Erie Family Health Center 2009 Annual Report

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Erie Family Health Center 2009 a n n u a l r e p o r t

contents 3 message from the president 4 the last frontier in community health care 8 removing the barriers to diabetes care 2 meeting teens on their 1 own turf 16 improving breast cancer outcomes 20 meeting the urgent need for prenatal care 4 increasing access to 2 vision care 28 services and locations 31 financial statement 33 the benefactors behind erie’s mission 36 board of directors


inspiring trust


healing Chicago’s communities


caring for patients with compassion and respect The Faces of Erie: Most of the images in this year’s annual repor t (including the por trait at left) feature Chicago-area residents who have found a medical and dental home — and the care that they need and deserve — at one of our nine Chicago health centers. We hope you enjoy seeing the faces of real Erie patients who have benefited from your generosity and support.

message from the president

Dr. Martin Luther King spoke out strongly against health care disparities during his lifetime, stressing that “of all forms of inequality, injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane.” Yet, despite tremendous advances in medical care, these disparities persist today. According to a recent report released by the consumer health advocacy group Families USA, 86.7 million individuals— one in three Americans —were uninsured at some point during the past two years. Racial and ethnic minorities represented only a third of the U.S. population during this period, but they comprised more than 50 percent of the nation’s uninsured. Here in Illinois, nearly 30 percent of Hispanics and 21 percent of African Americans were uninsured, compared with 11 percent of the Caucasian population. Without community-based health centers like Erie, many of these uninsured and underinsured Chicago-area residents would be forced to postpone necessary medical treatments, cut back on prescriptions and forego preventive care altogether. In this report, you’ll learn more about Erie’s efforts to address these racial, ethnic and economic disparities by delivering high-quality, culturally sensitive health care to the Chicago area’s most vulnerable citizens, regardless of their ability to pay. You’ll also find out about some of the groundbreaking new programs and partnerships that have enabled us to meet our patients’ needs in innovative and cost-effective ways. Perhaps best of all, you’ll have a chance to experience the human impact of our programs and services as you meet three of our patients and learn about the ways that Erie has met their health care needs and enhanced their quality of life. Like Josefina Chavez, a restaurant worker who is successfully managing her diabetes through our Comprehensive Diabetes Control Program (page 11). And Carolina Gonzalez, who was screened for breast cancer through Erie’s partnership with Norwegian American Hospital (page 19). And Juan Lugo, a diabetic who received vision care through our new optometry partnership with Northwestern Memorial Foundation (page 27). On behalf of Josefina, Carolina, Juan and the 28,940 other patients whose lives were enhanced by our mission in FY09, we thank you for your continued commitment to Erie Family Health Center—and to the vibrant health and well-being of the communities that we serve.

Lee Francis MD, MPH

President and CEO


the last frontier in community health care

As the debate about America’s health care crisis raged in our nation’s capital in FY09, few Americans were aware of the toll being taken by our country’s “other” health care crisis—the silent epidemic that has been linked with weakened immune systems, impaired growth and development, ear and sinus infections, heart and lung disease, stroke, premature births, low-birthweight babies, diabetes and even osteoporosis. It has been described as the greatest unmet health need in Chicago’s low-income communities—and the last frontier in community-based health care. The crisis? It’s dental disease —and it’s a chronic problem among the lowincome and minority populations served by Erie Family Health Center. It is almost completely preventable, yet it is the most common chronic childhood disease—five Erie has provided

times more common than asthma and seven times more common than hay fever.

restorative and

It’s twice as prevalent among low-income children, who have 12 times as many

preventive oral health care services for more than 10,000 pregnant women, children and diabetic adults in

restricted-activity days due to tooth decay than their higher-income counterparts. These oral health disparities are not limited to children: low-income adults are much more likely to have lost teeth to decay and gum disease than adults in higher income brackets. To meet the overwhelming need for high-quality oral health care services in

Chicago’s West Side

Chicago, Erie opened its first oral health center in Albany Park in 2005 and a

and Northwest Side

second oral health center in Humboldt Park in 2007. At these state-of-the-art


facilities, Erie has provided restorative and preventive oral health care services for more than 10,000 pregnant women, children and diabetic adults in Chicago’s West Side and Northwest Side communities.

Yet the number of Erie patients in need of oral health care services still far

exceeds our current capacity. To address this need, we applied for an extremely


Because 67 percent of Erie’s patients are best served in Spanish, Erie offers

bilingual oral health services

competitive federal grant in FY08 to support the expansion of Erie’s oral health programming. We are proud to report that Erie was one of only three grantees in the state to receive this federal grant in FY09, which enabled us to add weekend and evening hours; implement a dental hygiene program that focuses on preventive strategies such as cleanings, periodontal care, fluoride treatments, sealants and oral health education; and expand our services to provide oral health care for individuals

at both of its dental

with HIV/AIDS, as well as the nuclear families of children enrolled in our oral health

health centers.

care program.

FY09 was also a year in which Erie earned national recognition for its

community based oral health care program. In 2009, we received the Distinguished Oral Health Champion Award at the National Primary Oral Health Conference in Nashville, Tennessee, for significant contributions to high-quality oral health care for underserved populations.

In May 2009, we conferred some awards of our own at the First Annual Golden Toothbrush

Awards Luncheon. Nearly 300 corporate, civic and community leaders attended the event, which was held to raise awareness about the oral health care crisis. Illinois Governor Pat Quinn—a longtime advocate for oral health—received the Golden Leadership Award for his perseverance and leadership in addressing the oral health crisis in Chicago and throughout the state of Illinois. Our 2009 Golden Toothbrush Award was presented to Mary Pat Burgess, the Chicago Department of Health’s Director of School-Based Oral Health. A true visionary and a powerful advocate for community oral health care, Burgess successfully launched Chicago’s School-Based Oral Health Program, which has provided dental exams and referrals for more than 148,000 students at 600 Chicago Public Schools in the nine years since its inception. It is now the largest school-based oral health program in the United States. The event, which was generously underwritten by title sponsor United Healthcare and other corporations, organizations and individuals, raised $145,000 for Erie’s Oral Health Program. n

oral health 6

Why we need community-based oral health care

n For every American who lacks

health insurance, three lack dental insurance. n Seventy percent of the Illinois

residents who have never visited a dentist are Hispanic or African American. n The rate of oral disease in low-

income children between the ages of two and five is nearly five times higher than the rate for children from higher-income families. n Poor blood sugar control in

diabetics is associated with gingivitis and more severe periodontal disease. n Untreated dental problems

can lead to speech problems, compromised nutrition, diminished growth, impaired social development and poor academic performance.

