5 You’ll support a second century of excellence. The Jesuit model of education, with its emphasis on educating the whole person and its commitment to ensuring access to families of all income levels, cannot exist without the unrestricted Annual Fund support generated by people like you. Your generous support makes our mission possible as we move into our second century of educating women and men for others.
Our Annual Fund is about community. Anyone can participate at any level and feel good about supporting Loyola’s mission. It’s about everybody pitching in to make a difference.
Elizabet h P. K adi so n ‘02 Director of the Annual Fund
Remember, Jesuit education is a team effort.
It can’t happen without your support. Please give today. To make your year-end gift, please use the enclosed reply card and envelope or give online at www.goramblers.org/donatenow before June 30. Thank you!
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5 reasons to make a year-end gift to the Annual Fund.
You’ll stop the shortfall.
You’ll bridge the gap.
You’ll make our distinctive mission possible.
You’ll help young people achieve their dreams.
With just four weeks left to go in our 2012 Annual Fund drive, we still need to raise $325,000 to meet our $1.5 million goal. Achieving this goal won’t be easy, but with your help, we can do it. Here’s how: If everyone who receives this year-end appeal pitches in with a gift of $75 or more, we can make up our critical funding shortfall before the fiscal year ends on June 30.
What gap is that? It’s the difference between what a family pays in tuition and what it actually costs to educate a Loyola student.
So much of what makes Loyola distinctive is made possible by your annual support — from our spirituality and service programs to our mission to educate the “whole person.” Your gift also provides critically needed unrestricted support for capital and programmatic enhancements, technology updates, student activities and professional development opportunities for our faculty and staff.
This year, nearly 30 percent of our students received a total of $4 million in tuition assistance. About a third of the funding for this assistance was generated by gifts to the Annual Fund. Your gift will help more bright and talented young people from middle- and low-income families fulfill their potential and achieve their dreams —regardless of their family’s ability to pay.
We intentionally keep tuition as low as possible to ensure that more students can enjoy the many benefits of a Jesuit education at Loyola. This year, for example, tuition was $13,125 per student, but the actual cost of educating each Rambler was $15,625. Your gift to the Annual Fund helps bridge this $2,500 gap.