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Positivity, team work & ‘learning to learn’

re-establishing our 5 school values of: Respect, Kindness, Honesty, Positivity and Teamwork. The children have taken part in team building games and exercises and have modelled and recorded how we can represent our school Values in different ways.


Wow, time flies when you are having fun! Here we are at the end of our first week back of the Autumn term at Amberley C of E Primary and all the teaching staff have been so impressed with the behaviour, attitude and friendliness of the children. This positive start to the year is lovely and we will continue to work hard to ensure the positivity and teamwork remains at this excellent standard all year! Each class at Amberley has had a “learning to learn” week and we have worked really hard on We are all really looking forward to another interesting, exciting and hard-working academic year! www.amberley.w-sussex.sch.uk

Arundel C of E Primar y School

Preparing for all that life has to offer

As a ‘Church of England’ school, we strive to live up to our name – to prepare children for all that life has to offer within a Christian context. From the earliest days, the purpose of Church schools was to enable children to flourish by providing a basic education and by developing their moral character. It was always intended that Church schools should be open to all of the children of the parish. The schools are not ‘faith schools’ in the sense of presuming that children are practising Christians or attempting to make converts of them. However, the ethos of the schools is based on distinctively Christian values and they will offer children an experience of faith through collective worship and links with the parish church, in our case St Nicholas’ Church.

ACE has Christian beliefs and values at the heart. This means that every child and adult associated with the school is not just important because they are members of the school but also because they are seen as unique individuals within God’s creation. We recognise that as well as academic and emotional intelligence, human beings also have spiritual intelligence. The spiritual aspects of life will b e recognised, and nurtured alongside the academic and emotional. By teaching them a range of subjects and skills, children are given the breadth of knowledge to make informed choices. We aim for our children to have as many opportunities as possible throughout school and we firmly believe that they will only learn properly if they are happy and relaxed and have respect for learning and those who help to instil it. www.arundelchurchofenglandschool.org.uk

Modern foreign languages & open day

International Schools Award retained We have held the status of ‘International Schools Award’ for the last 12 years. Over the Summer, the award was renewed for a further 3 years. In order to retain the award, we must demonstrate our commitment to a foreign language and to links with other schools and cultures. The language we teach at St Philip’s is French. The children in Year 6 have French pen pals, in Year 5, they have Spanish pen pals and in Year 3, they have pen pals who live in Madagascar. The children love to receive their letters and hear about life in another country. It is a unique insight for our children to see how schooling happens in other parts of the world. We have signed up to work with Chichester University for a year starting in September. It is a research project where they will fund a teacher to come into school weekly and teach half of Year 3 whilst our Year 3 teacher teaches the other half. They will both follow different language programs and then assess if either method/program has more impact than the other. These learners are clearly beneficiaries of a school which is totally switched on to the importance of developing international perspectives for its whole community. Congratulations to all involved!

Open day Wednesday 2nd November Our Open Day will be held on Wednesday 2nd November for new Reception children due to start in September 2023. Please visit our school website for more information. www.stphilipsarundel.org.uk

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