Fast Facts about Erie’s Oral Health Care Program n Erie’s Oral Health Program increases access to affordable oral health care for low-

income children, pregnant women, diabetic adults and people with HIV/AIDS in Chicago’s West Side and Northwest Side communities. n Erie’s state-of-the-art dental centers provide the same level of care found at the city’s

top private dental offices. n Erie’s oral health program provides comprehensive oral health care, including cleaning,

fluoride varnishes, x-rays, crowns, root canals, periodontal services, oral cancer screenings and even emergency services — regardless of a patient’s ability to pay. n Erie enhances the oral health of Chicago’s underserved communities through outreach

and education at schools, health fairs, community centers, HIV/AIDS organizations and senior citizen centers. n Erie improves the field of community dentistry by providing training for dental students.



removing the barriers to diabetes care

The atmosphere in the room is congenial — even

upbeat—as the nine Erie patients share stories about their diabetes, discuss exercise programs, compare eating plans, ask questions about managing their disease and even share a laugh or two about their successes and challenges during the four weeks since the group last convened. As one woman describes her first attempts at jogging in a local park after a lifetime as a self-proclaimed “couch potato,” the group bursts into laughter. Several of the other members nod knowingly as if to say that they, too, have experienced some comical moments as they have attempted to change some of their own unhealthy lifestyle habits. Mortality rates for diabetic Puerto Ricans

This lively group education session represents just one facet of Erie’s new

Comprehensive Diabetes Control Program, an innovative and potentially lifesaving initiative designed to provide comprehensive diabetes care in a cost-effective

in Humboldt Park are

group setting.

a staggering 68

percent —compared

epidemics—an epidemic that claims a disproportionate number of lives in the city’s

to a national rate of 25

economically disadvantaged West Side neighborhoods. A quick survey of the latest

percent and a citywide

public health statistics reveals an alarming trend in these communities: 14 percent

rate of 31 percent.

of Humboldt Park’s residents and nine percent of West Town’s residents suffer from

The program was launched in FY09 to combat one of Chicago’s most deadly

Overall, diabetes

diabetes—an incidence that is well over the citywide rate of five percent.

ranks as one of the

top 10 causes of

Ricans, the rate is 21 percent—three times higher than the national rate of seven

death for patients in Erie’s service area.

The area’s Hispanic residents have been hit particularly hard: Among Puerto

percent and one of highest rates of diabetes that has ever been reported. Meanwhile, Mexican-Americans in West Side communities are developing the disease at twice the rate of Caucasians. Overall, diabetes ranks as one of the top 10 causes of death for patients in Erie’s service area.

Yet the news is not all bad. Lifestyle changes, early and effective medical


treatment, patient education and behavioral self-management can all dramatically reduce diabetes complications and mortality.

Low-income, uninsured diabetics now have increased access to all of these

interventions—regardless of their ability to pay—through Erie’s Comprehensive Diabetes Control Program.

The program consists of three components: primary medical care, health

education and referrals to specialty and supportive services. Each group of seven to 10 patients meets monthly for a full year. Meetings alternate between Lifestyle changes,

private medical exams and group education sessions. The education sessions—

early and effective

which are moderated by a multidisciplinary team of nurse practitioners, health

medical treatment,

educators and behavioral health specialists—cover topics such as nutrition,

patient education

exercise and blood sugar level monitoring. Patients also receive referrals to

and behavioral

specialty medical services such as podiatry, as well as Erie’s own optometry and

self-management can

oral health services for diabetic patients.

all dramatically

reduce diabetes

patients, ensuring timely medical treatment and giving group members the tools


and knowledge they need to play a more active role in managing their disease.

and mortality.

So far, the program has enhanced the health and well-being of Erie’s diabetic

The supportive group setting has also motivated patients to make positive lifestyle changes and given them the moral support they need to stay on track with their diabetes care and management, which will ultimately lead to better control of the disease and fewer life-threatening complications. n

diabetes 10

j o s e f i n a ’s s t o r y


bout two years ago, Josefina Chavez began to have trouble concentrating. “I started forgetting things,” she remembers.

“At work, I felt fuzzy, like I couldn’t think. I started to have problems adding up numbers. My vision got blurry and I was always sleepy. Then I began to lose weight and my legs and ankles started to swell.”

Josefina was frightened. So she made an

appointment to see her doctor at Erie.

Josefina’s physician immediately recognized the

symptoms of diabetes and asked Josefina if she had a family history of the disease.

“I told her that my mother, sister and grandmother

all had diabetes,” says Chavez. “My grandmother died

Josefina Chavez, a 53-year-old, Mexican-born restaurant worker who lives on Chicago’s North Side, participates in Erie’s Comprehensive Diabetes Control Program. “It helps me take better care of myself,” she notes, “so I can live a long and healthy life.”

when she was 38 and my mom died when she was 58 of complications from the disease.”

When Josefina’s physician confirmed that she had

diabetes as well, the news was devastating — especially in light of the family members that Josefina had lost to poorly controlled diabetes. But her doctor prescribed medication, as well as some changes in diet and lifestyle, and she began to feel better. Then Josefina enrolled in Erie’s Comprehensive Diabetes Control Program.

“This group has been an amazing experience,” she confides. “My favorite part is when

we share stories about our experiences with diabetes and get answers to our questions from the group leaders. Now I know why my mom died so young. She was smoking two packs of cigarettes a day. In my diabetes group, I learned that smoking can cause a lot of problems for diabetics. I feel sad for my mother and my grandmother because they didn’t have this information. I’m 53 years old now, but I feel like I’m 35 or 40. My health has improved so much — and I feel blessed


Erie has taken care of me for many different things. And you know, I have never had one bad experience. This is a very good place.

because I have the information and medical care I need to live a long and healthy life.”

group care



J o s e f i n a C h av e z

meeting teens on their own turf

Life isn’t always easy in the hallways of Roberto Clemente Community Academy in Chicago’s Humboldt Park neighborhood. Ninety percent of Clemente’s students live in households with incomes that are 200 percent below the federal poverty line. The school population suffers from high rates of teen pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, asthma, obesity and depression. Drop-out rates hover around 55 percent.

The need for comprehensive, culturally sensitive care in this population is well-

documented. Yet studies have shown that adolescents are the least likely of any age group to seek out the medical, dental and behavioral services that they need.

Erie’s solution? Bring the services to Clemente’s students.

