

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1. Deep End

Ali Hazelwood, Berkley, $20

2. Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros, Entangled: Red Tower Books,$20.99

3. Martyr!

Kaveh Akbar, Vintage, $18

4. Demon Copperhead

Barbara Kingsolver, Harper Perennial, $21.99

5. Parable of the Sower

Octavia E. Butler, Grand Central, $19.99

6. Orbital Samantha Harvey, Grove Press, $17

7. The Frozen River

Ariel Lawhon, Vintage, $18

8. Funny Story

Emily Henry, Berkley, $19, 9. The Handmaid’s Tale

Margaret Atwood, Anchor, $18

10. Project Hail Mary Andy Weir, Ballantine, $20

Brought to you by Book Sense and Pacific Northwest Booksellers Association, for week ending March 2, 2025, based on reporting from the independent bookstores of Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana. For the Book Sense store nearest you, visit


1. On Tyranny

Timothy Snyder, Crown, $12

2. Braiding Sweetgrass

Robin Wall Kimmerer, Milkweed Editions, $20

3. The Wager

David Grann, Vintage, $21

4. The Body Keeps the Score

Bessel van der Kolk, M.D., Penguin, $19

5. Solito

Javier Zamora, Hogarth, $18

6. The Backyard Bird Chronicles

Amy Tan, Knopf, $36

7. All About Love bell hooks, Morrow, $16.99

8. The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine

Rashid Khalidi, Metropolitan Books, $19.99

9. Eve Cat Bohannon, Vintage, $20

10. Democracy Awakening

Heather Cox Richardson, Penguin, $18


TBig Jim and the White Boy

David F. Walker and Marcus Kwame Anderson Ten Speed Graphic

$25.99 Paperback

his graphic novel reminded me of the pleasure I once enjoyed reading Classics Illustrated comics as a child: the bright colors, the vivid drawings, the story flowing from one panel to the next in a cavalcade of images, they all fed my young imagination. It’s how I first “read” The Three Musketeers, The Count of Monte Cristo, Treasure Island, and other classics.

Alan’s haunting novel of the AIDS epidemic, As If Death Summoned, won the Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Award (LGBT category.) He organizes the monthly Word Fest gathering (info at left). Reach him at

1. James

Percival Everett, Doubleday, $28

2. Onyx Storm (Standard Edition)

Rebecca Yarros, Entangled: Red Tower Books, $29.99

3. The God of the Woods

Liz Moore, Riverhead Books, $30

4. Iron Flame

Rebecca Yarros, Entangled: Red Tower Books, $29.99

5. Battle Mountain

C.J. Box, G.P. Putnam’s Sons, $32

6. Emily Wilde’s Compendium of Lost Tales

Heather Fawcett, Del Rey, $29

7. All Fours

Miranda July, Riverhead Books, $29

8. Black Woods, Blue Sky Eowyn Ivey, Random House, $29

9. The Bones Beneath My Skin

TJ Klune, Tor Books, $29.99

10. Small Things Like These Claire Keegan, Grove Press, $20

1. The Serviceberry Robin Wall Kimmerer, John Burgoyne (Illus.), Scribner

2. The Let Them Theory Mel Robbins, Hay House LLC, $29.99

3. One Day, Everyone Will Have Always Been Against This Omar El Akkad, Knopf, $28,

4. On the Hippie Trail

Rick Steves, Rick Steves, $30

5. How We Learn to Be Brave Mariann Edgar Budde, Avery, $28

6. Memorial Days

Geraldine Brooks, Viking, $28

7. The Creative Act Rick Rubin, Penguin Press, $32

8. The Sirens’ Call Chris Hayes, Penguin Press, $32

9. I’ll Have What She’s Having Chelsea Handler, The Dial Press, $32

10. The Harder I Fight the More I Love You Neko Case, Grand Central Publishing, $30

Top 10 Bestsellers

1. Goodnight Moon

Margaret Wise Brown, Clement Hurd (Illus.), Harper, $10.99

2. The Very Hungry Caterpillar Eric Carle, World of Eric Carle, $10.99

3. Where the Wild Things Are Maurice Sendak, Harper, $21.99

4. Shark Girl Kate Beaton, Roaring Brook Press, $18.99

5. The Bakery Dragon

Devin Elle Kurtz, Knopf Books for Young Readers, $18.99

6. I Eat Poop.: A Dung Beetle

Story Mark Pett, Roaring Brook Press, $19.99,

7. Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?

