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Find Your Voice
Everyone, of all ages and all voice abilities, can enjoy and benefit from singing. Music is an amazing form of selfexpression and singing in particular, with our own musical instrument – our voice – can be pure joy.
The health benefits of singing are astounding and scientifically proven. Singing is one of the best stress relievers there is, as it helps get happy brain chemicals pumping around our system, flooding our bodies with feel good endorphins. Breathing deeply, right into the diaphragm, supports singing and vocal chords, and also refreshes oxygen in the blood stream – another great health benefit.
Singing also helps with focus, confidence, self esteem, lung capacity, mental wellbeing, a sense of belonging and connection, The benefits of singing are numerous but most of all it’s a joyful and fun activity which anyone can have a go at! Sara Whatley explores singing for all ages
better sleep, posture, but most of all it is so much fun!
Children have a natural affinity with music. It makes them light up! When they are really little rhythm gets their little behinds bopping and they love to clap along. My children have both loved going to rhyme time sessions at the local library where we all sing nursery rhymes and

shake rattles. Even as newborn babies, singing is vital to communication – after all babies in the womb listen to their parent’s voices talking and singing – and singing, or cooing, is one way they communicate with us. As children get to school age, singing becomes an important part of their education. It is a vital introduction to wider musical understanding, as well as helping them to grow confident in the classroom. It also has a calming and focusing effect and can help with wider learning overall. And, of course… it’s the perfect way to let your hair down in the midst of serious study!
Singing sets the pathway for a life-long love of music and may help inspire children to choose a musical instrument to specialise in and take their musical journeys further. School choirs are brilliant for children to participate in, and bond with their peers. If they have a natural affinity for it, they may even want to progress to the stage, to drama productions and solo singing.

Singing in choirs for adults is equally bonding and fun. It’s magical when a harmonious sound is created by your own voices and so satisfying to master a new piece. Learning new pieces of music and songs keeps the ‘old grey matter’ fit and healthy too. In fact, when we sing, we use the left side of our brain for the lyrics and the right side of our brain for the melody. This means that the action of singing lights up both sides of the brain and new neural pathways can be built between the hemispheres.
Given this scientific understanding of singing, it’s unsurprising to learn My children have both loved going to rhyme time sessions at the local library
that singing can be a powerful tool in dementia care. Songs from the past may come to the surface and long forgotten lyrics trip off the tongue to the delight of the singer. Music seems to help unlock memories in ways other communication cannot. It is also soothing and creates a happy and relaxed atmosphere for those living with dementia and their carers too.
I’ve been singing in choirs for years and after every rehearsal I feel relaxed, stimulated, happy and light. I have made some lovely friends and enjoyed the social side of the choir life as well as benefitting from the music. It’s easy to fit singing into a busy schedule as you can practice (almost) anywhere but most of all I get so much enjoyment out of it.
Working towards a performance gives the choir a focus and the satisfaction of a performance well done is huge. In fact, the singers get as much enjoyment out of it as the audience do! l

Our Venue. Your Events.
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We have plenty of meeting and conference spaces across the campus too, seating 10 to 260 delegates. If it’s sporting facilities you are looking to hire, then several tennis courts, two astroturf pitches, a gym, numerous playing fields, and an indoor swimming pool are all available.
Our premier accommodation, Godwin Hall, opened in 2013 and offers 90 en-suite single bedrooms, a large social area for presentations and social events, break-out spaces, computer rooms and a kitchen. In addition, we can accommodate up to 500 delegates in a variety of other residential buildings comprising single, twin and dormitory style bedrooms.
For couples seeking a wedding reception venue, Ardingly College is a perfect choice. When it comes to food, our awardwinning Hospitality and Catering team can provide for your every requirement from a finger buffet to a formal dinner, entirely tailored to your needs.

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