In FY09, our administrative team did just that. For most of the fiscal year, Erie’s

leadership was hard at work behind the scenes planning for the July 1, 2009 opening of its first high-school based health center. By bringing comprehensive

Located on the second floor of the Roberto Clemente Community Academy at

1147 North Western Avenue, the Erie Clemente Wildcats Student Health Center

services to Clemente

houses three exam rooms, a counseling room, a lab, offices, an electronic health records

students, Erie can

system and other state-of-the-art amenities. The health center is open on school days

enhance their health

from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

and well-being so they

can stay in school

personnel and case managers, the Center provides acute care, chronic disease

and achieve their full

management, school and sports physicals, immunizations, lab services, rapid HIV testing,


reproductive health services and counseling services for Clemente’s population of

Staffed with bilingual physicians, physician assistants, medical support

2,700 teens. Students are encouraged to make appointments at the beginning and end of the school day, over the lunch hour or during school passing periods.

By bringing onsite services to Clemente students, Erie can also address many

of the health disparities that plague this population of urban teens—including poor pregnancy outcomes. Twenty-five percent of the women in Humboldt Park do not enroll


in prenatal care (twice the rate citywide). Through our Erie Clemente health center, we The opening of the

can refer the hundreds of Clemente students who become pregnant each year to Erie’s

Erie Clemente

Teen Health Center or Humboldt Park Health Center for prenatal care and counseling.

Wildcats Student

This early link to prenatal care has the potential to reduce the high incidence of infant

Health Center marks

mortality and low-birthweight babies in the Humboldt Park community.

another milestone in

our mission to meet

behavioral health services through Erie’s partnership with Youth Guidance. This

the multifaceted health

Chicago-based mental health provider works inside of Chicago’s public schools to

care needs of Chicago’s

help disadvantaged children and teens cope with poverty, health issues, violence,

most vulnerable

substance abuse, parental incarceration or mental illness, peer conflicts and


problematic relationships—stressors that can interfere with their well-being and

Clemente’s students also have access to high-quality counseling and

educational success.

After taking over as the lead agency at the center, which had previously been

operated by Youth Guidance, we reconfigured the existing space to accommodate Erie’s integrated care model. During our FY09 renovation, the medical and behavioral health areas were moved closer together to facilitate collaboration between the center’s medical and behavioral health providers. An Electronic Health Records System was also installed to ensure continuity of care by giving clinicians, doctors and other health care providers access to patients’ electronic health records 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The renovation was partially funded by a grant from the Illinois Children’s Healthcare Foundation.

Two thousand students (nearly 78 percent of the high school’s population) are currently enrolled

at the Erie Clemente health center. And when students leave Clemente? They automatically become a part of Erie’s network of family health centers, where they can access a comprehensive set of services that will enhance their well-being at every stage of life. n

school-based 14

Why we need a high school-based health center in Humboldt Park

n Nearly 60 percent of all Humboldt

Park residents live in households with incomes that are 200 percent below the federal poverty line. n Humboldt Park has higher teen

pregnancy and infant mortality rates than the rest of the city. n The rate of HIV/AIDS in Humboldt

Park is one of Chicago’s highest. n Forty-one percent of males and

30 percent of females are smokers in Humboldt Park, compared to 21 percent citywide. The high percentage of smokers contributes to the high rate of asthma, which is epidemic in Humboldt Park youth. n Sixty-two percent of Humboldt

Park’s youth are either overweight or obese, compared to 26 percent nationwide.

Fast Facts about the Erie Clemente Student Health Center n Erie’s new school-based health center at the Roberto Clemente Community Academy is

staffed with licensed physicians, nurse practitioners, behavioral health specialists and case managers. n The center’s bilingual staff offers acute care, chronic disease management, school

and sports physicals, immunizations, lab services, rapid HIV testing, reproductive health services and counseling services. n Two thousand Clemente students (78 percent of the student population) have already

have utilized the services offered at the Erie Clemente Wildcats Student Health Center. n Because teens are unlikely to seek out mental health services on their own, Erie

Clemente’s medical providers work closely with the center’s mental health staff to ensure that Clemente students receive the counseling and behavioral supports that they need.

health care 15

improving breast cancer outcomes

Breast cancer is the leading cause of death in Hispanic women — and the five-year survival rate in this population is lower than the rate for women in all other ethnic groups.

Why are Hispanic breast cancer mortality rates so high? According to a

recent study, Hispanic women are at a higher risk for a more aggressive form of breast cancer than Caucasian women. Statistically, they are diagnosed with breast cancer at a younger age and are 2.7 times more likely to be suffering from stage IV breast cancer (cancer that has already spread beyond the breast) at the time of diagnosis.

Lack of access to screening in low-income communities compounds

the problem, leading to late-stage diagnoses, when treatment may be ineffective. Helping minority

According to recent American Cancer Society statistics, the five-year survival rate

women beat

is 98 percent when breast cancer is diagnosed early. The survival rate plummets

breast cancer:

to 26 percent if breast cancer is diagnosed at a later stage, when the disease

Erie’s commitment to

has progressed.

making high-quality

breast cancer screening

early diagnosis, Erie became a lead agency for the Illinois Breast and Cervical

available, regardless

Cancer Program in FY08. Thousands of eligible women receive free mammograms,

of a patient’s ability to

breast exams, pelvic exams and Pap tests, as well as referrals for medical

pay, has paved the way for a health-enhancing partnership with Norwegian American Hospital.

To ensure that low-income women have access to the tests they need for an

treatment, through this statewide program each year.

In FY09, Erie went one step further to combat the high breast cancer mortality

rates among low-income Hispanic women in Chicago by entering into a new breast cancer partnership with Norwegian American Hospital. Through this healthenhancing partnership, low-income women in Erie’s service area now have access to high-quality breast cancer screening in their own community, including screening mammography, diagnostic mammography, breast ultrasound services,


breast biopsies and surgical services at Norwegian American Hospital.

Erie’s Breast Health Navigation Service serves as a vital link between the

two institutions. A Breast Health Navigator functions much like a caseworker for the high-risk populations served by Erie, coordinating mammogram referrals, reminding patients about upcoming mammogram appointments and educating patients about breast health and mammography. The Breast Health Navigator also updates Erie staff members about available mammogram resources and helps procure mammogram results for Erie health care providers. Erie’s breast cancer

“This partnership represents a unique and innovative model developed by Erie

screening partnership

Family Health Center and Norwegian American Hospital,” comments Erie President

with Norwegian

and CEO Lee Francis, MD, MPH. “It shows how two committed community institutions

American Hospital

can work together to eliminate barriers to care and improve the breast care

has met a critical

services offered to Chicago’s most vulnerable residents.”

need in Chicago’s


Hospital has met a critical need in Chicago’s low-income communities for women who


are uninsured or underinsured.

for women who

are uninsured or

examinations, are less to likely to have annual mammograms and are less likely


to be diagnosed in the early stages of breast cancer,” notes Dr. Francis. “We are

Since its inception, Erie’s breast cancer partnership with Norwegian American

“These women face many barriers to care, may not perform breast self-

pleased to be a part of this joint undertaking to increase access to comprehensive breast care services, because a woman’s health and well-being should not depend on her income or insurance status.” n

breast cancer 18

c a r o l i n a ’s s t o r y


he birth of five grandchildren in three years is enough to keep any grandmother busy. But in January 2009, Carolina Gonzalez made a New

Year’s resolution.