Bill Martin, Jr., Eric Carle (Illus.), Henry Holt and Co. BYR, $8.99

8. Good Night, Gorilla

Peggy Rathmann, G.P. Putnam’s Sons Books for Young Readers, $8.99

9. Bluey: Butterflies

Penguin Young Readers, $5.99

10. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

Bill Martin, John Archambault, Lois Ehlert (Illus.), Little Simon, $7.99

1. A Wolf Called Fire

Rosanne Parry, Mónica Armiño (Illus.), Greenwillow Books, $18.99

2. Impossible Creatures

Katherine Rundell, Ashley Mackenzie (Illus.), Knopf Books for Young Readers, $19.99

3. Warriors: The Prophecies Begin Erin Hunter, Natalie Riess (Illus.), Sara Goetter (Illus.), HarperAlley, $15.99

4. The Bletchley Riddle

Ruta Sepetys, Steve Sheinkin, Viking Books for Young Readers, $18.99

5. A Wolf Called Wander

Rosanne Parry, Mónica Armiño (Illus.), Greenwillow Books, $9.99

6. The Squad

Christina Soontornvat, Joanna Cacao (Illus.), Graphix, $12.99

7. The Eyes and the Impossible

Dave Eggers, Shawn Harris (Illus.), Knopf Books for Young Readers, $19.99

8. Super Duper Extra Deluxe Essential Handbook Scholastic, $16.99

9. The New Girl

Cassandra Calin, Graphix, $12.99

10. Mixed-Up

Kami Garcia, Brittney Williams (Illus.), First Second, $14.99

Re-inventing Huckleberry Finn. Again

The book industry officially recognized the genre of graphic novels in 2001, and ever since then they have become immensely popular, particularly among younger readers. Over the years, they have continued to gain visibility and legitimacy as an art form, especially after 1992, when Maus , Art Spiegelman’s graphic novel about the holocaust, won the Pulitzer Prize.

Though primarily a visual art form, the graphic novel can convey narrative, nuance, and insight. This is certainly the case with Big Jim and the White Boy, a re-imagining of the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. It joins other recent retellings, or extensions, of Mark Twain’s classic, like Robert Coover’s Huck Out

West (2017), where Huck as a young man witnesses the “winning” of the West—the gold rushes, the homesteaders, the Indian wars, the massacres—that was a formative chapter in this nation’s history; or like last year’s National Book Award-winning James (2024) by Percival Everett, retelling Twain’s tale from the point of view of the enslaved character Jim.

This story is set in three distinct time periods: the turbulent 1850s and ‘60s leading up to and including the Civil War; and then 1932, when Jim and Huck are now old men, lifelong friends recounting, and often humorously correcting, each other’s memories of their past; and then in contemporary times, when a descendant of Jim’s is teaching a university course on Huckleberry Finn. cont. page 32

Book Review from page 31

This imaginative story framework allows the creative team of David Walker and Marcus Kwame Anderson to show the reality of slavery in mid19th century America, telling stories of the Underground Railroad, of John Brown’s raid on Harper’s Ferry, and of the eventual war itself. It also allows them to provide background on Twain’s 1885 book, including the actual people on whom the characters of Huck and Jim were based.

Each age rediscovers and, to some extent, re-invents the past. Big Jim and the White Boy uses the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn as a springboard to deepen, expand, and enrich our understanding of the American past that produced this classic work.

