RE-Frame : A participatory Framework of future design.

Page 14

Chapter 2.0 - Literature Review

2.2 Comparison map

+ User ambiguity


Expert Formality

2.1 Meta-Design

A comparative analysis of meta-design and other design domain, When compared to upcoming design field we understand that meta-design is a holistic design domain which encampasses not of the attributes of a rooted design approach. Meta-design is still in its initial stages and will undergo lot of progress with more exploration. The 12 attributes in the diagram can be put into 4 major attribute Co-evolution - (Flexible, green, holarchic)

Option 1

In a not predictable world, improvisation, evolution, and innovation are more than a luxury: they are a necessity. The challenge of design is not a matter of getting rid of the emergent, but rather of including it and making it an opportunity for more creative and more adequate solutions to problems. (Gerhard Fischer and Elisa Giaccardi, 2004) Meta-design is an emerging conceptual framework aimed at defining and creating social and technical infrastructures in which new forms of collaborative design can take place. It extends the traditional notion of design beyond the original development of a design to include a co-adaptive process between users and design. The users become Co-developers or Co-designers. It is grounded in the basic assumption that future uses and problems cannot be Completely anticipated at design time, when a system is developed. Users, at use time, will Discover mismatches between their needs and the support that an existing system can provide for Them. These mismatches will lead to breakdowns that serve as potential sources of new insights,New knowledge and new understanding. Meta-design addresses the following three necessities for socio-technical environments: 1. They must be flexible and evolve because | 13­

Option 2

Co-creative - (self-creative,participate,socially inclusive) Meta-process - (emancipatory, entrepreneurial) Figure 10 - Schematic map

Option 3

Option 4

Figure 9 - Meta Design The square shape showing the formal design approach by expert. The organic shape indicates the informal creative ideas from the user.

they cannot be completely designed before use. 2. They must evolve to some extent at the hands of the users. 3. They must be designed for evolution. Making systems modifiable and evolvable by users does not imply transferring the responsibility of good system design to the user. If the Design created by the Designer does not satisfy the needs or the tastes of the user (who knows best), then the user should be able to adapt the design without always requiring the assistance of the Designer. The designer does not satisfy the needs or the tastes of the user (who knows best), then the user should be able to adapt the design without always requiring the Designer’s assistance. (Gerhard Fischer and Elisa Giaccardi, 2004)

Comparative table of other design and where Meta-design stand along with them.

Meta-experience emergence aware)



2.2.1 Holarchic

2.2.2 Emancipatory

Holarchy is a combination between the Greek word ‘holos’ meaning whole and the word ‘hierarchy.’ It is a hierarchically organized structure of units or entities called ‘Holons.’ Each Holon could be regarded as either a whole or apart, depending on how one looks at it. A Holon will look as a whole to those parts beneath it in the hierarchy, but it will look as a part to the wholes above it. So, a Holarchy is then a whole that is also a structure of parts that are in themselves wholes.

1: to free from restraint, control, or the power of another especially: to free from bondage 2: to release from parental care and responsibility and make sui juris 3: to free from any controlling influence (such as traditional mores or beliefs) (merriam-webster, 1828) Here, the meaning suggests that the freedom design is solely under a single agency, and everyone is free to participate in the process 2.2.3 Participatory

Figure 11 - Holarchy chart Above diagram is a Holarchy of domains of life: from Single individual to All-that-is.

actively. Based on the idea that things can be achieved more easily if everyone works together and is involved in making decisions. Participation should be voluntary, and no individual should be forced to be part of the process. (merriam-webster, 1828). 14 |

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