Graduate Portfolio_Tripathi Sushmita_2020

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selected works ARCHITECTURE PORTFOLIO 2020

sushmita tripathi

M.ARCH. 2020 // Georgia Institute of Technology, USA B.ARCH. 2017 // Jamia Milia Islamia, IND

as an architect you design for the present, with an awareness of the past, for a future which is essentially unknown - norman foster


Artisans’ Lab, Shoreditch

Design + Research II Studio | Spring 2020

ICA Boston, South Centre

Portman Prize Studio | Spring 2019

Urban Chapel, Columbarium and Garden Advanced Design I Studio | Fall 2018

3200 Maple Drive, Atlanta

Design + Research I Studio | Fall 2019

Bridge, ATL Beltline

Advanced Design I Studio | Fall 2018 bachelors

Redevelopment of Sassoon Docks, Mumbai Undergraduate Thesis | Fall 2016

Residential Skyscraper, Noida Housing Studio | Spring 2016

Her-Etage: The Abandoned Leisure

Landscape Design Competition | Fall 2014 other

Construction Technology II | High Museum Computational Making | Wire-Bending Stubbins Seminar | Shadows in Architecture Environmental Systems II | Building Systems Media + Modelling II | Parametric Design Multiway Ice Box | Performative Explorations

Artisans’ Lab | Shoreditch London, UK Design + Research II Studio | Spring 2020 Instructor: Michael Gamble and Tarek Rakha

The artisans’ laboratory is a centre of exploration of arts in the future to research and perform art experiments, fabricate and install them for exhibitions. Studies suggest the future of arts being interactive, responsive and engaging as predicted by the artists in today’s world, considering art no longer existing in isolation but collaboration. With technology and virtual reality taking over, the smaller workspaces would be demolished, and bigger flexible spaces would be developed as per requirement. The architecture adapting to the microclimate of the city, maximising the daylight, enables efficiency of the structure. Reflecting on the predicted nature of art, the project proposes creation of a light zone for sensual activities, a dark zone for isolated spaces and a transitional zone to introduce a subtle switch between both the zones. With the form and zoning dependent on the light received on the site at different levels, the energy utilised by the building is furthermore organised.

exhibition installation



design studio production cafe + library street plaza

Full Floor Plates

Dark Zone allocated in least lit area

Atrium and Garden Cutouts to allow more light

artisans’ lab | shoreditch




City of London


Axonometric View of Cafe + Library

Proposed Site 115 ft x 135 ft

Axonometric View of Design Studio

Sectional View of Exhibition Gallery


Floor Plans

artisans’ lab | shoreditch



Cafe + Library

Design Studio

Exhibition Gallery

Daylight Availability Point-in Illuminance

artisans’ lab | shoreditch




West Wall Section

East Wall Section

Skylight Detail


View from Back Street

Cafe + Library

Exhibition Gallery

Design Studio

ICA Boston | South Center Boston, USA Portman Prize Studio | Spring 2019 Instructor: Jude LeBlanc

Situated at the convergence of South Boston, Fort Point, and the South End areas of Boston, Massachusetts. The building lot lying between West 4th and Traveler Street along the rail sidings that line the Bass River holds a Art Centre that acts as extension to the ICA Boston as well as an independent unit of it. The program incorporates public (marketplace), semi-public (art centre) and private (artist-in studios) zones complementing the residential and industrial character of a rapid redeveloping urban neighbourhoods. The project explores the architectural potentials of emerging mass timber structural technologies and the technical and environmental implications of material systems and construction assemblies. The site connects the W 4th Street and the Foundry Street physically along with establishing and cherishing the symbolic relationship between trade and rails. The closed circulation loop formed across the site promotes the art character of the building. The individual concepts involved in the designing of the different zones of the buidling complex compliment the nature of the space and its relationships with each other.


