Undergraduate Portfolio_Tripathi Sushmita_2018

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selected works bachelor of architecture | 2012 - 2017

Sushmita Tripathi M.Arch. 2020 | Georgia Institute of Technology, USA B.Arch. 2017 | Jamia Milia Islamia, IND

Mumbai, IND

Redevelopment of Sassoon Docks The design proposal for the fishing harbor at Sassoon Docks is multi-dimensional. It focuses not only on the modernization of the fishing industry but also on the requirement of the city for more open public spaces. The master planning aims to establish a fully integrated fishing harbor along with a ten-acre expanse crafted for the public in a congested city. No rigid form has been proposed to restrict the planning considering the nature of the industry where the planning of various functions needs major attention. The concept is to Innovate local economy, Regenerate sustainable infrastructure, Protect the environment and Identity Promotion via public realm, in order to create a replicable transparent development Model.

Thesis | Independent Project Instructor: Ar. Amir Khan, Assistant Professor Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi June 2016 - December 2016

Evolution Timeline

“The site needs a huge makeover; currently the area is stinky and dirty, which also keeps away the locals from frequenting it,” an MbPT officer said. “The idea is to revamp it so that people can visit the place and enjoy the seaside as well as fresh seafood.” Sassoon Docks, one of the largest and oldest fish landing sites in the country, is in for a makeover from a hold-your-nose area to an appetizing hotspot. The fisheries department and the Mumbai Port Trust (MbPT) are to execute the Rs 52 crore project, which aims at refurbishing the area to make it attractive for locals to frequent. Welcoming Gadkari’s modernisation proposal, Tandel said there are other ports in Mumbai, which can be developed into tourist spots or marina. “Sassoon Docks deserves immediate modernisation for the benefit of fishing community, especially when they face huge challenge due to depleting fish population.” Quoted from News Articles on Redevelopment of Sassoon Docks

Sassoon Docks to go from the odour side to a visitor hotspot Times of India


Selected Works | Sushmita Tripathi

Existing Site

Basin: 200 m length and 55 / 90 m width Quay length: 500 m

Character District 01 This particular region lies on the later reclaimed land in 1990s with recent built spaces like the Bombay Port Trust Office and a water tank along with the Export Sheds where the export quality catchment is unloaded and dispatched.

Redevelopment of Sassoon Docks

Quay length: 450 m + Victoria Basin Quay: 60 m | 4 m deep

Character District 02 The demarcated area holds a discrete and distinct character within the precinct of Sassoon Docks. The ancillary activities for commercial fishing take place over here. Also, the required resources are available in this region.

Character District 03

The zone from the entrance till the basin displays a significant character of the mills of 1880s being reused for other purposes now, primary activity being fishing industry.


Existing Site | Micro Analysis

Building Use Varying activities are observed in the site premises. A pattern in the segregation of spaces can be seen.


Green Cover The site lacks greenery. Very few trees are seen . The green lands now lie barren.

Selected Works | Sushmita Tripathi

Figure Ground CD1 and CD2 have high built density. CD3 has a very few built structures.

Redevelopment of Sassoon Docks

Pedestrian Intensification While CD3 witnesses very low pedestrian movement, CD2 and CD1 are more visited considering the acitivities.


INNOVATE local economy

1. Establish modern technologies to improve the fishing industry leading to a fully intergrated harbour. 2. Creation of interaction spaces between visitors and the Koli community to enhance the essence of the culture.

REGENERATE sustainable infrastructure

1. Introduce high-efficiency, high quality fishery industrial infrastructure. 2. Revival of the culture as well as the market linkage by introducing sustainable market sheds.

PROTECT the environment

1. Environmental Remediation for the fishery industry to avoid offal being dumped in the sea or in open. 2. Proposal of a floating hotel, rather than reclaiming more land for the same.

IDENTITY promote via public realm

1. Planning of a unique self-sustainable waterfront development to add to the open spaces of the space-starved city. 2. Anchoring a Floating Hotel at the end of the docks to create a landmark in the city.

