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WinticketstotheWinter FairatTheSouthof EnglandShowground

South of England Winter Fair

Festive fun for all the family - 19th & 20th November 2022


At the Winter Fair, visitors can shop till they drop with an abundance of artisan produce and gifts as well as food and drink on offer from local and independent traders. It’s not just about the shopping with festive fun to be had too; families are sure to enjoy the giant snow globe that they can step inside to capture the perfect Christmas-card-worthy picture. There’s also a street food area with live music, a funfair, a chance to meet Mistletoe the Elf, and of course Santa’s grotto. If that weren’t enough, there will be festive workshops, including wreath making and chocolate decorating. Win a family ticket to the South of England winter fair on 19th November at Ardingly. Open from 9am – 5pm on the 19th and 9am –4pm on the 20th November. Tickets to the Winter Fair 2022 are limited and it is advised to book in advance to avoid disappointment. For more information visit www.seas.org.uk

Win a family ticket to South of England winter fair

To enter answer the following question: Q: Where is the Winter Fair being held? a) Fontwell Park b) Weald & Downland Museum c) South of England Showground

Send your answer and contact details to: South of England winter fair Competition, PO Box 2237, Pulborough, RH20 9AH or you can enter online at: w w w . s u s se xl o c a l . n e t/ f e a tu r e s / co m p e ti ti o n s Winner drawn after 15th November 2022. Please indicate if you wish to remain on our mailing list.

Remember your loved ones and support your local hospice


Please join us for one of our Light Up a Life gatherings of celebration and remembrance on Monday 12 December 2022 at Worthing Assembly Hall at 4.30pm and 7.00pm. You can make a dedication and, if you wish, make a donation in memory of your loved one by visiting www.stbh.org.uk/lightupalife or scan the QR code to find out more about the appeal.

How dietary changes can help by Clare Gale

Different arthritis affected by different foods There are several reasons why we may suffer arthritis, from a genetic predisposition to a knock on effect of injury. However, there are natural solutions to help reduce the pain of arthritis. Food sensitivity is common in arthritis sufferers. Osteoarthritis sufferers are nearly always intolerant to gluten. Rheumatoid arthritis usually have intolerance to the nightshade family including peppers, aubergines, tomatoes and potatoes. Many people suffer from food sensitivity and may not realise what they’re eating is having a poor effect on their health concern. Gluten sensitivity affected ability to walk Ann came to see me and could barely walk with the pain in her knees. I identified she had an extreme gluten sensitivity and after cutting it out for 6 weeks she was walking normally. Some foods are inflammatory and will irritate joints that are already sore. Dietary changes can help reduce the inflammation and pain. Computerised health screening is a great way to start. It takes the guesswork away. The analysis looks at imbalances in the body and can check for specific issues including food sensitivity, nutrition, hormones, toxins, heavy metals etc. A personalised health plan is written for you with details of dietary changes. Correct nutritional supplements may be recommended along with advice to help you regain optimal health, naturally! Clare Gale: 07717 281604 / www.uknaturalhealthclinics.com

Consultation, testing and advice can help with Clinics in:

• Chichester • Storrington • Littlehampton

Allergies Hormonal Issues and more…

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07717 281604

Children Welcome



MONDAYS & THURSDAYS atWashington Memorial Hall, RH20 4AP

Mondays 4pm: Young Kids up to 7 Mondays 5pm: Kids 8+ and Family Mondays 6pm: Teens and Adults Thursdays 6pm: Kids 8+ and Family Thursdays 7pm: Teens and Adults Thursdays 8pm: Martial Art Fitness

Booking is required for all classes so please email to register interest and book your FREE trial class FIRST MONTH TRAINING ONLY £10 PER PERSON

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