I’ve got my boyhood copy of Huckleberry Finn right here in my briefcase. Can’t wait to read the graphic book version Alan reviewed...I always LOVED comic books! And Mad Magazine.

Day Trips & Getaways


in Pacific County

Nestled along Washington State’s stunning coastline, Pacific County is a hidden gem waiting to be explored. Whether you’re a nature enthusiast, history buff, or simply seeking a tranquil escape, our region offers unforgettable experiences. Discover the unique charm, vibrant communities, and unparalleled beauty of Pacific County.

Start your journey in South Bend In “Oyster Capital of the World,” maritime heritage comes alive. Willapa

Bay, with its pristine waters and lush landscapes, is a haven for outdoor lovers. Explore the Willapa National Wildlife Refuge or hike the Willapa Hills Trail, with old-growth forests and serene waterways. Savor fresh, local oysters at waterfront restaurants like the historic Chester Club, or tour a working oyster farm at Goose Point Oystery in Bay Center.

History and culture thrive here, too Visit the Pacific County Historical Society & Museum, Northwest Carriage

Where to find the new Reader

It’s delivered all around the River by the 15th of each month. Here’s the handy, regularly-refilled sidewalk box and rack locations, where you can pick up a copy any time of day and even in your bathrobe:


U.S. Bank

Post Office

Forever Fit - 1211 18th Ave

Bob’s (rack, main check-out)

In front of 1232 Commerce Ave

In front of 1323 Commerce Ave

In front of Elam’s 1413 Commerce

Teri’s on Broadway (side entry)

In front of Freddy’s 1110 Commerce


Fred Meyer (rack, service desk)

Grocery Outlet, OB Hwy

Fibre Fed’l CU - Commerce Ave

Monticello Hotel (front entrance)

Kaiser Permanente

St. John Medical Center (rack, Park Lake Café)

LCC Student Center

Columbia River Reader Office 1333 14th Ave. (box at door)

Omelettes & More (entry rack)

Stuffy’s II (entry rack)


Visitors’ Center / Kelso-Longview Chamber of Commerce


Etc Mercantile

Fibre Fed’l CU

Kalama Shopping Center corner of First & Fir

Columbia Inn

McMenamin’s Harbor Lodge (rack)

Luckmans Coffee, Mountain Timber Market, Port of Kalama


The Oak Tree

Visitors’ Center

Grocery Outlet

Luckman Coffee


In front of CR Blooms Center

Cowlitz St. W., near Vault Books & Brew

Visitors’ Ctr, 890 Huntington Ave N., Exit 49, west side of I-5

Cascade Select Market

Amaro’s Table (former location of Parker’s) inside rack


Little Crane Café


Café porch


Drew’s Grocery & Service


Post Office

Mobil / Mini-Mart

Fultano’s Pizza


Berry Patch (entry rack)


Post Office

Cornerstone Café

Rainier Hardware (rack, entry)

Earth ‘n’ Sun (on Hwy 30)

El Tapatio (entry rack)

Grocery Outlet

Senior Center (rack at front door)


Deer Island Store


Post Office


Warren Country Inn


Chamber of Commerce

Sunshine Pizza

St. Helens Market Fresh

Olde Town (near 2-Cs Consignment Mall)

Big River Tap Room



Post Office

Road Runner


Ace Hardware


Fred Meyer


Cathlamet Pharmacy

Tsuga Gallery

Realty West/Computer Link NW

Puget Island Ferry Landing


Skamokawa General Store


Appelo Archives & Café

Johnson’s One-Stop


Time Enough Books (entry table)

Marie Powell’s Gallery (inside rack)


Ocean Park Area Chamber of Commerce


Northwest Carriage Museum

Pacific County Historical Society & Museum

Timberland Library

Metal sculptures line US-101 in Pacific County cont. next page
Umbrella Man

Museum, or Columbia Pacific Heritage Museum to uncover the region’s rich past. Dive into the stories of the Shoalwater Bay Indian Tribe and the Chinook Nation, or explore the legacy of the Lewis and Clark Expedition.