The deteriorating condition of Sassoon Docks’ bay as observed from Mukesh Mills 08

Selected Works | Sushmita Tripathi


Redevelopment of Sassoon Docks


Fish Market | Floor Plan

Fish Market | Section

The local fish market was earlier on the loading/unloading quay due to which the security of the industry was tough to maintain. Therefore, the market is proposed on the extreme end of City Side. The market is designed along the Colaba Causeway considering the nature of the entire street while maintaining the security of the industry. An organized and efficient space is planned along with utilities like, General Store, Office, Bank and Chemist for all the users of the docks and nearby areas.


Selected Works | Sushmita Tripathi

Floatel | Lower Ground Floor

Floatel | Ground Floor

Floatel | Upper Ground Floor

Floatel | Section The idea of a floating hotel, commonly known as Floatel was introduced by the MbPT that holds adequate suitability in the proposed project considering the nature of the premises and the potential of attracting tourists due to the proximities. The structure arrangement is highly inspired by the existing Floatel in Kolkata while the planning considers the requirements of the particular site. The Access Floor lies at a level difference of 4000mm from the sea with a central Deck. While the Topmost level has public spaces like restaurants and banquets, the Lower Floor comprises of only guest rooms and the service area for the deck on the above floor. Floating Plate at the bottom is provided to support the pontoon structure. The curves enhance the aerodynamics allowing the wind to pass by swiftly and cool the space while the punctures in the form of lobbies are created on the floors to allow the wind to pass through the elliptical mass enhancing the inner atmosphere.

Redevelopment of Sassoon Docks


fish industry +views

Fish Processing Industry | Ground Floor Plan

Fish Processing Industry | Elevation (above) and Section (below)

Fish Processing Industry | Space Flow Diagram 12

Selected Works | Sushmita Tripathi

Fish Processing Industry viewed from the path leading to Public Plaza

Noida, IND

Residential Skyscraper Three separate towers of different heights planned in the centre of the site with common entrances. Recreational spaces are introduced after every few levels connected by skybridges at two levels on the recreational floor that act as a separator between unit type floors. Leisure facilites introduced on the lower common level, breakout floors and outside the tower within the complex for the users and other members. Spaces planned according the given standards and required level of interaction amongst users. Majority apartments provided with a view of the surroundings and landscaped site. Regular square shaped towers planned with a central core considering the structural study and to minimize wastage of area to benefit both, the users and builders. Monotony has been broken by terminating the towers at different levels while the elevation treatment has been maintained by planning the breakout floors and service floors at the same level.

Housing Studio | Group Project Instructor: Ar. Iqtedar Alam, Assistant Professor Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi January 2016 - April 2016

Site Plan Site Area: 80937 sq.m. Permissible Ground Coverage: 40% ~ 32374 sq.m. Permissible F.A.R.: 3.5 Setbacks: Front – 16m Rear – 12m Sides – 12m Mini Golf Course: 17040 sq.m. Commercial Zone: 22647 sq.m. Commercial Block: 4275 sq.m. Residential Zone: 47474 sq.m. Residential Block: 13150 sq.m. Ground Coverage: 17900 sq.m.


Selected Works | Sushmita Tripathi

View from the Helipad Level showing the skybridges and plaza underneath

Core Plan

Structural Core Concept The 40 X 40 M enclosure is achieved by a grid of columns on the periphery and the shear walls of the elevator core, such that no interior columns interrupt the habitable space. The 900 mm thick elevator core shear walls and the 900X750 mm columns on the periphery employ M40 concrete reinforced with Fe25 grade steel bars to form an earthquake resistant structure. The lift circulation employs destination control, which reduces the number of destinations per car and thus the number of stops per cycle. This decreases the average travel height and the cycle time. When elevators are equipped with destination control, this can even reduce the number of elevators per group. The passengers and functions can be filtered by the management and the destination floor. The fire lift runs continuously from the ground floor to the top floor. 18

Structural Grid Diagram Selected Works | Sushmita Tripathi

Night View of the Plaza above the Public Utility Zone/Access Floor that can be observed by the skylight

Concept Development

Residential Skyscraper



Section | Tower 01

Section | Tower 02

Section | Tower 03

No. of Floors: 55 Floor to Floor Height: 3600 m

No. of Floors: 73 Floor to Floor Height: 3600 m

No. of Floors: 91 Floor to Floor Height: 3600 m Selected Works | Sushmita Tripathi

