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AndrewGriffithMP column

Cast iron street lamp replacements

Edited extracts from draft minutes of the Town Council meeting on 10th November 2022. Street Lighting - Since the October Council Meeting the Council and the Mayor have: a) Looked at street lamps in conservation area b) Reviewed the street lighting inventories c) Met with Street Lighting PFI Officer, Street


Lighting Manager of West Sussex County

Council and Enerveo Operations Manager. Who owns Arundel street lights - There are 360 street lights in Arundel. Arundel Town Council own 111. Only one of these, the light on Parson’s Hill, is a cast iron heritage light in the conservation area. This ownership is set out in 2010 agreement signed by Arundel Town Council. The 64 cast iron heritage street lights in Arundel are owned as follows: Arundel Town Council = 1, Arun District Council = 2 in Crown Yard and WSCC = 61. Why cast iron lamp columns are being replaced While there are tests which enable stability assessment of stainless steel columns, there isn’t one for cast iron. If a column falls causing death or injury, Enerveo (management co.) couldn’t demonstrate they took steps to ensure columns were safe. This has led them to replace these columns in W.Sussex. Options for Arundel Town Council I. Take ownership of all cast iron lamp columns in Arundel from WSCC. The Town Council would: a) Assume responsibility for replacement and bear risk of any liability incurred through owning them b) Seek to add them to Council’s insurance policy c) Agreement for electricity/maintenance/painting II. Take ownership of some columns which are most important to street scene. Above points apply. III. Allow replacement, provided new stainless steel columns replicate design of existing ‘heritage’ ones. IV. Secure replacement of Gainsborough lamp columns with ‘heritage’ columns, where appropriate. Next Steps I. Enerveo to ask representatives to see what they could provide to closely match current designs. II. Enerveo to investigate if they can provide matt paint finish for columns. arundeltowncouncil.gov.uk

Aldingbourne Parish Council

Public session, Sports Centre. Allotments & Finance

Report of Aldingbourne Parish Council (APC) Meeting 1st November 2022 at ACSC Public Session - Two members of the public raised the subject of a consultation leaflet for the Land to the Rear of Meadow Way that was received by several residents. Concerns that the leaflet was not distributed to all relevant addresses. Council suggested residents go through developer’s website to respond with comments, take into consideration the Aldingbourne Neighbourhood Plan and to raise the issue of perceived limited consultation. Aldingbourne Community Sports Centre (ACSC): • At Annual General Meeting on 12.10.22 only 2/5 trustees agreed to stand for re-election meaning no Chair, Vice- Chair or Secretary in post. Trustees continue to support until replacements found. • Agreement that ACSC needed to look pro-actively on recruitment of new members. • Finance report shows positive cashflow, all maintenance required was completed and turnover looking good. Allotments - Review of allotment charges required from April 2023 and recommended existing allotment plot holders moved from £25 or £12.50 for half plot to £35/£17.50 for 2023/2024 and this to increase to £50/£25 from April 2024. New plot holders to pay £50/ £25 with £50 deposit. All in attendance agreed. Finance - Minutes of Finance Meeting 18.10.22 noted and following recommendations discussed: • Precept for 2023/2024 – recommendation from Finance Committee was that precept for 2023/2024 should be left at current rate with no uplift due to current cost of living crisis and reserves that council had in place. A vote was taken on keeping the precept at current rate with no changes for 2023/2024, 3 voted in favour, 1 abstained, and 2 were against. Majority vote carried in favour of recommendation. • Review of Insurance took place, agreed that cyber security insurance be investigated following any DPO recommendations. www.aldingbourne-pc.gov.uk

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