“I decided that I was going to start taking care of

myself,” recalls Gonzalez, who was born in Durango, Mexico.

It wasn’t until Carolina fell and hurt her hip a few

months later that she made good on her promise. The 55-yearold Northwest Side resident made an appointment at Erie’s Humboldt Park Health Center. Her hip turned out to be fine. But, during a routine physical exam, her doctor discovered a lump in her breast.

Carolina’s physician immediately scheduled her for

mammography services through Erie’s breast care partnership with Norwegian American Hospital in Humboldt Park.

After an Erie physician found a lump in her breast during a routine physical, Carolina Gonzalez received the specialized care she needed through Erie’s new partnership with Norwegian American Hospital.

“Everything happened so fast after that,” says Gonzalez.

“I had a mammogram and some other tests. When I found out I had breast cancer, I was so surprised—and very scared.”

After her surgery, Carolina started a course of chemotherapy. It wasn’t an easy period.

“Sometimes I would feel tired and distracted. I forgot things. I gained weight and my clothes

didn’t fit. I did feel down at times. But I got a lot of support. Every time I bumped into my doctors, they would always say hello and ask how I was feeling. They made me feel like I was family!”

Carolina recently finished her chemotherapy and is looking forward to doing a lot more living.

“I am so grateful for the care I received,” she says, her voice thick with emotion. “Now I can dedicate myself to my children and grandchildren. And I’m going to Mexico to see my mom.”

screening 19


My doctors at Erie and Norwegian Hospital didn’t treat me like I a was less of a person because I didn’t have insurance. They treated me like family.


Carolina Gonzalez

meeting the urgent need for prenatal care

“Girl, look how big you are!” exclaims a young woman as she spots one of her fellow CenteringPregnancy® participants. The two women hug like old friends and sit down to chat about their pregnancies, an upcoming baby shower and how they’ve been feeling physically and emotionally in the two weeks since the group last convened. As they talk, eight more pregnant women file into the meeting room, their animated chatter punctuated by frequent peals of laughter. The occasion? Just a regular meeting of Erie’s CenteringPregnancy® program. Piloted at the Erie Teen Health Center in 2006 to meet the urgent need for comprehensive, cost-effective and culturally appropriate prenatal care in Erie’s service area, the program was an unequivocal success. Participants loved the emotionally supportive sessions, were more motivated to learn about topics related to prenatal health and well-being in the warm and welcoming group environment and developed close friendships with other group members that continued after the program ended. Erie’s expanded CenteringPregnancy® program takes expectant moms out of the isolation of the

Erie expanded its CenteringPregnancy® program to the Erie West Town Health Center in October 2008 and the Erie Humboldt Park Health Center in March 2009 with the generous support of the March of Dimes, Illinois Chapter and the Washington Square Health Foundation. Developed in the mid-1990s by a Connecticut midwife, this innovative program

exam room and into a

takes expectant moms out of the isolation of the exam room and into a vibrant group

vibrant group

setting where they can get the medical, social, emotional and educational supports

setting where they

they need.

can get the medical,

Each two-hour session consists of a private medical assessment, group

social, emotional and

education and activities that focus on peer support, stress management and self-esteem.

educational supports

During the group portion of the program, participants share their individual experiences

they need.

and learn about topics such as nutritional needs during pregnancy, how to prepare for childbirth, the importance of breastfeeding and coping techniques for new moms. Since its inception, the CenteringPregnancy® program has consistently



Babies of mothers who receive no prenatal care are three times more likely to be born with low birthweights

improved pregnancy outcomes. An initial study undertaken to assess the program’s effectiveness found that women who participated in CenteringPregnancy® groups delivered higher birthweight babies. Group participants also had more successful breastfeeding initiation —an important benefit because breastfeeding has long been recognized as one of the most important contributors to infant health.

and five times

Breastfeeding reduces the risk of severe respiratory infections, Sudden Infant Death

more likely to die.

Syndrome and other serious health issues in infancy—as well as diabetes, childhood leukemia and obesity in children and adolescents.

A follow-up CenteringPregnancy® study found that women who participated in

the program had a lower incidence of preterm births, improved psychosocial function and a better understanding of pregnancy-related topics. They also felt more prepared for labor and delivery and were more satisfied with their prenatal care.

Since early 2009, approximately 150 expectant moms have enrolled in Erie’s CenteringPregnancy®program. Nearly all of the women said that they would recommend the program to a friend and 96 percent reported that they enjoyed receiving prenatal care in a group setting.

Certified nurse-midwife Heidi Vyhmeister, head of the CenteringPregnancy® program at Erie, has

seen the positive impact of the program firsthand.

“This program is very empowering because our participants learn so much about what to

expect as their pregnancy progresses,” she notes. “The knowledge that they gain enables them to make better choices that lead to better pregnancy outcomes. The group setting also creates a dynamic atmosphere for learning and sharing that cannot be achieved in a one-on-one visit with a medical provider.” n

centering 22

Why we need group prenatal care in the communities served by Erie n Only 77 percent of Hispanic

women enter prenatal care during their first trimester, compared to 89 percent of non-Hispanic women. n Lack of prenatal care can lead

to premature births, miscarriage and stillborn births. n In Humboldt Park, the infant

mortality rate is almost twice as high as the rate for the City of Chicago. n Group prenatal care programs

are a cost-effective way to meet the critical need for effective, comprehensive prenatal care among low-income Hispanic women in Chicago, which will ultimately reduce prenatal health disparities.

Fast Facts

about the CenteringPregnancy速 program

n The CenteringPregnancy速 program brings women out of the isolation of the exam

room and into groups of 10 women with similar due dates for two-hour group prenatal appointments. n Educational topics include nutrition for pregnancy, the dangers of substance abuse,

preparation for childbirth, breast and bottle feeding, coping techniques for new mothers, postpartum depression and relationship issues. n One hundred percent of CenteringPregnancy速 participants reported that they

would recommend the program to a friend. n A recent study found that CenteringPregnancy速 participants have improved

psychosocial function, are less likely to have preterm births, feel more prepared for labor and delivery, are more satisfied with their prenatal care, deliver higher birthweight babies and have more successful breastfeeding initiation.

pregnancy 23

increasing access to vision care

Everyone has a right to sight. Yet many low-income Chicagoans living with diabetes, HIV and AIDS are in imminent danger of vision loss and blindness—a tragedy that can potentially be prevented if these high-risk individuals have access to the vision care services that they need and deserve.

