Loyola Academy Science Initiative

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Loyol a Academy Second Century Campaig n



What is the Science & Technology Initiative? It is one of six initiatives in the Second Century Campaign — an ambitious fundraising effort that will position Loyola Academy as the nation’s leading Jesuit, college-preparatory, faith and education center for the 21st century. The Science & Technology Initiative will generate support for technological enhancements such as Loyola’s One-to-One iPad Program and the development of a dedicated science wing with the following features: • 12 state-of-the-art, multimedia laboratories for chemistry, physics and integrated and life science • A science lecture hall • Faculty offices

Why has Loyola’s leadership identified science and technology enhancements as strategic priorities? According to the National Science Foundation, the STEM fields, which include science and technology, are the core underpinnings of a technologically advanced society. Yet the U.S. is losing its competitive edge in scientific and technological innovation because of a critical shortage of science and tech-related skills in the American workforce. Although the number of STEM job openings will skyrocket in the coming decades, nearly 70 percent of American high school students today are not adequately prepared for scientific study at the college level — and only six percent of high school seniors will go on to earn a college degree in a STEM field. Our Science & Technology Initiative will prepare Loyola’s Ramblers for academic success in the STEM disciplines and leadership roles as the scientific and technological innovators of tomorrow.

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