G14HJ: Arts School

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Frames and Pockets:

G14HJ Arts School

Susanna Boreham

Daytime. Heaviness of stone, the texture of brick. Feet clanging on a steel walkway. Light filtering through a lattice of walls, the glimpse of crumbled brick and rusted steel outside, framed by white walls. Daylight fades, light glows through mesh. Activity revealed through a solid façade. This building is born out of the everyday truths of architecture: it is a simple response to a brief for a 5000sqm fashion college in the centre of Glasgow, with a focus on rich material presence and a logical spatial approach. The site on the bank of the river Clyde is on the periphery of the city’s rigidly structured urban grid, occupying a place of transition between the loose and the rigorous. Four urban conditions found in Glasgow city centre are overlaid on the site to create a paradigm of the city: courtyard block, scattered building spread, hard surface and green space. At street level, the resultant building becomes an extension of the city; a rich ground scape is scattered with pavilion buildings for public use. Above, the working program is arranged within a lattice of long spaces held by 5m deep structural beams, forming a dense courtyard block punctuated by a green pocket. From the exterior the building appears as a monolithic mass held above the ground. Fashion is seen as an industry, as the art of fabrication. The studios are designed as large container boxes flooded with light from above, diffused by a saw tooth roof that reflects the industrial past of Glasgow. Adaptable devices such as temporary walls and pop-up spaces move on runners, allowing the students to change and adopt the space as their own. The architecture forces the students to cross between studios to circulate, which facilitates cross-fertilization between year groups and enables a rich, non-hierarchical learning experience. The spatial conditions of frame (long spaces) and pocket (pavilion, pop-up) create the form which mirrors the arts school’s programmatic requirements. The building is a delicate recast of the existing urban condition of G1 4HJ, aiming to create not a sense of otherworldliness, but of familiarity and permanence.


I. Context Existing Site Condition

II. Fashion as Industry Programmatic Approach

III. Filling a Gap Urban Strategy & Spatial Response

IV. G14HJ Fashion Institute Final Drawings and Models


CONTEXT Existing Site Condtion

Glasgow Urban Plan Scale 1:5000

Identifying Urban Conditions of Glasgow Scale 1:5000 Urban Condition 3: Loose Building Spread

Urban Condition 2: Dense Courtyard Block

Urban Condition 1: Greenery

Urban Condition 4: Hard Surface

Existing Site Plan Scale 1:1000



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A Gap in the Urban Fabric Site Photos

Site Photos Details, Materials


FASHION AS INDUSTRY Programmatic Response

Studio Culture Adaptable spaces Non heirachical spaces Good lighting conditions in studios Fashion as Industry Fashion as an industry, fashion as making demands an industrial response - wide open spaces Programmatic Response separate the program into public space on the ground floor, and student space on the upper floors. There should be no heirarchical spaces within the school

5000 sqm Fashion College


Basement 2 Lecture rooms 200 Lecture theatre 200 Meeting/seminar rooms 150 Plant room 100 Library 200 Ground Floor Reception 30 Gallery 150 Shop 50 Fitting rooms 50 Bar/Café 250 Exhibition space 250 Fabric Shop 100 Lower Floor Computer room Wardrobe workshop Printing & dying workshop Offices Crit rooms Student Café

120 100 120 250 320 200

Upper Floor Studio 1 350 Studio 2 350 Studio 3 350 Studio 4 350

Hadspen Studio, Unit 7/ David Grandorge

Tinctorial Textiles

Fashion as Industry - Precedent Study for Appropriate spaces Rough Materials, Adaptable spaces, Still-in-the-making Aesthetic

Oast Barn, Caruso St John

Finnforest Pavilion, Unit 7/ David Grandorge


FILLING A GAP Urban Strategy + Spatial Response

Urban Ideas Sketches and Block Models, scale 1:500

Proposed ground floor condition

Dense Courtyard Block

Hard Surface

Loose Building Spread

Existing urban conditions of glasgow have been fused, to create an urban form which is within the context of G1 4HJ Glasgow City Centre

Urban Strategy

Proposed upper floor condition


The ground floor of the Fashion Institute consists of a rich ground surface with scattered pavilions. The upper two floors are a dense block, penetrated by a planted courtyard.

Urban Strategy Block model, scale 1:500

Proposed Ground Condition Scale 1:1000

Ground Floor Concept Inspiration Photo shows garden + pavilions

Free Space

East / West Or

rganised Space

North / South Organised Space

Solid Spaces Regulated Space housing working program of building

Void Spaces Free Space containing pavilions and circulation Lets in light to Solid Spaces

Concept and Organisation Diagram

Structural Precedent Allied Works: Contemporary Art Museum St Louis

Structural Strategy 5m Deep Structural Beams support and organise space Creates interesting overlay between floors

Structural Model Scale 1.100

Long spaces framing site, voids letting in light from above Rough Working Model

Facade Skin unifies facade and gives the effect of hovering mololithic mass. Copper Mesh Panels allow light into spaces with losing the ‘solid facade’ effect

Ground Floor Study Sketch

Ground Floor Study Cast Model, Scale 1:200

Roof Study

Saw Tooth Roofs - Central Station and Fashion Institute

Model Making Processes


G14HJ FASHION INSTITUTE Final Drawings and Models

Road Surface Original Pavement Surface Proposed Surface - Circulation Proposed Surface - Places of Purpose (shops, bars) Proposed Surface - Service Spaces (toilets etc.)

Ground Scape Study Scale 1:500

Basement Plan Scale 1:200

Ground Floor Plan Scale 1:200

Level 1 Plan Scale 1:200

Level 2 Plan Scale 1:200

Section A - A Scale 1:200

Section B - B Scale 1:200

Section C- C Scale 1:200

Section D - D Scale 1:200

Day Facade 1:200

Night Facade 1:200

Exploded Axonometric

Facade Study 1:50

Detail Model 1:20

Detail Model 1:20

Studio Space 1:20

South Facade 1:200

Floor by floor 1:200

Ground Floor - Open Space

Middle Level - Workshop Space

Middle Level Circulation Space

Middle Level - Crit Room

Upper Level - Studio Space

Material Study - Referencing Materials found on site Rough Finished Concrete (structural)

Corten Steel for Pavilions

Polished Floor Tile

Smooth Floor Tile

Rough Floor Tile

Ground Floor

Steel frame for mesh skin

Copper Mesh for external skin

Permeable Favric for Studio Pop ups

Plywood for adjustable walls

White Plaster Board lining for Studios etc.

Polished Concrete for Floors

Middle and Upper Floors External Skin

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