To meet this pressing public health need, Erie joined forces with the

Northwestern Memorial Foundation in FY09 to provide comprehensive eye care services for low-income patients with diabetes and HIV/AIDS. This new eye care program, which was launched in August 2009 at Erie’s Humboldt Park Health Center, will improve outcomes for patients with living with diabetes or HIV/AIDS by increasing access to comprehensive, high-quality vision care and reducing vision complications with early interventions. Closing a critical gap in Chicago’s health care safety

Erie’s collaboration with the Northwestern Memorial Foundation comes at a

critical time for the Humboldt Park community, which has become a “Ground Zero” for diabetes and HIV/AIDS in the Chicago area.

net: Erie Family

Health Center and the

percent more likely to suffer from glaucoma, 60 percent more likely to develop cataracts

Northwestern Memorial

and 25 times more likely to lose their vision than the general population. More than 40

Foundation joined forces

percent of these individuals will develop some form of diabetic retinopathy, a serious

in 2009 to provide

condition that can lead to irreversible vision loss and often has no symptoms until the

comprehensive vision

damage is severe.

care services for low-

income Humboldt Park

and this population is particularly susceptible to eye problems that can lead to vision

residents living with

impairments and blindness. Fifty to 75 percent of individuals with HIV/AIDS will

diabetes and HIV/AIDS.

Diabetes is epidemic here—and those who suffer from the disease are 40

Humboldt Park also has one of the highest rates of HIV and AIDS in the city—

experience ocular complications at some point in their illness. Nearly one in four will suffer from opportunistic eye infections such as CMV retinitis, a devastating condition that is the most common cause of blindness in immune-suppressed individuals.



The benefits of timely vision care for people suffering from these chronic

diseases have been well documented. Research has shown, for example, that diabetic patients who receive regular dilated eye exams have a 95 percent probability of remaining free of retinopathy for at least five years. CMV retinitis in individuals with HIV/AIDS can be readily detected during an eye exam—and treatments are now available that can help preserve vision. Yet access to specialized vision care has traditionally been limited for low-income populations, in part because the cost of dilated eye exams is prohibitive and the vast majority of eye care facilities do not offer Launched in August

discounts for uninsured patients.

2009 at Erie’s Humboldt

Park Health Center,

Foundation, low-income patients with diabetes or HIV/AIDS can now receive

our new optometry

program will transform the way that we treat patients with diabetes and HIV/AIDS by increasing access to

Through Erie’s new eye care partnership with the Northwestern Memorial

dilated eye examinations, eyeglass prescriptions and referrals to Northwestern for ophthalmology services. The program’s optometrist, Dr. Karina Sigulinski, comes to Erie from the Northwestern Medical Faculty Foundation, where she continues to serve as an attending optometrist, glaucoma research coordinator and instructor in optics for Northwestern’s ophthalmology residents.

vision care and reducing

vision complications

response to the rising incidence of diabetes and HIV/AIDS in the Humboldt Park area,”

“This collaboration with the Northwestern Memorial Foundation is a direct

with early interventions.

stresses Erie President and CEO Lee Francis, MD, MPH. “Erie is committed to serving as a medical home for community members living with these chronic diseases—a place they can come to receive the comprehensive health care resources that they need under one roof. Our partnership with Northwestern Memorial Foundation will enable us to achieve this goal—and to dramatically increase access to eye care services for those who are most in need.” n

eye care 26

j u a n ’s s t o r y


uan Lugo, a church pastor who suffers from diabetes, was having trouble reading his bible. “I couldn’t read the small letters on the page,”

recalls the 47-year-old West Side resident, “so my doctor at Erie sent me to see an optometrist. The optometrist was very nice. But she saw drops of blood in the back of my eye and sent me to a specialist. The specialist told me that everything was okay for now, but he warned me to keep my blood sugar low. I did and thankfully everything has worked out okay.”

Since then, Juan has monitored his diet closely

to help prevent the high blood glucose levels that can ultimately lead to diabetic retinopathy and vision loss.

He’s also been fitted with reading glasses — and

his bible passages are no longer blurry.

Thanks to a new partnership between Erie Family Health Center and the Northwestern Memorial Foundation, diabetic patient Juan Lugo received the specialized vision care that he needed.

“Now I can read for hours and prepare my sermons for church,” he says with a smile.

Lugo’s high-blood glucose levels might have caused more serious damage if he hadn’t

had a medical home at Erie.

“I’ve been a patient at Erie for more than 20 years,” Lugo states, “since my family

came to the U.S. from Mexico. The doctors at Erie have been very attentive. It’s very affordable and I feel comfortable there, so I don’t put off going to see my doctor if I have a problem. It’s good to have one place to go for everything.”

A devoted family man and devout pastor who cares deeply about the well-being of his

community, Lugo also preaches the gospel of good health care to his congregation.

“I have referred many members of my church to Erie,” he says with a chuckle.

“Currently, I have three new mothers in my congregation and they all go to Erie for their care. Every uncle and aunt and relative of a congregation member? I refer them to Erie too.”

s er vices 27


I’ve been a patient at Erie for more than 20 years, since my family came to the U.S. from Mexico. The doctors at Erie have been very attentive. I feel comfortable there.


Juan Lugo

Culturally Sensitive Health Care for Metropolitan Chicago’s Medically Underserved Communities

About Our Patients Race/Ethnicity Hispanic/Latino: 87% African-American: 8% Caucasian: 4% Other: 1%

In FY09, Erie’s health care

residents in 310 different zip

Female: 68% Male: 32%

codes. Our patients traveled


from points as far north as Waukegan, as far south as 60077






Edison Park


Norwood Park

60666 76










McKinley Park

Garfield Ridge 60525





New City


Gage Park

West Elsdon

ZIP Codes





6 Miles







Riverdale 60827


Medicaid 58%



Medicare 2%

Over 2,500 patients

1,001 - 2,500 patients

South Chicago


60633 Hegewisch

Private Insurance 4%



East Side

West Pullman


60463 60445




South Deering


Downtown Chicago


South Chicago



Produced by the Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission 17 February 2003 DCC






Morgan Park

Western Suburbs


Washington Heights



74 60655

Mount Greenwood


Evanston Skokie

South Shore

47 Calumet Heights Burnside


60805 60453 60415




45 44 60619 Avalon Park Chatham




Sources: Community Areas, Expressways: 60480 Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission, Digital Map of the Region, 60465 Version 1.0 (May 1999) ZIP Code Areas and Water: GDT/ESRI, 2000


Hyde Park


Greater Grand Crossing

Auburn Gresham

Ashburn 60652








Chicago Community Areas 60458





Grand Boulevard

Washington Park

68 60636 67 West Englewood 65 60629 66 Englewood 60621 West Lawn Chicago Lawn

County Boundaries

Distribution of Erie Patients



Uninsured 36% 58

60638 64 Clearing


Near South Side

34 Armour Square 37 Fuller Park


South Lawndale





Brighton 57 Archer Park Heights 60632



The Loop


Lower West Side 60608

60623 60804 60402 60513


60601 60602 60603 60604




28 60607 Near West Side

North Lawndale



Bensenville Itasca Hanover Park Bartlett


Near North Side 60611


60624 W. Garfield E. Garfield 60612 Park Park






Austin 60644



60651 Humboldt Park


60302 60301




Lincoln Park


2460622 West Town


60305 60163

Lake View 60657


Logan Square 60647




60165 60126


Wheeling Mount Prospect Des Plaines Niles

as Aurora.