Venture to Long Beach, a 28-mile stretch of sandy shoreline and the World’s Longest drivable beach. Fly a kite, comb the shore, or visit Cape Disappointment State Park, where the Columbia River meets the Pacific Ocean. Don’t miss the World Kite Museum or a ride on the Long Beach Trolley. Washington’s oldest operating hotel

For a unique stay, visit the historic Tokeland Hotel and enjoy cozy rooms, rustic decor, and a meal at The Wandering Goose, featuring Pacific Northwest specialties. Immerse yourself in Pacific County’s natural beauty, rich history, and warm hospitality. On behalf of the Willapa Harbor Chamber of Commerce, we look forward to welcoming you.


See ad, page 35. For more information on planning your trip, visit willapaharbor. org and evergreencoastwa.

com . Columbia Coast TV offers a “window” into Pacific County’s vibrant culture — take a look at



Where do you read THE READER?


Send your photo reading the Reader (high-resolution JPEG) to publisher@ For cell phone photos, choose the largest file size up to 2 MB. Include names and cities of residence. Expect an acknowledgment within 5 days of submission; otherwise, please re-send. Thank you for your participation and patience, as we usually have a small backlog!

n Passing thru the ‘View m
May I have this waltz? Donna and Paul McLain inside 17th Century St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Passau, Germany in Nov. 2024, as part of their Viking River Boat Cruise “Danube Waltz,” Budapest to Passau.
On their way to Astoria in December, Marlene Allbright and Fred Kaplan, both of Seattle, stopped at the Monticello Hotel to pick up the latest copy of the Reader. Fred is a member of a men’s book club in Seattle, along with CRR’s own Hal Calbom, and other cheerful gentlemen.
Party girl! Longview resident Blair Wilson reading the Reader in Astoria, Oregon during her stay for several days around her birthday.
Girlfriends in Guatemala Kelso resident Nancy Gill, left, and Ilona Kerby, Longview resident at Tikal, in Guatemala, the largest Mayan site in Central America.

The time is now to discover your next adventure in Pacific County!

Razor Clam & Shellfish Festival-Long Beach April 26 & 27

Loyalty Days-Long Beach May 4

PNW Offshore Sailing Race-Ilwaco May 14

Tides & Timbers Festival-South Bend May 24-26

Pacific Coast Running Festival-Long Beach May 31 & June 1

Pacific County Pride Festival-Pacific County June 21-22

Sandsations-Pacific County July 16-20

78th Annual Long Beach Rodeo-Long Beach July 26 & 27

Willapa Festival-Raymond Aug 1 & 2

Tokeland Woodfest-Tokeland Aug. 9 & 10

Peninsula R&B Festival-Nachotta Aug. 15 & 16

Wa. State International Kite Festival-Long Beach Aug. 18-24

The Pacific County Fair Menlo Aug. 20-23

Come & Play on Labor Day-South Bend Aug 30 -Sept. 1

Slow Drag-Ilwaco Sept 5

Garlic Festival- Ocean Park Sept 14 & 15

Discovery & Adventure awaits on Washington’s Evergreen Coast! Plan your next visit now, there’s so much to discover!

Submission Guidelines

Letters to the Editor (up to 200 words) relevant to the publication’s purpose — helping readers discover and enjoy the good life in the Columbia River region, at home and on the road — are welcome. Longer pieces, or excerpts thereof, in response to previously-published articles, may be printed at the discretion of the publisher and subject to editing and space limitations.

Items sent to CRR will be considered for publication unless the writer specifies otherwise. Writer’s name and phone number must be included; anonymous submissions will not be considered.

Political Endorsements CRR is a monthly publication serving readers in several towns, three counties, two states and beyond, and does not publish Letters to the Editor that are endorsements or criticisms of political candidates or controversial issues. (Paid ad space is available.)