Site Location: South Boston W 4th Street, Travelers Street and Foundry Street Site Dimensions: 140ft x 100ft

ica boston | south centre

Post and Beam



Structural Fins + Shear Walls

Structural Fins + Fin-Like Shear Walls


Art Gallery

Artist-in Residence

Urban Marketplace

Exhibition Gallery Theatre

Studios Lobby | Lounge

Market Backyard

Visual Artists + Writers Neighborhood Visitors

Visual Artists Writers

Residents Neighborhood Visitors

Building Systems



Longitudinal Section | NE-SW


ica boston | south centre



Level 04

Exhibition Gallery Theatre Top Entrance Studio Units

Level 03

Theatre Extendible Gallery Space | Lobby Studio Units

Level 02

Art Center Lobby Ticket Counter | Coat Check | Restrooms Gift Shop

Level 01


Market - Upper Level Service Entrance | Unloading Deck Housing Lobby Book Cafe | Pop-up Cafe

Market - Lower Level Backyard Access

Material Take-off

Cross Laminated Timber cubic meter

cubic meter


Double Glazed Glass




cubic meter

Intersection Study

01 10” thk. CLT Floor Panel

02 1” thk. Insulation

03 Wood Floor Finish

04 4” thk. CLT Wall Panel

05 8” thk. CLT Str. Wall Panel

06 4” thk. Rigid Insulation

07 Air and Vapour Barrier

08 Waterproof Sheathing

09 Rainscreen Support Frame

10 Metal Brackets

11 Corten Wall Cladding Panel

ica boston | south centre



Volume of Wood

US forests grow

Carbon in wood

Avoided greenhouse


8 minutes



cubic meter

this much wood in

metric tons of CO2

gas emissions metric tons of CO2

Total Potential

metric tons of CO2

Cars off the road

Energy to operate homes



for a year

for a year


Urban Chapel, Columbarium and Garden Campo Marzio, ITL Advanced Design I Studio | Fall 2018 Instructor: Michael Gamble

The project based in the imaginary land of Piranesi’s Campo Marzio comprises of a Chapel, Columbarium and a Garden. Benefiting from the edge condition in front of the theatres and the temple an underground chapel is proposed. The project seeks to counterbalance the trend and move away from generic consumer landscapes, towards a place that promotes contemplation, excites the senses, and provides a strong threshold between the sacred and profane, a simple yet profound dialectic that can fuel the architectural and experiential imagination. The edge benefits the structure by providing adequate light from the frontage of the structure and light on the inner zone is achieved by the skylights in the columbariums and the oculus in the sanctuary. The program is planned to gradually transition from the profane to sacred by eventually leading to the sanctuary. The proposed design focusses on the use of the roman brick structurally as well as aesthetically.

Meditation Zone


Utility Zone Staircase Entry



Meeting Lounge

Ramp Entry


Piranesi’s Campo Marzio is an imaginative reconstruction of the Ancient Rome that opposes the rigid rules of architecture giving rise to magnificent and sublime structures. The reverse poche of the plan (above) reflects the irregular shapes of the buildings and the arbitrary voids created by its placement. The unconventional thought of the planning of Rome by Piranesi drives inspiration to break symmetries and introduce inventive drawings.

urban chapel, columbairum and garden


Isometric Site View


Ramp Entry Meeting Lounge


Meditation Zone


Waterside Entry

Utility Zone

urban chapel, columbairum and garden


Isometric Sectional Plan (left) Stereotomy details and Geometric orders (right)

Isometric Sectional View (left) Art Form | Perforated Panels (right)



3 ft high parapet of stone acting as a barrier around the skylights for the structure built underneath roof

2 ft thk. concrete roof with a layer of soil on top of it to support the garden above arches + vaults

Elliptical arches and vaults acting as the structural system as well as aesthetic element brickwall + structure

Roman Brick of 11.5”x3.5”x1.5” used to lay brick masonry acting as load bearing walls perforated brickwall

Perforated brick wall with punctures to introduce engaging shades and shadows in the spaces stepped floor

Stepped floor finished in white marble on a mat foundation of 10 ft thickness

urban chapel, columbairum and garden



View of the Chapel

Meeting Lounge



3200 Maple Drive | Atlanta Buckhead, USA Design + Research I Studio | Fall 2019 Instructor: John Peponis

Light is a universal condition for all potential human action and achievement and an essential part of the atmosphere of any space. The architectural design is combined with the biophilic impact of light to generate conditions of natural light as per requirement throughout the day for users’ well-being. In this project, the traditional concerns with orientation and prospect are considered, with the intent of achieving maximum daylight across the apartment according to varying situations. The trapezoidal plan based on the 45-45-90 grid helps to augment the area, planning and light entering the spaces. The chosen site mediates diverse scales of urban development and movement, situated as it is between Piedmont Road, a major artery, and Maple Drive, a local street.