Crystal Lake Carpentersville

Peotone and as far west




North 60618 Center




Belmont Cragin




Lincoln 60625 Square


Irving Park



DuPage Co. Cook Co.

North Park


Portage Park 60641

60634 17 Dunning




Albany Park



Rogers Park










West Ridge 60659

Jefferson Park






Forest Glen 60646


Chicago Community Areas and ZIP Codes




Waukegan Round Lake

to Erie Family Health Centers

0-15 years: 41% 16-24 years: 18% 25-65 years: 38% Over 65 years: 3%

Payor Mix


the city’s borders—to Illinois




safety net extended far beyond


Calumet Park South Holland


501 - 1,000 patients


101- 500 patients


1 - 100 patients

Chicago Heights

No patients



Map inset (above) shows geographic distribution of Erie patients. 9


9 4


6 2 3 7


Western Suburbs

Downtown Chicago

Nine CommunityBased Sites

to Serve Those Most in Need Erie’s medical professionals provided high-quality medical, behavioral and dental services for 28,943 low-income, uninsured and underinsured Chicago-area residents at nine sites during the fiscal year— including three school-based health centers, two oral health centers and the Northwest Side’s only freestanding teen health center.

Erie Locations


1 Erie West Town Health Center 2 Erie Humboldt Park Health Center 3 Erie Dental Health Center — Humboldt Park 4 Erie Helping Hands Health Center

South Chicago

5 Erie Teen Health Center 6 Erie Clemente Wildcats Student Health Center 7 Erie Westside Health Center at Ryerson Elementary School 8 Erie Henson School-Based Health Center 9 Erie Dental Health Center — Albany Park


The Year in Health Care Patients Served: 28,943 Patient Visits: 126,454 Births: 1,503

Services Provided Women’s Health Care Maternal and Family Care Primary Adult Care Primary Pediatric Care School-Based Health Care High-Risk Case Management Maternal/Child Case Management Community Behavioral Health HIV/AIDS Care Oral Health Care Community Health Education Healthy Lifestyle Programs Optometry

Visits by Program Women’s Health: 29,608 Pediatric Care: 37,212 Adult Primary Care: 46,144 Teen Center: 6,192 Behavioral Health: 1,098 Oral Health: 17,200 HIV/AIDS Care: 1,532 School-Based Health Care: 5,643

operating financial statement for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009

Revenue Cash $ 895,676 Certificate of Deposit $ 5,202,526 Patient Accounts Receivable $ 1,352,263 Contracts Receivable $ 1,064,906 Prepaid Expenses/Other Assets $ 404,358 ______________ Total Current Assets $ 8,919,729 Property, Plant and Equipment: Net of Accumulated Depreciation and Amortization $ 6,074,624 Other Assets $ 675,438 ______________ Total Assets $ 15,669,791 ______________ ______________ Liabilities and Net Assets Accounts Payable/Accrued Expenses $ 644,706 Accrued Compensation $ 1,500,742 ______________ Total Current Liabilities $ 2,145,448 Long-term Liabilities $ 2,792,780 ______________ Total Obligations $ 4,938,228

FY09 revenues $24,610,960 Private Grants 7%

State and Local Grants 18%

Federal Grants 20%

Self Pay 4%

$ 15,669,791 ______________ ______________


Medicare 1%

Private Insurance 2%

FY09 expenses $22,234,730

Patient Care 82%

Commitments and Contingencies Net Assets Unrestricted $ 10,264,568 Temporarily Unrestricted $ 466,995 ______________ Total Net Assets $ 10,731,563 ______________ Total Liabilities and Net Assets

Medicaid 48%

Support Services Facilities 3% Administration and Fundraising 15%


t h e b e n e f a c t o r s b e h i n d e r i e ’s m i s s i o n

Annual Gifts July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009 Government Sources Chicago Department of Public Health Illinois Department of Human Services Illinois Department of Public Health U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Bureau of Primary Health Care U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, HIV/AIDS Bureau U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Maternal and Child Health Bureau

Corporations Bank of America CVS Pharmacy Delta Dental HFD Manufacturing Levenfeld Pearlstein Peoples Gas The Larson Equipment and Furniture Company Variety Meat Co.

Foundations and Organizations A. Montgomery Ward Foundation Access Community Health Network Aetna Foundation Inc. AIDS Foundation of Chicago American Dental Association Foundation American Medical Association Arie and Ida Crown Memorial Bowman C. Lingle Trust Chicago Public Schools Consortium to Lower Obesity in Chicago Children D and R Fund

Fourth Presbyterian Church Frank E. Payne and Seba A. Payne Foundation GoodSearch Hektoen Institute for Medical Research Illinois Children’s Healthcare Foundation Lloyd A. Fry Foundation March of Dimes – Illinois Chapter Nat P. Ozmon Family Foundation National Hook-Up of Black Women, Inc. Northwestern Memorial Foundation Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Patrick and Anna M. Cudahy Fund PCC Community Wellness Polk Bros. Foundation Prince Charitable Trusts Ravenswood Health Care Foundation S. Downey Fund Sauganash Community Church Susan G. Komen for the Cure The Davee Foundation VNA Foundation W.P. and H.B. White Foundation Washington Square Health Foundation Winnetka Congregational Church

Saul and Carol Cohen Terrence Conway and Judith Neafsey Jose Dutra Julie Francis and Howard Drossman Lee Francis and Michelle Gittler Bill and Joan Kistner Paul and Nancy Maddrell Jack Murchie Julie Osborne Thomas and Susan Pick Ellen Sachs-Alter and Michael Alter Frederick Sturm and Deborah Gillaspie Susan Swider and John Rogers Elliot Weisenberg and Clara Orban