Unsolicited submissions may be considered, provided they are consistent with the publication’s purpose. Advance contact with the editor is recommended. Information of general interest submitted by readers may be used as background or incorporated in future articles.

Outings & Events calendar (free listing): Events must be open to the public. Non-profit organizations and the arts, entertainment, educational and recreational opportunities and community cultural events will receive listing priority. Fundraisers must be sanctioned/sponsored by the benefiting non-profit organization. Commercial projects, businesses and organizations wishing to promote their particular products or services are invited to purchase advertising.


Send your non-commercial community event info (incl name of event, beneficiary, sponsor, date & time, location, brief description and contact info) to

Or mail or hand-deliver (in person or via mail slot) to: Columbia River Reader 1333 14th, Longview, WA 98632

Submission Deadlines

Events occurring: April 15 – May 20 by March 25 for the April 15 issue May15 – June 20 by April. 25 for May 15 issue.

Calendar submissions are considered for inclusion, subject to lead time, relevance to readers, and space limitations.

See Submission Guidelines above.

St. Patrick Day Lunch with Corned Beef Cabbage Mon, Mar 17. 12pm. Luck of the Irish Raffle 1pm. 50 prizes. Tickets $1 ea, 6 for $5. Addl raffles for lottery tickets and April 6 Blazer tickets, two courtside seats valued at $3,800, raffle tickets $10 ea, only 350 sold. Visitor side seats two rows back, val.$600, raffle tickets $5 each, 300 tickets sold. Rainier Riverfront Center (Senior Center), 48 West 7 St. Rainier Ore. 503 556-3889 (M thru F, 9:30–2).

An Alpine Spring with Brahms Sat., Mar 29, 3pm. Presented by Columbia River Chamber Music Festival, featuring Don Kirkpatrick, violin; Austin Bennett, cello; Grant Mack, piano. Free, donations accepted. St. Stephens Church, 1428 22nd Ave., Longview Wash.

Jumping the Pond: Connecting Immigrants to their Homeland by Mary Kircher Roddy, genealogist, writer, lecturer. April 10. Lower Columbia Genealogical Society Zoom meeting. Virtual doors open 6:30pm, program 7pm. Public invited. For a link to join meeting: Please request 24 hours prior to meeting.

see page 12

watercolorized sketch by the late deena

Outings & Events

Quincy Grange 49th Annual Chicken Dinner April 13th, 12-3pm, at grange hall, 78314 Rutters Rd, Clatskanie, Ore. Adults $16, ages 6-12, $8.50, under 6 free. Traditional Sunday fried chicken dinner including dessert & beverage. Proceeds benefit youth programs, scholarships, and community services. On Facebook. Info: Ellen 593-728-2886, Barb 503728-4143.

Kids’ Fish-In 2025 Sat., April 26. Lake Sacajawea, Longview, Wash. Nine sessions with 50 participants each, every 45 mins, 8am–4pm. Afternoon slots may still be available. Registration fee $10 each participant, ages 5–14. Register asap at Parks & Rec office, 2920 Douglas St., Longview,Wash., or online: www. mylongview. com/Rec. No personal fishing gear allowed; everything is provided for each registered participant. Volunteers will be available to assist and will man a fish cleaning area. Questions? Phone: 360-442-5400. Sponsored by Early Edition Rotary Club.


A gift from Dr. and Mrs. H. Minthorn to the community via Lower Columbia College Foundation, The Minthorn Collection of Chinese Art encompasses a wide range of styles and is displayed in the upper level of the art gallery in LCC’s Rose Center, open M-Th 10–3 during current Forsberg Exhibition only. Free.

Saturday, April 5, 7:30pm

Tickets: Adult $25; Senior/ Students $23, Child $20


Performance at Birkenfeld Theatre, Clatskanie Cultural Center, Clatskanie, Ore.

