7 minute read


Ashington Parish Council

Clerk, planning and skatepark news


Clerk news Ashington Parish Councillors are pleased to appoint Mrs Lee English as Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer, effective 1st November 2022. Lee joins with a good knowledge of Ashington, the Parish Council and other village organisations. The existing Clerk Karen Dare retires on 31st December 2022 so there will be a good handover period. The Council would like to thank Karen for all her hard work over the past 17 years and wish her well for the future. Planning news The Appeal for planning permission in principle for up to 9 homes to be built on land at Ashington/ Holmbush House (opposite BP garage) has been Dismissed. The Parish Council’s Neighbourhood Plan was fundamental in the Appeal Inspector’s decision not to allow development in this location. This application could have opened the doors for new housing to begin in this location, with previous applications of 40+ homes having been submitted at various points over the years. Water Neutrality played a minor role in the dismissal, but the Inspector was clear that, available water or not, this location isn’t suitable for homes. Skatepark news The annual service has been completed and the wear and tear minor damage to the driveway ramp and to the quarterpipe has been repaired. The Parish Council has funded maintenance of the skatepark for many years, ever since Ashington Community Centre Trust asked the Parish Council to take it off their hands. The Parish Council prudently sets aside funds every year to keep this valuable village asset well maintained. This is my last Newsletter article before I retire. It has been a great pleasure serving the village that I live in, looking after it as best I can. Visit the Council website for more information: www.ashingtonpc.org.uk

Storrington Parish Council

Kithurst Hill car park closure Storrington and Sullington Parish Council (SSPC) have written a strongly worded letter to Trevor Beattie, Chief Executive of the South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) concerning the proposed closure of Kithurst Hill car park. West Sussex County Council (WSCC) are withdrawing their management of the car park in December. Other car park companies have been explored by the landowner, but due to lack of electricity supply (for CCTV and Auto Number Plate Capture) these alternatives are not feasible. The South Downs National Park Trust were also involved in discussions to take over the management of the car park, however they have now pulled out of the commitment and discussions with the landowner and West Sussex County Council. So the owner is left in the position of having to close the access road and car park to the public from the 22nd December. The SDNPA have been accused of withdrawing from negotiations with the owner, but their press office informed us that it was the South Downs National Park Trust - not the South Downs National Park Authority - who did this. The South Downs National Park Trust is the official charity of the South Downs National Park, although SDNPA is at pains to emphasise that the Trust is a separate charitable body. The SDNPA says neither it, nor its associated charity, has the resources to take this car park on given their budget constraints. In a response to the SSPC letter, Mr Beattie says that he “shares concerns about the closure” and that “the SDNPA has no responsibility for car parks...other than the ones we own at Midhurst and Seven Sisters”. Mr Beattie continues “WSCC has taken the decision that it can no longer give support to landowners to provide these small yet much valued car parks on a voluntary basis. This is a matter for them.” He then finished by citing financial constraints and public spending cuts as being the root cause of the problem.

The Trust says on its website that its aim is to see “more people able to access and enjoy their National Park”. Sign a petition on www.change.org (search for Kithurst Hill); Contacts: Arundel & South Downs MP: andrew.Griffith.MP@parliament.uk; WSCC leader: paul.marshall@westsussex.gov.uk; Reader letter - Storrington Parish Council news © Pete Chapman / Geograph Dear Sussex Local. I read Sussex local with interest, especially the Parish Council updates but wonder why small villages of Thakeham and Washington get a full page of varied information whereas Storrington only receives a half page of very limited news. Can we hear more from our council please? (by email, name supplied). Editor: SSPC used to supply updates but stopped a few years ago as they wished to produce their own quarterly newsletter. Thakeham take their free half page and pay (at a discounted rate) for an extra half, and they write it. Washington take their free half page but use it as a full page every three months. As nothing is supplied from Storrington we take extracts from their meeting minutes so some news is presented alongside other local councils.

December roundup of council news & events

Village Hall Thakeham Village Hall is taking bookings for regular hirers in 2023. If you need a venue for your group/ club/class, please contact Amanda by email info@thakehamvillagehall.co.uk. Take a look at our website www.thakehamvillagehall.co.uk for information about upcoming events, regular activities, facilities, availability and to book. Recycling The Sussex Green Living special recycling facility is available every weekday morning (9.30-11.30) at the Village Hall. For details of what materials are accepted, visit www.thakehamparish.co.uk/ special-recycling-scheme-at-the-village-hall/ Parish Councillor Vacancies We have two councillor vacancies. If you would like to be involved in delivering local services and making decisions affecting your community, consider joining our team - contact the Clerk. Planning Most new housing schemes in Horsham district remain held up by the need to meet 'water neutral' requirements, due to pressure on local resources. This situation seems likely to continue to at least the end of 2022, and there seems no early prospect of a new District Local Plan for housing emerging until well into 2023 (or even longer). Construction of the last 75-house phase of the Abingworth development is underway and will run through to late 2023. There is no further news about the proposals for new homes at the site off High Bar Lane (ex-Rushfield Nursery), or the site south of Furze Common; both are subject to Parish Council strong objections, and ‘water neutral’ challenges. Monaghans Mushrooms closure latest Following the recent closure of this site, Monaghans management have indicated an intention to sell the site. Potential buyers include housing developers, despite the fact that our Neighbourhood Plan specifically opposes housing on this site. HDC Planners have been alerted. Roads The Parish Council has asked WSCC Highways to extend a 40mph speed limit on the B2139 north and south of the Picketty Corner junction with West Chiltington Road, due to the poor sightlines. We are also trying to improve pedestrian/cyclist safety at the north end of Water Lane. Please report any road safety issues you spot direct to WSCC Highways via www.westsussex.gov.uk/ roads-and-travel/ Community facilities – Abingworth allotments The new allotments are due be delivered mid2023. the waiting list is still open, contact the Clerk or see: www.thakehamparish.co.uk/allotment Community Events Everyone who attended the Halloween fireworks event agreed that it was fantastic as usual. Our thanks go out to the Thakeham Community Events volunteers who organised the display, and who are now looking forward to other events at Christmas and next year. To join this great team, see info below. New Thakeham Parish Clerk We are delighted to welcome our new Parish Clerk, Andrew Brown, who joined us in October. He has spent the last month getting to know Thakeham and meeting its residents, and will be helping the Parish Council to take forward plans for enriching and enhancing the community. Local Groups Thakeham Bellringers seek new recruits for regular r i n g i n g a t S t M a r y ’ s c h u r c h . S e e www.thakehamparish.co.uk/thakeham-bellringers/ contact Christine Hounslow (01798 815993). Thakeham Short Mat Bowls Club meets at the village hall on Monday evenings and welcomes new members. Come and learn something new. Email barbara.weir@uwclub.net for more information. The local history section of our website can always benefit from new additions - contact Roger Taylor (edstrct@gmail.com) if you have any information or questions about our village history. Local Volunteering Opportunities If you have time to spare to help others, do look at our Thakeham Parish Community Facebook page, where volunteering opportunities are often posted. Contact us: Email: clerk@thakehamparish.co.uk Phone: 01798 815305 You can find Parish Councillors’ contact details at: www.thakehamparish.co.uk/councillors If you are new to the Parish, contact us to receive a welcome pack! www.thakehamparish.co.uk

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