1 minute read


Can be cooled, stored in the fridge and reheated the next day

Ingredients - Serves 4- 6: • 3-4tbsp oil • 1 large onion, chopped • Few cloves garlic, bashed or crushed • 1 chorizo, chopped (optional) or 1tsp chilli • 1tbsp paprika, 1tsp turmeric and seasoning • 4-8 small chicken portions, defrosted • 1 red or green pepper, deseeded and chopped • 400g (brown) rice, 50g frozen peas • 650-700ml hot chicken stock • Some chopped fresh or dried parsley/coriander • Add cooked prawns/mussels at the end if you wish Method: 1. Preheat oven – Gas mark 4/350F/180C. Use large shallow dish with close fitting lid/sheet of foil. 2. Heat oil in pan with onion, garlic, chorizo/chilli, paprika, turmeric and rice until onions are soft and rice coated in oil. Add chicken portions, pepper and stir in hot stock. Bring to boil and turn off heat. 3. Cover and place in oven for 1 hour. If using brown rice it may need longer so test it after 30 minutes and turn heat down to low Gas 2-3/300 -325F/160-170C but don’t remove lid. 4. When nearly ready to eat remove lid and stir in any remaining ingredients and seasoning. Tip: you may be able to cook it in a slow cooker.


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