Tickets / Info:

Historical Museum

405 Allen Street, Kelso, WA March 22 through April 12, 2025

Hours: Tuesday through Saturday 10am to 4pm


Featured Artist Chris Wise
story, page 14

Outings & Events

“Suites & Pieces, Novelty & Bits”

The North Coast Symphonic Band. Sun., April 13, 2pm, Liberty Theatre, 12th & Commercial, Astoria, Ore.”

Selections include Gerald Finzi’s “Lyric Suite,” combining the styles of Gustav Holst and Ralph Vaughn Williams; Robert Buckley’s “Jitterbug!” and Henry Mancini’s “The Swing March.” Doors open 1pm with Northwest Flute Trio playing prelude music at 1:30pm. Advance tickets $15 at the Liberty Theatre Box Office, 2–5:30pm Wed–Sat, online at www.libertyastoria.showare. com, or day of the concert, $20. High school students free; middle school students and younger, free with a paying adult.


1418 Commerce Avenue, Longview Tues thru Sat, 11–4. Visit the Gallery to see new work. For event updates check our website:, at Broadway Gallery on Facebook, and broadway gallery longview on Instagram.


March Guest artists Kirt Minnich (pottery); Holly Minnich (mixed media)

April Guest Artist Ruth Doumit (ceramics & mosaics); Gallery Artist Adrienne Stacey (painting)

FUN AFTER 50! Kelso Senior Center, 106 NW 8th Ave., Kelso, Wash. presents various events and activities, i.e. book club, genealogy introductory class, crafts, bingo, pinochle, mahjong, bridge, dancing, and more. Info: 360232-8522 or

Dementia Support Group Fridays, 1–3 pm, Catlin Center (Kelso Senior Center), 106 NE 8th Ave, Kelso, Wash. Sponsored by HOPE, an organization serving Oregon and SW Washington. offering support, education, and advocacy for care partners and individuals living with dementia. For more info, or contact Debbie Docksteader: 360353-8253.

FIRST THURSDAY April 3rd 5:30–7pm. Join us for Refreshments & Live Music & Live

Classes & workshops available on our website or in store.

Linda McCord’S Free Friday workshops & demos starting March 28th: Acrylic Pouring 10-11am. Plus “Green Sales” of 10% off her work through March. Fashion Fridays: Bring any garment in for assistance with accessories to make a fashion statement.


Tues - Sat 11–4

Free Gift Wrap on request.

in the spotlight

They span the best of both worlds with a sound that’s been around, as comfortable playing a street fair as Carnegie Hall.

They are Pink Martini — in April headlining the Columbia Theatre’s 100th Celebration — and joining us this month IN THE SPOTLIGHT.


Voted one of top 3 Galleries in SW Washington.

Unique gifts! Beautiful artisan cards, jewelry, books by local authors, wearable art, original paintings, pottery, sculpture, photographs and MORE!

These local favorites are “local favorites” virtually everywhere they go!

This wonderfully eclectic band — the brainchild of Portland’s Thomas Lauderdale — manages to be both adventurous and traditional, risk-taking and as comfortable as your living room. They’ve built a world-wide following by devising a worldly repertoire and cohort of international musicians.

“We often say if the United Nations had a house band, especially back a couple of decades ago, we’d be it,” said Lauderdale.

Having started the band shortly after graduating college in the early 1990s Lauderdale and company have done it all — sold more than three million

Hal Calbom is associate publisher with CRRPress, and produces CRR’s monthly “People+Place” feature, see page 19.

albums, played with 70-plus symphony orchestras, and performed their music, astonishingly, in 25 different languages. Their dozen musicians and support team consider themselves “lucky to keep growing,” and divide their time about half on the road performing and the rest recording and maintaining office hours on First Street in Portland.

“We consider it important to be active in Portland’s artistic and cultural scene,” said band publicist Claire Dennerlein in a phone conversation this month. “One of our favorite band origin stories is Thomas coming back to Portland to start a career in politics, but then becoming obsessed that the music at political events just wasn’t working,” she said. “Who knew?”

Lauderdale soon teamed up with a Harvard classmate, vocalist China Forbes, and the two remain the nucleus of the band today.