Penthouse Apartment Two units of Two Storeyed apartment with private pool on the top of each tower

Typical Floor Layout


Selected Works | Sushmita Tripathi

Upper Level Plan

Residential Skyscraper

Lower Level Plan


New Delhi, IND

Her-Etage: The Abandoned Leisure Leisure, to most of us means a change in pace and place in the usual routine. Studies prove that public spaces are most functional when they meet the recreational needs of the everyday schedule rather than those manicured gardens located in one isolated corner of the city. The capital city lacks large-scale public spaces saved from the web of private sectors charging for their quality socio-leisure time. The concept is to intervene into the unseen abandoned structures amongst the designed urban fabric, and convert the ‘ugly’ gray structures into a living environment. The incomplete building on the overcrowded Barakhamba Road, witnesses over ten thousand people pass by everyday, belonging to all socio-economic strata, each one demanding a ‘break free’ space during their hectic schedules. The intervention idea includes landscape, which can be perceived beyond the cliched definition and focus more on the natural elements which are unobserved from our daily sights yet they play a vital role in bringing sense of life. The design creates a space, for the working class people to have their doze of landscape into their congested air-conditioned office chambered lives! Design Competition | Group Project Landscape Architecture Foundation Competition Special Mention Winning Entry September 2015 - October 2015

Issue Introduction Ever imagined of a building that serves not business but, people? One that exists on the busiest road, yet gives you the happiness of melancholy? That provides a natural feast within the polluted commercial lanes? The intervention idea includes landscape, which can be perceived beyond the cliched definition and focus more on the natural elements which are unobserved from our daily sights yet they play a vital role in bringing sense of life. The design creates a space, for the working class people to have their doze of landscape into their congested air-conditioned office chambered lives! The project imagines a space where people could just arrange informal meetings, or have their morning coffee under a tree, or take few fresh air breaths in their spare time, in the most natural way! The project caters to the desires of people from all economic or social strata, and their expectations out of a public landscaped zone, a place away from congestion within the capital’s busiest center. 15floors provide an opportunity to explore ‘landscape’ at multi-leveled dimension, yet maintaining the sanctity of each experience.

Conceptual Models

Exploded View of Proposed Design 26

Selected Works | Sushmita Tripathi


Her-Etage: The Abandoned Leisure




Selected Works | Sushmita Tripathi


Her-Etage: The Abandoned Leisure


Old Delhi, IND

Revitalization of Meena Bazaar The concept of transformation of the stretch is in itself a highly layered exercise, not isolated but linked in a manner that the outcome is mutually inclusive. The concept of environmental concern and economical soundness intermingle with the perception of the human psyche to fashion a sustainable environment, transforming the lives of users and enhancing the space. Envisaging a lively setting, retaining the charm of the place, the transformation intends to make a shift from the unorganized to the prepared, but from the shabby to the vibrant and colorful. The rich cultural fabric so obtained shall rightfully complement the Jama Masjid, subdued in its presence, yet with an overwhelming touch to enthrall the visitors. The design proposal is a conscious effort to elevate the problems of the end users, by providing long term pragmatic solutions, improving the environmental, economic and socially conscious stability in the setting. Design Competition | Group Project Annual NASA Design Competition First Citation Winning Entry June 2014 - August 2014

Site Context

Site of study is spread over 2.38 acres of land. The precinct is a vibrant street setting, set against a religious backdrop.

Issue Analysis


Selected Works | Sushmita Tripathi

Sketch of Jama Masjid Frontage showing the undefined nature of the precinct Residential Skyscraper


Existing Site | Micro Analysis

Land Use Pattern


Figure Ground

Road and Metro Network

Selected Works | Sushmita Tripathi

Proposed Site Plan

Revitalisation of Meena Bazaar


Shop Module

Spice Market | Module


Selected Works | Sushmita Tripathi

Night Shelter

Convertible Screen Shade

Social Welfare Facilities

Exhibition Modules

Revitalisation of Meena Bazaar


Revitalised Bazaar Stretch

Reinstating Memorial Entry

Urdu Park | Night 38

Selected Works | Sushmita Tripathi

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