Site Plan

Sectional Elevation

3200 maple drive | atlanta




Typical Floor Plan


Sun Path (top left); Annual Daylight Availability for typical floor (bottom left); Annual Facade Radiation for the entire tower (bottom right)

3200 maple drive | atlanta



Light Shadow Analysis







Bridge | ATL Beltine Atlanta, USA Advanced Design I Studio | Fall 2018 Instructor: Michael Gamble

The Atlanta Beltline directly above North Avenue, adjacent to Ponce City Market anchors a neglected bridge that holds a strong potential to be a strong attractor, a landmark - spectacular. Assuming total demolition of existing bridge a new nexus is planned along the beltline considering the continuity of the Beltline circuit acknowledging the diverse current users. The concept focusses on the continuous circulation along the beltline addressing the speeds, accessibility, comfort and functionality. Highly inspired by the traffic circle, the proposed bridge functions similar to a round-a-bout and has a circular design that hosts adequate spaces and routes for various users. Proposal holds solutions for improvisations of horizontal and vertical accessibility by providing barrier free access ramps connecting the North Avenue walkways.

Design Concept

stop | view

sit | relax

bike | scooter

run | walk

The proposed bridge on the Atlanta Beltline primarily focusses on the continuous circulation, experiential functionalism, barrier free accessibility and demographic study. The diverse users involve in the activities of running, walking and biking. The bridge lacks spaces to sit and relax as well as to stop and appreciate the brilliant view of the cityscape available. The design is inspired by the regulating functionalism of a traffic circle. Different routes are identified and designated for the different users based on the activities like, view, relax, bike, run/ walk. Shade and greens introduced to maximize comfort of the users. Longitudinal Section

bridge | atl beltine

View from North Avenue moving traversing under Beltline

Top View of Central Puncture and Seating around



Sassoon Docks to go from the odour side to a visitor hotspot Times of India

Redevelopment of Sassoon Docks Mumbai, IND Undergraduate Thesis | Fall 2016 Instructor: Mohd. Amir Khan

The design proposal for the fishing harbor at Sassoon Docks is multi-dimensional. It focuses not only on the modernization of the fishing industry but also on the requirement of the city for more open public spaces. The master planning aims to establish a fully integrated fishing harbor along with a ten-acre expanse crafted for the public in a congested city. No rigid form has been proposed to restrict the planning considering the nature of the industry where the planning of various functions needs major attention. The concept is to Innovate local economy, Regenerate sustainable infrastructure, Protect the environment and Identity Promotion via public realm, in order to create a replicable transparent development Model.

Existing Site

Basin: 200 m length and 55 / 90 m width Quay length: 500 m

Quay length: 450 m + Victoria Basin Quay: 60 m | 4 m deep

Character District 01

Character District 02

Character District 03

This particular region lies on the later reclaimed land in 1990s with recent built spaces like the Bombay Port Trust Office and a water tank along with the Export Sheds where the export quality catchment is unloaded and dispatched.

The demarcated area holds a discrete and distinct character within the precinct of Sassoon Docks. The ancillary activities for commercial fishing take place over here. Also, the required resources are available in this region.

The zone from the entrance till the basin displays a significant character of the mills of 1880s being reused for other purposes now, primary activity being fishing industry.

redevelopment of sassoon docks

Pedestrian Intensification

Fishery export promoted by adding infrastructure and involving more Kolis

Land Reclamation - used for export sheds Renovation carried out

Decline of cotton mills Fishing became main activity on the docks

Minister of Shipping announced refurbishing project for the docks

Currently No. 01

Sassoon Docks sanctioned as major Fishing Harbour of Mumbai

Fishing Industry of Mumbai

Building Use

First Wet Dock built by David Sassoon & Co. Cotton trading established




Modernisation of fishing industry

Promotion of Koli’s culture

Establish Marine Food Park

Creation of City Landmark

Proposed Site Plan

Generate Open Spaces

Empowering Ecosystem

Fully Integrated Fishing Harbour

redevelopment of sassoon docks


Fish Market | Floor Plan

Fish Market | Section

The local fish market was earlier on the loading/unloading quay due to which the security of the industry was tough to maintain. Therefore, the market is proposed on the extreme end of City Side. The market is designed along the Colaba Causeway considering the nature of the entire street while maintaining the security of the industry. An organized and efficient space is planned along with utilities like, General Store, Office, Bank and Chemist for all the users of the docks and nearby areas.


