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Bus It

If you are of state pension age you can travel off-peak on local buses anywhere in England, as far and as often as you like, writes Faye Rogers from West Sussex County Council
While it’s true that not many things in life are free these days, one thing that does remain free is the senior person’s bus pass. And if you tell us your views on bus travel this autumn, you could be in with the chance of winning £100 of supermarket vouchers*.
The free bus pass is available to all state pensioners (currently aged 66 and above) and it means you can travel off-peak on local buses anywhere in England as far, and as often, as you like.
Not only does using a bus pass save you money on car costs and parking charges, but it’s also a greener way to travel, something which Jaki, from Petworth, appreciates. She said, “Using my bus pass has many benefits. I still work twice a week and the free bus pass saves me money on car parking costs, petrol, plus wear and tear on my car. It’s more relaxing than driving and means I don’t have to travel on my own. It’s also very sociable; you get to meet all sorts of people to have a chat to.”
She continued, “When I travel to Chichester on the bus, it drops me off right in the centre of town, much easier than having to walk in from a car park, which is extremely helpful if it’s raining.
“After a while you get to know the bus driver and the other regular passengers. As a pensioner of a limited income, the bus pass means I can travel all over England and it gives me the chance to make different journeys and explore new places for free.”

Jaki also uses her free bus pass on holiday, or in the school holidays when she wants to take her grandchildren for a day out.
An online survey and competition* has been launched by West Sussex County Council to understand pensioners’ views on bus travel and the bus pass. We want to hear from you, whether you love travelling on the bus already or you aren’t yet a convert to bus travel.
Pensioners can plan their route, apply for their free bus pass or take part in the survey at www. westsussex.gov.uk/freebuspass