How to be diabetes free

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How To Be Diabetes Free! Presented By Susan Stormer

Revealed: The Natural And Most Effective Cure For Diabetes!

Click Here To See This Now Three Natural Cures For Diabetes Diabetes and its complications can be cured without taking any drugs. There are three basic Natural cures for Diabetes available, 1. Diet 2. Exercise 3. Nutritional Supplements Diet Diet is the first and the best natural cures for diabetes patients. A proper diabetic diet menu must have a low glycemic index which means the food containing low level of carbohydrates, moderate protein and high fiber. This kind of diet will reduce diabetes blood sugar levels; reduce intake of insulin levels, and lesser the need for medications. It will also help to reduce weight, reduce blood pressure; this cures the diabetes and supports body's overall health and energy. Eating a handful of groundnuts everyday will helps the diabetic patients and taking honey daily basis also will help them to reduce diabetes.

Juices of tomato, Rose apple, Lemon, Cucumber, Bitter gour, Spinach, Carrot, and Cabbage are helpful to cures the diabetes in natural way. Exercise Many studies have proven that exercises are great benefit to diabetics and can significantly cures them. The regular Natural physical activity helps diabetes patients to reduce the weight, lower the blood glucose levels, improve the insulin's sensitivity, helps the immune system and strengthen them, helps improve blood circulation, lower bad (LDL) cholesterol and improve the good (HDL) cholesterol . And this is natural way of reduce the risk of heart diseases. Asanas - Yogic asanas are also helpful to cures the diabetes in natural way. Some of the asanas trainers prefer are Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana, Shalabhasana, Sarvangasana, Paschitmottasana and some of other asanas are also helps to cures diabetic patients. A daily walking in the morning or little jogging can also helps to cures diabetics. Game like badminton also helps reduce the level of sugar in the blood. Nutritional Supplements There are many of nutritional supplements that every diabetic should be taking on a daily basis in order to cure diabetes in natural method. These supplements are very good and that really helps to lower blood sugar levels and insulin levels, lower cholesterol levels, reduce blood pressure, improve energy, and lower the risk of heart disease. These supplements are really very natural and these supplements can also protect your tissues (eyes, kidneys, blood vessels) from the damage that diabetes often causes. They also help to cures the lower blood circulations. The usefulness of these supplements is not at all theoretical, but they do the magic that cures the diabetes in natural way is fact. There are

thousands of published studies proving the beneficial effects these supplements have on diabetic patients. Amazingly enough, despite the overwhelming evidence, most of the medical advisors do not recommend nutritional supplements to their diabetes patients. But Natural way is far better then medications. Controlling blood sugar levels is an art. If you want to be an expert in it, you should know the full details in foods to eat AND foods to avoid in natural cures for diabetes Foods for Diabetics People suffering from diabetes need to eat healthy in order to keep their blood sugar levels under control. Though they are not left with much variety, as far as food is concerned but the vegetables prescribed for them are not all that awful. The French bean, also known as the kidney bean is a good option. If cooked with care, it tastes awesome and no less than a delicacy. The beans have a greater fiber content and are rich in carbohydrates. Thus, it is prescribed to patients suffering from diabetes. A suggested natural remedy could be, juice extracted from French beans mixed with the juice of Brussels sprout. This is good for the health as it stimulates production of insulin. Foods to Avoid for Diabetes Bean decoction is another effective medicine. For this you require 60 grams of fresh bean pods, weighed after removing the seeds. This has to be boiled in four liters of water for four hours. The decoction must necessarily be prepared on slow fire. Then the potion has to be sieved through a muslin cloth and let to cool for eight hours. It is advised that this

decoction be taken a glassful after every two hours for 4-8 weeks at a stretch. This must be prepared fresh everyday as it loses its medicinal qualities after 24 hours. Dr. James Anderson of the Human Nutrition Research Centre of the US Department of Agriculture deduced that foods with low cholesterol content help prevent heart ailments. Also, the beans being rich in soluble fiber reduce the sugar level in blood and thus are healthy for diabetics who are greatly prone to the risk of heart disease. Lettuce has 3% or less of carbohydrates. People who wish to cut down on their weight can have plenty of tomatoes as it has low carbohydrate content and also does control levels of sugar in the urine. Soya bean is very nutritious and helps to keep a check on blood sugar levels. Studies as early as 1910 has shown that Soya bean is rich in protein and fat and low in starch. It helps regulate and reduce the quality of urinary sugar in diabetics. Onion, be it raw or cooked is also an effective home remedy. It reduces the sugar levels in blood and the more it is eaten the faster it would help lower blood sugar. Around 1960’s, there was discovery of anti diabetic compounds in onion. These were similar to anti-diabetic pharmaceuticals which help synthesis of insulin and its release, namely, allyl, propyl, disulphide and allicin. A balanced diet, well supplemented with vegetables, fruit and juices should be ideally taken. One needs to cut down on the intake of fat based food and sweets. Also, you should indulge in an active lifestyle. Walking is a must on regular basis. Smoking and drinking must be avoided. The blood sugar should be measured at regular intervals and body weight should be maintained. This would enable a diabetic to live a healthy life.

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