Fish Processing Industry | Ground Floor Plan

Fish Processing Industry | Elevation (above) and Section (below)

Fish Processing Industry | Space Flow Diagram

redevelopment of sassoon docks



Residential Skyscraper Noida, IND Housing Studio | Spring 2016 Instructor: Iqtedar Alam

Three separate towers of different heights planned in the centre of the site with common entrances. Recreational spaces are introduced after every few levels connected by skybridges at two levels on the recreational floor that act as a separator between unit type floors. Leisure facilites introduced on the lower common level, breakout floors and outside the tower within the complex for the users and other members. Spaces planned according the given standards and required level of interaction amongst users. Majority apartments provided with a view of the surroundings and landscaped site. Regular square shaped towers planned with a central core considering the structural study and to minimize wastage of area to benefit both, the users and builders. Monotony has been broken by terminating the towers at different levels while the elevation treatment has been maintained by planning the breakout floors and service floors at the same level.

Site Plan Site Area: 80937 sq.m. Permissible Ground Coverage: 40% ~ 32374 sq.m. Permissible F.A.R.: 3.5 Setbacks: Front – 16m Rear – 12m Sides – 12m Ground Coverage: 17900 sq.m.

Core Plan

Concept Development

Main body a tall frame

Horizontal Punctuations

Inserting recreation floors

Introducing greens

Steel Frame for added interest

Elevating over skylit plaza

Skybridges connect the towers at recreational floors

residential skyscraper




Section A

Section B

Structural Core Concept The 40 X 40 M enclosure is achieved by a grid of columns on the periphery and the shear walls of the elevator core, such that no interior columns interrupt the habitable space. The 900 mm thick elevator core shear walls and the 900X750 mm columns on the periphery employ M40 concrete reinforced with Fe25 grade steel bars to form an earthquake resistant structure. The lift circulation employs destination control, which reduces the number of destinations per car and thus the number of stops per cycle. This decreases the average travel height and the cycle time. When elevators are equipped with destination control, this can even reduce the number of elevators per group.

Structural Grid

The passengers and functions can be filtered by the management and the destination floor. The fire lift runs continuously from the ground floor to the top floor.

Penthouse Apartment Upper Level Plan

Living Room and Lounge on the lower level

Lower Level Plan

Kitchen and Dining Room connected to service entry

Master Bedroom on the upper level

residential skyscraper



Her-Etage: The Abandoned Leisure New Delhi, IND Design Competition | Fall 2015 Landscape Architecture Competition

Leisure, to most of us means a change in pace and place in the usual routine. Studies prove that public spaces are most functional when they meet the recreational needs of the everyday schedule rather than those manicured gardens located in one isolated corner of the city. The capital city lacks large-scale public spaces saved from the web of private sectors charging for their quality socio-leisure time. The concept is to intervene into the unseen abandoned structures amongst the designed urban fabric, and convert the ‘ugly’ gray structures into a living environment. The incomplete building on the overcrowded Barakhamba Road, witnesses over ten thousand people pass by everyday, belonging to all socio-economic strata, each one demanding a ‘break free’ space during their hectic schedules. The intervention idea includes landscape, which can be perceived beyond the cliched definition and focus more on the natural elements which are unobserved from our daily sights yet they play a vital role in bringing sense of life. The design creates a space, for the working class people to have their doze of landscape into their congested air-conditioned office chambered lives!

Issue Introduction Ever imagined of a building that serves not business but, people? One that exists on the busiest road, yet gives you the happiness of melancholy? That provides a natural feast within the polluted commercial lanes? The intervention idea includes landscape, which can be perceived beyond the cliched definition and focus more on the natural elements which are unobserved from our daily sights yet they play a vital role in bringing sense of life. The design creates a space, for the working class people to have their doze of landscape into their congested air-conditioned office chambered lives! The project imagines a space where people could just arrange informal meetings, or have their morning coffee under a tree, or take few fresh air breaths in their spare time, in the most natural way! The project caters to the desires of people from all economic or social strata, and their expectations out of a public landscaped zone, a place away from congestion within the capital’s busiest center. 15floors provide an opportunity to explore ‘landscape’ at multi-leveled dimension, yet maintaining the sanctity of each experience.

