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news briefs
from Natural Awakenings Magazine, Palm Beach County, Florida June 2021
by Natural Awakenings, Broward and Palm Beach Counties, Florida
Natural Awakenings Magazine is ranked 5th Nationally in CISION’S® 2016 Top 10 Health & Fitness Magazines
Publisher Susan Q Wood Editor Cheryl Hynes Design & Production Robin White Contributing Writers National & Local
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Natural Awakenings Publishing Corporation 4851 Tamiami Trail N., Ste. 200 Naples, Florida 34103
email: NaturalAwakeningsFla@gmail.com
Natural Awakenings 3900 Galt Ocean Dr # 1403 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33308 Office: 561-626-5584 NaPalmBeach.com
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New On YouTube: The Phenomenon Of Healing
Due to extraordinary healings, Bruno Gröning made headlines around the world in the 1950s. When he died in 1959, many believed that this phenomenon ended. The film, The Phenomenon Of Healing (YouTube.com/watch?v=MeJ-zHn-B7U), presents the worldwide activities of the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends and impressively documents events that happened after 1959.
Viewers learn how the work of Gröning developed after his passing, and to the great extent of help and healing on the spiritual path still happening today—irrespective of religious affiliation, skin color and culture.
Fascinating interviews, professional comments by doctors and personal reports from Bruno Gröning Friends from many countries provide a broad overview of this big circle of friends which has grown into one of the largest organizations worldwide for help and healing on the spiritual path; more than 13,000 voluntary helpers tirelessly assist.
In 2013, in New York, the Circle of Friends was awarded a Peace Pole by the World Peace Prayer Society which is affiliated with the United Nations.
For more information, visit Bruno-Groening.org/en; Facebook.com/BrunoGroeningCircleOfFriends; and Bruno-Groening.org/en/contact/contact-point. See ad page 12.
Free Meditation and Herbal Medicine Class in Jupiter

Herbs & Owls is pleased to offer two free classes on the first Saturday of each month. This month’s meditation will be held at 10:30 a.m., June 5, followed by the Intro to Herbal Medicine at noon. In the Flower Essence Guided Meditation, participants experience the subtle energies of flower essences as they’re guided through a grounding and relaxing meditation. The meditation is followed by the Intro to Herbal Medicine class where Gina Kearney, clinical herbalist, explains what herbal medicine is, ways to select helpful herbs, and how vibrational flower essences and shamanism fit into a holistic health model that aims to address the whole person. “We want to be able to share the ancient wisdom and healing benefits of the plants with our community and this free offering is a way to reach people who are interested in learning more and experiencing the benefits firsthand,” says Kearney.
Herbs & Owls offers herbal consults with Kearney as well as herbal and shamanism classes and a full organic herb shop.
Location: 725 N. Hwy. A1A, D-103, Jupiter. For more information, call 561-768-9005 or sign up at HerbsAndOwls.com/classes. See ad page 30.