Gifts of $500 - $999 Frank and Courtney Castillo David Cugell Stephen and Diane Falk Laurence and Sara Herman Robert and Carol Hirschtick Iliana Mora and Bodee Kittikamron Laura and Robert Murphy Michael O’Connor Benjamin and Barbara Parker Virgil Reid Terence and Carol Sullivan Julie and Mark Zerwic Timothy and Jodi Zoph

Gifts of $100 - $499

Matching Gifts

Anonymous (4) Zizi Atia David and Ann Baker Carol Becker Shelly Betman Antionette and Frederick Braucher David Buchanan Diane Cesarone Victoria Chiou Anne and Robert Clancy Robert and Carolyn Clarick Marge Cohen and Gordon Schiff

Aetna Inc. Pepsico Foundation

Gifts of $5,000 and Above Anonymous John Sachs Alice Swider

Gifts of $1,000 - $4,999 Matt Aaronson Duane and Helen Binns Andrew and Susanna Bunta


Valerie Comprelli Antonia Contro and George Marquisos Daniel Derman Theodore and Ann Doege Caswell Evans Therese Fafard and Nathan Heilman Mary Foley James and Nancy Foody Noel Frank Norval Galloway Marvin and Carol Gittler Martha Glynn Ruth Gorton Ttees and David Gorton Matthew Goulish and Lin Hixson Richard and Barbara Greenberg Susan Greene John Greening Dorothy Greiner James and Maura Hagestad Flavia Hernandez Marcelo Jarmendia Luz Jimenez Timothy Johnson Catherine Kallal and Maurice Lemon Kathleen Kilbane Kathleen Laslo Esther and Carlos Leal Luis Leon James Lifton Steven Loevy and Sara Segal Loevy Roberta Lynch Jamie and Steve Malato Dean and Keri Manheimer Mark and Betsy McKelvey Mary-Anne Meyer and Janet Larson David Meyers and Roberta Strickler Nivedita Mohanty Julio and Luz Mora Rose Navarro and Ronald Leahy Darin O’Connor Harnisch and Fabiola Fernandez Harnisch Tim and Kelly O’Day Jay Prystowsky Radha Reddy and Bruce Buerk Vera Rigolin and Keith Dunn

Angela Rogers Andrew and Sharon Roth Kelley and Strutha Rouse Dawn Sanks Richard and Karen Schultz Soleak Sim Gerri Smothers Dore and Robert Sobel Eric and Chris Strobel Christopher and Cathy Swider Daniel Tounsel Mark Upton Arvydas Vanagunas Roger and Lauren Vree Kenneth and Patricia Warner Holly Watson-Evans Megan and Clark Wildenradt R. Stephen and Linda Willding Nina Winston Charles and Georgi Yost Jose Zayas and Theresa Pacione Jan Zechman

Gifts up to $100 Andy and Stephanie Andrews Anonymous (4) Dave Bartusek and Elaine Glusak Ethel Battle Pamela Bondy and Yonah Dokarker Jill Capobianco and Steve Barlock William and Kamala Cotts Miriam Dellheim and Andrew Baumel Ariel and Steven Derringer Janet Ferguson Jeff Fitzer Barbara Frank Mary and Tom Frech John and Shari Glynn Angelica Gomez Pilar Gonzalez Judith and Tom Ivacko Claudia Jimenez Lisa Kearney and Richard Bolliger Kathleen Kennedy Stanley Lapidos M.P. McKenzie Roxane McLean Deborah Midgley Heidi Nelson Frederic and Kay Nordeen Sara Polonsky Terry and JoAnn Rogers Ed Sarden James and Margaret Schlegel

Debbie Sontag Ray and Mary Swider Nabeel and Suhaila Tannous Janice Valukas James and Kristine Visher Betty Warner Katherine Wilson Rebecca Wurtz

Staff Gifts Marisol Abarca Rosa Alejandre Clementina Alvarado Natalie Alvarado Rosa Alvarado Elizabeth Alvear Gioconda Arias Adriana Arroyo Mara Arroyo Vianey Bahera Juanita Barraza Marysol Berrios Miriam Bjorges Sandra Boneta Marilyn Bonilla Gloria Bordoy Claudia Burchinal Angela Candelario Veronica Castro Ana Cesan Jeanette Clayton CJ Cornwell Maria Corona Juanita Crespo Alejandro Cruz Maria De Leon Adriana Diaz Patricia Diaz Rafael Dominguez Mateo Donato Lynette Duarte Shannon Duffy Rachel Dziallo Nancy Edwards Leonor Espadas Sonia Esparza Maricela Espinoza Yessenia Feliciano Victoria Fernandez Sheila Fleming Hugo Flores Perry Formanek Araceli Garcia Diana Garcia


Fabiola Garcia Monica Garcia Rachael Godinez Wallace and Mark Wallace Erika Gonzalez Iliana Gonzalez Johanna Gonzalez Virginia Gonzalez Tiosha Goss Liliana Grisales Zandra Gutierrez Adriana Guzman Carmina Guzman Raquel Guzman Tanesha Handy Jill Hawkes Norma Herrera Angelica Irigoyen Claribel Landeros Rita Lewis Iris Lopez Lizette Lopez Angelina Loza Andrea Mackey Pat Maier Maria Matias Yenny Mazon JT McGinnis Gabriela Medina Lucy Monarrez Glenda Monterroso Carmen Morales Esther Morales Evelyn Morales Idaliza Morales Nancy Morales William Morales Yanira Moran Lauren Muskovitz Mariela Nguyen Gabriela Norena Aide Orellano Iveliz Orellano Luz Orellano Araceli Orozco Alejandra Ortiz Monica Ortiz Heidi Ortolaza Adelaeda Pagan Maria Perez Patricia Perez Erica Plaiser Joyce Quezada Erin Raether

Teresa Ramirez Vanessa Ramirez Maribel Ramos Zulma Ramos Sandra Rigsbee Jenny Robles Maria Rocha Carmen Rodriguez Marcelina Rodriguez Marta Rodriguez Celia Romo Margarita Rosado Jesus Rubio Araceli Rueda Almudena Ruiz Kathryne Sanserino Nori Santiago Nancy Serrata Michele Shubitowski Ivonne Silva Joann Simmons Maria Solis Iliana Solorzano Mary Sommers Erica Stringfellow Amaryllis Torres Aury Torres Amy Valukas Lisbeth Varela Margarita Varela Beatriz Vargas Rocio Vargas-Garica David Velez Vanessa Vera Mary Villa Amy Vree Stephanie Willding Jamie Zalkus Claudia Zuber

In-Kind Gifts Boyle Design Associates Kayla Chen Marlo Conforti Curves Edison Regional Gifted Center Therese Fafard and Nathan Heilman Lee Francis and Michelle Gittler Harper Collins Publishers M. Nelson Trust Northstar Group, Inc. Kim Resnick Sunstar America, Inc. Heidi Vyhmeister Wal-Mart