Conceptual Design

Exploded View of Proposed Design

her-etage: the abandoned leisure


14 | Sky Park

A view deck that acts as an observatory to the city with restaurant

13 | The Fragrant Maze

Orderly arranged raised beds of fragrant flowers

12 | Light and Dark

Celebration of sun and shade inspired by the Stonehenge

11 | The Void

Remarkable feel of the nothingness to impart the sight of life

10 | Birds Eye View

Bird watching dock with bird feeders installed to attract birds

09 | People’s Forest

Imitation of a dense jungle with condensed vegetation and paths

08 | Outskirts View

Portrayal of terraced gardens of wild vegetation that is accessible

07 | Butterfly Garden

Intense gardens full of nectar producing flowers inviting butterflies

06 | Home Garden

Start of a nature trail extended to five levels with varying experiences

05 | Absent

Void where only the sounds can enchant the public

04 | Get! Set! Snooze!

Quite zone with designed public resting fixtures in forms of mounds

03 | Art Floor

Free space for public art installation with stepped podiums

02 | Cupola House

Provision of green pavilions as an extension to the first floor

01 | Water Garden

Introductory space with water and enhanced social interaction zones


Construction Technology II | High Museum Development of construction drawings on REVIT understanding the construction assemblies, tectonics, materials, and systems of an exisiting project to articulate formal, operational and costructability relationships in a building.

Staircase Exploded View




North-east Axonometric View

Wall Intersections

Metal Facade Corner Detail

Staircase Fixing Detail

Computational Making | Wire-bending

Research, design and fabrication of a pavilion, Dawn and Dusk, where “dawn” represented in the front of the pavilion and the back is represented as “dusk” using computational design techniques of wire-bending 2D, CRC, and 3D printing of connectors.

Lamp designs using different techniques of Wire-bending



Stubbins Seminar | Shadows in Architecture Understanding of how light and shade operate to inform the work by responding to readings and movies using charcoal sketches.


Environmental Systems II | Building Systems Various explorations within different spaces of thermal and luminous environmental design to help produce sustainable thermal and visual environments using simulation tools like DIVA and Ladybug for Rhino. Baseline Design

Design Case

The design case reflects improved and adequate conditions of daylight availability, natural ventilation and heating, cooling, lighting and equipment loads as a whole as compared to the individual analysis performed earlier for a Elementary school considering the nature of spaces required. The design case has been developed upon changing the orientation of building, heights of rooms, openings of fenestrations, addition of shading devices and changing of materials, with the help of inferences derived from the variations in sections above.


Daylighting Analysis | False Color Renderings

Baseline Design




Daylighting Analysis | False Color Renderings

Design Case

January 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28



April Design Case


Natural Ventilation

Chart Title









1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 101 103 105 107 109 111 113 115 117 119 121 123 125 127 129 131 133 135 137 139 141 143 145 147 149 151 153 155 157 159 161 163 165 167 169 171 173 175 177 179 181 183 185 187 189 191


Environment:Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature [C](Hourly)

CLASSROOMS0:Zone Operative Temperature [C](Hourly)

CLASSROOMS1:Zone Operative Temperature [C](Hourly)

CLASSROOMS2:Zone Operative Temperature [C](Hourly)

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CLASSROOMS4:Zone Operative Temperature [C](Hourly)

CIRCULATION0:Zone Operative Temperature [C](Hourly)

CIRCULATION1:Zone Operative Temperature [C](Hourly)

OFFICELOUNGE0:Zone Operative Temperature [C](Hourly)

OFFICELOUNGE1:Zone Operative Temperature [C](Hourly)

Design Case

Lighting Analysis

Media + Modelling II | Parametric Design As parametric modeling, scripting and advanced fabrication technologies becomes an integral part of contemporary architectural practice by using design analysis and diagramming tools on Rhinoceros and Grasshopper.