“We love the Columbia Theatre, one of the great ones,” said Dennerlein. “We’re playing a lot of these centennial

featuring China Forbes
photos: eric morgensen

Pink Martini from page 37 IF YOU GO Pink Martini

gigs these days, and it so happens we’re also celebrating the 30th year of Pink Martini, as well.”

Lauderdale clearly has inexhaustible energy, and has built a following with a rigorous work ethic, not just eclectic tunes and top-rate musicianship.

Friday, April 11, 7:30pm

Columbia Theatre for the Performing Arts, 1231 Vandercook Way, Longview, Wash.

Tickets: Adults $65–70; Ages 17 and under $35.

Columbia theatRe box offiCe 1231 vandeRCook waY, longview, waSh m-f 11:30–5:30 oR online ColumbiatheatRe.Com

“You know I wondered the other day if there’s any place we’ve played lately where they don’t know us!” he said.

Pink Martini would seem to have it both ways — capturing new audiences sampling their concoctions, and keeping their faithful anxious for one more sip.

Columbia Theatre will host a range of centennial activities beginning the weekend of April 4th and culminating with Pink Martini as the main attraction Friday night, April 11th.


Utilize PUD’s Service Estimator Tool

The residential underground line extension estimator estimates the cost of installing electric facilities to service your new home, based on the distance you provide. Actual design and advance payment will be determined after you meet on-site with a Cowlitz PUD representative.

Underground estimates do not apply to service alterations, conversions, non-residential line extensions, multiple-lot applications, or any lot where low-voltage facilities already exist to serve your new home.

The estimated path for the power line should be clear, accessible year-round, and free of trees and rock. All primary line extensions (from source to transformer) must be installed along a rocked driveway. Secondary line extensions (from transformer to meter) do not have to be alongside a road or driveway.

CRR readers are: Cheerful Curious Funny, yet wise Good-looking Modest Thanks for reading CRR!

Other factors that may affect cost include, (but are not limited to):

• Street crossing (traffic control, boring across road, or road repair from trenching); the average additional cost to install a road crossing is $1,600-plus.

• Existing transformer upgrade costs; the average additional cost to upgrade transformer is $2,500-plus.

•Trenching along the road right-of-way by PUD excavation crew

• Obstacles in the route

• Steep incline/decline

• Easements

• Right-of-way Permitting

The maximum allowed service wire length is 150 feet. All other distances will be calculated as a primary line extension. Check it out at: https://www.cowlitzpud. org/new-services/estimator-tool/


the spectator by ned piper

Better than tennis

arch Madness: my favorite sports time of the year. More captivating than the Super Bowl, the bowl games played around New Year’s Day, and far more unpredictable than the NBA playoffs.

Besides, I have reason to take it personally. My uncle, Kirk Gebert, played in the second-ever national playoff game. Uncle Kirk played guard for the Washington State Cougars. They lost by two points to the Wisconsin Badgers. Kirk became an All American that year, 1940.

My favorite team in this year’s Madness is the Gonzaga Bulldogs. Not only are they somewhat local (Spokane), they are scrappy and just plain fun to watch. I admit, I was deeply offended when 10 of the 12 teams in the PAC 12 deserted their fans to join the BIG 10, a league located in the Midwest and East. Many in the sports world commented: “Follow the money.”

There are two divisions in March Madness, teams of men and teams of equally-talented women, who are sharp shooters, incredible playmakers, and almost perfect from the foul line.

I’m not a betting man, but I’d bet a lot of folks are putting their money on the JuJu Watkins-led University of Southern California Lady Trojans. It’s more difficult to pick a winner in the men’s division. At press time, the brackets haven’t yet been determined. I will be interested to learn who Gonzaga will be facing in the first round.

Did you hear about the woman who found her husband holed up and watching March Madness in his den? She said, “I swear, you love basketball more than you love me.”

“Yeah,” replied, “but I love you more than I love tennis.”

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