E M BR AC E t he O r d i n a r y
Clever uses for...
Tennis balls No need to toss ’em once they’ve lost their bounce.
Remove scuff marks
Hammer softly
Protectt a p padlock To keep the lock on your shed from rusting, cut a slit in the top of an old tennis ball with an X-Acto knife (the slit should be at least ½" longer than the width of the lock) and slide the lock inside to shield it from the elements.
Open tough jars Cut along the white line of a tennis ball until it’s split open, then place one half on top of the jar with the rubber side down. This will provide the friction you need to get a good grip on stuck-shut lids.
September 2013
FUN FACT Each year, more than 70,000 tennis balls are used during the three-week-long US Open tournament.
Some jobs, like assembling delicate furniture, require a gentler touch. If you don’t have a rubber mallet, use a tennis ball to soften the blow. Simply cut an X into the ball, then push the flat side of the hammer into it.
Keep a bike upright Parking a bicycle on grass, pebbles or an uneven sidewalk can be tricky—especially if your kickstand is a little wobbly. For better balance, poke a hole in a tennis ball and slip it onto the bottom of the kickstand.
Erase stubborn black lines on your wood floors by rubbing them with a clean tennis ball. The marks will quickly transfer to the felt on the ball, leaving you with a shiny, streak-free surface.