Rose Curve

2d Attractor

Surface Morph

Surface Subdivision



Multiway Ice Box | Performative Explorations

Through the explorations and sketching we developed a program of intentionally creating an element, in our case a series of boxes, to affix the ice within the center of our thermal box, and the design is intended to perform in two functional methodologies. First, the fully insulated method would allow for the interior and exterior voids between the wood would be packed tightly with sawdust of varying sizes, and both holes (top & bottom) would be capped with the semi-sealed lid pieces we created, in order to maintain a thermally controlled environment which would keep the ice from changing phase for over 12+ hours based upon our prototyping tests.



sushmita TRIPATHI




Georgia Institute of Technology Master of Architecture, 2018 - 2020 School of Architecture | 3.4 GPA | High Honors

EL Studio, Washington DC Spring Break, 2019

Jamia Millia Islamia Bachelor of Architecture, 2012 - 2017 Faculty of Architecture & Ekistics | 74% | First Division

Tripathi & Associates, Noida July, 2017 to July, 2018


930 Spring St NW Atlanta GA


Participated in the weekly charrettes and consultant meeting, worked on design alternates and presentations for an elevation element of a multi-family building architect

Design development of residential and institutional buildings under the principal architect. Preparation of presentation, working and municipal drawings of residential, institutional and commercial buildings; 3D Models for respective designs; Participation in site visits & client meetings.

Prem Nath & Associates, Mumbai May, 2017 to June, 2017

junior architect

Rhino and Grasshopper; SketchUp Pro REVIT Autodesk AutoCAD DIVA, Climate Studio, Ladybug for Grasshopper Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator

Prem Nath & Associates, Mumbai January, 2017 to April, 2017

intern architect

intern architect


Rajinder Kumar & Associates, South Delhi June, 2015 to July, 2015

Working, presentation drawings and interiors of commercial and institutional projects

Deepak Mehta & Associates, East Delhi June, 2014 to July, 2014

intern architect


Communication, Team Work, Time Management, Leadership, Adaptability, Organization Technical Platforms

Hand Drafting, Sketching

Preparation of working drawings for architectural details of commercial building; presentation and working drawings for residential and commercial projects; participation in site planning and landscape planning for township project; interior details for commercial building

Design development of recreational and commercial buildings. Preparation of working, presentation and municipal drawings of residential, commercial and religious buildings


Working and presentation drawings of residential and commercial projects

Graduate Student Ambassador | School of Architecture, Georgia Tech Organiser | Reuben Trophy, NASA India, 2015 Participation | Int. Workshop on Indo-Egyptian Architecture, JMI Delhi, 2016 Volunteer | Habib Rahman Lecture Series, JMI Delhi, 2015 Volunteer | Continuum College Fest, JMI Delhi, 2015 Volunteer | Fenestration College Fest, JMI Delhi, 2014



Equity in Architecture

Portman Prize Studio, Spring 2019 ICA Boston South Centre, Boston

honorable mention

Design of an arts centre and artist-in studios with architectural explorations of emerging mass timber structural technologies and environmental implications of material systems and construction assemblies.

Unfuse International Architecture Thesis Award 2018 Redevelopment of Sassoon Docks, Colaba

top 50

Nari Gandhi Trophy, NASA India 2016 [Re]evolution | Mirambika - A Free Progress School

top 08

Analysis, documentation and design proposal of major fishing docks in the country, Sassoon Docks, spread out in 20 acres of land in Mumbai. Modernization of fishing industry to benefit the fishing community and create public space for the congested city.

Member since Fall 2018 School of Architecture, Georgia Institute of Technology

Detailed documentation of a building in the proximity that has evolved and revolved around the conditions of climate, including study of materials, construction and technology

Council of Architecture, India

Annual NASA Design Competition, NASA India 2015 Transformation | Meena Bazaar, Dilli - 6

Registered Architect License #CA/2017/86936

first position

Analysis and proposal of design solutions considering today and tomorrow for a precinct which has high importance in the society from time immemorial

linkedin sushmita21

nationality indian

issuu sushmitatripathi

skype sushmitatripathi21

404 . 580 . 2190

Front and Back Cover: Reconstructed illustrations of the Hyogo Museum at Japan by Tadao Ando for light and shadow study

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