2009 Golden Toothbrush Awards Luncheon Corporatations and Organizations Title Sponsor United Healthcare

Award Ceremony Sponsor Aon Foundation

Benefactors Network Foundations LLC Unicare

Patrons American Dental Association Foundation Leal and Associates, Inc. Northern Trust Bank

Friends Alberto Culver Company Associated Bank MetLife ShoreBank Corporation Walgreens

Other Corporate and Organization Support Blackman Kallick Chicago Department of Public Health CySolutions Inc. Ghafari Associates Heartland Health Outreach Henry Schein, Inc. Howard Brown Health Center Illinois Children’s Healthcare Foundation Illinois Facilities Fund Lincoln Financial Group McKesson Medical-Surgical Near North Health Services Northwestern Memorial Hospital Norwegian American Hospital Oral Health America Reyes Holding St. Bernard Hospital and Health Care Center Ungaretti and Harris LLP

Individual Supporters $5000 and above Lee Francis and Michelle Gittler Brian and Michele Marsella Michael O’Connor John Sachs

$1000-$4,999 Linda Cushman Maria Finitzo-Valukas and Anton Valukas Paul and Muriel Francis Eric and Sarah Mayeda Darryl Tom

$500 – $999 Matt Aaronson Steven and Sara Segal Loevy Christopher Murphy

$100 – $499 Brian Alcala Anonymous (2) William Bike David Buchanan Bechara Choucair Sharon Clough Jill Corcoran Foster Dale and Janet Silverberg Dale Daniel Derman Ankita Desai Sara and James Downey John Elliot Caswell Evans Jeff Fitzer Mary Flynn Justin Funk Steven Geiermann Elizabeth Lynn Gordon Bruce Graham Yolanda Hendrix Nguyen Trung Hieu Michael Holmberg and Louise Berner-Holmberg Paul Jones Linda Kaste Lisa Kearney and Richard Bolliger Gail Kellogg Bill and Joan Kistner Susan Koralik Mathew Kramer Lewis Lampiris James Lifton Elizabeth Lippitt Patrick Logan Matt McDonald Debra Morrissette Charles Mueller Christina O’Connor Rachel O’Mara Joseph and Karen Phelan Aimee Picard

Ann Roppel Ed Sarden Michele Shubitowski Ghassan and Teresa Souri Susan Swider and John Rogers Daniel Tounsel Julie Treumann Beth Truett Milona Van Kanegan James and Karin Wagner Scott Wayne R. Stephen and Linda Willding Katherine Wilson Jerry Wynn Jeff Zavada Julie and Mark Zerwic

Gifts up to $100 Anonymous (12) Juana Ballesteros Dina Barthel Kim Bartolomucci Shirley Beaver James Brandt Guadalupe Casimiro Martin Castro Katie Copp Tammy Dillard-Steels Katie Ediger Bernie Henry Leilani Hernandez Patricia Kendall Michael Kupfer Ann Lorden Megan McCarthy Bruce Miller August Mitchell Valerie Montague Jennifer Newhouse Paul Pederson Dan Pikelny Christy Prahl Judith Quinn Diana Ray Adam Rehmer Mary Jane Roberts Tracy Roth Eileen Sanchanda Kaushik Shah Patrick Sir Michael Telesky Juan Torres Carole Towne Louise Tuck Rich Wallach Tom Wiffler


Fast Facts

about the people we serve of Erie’s patients are 87% Hispanic 66% are best served in Spanish 68% are female 45% are under the age of 19 36% are uninsured come from households 87% with incomes that fall

below the federal poverty line

Did you know? n

More than 1.3 million Chicago- area residents are uninsured or underinsured.


In FY09, 61 percent of Erie’s adult patients were uninsured.


Erie’s patients came from 74 Chicago zip codes and 236 zip codes outside of Chicago.

e r i e ’s l e a d e r s h i p

Board of Directors July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009

Chair William Kistner Vice President Internal Audit Northwestern Memorial Hospital Vice Chair Daniel Tounsel Risk Manager Northwestern Memorial Hospital Treasurer Eric Mayeda Consultant The Chartis Group Secretary Angelica Gomez

Matthew Aaronson Principal The Boston Consulting Group

Blanca Kavouras* Owner Bialy’s Restaurant

Rosalie Alicea Assistant Vice President Associated Bank

Luis Leon

Celeste Castillo

Brian P. Marsella Vice President Sales & Service National Accounts – Market Head Aetna, Inc.

Amelia Madrigal

Jacqueline Cervantes Michael Cole National Vice President of Sales and Account Management United Healthcare of Illinois

Michael O’Connor Chief Operating Officer Aon Risk Services Aon Corporation

Linda Cushman Health Care Consultant Hewitt Associates

Jack Murchie* Former Chair Architect SMNG-A Architects, Ltd. Susan Swider* Associate Professor Department of Community & Mental Health Nursing Rush University Medical Center Darryl Tom Attorney Gonzalez, Saggio and Harlan, LLC Humberto Uribe Teacher Malcolm X College City Colleges of Chicago Katherine Wilson

Maria Hernandez

Jill Simon Svoboda

Marcelo Jarmendia Founder and Teacher Brazil in Chicago, Inc.

Deborah B. Wright-Powell Teacher Hinsdale Central High School

Ana Maria Soto Executive Director Latino Initiatives National-Louis University

Pilar Gonzalez

Julie Zerwic Associate Professor of Nursing University of Illinois at Chicago

52% * Board term ended in FY09


de s ign : Anne Boyle

of Erie’s Board members are Erie patients or parents of patients

wri ting and photography : Susan Reich

Rev. Ed Sarden Minister Christian Church Center

The Erie Family of Health Centers Erie Family Health Center Administrative Offices 1701 West Superior Street Chicago, Illinois 60622 312.432.7380

Erie West Town Health Center 1701 West Superior Street Chicago, Illinois 60622 312.666.3494

Erie Humboldt Park Health Center 2750 West North Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60647 312.666.3494

Erie Helping Hands Health Center

Erie Clemente Wildcats Student Health Center 1147 North Western Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60622 773.394.8821

Erie Henson School-Based Health Center 1326 South Avers Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60623 773.565.6909

Erie Westside Health Center at Ryerson Elementary School 646 North Lawndale Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60624 312.666.3494

4759 North Kedzie Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60625 312.666.3494


Erie Teen Health Center

4751 North Kedzie Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60625 312.432.4360

1945 West Wilson Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60640 773.907.2331

Erie Dental Health Center

Erie Dental Health Center — Humboldt Park 2750 West North Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60647 312.432.4550

Erie Family Health Center Centro de Salud Erie

Trust. Heal. Care.

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